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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1900, p. 7

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Noe adC mmis posaid, howeivar, th t these spasmnodic bergusud the fact that duriug fineÉ eff orts at:reforn 'had no'reeulta. The moths lu the ,year itg shofres are consaquences were appareut. The covexred with suow. The Adriatie was Ècnpnu h: -Ùnited States with Empaîor bard tsuoceeded li estabululi- once the Hadriatic or Ses of Hadrlan. t-I, new A.uraLiau commonwealth Sir imig in a few wteais a nuiversity which The Medterranean bas ils sne f romn 1, obnt Stu :t lu an artice lu the stLII stands, aud whiah ils undew the two Latin words whlch May be freely -ori>1ods that Austraiia's wxv iii iîïfîce ~of Dr. W. A. '. Martin, oue trainslated, " the middIe of the eartb," 1ro. îlte freer constitution cf the twc. of thIl il i duostors that has aven alnd the Caribbaan from n a Indian A. caretful analysis of the two conti- ÙO n ix Clbna. Thie principal uepart- word sLgnifyluig " cruel mon." The tutionsi besasys, xiii show that the mertof a the uuiveeit are for thxe Dead Sea kills the f luli wbicli wisn &!ustrlia il th mýredemcraic.Thegtudy a! tha languages o! the Allied iuta it frobi the jardan; the Caspian people will be more lu totacli with their Paxvers. Iun a-driion, are the de- inharits its usine f rom that of an an- Parliameuv-t, aud the Parliaman il etantuof Law and a! Medicine, denl t tibe settled ou ils shores; an" fee1 liae no! public opinion marc. j Usa theora is the gyninasuui, which the Seasof Marmiora froin a marbie ila- WhýeLiee that ivii or xiii ual couduce was a reivelation1oathie studeuts. The land! about enldway ai its lengîli. The tae te stability sud progre s of the uaw gmisu a ietdb rui-Zye e uteSubSs h a nation ramains ta lie seau. With gna Imwsdrce b rnh adrZe l h ot ea h a aduatin dffued itha radig po-man, a vey accompliisled athiate, otf Biscay is the Bay of the B3asques. pecatin d iffun ewtbracereai on Wi-e -o! the apparatus was in- Bosphorus lu froim two Greoit words, Ruie, asudawitb nedgea a e mution tf romEurope, many things signl!ylng the ex f ard. The Dardan- wereb turaed eut by Chinese imeli- elles Strait lu named froin the !abled affet te Aieriau Ébaarlnoi. Al l te bicycesa that couid haro Dardanus, who lu supposed ta hopes o! decrats as ta the future cf bea lioug-h'-ware precured, aud a bicy-baaultaiyouoecituoes tUsaCoammonwealth are higl.i. f il iacibwa orgnza b tr sud u ta trer foncbolbyshotre LKlsthn demeocracy must lie uald t lecu asognzdb h td adta erro aolo h 0enta. IL waa net lonig bpfaoreaIheard Skagerrack, wheu translated juta i > i uuuited te a people wblio are mainly ofairohon ai or tuvo amang the English frein the Gothic, simpiy u! lâritish descet. The fareigu aile- o whletnsas.Iadio, meaus the crooked strait between the ment is exceediugly smali. The tetal a he uhsat.L diin skageu, or proontories, an either nunahar o! foeigu hemn, that istiroirs is a university at Tien-Tsin, side. citizena cof countriea etbcr than Euit- wi h i.on a very firm. biasis. Stili lsb, lu Newv Zeaand, wbich may lie aaid anotlier las at Nankrn There a, ~Lt xoud sexn that the movemeut toi ha typicai cf the othe Coles-l ola geLu Shanghai and aiher insti- fron the country ta tire ity lu not twu n ahal a 89ttions oe! bas note lu varions parts the auly ana which this generation Lu suda ai pr en, ron 84 o the country. Thus, althongh the ta w-,itnecss. Along, with this move- ti 185,91 only 7,199 f oreiguers were us- oCous-e4vativa_ party ils stillinlu per ment, thre extaut sud ffect cf which turalized lu New Soutb Waies, aud cf sdia otdsrydteepr isba rmuos hr a e thlise 3,563 were Grmaus. adhsanldarydteepx lsbe rmnos hr a e by eýntifarTeýgu principles sud cou- veloped lu tire the laut tan years a The source o! national grealues, duet, theasa youuog xvjeývmetwich whiie as yet txugto prepara thamaslevea to car- 1cenrmoeme ocnt i h seso s&suEdmud Noble lun the Novemnber ry out tira reforin they irncw wiii j mallraa, ecuanteseuo Atlantic, la not ouly the resuits in the l tisa neain future." ,great possibilities.Aud this move- iniviidual4 o! tiralite now being livad, ient hisa nat beaubrouglit about liy by a people, but it is alao-a Ligh 1 Neiws camles cf a piýague or epidemic the appeals o! nef urmeru or the ras- degrea of race vinlity being under- amnng thre Induans o! Alaska. Tise soniug cf political ecanarnists. It bis âtood c-tlblat alubtie thiuýg which we eaui pi.ague ils thtis dascribad by a mis-, coinleliy the, veny means wbicb have brain strubture, ou whicb are un- soary eye-ýwitu5 "Tire conditionltexded ta concetrate lifa lu greal presa ed tira wbole ,experiences o! a of tira natives lu se muiserabe ana 1cits.Trmeentlukouste peule lu the past. If a nation Lualuniglit say death wxvold ba a relief te ýsubirnanita mig ration sud it bas bacu deca, th Le paut gloa for littie, bawaver On eutcrîug tire tant one sees bruglit about by thre conîgetion cf theI gleieit ml iay have beaun; but if a a in, irs wfif suad tlbree or four great cities aud by the cbeapauiug of 'a~ -, pbysiologicaliy speakiug, bidren sud a nulberof infantslrapidtaitytranrouino!ie lnýui h asc.endant, then it takes itsansd allier natives, ag ona a i mat !trolley. The imorease o! tnictly soir- Etranpgth or weakuress frein the char- on tha'damp greuund, ai pnostraxzed unlan life lsa commouplace cf statla- gcter cf£is lieredity. Tbis i8 xvly tbe sud affidcied by tire plague. Aul are t ical investigation, Iu bis study o! 1U'n'ted States sud Great Enitaîn ana te- cougbau;g up iloansd bile, sud vomit- the ceulsus of 1890 Carrolli1D. Wrighrt day is twe miglitiest sud meut dur- 'iug. Matto'r rnis freintire erup- the), U. S., CommissionQr, analyzes tbe nbautions lu tire worid lu the world. tjens ou the ayea snd nase; unclean trowfigrostae sow tallt thaaen- Satisfying in a high degree the candi- seas exist u tirefash, sud ta ag- codu fts ocle aaet tians cf social eficiency, they bave gravate lheir misiry ail tire suffan- bouse districts bas proliably reacbad a bolli bad ricli race expaieuces, sud il ens are wet day and ugbht. Thba dis- maximum, largely liacause of thre new la tbese expaieuces which, impressed seaskrd a netiu ag ie(set toward thre suburbs. Colonel upon the structure o! the individuai or compication o! influenza, measles ngtqoa h ecuinc brain, have made il slroug witb the sud typhid laver," "Thre U. S. gev- Sydney J. Loxv, au uathocity ou the ceas sud trery a! Anglo-axon de- 1ment iumnoibed came assistauce taeIEngîllihcauses, wbe a! tarnontiug cess nd ispry o Angl-s... de: '. as isimilan fact thora, imakas this predie- velopint., ite sufferng natives, but it - tLin: "If the ocugosuucec- ado ,quata, sund now, witir the approach rclioe nucek Prof. I. T. lflaloua o! tira o!fxxinter, tira prostratod Indiana fiud blia o!flte4 city but net in itl.lHa xii foromoit aubhoritis on China, sta tes thnevaw1dibe'hut Ibair curstonsry hea s suburli dweiien. The inajority of tthtireaare just twore arties in rations o!f fod f reinfiinirirng sud theirahe lopif Ibase llauda xiiilive in tihaI cetustry, tira Conrvetives su d class a nd tise co chaplen lu the Ithera subli. The trolley net ouly a 1traeýy l týiriataled n té lomngcannaes out people totahIe sub- thiEa ProTreýsuives. Tire former repre. rgd utiraea tr olgurbs but il iras cul tire seuls tie celnas o! Chinese douau- ai tire keen Ar tic xiter." Tbe law- ratas for commutationu suburlian ion Lu Ceîntrai Asia, aundIthe bliee! anYukon iras lost minuy nativs ut tickets on U. S., steai railways dawn lira Ih cealiuana a!Ibi lapas vi iou pices bu ontb.fDity per cent. iu ton years. Tins the sible, the other, tira ouîgroxtirof the' coasitirhey wxent by anUra vilages on oPýtn, facutyhm o pi ',-et e -a is antia cor e, Ihe the Alakanide, sud ou the Sien"n Ithosa whoaa xork caUllatbcm daily ta IV >s ,l4a illatiadetr, ahe ide, Dr. Shreldon Jackson reports 1ha1 Unset4mperor, Kxang Ilieu. "Out-'! bal! Itha population succuiad. l'c'ykaapc ib e eo Itian t aail tht now attracta to the si"a the walla th-t coofiaed Kwîangcutyth loe fsprad list, witsFnerf, Heliand, flira ne- Owiug to i taeg'eat inlereul uow unylrlaeosptsday foir n ovumxut was baigun by ltha taken ini naval.affairsansd tire daiiy juntonaut or diversion tirat ca'ls ana ouf foundingof lira Reforin Club at pe- eppearance of geegnapirical naines lu finto tiaepen. And _w.tb very in- kng. Nt long a!teir tha club lad war bulletins a fexv wends about tire creasad ramave tire subura city beau put ou a runuiug baris, eue o! elymoiogy e! these may lie interaut- worker fs brougit cdoser ta tire gen- lts inengetie inirers called ounme ing. The Yeliotvx Ses is sa caiied ha- tiLue country, viLIe tbe attraction a! toam trn auinas sund addressas cf (causea W iaters are coloned by yeî- tir ctky hife otahIe country xorker tb3 liaading magazines sud uewupa- loxv saolif rein lie Yaugtsa Kiang. Tire ts distLictly laesseued.Sa fan, than, au Vars piiblisir-,d i tlie United States. 1 lRed Ses lus red oely lu spats tire col- lira ca,"a shows a reatively arrneat- i!gava hm thoe requined lilt. Sean 1I or ireiug due la tire praseuce o! pinkadrteo caseucîypuato a~ortlud tre oharnimbrs adauinalculse; wirie the, Black Ses il justtfiýs a unew identification a! aliytaianee l la uisîsa!Eaigllsar- iaesla inu u ul rontesubur-b witb couutry, sud is a sigu cf seue it fIlnlsGr aksisnient dmI ri h a healthy raactiion which ma- saine mi, Fpaursud Rauisian publics- coloý c!flira waten as froua Ibat a! day mach aveu the now abaudauad tia,. arily Iïad tWi prasaiyîiug the luifs wricb f orin ils shores.Tire fu cm. ()f eadaa!tie re afarin Clubhagun Eallic iras ils usina frein a Saedisir tba ,-pr-ead wlira the cautinsCeunser- word, iguifying hll, tire nar- Tire state o! thre city of Galveston p~tv' panly cansed ilta ha ac uppresa- Iroxv iels wbicir abaund ou ils ahanes is alili attracling a great deal o! at- od lsaueil was a menace 10 tire suggestiug tire rasemblauce ta slnaps. tention, for Ibougi tire city is beîug gioernret. Il mut ual ire sup TireWiie Sea s lu amed i e- rabuilt sud tiraugir commerce bas lie- -uxî Uc> Lfi- Liii .5._-u u -hLuuui. u- ThtApals to the Ba Judgment of the Boat PepeadGets Right D Lown at the cause Whyiy Luit that iu ueairly every of ail the{y not rnerely afford relief Kinre lu thie land yau find saine of ;but strike deeper snd make thorough Dr. hue's famuily remiediesf Why and lasting cures. Ls it t]rt Dr. 0hase lu honored aud. Mr. Walter Both, Cousecan, Prince .eesndas a true physicia f fufl- iEdward County, Ortt. states: -1 was doubted aii Why is at that Dr. troubled for soiyliýýars with kidney Y e' K e-YÀ:ver Pills are kept and liver dsease and pains iu My back, im the family medicine chest as indis- and my stom-acl wagsns bad 1 could not gr"nsambI for everyday ils which arise eat hearty fiood a'ûd had difficulty in foir enntipation sud siiiggish, action, keepiug any food iu my stome-Ch, I waa oftheILiver aind kidneysl 1 sa nervous that I toulJ scarcAy takre a It le b2icause Dr. Chase's remedies 'drink,,of water wthout spillhng mauch arc ail honorable medicines. Medi-! it, my haud trembled so, aud I had oites that have been tried iu the lest flashi until my weight fell frein 155 meverest cases and preven ta be OC, ta 138 poundus. motunusuai value. They are im-j "Hearine of a similar cane that was mjeisely succesful, because every-1 cured by Dr. Oha3es Remedies, i coin- body has Learued ta have confidence 1 meuced by taking Dr. Chase's Kiduey- fin thným and oinxfdeuce lu their dis- Liver Pilîs, six boxes Of which entirely overer. Dr. Chases Kiidney-Liver cured my kidney aud liver troubles. 1 Pills bave for- uearly a quarter of a then began; Dr. Chase's Nerve F.ood for vtury takeex the lead as the great- rny nervausness. It streugtheued My et seller which medficine dealers stoxnach aud whole systein, aud I gain- hindle. anud this enarmous sale is-en- ed. iu fleuli. I c-anuot speak lu terms tly due ta the dowuýright menit Of tac g reat praise for Dr. Chase's which tliey paumans. rhay cure when Kidney-Liver' Pis snd Nerve Food, otheiru fail. for basides curiug me they did my tits whean thare Ls a bitter taste father, who la an aOU man, a great ~th4 moulli, hcavinesabout the Ideal of good, 1 have every confidence s, ach, headaches, pains lu the in reciommending I houe remedies."' ghouldens and -imbs, and depiressed. Mr. J. J. -\and, J. P., certifies that 1anguî! feelings, that people turn ta h- a new Mr. Walter Bootb, andthat Dr, ChaseKidney-Liver Pîlis. Terpid Ibs statemeut ad his cure lun»erfectly ltver, inae4lve- kidneys sud irregoa correct." towrls orelthe ausaf at Ceastcaeu-, The chances are that yournueighbona teutu ofbumn lu. Dr Obsea ~ased Dr. Chase'a Kidley-.Liver Ldn~-Lie.rPuisinvgriatethese Ruls. Aisk them. Oua pill a done, 25 «rgans a;s neother , Srti as'55cents a box. at ail dealers, or Edma.n. jeyer kmiown taIo do; auü -whst la best son, lIstes sud Oo., Toronto. mress nemains and tirue is ranuch dis- cussion as te avirat musl ha doua la puoteci lire ily for the future. Miss Clana Barton avýoirelawarking-hiric- ally to ligirten tira suifanixîga a!fIliose Most saveraly afiacted iras saut eut au appeal tor nalanial ta lild lite ,ianaporany buts. HRare ia pari o! ber deýscription of theastale oi thee day giva n luthaI appeal, " Wa wir are haro lu tira midst -o! t, stuuggliug withi is necasities irour liy heur, have net lima ýte tell yen aoven sud aven again abat iny oavu peu lias sooflen tli-that the lasses arere greater tran ea a eýceipuicd, lire sufieuluga liayond warda te dascruba; liraI ah tire Imeuey tirus fan racaived iiilibe ne- quired le neinnyn tir e Sbe e!flroken irouses, cuusirad ta splilulrs sud pli- ad twenty feet higir aioug miles o! sesceasl, wirere avu taro hlcks aride o! tire cily ilsaif lu gone, sud tire son. roDa and tossas aven rbal aras iately ils tineal sud imest tiikly populatod avenues;Iliat brase heasaoet pilu- tared areod are f illed xiitirah furni- tune e! occa euliful irabitation- lieds, pianos, chairs, tablas, al lirha maids Up lhappy bomes. Worsa than tirI, lire bodies o! lire ons ara rolting lhereiuý-lweuly an lhirly of tirent beiug laken out avery day as workmen neimova liera ulihand Jury Lt ou great pilas ai ever-liuruiug lire, carvernug liracorpàes ailir matînesses, doors, birads-auytbing Ibl at i fud user tirem-,eud Iran lait to hum out arillelire areary xorkmen tlau au for Mish arol hn oe cn a ho Miss ::xt5n inapgua ntdshowj the ueed for malenial ion buts: "This for ariat iras beau. A word ion whet is, and rauat ha. Alîhougir six or ser- e'n thc'usaud urnes wenl ouI, tire are SIXTY BOERS CAPTURBB. yel many living. for Galveston had a population o! 39,000. O! Ihese, 8,000Po-o Cpurdb euead irave not yal ailien irouse, haine or Field Cornet by Police. sheler of auy kiud, ounly as lhey are buddied mb tirte peen, broken wrecks 'A. denpatcir frein Landau,sasys: e! tire bouses ai aIrer people, wiricb Lard Robants caliles iran Johannes- did ual quite go dawu; sud thons îirey liurg tiraI ixty Boarasavare capturad are. stayiug, cnowded 'like caIlle lu s wbule tryiug to crass iraur Portuguese peu unden a sheiter haxely net con- tarritony ta, Nautulacli, wherelire demnued. Tirese people have neîhiug Boeru are endeavaurng ta gel amn- lu tira worid'lait, fan wirsuthelirbouse munition mb tirah Transvaal. weut iltooSk tira laut îbing îlaey pos-liEa reports lirat Lord Methruen iras sessed ; sud Ibreugli a terrible day of capt arad a paei-p&m iran tire Boers; stoer sud, a nigirt oai black barrer ItiraI Plat Lemuer, a elesin cf tira con- tbey floated sud saan sd stru!ggled mandant of tira saine naina, bad died amld tire strmn-bateu 'Iaves, with lire hrken sîste roofs of! allthese bouses liurled luke cannon abat againat train, cuttiug, braakiug, crusbiug, meeting l iraheraves obstacles o! ev- eny sort, iroin a razad ccxv figiting for ils lfe tlaa mad meccasin anake -pergiaps te coWaeout at laut on soea beach miles away, among people strangeansd bewildened like train- salves. Siýe so! tiran have struggled batik te find possilily a iaw meiniers ofi tira !amily ieft, tire reut anong tire sevralaitirousauda a! wiremuotiis kuown. O! tire rcuses fer wiricb 1 ask tire materiai net oua is yaî finish- ed. A f ew are lu course o! construc- tion ; some uitIle buts are igeiug Up, out e! bieken iboards; but xvbeu yen raI? lad Ibat thora avisa alouaoneun- damaged bouse lait iu Gaiveston,1 aoaxtely a roof or cblmuey la! t, sud' more titan bal! Ibat nenain parlly upriglit are uder condamnation, un-ý tl repaired or boru dewx, you, wil understand 1ir4 Ibere la sometiring' teo doeaveu te gai raeady ta put up tire new bouses avare tire sometbing o! xvuuds recantly raceived; and Ibat 'lie police captured Field Cornet Dru- plassîs aI Vrybarg. 1Twe pisonars who xvaro accosed cf treacbery, Octolier 25, avare tried liy court insîtal at Polcielsîn c m aud c. qnitt TheIirmrelatives wene aston- lUred sud inpraused liy the justice sbewn by tira Britishi. INSECURE CHEESE BOXES, i ch Ac4,, ais opluai forlifte ;Vay A despalci r ira Ottawa, says;-Ln tram irreports totahie Deparlincînt cf AgriLculture -at Ottawa lireagents lu Greal Britabn of tiraI daparîmeut ýmake frequeînil refereitaesata lira packages lu wiricb Canadisu ceeese are, placed fan expaor . Tre agent lu Londan says;-"Mauy boxas arelinoir an Lacausa lirey ire net strong acîsaugi. Tiroy sbould bave -strcug boop anr tira cevers wili caine off. Sorne' are landed lied dp aitbilstrng. whicb tire teansirip people aay lu put on by tire teamsiip people in Canada ta mate the aIf.'. lwireîntire boies coma ont c!' tira rail- Scir'mas ion the Protection O! tibluws.y cuars*wiLir base cavera.' sifliGLel city frein future davasta- jTira agent at Liverpool aays;- lions continua ta lie propouudsd. Tirej,,Trera lu alxvays a certain proportion laleut la frein tira Engineering News, o! cireese boxas brokin, due ta wbicir says ;-"lTira. inost prolmlsiugpoar boxas sund boxes wt blarena b proposai that bas beeau mode for lire lange for the cireaso." proliction cf Gaivaustonî app-ua rula lie Tire ag.ent ai Bristol avites ;-"If lire suggestion that the genorai levai, comsignora would lie mare parlicýudan e! lthiý city, or somo1part ofit1, sliuuld lu iasteniuig cavera ta boxais, geedu lia raioed la a lavel ai iab t t-we.uld arrive iren Lu irsîecondition iaiued by tbe waters in tira recent Ir;an Iho'y do noxvý I fai ta undar- alouat. Saab a wank ueod lie by noa 1iland boxa thry can lie o negligent. mamns proiitulry in expause, pua- Sùe boxes are very ïll-iittinxg, sud vrded il were doue ona nuewasile, as ýaeneit wila t liey aboui ha. Tire yaLt axhuilt upon.- To illustrate thlu: eaýstemia,1 o! a nail, au incir nail,'wilir An acra o! land cauta lus 4,840 square a sm.ali surface a! holding poxver la yardi. To naiuia sand !roxni waler of!1 joiLeie luufficient. I fail la under- moderate daiptir Ily irydreuli dredges etand why consignons will ha sa negli- dalivering on saireaeau ie accau,- plisirod for frein tirreti cents ta fi!- loeen cents per cealite ard. T a kiung ten cents a cubic yard as a fair fig- une, ara ind the expenditure la de- posît a deptir o! tan fep o!sa-and on an acre as oniy $1,613, Tire walar was froin tires toteln, feet deep in Galveeston whien the alarin aas aI its iigirt. If tireganeral levaioi tire, cily avoie raïsed tan feet, tirefane, ail liraI part so raisaed'wauid lia se- cure agaut lire dangers o! the bigli tide arbicli accampanies tirese great gui! sterxns. At lim rata tire ex- peuditune la deposit ten feet depti o! f111 avenr a square mile woull ire oniy a little oavor $i,0O009. 'ýlo l- cal conditions aI Galvealon ai, cf course, need ta lie considered lu fan- muis ting sny plan ion protacling that city main funtha disasters tirreogh oacsen stanens sud liraIif lire city desiras tla aire usai! frani a ne- petitico! lirte raient calamity il lu quLta ailtin tira resaurcea a! engin- eering la f urnàsiatire deained protec- lion. ROUNîDING TIIElVUP. Runcile Has a Number of' Skirmishes Withhie Boers. (gant lu prop ,aring goodas for ahip- SIX THOUSANI B OXERS SLAIN. Story or thse &1l-oay Bl:le lletweeu (tîtuese ai l,î-lax 1A deapalcir froin. Vî'.tana, B. C., says ;-News waa raceived hy the s teamship Victoria concerning tira reblilion lu Southr China. Tire Tiada have rebellad la. Kweng-si, sud Mer- saaiSu, coiniander-in-cirief o!fIlie I npa-rial forces, is askiug for inutc stîppresa traem. Tire Eritishr bave îdeepatcrhed infautxy sud artillary ta jguard tir a-,oxlon irnutien. WTireu t4 tia orpela-iroat destroyer Haudy xvas isnding men aire eucauulared a force o! rebl aissd thiexvsirells amoug thein as tbeýy advanced on Sauschr, rauýtig tirm aud killiug 40. A A aronig force of Kwaug-si rahels, jmar-cibg b tjoin the Kxvaug-Siug ne- hala, met sud defaated tira Imperiai Inoop.u stoar Kuangniug sud captured lbirly. A hatîle aras faugitat Issu-Chou, on tire Tsoung-Cbi i bonder, on Oclo- lier 17, lietweeu a body lo! Imperial lu acops sud Boxers. Gen. Yuiau's Iroapa nunahered 8.000 sud the, Bexers 12,000. A despalci roiranLandau cays -Tsae thensan inen.arenint r gam Lord Rabanrta ;talagraplia le tire \arTa-CisuGe Melucrg 0 ns a. 1 i.. -o f liraImperial troapu, gavaeliatîle 'Rlundia reparts ukinnmisies aill snal parties o! Boans iu tiraRmis- r, ail, euS zanVrede districts ne- cautly. Tire cmanudoas appean to lia acting iudepaudautiy, sud aitb no olject except la giva au mach anuoy- suce as porssibile tirtheBitsb. Oar eau- olies , -in lresa akinnisres arere tara kille d ndseven aoanded. oulside. Tire batil ssed al Say,sund nesullad in tira defeat oi tire Boxers arîti great buss. Tirir leader, Ciren, nef used 10 netreat, anSdarban lirafiglit arass bt, ougirtaitli Mdb)desperadoas iu s ravinaeaintil al aVýreekilled. liu resd araslakean d rug ontlire xxails e! lise cily. Six lliou.saud reblas vre killed. "Doufflas arrived at Vaenardorp, ,Nar. 11,1 mnZarusl, capîuring dur.SO ISL O RDLDY ingi the narcir Iweuîy.oua pnisanars, SO ISL NBI.DLDY suid a unlien o! caItllansd sbaep. !-at Suicidae o rseît'In'o!' Veutersd'orp, wiici eh abeea sdepopIciAroieny as t iItIfx. stlas on ir Ban, vii o à i A despalcb iran Halifax, N. S., says: -Eattry Surgl -Major -Edarrds, a! FRUIT IN GOOD CONDITION. thte Rayal Anlilleny, shath imseli ou Weduaudayi noruiug, lire lima set fon ýShîpineitî Frein O)iarialI Hetîs wit mi-Emerriage. Wiren lira carniage A"Pr'1VîI loLt 1 slauired I t tcedoan aiflira quartera la A despalci rm, Ottawasys:-A te teks le ocircirha aras faund repart juraI receired by tire Dearl- dead, iraviugsirot himaoii tirrouigli Ih ment oi Agriculure iran tireir agent hreart. lu Liverpool sud Manchesten, regard- Tira youug lady, Miss Cassis Ali'an, ing s shipmnulo! fine apples, peara, aras araitiug, ut tir alstar ai Trnity grapes sud quinees froua Ontario y churer for Edwardas, riren the naxas tira taîemship Manchester City ettire by special messeugan cane bal ire iraS eud o! Oclebaer sys: "I aileS 24 canitIeS suicide in tba Ciladel ir- houra bera exeminiig Ibis fruit, af ra cho. Tire bride-to-be falnted lu tira taîrin ilaas discirgad. Il aras iu par- Clegymen's arns, Tire slany accu laid conditiou. Tira qusîiîy -,iftiera achedlira aars cf tira large nunlier fruit al Ibrougir aas veny god, ail prasaut, sud >an exciîiuýg acene ou- lu firm condition, and good stock for anaS. lietrae e iauie.Il ra. aaî star Tueaday eveiig lire neava of ES- ten treeinighudeatciairen ulire ar-ards' inteudd anrriage warnead at steanmsirp. Tire pe'ople avseirxgil ie. mass by anoîben sargeanl, sud tire final lot e! grapae cucame lack'sud tirah othars laugired, aireaupon Ed- bougirt noria t advanced pixv.ýar.l s track tiraothen songeant, "'As regards qualiîY )o!fpuic.aes knockiig inoxdcxvi.,and lire aifican lu peais, quincas and grape, aud -as ne- charge, aes caiied it;. gardà traiicpotalio, irehoansig.- J EdavardW cane bone main Bermuda meut hy tire ateansirip Manoireter 'fivel, years ega, sud il la reparled thal City la a, mois coupieta SUecess." he had a ie sud famiy tire. WILL NOT BE BISBANIYEB. Stî'atireoua Horse Become iVounted Infantry FQrce for Northr-West. AdSaspatihfroua Otawa, aay;-It lu stated JiraI the Goveruanoutias de- cidad fol ta dSlband Stratlicouas Ilors-e upon ita raturu frorni nanvice lu Southr Afnica, but ta mainlalu lire regfiment asatire nuceus o'! a mounted bulJantry farce for Manitoba euS tire fernitoris. If Ibis plan ha carnieS out, in ail probability the i resat usie ofîjie regiment anilho retaineci as a imark oe!appraciation ai tho paînlotie services o! Lord. Sîrelir- cana ta Canada andS liteEmpire. BESIEGEB) BY BOERS. 1,250 Said to Beleaguer a British Garrison. A despatcir freiaCape Toavrusasys: -A correspondent o! tire Cape Times reports tisaI 1,250 Boers are hesieging a Britiair garnison e! 250 regularsata Scirarizanince, lu Western Transvaal aniS liaI Laord Metin an sd Coi. SaI- lia sre lieliaved It oi cgoiuýg do the gasne'relief. PLAGU-'t IN CAPE COLONY. Three Deiths of Natives Have AI- rýad' Cccurrod.1 A despaîcir frein Cape Toaru usys: limiuslearu, 28 miles nortir-avel e!East aao4g tira natives isean ,Kiug Wii- Landau, Cape Colany. Tbrae dealirs Tire buhonic pligne iras broean cul have alneady occurnad. CANNOT SPARTE TROOPS. Roberts Intimates ît Would lie Un- wise to Witlidraw Tirem. A deupalci romm London' sarys: "We undarsland," ýsays tire Daily Nears, "lirat Lord Robants iras'intimaI- A~ tire t lbis impossible ta arilldrar moea rooes ran Southir Aies." THIRTEEN KILLED. A deapatli freina Bayoune. France, &ays :-Iirasoubisaru expresaras de- raea aI non an Tirursday batarean St. Geoures sud Saubusse, near Dax, about 33 mies nortir-east. ai Bayonne. Tieresetaurant eau w as precipitatad cvr anauexinankint. Thirreen persans arne kiled and 20 olirens injureS, sar- en seriously. Firo pesseugers are uiistsiig. Tira liaI of killeS iuelused Seniror J. F. Canevaro, Perurian Min- ister bo France and an attaciraof tira Perurisu Leg.atiocu in Madrid. Tira section cf lire lina arirere tire aecident occunned is under reair, and the darailmnul luatInibuleS ta Ilie gieat spead 'o! tie raain. Tira augi- neer asys tire gratinS gave ay un- donrahelocomoetive, aviicir sank mIat the ballast. Tieraestaaurant eau came into terrific collisian ailb tire'ten- deansd aboie noueS Soan lire an- liankmxeul. lb aras lu'ncireulu heur, sud eut oi 34 passaugens lunlira train, 30 are ut table. ,Tihe bodies arere Ierribly urangleS, Oua ai tire uLliers e!flire resauant car, wha aras li_ýirliy injureS, liecame s-uddeumly insane, sud waiked loansd ira auaid thoearreokage singiug aithlir tap aifiris ronce. Thea aisinceus aud stokers, wha were PRINCE CH"ING. rirhrowu into s fi il1, bad miracatiaus "Prince Ch'ing lu aratitl kitowan sd escapes. yet ual axail kitoaru. Ha lu a nolilemar, --.Q - u every seunse o! tira word, as liai THE ALISTRALIAN CONTINGENT. bam in ldicîaled by bis cointidoot asardi tire inprismoud nînisters dnniug th# 11111 Pr.Itlp ina lu thie Iuîîîguratlonei mo innîbaof! tiresiege. Haeonslantty Ahe aederanintofs e' ravlxites. nisked iris ie ta defaud tram, sud la A despatcir iran Landau, uays;- ssnd thona proviýsions. Hoeiras beait Tise full streinugli o!flire homleiii- for yeanss aniember e! tire Tsunagil tary forces ta lieseul ltu Ausîralis 'Yameu. Ha la s inuupan wbem ar for lia inauguratIon of lira Camnon- nrry always dapo-nd for prc-.foreigi weasitir ias beaui ixed ut a tlbausaud v.,axs, _su.d 355 a inuwhiirn ail tht officers wnd inu, witb four guns. Cirinese Lo ve.ý Tire force iran Aldersiret will lie"Ha is net s gaulisHa is net a crauk. Ha us nutalanu wio doa conder tire oomnd ai Captain A.ý H. Irungs ariici are talked about. He< Wood, o! tire Sd Scottisir Rifles, sounis pet a inuwioen evary fareiguer o! Sir Evel35u Wood, the Adjuctant- wants la interview; lie doaes ual take Galierai. Il will cosssto! on 8o!fi-extrema vi)axys. 1He la niat souiglally cen ud 2 raair ud fle ! tbe Tthle Chiu."se or by foreigners ta saIlle cb a-d 2 raik nd ileof he stinternatieusi disputes as Prince Kuug Duagoon Guards; lira saine nu-ber sud Li Hung Chraug ana, acugirl. iran tira 7lir Hussars;ue officen, "Prnce Cii'ing always emplVsyaa tirrea, t5 ce 2 rauak flarelý'gu piysicien, axhicir is ana of lire ~, trmpetr, ~ sune sagnu e! progress in a Chirnaman. sud fila, tara guns sud asinin Tirera are tirose wira said for lire ion- wagguns cf tiraeTlir Battery. Royaligu pivi'iu in nt-,, but Field Artillery; lare efficers, six san- rmen like Li Hung Cireng, Chrang Yin- geauls, sud 48 raffle sud fila of tire lu ai n n sucas."Lnyh Rayai Enîgineers; oea aficer, ana sar n- alis 1ace. geaut, a bugler, a piper, and 21 rank FTREPROOF DWELLINGS. sud fie of tire 2ud igirland iht Mn. Paocirovalchikoav, ariasonie Infautry, sud the baud o! tiraI' regi- lima age published an important mnt. work dealiig exhaustivaly witirtire Hanses wiii ha providad lu Australis isystaxu. la le adopted ior the sanita. feir all mountad cificers sud meu sud i ion a! St. Petersbrurg sud Moscoar, for lire guns sud vehlidas, bas recenlly ies amaug lhe rural -------- 6 -population, advising tisa adoption ol, THE VAPOIATiN 0FGOLD j lcembnatibla areai for village darail- THE EAPORTION F GOD. mga. Ha ias billinbaheenvirons of Sir, W. C. !Roberls-Austle iras proved, Ma oaro, a firepreef "uge"wiich Ibrougli au expeximeul extanded aven s agovernnuseut officiai heu beeu sent latn '"' ~ ,~ ~ tao reprt upan. If tligreirsull o! 1he ~ tiraI ~e.xperimenit proves saaisfaclory Ilient lead lualexved te rest upon a cairimu wililia, a great future fon the fine- o! geid a-sloav diiifusiou, or ovapers- proof xvod in lire villages e! Raussia,< lion, o! tire gold lakes place, rasulliug o aoora in lire appeurance of traces a! gelSinu the eaS. Wheu a degree ai hast sA.W CAS' not suflicieul tu malt ailirnof tire I CATARRI!MUE 1. partisliy îhe Improvcd Blower. goid takes place more rapidly. -Tire Henîx the alcers, elears the a teul< c hof eaS A fartce s ayetknwu . d passasodro y earinea Chtat ansd peraFever. oew inteh.cyalra parasles yIs iipwrd stops lu île. kýýc tirs evapox alion of geld occurs only lu fies. AUl dealers, or Dr. A. W. Clisse thre presence o! anoihar -natal. modi" QIU . ,,Tgresîs aad BuffsIç 1- POWLEY'S LIQUIFIBD OZONI lei Systom of Treatlng Diseas6 Cures Thos. Alison of Brigt's Disease of the Kidneys To tel of the great good doue hlm be Pouley's Liquified ozone, ia the motiva wZhidh eompelled Thos. Alison, Xsq., the w-l4 known woolen importer of xi Coîhorne St%< Toronto, to give bis testimonial for that pro. paration. Mr. Alison in rated iu auy com. mercial agency et hundreds of thousands of dollars: iec ad the very lest treatment and~ yet lie only obtained relief from the awf nI toe. turc of Briglt's Disease of thie Kidncys througU Powley's Liquified Ozone. He says: So=4 years ago 1 was taken wlth a bad attack of Klçtg ncy Disease. I used to sufer a gveet deaji froi« pain lu =y baekr, and fer a time 1 fancded 1 hal a touch of sciatica. The pain would lc ce pecially badin the moruing, and I telil ou ià was agony ta get out of led. It seemed an thougli a hundred sharp kalves were stabbing me. This sort of tbiug went on for nomne turne, asni 1 tried the best physician8 in the city. In the, spring of ibis year, a frlend of mine recalit meuded me to taIre Ozone. 1 ladn't nmue] faih lu ht, buat resolved ta give it a trial. XI took three bottles to cure me. The relief wai remarkable lu a short turne, sud 1 have not bies troubled since. Have recommrnded It ta à number of my frlends, who have alto lad gond res4its. Ozone is s fine remedy for stomacli ce kidney disease. It never f ails ta produce good results. Signcd, THO$, ALISON, ii Coîborne Si., Toronto Powley's Iiquified Ozone is $i.oo a large botm tle, 5oe. emal ize. Ail druggists, or from the laboratories of the Ozone Co., of Toronto. linxlited, 48 Coîborue St,. Toronto. Also iy IW. C. TOLE. "GET BETT"ER" SAYS ýDR. SLOGUX Get Rid of the Cough, -the Hacking, the Spittiîg, the Wheezing. Special Advanta ces Are Offered by Dr. Slocum ta anl Those Who Desireý a Positive and Permanent Cure of Consunip- tlon In any Potin. GoOd adyleuen aY, but how eau we do 1, weq ons renriedy after anollier bas licou tried witbeek lixprovonont or hope of a cnre. Qulte tro Scores o! suferers from ail klnds ofIlong treohle have lieeu a mark for un5"rupulons mxlelCo. ,erns who noyer tuteudefi to cure Yeu. Dr.Sloeu 4as mode the cure af CousumPti ansd Lun rroubles tle study of bis lits, sud theands c si nsd women In ail parts o! Canada auie eed' Zn testif y te the marvetous curative properties 04 Aie Slocnm systein. Dr. SBlOcUni laroady 8R4 vllîlng te prove the emewy or bis treatrnent, - &D4 %as ao heeitation la oferlng i te Yen or yer ok i ,TientI s iTlvfnueK. ThsIn a rfferha feu niay tensthîe SiOcuni system nd udidgelo SFourself regarlnls is erits. FRER TWEATMENT 'Yeu or your sieli frieada eau baye a ?RttIEM crg of Treatment. Mitply write te vTRU T. A. SL(KUl Cw EstC.eL Co., litmiteS, 179 Ring Si. West, Tl'roz4 te, givieg Post offltceaud exressetffce a4dresa tl re edicine (The Slocuis Cure) wili "omplysnt. Wben wrting for thxew, alwals mention ta* pa por. eer;ons iu Camada, seing Sloceus free <tfer I Anierlesu papers ill pleafie tend fez sample t( th. Toronto laboratories.

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