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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1900, p. 8

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1 J-ot Water' ott1es, And a fulli une of RUBBER GOODS. An Atomizer is needed by every person wbo is af- flicted witli Catarrhal Troubles or simple Cold in the head, We are selling al kinds of Atomizeyrs at very Sreasonable prices. ASK R F0O A staple article in nearly every home for Couglis, Colds, Bronchitis, -etc. Nothing better. Only 25e Sper.bottie. J. Higginbotham &Sn SDruggists, 1Bowmanville. I;in lu (~r1 TAÏ"lsf We only ask our store. We buý Smai ket, made int prîces. If you !ni icC our lines and get( :the goods of anyc contem plate a f an niture f or the Hol the largest and pr you tu [y the ni best wci itend fu Our pril City siu Icy cha )Iiday se )rettiest corne and go tbrough attiest iFurniture on t'le iods and we seli at close urnishing a home, see ces, and cornpaie -with re if you wish. If you tir or any piece -of Fur-. eason. see our display, ever shown in town. KEIEP YOUP, EVE ON OUR DISPLAY WINDOW. LEVI MORRIS, F BOWMAxviLLE. Furniture and Undertaking ~"Our 1F 'rnace'!. I T either represents comforh or dis- comfort-eeonomy or big expese- -peace or worry-for neariy iglit xnonths of every year. Why flot choose our latest warm air construction. "THE OXFORD 400 SERIES.' Thon we guaranteeB you complote Grer power from Iess fuel and better resuits in producing an even tempe rature. with a splendid simplicity in their ease of management. The are the strong points or miperiorîty we prk For your own comfort aud econ- omy's eake Inspeet hhem at our nearest agentIs. SOT D BY 400 .SERIE5. BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 21, 1900. SOLINA Miss Lila Branton is decidlY worse.. .Mr. John Cox lias retunned nome from the tummer season's cheese mak- ing ...Mr. A. L. Pascoe is hauling material for building next summer.... Scierai from here coutemplate attend- ing the District Division aI Euniskillen on Sahurday ...Miss Richards, Cour- tice. visihed7frieuds here recenty .. Revival meetings are being tnducted at*Zion chulh .... .The girls entertain- cd at Dlviffo n ou Friday niglit aud treated ta pies, cakes, ece,, and gave a stunning fine program. About a lîuu- dned members were present ...Note dateofe Mr. Jas. Pearce's stock sale.... Ail go ho Enfield Monday night ta the bout concert ever given there. beebilîs. CLEAR AwAY ons-Mrs. Wmn. Graham, Sheppard ton, Ont., writes. "I have given Dr. Low's Worm Syrup ho my boy lime and again and flnd it a good worm medicine Il is nice tatake aud 'never makes the chiid sick like powders." Price 25e, BLACKSTOCK. Dr. Fred Martin of St. Michael's Hos- pitl, Tornîn, was hiome recently. Dr. Herli. Prust has bouglit a practice in Michigan. .. . Miss Emma Beacocli, Bow- manville, visited lier sister Mrs. W, ~C. Ferguson..The plowing match was well atteaded Ninetcen plowmen tried their skill -. ... Dr. W. A. Fi sh is very sick, Dr. Geo. Fisli is looking after bis practice . .. Mr. L. B. Barclay, our public school teaclier for eleven years, lias resigned. The trustees ill engage tw o teachers uext year... .Rev. J. S. I . Wilson preach- cd able sermons here Sunday week. His faîlier, Rev. J, C. Wlson, was pastor here wheu lie was a small boy. He called on somîe of bis uld friends, who were de- iighted 10 know lie had not forgotten thlim. A GOGD Si'oiAc-Is essential ta liealth sund happiness, but don't blame the stomaeh for biliousness. 1h is the liver that is deranged and causes poi. sonous bile ta nemain in the biood causing indigestion, headache and irregular action of the bowels, Dr. Chase's 1-idey-Liver Puis regulahe the liver kidncys and howels and by their direct action on these org-ans effeet promptsand lasting cure of bijiousness, dyspepsia, headache and ail kidney aliments. One pili a dose, 25 cents a box, ah ail dealers. Revs. J. A. McKeen and T. W. Leg- goîl excliangcd pulpits Sunday nîorniug wcek.. .. Messrs. Alex. McKay andTbos. Glass have purcliased the Alexander f arm. . .. Mr. Geo. Seymour and family, have moved into the tannery resideuce. ...Mr John Gibson bas movcd imb the residence in the rear of Tuckcr's furniture wareroom, ... Mr. John Hall lias pur- cliascd a new stcam thresher.. .. Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan visitcd at lier father's, Mr.ý J, A. Johnston, Bowmauviile, last week... Miss Winnie Joues, Bowmanvilie, bas been guest of lier cousin, Miss Bertha Jons.... Mrs, Samuel Bowyen, who has poor liealth is ath ler daughter's, Mrs. D. Noble... Mr. John Cole and sisters, Misses Georgina and Odie, Bethesda, visited at Mr. C. G. Arrnstrong's recently ...Mr. David McAlden, empioyed inaa large carniage shop in South Bend, nd , ii used Up with rlieumatism and is expect- ed home.... Mr. H. W. Renwick, suifer- ing from a severe cold, liab rehurned home from the northeru hunting grounds. He reports that ech member of bbc party have secnred a deer. . .. The Trusece Board, Orono Schooi, have engaged Mr. O. D Austin, wbo hauglit Lcskard schooi the past year, as principal the coming year; Miss Reid as beacher of second deparîmeut, and Miss Hutchison the junio>r departimeut. Their salaries are $400, $300 and $200 rcspectively. Mr, Simpson inhends going 10 Manitoba. THE, FOUNT 0FfLIFE Is The Pure Red Blood That Courses Through The Body. If the Blood is Impure and Stagnant, Disease Holds Sway. 1i ason & Dale, Bowmanville PAINE'S8 CELERY COMPOIIND l'lie GURN'EY FOUNDRY CO., Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. & ~ o- The Siater Shoe for Bo0ys < I Mad(e wth the knowWege that Most foot distortions are the resuit of x earing ifl-shaped shoes in youth, wheu < ~ the boues of the foot are passing tliroughi Catalogue the developing stage. 1Boys -who wear " Siater Shoes" will ne-rer lie troubled withfoot ills in after life. Just inade as carefully ns father's, sanie selccted material, sanie expert workman- ship, saine perfected nichinery. Sizes, <'1Little Cents' "8S b 12>4' Youths' 13 10 2yz BOYS' 3 t 1. > PriceS $2.50 and $3.00, staniPed On the Goodyear welted sole in a siate f rame. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. DENTISTS. We give Weekiy Globe, Weekly Mail and Empire, Weekiy Sun or Par- mers' Advocate 10 new subseribers ta end of 1901 for $1.00. Smiart Weod aud Belladona, comn- bined with the other ingredients used 1 l eau Blaekstock on the first in lt e bst porous plasters, maxe n o, f each month. at Orono from ICairter's S. W & Baekache Plasters ite to 2 p. m, and at Newcastle the best iu the me:' ket. priée 25 cents. frow 2. ta 5.30 p. m. on the second Monday of eaeh monîli One LAXALIVER P 1 11L every nigbtj j . ~:TmerneSt., Bowxan. for thirty days makes ga<ompiete ur 9 Of bIliousneqs and fOustipation. That vil!it. 'r of igglnbotliai's drug store. ls..j ust 2 5 cents toelbe cured, Purifies, Enriches, and Vitalizes Evjery Drop of Blood. The majority of intelligent people know that ricli, pure and bighiy vital. ized blood alone can give lieaith and build up the tissues that have been worn ont. New and fresh blood carrnes ail the matenials for reshoring wasted and wornouh parts of the body, and gives 10 the brain other materials for- making nerve matter. Paine 's Celerv Compound cleanses and purifies the blood and furnishes appropniate food for every part of the systen3. It increases the appetite, per- fect digestion, gives nervous energy and incrcased strength. If your blood la impure, if the skin bas spots and eruptions, if Sou have an unhealhhy pallor or yellow appearance, and if the eyes are showing ycllowish whites, you sbould use Paine's Celery Compouind without delay t0e lcanse thei blood aud regulate the liver and kid-i neys of the sIrain that is brought uponj tliem whenever impure blood pours through their substance.1 Mr. M. D. Arthur, Chelmsford, Ont., writes as follows: "I was laid up with sears al aven my face and neck, the resuit of blood pois- oninoe. While in that condition, 1 eould nots~leep ati uight, had no appetite, sud conld not attend 10 rnv work. The doctors lu my di5trict aud. their medi- cines dîd me no good, My aunt advised me to use Paine's Celerv Compouud. In two-weeks I was so muchi better that I conld go oul, and in thnee weeks 1 was able ta work again, I bless the day I eommenced with Paine's Celery Com- pound." "4Seeingo is Be1iéeving. " Whcn you sec peopte cared by a rcmedy, you mase beile'oe in its power. Look around' you. -Fiiends, relatives, neîghb ors aLt say thai IHood's Sarsaparit1a, .America'- Greaiest Medine, cteansed the btood of the rdca>. ones and thcy Pisc en masse io sinig ifs praises. There's nothing (lAc il i he 'wortd tb pcrify the blood. Sores-"M'y fheatth 'was paoop and 1 had a sore on onc of my ((rabs, My falher thoughtI 1bette. iry Hood's Sarsa- parilta, and .1 dtd sa and the sores are naw att bcitcr. Whencver 1 do nat féel 'weIt 1i ake Hoods." <ciss Nelte i L&zw, 'Rfchmtond, Qucbcc. IIAMPTON. Mrs. F. Finn, Chicago, will spend the winter at Mr, C. Pagce't;... Mr'. J. Ruse, Denver, Colorado, called on friends here Saturday,- He lias the symiuatby of his many friends here in (,eath of bis estimable wife.... Mr. F Ti Allin lost o ne horse of bis wellknown hlacktean3 last wek ...... Miss MaUÀý Clarke is ill. Seo J esse Cole's new advt, WHAT is DR. CHASE's NERvR FOOD?- In appearance Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is an oval, chocolate pili. In this con- densed form it contains ail] of nature',, most strengthening and invigorating tomecs and restoratives and for this reason it is unapproached as a blood builder and restorative. It cures ail diseases caused by thin blood and ex- hausted nerves and makes pale, weak, nervous men, women and eilidren strong and healthy. 50 cents a box. DISTRICT DIVISION. The. autumn session of Durham Dis- trict Division will be held at Enniskil- len on Saturday Nov. 24. Morning se-ssion to commence at 10 80 a. m., and afternoon session at 2 p. m. In tnie ev ening a public meeting will coin mence at 7.40 p.m. sharp, when a good program wîll be given. Mr. W B.Burg goyne, G. W. -P. and Mrs. Burgoyne National Conductor, will ho present. Everybody should attend the public meeting. Collection taken. C. JOIINS,D.WP. SlLAS WERRY,D.S. Hlampton Solina. HAPPY ARE THE MAKERS 0F, MIATS, ROGS AND CARPETS. Diamond Dyes Give Themn Special Fast Colors For 1Cotton Goods. The dveing of Cotton rags for the makng (of Mats, Ilugs, and Carpets was for years n dîflicuit and very unsatis factorv operation owing to the crude and common dyestuffs home dyers were obliged'to ume. By the introduction of the special Diamond Dye Fast Colors for Cotton the work of -dyeing is now a source of pleasure and profit to every home. The manufacturers of the famions Diamond Dyes prepare special Cotton colors snch as Fast Pink, Fast Orange, Fast Purple, Fast Garnet, Fast Navy, Fast Crîmson, Fast Seal Brown, Fast Yellow, Past Scarlet Fast Cardinal, Fast Turkpy lRed, Fast Dark Green, Fast Black and other colors that are unfading in washing or when exposed to suni. No other dyes lu the world can give sucli marvellous and pleasing resuits on Cotton goods Ask Nvur dealer for the Fast Diamond Dve Cotton colors; take no othcr'-,make. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. John and Miss Ruby Pascoe, lit. Vernon; Miss Leta Gifford, Oshawva; Misses L. and A. Hogarth, Solina.... Mr. Levi Reattoire had a sussessful barn rais- ing,...Mr. G. Ormiston is illi... .Miss Olive Nid- dery was preseDted with a new Dominion organ r eetly . Mr. W. Averi bas rented the south 50 acres of Mr. Gallaghber s farm. . _Mr. J. Fer guson is moving on the farma reeently ovrned by Mr. W. Tordiff, Ilboru Lodge, S O. E., Benlevolent Societv will hold a grand concert lu the Sons' Hall on Monday, Nov. 26thiat8 p. m. A splendid program of humor and music may be expected from llarry M. Bennett, Toron to,,humorist and vocal- ist, Prof. A. A- Beech, violinist and Prof Bowies. accompanist. If you want a good laugh and an evening of solid fun dont miss being there. Dr. Mitchell will be chairman for the oc- casion. Admission 25e children 15c. VYua Bas'r woiuç-Cannot hb% dne and inspeet our stock and prices before placing youi orders elsewhere. meClellan & Co_, Bowmanvîille Ohildren -Cry for CASzTO'%Rr l1A5 Sample Suits. . Single and Double Breasted.,, Sample Suits.. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Sample Suits . Boys' 3 piece and 2 pioiey ' These are a few of the Speelal Values in our large and carefully selected winter stock. We take the utmost care in buying to select as near as we can tel what our customers desire and only ask you to eali on us and see if we have what you want. A full range of Staples always in stock. Poultry and Produce wanhed riglit now, We take Chiekens, young or old; alsoi Turkeys, Ducks and Geese ail wanted.

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