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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1900, p. 2

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GLEA1WS VF HUMOR. %iEstrese: "Ti mater fotnnd feuiL miLh yelr coeking la-dey, Jane. Cooir: E don'ttaire notice et 'im, muin; iL'e bie nature te finti tauit. Ain't heala- ways tindlng fauît witb yenif le tint part ormenc familier NwtI your mnsic 1 was cask6d f a composer et Lin concent. Ila must ho, neplieti the com- poser, wbo was xriîhing; ha tairas soch lihertias with i. Postinen deiivering letton, the adi- tirem MeLwhich was hlrneadablo: Yeur- name's obiteatet. Party: Deeti, Lt's nothing cf the srt; it'a O'Bin. tAi poatsys: Fer thea I'd cast the woxi'dm aisie. it le te ha hepeti that ha wil do aotking et the mi. The wex-d itig-bL go humping ap against surea eiaethsir planet.s, antifnig-hten tit pensons into f is. She eantuly: Henry, car engae- ment 'le at an anti, anti I wleh Lo ra- tura te yen overythiag yen have aven giron me. He cheoiiy: Thanirs, Blanche 1 Yeu msy begin at once with the kisees 1 îîey are marieti now. 'De cextaiaiy waen nt hanisome, I IINTS FORj THE FARMER. - - - - - - --- -I~ The weaning of f oala le a vax-y simple business,.In fact, the fe-al otnght bardly to raise one plaintive whinny iwhen 'be le finally separated f rom hie dam and deprived of nouxishment from balanced xation to suit themeaives. H¶ef was by this plan able to mix the f ood and distribute in the trouighs for ovar 2,000 fowls, including the yeuing stock, %in two hours' work in a day, and lie thinirs if he had them ail in oe long building, Iwith a haliway along the back side, and a car in which to carry food, egge, etc., ho couid care for 4,000 hens withoo.t help. CLOVER A NOZIOTJS WEED 1 [Ail japan tasare colored. CEYLON ORI2EN TEA is pure and uncolored. YOU AM A CAPITALIST. ~vey 5~sLitI~T5u1ac% lne ea Walkta Gýlld Rrleh-. To gay of any man that Ilhe la worth bis weîght ini gold" l î to maire lii an object of interest and envy t( Chose wbo are legs dowared with the world's wealth. And yet, of those in whom this envy lseaxcited, there are very many wbo, unknown to thein- Ene mterni a . o n we " o a Tbe'ugb swaet cioeonbas beon place, r itrn odi ni foal la a procesa that should be going Lu tha list af noxious waeds by theo r LIQUJEFIED GAS PISTOL, weigh;t in gold,"' and, it may be,mucl on freon tbe moment of birth antil the jaws ojf noea fdltricts,, it P. Giffard, an ingenlous Frenchman, morM final act of separation takes place ai- is uzaf ul as a forage anti a bas inventeti. a pisol that makes ne Thus it happons that a man wbc most unknewn to the youngster. That boney plant. As forage la almost noise, that carnies a magazine capable may not bava a sovereign in the world la the anly way in which the foal may aqual, teo d clever. Cattle de not of projecting 300 shots and tbat con- is a capitalist, wbose inherited for- ha kept growiag iglit along. But the ralish ài at f irst, but soon learn ta like sues no powuler, suiokeless or other, tune may be re.presonted in thousande most genarai practico le, alas 1te maire it botter titan wld or marali hay. The and oensaquently makee ne ameke. Iý ef dollars. This capital may taire the noi preparation whateven, but te shut first crop miust be cnt oarly te pra- Le opanated, flot by compressed air, but form ot muscles and sinaws, or the the colt away from is i dam saima fine vent the etalirs froin becomaing teo by liquefiet ga-Q, and, by the fact, te More ctanpandious and valuable orm merning, and, witbout transition stage thick and hard. But to ave re-meed- be of sncb force as te f ire man-riliing of bratns. In eitlaar avent ha' is a ofi any ind whataver, force the poor ing the second crop should ha allowod bullots f ar ont of the range of nny iYoOi man indeeti wlo bas not a cap.- littie beast te do the bast ho can te. matutre. Thnee o od crops can ho known revolver. ital of at iaast $5,000 invasted in his witheut maternai wanmth, protection raisati in coma places. This pistol, whicb appears te bc the phymical or mental equipinent. anti milli. If hae wîl net eat the bard The hast method of eowing le to saod heigit of up-tolateness, M.. Giffard The farm-labouren who toils early grain ha may go witheut; if he whin- dw ihot o ta ri lira bas baptizod balli.sta, in henur of the and lata for a pittance of five dollars nies se piaintiveîy as te malt a beart timotby or dlorer. The sead roquiras lstone-tbrowing machines of the anci- a weeir, bas a physical capital of et of stone and pines away for very home- agreat deal of moisture for germma- lent Roans. ea3t. SItilS for this ls the su aurne an aemn nert.iHeboul1 sicirnaselha ia welcoana te it all-he tien and wili net grOw if the season J bh liquefiad gas of Giffard'a ballisti his adoreti ana a irthday present of a will gat arouni in turne, eat wban ho is dry. As a boney plant, sweat clover ýmeaiisI tbe suppression Of potiwer an pug that broire the record in point of gats hiungry anocugb, and quit mairing is onriralati. Vax-y much honey may ha ýfuirinate-that la te say, the dirtyin. uglnee.'ra ift wntrmbtteth se mach noise whenhla letirati. And poua. rinaet lrrihtgrw of the arm andi its censeqoant inaccur bearti ef the maidan. Oh, thanir you,1 thae owner thinirs thie la the way. in dansa fields &long the water- ac.I famasasaeyt a Jame-thanir yen1 ahc gushed. It's There eeculd net well haoa ...chocurses. It does net spraad into Cul- tain patent "cartriclgï, tube," mënu.a-, Just lika yet-ns it ia.! werse way, a more cruel or inhuman tivatati fields; in fact, oe seabon of tureti enly by M. Giffartis compan, Father: What de youmay ir i- way or a more expansive way. Th. coltivation aradicates ail trace of it. anti procurable enly froin its agents. ing ony daughter 1 dont lire it. camae, f foals bas been amply discussed i -----.---- >_ Te ballista La matie botb in carbin( Young staylate: Don't you ? Weil, I! Of late in thaýse columne. Treatatd asl WA . anti dualiing pistel forin, anti its "Car. doilrba fas r utyadsrong 1 tnitige tube" is, in ecadicae, about tlb Mother,, putting the boy eut of athe hesrbeaufati axepl ableane ge aîeng A e tbicirness and ene-third tbe langtb el pantry: How rnany fimies willi 1bavae'tuttarmtbr.Gaieiad- - - the barrai. Ftlled. wrth lmqueiiai- ttelal yeu teireep away f reomthat pre- feti s apei oct, tey ugrat taird HECONIYT ION 0F YOUNG GIRLS cmree-abncaciti gas haldi b sere jn Sial Bo, abbng:Nodams but vax-y littie late in autum, WHO ARE ANAEMIO. j!bu its owq Prae - utass~ ae more, mamma; they're ail gene. ani ti nya ayealticrt o - is haitdin la ýo, ettho he tties witb ia Tbis aga demande mon w ho have con- the periotis,of separation lengthen eut This ]Record 18 of Eipecial Vaiue to parents glass ball n 1Ibe necr, Ait majM eha d- victions, sh1louteti the impassioeat ani, eout til the f osi really coulti net -1t, IsnaMessaert a m lther te laci frely anti iept intiefinitely with- oratcn. Wharae halwe find tiri e jam lct teeac ae ffna ltheai'ofe rewiag 4Girls. eut dangear cf oxpiaaion, The atube le of lun prison 1 replieti the man in the gai- yruialpesdat5,tse oa lex-y. weaning. Bzting tbcreughly accus-; Anang the young girls througheuthyruiclypeststattt e ELitieClas ws ot wth ertoeat to eut his individual ration of Canada who owo goti haatb-per- pressure ef M5 atinosphoes - three niethar, tairing dinnar at a neighbour's1 grain anti te ha tieti ep by hinsaîf, hapsie itself-to DrWili'iams' Pmnk ir e the intanierpesreo h bouse, anti the hostees, in an atîarpt what is te prevent hlm being ment Pills la Miss flattia Altieuse, of liquafiOti gas., lue tubes are givat to a ntetanin, sirtibox i ah asily anti quicirly wcaned 'f Camptien, Ont. WVîen a represonta- vtb aacb carbine or p.soat o likotiairittens. Thautiled miss shieiý As bas been previousîy sttatid, opin- tire calleti at the Althouse hemesteati chargati enes are exdiangati for tliem liked kttes. he itte mss hocedon le ýdividati as te Lie benefit of atid- to maire nquirias as te the panticu- at 25 cents altieco. .As eaci tuba con- those gatheneti at the table by leoking . tisgsfrci ittî arst soispicieuely et the chiciren pie andti ng mur eof coes te the fioal'e rations. inrs of tbe cure, ha wra cordially ne- tisgsfrâ htti ae h axcaiing Id athr avacae. SOea breaeirs cOntanti that they can- civeti by Mrs. Aithousa, who reatiily cheapOSt 1uhoeýtmng yet- What le an anecdote, Jobnny ? asir- ne t geL along without iL, especially at consentati te giva a statement for nto pg ut tie bailiata ilconditifo ed he eacer.A sort funy aleweanig ture, bot ethars, with aqual Publication. " Up te tie age of opetbn bu te tnaflave rri answenad the little falloir. That'. frce mantan tat Lsusehaedon forten yar," aitrMr. Atbosa riglit, saithe teacher. Now, Johnny, mucli harin in th'eir personal expari. Ilmy daug-btar Hattia lad a] ways usinevlettl jthe hber, dro n e youfmaywrie asentence on the once. Ibis point, tee, bas already been enjoyati the hast of beaatb. Then sbe sngl açkuthe letba o bye tapo. hlacir-hoard oentaining the word. ful O vr.. began to cemplain of weairness, anti andi pull the Lrigar Ie dscending Johnny hasitateti a moment, anti then In short, the riglit waY te wean a grew pale anti languiti. We triati 5ev- hammer that opens the valve of Lia wrote tis:-A rahbit iase four legs fou i te feeti anti treat hlm duning anal asedicines, but insteati of balping g'tb cnol0 oe h vlet abti oe anecdote, the f irst feur, fire or six menths of han, she was steadily igroving wense, the etentCtatoyo the vaverte L Will someone pleazla ciase the cow bis life thnt whenhle at lenst 1net anti wa beemje alarmeti andi caîletiin1 o-aulv.,ysclltehemut down this way ? saiti the f unny boardi- parmmttedti te rmain by bis mother's a doctor. Ha, tolti as that lier blodsooti ngi n aacclae he mnen adi, wbo wantad 8se m murfer bis est- side a l e y equippeti by growth, waa, in a very watery condition, ant., oigI c acsr nyt meal. liera, Jane, said the lantilatiy, strength anti nabit that hae is net fera tiat saba was On tile vergec orosscrawj on the 'ceartritige tube." The ln a ton e that was m eant te ha cruali- m om ent sicir non semmy and losess no protratien . She wasundor b sh r ham am o ea n ish evalve ofthie gat iug, iake ta cow <lnwn thero whero flaýsh, it leaLiaernmpty st,,,ch that for several months. but stail lrept th 1aneUJ onLevar f h a tha caif I bawliîxg.uually landste ail the troubla at gowig wers. Sha hati become tue, anti 'haiofaarw.ltl PES0A IEM.wean ing tîme. it stands te reasen vax-y pale, hati no appetite, frequent .ina -thbmsntc -astho ldot eut PERSO.',îL ITEMS.that if the fo'ai bas bean accustomi headaches, anti after aven slight axer- ie h uuý to a eb e u taeaating bis threaeon four niagîs of tion lhem beat wo*uld palpitate rio- for aach Ch-,','C. The charge for a When the German Emparer gees grain and hay,a day anti te drink wa- îantîy-. .As time passeti, ime sèemeti distance of 150f aaet, for axample, May hunting ha arrays hiruseîf in surh gem- tam anti te ha tiati up the basf ofa quart t, grcwwore aiý wore, untiî at beha maaureà by the thicirnescf a gelsesthat theie ought t o r& of miler day wil maire vax-y laat sio cemlti scancely fira about, Fec 2-cent ccpper coin. Witb thre pread te fLau ifore se magif icent a ittle difference te hum. Whea haise anti Woulti lia upen a sofa most of amrduiyu trnn th conqueror. 'His hunting costume was ne longer alloweti te sucir bis mothen th, day. At this junetna ebeaàa scraw uentil tho ra le just meoin between designeti hy himseaf, anti ha is said te hae will est bis grain, just the saie, occasionai fainting fiLs, anti any iL anti the hammam for the 2-cent piace be se much tairen witb iL that haie oite anti placitiity which foliowa Lie ample 'rgt sfo udnnie ml te stand uprr ght. nti a h ne opportunity of wearing iL. it con- fiiling cf the stemnaci wiiî go fan ebigo lgh tak hste arb pinultol ma ayde "se" aLle siets of a hluish-grey Lenic, with a recoaciling hlm Le tLia state ef orvhan- Bnion silgit battacdis ef hystuxia short cleair of the saneme hiaoth'age into which lie las beau so graduai- tînt she weuld 'net lire more than maail boy fox- backiyard practica on Le ha garmanis having graeÈn facings anti. Iy cast. hlHtiusCntbli!ngobggae- e breati apaulettas. The itimperon bas. - faw mentis. it was hl ata st'm hekligo hggm-tl broa epaletts. he Bpero lia! ýsaiti-and thare appeans to ha no ras- round bis walet a broati hait of green F'AUIM IMPEIOVEMJtiNTS. i was in tuas condition thnt I neatian] sont to tiouht the eýtatomont. loather, f rom which bang-s a hituge Thoera ara coma vry dosimable in- acut of a girl curati of a similar The charge ba .ngqdteemineti, thora la býunting-knifa, the landia meunteti provemeuts that Lie fariner rnigbt aliment tlrux-egb Lia use of Dr. Wil- ufg as remainling mni the tube by weigh- wit th lipenaicremr a goi. H Li' t inir lablebuidigs n îe sr-lianis Pinir Pila. Tien î1ticideti ing,iL. When thetube te empty yeu withtheImpria crox i goà. ie ikete akein is uildngsor is ur-learn the f aot readily. The weapon weame very higli lacqueneti boots, golti reundinga that secna aýmost eut of bis tînat Hattiae hoult gire Liora a trial, cesaszte sbh;ot. spore, 'antis Tyroloeo bat oif grey fait, readu, because tiay us anuL ha matie antid ruei> ltineeaboxas; when aieý aigat i wth green and adOmneti witb an witbýout an axpendituire cf reatiy hd e hm hr a nu- MARBYINJ liN INGEIRMkNo. enormoo.s plumaeof feathers, whihnee grseoLbnh hsa Mcm-deubtet i mProroment inla erbanadie lpmne ee hat fl ehmtienae t G'ieba t emn aenee ear fi qufvrrs at eerny stop. nianti. Andt tire are ethers that e- ieanti we fait hopef ni that sbeaniyttrelnesc The Prince Consort made a mie ,qoira but little more 'Lianaftic labor ," i eli regain bar heuxti. She con- 1tbing nes gettîng manriedti tire with- tha eah e bi ~eshsoulti ien anti are iithin the moans cf avamy oe. tne sigtiOileuadfri thatcLLe consent of the parente. Can- com oseaI maeant La rine Afew fruit or shatie treas or sbrube ntalymteprgestwax-d coin- tain pi-escnibati fox-ms muet be g-e Wae consequenily took lassons, wban stab tebseasaamtefx lt rcvxy a peie n-tirougi or the mamiago 1a, nail anti ha was a bey, ila hoemairing-. He s flowar gax-ten wbare eetis may be turnati; celer hagan te coma hacir to voiti. When a, girl lias annireti at bandeti un the ides te bis sons, anti the o s'n in f ail or eping-, a cleeing ber face, headaces disappearati, anti what las cOnsidereti a marriageable aga Duke of Yorkr bacame a very faim Car- Of the rubhish oif olti wagons anti tools lin a J0COWrae Of a foa mnthe eshe baer Parants maire a peint of inviting penter. Once ha founti this accum-' anti waste lumb or amounti bouse anti as ns wellase aven she lad beau n young mon ite the hoise, anti usually plishinent usef ni Le hlm, . uec barn, or meading gta nifonces, ieri 1f a. it le now mreaLna two, two or tire r nvtt t heam Clarence le'ckeuIhum eQut ef a roinha wil mair e Laplace more homal;ia,'eaans siIce &ha diseentinuedtheLiause'i, OttLeatnio mynt wwàs aixieus te, antan, anti Prince' anti, as if cirilizeti people lived ti ta,Of Étire pilla, antinla ail that ime ba& seesa tee poi teti. Geoergo put bis fot titreugli a panai anti leas lire a Boor or lnulan ecump. eiyt ia te alwt h'N~o yonng mian, hîowaver, le inviteti of the deor. Aftertrar4s, afraitiof, Thon it xvilc'est but lttie Le set some selmmtay ne ratumn of the troubla. I te tibe lboas-e untu af terluo bas celiati gaetting- into trouble for Lhe utisahiaf if Lie bush fruits anti s gmape vine onroa3carcetYsamy how gmateful w tlstoceat hsainfaili whlch ha hati doue, hae planeti anethar 1 tire, ant inl a few yeasathey wilî atit te feel for what Dr. William.s' Pinir Pâle iht aoscalitrerew panai, pot it in the dcor, anti paintati the tabla luxuriias anough te inaka Lieehave tionc for ny daunghter, antid Iifsiy fhotkst1ciigo IL se siilfully that ne ena coulti de- farra more ploasant ns well as more wouiti streng-iy urge n1ueLlers whocatefml.I ietk ecligo tact aniy differenca. pof itabîe. Thase improvements can daug-litrsms ha aiîing te give evriocsosi aircoeee Wbeevem writas the hletory of the ha matie aven whea lumbar for aew thent Dr. Williams' Pinkr Pilla at hceebsin eten for gd iemaei ha South Afican Campaign tacn camtainly bid eg r Lie paint for olti ouesare îhanbas aintentions," anti ha may hoe uildtinsoaebntle epnietwlhruInque6tio>naticonce'mning them. Ia Gar- net affordt e omitthe encorti of Lorduatunbe niicinaa."i ayté anmebctlas18 Duntienaiti, who was f erty-eigît on mun h nnmuth tiat1 EXPERLIENCE WITH HENS. Dx-. Williamus'Pinir Pilis creata naw yerecf age hefora ha can maire a pro- Octeher' 29th. Ha bas attaineti ame 'blooti, anti ti=reneaci thea not of Latemaihateac t as au inventer, and ; pusai, but wben iL smd n cet as n ivenerant us actuaîîy in A peultryman maintains that 2,M 0 iioase,. Ia the casa of gIrli merg-ing- ed the proposai is speetiuly followeti, by South, âfrica for the purpose of look- bans wiil beat 20 ows in profits by into worannlcod they are almost in- Lehtohl bsgnmlytia ing af ter Lhe latex-este of a g-un whicb Over $1,3W 0per year. Te pmoo. his jdiapansible, andti îu se ia a gitan- te b troh e.Tis rtîy allyter am ais e ~ i.;Iplace privately, hrl afe là-_ hati inventati wian ha volunteeredti sma sno xtravagant legi-vas anteae offuture hbaili anti strangthm h ahrc i rie s h ete for Lie front, anti was in commanti cf a sfg!rsfo Max-ch 1 te Noremben Other se-ca lied Lonie piles ra moea efahroitebrda h ato detachinent whici titi a goti deal ef 1, 1898, a penloti of igit montîs, dur- iiain X eiia at calleti, gIras a dinner or supper te the I sbeumittiomntofttate rianddoninei laes satisfactony work. Lord Dundonalti's ing whiti ho bati about 1,200 baens Most oudb avoitieti. If yoVr denler othe iao fledconameti. ids gratiathr aeknen s ordCei-f e Le ime, andt hey laid 129,418 eggs, ida etiapia hy ulh etwianLthe fa,,t Jn ns LIred.a wd rana, anti wen censitiarable glex-y hy on net much over 100 aacb, anti ehosipairilet 50 centssatbox an aux , destroying Naipoleon's fleat la Lie!selc te Lhe aeunt ef $l,984 frein boxes for $2,50, bsy arudressung the ding les pua in Germany, Tia Basque Roads eariy la tha entury. 1,000thig oeri Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brocirrille, bride recele i e leguents witlu a basin Oua0fLI matfaocaexlotslath chicin. Tbis le botter than $1,501 Ont. aet baf«ra an anti inte thuseaeci bistory of the Navy, indeeti, is cennect- wotli of eggs par lban la aiglit menthe. visiter atheig La eception rom id with this hea, wîo attacret a is methoti of feetiing la an uinusual DEGREE OF CLOSENESS. dtropseaiLler corne jewolry a silver Spanisi slip of war cannyïng Lirty- oe, as duning LIose igit mentis thay Bermowi-Yeu'ra geL a double. 1 apeon or a piteca of meney. In soina tire guns anti ovar 300 mon witb l ad cern conistantly hy LIein in boxes, ýs&w a feliow down town to-day tint parte cf the ,-ountry Lie expanmsaof little vassel of f ifLy-four men anti which were f illeti autoreaticaliy frein I was sure was yen. I aven strucir Lbe mamioge feaet an-e mat by esca focr-- 5ai goa, atieca_ n C ahie olinb amnt' ors anbfeo 1tiooex - y et a i!fo-what lue or__ie may ta W'iaa e par cent.. weuld d I yeld hlm the equivalent return of g19 $260 a Yaar, and ha is thue in a botter x-position xvhila, making aven this low- ly Use Of hie physical capital than if ha hati inheritati the sum of $8,665 in ,ythe form of Console. iThe sirilled artisan wbo, aarns ae wageS of $10 a woair les natunaliy a r- richer capitaiet atill, for, at the samae o. perc'rntaga, bis bodily streiigth anti f Sirjll nepreant a capital of $17,330,and -to this extant ha may fairly ha con- in sidareti a emali capitalist. ýr Still more enviable, althciagb ha sel- a dom reahees or wonld admit his gooti ,fortune, is a cla-rk on a salary of 1- 750 a year. forhle i the posssson )f of a capital of $25,000, n hîcha la inf in- a littely mo-re ancure andi stable thi the ýe saine sain inrasùad in moat stocks andi shanas. n It litl not nacessary to procet mucli whligba;r in the scale before reaching the m ma.n who le acLuaily wortb bis weigbt Lxt gelti. The vaine in golti of a man Of average weigbt le rougbly $40.000; andtisi is just the capital owned by every mnan who can maire an incoma of ÇI200 a yeaa, an Iceeon wfluca Lihe iajority oif moen woald coneuier theruselves net axaci]y ruci. i hs Lu-e physîcai capital grows anti begins tenssuue quite nsteunding proportions. Ile successf ai clark or the average profsiunal mua whoise lace ne neachea, $2,5ü0 a yenr ile mat as wel off us tie capitalict wio hme 888,330 saely investeti, w hile bis op- pontunities andtiLmptations te epenti lua divitionts or encoach on lie cap- ital are o etaceaseiiy lese. Sncb sa mn .wiih a wif e andclilti, muay fairly claim to h o wth i lefausily'e woight, Polles llay Cbsnliz, OpinIOns May Chan: le the ,Liality taf e L2T ~Lit alWAYS en If you have any correspond with te surf dThe Dawson Commis! OUR11OUS WEJiDING GIFIS. Even at a max-nage feast, as it saems, thora will sometimes ha the envions, ou the jealous, or the ixalici- 8 A well-'known author recejved frony a rival mani of letters a scrapbooir containing a collection of ail the &d- verse criticisms bis wairks Jad aven treceived, whule a popular artist was pçresented witx a set of elemantary woriks upon self-instruction in draw- ing and painting. Net long sinca, a gentleman who le a passienate davotee of hu.nting re-, ceived as a brridai gift froin an an- onymoos donor a compiete set of false limbe, a set of artificial taatb, and 3a couple of glass eyes-tha vv'ola of wbicfl must have cost a consitierable sum-accompaniad by a nota, the wrriter of wbich tîrusted that, by rea- son of the recilpient's many falis while folloxving the hountis, sorne or ail otj' thasýe o se.uu,~snut utmt provelcdue.cut rdsao An einlya orst r atrea, es psg a spiaster o maue ag was reset ti b n kintifor nion-. ant ifLe, '¼viici, calika Meest of the other efferinga yeu -will raceive, are sure te ha of service. , Tiabride- gruoom esantcet this sinigulan, if usbful gifi, ant i 1ktoir miiitha efforts cf mutual friands te preraut a, breecli of ,h3 paiice. Eqcmliy vexations wns the gif tne-1; ce8iveti fromu bis naigî-bors by an lu- firm ectoganarian who wtitied a pi 'aure-loviiig-weman moeathan tifty yesars bis junuuor. it wns n lange brase cage, 'inleudeti"-se nan tie subserihon's note-"tomerestraiie rie wnywnrd flights oif a gitity yeaing- foel for hie rnonay." 'tic liushanti of a lady wiose grant beauty bartily ateneti for lier sharp longue, feunti nmong buis wedding- prisents a scclti's bnitile or branks- s gift f nom Is wif c'a 3isten,% with the-hope tint, i oua lifa Kwd unheara u E ati oure, yen aill in m sthe accompanying rt"ori- in golden coins. 'mcýy wit~n i a g-r On tits is asseo calculatien a moti- UV i1'w1n, exatly uccwfu lawerdocororýLadies cf Canuîii ' ersteiy auccasaf ni lawyem, elocter, or Whiie statermem anti politicas ~ a a tSuer-Y business Maen wlisa inceste Jnst sargue, the Zollverein anti diffementiai êeiU8e Am-lien. raches $5,ffl La a man wmtli L" fuir- trada withiiu Lie Empira, abicb tbey 1 1y sub3ta11tia1 capitai cf $16i3.66i5-a wiill(I while jaw displaces ceommonA VIIEN IS m Avnu capitai in Most cassl'as sate as Lu-e sales.sti ts mLe fryu-fai i5 Bankr of Engîýndt," solong as Lie tairas Yau- lixthencolo',ndsts et Oaylon _M11 b inopar came of it. ain ntiuinat-re g-nowers of pure, tas, j.P . O-I Blackr antiGreen.. Canadian ant itW 1.E Q1 et States importeras soppiy oulyen CALVtT' 7711,00O,000 laouatis nnuaiiy of Japan Or.IcDie(rfectates. Bae i tas, yat they iow, Japýans anearati- ment, T.eoth Pewaee, ec aeb ficinliy celoreti ,ýnd atintex-atati. Lot ewarÎod 100 moduls Radd ilomseorpai-irof exc ellonce. Tha-ir ragular uepros-ont mel i-. thse kncowledgae ofthase tacts andti iaensd 'i.&n erdao.,t bane sentiment of patnictic, sistax-bootisuppiy-Lasmiefe napiain meive you te help the BriLli plant-1 F. C. CALVERT e- C, BrLtish-,grow;n Blacir Teas helt the MANCH-ESTER --EGAD Canadian marrat. Dninkars ef Japan e7 51 e c tashuulti try the Greens now dem- et.le.USste fing onLIte maxroet, anti your dninty U I a-ie ise p-alntes wiil approîve them. Yos, ave lI 0CdB hi ean youx- g-ocen's excuses; but Li-i~dseut le a rymaptosu of Kitiney J eLs. Ladies cao n lways gat a bat ac e Dbiseasa. A wali-irnowu Liaey aant. kenemben îow yeu rmn a ýn,, doclor bs said, I l never your lusbanttLo-weil, do Liey etillR Pl&Go yenmadea Pes-Monteaaelc. thinkir iL anatisaI They certamnîy amintiainas-sctdatb wiîî if ycu g-ire them Ceyloa antid5rog t frei 4arI l>ieaewtm- langreeanta.Bloc R.ubben antidrntOt out fin itsa kidneys Saintin pacirets are niow obtailanî n.usmsemo wau'oatfau K." * lïttiey Oclonist 1YUtaffic SKunAdriaite 12. anodlcîiî which waa tiret en ËORON__________ TQr, ON 1, Lthe<mankt, mest euccvi-a. Que-en Victoria, after 62 years toUgs rpratai 1r. nis fui fur ir eart Disese and seaiing Le plasëecan ubjecte, maieSieeand Aaerlsu e iportations7lestgnea sîl Xideey Troubiles, andi a happy lit wheon ber latest portrait pricaes PARK, BLACK WLLa&dC., Teranie.. inuit widely initatetid la arnl Dhi.l brbne a bondc f shnexcir was artiaiicaliy tiiLLIIILS&HAI arrangedwhich faowed verrdistitct D oiy, andti tire le n grat deman IicinainWTret Lb-e Emeralti Isle for Liais favorite pic- e y ~~ue f Lia Queen.C th io P a r tien. O .SOIR&0. etel Ths aigatar l o earibx sf oen no~ HEAI PLPIATIN.Laxafive ;Bromo-Quinine Tabulae7 HEAT PLPIATIN. the esmeti thet esse a cela la ue ng A French pliysician anneances Lîsat ayengs'C eann distncssing or excessive palpitation ef th lateu lasb rrse y Te postman mnay net be litennry, rterystaderntte Lieheat ea nway haarrste i but narertielces ho le an important "BRITISH AMERICAN DYE.,INOCGC.10 bantiing doubla-Li a et town anti man cf lattera. Lokfrgetlsyrtwuercndre. lande Ian.ging-se as to prodace a1 Lo o geti nrtw, rsu jsi Lemnporsny congestion of LIe uppan FOP OVER FIFTY TSARs 1 Montreai, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. Portien of LIe bOdy. lIn ncariY evory MPS WSNSLOW's SOOTIIING STRUP h'e hen TEM useS bi moîbersfor theirebliirn e athing. St cooruies MSTNUTRITIOUS. instance cf narrons ,on ansemie pal- tis e h, ci. îftens the gumo, amlaysPmn,u, n s wiudnucei, and i s the been rensidy fer dîarrboe, 2ic a battis SanS pitation Lia hennI immnadiateîy me. Sy al druggistc n reughout nthe wrid. Be sure an ' saines its noirmal funetion. If thefo"Ir.Wnow etisSyumudi inevemnents etfx-espiration arearareeL. H îecomaIjsie eae RTPU OFRIG ati during this action Lie affect ile Ia whO m m-a ris inj vr R.FLCOFR 1 make tSi, arP!citon tY0s1fimnd carry it euk fmriy- y,i don'uVn te 0" Ïceniticyeu re es y couid set do tai,- if r 'Sit wa, net o erO be other eletrieîilbnd, imehcs il. S mseer cens e i er re-slm; I w..rrat h+teeit1lvas 2 rrmt wicàe youri--u fart, aiîd reru ,(tndw '-i l etSers Yciz ini g t think t amntak ln.,in -,r sc nueï reLidy. I dea. Tmere is morsu n h, ctriSi a erlied ihan reu t1isa. It àcèma o'c , irakeu 0" mam.. Itnetoulay tiiswiesi ecu5 'mmnansd igmierte t he lnsa i1 i. ti. Pay e Wb - n reS hs i i op "" , l s ouy cne fer u te aice-1t au 503"" eet ut The <on w a t ti ijo r oui-ma gel,',-i Fh EEBik fyc ana-,c-da0d e 130 Yesd nge s et oroan O n5. Te bee prend of lbaaning l Lita grat- eet ignorance.-Jeremy Taylor. $100 Reward, $10~J. The reastiof thIis paper wlll bi pisaaad te loarn iîbat tbre iia, last one droaded dio- eo timat science hie bee ablhe te cre un aAI ies stale sad ihat la Catarrh. Haire Caterrh Cur-e le the enly pcsitive cura aew kmmewn te te medieal irsteriy. 0starrhb "iang s cenq. ttutiatll dileae, ,r quira a econs stutincnai tresîmeat. Flall's Catarrh cure in tak ls Inter- nally. acting dînectly upon the. b cod andi muccus surfaces c f the syseam, timamahy des- trcylsg lie foundatioA oeth5e dlqe&ia, and glvin; tte patient s ergth by buidin p uhe eg insuItion and asistax satur4 la dolng lus work. The proprietoi s have @asua~h faitblinl l'e curative pawers, thaï they ofier ene lfun-. dreti Dallers for any oses thalt t ale te cari, Senti for liat ef testanreei. P.;J. CINEY & CO., Toledo 0. Seld by dmougi a, 75c. lIitl'â Fesuu y Pili, are the best su m,, Mûe pte. a-f t-.. m l L illtlR o h C44vPa.~ BREAKFAST SUPPER. OtEPOWKD CTI) Lemsndry, Waehiug ciothe, uoeing, SeaIng. reeve PARA'P'PINE TREE QUE3iIeN OIIT OIL ,a-mie vSk eal ouer fer IL. J-. 1- , but ieno' th!ng tlha, nolver ohj, ,î at 1bainus best. ln Load Paîkete 25, 3C, 4.0, Sa ani 00e. 9and other Peroduce-ý us. WVe want I100 O'ýARLOAb- ply our tr ade. âlion CO., Llmilted, TeOnto.

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