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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1900, p. 6

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Qenu~ne Muejt Bear Signature of Seo Fac-Slmile Wnapper fielow. naan auiai a easy Ll IL LéIhZc'-,~N ' CURE 60 EDGE DR. L.POTTFER. Ooece an d residence,Cburch St.,opposite Trtity Coalgregational church, Bowmanville. 25.6m- Rev. Dr. ria! nag Christ In t A despateli from Washington says; -Rev. Dr. Tahuage 1preacbad f rom the following text; "This day is salva- tion coule to ibis hoase."-Luke xix. 9. Zacclieus was a politica ada tax-gathe-rer. Ilie Lad au lieet calliug, but the opportunity for 'istieaingwas so largo, tjhe tempta- tion w-as too muai, for hlm.- The Bible says he "was a sirner"-tliat is lu. ttie public ceuse. Hoùw many fine men have (been xuined by officia] posi- tion!I Itl i un awful tbingfoan mane to ireek office uader government uinIcss hie palaciples cf integrilty are deepiy fixed. l\auy a man, upriglit lu an insignificant position, lias made gsbipwreck in a groat one-. As far as I eau tell, in the city of Jericio this Zacclieus belonged to what rmght lie calle-d the "Rimg." Thcy had ihings their ow-n way, successfuliy avoidi;n1g cxposure-if by no other way, perbaps by hiring somehedy to break iu and steal the vouchiers. Not- witstanding lis bad reputation, there were streake of gonod about hlm, as tîcre is about almosi every man. Golci is found in quartz, and some- urnes lu a verv aral ercentage.e whetiher yon ýýakze Up iï2 this world SÏArehrepardxfro Na. ilýl tlat great, ________ ~~~ture'smiild laxatives, and evnseýtedrtyuwilrn of he ari, OUwil r a1 while gentile are reliab1e!last the statement that this was the ge Discourses ofl and efficein. They dI y when salvati<yn came into your t he H omne. Ot C I o Oh Zaccheus corne down 1 come downi' Cure Sick Headaèhe, Bil. IJ-u spaigb "Zacclieus, corne down 1 corne down ~ iousness, Sour Stomnach, 1l natice that this tax-gatherer ac- and Constipation. Sold PESOSO IACS comnpanied his surre-ader ta Christ eer hr,25.erbx Uganda is a British possession, and with the restoration of property that PrpNýCîio&ô wl as admînistered efltirely by British did flot !belong to hlm. H1e says, "If ýofficiais, under the control of the for- I hae taen aytbig bytais acc- eigil office, but in name, at icast, the 1 kabvea isestilitti rulbr utltheacoun sation, I restore fourfoid." Thast is, if rne-osoa,. h -tth hld kbai tl heue ftecu- I harangc-biossomsmanhfop ts theon- id- try, The king is only qulte a boy et I hae txed ny an fr tn ilcu-ren toalied, flot satisfied witli. the ýpr"ee» and, sa soon as ha attains hits siand dollars,, whenlie had Only f ive formai prayer that they once (5ffered 1aoiyo h opeino i ~l ih~n d olltth ars fpor the, andt ibt she lingers now, and telig, them year, lie wil have lits allowance in- in~~~~~~~~~ ofpce hetxfrte atîee Jesois Who blessed lttle chidren, increased, ta £1,EW la year, ne mighty th'osaa, i wii retor to lm our and of the good place where they al aliowance nwiht niti h fol. I I ookfrm hm tn dllashope to be at, last. And thený she dignity of a reigning monarcli. I wili give himf orty dollars. If I took kisses thera good-night With some- Inl addition ta this ane eso fromhi fotydolars I il gie hn~thing that the cihld feels ta lie a the king of Uganda has received from> Ee hudrd a ixtyIfa dousllars aheavenly benedictioa-a so.mething tlie Britishi goverrnent a grant of 850 Exousxxi.; Ifa man hahsteaithat shahl hold on to thet boy atter %quare miles waaprivate "garden'-. an ox or a sheep,ý and kY*.'Ill it or selil he bas berne a mani forty or fifty ýsurely ue of the most extensive gar- Ltliesha retoe tre xenforanyears of age; for thero îsi somcthing dans toalie found anywhere in the ox, and four sheaepi for a sheep. If a0 tdile- li t.mndbrakig p, nd;bein a good, loving Christianr motlier's tworld. This system ut granutleg lend, thif h foundbrekin up,,ad.,bekiss tihat fifty years cannot wfpe. off to the leeding natives mis been ver smitten that lie die, there shah ll teche.laniyo peey u J rtibl blood be shýed for him. If theasunî be! rîsn u~~Vhirhar shh b biod Nm3W the hasband Lu dlstressed a.nd ýUgenda, and ail the king's family, to- ahe fo hl, fr ie houd mke ul annoyed and ahmost vexed. If sh, gether with the principal ehjets ot the restituttin; if lie have nothing, then w.ould onlY spaeak to hdm, lejwould :various trîbes, have received tracts of ha hahbe oJ fo lis t~f. I th how be-r up." He; doas not, Uke a tocountry rangiug from sixteen ta fifty - he hai b sod fr is hef. f te ay1 anything about it, but lia square miles, for their own particuiar theft b cetaily ou.nd l ~ ian irows that she Las a hop>- that lie lucneiowtithsnuaa- alive, whetber it lia ox, or ass, or!liaIno-, ad a eac tha wb lia th sbeep, lie shah restore double. Ifif _ . .'lwrat h r-0 fr.. KMAKE NERVOLJG, DISASEDME c-~ I~I cfignrance uandifolhy lu youtb.h si, tlncf tinisud bc d, e d h y lest anti exposai-eai-se tantly wr Cituho lires ant hepimes or t ousanti 1 safp-mliag young an. Some fade e-ad v Uàer Pl; an ourly i 'tsa thaebcson cf maho 21ti, vile oe-is eare fui-ced tu deuig eut a ve,, fi"-uile-e-a aosnlcncbhy existence. Othere c-aach mtimeny but f rn csalaýce crco toit ie-c-e,1 victime are fount inlataetiens ef lifez--Th artai-m.iha oce, tLe vai-zhptha 14 h thatadoscuti the professions. S RGTOEDTO fIIANVHOOFqV ORS,,K, K. sWm. , ARR.WZLx A. W-ALliER, MES. CMAS. FERII, <CAS. FERE IXEFORE '5TlrEXI T ArUaTILKEXÇr Divricd but unte&egeain M-rNO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS IJSED WITI4OUT WRTKCONENT.eU WA. Walcer of l6th fSlres-t gsi Lahvesuifen SYPHILIS nntold agiies for usy "ga- Z,," iwa wh Young and icant.As'nscth eueet EMISSIONS Syphilis andthr Pletdeess hncusti STRICTURE fae, iuer nail cae faCL, n, ec despondent. ner doctors trcat!ed r-s wth Merani, W REDPote a, et bohe bed me but ciAld noýt curs m h o îr N ew M th o d T r e a t m n t a er e d m 'a u a t w c i a. 'hfir e i e t l a w n e Yen fasi youreelf gainiug erery day. I have neyer er fterfilgt uel en M-CURES GUAI1ANTEED OR MONEY RFNE Cap .Chas. Ferry say:-'I cowemy liste ter@.eK. K c'f tiaminal Wea'.neas end Spermator lima, Enleejeus mwore drnngn and wekcoing my vitallt y. i married VARItO L 24udravice cf my family doctor, but it was l 4xz years age, lDra. K.4 iK. are scien'Wiae pe-cialestsend 1 heàrtilî recoemueudth."ý SWe trea t ,a nd c ure Va ri.coce le, Em igsîo n i, Ne rvo us Deb iity, s&mfncja t I i -c Laience:etst~ret." si, ~1L I 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. (iraduate of the Royal College of Dental Su% geons, Ontaio OP'IC.-Oppoolte Express Officea. roainua doa Guneral flaoking Bueiluaý,s ata DERPOSITS ieelved ;riSevirgs Bank Departmnent sud, iîkretelowud at curreot rtes. Notice cf - aitbrewl atneeeery.Al deposha payable. EXCHANGE ~ aglt atisoti nt Drft ieoe ;posen c-p ld aesaîtd Canada, aen G itiliver end attSalecebheaks booght and sotti COLLECTIONS Prremrtly made aicurrepti tes uon a!! parts -,if O rvet inl, the Uinitedi States antithe Do- teina ci f Carada. TeIegraph Transfers Mate fr lcgaor mai ecmonilail parts ocf C-a,,ada. Thue le spaially e-tirt agenu- to per-t sEns living ln Manitoba or thG No 'lb-Wee5tIt maas 1hefonds arailable ai ocoe t the place e! psy mcci, Fer ollier carticulars cal! ai 15e hank. A. J. MCCaEczt.Al, GRO. McGILL, Acereeta3le Manager AÏ Bel ynry fine eL - Ga Isee Christ cnteriag the front door lknows that tlere ila achange in the 1neeS ýw- fa t 1.5 (0e attier. inhcbiWHIERE CDOUKS CROW. -)fahehouse of Zaccbeus. The King wife- n mohr She chides the!bu eoe osy,"on li cf eaven and earth sits down; ahiîdren more gently. fe aecre rn wn e ut h-crrte-i neegen bu and as lie lobs aronad on the place trnes ights op wihl an unearthlyî hl eradadpa.1hedw h-szeo u pi teTebr au hetn hli rnoneateglow. 1She goas isito sema- unoTcupi- lu estripped in order to obtain the cork,; heý, (ý,dictîo of the tdren leoli atay-'hedorlir rgr ld are aiUewandclies- ohc kedsandathe nd dricn .rThe bererllgncto fe tet; isue" sbd ae on p htew-ie nI irimo-it dispusaj e hug' - ey se-e moment the bark leeele-d off the -tree saiatiu crneto hi bose. ' osbndgces inot afttar lier,' aur that their ý p carn- be-gins te grow another corir skiu, and Zaccheos had rnoooted the- gyca- why she w-as thora, liee-s. î e j o a lecd ewuel otrta h at fmore troc out of mere inquisitive- knouws xitbout eskinb that she b a lrra. e ts h le, h otrii ok ne S. lHe wanled to sea how - i e-en praying. «The hueband noticles iagr ciht ,-ar, anmsestro. doe$l casothr tmes r itget The trocs are stripped about ercry ëtrauger iooke d-t color lf is ihheler face i briglter thai on tice on Muci. I 1e ih eradsosrn osi e-cn, the, leasgth ot his hair, ti' con- day -lihen, yeers ago, they stood et' un F113enol e YutLing nake ihemi that tliey ofien lire te toutref bis features, tic helght ofI the marrnage-alter, aui ho knows Le 50 straugely - lm. Tliayi the ege et 200 ye-ere. Besides its chef liics stature. "Couse dowo,' said Christ, ilit et sus bas beau puttiag upon lier kuca-thet 15, Jîle fetier and moili- 'use as stoppera for botties, Cork ie And so many peopla,, lu tus day, bro-w a wreath Seter tien the et' do; but the cli Idren cos-ne downmdentboyakglter-sr. go ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~n uinoteteotcrstyo ____________________oaby une. They doflot know Vthat crs to sae people from drow ng, sle specuia lion to sue Christ. Thay ask ihoy musiÈ. It je some urne betore of boots and slippers, fancyrok wetk, a thougand que-or questions abaut bis ~ - -ie i e eo i etne r egl o iehas n eehns divuiy, bot odasoeregnybroken. Tie pli 4s are a littie un- for artificiai limbe. Afier the iark ln aud île eternac decrees. ]Ihay specu- latte, and criticisa, and hang on b o grammatical. i Ie prayer beglue estripped off it is irimmcd and drie-d alrùptly and nd abruptly; but, as -and fie ticned oui. The-n it le packed tle outside imbofe t eant sycamore-. faris x as Ien-Lioude,,rsle.nd xvhat tley- and ehipped te ahi parts cf thc weorid. But ihay mausi coma dow-n, froua that -------- if tley waui te ho savad. We cannt , tent cougl iS mau, it leaot hs "0 Savlour! 1~Ll e~'i t ir l~eip us. We do -etknow- low te Pein-Kilber -le the lest, safe-st and te si aved as philiosopliers, but as lit- sues rmd-fo gîve ole n île cuîdre, Youcanen go t I r~frie.d, fo it Tiec u. cannot liresueirnoyfrcapole-d be-aelilbyn.yu Atan, gut J»en, frr 2nylonger lu itheway we have baen diarrioca. As e liniment for wounds le ttsg. vW a ster ýtot-day tor, heeven, ind apraîns it te unaquelîco. Avoîd euh- Rse eF in t a et a lo ît'-___ suintes, are eretncsttemonrve,ynte IrI oÏ,lpu to tak1-1't h i l ranaîong tues there le but one Paîn-Killer Writan we forieartiPins. àd uvt s. For ivanefor ail the pat, iPari-y Devis'. 25--. eandh50. megsifkeanlilng Nvil e -tecnt voe byc-Eîen ati . 'emUm -treugî1hen u o i ieftr. jSupply C., aa Torto,'st_ And w-bsn the jjarney ie over, take Coounsal te witnieee: Are yen closci us mqhere Jeas, and wl re île lit-. acquainted wiih the priaonr ? Wut- r lelice t lii we lsi. Ame 1" nase: Crtainly; we once worircd u Tlat uight he is a rap at tic gether Ina bank, Cunn,1 rni v laen thie cOc iaedroom door. "Wrb-o le thora w-es ihet f ites:Aot blrea e eWaî hZoci ciao tne fair h. l iýte oldeet u'cockone mrn"nng Iast spring, w-heuselo-iîrrcle non n ut tieof he bank officiai ' aepr-cotloS I.ilrSe ebl."Whaî l the mtter ?, A-'e fl eep sent. Counsel asked nfarther ques- - .Lgadsr -on sick 'P' "No; I w-ont to ho hne. - hurs re eý. 11ý,0 elt_ saved." Otaly n LltJîe w-hile, and aIl -__________________________ D tti sihr-Il- cl ha cliii ren ara brought into the and Il. -nù -uba tf, kingdom otfJd And thora la greai f ansEs fOvLLh CO., rü josy lo the homeýp.i If you looked out ot your -lndow I P.VCSr 1Ing of the ap- proach of a r I d0.adly ene.- I ny. Heed the wrning- ~4 ~ before it is too late, be- asd ~ ~ 0 c m e ii- ~/1II' 71! flamed, be- I~ fr e th e u octor says, 64 Consfi ' J tîlon." When the danger11 signal flrsf appears, help nature wfth of Baihicihenl. What matiers it who are elected te ho saved, w-heu w-o kunow thiat unless w-e believe and ra- Peunt wc slhah ail ho damned i Wly ha perplexed about île way sin came luto the w-Oa-h1, w-hon île great ques- tion le hew w-e sasl g-et sin driven oui et env baats ?ilew many spend e-hein uirne iu criticism an! religjonýs Mpýecubltion 1 They laite the Rose ut lba.ron, or tie Lcly efthtic Valoay, tpulhlo-nI tle autiakr, scatter tic, cor- oîua, and say, "f5 ihet the beautifui i*lýwe-r of rouigiurn that yeu are ta-ik- ing about ?" No, flower - leaoss- fui atter you lave tonm it ail te p 'eces. g I THIE PATH hTO HEAVEN le so plein that e tool ne-ad not rmeke aîý n seny mistake aboUt ht. and Yet mon e stop and cavih. Tiare le ne nead et' e% ~boue-ring ourselves about 1my8teniasý Sreeab I ew-len there are su meany bhinge tuai i are plain. Dr. Ludlo'w, teugît me a icason I1 X.---I say, John, I an going ohoale neyer forgoiten. While putting stop baking altogetiler. We arreye usin te hlm that can get at LUTTRELL'S, -r-prpîexlng, le turneti upon mi iowmanville,suchgoodBread somewl in a terenees, but more la' and [luns, and Pies, and loyce, eue-isaid, "Mr. Taimage, You w-lu Caes nd;have- bu laitGGad kno-Wsuma ihingsi X.-A]1 right, Sarahi, don't bellî thet YoU dont." îWe teer car hande! me any more. It wiii n0 on tle spinos of' the cactus insteuîi doubi lie the hest plan for uf fe-sing our oye on its tropical the summer anyway. îom, A gi-oct company ut peuple to- Alex. Luttreli.1 niglit sit swinglng themsecîreon the lier and ConfectionerBenan ville syexnrore trea of their pride, and I phtone 97.J cry te you, -"Zecdlieus, ce-me- dew-a1" ________ Co~iokwn cuit et your pride-, eut cf fyeo.r lnqnisi-tivenees, out cf ycar spa- 1 Cilî li- -cula tion. Yole cannot ride into tiho, gate nc- etlig eny I ec. ceetof lieaven, with coachi aud four, postil- (o Cisi.ceeaccoe Ilinahead, and ieckey behînd. "Except tai.Teyarespeadrtsesds mice a.e itthe chUldren, yeceau aseiaaswtheaanaa - ot enter juta the kîngdom of God." ~ i " Ged hag close-n the- w-calc things et (K I CSi ' oesdsle2.6I ifre orld tu contouid l be- mizhe"J Don't delay until your lungs are sore and your co!d settled down deep i your chest, Ki the enemly before fhe deadly bio kiîs ou. Cure your cough today. One dose brings relief, A few doses make the cure complete. ' Tire.e st M. fer an erdineg ced; Mr-cW lcte hardlerSldai; $1.00 le ni ecaomeal ler' eider cuss. «1I coasider your Chery Pectoral thesa & liermctiyfor coldsancat cuglis ced ati rQat affections. I have asedt fofr S30years and 15 certcinty lisats themi clI." i. R. LuNxsey Don, 20, 1W&6 Union, k, Y. ejwliiteves ce,, eeseftly c-cee-r wcfehedectos, Vaeu. eewl c-i reveprompt re- e!y wlseste-et.Addcea. D.. .AYER, Loeul, Mass. wie ,)o tdil e tandtue sn i c od. e rtyoa ,e i f ,'ýýeeWe, 1 he .11P* ccne±cly - ttee ce .e- lteîae-iy. .-ay -. I For tlc] -C . il.- n teIetEMlaa r.WrC-s-'Oea er. I Rebateleln heaia ocee ACH£, INTERIIAL OR ÉXrERiArIntor e-, Os nr-!slt-tteYea.M TRAT PAIMN-KELLER WILL NOT Ri- T UPYcMAY,5 eoa. LIEVE. __________________ LOOK OUJT tFOR lMIATMSNeAND SUa- STITUTES. THE GENUINE ATir0 ffl sTHCEstiAP, T Vie gle is tes il-oi elst ltsng set atF s's a id udsaw- ,ýmepoing up your front steps, yen wl-onldaot trait, but go your- ,elf 10O P5u tIc d oor. Wilh you kcep Jesus stan rngn the otsida, is hck' w-ct witli ihoiF dews ofuthti niglit? Thie day is siaincorne- to tliy bouse. Th i1,great nt et your lieuse is Do-ie neýw cre-,or coathier Pic- tares, or rich farniiure- IIS UJF»SUS 1 'I tras ila During t and et tb" utt assýena have be-en about ta hi tpr e' lutile trila. euýt t-o their' .ofitille aug-m t rmy. W. - - Nutv we are - idte go, P-ach1 Instanty Relîeved by one Applicatlon ofý COeispe - Externel andi Internai Treate-eent "-cssisgc' Crc Sai-a, eelenone iheslita ef creasaataan ns C îcmOtinent, to Inelaniltller ttic-ing and irritationandi eccihe anti btelaýInti CorueRAsREMOLEcaNT, l -c anti Cleenne the blouti. A sîngle Set 1e etten stifficrlnt to eCure t e v'ethuer une ta hic - May the An.. ýE <Sia en Pc-p. sons, U.S.A. *"55îw te gelh ot the Core ntnt prea i îlewixgs cUrisca teaMemre," tees. ove-r each bOea utfihose teints 1 Go4 blese y-ouend yoamr cildre-nI Befors J p fe os. Wooas hmholl ton -ochock io-ialsitit, hbuld yeuaatr -Ien'.6LO>stt.f i RiteOthefFaptîîn!Reiethe hak tc fsul~Bible lyînig o tca Solti anti recommaudeti by a&U ~.truggists la Canada. Onty relî- pai-honr-tabheý. i te-ptier as nany al eiiedsoee.S ut your farnily a a ny le- ew-cie. lie-ad frmec axeauges gflardeed vftoe ure alh a chpte, tal i yo i --1 'malWaakneee, aililfertteof e-buse a capir, nt tIn i yu cen thintIor MceMntal-cri-y. Txa-ei, ciofTe. ut uotbing e-hzec be-sidas' tie Lord'sJ bacc:u, Opium or Stimoieulnis. MIaii-d eoa receipt Pr sa ,y te.TIat trihido. Hliar. 5Zeffe-ire1rpiets frpe1tc) a dres. ou ayc, ha"va et, n y e rhe W'eiCmayWYdrO. houec. Yc -r-yoir lie-ad S Wood.3Phuoellisoe 5îtin Bwmnvileb Stoî& Jryif ggissbethet- ,a O >0Ob on yocur p* e eg iit J. CIifillan; NTewoasfle br y matnuee. Seene, gîl. Write ana ,eiure soonncy. e-sic-S veecea a. -a iS Terenie. la îiehy tiey have vcry tew gantes, ~ wrig tida butth ile itihe- Italien boys and girhldsear aenge~ excl lunoue pastime-tiat ile mod- P bcawi! a i igh t eln.A ibile- Itahian boy wihh pick i. iucswo1nl ady ortw-u aýp a lump ut dlay lu the sreet and ik id esw rî c;wùi ,ou modal you a hure-e, or dog, or ccxv lu ne tinte, and a moi-e axperioncetîi Y boy w-rn, et your raque-et, speedihy pro- K D E I L d ac e litthe- im b , baby, st -e -c - A e tr h s _ile a K L Id y e d ing eut lie-r lands, or the hard boy ePae nc.Red hep-eu f-ana qio blowing lis lori--la act aintoat eny- s--ho lias thilsd themz. thing yen like te ask hlm for. Mr.i- John .Rober-tson,mecental, -- he --favorite---garne--liobli -antunsi n--ulalm, -Ont., v.hieepr' nsa boys and men--seeme ttelic une cale ehoi ' î5hepn aihg le«ih1neykdayfr "Flashîng Fingers."l Two me-n or more tia a yaar vr erecdlkn boys place- themseores opposite to eci Doea'a Lxidrey !Pil, W-iI gt t1c iliýer, and ai the saee instant eci h naa*srn trecdai aaeal h thurow-e ou-t hie- rigit lianti, with o Pu ddat s î'actiocf niy many f ingexrs open or eo rnany shut kdc i aanwealir 1osi ac aas or be-tutspan the palm, and eadichf m al uovnec n an ith bbc players. elso et the- saeteinstantnc athgciheptbcusDon ai-tes oui île- numnler emade by adding Kde Pleo-dts hv ied nrc bhc number cf hie edraraary's open tr-ouble or n1:lec wti aY liny UingeTs te bis own. If loti ni-y riglit, cor lacis sinos 1 teolir hs eakbepl ecourse, tleei hxow counts for noub- and y ou euey b. si-e tkat IArladyrôo in g m e d the" to ïrau a Kos As eq- boy gains a point by htting ( tic night aumber, lia marksIt wjth a fluger of hle lfi hand, w-iich L X -LIER leL keptioebienhe-as. Fire- points mkteLýYk,-' gante-and whlen 'the- tianb andi fouire lelaisCavrt mdcn. hyd finge:rr cf bbc le-tt baud are extended, net puirgei, giop, v-eenci- cen. 'Thsy île-n tire-huoky- owner of that lianà i act otx ityunthc ste)nacli, iver anà oats a cape-r; and crieis, " Doue-I hbave boels, eoriî!g en$ptB yppie,.ik- eooquered 1" lkoaacolui .iUQUllocoea. Fric. oU 2 la p tue Euc! motpeîhepprainf 13 ure u het th e r-cibed yts ada hsces 013 ,i li The i~ & . EMLS st -r-LIA 1 Llivin IIN IXAL, 1. ["Y.

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