4 I The sIkics of ra ljinmks, musk- rat's, rablbitL £xeader, cats, deDgs, ube fed wlhout tbrashinig. Let the AlJpnta fowls pick them off. On-)L Fam. ealthy, thrfifty fowls areýawy early risers. They should be fed as soan as they fly dowa ffrom the roost. wrTTI'TMi ,nT-~ Hemas xi rarely eat their eggs if ; are cIored ~ ~ , Ij14T~1 ~I\T 1ER[Iflflpnicte. llay Cse OpInions May Chatge. but one thlg that nevor oajeta CA P T. B 1S 'TELL;S 0F THE AWF'UJ MÀ RC HOF B'ITISH T O~h~ ~Ù'~ ~ Ç~ 4i~i- ï, m CUILIý5 wmkýu tulicu uil omuulu L)t5 LFeý8(L 1 fi-R n dav n.nA àlv.výq wýrTnp(L If 1 fý fi., -, ýf 1;-I,.