- t K Dii. L. POTTER.o .'t ieriden , i g St. MISS ETHEL MORRIS, î? iirST. Insuuctions given tinPAINTING t p, aer Ceinto and Chine. Sketetslng ami ý,ii gfre)mcn te. EILN on pi enlises, ir LIDB. J. C. MITCHELL, -Laid Surgeons, Onitareo,ueroner, etc, Itedidence. Ensiskilen. 7 A. E. 1tcLAU<IHLIN, gr ttr, Soîlctor anti Cotteeyaneer. Office:- raýwkley illock, ic g îts, loas'Bnvli Moi.e loin at reesooiabicrte. ROBERT YVU<NG, V. S. OFF1CE IN WEST DURBAiM NEWS Block, wahere timeeli or bitisitnlwtt] ý foùîti items e.rni. otp. nm. Nîght elle et dmce, direct1x opploit bri cub Sed. Cuis b:, algiapeor tetephone su ii re-cen e ;prompt ai tensin. 41 - yr. LTARWOIK.--Ladies wishiing liair Ltdora ovar, caltai Mu1ts Dîciîuutens'e Xirîg LestantiCor tof Ontarile St Besrnenvitt.e, .4 if 1ARBIAGE LICENSES,-Ml. Aý J Issus tier of Mrriage Licanser. Ras .itie cCeti tre et. R.1J. kS. SOMERS, DENTI ýT, G RA DATh 0-F THE ROYAL, COLL EGE Btgework a specietr KIE:Cr Etm nti ongeStreets, Toronto. 16if SIMPSRON & BLAIR. n.B. SIME',SON, Q. C., C RIAS. P. B LAIRý, ýSoicLirs Nîteries, etc, Atentes ecp steira, King Street. Bosiaeîvitte Si.%rsfor thse Cataran Batik. pivete muoneystloened at lowest 1.9tts * DR. J. CO VI LLE, G AU ATE OF TORoN-TO UJNi VERSITI ant Trtoity University. Offitte: Stîver St 'i t is enswered fItem residence of Mi aiBeecis, Ave. 50 ti. A DENTISTRiY. G. O1'3!NNYPASTLR, fh. D. S., D. D. S&, Hoo idite iiDi itsrry of lTrento Uni- verity. irassa-verConcis. Johosu ici and Crydrmen str, Bssealeviite. 18-tyr. H. F. 1UINTER, Oompey Fens b eli et towet curreset rates Uffu'CES RegSt , opposite Dr. Ileridens 00 TOLEND X&Ii '0 P U on oS mort ~sgaect tu' t n dci terates os t et Gentlemen's Cl lies ruade 10 Order.1 Th ev . amaeiscourses on Its Significance. A deipatch frcrn W'shingrou says' Faits I saw, 'une day, ton rairîboss -Bei. Dr. Inîmago prpached -farn vosanning tise awfo laîcocf tisecet-I i i lie iitaxing taxi; '.'tbre w-es a arari o oearis"h-ittyss5of tIi" ('bris- rafinis w-reini about tLi a tinau." tiens triai hever the~ ricis SocS Mvinas Dnrfisg iBe laist s1s-tom o f ail tiii protmises. prcnBd tnoya frorn tisa tcxt una Job, i netune that tise moat beaurtifol "ConiiSer the tra meres efthtie suosa."t things of ibis ix'trld are to bo Blaera 'I's ne rniaîg' ihen I ioeked 0u1 cf! cd is eaveni. Wis" ynua-c tie as tBa wind.eav andI saîatiese aorrn.-tis colooir fade on:t frotih ie reeinhýox tfj rata andal tssasîs comminglig-a j urtis, Yjasecd amitantc,[voS, 'or yen I liguit tisocad antd a SerS ,,hread ilu tise xii scia tue rainhes rond about tise ri cetif thBe storm--îtis ughtIsi souls chrono., t That sîory about tise ivot-l prcacui te you faons (tise assage, "As b0'rning - p bas given me rn-ony a tiBerefin nacmnisi doîvu, anal tisa snoîv pang0, Baut is is not a moe"m3an- fronmBeavan, anal raturnetis o ciel,tisongit tisais roýi» i to corne lB-c.her, buis siertb tis ecadi 's, upniietiis greais glor>' of tise ens, 1»i sBalny swiaS beta t gt oetis tons ont histisamooniaisare tisa cisactîd cf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~s rn aoi. Bti alesiies ptr's, analup-en tise sky, un îviith ioe stoî)rrn began tu ebate,- anS tht' the týransfiguxration tif sonrise anal ligis cerne mcm utise sky, aaltsesn-jsursut tls0 uuig iti leeps and iassels I 'eenis strearnod mie rnye coûm, anal ni tire. Tise tracs mtust tîwist in tise Iho 1ht c nindeal 1 siould preacis to leist flac-tise ces, anal tiseceders, akinj - - end-tiseaptes; baijt in-Seve» tisere y nuabeus Ie haekiug" avay ti ts iallIbe tise treo tifle u tisebanS stera ti lu, ani th "rxibsa f tise river, and tise palm-trocs faom trieunS abent tise thatine." -îkcsLs' co1ta ha ic h otice taiaou buistishe people branchis.sTise Hutdson anS tise St. whsare in tisa arE csa tise rein- fLwrenice, anal tiseOio shah bell in bt-s. Ih casis its shadosa clear don ttie leist flam , bel, s ialisave more ie iuiha sietea saiere tise people s'eae tisan tht-la oeanîy lanthe Liver oif tue hurneS, anal lighrted up ths enti dfaces £o ne h hoe h a-is e-t-B astri upc radiace, Sut tisa>' naltise pcatula"cas, anS tise roses tif coulaltnt se"si.doo ltia hose avio cens xiii siiser in tise bot sirocco tif are, et lest foual in Christ. the ArE, l avil secttcoveapaningigloios' 1 tf tise jud.gmnt, butJis» toitsstif tise wil se th uvrspninng lore-ofgalanda xi iicistiseglerified ,eslt thec isisone. Ronce yen SaS, botter goi W estr; andl ihere miust ho flow'ers, or inteo theAi-k! As you ecolt your rami- tht-ce coold ha no grirlanda, 1>'~~~~~~ ~~~~ on tii loec ts so-rt e tise some tissAis set fortS in tise stoa ther tise auin iseaenae I tsaelvc fnnîi'ttsson ant y.-ialal ai las te se' tise grand- I TfEE Wvm,î4OF IREAVEN. et raaibosi'about tue tisuonc. "Loe k 't. Joun auaousie's 1he twelve fou»- t(re!"sacys Nrais te Six ivife, "et daionnao& this xx l cri b-a, tisa frst, cof luisis bes in isb anuts; anal, Sir anal jîvspa'-yelo aý anis real; tise scona, tof Jejisa , ulecEloo! tise grec», the ycl- isnpphire-a decp bline; tise third, a low, 'Lia ccd anal tisas ngel"'1I cuî1capdcoyi..f ve,ïd beauty; tise eh. naid not w-ond-ac if tif»> tif yonr fasurtis,. emrald-a brigisi'grec» cîvi nUlS-aenin 118ne dntanSdsould [cnoent Jti- -a, c-n dash alfto0, a ahle cry cnt tasyen, "LouE wvhit-; tisa sixtis, sadiis-red anis fatcd asL-ýk, taiecbea tho'ne a rein- ifi. ty ,tiesee ce i, cisy. ltt-e-gncnii b w- rounid ebouisBa tisron.e! ' Yenu Suu; tise etpist-i, cîf bini h green; baS Sete ger tnt-o îhe AisE ixitis l lis-' tiUis mue,)z-a pa.' ga 'animixeS yerfamilles -I nefiL cnh cui- i EXCITEMENT 0F REBATS, 1. ache, ati ou eelbilions, cousi-! Spaied, anS ont tif tueý,sais yeonr itiomacis soon anine apetita, juet bu>' a packagecf à Ani taea dose, -comin to4 pilla. Ton avili h b epniatiaihoar estlyS they waili do thain avonSý, cura yeeurr iseedacise anal e :icu -es, rouie tisef biver anti malte yeoo feellppy again.f 25 cents, SolS yailescieîedenierls. M te dtff-sentpattcsee 'siaathvssndse tuai a ion lit e osd itîtb ci as i Fa a Teey are sp Qi diii a tise t tir test Q 'On 5t5'54 5' tO ait. Sut t.vi ta o' iLs tait rua e est ne tutosi. oî&iU~ t, fors] uia'i et" s'y. t i'si"t c o' et I oit otti a tante, r îttaaeoîidbet' ". îwsb ut ga bard asatS xciii s, . ' i .tcsieee 'il .,î. us aeitw"ucitt, ut iii 'c (i ,eiiaî'osp i " titras, r tira ot aie toraseit ~oar5ttixc iras e, sort0 e~ ~. t it t' N e,îuîc 'N , Âiti tort,' e ~ ~ Outrai Focs eus rosSa aaîiseiy ol glaîs. os. Sisie, sait ase niait 5ene, teti îO'ittiy.ïO.uîtul dio..tui itiioseti. J'~arioca aiS. D'y aie ta bis r tee lier a e pstd este ait 'et Air SuCe ast-lob t' oS ni k dm t' bigitu, ct~uot (Olp atîdWab-esCoo0k se e lad itioeiioerriarstrsirii c itteen. beenit tif'Uidslitis u5t, pntriterere- suailiaob-ens isg heuesettat a.ster fe bieis biliau teisu.,mateni ueda.ins10 il ui- raieÉnetsn nan s otd 5tatd. Wrtîe sud sus mail enCens , seltheiSustues wiuey. art as endauteietidt sis ianssidau atcai~' t- Ses a puliet biritese, acuraus Ainertcun mueenet seasýtis rare viii lat 10yeuse. i ART SUFFLY CIOMPAN5Y, BOXA, Taratata.- Fuarla tan stiitng sony id aste RaisPtlt.sait510uts. asi. Tli arearyrtineyist saresendse tuasadFYt so unun'einlie wD t sent arri vau by nstutn mail. Prominue - seitItl Ce.. Bax k2tTarants. FREE 1W Wetsh tarasellîg anc 2o.i as fa Ced tautiotit ai et as Yer a-it izWttut iteand andE e aa s.T-5iysriý eudFaî diualwtsi es.eWtlbulk ir! Steamer.P~1ni tha Noritaen...... .. .e. 3.. tra Cý'riulia...........Do.1 ...irc Put tsîan .. .......... ...e ..Dc Tuniinm .............. 1 .De,1 iNoitian as Dt RATES8 0F PAS"L u FtirSt cabu, $500andti upavarcet.i'i'i-v anti tipaveas. Second Ceb in $ï35, '. Tisird Claîs *25-.00 a nal$60 For tcketsand ver>'infoAr t>n ci plla tel pwaul" I'Fi ou WANT îo SEF if, jgolden hînîis tiint, I l jacnDt-h- - Ie every losality thr,,igts Caný,aa b introtie 9rslllfiQ-amg lavI{L.&.Mfl c' tl'a jstisai thte cia> giory fLx as i, ue ss-Ët; tise xx aitt-S, urne- ciýs, aistug a:, ste w carda on trias, cier ersuBaiiL i ut CIL aprei-ens stones aro e rlbtîgmaidetnagmtr DENT1STS. 'o ;hcw,,lo aiio;ntruln o1 tefuî,iin itecommsetïn tir saler' j6t tcpet monîh and j sur ce aivbca;netrubane al î bnd tn tf is' vei I epeîs es lnet te exceti eè, -,1_)prr-day. Steady ne snI ticiflaî unnsn.ttî n h-aie t--ia mci e ar et oaI t. (pCnrt ecu iient, , reltbtibe mai Nu I experience nuciflfet Wrjtte for fuît particulars, Will bhaet Black stock on tise fisi oir cil stîs ayen, 'lisa nt On isi top oet isfoundatiesu tistr Mondey tif pacis montis, .xîOreno fauineiVmaE L te rasubas?a nI ymnsaey, "' l ,s sa uiisty n ii fjesr f hs-Empire Medicine'Ai,, Lorîdon, Onit 10 A ni te 2 p m anS et Nexacasîle i s.sun î0ist tisc aghi tis'rainda oJ." -lian elie aendlgonge'tns crinison.a Nfrom -2 "80)tro5.'St)p. se. on tisa s eod 1isnjua] xoucerctI hu1 tiscrecnula iin aidant nont-ast-ticcoltine' t fie oi b aran" - incfavnsic teseis mentistd suIý,;Cj ouS ' r) - T m p i a c S b r i n a i u h-e e u m c o' c p l n d - o s i S e u li n : yn iY u nc a i ls a s s u g e l f o r, " ti e r a l e a si1e hn c is o-tsi isk'aio m 'r .hc r ennoesi round a:ibout tise tisane." - cloS m abst-anenisa wmuest be fIons- 1t5he (Sir etgI ür0 tae ar th is tctohao'tise arîeiseadeiitsae cShit- ve o f sexten'ais Èi ~fr"e essoe nts i fie-luge nofilocd, FLn nations are alt i iat'Bts fiti teSe c0tsy RO Osse thillt",wSu- n e satisn attil serrin-, tise savTrd or sert o x. i WLan wi.'sec a an n veis- tito-'3 secrn almottütdrap ith usrich- aarIl nga x b luieS ailis trouble, snd his he'tsis t-ofet -canr, ah lILe ac goiestied sud tha Ie enrtS is coverois sitis the O.HARND-EN, LSDJS. gocs,' anS b is îi-erty goen, etn-aizdS-'n the deep cs'eriasting celugc-of sorroa., Trouble!t trouble' arLatinate cf the Royal Collage tof Dental SuanS iss tiends go, i xay, ' Nc jw we, ÏLuua cf Chais fiery atone w SecS forntsTisever>'tir-st utterence saisn ave geous, Outauio aXait s"c the gir ry of Gondun tissgood lih(,asecnd ieunatiîn ortiftie aveilycmeisotaw-Slaac>.'ii- man's delivoronne." As et -Niagara xi cl.'lisog'r"an t taleepa utiecul a n' tahiug uldiga r t -p OFFVICE.-Oppesite Express office. IOmn h E n rdso iseWt as ta in E la t e mn' VITALIZED AIR a . oxs nkI utad is obner, n IWSe las ,ske ematmanis oule a':"nex top, tieliha ic-nized ee i en syicIt u ia eagis f W'hai ste\Vstiat at ouble!at N[ITARIO BANYK tiyis csarcd L-t orsisCtur, conuýeýtoo >a Gnerl Bnkig Bsilacis fE laýisaïc i-ýf rith er -iuslt se - trouble! f finis it in tise cetar tif BnsxaasailL ~j fecygasB c tia natani-, tse on-poveat>', anS fear np arnng tiso iseigh s oEtWl ile Genel annng- ficîgra E irof ti" antu,ai e'utasot, en lise top tof tIhe -saga; tortihisalai o DIEPOSITS There is1 i È tise n]eati ciy tVa tisent' t ts ferked bath, gvie caca tise topa cf tiseiigS- taaîei e aineBank Deaenieant antid 2ixig so bad for a jmne n fts ns'lrts est meunteins. lieratalowtaenttraies. Notice of oghas cou- ' fiance ot ixb1atac-a.h Vsa nv fl iieiaseoneeeseary. Alttepositt ayabele I > n t-u u» ial eeeusdNO ISCAPE ýFRCM Ih. tendrmharatise ,fi ry j tlet. le. secs,,as ir ailiYole go im thea store, anis it meets CElOHANGE rindi-,eilbian - ~ pfi44 f disîhroa auJ aiy' asi>n0 aon' bltos' to yioe et ycur cuni g-SeaE; you go rot eooght ant soltiendfrafbs issueS epon Europe, rt~lne sdtu gS n-u rpaeni a atIlcf tha, Street, anis ilmeets yen et tise olset Staas ati Cnada ise eltiSiltniantSh ha3fs tlu %ebeiSabsGaebacks'beogtand'sold wons îh eyn nthaltithe mos beulful cerner ; ycu goc!lsethe isunso. anal it COLETINS4J' ae tt ~ - iogecfcaisxvi h kp~clsSrmcets you: et tise SorPeaxs of povor- Prr1ixnps, ly oeedeatcnnnnct raîteopin aIl partstA "t germ llS of con- n- ' l'tlise sali, cOtin ondtueor in t>' lteara i orf e ati! Itears of ho- -ifrealt B the nisUîted Staes anS teal-sincheatni ler1 inî "'lon cýf aa. ~~'t 'sumpîjon. cS p tterasa anusud ahut tise thaine.rea ecmntl[-a seug, e t ea rs!a Ctis - TeleraphTranfers - - ur cough by eintca-c nîrl tifeIglreS togethea froua ,ailthebbc anrisc>'o St::: ~~ r$at'~~ 4sig the family cf afaîe ncgts e'petiLae.I1111ulc float an erk la'-gea tisn Ncah's. er1 rernedy that has HTaxve you acaeen aclot-bSursisIBttstlrfaStnis pbts 'r tc etla. - soit)en c u r in g ahanaiaxoVe hec i Sa y,ý ohcu s it ;neSd ias'tisat apanis thol thatne, shiahtsee mati. ond avîlaileet nceattisa place ni e ni. t '-icotigls snd cls sif il wmodneerstp Sc, tisat ftisa islug a 5' N ivrn Fon othar nartictlana eauai tetheanîr. ;o )f every kind for if i L nouaie»in tisti si-y 1 tonouueplae.tp i blinlS ÂJ. Mc.Cesssuxxs, GEO. MCILL, r r suXty yslirs. You tis a n'ien3 scevo,ýjbau adroîvat - ee ifCthe isaaonhytem- ÂccoubentManaer ~ can'î afford te be whth- yesu liaine appo-aisenson, for : s !fr lsn; nue grinding tif imern-I. s-dieredun ctifir liS. Tise>' THE Dw QOFPROVE - i- t tBeranboîx. andlread, in! 5'I anta n is -hui sS5e .cyohleîx anis ast, anal grec», anal S 1ý oClse g bri avdeswcbat tiLoock to L vS 'dOrange anS indigo, anS vip- toc narch acuune tise thaonnatf the lais,'Tac>' salisunger neonreneitb- iCngtu Se seas unef ibat tise deloge oreBnt a> mr; cthrtiat h mi cf riai its for cisar pasi. sun ligisI çn tisal, i», n ujeat; for jOn ecarcs, ishe deluge nf aindoyens - tis) aýi uS iich la to the midat bf jtha topa of tiseiigihsL at uniains. 1is thiatrue,ssal fouis tismand Shoait frlr. X-I sy, ohnI agoin'2-- Iheard an Adîpine guide, anal 1h' moa legStiseinunto living fountains af sto bkfigaltgeisr.We ' stuapendous cvictcnca ofrGeS's poavas-,waters, ani Goal,,hall ivipe asaa>'al ca e ILUTTRELL'S, se> a lismue-a4n cabgrasptar fomtcfricyour In Gd o BomnulescgooaBread cough. 1The cneto earasbsmleat tmia7n'or tm ier0/t"Tsn o and hasadJ Pies, auJdr of the îhroat and lunS i iepes ots SIg fa» iegoyeaaitt ts hno Cakecs, aJ -rernovsd ; al infla7-nnma,-a ,l1 L alcls Ocaca totp tif the biheat 1 Ois that nier c a l- okupc» M.X.-] ilt amh o' e' tien is subdusd; sdteze-n-lirogs lvenge, drunk- tht Sexcwof p'itut ' rit' me uy ore îîwiî ~ cough dropsawy.en nnss,timpiety talsehood, blesphemny, eiwsshand! W , -,ct ' le separate SortIte th testplandollar size is techsspèý'î- iitbs bla att.NasaIn tise hue cf a' Ititia-h1.bIneS the sauuum1er nwa.es o sponhnd or aSac u uiniË, tandon is cr my Lord; en t t. rio flos9.Alex. Luttreil.1 the 50c. size for coughý-s SîtIed in is, St. Petersburg is tisat cclouredist in S t» J grec», PakrauConecîonrBwmasoulehave had for some > e.edlii,- ogeu snishrsthe frosleîeess 'V us.r;ce; in tise vio- urn e; the2c.szefr -era cioieneal un it. Bat tise redo-baissueit' falbst an ordinary cold.ea, iuinpunIe the "reinhosix roundefbultieendkIisrgtars ,j1about tise tht-cnt'," aoc tisa pleSge tlat tflv au-it u cieel ais;ie8 Taildia s t-a aneS ionotisae ms s>m ateIs tits r"ais'cne"pon.Ây'., ise','ea',u-,uit eS tisir estai» gnnig, nalxx um s t t 'o etIl asie1 das ISl. eotîaactaaifocseane)' e uS ch:.uiee tiir tlettito, aver.stnrent oW it' lisaiET saaBtb;d he e Lsdy's C'sio, v, ahatavar au£'ntIns tisaane and anddee. 'fluses hast reaiseastviettarite tisa De in ttitsarstet.- faLy.Âtlrqe ibic tnplt;onmu".cers mnilavn ed asis pîes esigis e Ciaeallas, BsseDa.JO. AsS, othei, Nsa. l>sseis, ue.îlits se sîsaes.sars site28,uel itrke e vn' ubse f mtn is _______________________ '[ayekassa bsetforthawthu Go. " xceR aboa agin tea Taratata, dalu.e cnat oa ts 'id, i o. N-ri th ocl . Iffou ýýe "" Wio 1 r- d 1 ,, I. 55 FreqluelitiV ten-ds Ioa 4lisstng silps eto STelis the ston', ' lin our beadit ieTangue. mik 101e eîe c Ii ete l wl Bidaa prettpro ram of ilinitraiad articles,'--astipsrb panor aa of tise Rlie '-John Bach frcMsu'5ei groop tOf atctes on Daoutl Weeatar,-eolo.,rpictnree, etc.. Thea Cen tira sill presant, bsgining wi'ts Niventier, 1900, it ira bsue of tise ien Short Novels n pes Storles by F. 's nsey, IedadKpig Amns Bei-ett, inlcrn fcW. C(Jblae. S8 ia, ithl Winatt n Choclill, Thrm, s6NalsenPage, d-Win -Aga Dix.-Brh tEa LDaviS Grny, Fen R.Sokr l. 0C.Hris, ïRis Mc7_E hery Sîuat, Bret T'ente, r>se. Lcw Va - lace, W. R. Howat's, Cais nlyWannen fleura Jamen, ELisuaripis Ward Sarih Orno Jewett, MauyE. Wu Stu. "'TEHELMET uF NÂ-VÂRRE" A great navet, fuou f il, e. -nnurc, and l,,icîeu, tise scene lidluli Frapce ibrea 'usondr@ etyaîs ago, Isagan in tisaAugnat, 1900, Canine-a, anti witl cituticus fe)r severel moutsîba t'.1901. O(iticq avarywhera are an- 'liuiî¶c 7r tisa opsalng chantent cf ishis reunarkabla story. "To auslhor's faaceis cpt'anently eetablihad with thi ur me dan tiPn,"ts tis Bstn " rucrp> Tisa Clecilla it "A tmra afiec FilL . ~1, ubeun e Th itei euwisiteounthr fr Nvs'mler, 1900 ait ranue feacf hage is thiee prea- ,'ne nomberegss, Septenîben and Octohber, con'ac ts Cieh eýpt8rs tif "Tise tllet f Nara' or, if these mum- cnsrhalt , tisa ui cei ea fiespel-a met of Nlrr"coûaanîd lisra nmhsrs Air for tise F"ai uneerie s nhsrîisng $4M0 a year. Ths Century G3o., Union Sq , New Perhaps tiesa rarteait retort ever givari to a Beck'ar by a Parliament- ary candidate w-as that of Disraeli wè- iasha furet cantosteal -ifgis Wy- ri's opponant, standing by ,his s1ds tan the same hustings, had pro- cilamadis, upomponis roues, "I stand for tUâs seat upon thes constitution tif tisa ctoitry, upon thebroad acres tif rny fatîbaýre, upon basa, ptopcrty, and order." "AnSd what Socs Mr. D.'saei stand on?" ehouted a manfrom tise crlowd tif upturned faces. LiS«,ea f'ashtif L'ghtning itBe future Prime MiunsuorreplieS, I stand ripe»rny BieaS." Evicin Ma. Balfour lossBoai heed tic- casienaily, as w-Bain comrnning on tBis lacis that Scottisis deisates sic-c osualy cuonducteal in a bouse, w-isch Be Sescrîlbed as "'an mpty theatre tif nasympatistie auditors"; and 15 it net on record that Ma. Gledattine chargeS an er*neaut Conservative viti "aiak'îng biis iscad in tise tacts tif his own wordsj" Sr Fredorickç Milnar eaiE'enlipsed tisese- -ora tort1c%l -efforts -wheun, -in- spe 'akî,g on tBe Budget, he saiS, "A reîv me>' ho draiied dry; anS if Chan- celiers tif thei Excisequar persiast la mo'eting caca>' deficieun>' tBatocecurs by taxirsg the breaviug aniS diestili- eng industa', isba>' ail] ineaitabi>' l tisc cois that bays 'tise golden milk" At theis Cnerai Election oif 1892 a cand.idate for a Yorksisire borougis starbeed BaS sympatuhizers and maSo Bis OPPoneutts anUe bye say'ing, tire rotundo, "We have SelSd oui the olive braucia, but our oppononts have hurl- eS àt bacS lun oua face. Tiis olive br -anuxisas nosa hecome a consorning fira andS a he'som oif destruction, ho- fore w-BIcStube>' ais be swept awey as nkhaff bofore tisesainS." mlhisa "effenlosuon tof ml2tapi'hors"5 w-as, Bosiever, qutte l'fYiintise sisada bye an cloquent Iris,1i candidate et the lest G-aieraI Eleetion, ivist, in speak- sing tif a certain erninent statesman, said; "HiesmnooËrB tangue is tisat tif a serpent saici bures "but iso destro>', and whîicis iolals nuissugaplunasi Que hanS cli le lu tho otsei>b. isolals an unsisoatised dagger boinS its bacS." A pri-sornea lu an Itatlien jeu bas GrnnysImperial buildýing aetthe GTARTLING 9FAI7';S FOR DI,0SEASED IOTIMS. CURESGUARANTESO OR NO PiAVI lasses; rasteas; haggard loekrng; areak bacS; isona peinai ;hei Ico e îens; so3.17t rit seaIcoe1~dpoit u re aa dan e toi; Sisintý!fàîanat cniec;lask iz enegyandstenris- R AN CURE VOu I RESTOREO TO MANHOCO BV DRS. K.. &K. JOHN A. SIANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CfiA.. POWERS. CHAS. POWEBS. ar tif risetorie whDith gracid the sapeet tof a c'nairman in the Midlands whemn ntrtducing a certain "s&fl- Imade" canfdate; "Hie may be a rugl diamn, but ha te a daeronS w n Ch Ch cars the white fbower cf a iblamciless hufe, anal hears aloi t in Bis riîght hanS thse tords tif truts." 'The poýiticýien who magnanimtiusl3 d&clareal that Býe "aoiulS not repeet wiheat haý was gýoiung t say," andtIhie gentlemnan siLo rafarreýd to certin'»of- ficiais as "i.ron-bounal in aed-tape," avare quite riv'lle1 by the Iriis- candi- r1date wise se îd, "Ltact hle he oua sheci- cianc'ntr; let u aswear it proudly anS teoyally; and if our enamiess enI. lct us puash it doisn tb.alr recreant ibyls a9tranige jumb'e tif metaihors was ecrunsi, but net quît'2, equallad tey the pataietîc candidate w ho de- O iarad, "Tihe Brifais lien bials defiance te ail Bis anemuies, sud liSe tise Jug- ge'rnaut ha ix ii cruuýh his eppouaents benoatis hie pendarous aisecla." fiThe caubryti menuier w ho sia'd, "AIl a'eniig the untreýdden pasofthitie pat se icdsctern îhe fetitptînca tif anun- sm-en Baud," Led ne unnerîisy suc- cessor in tise carudidate ,v-heodociýarcd, 9"We arc noix entcring en a uow unS untrnddeu peth; bu ,t .e vieha t e nd- cjd by the footilats tif tise greet mati LIwn1 bhae"gene belote us." It was Sir Geerge Bal'_four si-o, ro- ferring to a prepovcd lban 10thie Indien Treesiury, remarbied tnat tise r! pslîry sue ni 2,000,0001 as an mare .floabile in tisaecan"; anal avis, saiso 51pspaking about Infalta» miitary ai- taira, diaciarad'tisaI -tho pale face ni tBhe Britirshisoadiers aes tise blckhone tif our Inian Arrny." For SntieUss ITBSremarkahl mobnt lsrtgat ~ pnrtxy lîeg pr 1îe8, tic- riai u om Crs, t-Le Ç great skin cote, w'rrant tihe use c f CUTICURA SOAP, lu ihe fortieofibatise for ennoya ingIrrItations, tnfleuutna- t ons, anti chalings, for tee free or offensive psara-a ton, anti aiso in thefor. tif internai sieshesanadtisolu- tions for ulceratîva weaknegee, andi for neans' sfananive, antiseptiopierpoBsa wlulcl rratitly anggest tese stasoruenantI"aetl ly bo nothers. The use cf(CuTîcasAeOloimtant - Isth CUTîcuUAx Sosalît si uggest usd1 lu et severer case,. Seld bySail ColoalCiCaut. Die ZIM. Voi., soes Prepa, Boston, U. TUn Great EnpUish Reamait. q W Solti anti riconmaendeti b>' i t tiuggîsts in CanaSa. Only rail- r ble maedlctuîa titcovarati. Sil pclcteg uara)cz to te ureacl forméo exelWak al affects of abuse or eooMaiWrExcessiv use of T- becco, Opiumr or Sttm;leuta. ýf allai on racelpi aI prýie., oun ackiaga$,sx,$.OitsUpn thz)lzý)e rampblets frea to auj retdreas. ToWood Cepamy, W udsor, Ont4 WootisPhosýphoinasl l uenula hy Stott £x Jury Higgiaîhotham i &Sou ; Onono I J. Qhfilen; }S7ewoastlab!JY Dr.Paa.na """'w. No medicel d iacnvery fer y cars bas proveS tas successami as Dr. Gcldberg's Latst ttcd Treatme.r, it- s e ccouea tiof Cears cf experietîce ; et vubaline tise saut te1, cqnelicev, circnla- tieon. remos uail obstr-ucious, cenvequertty is tIse oniyeicetuhoti aecognis'ed as a apeedy anti permanent cure fer Varleciea ne Striensaru, witbout use otif te or-loua of lime;-,il absorba ina avormy condiý ion, aise tise sîreciere, stops tube smerting.sensation, unatural dSe 'arge, lberehy strangtiseeing tise parts as iveti as tise bacS, aned neeores leai poavere. B5nod l'oisnsreadily Yielstae te s influence-, it l ieoeigte cradicaises ishe poison rote tisac syvses; if yen baive so' e tLrcat, p att-Les on tengue ot mentIs, siaclien glands, hait fallut-g ont. ltiches on body, itcbîng skiai, or orbes signa ci iBis en-fnIl la cee.s, yen -iii] lIt thIsI.atusis MeReS Trateneatavilt cmure u w-usent Marcet>' or Potassiume. Facts For Patients, TUE LÂTýEsTM'T I. Dr.Codbat-g Sas 18 Dtpeomas, CentificatesaneuS Ticenac3s,siis TUEATSET Is suffitusent goaranteeaes te bts standing anal abilitias. 2. Eeeh urne yen cali you s'a Dr. Colisera peteonalîs-, avile ail otier Chronirc, Pni- vata autalBlueS Poiton epecialisia have anme iscter n »charge of-tiseir ociIce or have an, assistant tc dector yîo. 3. Tise Lat 'as liedTreatnsant Siaccrared bye Dr. Colsibare la rcogoized as tisa meost speecly anal permnanenticute for Blocal Poison, Chironi', Pricate. N'ervons Debilit>' antiIrniseenccs. Vucecocale anal Strice re ureS avtheet ci'stinj or cli, ciig. 4 Our record s aise moto acteal cnt-et than saliacuber pSiltsts combineS. 5. WVa cceaptno ineerîble t-ase fer treetuaeuut. 6. We are itue only Sectors cf or spalt>' sho ara willissg taw-ii for ts paynvutîl yen ara conainceal hti a cemplama nere lias beau esiahblbshcd. If yen denhti', rttyelus andseac. Calteér write for btar.l ic ome treetteeni, BeooE frac. Heurs 9e-.m-toi8p-ns. Sendayes0la.m. teS3 pa. 291 WOWR V. DETROIT, MIOH We guarantee that these Piaerang ill relieve pain quicker titan any other, Put n=oxly In jn bq 25c. tin boxesând $U01. ellows you te cul ltae »DeL Ett:;':mlîy s houlti have ose ready for au o@mer- DAVIS & LAWRENCE 0, LIMITi, MONTRAL SURLteL YOR PINSWIT A. Mmdlviâ e .C Ie i Sipl, efand e BEWARE OF MITArON i ORAMP8, IRis THE uni PFýp;aS ai 1 1 - - . - - - ý <- 1 --1- ý-Ilýýý,ý.ý,.ý, -1- - - -,-iýar LAW 1 ý go Diossu L5AfuRT xra 1;T1LATsx'siTIBErnas FLITaE;T.<, raeTiÂie NO (lAMES 0OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTKN CONSENT.ý John A. Manlin say:-" tne Ofaitisaceni laiýs v-V, VARICOCELE tistfaayineeccmnactai1jen igaI etsaneumadîca firmtseuSndspeut $20 telitout vu E ~ MISI N AN b Lava n udaspair, 'Tisadrains ou my syst m war EMISSIO Cî weakonitgMuy intellect as watt as my sexeal euS se qcý, I tVPOTENCY bUs. Mylnotuer advissd yse as a lest res tio couisti Dr.Kennedy du rgan Iommencadti hin NewMliahot i OU r!ED Treaimant anS lu e fae veeka aras a nae mn», stblinew lifa anti ambition. Tisewu afour yeanýe anS notew specialits9 to al My afflictet i. A fel en adhpy."eomed - rial CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. "Tisa vices ni eaaly iscyhocti laid tise fincuntiiof my miln, ter ou a "gay lufe" euSd exposa-e to bilocS di- mesas counpleted tisaarracît, I lied aliltisa symptoma cof yp hu1is, Emissions Narvons tiebiity-annkan eyes.aemlasioua, drain lu urina, nervonaneas, seeait cetce. syphilis causaci my haInr Va feUl ont, boue pains,nicars lin ootis anal outong, iocl, ur u blotches on body, etc. I tssuSGoS I brieS lIs. Renne 3y dRanga. Tisey restoeaS me te Seaitis, vigor antihd s-t 'De"w-le M' We tract eand cure Vari*cocele Ens satns, ', " min Wenkness, G/cet, S"ricturc, Syf/is, Unnaturs -- -Abuse, Kz'dney and 13/a eder .Dzseases. 17 VEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 C-C R EA DE R!Are yon avicblm? Haveyesu lest horse? Are yen ueuimlhe e Ner ITitnaaresîneait wit cure cou. iVIat lb bas doue for othars htI Scierdonf,011 CON$ITA PTiON FRIE. No m'tber whobo bt eated Yen, write foraun tenneet oululon mec cf Charge, , nargas reascnable. B00K$ FARE "Tise Golden M1onitor" iutaido Disantes tif t-n. Instose postage, 2 cents. IlealeS. £ÀÇNO NAtalES USRO WITH-OUT VVRITTEN CONSENT. PR..- V E.No mat!!Iýýna s nt C. 0. D. No naman on bosces or envel- opes. Everytbilng conela nitial. Question lilf andl ceet eofTi-sat-' ment FREt,2_____î o~~~~~~N V1KN ERAN. 4HELBV ST IIELIABLE WA-' 'T 7-- D - - - .. -..