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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1900, p. 2

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thle farýiner, pr-p morc a anyoher0 rtisn, s oblig-ý sufeér acutel y, simpty frorn the fact that relief is iln-anvenient.At the same lime a man miglit live surrounded by medical practi- - tianers, andthen MR. JOHN ONNELL obtain littie or no rle from rheuînatisni, once the diseasti permeates the bload. It is, the discovery of Dr. Hali's Rheicumatîc Cure that then praves -a 1boon ta the rheumatic- su'fierer. MrI. John Couneil, Bedford Mils, Ont. h-a a bad attack of rheu. mtîism from April tili june, twc yrsago. He ivas so bad that he could flot put his foot on the go uniid. Hie saw Dr. Hali's Rh. eumiatie Cure advertised ini the papers, botught two bottles anc usd hem -bath. This sa relizvec Uim that he svas able to walk aunand affer using four botes h xas perfectly cured, anc lisnot been troubled with rheu- maimsince. Tie. Rail's itiatiiu Cre irs put ep la 50 cenl b us eî iiufs cgtenc di4s'trai tact. Fersala St3 ildri sud deaers lin dlire. Thse Dr. it]l Mldila o, Rfgitû, Ount. ~i, &~ L TER PROt. MMg 'i a 1 uiroaImueit apalu k epaCE, tou oe1 refer to ariothei -Li Mr. Burden, which eter h -À îîor a diappointed ceffisae-seeker, 1 wonld aêk Mr. Burden, vho wa- treasurar dnrîog 1899, if tisere vas âZiy irreagularity lu tis6 payosant' of towL accounte, why ha Paid those accoantsý You krnow_ M.. ýBurden, that if fth% tsaiuatas were excueded, as you ainu aiWe, tis t yon, Mr. Burdan, ware par ao~lyresp 'neble tor paylng any le tegolar eoacents. But yon Becem i, *duIý that , ou do not know yen areý rerîîmc zîog yone ovu vo, k. Tise towî *acenf afer the ye 1899 havealal bau endited by tha bau audîtoro, anc found corret, willi a bilance le favo; cf tht towu, and any false talamatuir yenMamy mko te dîcelve tha alacter, won t alter mattera1, but mttke yen th, smck (A ail. Yu are weli- eamead tisa mixer and rnuddler of figure 5 as y.îu have neyer iiaaned a cuarece slawaiut vhie yen wera Treasurer ùI thc town. Nov seir, tom ten page twai cf eue finaucial alalement for the vea' -1898 Aîîd wisat duo>ou fiud. Yoby t- ornent msya ysurecalvafi frein the 115 i o tcfr. 3lst (4f Dc, 1897, thse aun oî $13 349 75 a-ijd aou pad eut on ths, saine pagý $9 345. 16 dnring miese ain. S datce. YouI sioulti bave, accomding tý e hoUbt.iee figures, a ba1aucoe)1i- baund c" $4 004 59 ai thse 18tu-o Jnij. 1898 ; bit vitl > iarefiÀ.On pego threcoth ls 'arn' aalemn.,yen hàvai. f; -e,'nce cA ti'23o le of etJar). 1898. N ýw r Mc Iitirda ,tîa you explean te tri' pbtbayen did wîtls that balane I aoud 01fo ano aient ace C ry ni sla th ie bllCee. bu for thofinleîm o of e setore , s yen hae mi d socfigunres et52alo aur2C encvaiIlfm.I rn pie -a' te iyou, t;;m sfr triada ani et-e j fr 899 ~~ tou ;o ccat S8rnplyb . y o ci100 c xe ipwIU tc ht o 'r-g tel ~vsîl nprk-esinla 52 ce paton or'iaiey irada yee ar domai. soecîbiu of vsteS 9]reut ar ota -uiÀg 'mie yre osoui TheCantlan ctedyfo ai e'-e. e .-tai; iY ýlaursc a mener T~T i t-;Y~nW kt.. iuid'n; yî n ce oa'u s epig ica 10 eg timen, Lare Btlla~ 5 citî, s-' -old înie ni ethe siaeent tb-ý DAV 1 &L& N PCE dO, Lisatei, -2 vas for "ýa g 4ýuîer pîpe,"&as h-, proyp ery Dais,'Pain i er, v ih~~ e ienÀdrcgh New Vont. Aottîsi tear ia9. y unar smc a 4slt --y'ln s i t'he ýo nOfl toe ' ilby rat-, for Hîgis S io 1 -as the fa- 'cabamw0üc $966 79 sud 2137 M7 Yee hshd Stter .1u0 tise smt iles ani too wIl fiud tisa, iha atuaon'. te b cl i-d>t' -nur 'o ilathe lvealite, ti I; imisS-~ rxpnditurtoy m89ni 1: 2i7 77; te ocî.o v7 77 Cu' 1 nt taaklis ol etieral- hae a'o- nt a eredi in -u ui, e., Lie fr 1899. Noa ie, .tiaatnYes h t.uC etflis- tu ccea, îots as uteodaist. Y o sactif ty 6c lar ha imnpression t 4a; ï,ha Coul al e mbîeefor tise us vTraa,vi n cs a malter oft faci, thie is he ar of t tisa ratep- are un genarci,' wbo V.îîcd n Vlav lise(à@Bt-lae tf 950 le Ina Demlnnon Orgs Ce P4000to t's h h tta'îe oSi0ec. lie '3 ltt f ir- peoýecrlon Buot y cn ta i iei he, tisait between ix or The oid relabis remedy for smai, iigb.e,, se utlisoucue deilars of , tise daban- a,rbsad aliformso amp t auin îscs u dtion. In th isa m'amu, ha- ttesua biemis becaissit 6e anet ilsler. 1' b- aisenpalf iree1893. Yen alisi ýký Dr. . J. K,,dmd .md 1- 'easueCO.atartxa -Oa s i i y ts 0mon the-ogr a.k o gtt 'r thie terni of five yuara, and Mr. 1'ampball Informed ne tha.t if they 'nted thC.t tinie, thoy would l%%t for a entury. Are any other ques- iosyou wonIld lke !anrnWe3red, Mr. B>urden. Now treat thia usto aclnl:Did yon over hear of aê Town Preaaurer lrauing hie ohque for town vwork upon prasentailon of order.aign- od by the Mayor and Town Clerli, btating on the face of therne ordera wiiat they were for, and then askîng where ai apent hie money, Now, sir, why dont yon net like a main and tell the ratc-payera that the seetbere cf the Coir cil nover handie a dollar of the town funds, and that you, a@ Town Treasurer, In 1899, gave your cheque or every dollar Êpent by tbe town and ha t you wera personlly reeponaible or every deilar @eai; contrary te the taîntes. Allow Ma to gay, that va ,vill neyer Rot new industrie.e eablih.. ad hore unotil v get botter railway feieffiles, Tise prenant Council have oie evt)rything iu their power to -t cure the .ame, and wïli lenve no atone anturned to eccî--mplimh that ensd. 1 would agkir he Editor to parden mne for iceopylng go mnch of hie vaiuable apace, and beg 10 romain, YVours truly, JOýHN B. MITCHEL. THOSE HORRID CROSSINGS. EDITOR STATESMA,-.-Thosë 0fiat cross ings on King st are thDegreatestblund- or made in thse receut local improve- inents. In muddv weather thev are simplv abominable îheitt the corn- mittee cauld be thinking about to allow such a bituoder V) he madie I cannot imagine. Merchants are finding it ian posible to keep their shops clean and adies iu crossing the street have te carv their skirts above their anliles for safetxr. The crossing at Mr. Turrer's corner is another wretchodlv muddx oee ten tlieusand tiîeos worpe tlïan il was befire tne pavement wa8 laid. The crossiui-s ai Mrs Prower',. corner and at Mr. T C<. Jeweil's corner, not pave ment ones are verv bad too and have beau ne-iectad long onougrh Bad as ros-ýin%-s are tbrought e miî- tal'es Matde, theai might he imî ýroi cd were thev clenned tif etftener. but an long~ as they romnain ns they are they will ho, an intoiera bic nuisance. PBrn rc T ýZ [cpavement creasitîget;siiiluave been siightlv dttnx-rx and îi buit tltree ,rr tour- jusches *hi-iser tisani 1ev-are, thoan tYie gi-oundtlFrsî- -eplaint -would ho wanitiusg,.-EDI-rOR] A <4001> COUNTRY. Site ls a ii-h ad rare Janfi d toit.siîa's a reehan îd faie landi; Sua te a dear andi rare land-i Titis Caitada et Tomn Davis Witi tise p:o.ýeessiie Lihet-al Gev- orsîmont lu poe-r fer anothetis-eers at least, tishe utâh oethlis cosantr-e nead hlave mît apprehenslun abot ftise ian mediate<nuture. Thegresenit outiotîk is mIot Ieisdturagln- . eis l aork toe eves-ybîtdy étnd wlieu work is pleut% uionevy coules as a naînral result %A'ih read-, markel t tfaie prices for everv prîîductoethlie tain, lisera rnnut cerne as a reïsult a cerrespseidiug drm andt frotn t te ceunrr 'vtir everý petiduct tif te mii S'and tactera-.'T'ise mones - aili ol'epop u tise mo-vo and tils "none V tisat makes lte mare go" and bUsines toe Nov Camadians, take isearl, bend v oue energ-;ies te tise wock te w-icS yeu ara adajîteci, exernis(vjudicious econorny et ail tusses, stop wrining. cisear up, held 'ittue bead up- sow faits iniour belovei (anada, vote aq oftotn as pus -5ibletfinr tish ieaeoeruaa at 5our future lie sisould ho cbaraclerized b'- coetmut, liappines amnd presper.. ifs-. Stanîd by yonr ceuntra- and tise Goeveri-tmueut tliat is makiug il warth living imn 0K. I JJAI{LIN4jTON COUNC[L. I Mr. Parr's store andl resfiecewill sooni be again ccia astise Parr family are retufnling tIf live in Black ,stock..".Ur. Naanvh liingover the cornear store. .« . me.M, JCail ournedw inerchanittaihas fitted u.p a shop lu the Commer-cial ilotel.. . .Mr. Swain oas almost umpeted the new stables for the Rryal lii...i.... Dr, Mellow bas tise polasilu pos;i,ionfor a lino (romn Port Perry tWp our village, ... Mrs Johinston1Pupo, bas been calling to se ber fins. Teanimal meet- ling of Cartwright branch Bible societv vras held -in th-se Piesbî teian isc'u Thursday evenîng-. Rev. J. A. Mc Keen, Orono, delivered au excellent address. Tbe athrn was twice as large as any ie hý ad previously ad dressed.. . Mer. Morely Peust, dru.-gist, Toronto, wvae home for a few dss. Mliss Martha Fergî-uson, le quite iii Dr, W. A. Fis is improvng,.. . The communion seri-.ce iseld lu tise Preâibv- terian churcis tw,,o weeks age wae largely attendmd. The building was completely filled .... Dr, W. A Fis hbas resigned tise treAsurership of tue Home Cirle .... Tise local Divisioî- S. of T. have invited. Enaiskillen Division to visit themn Dec. J-3. Rev. IL M Plialen lias beauenecteci to reneesent onr Dlvi ,loi n t the Granýd Division meeting this wieek in PerL..: Mlisses Emma Parks, and Miss Minnie Hlarrison recentlv leftt our village te ti iLe a position lun I'. A. Eaton'e.. .. Da "d;Iltie who retnrned, invalided frorr ise anadian Reeiment lu Halifax two moanths ago, là eapidly recnvering. Hoe a a divine service lasI Sulay-hé fiest time siliee thse latter part oif .st iuter --,Ir. Stili- man is turnin' eut a lairge quantity of butter from Oth(I',cre iera Hev. Dr. Youn-, Port Hope, preacls- ed edncailotal sermnons in the Simuco nýt. Metisodist cismîrclsSnnda y. Hev J. J. Ra(- was luPort be..Miss Dcîsy '%IcBrien bas genete Stanton, IMo, reside witis her brothse, Dr William MIeBrien.-d urneler studîos.. ,Mr. GKo. Rysr s., Wicrtou, was tes-remt guest etivs son Mr.S.D.Boies, manager Wsti' Bkerv ...Tise Ac- Lent] hlm Carrnage Fsï'ctory omploeas are workîng eovertime, Tise prosp)ects are tlat tise ( oiipany wîll enjoy a tine1uîtcýRntaci otu-isIese t 1i14 %nar.* *.,- Mr. t-mamuelGious bas purchased six tlwellîngs s William St., whicis be- lesgdte the 1) sotale. M r .Robt Devidson 5Gac-s et8 oftise Hancsck tarrn, nortis casï et lise tewn. Mr. iVin. M1cCh iesn4ey, a!lot f-ntise Misses Bili ings on Ceîre St;... O0tsawa i, new nefaring the 5,01)0 point lu population. Tise Assessor's Uoeu places tise figures aI 4,580, an indrýýease of 379 for tises-car Bs tise lime tise Domnion cousus le taLon we shail eot hofar short cf tise 5,0 0 sak .... ýMr. E T, Siernon, B. A., Matisemeticai Master et Ofbewa, HaYýIon, lectured Monday evensng week an tise Ianmortality et te Seul and T/aRefornmr a-sas ait wass tii cvery s-spect ous'e ofthtie bcd oeff tfs &long- tisaIhue eer dehlivercii in tise lewn. Me..qStm ans incisive roasounu aud axteuiive .. ,ý,Jedge, coupled with hie literar'v cabliit, peculiarly fit ii te decl cx'isau-;tfvelv witis subjecîs et this nature....sSiesMar Alln, New, castie, le visdLîX -7 lir aunt-Mes.M. Lý Augal mT. V94À14NON. Visitors: Mc. cnd 'Me s L Bradley, En- field; .1e cKssckand Miss ilaisel Pa-coe, Solina; niss Ella and NJasters 1Heranan, Fred au d Roger-Beacock, Cart- wtright, at Sslc. Corners; Me. and îles. D SioDougall, Osisawa, aI Mr. H. Abea- ham's; M iss Carniie Knapp, Brooklu, at Mr. J. OechardI's; McIr anmHezzlewood, Osisawa, at rle. j Garfat's; Mr. and Slrs, Tewn R ail, HmtoNo-V. 24, 100. Ragnir mothlvmeetig, mmber ailpre-i sent, tbae reive oresidii, iniutes orlest meet I ina, read and confit uîed.' Counilor Brown re ported re roadway le tthe beachi betwecn lots 201f îog tisat il would cost a conaiderable sain and reeommanding that'the matter be left over tilt next year. Report adopted. The mattrr0f forming a union school section at tire soutis west corner of the township iuc]nding a portlion of EHast Whitby wvas again considoreti, and it was resolvafi not te take any action at present, James Wilson, sr., complaluad Ihat a culvert placed Iin front of bis preranses in Tyronie was inaufficient to carry off Ie water, consequentiy it fie wed back loto bis cellar dolng danmage The clark was raquested to wet-tc lUr. cnfou'td askiig him f0 open np the ditch seS that noEu thbr daniage be doue, W. Lynch applied for remunaratlon for work doue in letiîg ff water lu front. of bis praiies. Not granted A petitien signed by W. G. Rundie andi ,)the -8 aeking a'd for Mrs. Blake Coulter. Rer tantme was fput on tise Indigent lilt for eS ari montb . The report of the a, blîrâtors inthse malter of torming a union scho.tA section by addiug a por- tion of Clarke te mection No. 5, was,. on;slderedl and ou motion it waa resolvefi f0 refer the saine baek 10 lise arbitrators on accouaI of illegaltly 0f tie proceedings. Application was tmade for a grant te aid iu seudiug R Brantatire100 oa pitl. Not grantafi. Il w as rept-aaantad 10 the conocil tisat R. iluntona lied retîderad services in taktîîg care of an âflEctefi family ati Burke ton. Tire council belîtg s,îcaýfi fi Ihat the "lairn was a juat otie granled hlm sti Coanicîlor Brown pi-esenlad an aceount frein E. J. Clarke for w~ork donc ou 4th concession and asaignud ovar tluthim for the soin of $3264. A fter dia cession if wàs moved by Cou teiller Pa'eoo sec- otîded by Couneillor Foster and resolvefi 10 pay the laim. Bylaw QM7a was pasd providlu,- for holding the municipal elact;on for tise year 1901. The reeve aras autborized 10 grant farlt er ordars on the troasurar as olos T. Slain- ton $54; J. R. NWarry ",4 66; Mrs. Webar $7M3; J. Clamant-e>9,84; L. M\ Courlîce $iS.67; T. J. T. Cola6$24, al for sheep darmages; J Y, Cola 75c; S. Allnt-,.7-t; J. Oke 0,4.45; Potter & Staitoti 80c; M 's Webbem $2; P. Miitoney '$1.50; i. B. Fostar $ 185 Ba Coirtica 6 for gravaI; J. Basou for zravai a&ad cedar le 25; fG. Saidercocis stoina for bridge $1i,50; Cý Rogers cadar and nalîs ?,L80. Mpiallai & Ce. lomber '7.77; J. Aldaw irtis dra ittng gravai 9H 20;5.I.Dvy grat o ppsfor public water trough $8.70; J. ctit 'as aeIxaPI.oced fer taktog C Rosa Io Asyluin t18 75; W. onan lime for dislî;ecti.îg 93c; T. J. Ct;rk repaira te grada $1.40; R. J. Malory attend ng- J1ud e8a Court of Ravision 1,,; W. J. goy di. Ff eftt, jr , servicesanadt expenses ilucNn Voters' [liratnd attend Infiges court î5 0;M A Jptues printing e5,48, foc' ptibisbing loc.î o0tin liaw $HI; Cern- tery 0o. graive for in- dg=ttl ; I digunitsalad: Jattet IVi!soiit 5. Mra H 'ige i', es Lana $3, T. Willc 'x 2; T, Wick- it 3, Mrs Cller '3. Comucil ad7orusd f0 Sat.- uiday Jiecembar 1a at 10 a. ni R. ELLio CT, J ï;., Townsbip Cierk TIIE LATE MttbS LLLN. .Mrs John Moln wise maiden narne wes Mary Tisorne wes buru at Lang- drack, Cornwall, England, June, Ilt, 1823 cud died at tise home of ber son in -î-.. xi,., 'xm~ ota Vbhilinh tender yeers. su lier home land S'arý was cous ertcd te God lu a revival coun dîîcted by tise Bible Christians; cud tiongihs sut liiaucifrorntcisurels antI society ils later yeare, ne belles e sis' prieeved her tait i lier Saisaîer until tise end tsf lite, vwich caine sisddemily as a resuit cf heart disease Shc was a i-elatiî-e etf11v. Jaines Thîîrne wbo fiy-ured so prominenliv lu tise riscetf ise Bible Christian ehuecis Sie wa-, married te liar deceaeudlisusbaud (wisr dled last Marcis) aisout 48 , ers ae)o un Cornwall and ciglist cdiudren-six boys and twvo girls blessed t,,er union, tise bye eldest being boys w'ýre boru lu tise Oid Contrv and dsed f here lu intanc - All lise ethere surrive te meuru thio-s ot a fond, true motiser and taiditul counaeller. ber funeral bois place oin Neov. 9th wisen lier pastor 11ev. J. S. MeMullen pineacised trem Job 14: Il: te a goodl 'v coînpeny et kiud neiglibors anîd leving relatives. ber ceinclus was luterred in Bowmauville curneter-. "Aalecp la Jesus! Blessed Sleep!1 Frorn whicis noue ester weke le weep! A calm and undistuebed rempose Uniscoken by tise lest et tees."1 NORTHL AND SOUTH DURHAX Thse tliree ucithera townships ef these lwo cnuties eppear te be se alike lin their opinions and tiesires politîcaiiy tisat W6 bu-g6,b it aI t tey appiy 10 tise Dominion Parliameut 10 be fornîed int a coustitsane.v Se thssmselves and allow ail nespcfest.Contains nCîther ~ O H opdillorpline no£ Mierai. S O U j' I OTTLE 0FP Aperfect lemcd e for Cirstlpa- .~ fi, Sour Storpach,Ditsrrtse Vrs Convulsions,Feverish- E ned sLOSs 0F SEF -l Ta-c sseSignature of IILWT YO~K, Omtoria le pu. p l si-aie battlw DT,1Y. 71t We hsave sold piles of heets tise InsItive or six weeks and haveý lots bo dispose oft' yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very small urj(es, Oui carry a good assortîneni, of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Mien's Caît and Cordovan lihns, sawed and rivitbed, from $1.40 te $2.50, worth $2.00 te $ý3. 5O Chisidren's Butten and BIme 25e, 50c, 75c, wortb 60c, 75c, and $1.011. Misses', 'ioys' and Youths' loecorresipond ln priceb. W6 will tell yoix whabtishe stock is in eacha" The reason we do lIatis1 becau'se we know. LaIes ,ilo15w 1in stock ln every lhue, Thse publie is invited 10 ' . 0 trouble to sbow goods-we do it with pleasure. '~~o1-' Sbawl Straps, fancas and plain;-,1)resing, tise - Uii't sb bou~ht Che.~ trasi dresiledear, it wJI ir 'a»i ed to. Repairing done in ail itsbranches li s-l i . Fn work made te order, sure fit or no sale, Thankiagr my custone.rc for pust favors and hoping for a continuance of the ae Beaver Block. Bowmanville. -~ m-' -.9 i -4 . - -t .-,tuu, uit i i il 5. w - I i t~ - . -. - I,-~--..1a -- - ta t 2v.. Z-. .u .~7 ~ t ~ J~,. t ~ .e-.a'c. 5t5,~. ~ ~ a uic.i, i. ~ a'- t~ 1i 0F- i 5~ S -i u 1 -L -1

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