IN)EPE~i~.LE'lO ALI. COUNTRY RESIDENTS WH Wo ISR 'JO KFEEF UP IWITIITUE TIRES. siligloSbcitin,$2 Two Subseriptions, 3.; Four Subscriptions,,l of reforru strenuously insiste.d upon. They are all in line withthe -simplest ideas of houa-ehold hygiene. Many oth- er neaded changes were mentioned; thoae of tie cleansing of the water tank, and the use of individual cups being proininent. It is gratifying to note thaýt progres is being made. a'taty et u Uasetin ii tu Li a et were the fourth-class pDstmasters I toci stroirgl-y intrenched as in the eastern states. When the patrons learned that they could receive their mail daily thiey lost n:ttime irý xvork- ing w ith the ù department to mkie thi.3-feature a success. Ap- plications for thie establishmrent of ro'ates began to fi11 the rmail of the Ala~, th jas bfnatinal irsin ned- - -dobrs, rest out of doors if possible, leys, and eiinigthý3 4aying andt rn es a lt ork out of doors, and consider It a singing bf itho, national air "The !Star AÂre what yoo-ssant for all formsof- high, privilege to sleep out of doors. SpangleiBane. The New York~ fernale troubiiýs; an infaI _eTe4e, reathe the pure and fresh air, and get Sun, -,-e 'mmending the '.PIrit o. yicoeebafrm-tfe ail you can of it, for it is food as es- speci11tguaranteed asa positive the brder, pLt ont that it lai prac- uie; wili positirely eatablish the seritial, as lîread and other articles of normal functions; used inonthly by ti~Il îpoa~ileto sinig tlisa naticna, overhiOOOladies; for sale at drug. daily necosaity. air.Tii ýame p-pa gosi o tosygss, or sent on recelpt of piice $1. at . Tho camex hApr goa othe say -Aetna Drug Go, WIndbor, Ont. Cari, lain t I»e Br i gs rmý he 11gbBAFFLED. cul1osiaTrüly, esmtih dlemaft ln the world. At us thi aitwklar the iaS For aquar't ' of the mat Q thie tar eti s 0a' succeedo4e5 .i yi, wk§ehpc t tal-ail~ the 5ee 10- trýetise -f q Cth-t b z o ct e s e s s s ~ " .sIrrtim, cae I ësy, lise sesCe wexaclywbt is eospai eIly ert FOUWA~VIBW1IO_ 'a - -, rejudire alone keelm the physicins a t's'on.y natural that whssn a oand from pr.cibigDr.--Ohss-' Oint- a ee-c-d wic cuer ler f ir-vosnss ment in ail cases of pile's. It has and weakness, relieves i cf-îq n made for itseif a world-wide eis acI,putscolorinhercheek anà'vItalty in talion, and is soldune a pcsitive beýr whole stm she ShoulId been ousgiarantee to cure asay case of Piles, to lt br sffc~n sîter knw ~no matter how manyoperationa have Mrls,-Hanna lm ý,nes, St. aneD CStreetî 1failed, and ne matte-r-how-intense- St.Jon N.Brltserepine witis lias bean the suffering. thisremdyis fllos:- Fo soe ysrs Th'-i etter is bit a sample of scores ï biave been troubled wUtbf -utt -ri;-. f the of 'hondred3 of cases là~ Canada alone