AND MAINTAINEB BY CHARITY. Aiter a Brave Struggle with an Overwhelmlng DeÀ he iosptalfor Sick Children is Within sý4ih of Freedom - Only $9,ooo Rcquired to Free It. IVtht errs gothie "oapital for Hospital ta a generons manner. Many Cick I-liun, Touei nto, wshi a moat splendid giffe are recelved from 4gocuios fnaniaisosfio. 0ly a friands outslde Touonto. ewSn', id uenebo,1i-ed thait the Ifcoas over $30,000 eacli year te '-. ci cf ca-eu$0 ,9e wu'd ever rmaintain th@ Hospital. About $100 a ri fom tt. Aproinenit Mont- day ta aeeded f0 buy food, medîcune, ï nn cireaiaaeked te ban aria ppllsuces *end nur&lng for v-sey -aueti hid as eurf on mort- ibtis army oIlîttie ones-146 3af lents gag tae hsptal eep0iedas tote Ia Ing lu the cote cf taie ead of this outbif U? ie bidigfur "facfory fis cal year. purprces" Pehape it e-was hlm re- An appeal la being made by thaelies- Werayl as nmcclias ayba else fIat pîtal Trustiee tuis yecr for $90 heig il taie brave cnies wi stood hy the sum raquired to entlrelyfuefi the,, pifi Tiea-ry ides ot sncb liospital ot ite deht. They Issue thie a pi5aslbi!lty qtfrvred the heurt% and appeal to their friands througlýaottt hur ed.i efforts of irose to whiom province. In a letter to the editrofti th~ osplal ork ad bcom de-r. aper Mr. J. Ross Robertson nst TUïltln t.a rspîulblty or thie load* the Hospital lies many wi-lhr upen tileir ow sioilerstlie ruteeo ainong our readers wbo haVe gLven oÊ the Slck ChirnsHsiap- practical volce to their luptiyt eedto the ge1neoisa hearte of e past years. He believes that tbey wil kiciipoîeaOtro reepond cheerly and generoýu51y tris Her isa Hepisd-lie totiit yeur to the cail foi lielp. They want tilrougii th spae rs -wbich to end the century free of debt-That Uooen its d Lreii answeý-r to the >on the naorning of the first day cf the of ny lckcild, Hopitî taiTwentieth Century there shall stand bas sedAnd eured thfsane -free, a monument to man's generoslty helless aadnàcrlppied cude;a fo-to -coutle,3s -slel chldren-an -im-per--- Vtal 18ppdasl no ote nstitu- ishalile glft of love from the men aend &ion of Ite kird la thie wc;,l.d. Shall a women of the Nîneteenth Century tc 41aritY so -wwt and É,aserving be fie(ed teose!,,ie -a Ùy a mort- Sngee wY-,,, ho fluis. ft migit Io for a Milli? Tliat ws.a etalityeaR- ao. Not be-a anreusd dISnisIf, te"tueHos- tli-I A staff otr andi a erps jgo) ga nd t r, de ri y , ewefr Ui ande t uti se i*A4 tiS Ne rL ri t b oaions 'a pr! tiys re srog, e-atky~flant stgledolars.1r.0Robrt entrïba ~owessts-dî,(, rt ee inenato atd. reaîitrIC o *s Yer the W Ho tatl ri lira-br tid, ulretsta a~r weksk fs. nts a dtie . 5$ta. St Y d lf oft..doain OImeene c aye.r e- &'5 -lI u Jz. U Roerton, cay aay erebreeghtte fis iser ettais te~Haarl Trst, vetherote usi ed r5ci7e7f, ais mdIcn udaLs taie Chrest.aonty-dai in is arTe %ad inffýi thhoHmets. lfy olar sent.t i oes Moretisaa s ttdof a Utie chaIl- et h o n aytinseat tie 1fr Bol n Zult cât t meH d fa adsce tea, r te sog i ie s avidio, The. s fros pIae ~ aoutiti isa et. iseta«ry-Tassurrait ad fores eClth More intaie rovncehe lilttse dr ea timuma estet.M. o McClfr na,ý ue's Magety Te ainTeafrr ispt90fr 1. Rf Heýre are a few of the uotewortliy features. "KIMî" A Great Novel of Life in India. By RUDYARD KIPLING. fi is the e i ' longe-st and irmostiimportant produet of Mir. Kipling's genuu, the mo8t note- erh ont" ,ctmdr fietion. This writer rettnns to the field cf bis aarli,,r triuîplos id wies u Umonericos outywith aal bis extraordiuary power of description. ItL saa ',WITHIN TUE. GATES" A Drama of the ,Seen and the Unseen, -ELTZAý_BETH STUART PHELPS WARD. Ylis i the auter's laestdu2sion cf the great problem cf doalli andi the resurrection and the Ik, rtluLie ond the grava. Ifisj certFain to arouse as muccl comment as lier earliest QitE OOI.LYA new setcf thora clierming ierary morreis that bave DIALmadeEthe aichor famour. That ramne retined sarcasni, sakigwit, quint bumor andi luna-e repartee are by Anthony Hope. cliracterirtiecof'the new dialogues. à 6rs f rtcjg y'r iý;ifomaio b Sme cf VIE NEWEST SCIENCE bleadfinlg ilntints o tew rïLi snch as Pic errer Ira menien and Sir Joý,hn M1urray. liy Great Writers. Th JIMMIE ýSTORLES A serles of humorous taler cf tlie marvelloos adven îurer cf James V cf Scctland, wlio used to keep bis rubjeets by Roberu Barr. gue8ssug. nime ramarliable tales of iocidents cf ilfe lu the financial WALL STREET STORIES cire of the countr y based on facts. by Edwin Lefevra., ltories of Anfimais Articles about the lbon, the beaver, tlie deer and cilier articles by one wio lies beau among tliem and understands by W. D. lbanrt. tilim. k erles of articles about ife on a Tenneeýsea favim, de- Next to the round riblg ailmal, plnts, 'ineetj!L1 mcd ethode of culi&va%- f Charaeter Stirrlnigariticles about men cf flie lime bya Hon. Aedrew 'î- eh s O. White, Clara Morris, W-illiam Allen Wbite, Ray Sinad aker anC, thers. ~Cabel, utorof "The t'f acf incla"wiib Jlramatie Episodes in inlcg nd intructi-îyof impor-tanit eaven ts3mren leo lîlrcantosôy. 4 Chaters Tire Last Omys o? the Confaderaey, Dimanding cf the A rmies& andi ciber important avenir fully described for the srete t ces, will wriie IIetrlso copi cflie proernon.Great Atres.-, By sncb Iiwei-knowu writers as Roeat Bairr. Jack Len. don Seri rne Jewett, Joseýpàine Dodga Deasu, Hamu. lin -armndW. .--e-e"'-m.M. Raine, i 111Payne, ChalerWarenJ~Ltao~l StffenGeorge K. Turner, À- ION. or ge HhbrdMatbMCUblocli-Wlllim, FB. Tracy, 1vmb M. Kaur, Gertrude rescroe, Frank Spearman. Futlly Illustrated by the Best Ar'bists, Ila a ear = - Ter. Cents ia C-opy. i On UICF2Jlm COMPO$TING MANURE. Fcr several wears e ee olloe-ed ftle prasatice cf knaking a compost hcap ot f-le manure macle on the tarin in e-in- ter, anCde-e thougîf if profitable f0 do se, e-sites Mu. M. F. Amer. We, matie a heap frein 10 te 12 feet e-îde et the- base and fcpcriug f0 a point at frein tour te fia- fe tct1gb, anC fhe beap e-as as long as ave couiC maire. Theree-es a layer cf£ duied mu-k or ef seCis anCearh du.- np along ilie ledgeroe-s that previcias Ail japan te as are colored. CEYLON GRE~EN TEA is pure and unrcoloreci. harrow into the surface for corn and mnarket garden crp where we- t1houglit it would do ms good, or to put in the hill or drilI for afiiisl- es, melons, "Peas and snacl other crops as we thoglit it woul helP most occupanLs led tbroe-n Up by pîcugli- In ta a -y. luwa5suce, ou uocuîy ing cucund the field. Then the man- uniform strengtb, ced plant recta tare aient in, tuying tol mix it lu lay- could and did feed upon it from the ers se as to include thet frouas bouses, stcuting cf the tiret crop often un- cattie, sheep, is-tue ccd pcrultry. and tii the barvestîng cf a second crop. the contents o)f auits and cesspc-ols We bave eaid we thueugghtifi paid weee put near the maiddle of the to do this. Our Cifferent manuires beap. Lecve~s and other mnateuýic iue d weee a various cauuality fIat, needed to he uotfed, if tbey hcd fiant w' asuld net e-eh have decid- net cll heen used as beddiug fou sainie ai e-ich e-culd ho the beet fou acecr- cf the animaIs, also weet un, aud the tain cuep, aveu if wen had mant te plan coause bedding e-as ciao kep-t -ehi for more than one crop on the sanma towerd the centre.1 ground. We w-e u oîidte hire Thon this deccmposed, and in se 1belp by the yearerfw aisist [n cering Coing heat enougb eould be created' fou thes stock and in miûlking, and te dastroy Mort cf the sceds inside the mnucli cf this e-ork e-esý done whlen beap, wbile those on the outaide ger- nie a and teams coulil due ilti- olse. mîntai andC eee kilied by fhe sub- he-e kopt c leas varui. stoýck, and &aquent handlings. If any ammonia used bedding leas freel, anC if iva wcs fournd escaping frein the hoap if bcd been obiiged -ote lire etra belp e-as covaued cnew e-itb ecutb, until te dIo the e-ouk, e-e mi-lit cet have vie wee ready f0 begin eit the ecd been so sure that the comçeo,,sting e-es o? fhe heap acd 'aouk it over. taking profitable, nor e-ould we If11,ou crps ccaa te Put ail unrotte.d materici or lad heen l'as varied in dlicuacter. If fuozen lumps weel into the centre cf ýs s Laed beun trying fo nake a per-- fhe beap again. manent mcdce- of grass cand clover, As a uesult, wenheC a pile cf weoU- or a permanent patreee might utted c0-mpost fitted te epuead anC bave beun content te o -ugeri in the _____________________________mauiure so that it e-ouý,ld ave decoun- pwod in tbe soil, bjut -e bad littie <tobe-vitai ou catch oc grass or granwe we pi1 u doe-n a field et- - tar i lad been a fawl yeaus cultivat- CAUSED BY OVER-STUDY AND CLOSE' ed in ibis e-ey. CONFINEMENT, AnC weawera nuitr; se icAbus for moue grass as fourm l:at cops, for 1kow a Paoular Sci- nh-iiaisSes-r ffasee- e-e felt that we cou:iC get forage And Hew etlau a FrIeul'x Ado-ire quite ce cbheaply by gcuceing oats, She Tlemld Ur.Wlliaei ' PlssIt Fuis andi hcy, cura stover froin reeet corn, STn teienlteRefhaaieSSs'ailu.and__courn foddar troin Crilled -_cern, "Abuttae mntthrough anC as e-e coruîd te try fo buing up e populcu teaclier weehave ever bcd lot of oIC meadce- anC pý,asturo that lieue," ile the opinion exprsassed by the naeduld cultivetion for a numbere people of Cancan, NýS., cf their pues- years bafoua if couiC ha made te pi- ent yocïng lady sehool teacher, Miss a god crop o? grass. Wawe-toe Nellie Cutten. Miss Cuttei s passas. large tfields f0 getlhbut iýtIe byan seC o? keen intelligence and engcgihg tboug-bt if our leaet -ve;luable crop, manners, anCdlias been peculiauly suc-, tiaungli if wealid emaýined anC fol- cesaful in heu chýoseM profession. At lee-ed ou systein for a longer tern preseai s-ha looks the ,picture cf e-e sboailCbave greati.v increased the Liecltli, and oea observing lier good grass crop. celer anC buoyant spirits, e-ould, The manura imade iiin iîaer and neveu taink of assocLating' lier witli dropped inla li yard ea piled up sascaikness. If we, liwever, oely lest naarly every dey, aC peuhaps etituma that rie e-as ebieet liopelese e-euld have beau every unounîug if of continuing in 'lier e-cron eccotuatflee-ahuo ane'? iry of hieu ill-bealtli, anCdlier condition' te get eoeme oflier e-ortdoueclied acf e-es a soureof? alarm te lier friends. made if eeem best f0 omit it soe- 'Yes,' saeraid te an Acadian re- f iria Tise-as a geeod, heap ila tli - - called upen lieu uec- 's hnub I w-t -a puticlar e? er5~l -~-ad laie exposed f0 sain anC r-if is a duty I10e-elf0 r yard duriug' taie uminer. Pinkr Pilîs, thaf It .- 1 si r ae ep runfi lic the e-ecdars fbey e-e-- r' increased by taie green )u t pariaaps I e-onld ar theC ficgarden, wen we have ugli f eif if yen hl irn ,-s ~E- eue foc large ou toc calied -. ±adant f0 ha lef f there, for fbay "Yen ssa, laadditions te mny teacli- Iseuntimes Cid get taie starf et us ing, Iblid.bhec sfudyiug very liard' and make a ranir groe-th, as fliey do ev-eu ey.5B' e-euh, anC t-han I was at- Ilon flic land of aaulY every mae-lic taeked with whnopierg ceagI, wliicl tries te culiiaate mcny crops, be- Cid not leave nie for a long tima, andi sides Coing. bis licying and gatliering so I lecame pretty weal rua Cee-a. I an almmcut daîly harvest froun May e-as ale-cys ceesidered tlie embodi- 1tr Novamber. mien-t tif lealth cf home, but lest Sometimes weemade aoflo eu- entaa Iwasuoaly ceumd n-arpost leap in ftha fali eý-if h cl our My condition. ,Sometimes in flia rummer menaire ou mont cof if, and sclicoiroin I1-soulC ha seizedeitb used if for fali aow-n crops or for izzineeas, anC etten I e-cdteint topdressîng ftle basf ta£ou grass ee-ey. I wonld take aoifing turcs;,IanC weare weethought if e-tould Ce aiso, anC bcd a feeling et nausea noe good than ce the pocresf, 'abidl and lenguor nîl the finie. I bast my;e-e infendedti t break uLp end culti- cnouer and becanie flic anC paie, anC vate as tact as ,ve couLICgef aroued it saamad as if my bliod lied uned ,te if, te e-eteu. We bave Ctailed onu p -ractice nef "ThIis Condition et things e-as so e bause ee flinkir if eculd ha basf Cifferent tuons anything wliicb I bcd wîay tor every ona to eas weado previeusly experieced tbef I seughf nef fthink i if eoud le, 1but if'te-as the medical advice cf oece. I1e-as i--host weewe theti, anC e-e aie net termed thet I e-as suffeuieg treun sure e-e couiCde latereow undar ancemia, anC Ilat once put myself un- fIe scama circumsîtancer AnC we Cour inedical tueatmenf, But altboughl have thoUgit fliaftlihis statemeut et I tiad savralbotîeaet ras oip - or mathod, eitb flic resons for if tiens, my condition seemed f0 ha ýgat- ,-hicb e-e thouglit good thon, miglit ting e-euse_ al fIe fume. When l' serve as food for reflection ced aent bume for my Cliristmnas vaca-, study by reine etfOu reasieus, even f0 tisiiu, I e-as airucot in Cespair. If - suggeeting latter pleusrote feiu wes e-bile I e-as at home, lieeever, i minCe. to ystent whien ne hn flou hR- ertio visîited. Ilonghly lepeakinýg, the system, wttl extensions, will irri- gate about 400,000 acres of land in Sout.heun Alberta, east of St. Mary's river, and soutli of the Belly river, includirtg the neigbborhood of Letli- bridgýe. Neerly ail ibis land wa.s 0f the biglest quality, and wîrll stLpply an immense quantity of forage, grain, etc. Already ~a teady streamn of imuiigration was setting in to- werds tULis section of country, and during the past iseason two settie- ments of considerable size were es- tablisbhed on the banlis of the-irri*e. tion canal one et iVagrath and the other et Sterling. Thie emigration bcd been miostly from the United Stateis, but soins of the settiers bed conte f romn Eastern Canada. Mr. Pearce paid a visit to Edmnon- ton, whieb lie say.s is growing satis- faetorily. Asked about gold dredging in the Saskatciewan, he said that ow- ing to the,ýÈlgh water thi.s year, and the demand fox labor, there had been practically no liard dredging done tbuis year. The only dredge of any size on- ft river xvaz the Otter, A woman's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and continuons sym- pathywith ber kidnevs. Th.slightest disorderin the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease itk the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kitney Pis, by re-. storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearfu dis- orders peculiar te womnen. Pale young girls, worn-out Mothers, sffrug ives and Women ente Ci the Change of ' best friend1 j, Dodd's Kidney belonging to the Drolet Company. Ibiýs dredge liad been refît ted witli new and inxpreved macbinery, made in0 Engiand, but owving to delay in getting the niechinery ov-or, tbe dredge was not reedy for work until the miLddle of Octobeir, and ýafter thet about ail the work elie did was dredg- iîng e bertb for berseif for tbe win- ter. No- return.s of the amount of goid dredged by lier liad been made up to te ticnte Mr. Pearce left, but it was not- tbougbt in Edmonton that the amutt-could be large, as sitielied reelly only dons e few days' work, The Droiet Conupany, lie salut, [s now building et Edmonton two large dredges, the materiai and maebinery for whbicli are being brouglit fron England. The x.achinary [s f irst- cias~s in everY respect, and bias been mtade of extra strength. ]i'lese dredgez are of the type whlicli bave been so successfully operated in New Zealend rivers. The company ex- pects to bave botb dredges complet- ed this winter, and will commence operations on an extensive scle next LIVE STOCK PRICMs. shE Pes Be, e MLI thet my ftrianda advised me- to usea fMiG Dur. Wiiliamis' Pinkr Pille. Acting up-ai on their ada-ice, 1 teok up ticeir use. 5LEST WE l'ORGitT."ba ýTbe f irst box ruade ils af fect failt, lutLaiseCnd; I use-C£four ou fia-a end thea fthe curae; The bîond of union lete-een fthaea e-es corusleta. Ever since then my fIter ceuntry anC heýa colonies ïs luocrb bs beu ecellnt cd I avasfrocg. lu time o? ueceassify n healh bs bcn xcelentandI hvecolonies baveaele-ays beeDn1lu ci telt my real old lime sait, anC amn Patrie-tic Canadien ladies, w bile ableto attend te my Caties,, whioh' cacinot beau auinl tim -'of e-ar, 0-i arebyno qao lglt, itoLi t esie8it their luoflier cl ii n sl areby e i-qae 1b-, aillcutfli fsubstantial waa-, Cevid-n anCdI.1, tafgeand 1languca rthaL mari e'liapua-e the fineet Ger te.Driarý e-ork irireomne. Yen may dapand np- a ra ef Japan teeqsLroat!Id try thein. ona lt I e-m eale-ys have a trîendly'Monsoon, Salada and ltllie Ribbon %vîierd -to say for Dr. Wiliiaina' Pink' pacirete are knoe-u te du.-CeolonLisf. If yosur dealer doas not, reap tliase pille in stock, tli-y e-i-il lie sent post RERLESS BdY paid aet 50 cents~ a box or six hoxe& .Wbhon yo)Uag ' ' egins t-or,52.50, by aiunlg i r -a-coairIni'. Sid F e -tbey lama Medicýine OC., Brocirvilla, Onbt. pest gîta crazyý,, a ti tC'bey felloe-iig as luas asetod cf teeding Jin 'mIine aiai't n ~-' iu cevs;1e inv1kes a -ýpni-ridge of 4 -Il:;! ui i csc es its fcetcorn ine-, - etfgreuind - -Scaop f huckwhea, 4 qtc. c e-beatbran andC DAah-ding (ed tla tg ne te-o liaduaLs 4 hl nsaaed ncl cci-t e-a ys¶frd'Y an' spand1jlimiil qutar- cal£ reýeives a tablesýpoonful ýi'fr aefeehhu~ -a- Speakmng of fhe prIces or ceffle, heep, and lieuses la Alberta, Mu. sauce scd tley era very geod, ee e-as e-eu lb 03-50 peurlimndued- aiglit off the ranch, anCdclieap 83.60. eost o? tIche pavy caffle ent te ,reat Buitein, but taie biglit cattle and Il tIs heep ent fo Brifisai Coluin- 4a, wb-lieetf leue s a geod demand. 'e seply cf linge, lie raid, le a-ery i 1 puicesruie bigi. lieuses r d~ eind, anC prices have c cse- iy 100 peu cent. lunftli "IRJUTE 40R 000oACRBES, LA"ND IN ALBERTA WILL BE MADE 1VUCI{ MORE FRUITFUL. lA-a StOch a l îe i-ear est-Au O1leal ef 1ima Depasîieeî t fihe Inierlar llrings Grlîilîfymsg Ia5ellIen~ce oif Frtvgress ol' Ille <oîsea-y. Mu. William Peercýe, efthfeDopai-t- ment cf flic Inferior, e-lic as been ln A-berta for some fume paf, retus;n- eC te Ottae-a recenfly. ;Mr. Pearce, lu conversation, said fliat ho e-es pues- ent e-len watar e-as brougît into Letlbiîuige Iy ftle Canadice North- West Irrigation Company, anC bcd aiýse gone ovr naarly ahI the irriga- lest twro years. The do-mend is1 nazstly for liecvy oraugut and gunu drivers. The former are e-orti l 25 te 8150, anC the latter frein $60 te $125. Goci addle herses are e-ortli about the came as drivers. The cuope f lirouglicut Albierta ee taiul'y good, Mu. Pearce scid, anC beC noft Au.gust anC Septeraher heen un- îasually stormy, tha cuop returu frein Alberta e-ould bave been a record breaker. Even as [tve-ais, f le oct crop lied turned ouf e-ouderfuliy ee, the only doubf about if beiaig e-etheu the grain is dry anougli f0 J;udepaffer flie hoteatlieu jefs inunext sring. 'lbis Cees not cpply te fthe e-hoie country, but te a large portion cf if. A con- sisierable quantity cf bauley otfefir quality led beau groe-n, anC thora e-as a geod local demand for mclting purpesses. Taie quanitity o? we-liat grown wae large, but net mudli cf if e-as tiret-clers; there e-euh, hoe-ever. be a geod dccl of fair milling e-leat obtcined. Thoera lied been an excel- lent crop of vegetables, and genou- ally, they bcd beau ea'fely heued. Butter e-as nof pucvduced in large quantifies, ce-ing te fhe scarcity of the cless et laber necorsauy te pro- duce if, but the nuinhar cf caffle ie thie country e-as incueauueigý, and the butter induistry e-cud ne doulit re- ceive, an impctus iu the near future. DEPENDS ON CONDITIONS. Explosions linay Be li-, -k t Grat cen pueoduce an affect et a greet dis- tance is eal knee-u, but precisa sf a- tistics on this point, bave oaly laeay beau gathered. Taking intio consîdar- ation fthe tact fliaf midi dependacan the formation oftheliacountry and un the condition of thae-weatber preveil- ing at the time if mey ha admit-ted fIef a cannon can ha learýd et a dis- tance of twe-nfY-fi-e kilemetres wheu the e-ind ir tea-crabie, fliaf thunder cen he heard et a distance of more than fwienty-five kilometres anC thaf an explosion cf dynamnite en aube eard et a distance of hirty kiloun-atras. The explosion of a powe-daectory in Ana-eus soeayaars cgi c 1used a ver- iteble earthquake, e-hich e-as taît af a distance of more than fhirty k ilo- metras. The.more recent explosion et St. Helen'sr bef-îveen Liverpool anC Manchester, e-as aven more notable in this respect. The explosion tcok plaeail a facto-y of chlorate cf pot- assicum, an explosive material, cf e-hicli eighty tons era dastroyed. The ex- plosion e-as heard et Alderley Edga, thiuty-nine kihimaetres tram St. l- en's, anC et Murpie, torfy-tive kilo- metues frein (-bat city. In many bouses the e-indee-s era viclenfly shaken, and near the scena oflihe catastrophe the grsaund we-amuovad as by an earti. quake. Froas bese end cf leu tacts scien- tiste nee- conclurie flitndar favor- able conditions greaf explosions may lie telt et e distance et fitty kilo- unStres, and tley maintalu that accur- ete knxedge on this point is sruest dasireble, siace [t e-iii help fo mini- mizse the denger fIef might othare-isa uasult frein pre-arcnýged explosions of dynamite or similar substances. wbicb if ca-o vr rifain anC all lier colonies us emîi!leun t is l É to'adage, f"In union uthe;ahastruiengt%" Ie patuiotio ladies ot Canada enaux- I emplyty fliaf adage, and indufge a patriostcentiment, by assisttug ins who produce taie pure mnachine- Imade Gren tees of Ceyloc cnd India. Tec drinkeus e-ill tind tha Blua B ib- bon, Monsoon anC Sýalade graeen tees a ,pleesant change froin Jepans- fColoniet. A MISST]ATEMENT. Mus,. Peck-It's ne snob think! Yon aicwe- eal enougb I caur gef a girl I eau keep. ~t 4-4,j cÇVý/U t'EQuEIIN OICTy OIr ce., Ltmtite&, semlt Roger%. Pneu., ' 'orout> ~1 -i Po!Iceies ;tray *.Iasne.fOi?nionMsy Change, but Lio.thing that neer clhangec, thit OmXLON )1*TEA t always remains the beat. Mn Lead Packets 25, 30, 40, 50 and 50. Poultry, Butter, Eggs andÀ otherPod e If yon bave any correspond with us. W. want 100 OA RLOADS to supply our tr ade. The Dawson Commission CO., LIMItoci, TOronlto. -L -1-ý --l- ý-j- A CHOICE OF TERi'VS. Here's another man e-ho got eway witli soma money that didn't bel1ong to hieru, raid the young woznan wliQ was reading the paper. How much, inquired Miss Cayenne., It doasn't state. Tbet's toc, bad; 1 wanted to de- termine wbetber lie is a plein thief, a miguided embezzler or a bold f ira. ancier. FOR OVER FIPTY YEARSj M511 WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP hbs!-er used by me herefor their chldren teetlsing. it ae- ie" the ch id. soitena the gaines, aleyepali in CC 551 -i,mdn and i e tihe best reniedy for diarriaoea. 25o s bestie. sou h- ail druegis ttr.,thout the scirif. Be sure sud smk fer '1Mrs. Winslow's Sýoihiug syiup. Ha Who Commits injustice is ever mado more wretohed than ho io snffe'us it.-Plato. Tis signature la on every box of &à@ -mn u 1eî Laxative Bromo-Qiiirîîe Tbla 00s râmedy tihat .e a m coSs1112 oueda To be proud of leerning Is taiegra. est tgnorane.-Jererny Taylor. $100 Reward, $101, The readars cfflue p aller WV! be pleisse1 te uhat science lias ascairs te-ciseieIls Cuere aitem1 ateui. Utmrl iin cco titutionai dsese rqu réea aeeîtsr troassueen. Hl mar Cl sai ne nally, Lectlug dirct u pt hebce ,muronssurfaces c.f thery-eutbeyde- îrcying the foundati, o f teise cat gia-ing tte patient treRgli cbulding, up hli cý mstitution'aad as itieg natur, i le oin-t itý4 work. 'the proprieto s ba'vo SD mcc.à L aini Es curativa powere, that tbay offer r ne Ilunn- -CdraC1Dollars fer-uey-case ttit i ai is toeu re, SonO for Ettof testimonial. F. J. CIiENEY &CO. Toledo O. Sold by drulggis, r, 7àc. HeisFaml'y Pille are the best fMutabit'ly cf temper and Iinonsis-. tency wîta coursalves Is the prreateat5 woakness cf liumen natuire.-Adlon1 MONTRUAL HOTEL DIREOTDPRY, The IlBalmoral," Froc BuS -AVENUE HKOUE -" g, Â1- Prose reports stata that the anrd Duceea of York wiil return tt England froinAe i via Canada, W. P. C. 1053. 0ALAER'S0L 0 OINTMENT.M For ail Skîn aliments, J. 0. Calvert & Ce., Manohiksterf England s ýTo seuil for our t le asiC of kOe antedcai ate o îtarante, S aE, il e ai"->% ASB C. METAL ROUFS T aLEYr, O. ri ' siern ARt neAKEL 00.n, vontos SLATE, TI ILand DOULS & HALl L _A ROF Sheep ad A eriamaoiCsis--e re lnideg-a Lauce, upto fsterdllabs sto es tautfr uilg sursis garmentsa. Terme Muoderato. Write fer rPartisuý Boksscares Cu Cathollo Prayer oiý, zau%â R-ligious Fitiicdo, Statuery, and Ohuirci ornasments.- lion. . & J. 5ACL1111 & CO., Mostreal, PILE CURE A triai package et Cois po8itivg Cure for Pie will ha sent free tq sny addrseon receipi of two cent stamp. Ni ef, n greasysilve. Add e, THE IJJCHiIýG ML TIE oo-oto, Ont. afisang. Tis is s spcey wî,ila ih.... BRITISM AýMERIDAîN DYEI.4G0 C), Ssnd hy post and we are sure toessi-afy. AddsreaS Box 158, Montreai. THE MOST NUTRITICU-. wu ath @U L OvMFOuuTING. 1- , Il. .ý' Wý-LLt LLWEU 1