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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1901, p. 1

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p TERMS :-81.50 PICR ANNtIM. OUR TOWN &ND OOUNTY P'RST; TRE WORLD kNTICRWARDS. /NEWSER.IES. BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÀY, JANUTARY 2, 1901. Holiday' Preseîïts S Chïiose -something -useful as well as ornamental. Couch, J,ohnston N Are showing a most desirable lot of Goods-goods which will be appreci- ated by the recipients-suei as Fur luiffs, Muifs, Gauntlets, Caps, Caper- mes, Kid Gloves for Ladies, and Kid, Mocha and Nappa Buck Gloves and Mitts for Men; Lardes' and Gents' llmbrellas imported specially for the Christmas Trade; Fancy Linen and initial Silk Handkerchiefs; a leautiful ~ilot of Ties for Lacties and Gentlemen; Doylies, Napkins,,Tray Cloths and K .Five O'clock Cloths; Shawls, Blankets, Travelling iRugs, Table Covers,etc. LMD~5CPT Fin Godsallnew, and at greatly recluced Prices. Fine Gods, FLSO Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Ready-to-wear Suits-ail new and special value. A UsTeful Pjresenti for ~ Holidays SWe invite you one and ail té corne'in and inspeet our k off Furniture and see the rnany usefful and inexpensive jueles that we have that will make a useful iand beanlîf ni ýsent. Our prices will be made as- 10w as possible <.uateet the demand .and reqirement off every piarch aser. l Ie are offfering a nice Roeker, g»lden oak or rnahogauy, at ~2.25 and many other liues equawl1y as good yalnes. Cal d ee them, il wil be à pIeassure to show yen throngh our .j.3eroo0ls. MW D. IWILLIAMS &SON. It ýsan Ackn.ow- Fa"tin We,+ k J ~ ~ Il That an Article purcha"ed at RICKARD'S 'Jewellery Store is of the For this Money. Thtis Full he is in a btter position Ihan evor te give you lte very best values. For instance, A Iady's "Solid Gold" Waltlram Watch usual - ly sold inuccuntry towns fer $40. we seli fer $15 a Guard sud Case throwu in. An Elghtl Day Walnut Clock nsuallv sold at $7.00, our price $2 25. A Lady's Long Chain usually seld at $6, wc seli for $2 75. This is just a sample off prices, eveything in the store will be sold aI, eqnally iutemstiug values. And frein now te Jauuary wc will give yen special bargains lu Sewing Machines aud the best mrakes lu the werld te choose frem. EOWANTLE.Watcbmrakýer sud Jew"lle-. S S Ne 1, J Cobbledick ......... $ il 20 2, T Blythe.............. 6 60 8, J Laugmaid........... 20 60 4, E Osborne............. 25 80 5 J Wight,.............21 45 6, J Snowden............ 29 90 7, W Cowan............ 21 15 8,W E Ourtîce........... 83 20) 19 J Gand ...............35 10 10, W J Roy ............. 17 10 il11 W Short ............. 52 40 12, T Staînton.......... 29 00 "13,C0Hooper. ........... 1560 14, G F Millson..... ....... 12 65 15, J Sla rk ............... 20 65 "16, Dr Mitchell........... 42 (5 17, T HillJ................ 10 85 18 WHR Clemeus..........31 95 19,J J Smith............. 795 20, J Rleynolds............ 41 15 21, W H Creeper.......... 24 25 22, W Il Kelley..»......... 6 25 28, Is-4ac PFallis............ 3 15 Total ............. $522 00 SoRIOOL RATES. à Ne 1 Scitool SecsI$188 88 2 " 200 00 3 12W 000 4 " 200 00 5 " 200 00 r> " 2w00 7 " 200 00 8 2w00 9 " 200 00 10 2w00w il 38884 12 " 200 00 13 " 20)000 14 " 200 00 15 " 200 00 16 " 200 00 17 " 200 00 l8 833 33 19 2w00 90 " 200 00 21 " 200 00 22 " 80 0) 23 " 40 00 $166 00 25 00 325 00l 2w 000 100 00 2w0 00 100 00 190 00 200 00 150 00 400 00 250 0 2m00 1.50 CO 125 cO 800 0 100 00 $25 0 175 0 455 72 275 00 45 00 33 80 $2998 225 00 460 00 3000 4000 3000 890 0) 400 00 3500 450 0 400 00 350 00 3250 500 00 800 wX 6581 11 375 00 655 72 47- 0 125 00 73 801 ASSETS. $9 070 52 Balance on baud ......... .-$8 721 68 Taxes uncollected ...........3 250 41 Township property ........... 400 00 Total. .$7 M7209 LiABiu,îTIES. Couuty and special rates.$..8 444 00 Sciteol debeutumris, net du... 1 2-25 03 Law cosîs, local option....... 170 0 Collecîom's salarv ............. 1000 Agriculînral Society grant ... 50 0 Balance .......2 883066 Total ..$7 872 09 A. E. OLEMENS, H. ELLIOIrm, jr., Reeve. Treasurer. COÛJNOIL FOR 1900. A E Clemens, Reeve. I1L Irown' Counceiller. S PolrCollecter, Looks m-ore attractive than housework for a womnan, but it is aisoe ven more exhausting. The 'wor1k la often doue under high pressure, and the 'origlituess of the eyes and the flushed cheeks of- the attentive clerk 'D indicate flervous- ness rather thain health. If this is truc under snosi .t favorable condi- ." r tiois, wbat shall be said of those who . < suifer frein woman-.-." U ly diseases, and who ,; endure headache, backache, and other pains day after dy? No sick womnan r should neglect the,ý uieans off cure for [- womanly diseases oifered lu Doctor Î Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It o regulates the pari- t lids, dries enfeebi- ing drains, beals inflammation and ulceration, and cures feniale weaknes-..s. It iakes, weak wvomen strong omêd Siric «A heart ov'erffowing w te11 you ofmny wedeufkil Corliane C. H5ek, Orageb ' $outh Crea~eu. * sy t01 Favorite Freseription i a3 tomipared witit Ïe paor ri wrote you four moutks ea a parents almserwV<y ô.y tinat it ';>ems almuoat an impossibi1titylr nMedicine to d' a person se mueS 9ond. >auiug tke whole suýimer I could scareely keep up te walk about Vtue bouse, and esterday 1 walked for miles a ted feit better the fle xero&se. r now wei-là 125pounda. Mine was a cempLieated cnse mh'aie disease In its werst ferni." Doctor Pierce's Pleasaut J lets Cure biliousness. Ct~N1I Electors of/Division _LNfo LADIES ANDGNin been nominated for- , off Countv Councillor, Éi ' your voles and influeuý.t LADIES AMDGi- alloxved myscîf le 1)4 lien again fer the Councillor, i respo . .- vole and influence Division 5-Bowmar Maple Grove and Cci T~1Je Eectrs FL'u'-y-Council District N.5 LADIES ANDIO GENTLEME{.-Hvn had seme eight years expeî jieuce In Ihe Township Ceuncil 1 Dow ~sent mvselff as a candidate for the huncil off the UJnited Counties. 1 ask your vote e and should I be electe - 'ffaith- fully perfform my -i - Electors of Bewi Darlington. LADIES AND respectffullv sellei fluence for the Councillor. Having lad f oui your represenlativ tban ever qualific the Counly Counci ELECTORS OP Dix- candidate for CoulîN, arn epposcd te cauv - offices. I haven neyer intend le. 1 youm votes howev,-- WVest Durham aboý z3 years have been. ing business in. qualifications ffor seek election are- kuew me perse t wiliing ta trust t ment.If you wz me and use -eur r If yen. waut metv bourg vote feir me t me vcry much volý5f, elector has two votes,>l fer eue candidate. 'ý My ffellow candidat- t mon. If yen hink' ainv o,( of tem cari render b!cttc*,w eau, il is your duty te vet , Elect me and T will givîýe IIi very best efforts,, and 1I,, during my termi more info,' - tho business and gur~ Co'nnues than b'lasevrI any fermer repmreseujtaS deuver will bo 10 presen: t complete reports off the l the sessions, and lluo off whicb yen have heard oust repesentalive.. I livcd 3ý ý ears in No ceunty aud two years in shpad have -a more or k, wledge o0' every muni Unîited Cntisset qualifled te render mintI tical, service lu the o1fi aspire. Haviug said lb own bechalff, I beave the - If yoe cclnme I shall w sud al off 'ou, aIt ail1 liin ffecty froe crs1 mualters pertiîug lto which i ou Imay hoc W isbn oc oead THE ll1fH CHOOL. WISIl COMMENCEMENT EXERCIsEs A GREAT SuccESS AND LAR-GELY ATTENDED. To0 THE -- DEAR The annual commencement exercises creet foi of Bowmanviile iligh School. were held should li Friday, Dec. 21, in the town hall. Every what Yc' available inch off room was occupied by your 155i parents and friends of the students. your ge The cflairrnan, Mr. J. B. Fairbairii, in years pa opefing the program relerred to the manville unanimity ofthe iBoard, the success off lisbment the schooi and duty off those in towný the county off being loyal te ibis institu- vour effc tion. The Glee Club under able direc have me tjon of AMr F.' H. Frost, B A*, and conditiei Miss N B. Hall, pianist, sang several that attr ch-oruses tliut were -a very great credit inhabita to themselves and te'acher, Mr. Nor- long sin( man Jolliffe and 'Yr. Norman Allin Bowman sang solos that were much appreciated amongst and had to respond to the hearty encoi es me whal given. Bath off these younig men tivlty in posse8s good voices which. with training he said1 will make themn singars of enon' structe, Miss Beatrice Tamblyn, as usual, sang leadin' a solo with much. acceptance and vith deplo, Miss King gave5 a fine duet. Misses B ing i and V. famblyn, J McLean and E. Y. the King were aise heard to splendid ad- see vantage in the quartet "Crossing the ha B3ar,' Mr. W. IC. Riddell, M. A., LL S' B , Q. C., Toronto, gave a very appre priate address on education and itç' objeets, stating briefly but tersely th, the object of education was flot onlv as xaiminaticns or make moue, our reasoning f acuit- - ýrcCept the now tJet i'ts infituencp ri,,,Its of ether,. e fuisau"es in Toi miaesmoker, the m,. Stifan the man with the do,.- His explanation off the true Christmas or, greeting off 1900 years ago, "Glory te ceuntri' God amen g those off the highest stations ti6s were and upen earth peace te mo n of good needs offt w., was a very appropriate cbosing te Llso that an excellent address. T'he vresentation semewha of the certificates to the different classes temptedt was made by Mr. M. A. James, J. P.. net been 11ev. B, H. Hayden, M. A , 1ev. W. J. during hi Jelliffe, B. C. L., and 11ev. J. H. shiP. M ' Turnbuli, M. A. that the 1: A heartv vote off thanks moved by times by Mr. D. B. Simpson, Q. C,, and seconded the hear by Mr. W. B Couch, was extended te counciln Mr. Frost fer the splendid musical the peopi program, and, te Mr. Hiddell for lis quarrelli kindness in coLjing te Bowmauville and hauds iwu fer his excellent, address. industrieç The principal, Mr. Jas. Gilfillan, B. "boom" a A., preseuted the animai report a sum- Crimean mary off which is as ffollows: Extracts ville shou ffrem the Principal's report-In Form I gether b'ý which is Part 1 off Matriculation and lteI good1 Part1 off JuniorLain we had twventy politi s 11ail of wilom were sutecess-well La V alu F r mn 1 11 vh ic h is P a rt Il e)f(,,er ) Maîrieulation. and Part 1, JuiniorLeav- 1 ot C ing we had eleven candidales.all except >Cojý one obtined cerlîficates and hi feeat 't f oblained partial Maîriculain u} the *v were ail successful. Then there la' zil) were two w ho wrote on Senior Matrie ivi dlei ulalion. or Honior Matriculation na j and tof thev obiained First Class Honora i' ',)f od eighl subjects and Second Ciass Hu Yaou, Mr lu six and but for the suddeu Mi1A es of the a, eue off the candidates in eue sT ',V hy sI' she would have secured the. ýae con Scho!atrs.hip for West Durham Fr publ' summarize, we senl up te the E 'mn-me' tien thirty seven candidates and .11 ta' except eue obtained certifitates a record we flatter ourselvi's, off xjhich we have ne need to be ashamed/ Visilors: Mr. R. H. Ste'wýa.tWifff child, Cooksville,, aI thtcAoId omr Mr. 1H. Stewart; W.WXNbl. daughiter, Whztevabe. aI Boyne Milis; Albert Goodwii at J. A. Virtue'Bi; ,MeR, wîffe, Chas Perrin; wifâ~an Pemry, with Mm. J.ohu Pye, Rorke and Arthu;' Fmank, Remmer, Pîclerl, aIt L Miss DelIy Hîl Burlt Mis,3 L. Milîs s ' Cowling, Ha'.7j0 r Cewlîng; .M>dn berta, N. 4S guesîs off ) r. Aley eu's many, ffrieud,, New lBr" >.....~ ".~iL jlw Orignal a u - lit - Ihm ,u one i lloî M.Josepht Williamlson was arecotm wsgcyaolsaicoh - --~ Elot umope and Afric,,Miss recentîy lu ChicagoM . ia wiîh toqe eoffros Pnnelven .ptoe; Miss Sparli,,g, T.- ThopsnTrooashmSuaymk.M.udMsPfiswilesd S-rne ofDMt Miss Mn-wcek.... IthtqeO arco amnd Mr PlilpsMrs esd chou; Min- Mr. Ge..neeNetoviîc 452 West S7th St., New York, hr nief >'~~~~Iîss Fiera ~~~Mr. and Xu utW atwe. .r u d5 they will be-at homn ffr6 VpmnoFebruury 6 - ~ 4y -<f rs, r. Alexand er vist C.f. Cutcîl ondon, attouded lte The guesîs from a itne wel Mis 1,ete is lese 1y l e0igof isbote ..Mss, E titE Muda Phillips, PliladoîphiaPenn t tM.J itnewr.Ms Mi. John Stainton ded at and Clara Brewusrmb PrtHole, Dr. and Mms. W. A. WhiteNFd York- Jaes' Dec. 27. i wowm8ecu usi tM. .A erone Dr. M. j. A James, Abion. New Yrk oh items 1vdfo 7iupg ...Ms Crock Kansas. is visitiug hem Dr. Julia TÈonsTmrtMs dl , ý rday nighit. The funerul Sundav former school mate, Mrs. Wm. Luxon, Rogers, Ce bouradMssEf od on r~Y azl atîedd. Rev. S. About 25 years ago she residet! with (Oshawa.adMSýEfs od lvi em parents.Mm. and Mrs. Martin,' ýr-vlccth-in i M.'Phuleu, BA. Tho C-0.C.F. took Leslçard.... iîrAtlMrhleuof prmunpar.t in tctýo îuîrentat the brave Canudiaus from South Africa, tceordnv-lv A mernlorial service was Who wuis at Paardebnrg and assîsted at ho offci ÏIe Cd-Sndffay i' ui the paster prcach- the capture off Cronje aud bis Clou; was nganapr üaî srmn Tho mas- a guosu off his cousin, Mr.S. M Billing.u, rato tica sericeas efficienuiv couducîed bv ladt week - .Mr, E. Sharmnan bas bad fai O OteM.Vrochi.Dcae asuus...DrNeil Colville bas. esura n ivdbyla7er ofif techia s;ahbath ,3eho()l cd hifemmer Position as hasssngri toche an aciveworer a i3te çlhurcb the Presbý rerian churcihoiM O l W~~~~-Yhr o atyas eigfte,\aldemar'HunIer bein2. pmomoted t-) Bd I 0f hea baves fiv iid outho eldest oîyflrst teor., Whule Mi;. John, J. Gil -B 1n, 9-twe duger sd ËIbrceasens. lI11G, lanWas2coming down stairs ho knock- fmom wa 4 eas f aesd bis wýiffepro,- cdOver a boîtleoff powerffuî ammonia b'ad eceased three yoars 'go.0 , whic-h ivas loftî on the stops aadsueof-Sfeb'a (lwn t flerup into e f h .ees,. Mmth.bea imt ' mgene «ce the more heaithful. ~=.'ahf P od ~ OIldCountry lHo bas fallon he!r te L iroc or four theusand dollar-t, ýruc Ttcune si-ued is prepared te huy E. B. S oficers are: P. P. J E. aeurstefo à 1 ail kinds off pouhîr, dressed iin the fol- Richards, W. P , A. WV Camve'h, J P,1 /mny lowînz man.rer : Ail feathers dry pick V. P., J. Hall, Sec. .Aufr111hagainst aIum,. ou cd OJcepI long wngpllta]coSouive tcrm, Treas.,Wn.Btef ye, ont aud lbleed. i mo îh u n drawu fer )101h veut', Cli p . J.G Hone'v ; Cern Altun LBakiig powudeis are tte greatest per- fast forwt tfour husbIoklln iîe~ st H fHeoper, 2d W. H irnicÇers 1te ealth oif tepreseut day, auv fer wil uehge cs rcewl amotBdJ WV, tuih lI; sn lu e paid for go stock; also dese oo,ôl all. 7th Rob,. Cooper~. ntiua O Seutih off Standa'ýrd Bauk ,J0 aeD Ui11, Vm. J. li Arm- be unr R0CONACH'~ sreng AudtorsrC. 1lnsr~-~ "te L. owe Jas R 0Cor, HEM BI EDIT, tSIR: r on like t( ou say sue off sner. L51., t le te it off frts ilt w )n e1 'at ni ce the plaù.-. tMr. Mitchei. It the same opîn; lo ask wh.v Mr movino. la i fi n Arn z 1

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