t is not neessary for a man to meet wîith an accident to become lame or otherwise physicaily im- paired. Friends of Mr. Samuel Postmaster at Dufferin, Ont.,, post office, have î x~/ondered for qsome ti ne what couid be the MR. S. DOINALD5ON. him, and when told that his crippled condition was due to rheum-atism,- couid harcly believe it. But such wvas the case, however., Mr. Donald- son was lame with rheumatism for two years, and during that time suffered internai pain and ex- perienced the greatest difficulty in getting out of a rig. Mr. Don- aidson used liniments and mix- tures of ail kinds to no purpose. At Iast he tried Dr. Hall's Rheu- matie Cure on the suggestion of a friend, who had been cured of a similar compiaint, and after' tak- ing one bottie of this wonderful preparation the pain disappeared, and now he is as weii as ever. Dr. Hall's Fbeuinatic Cure is put Ur iu 50 rent botieB. containtng te- a as treeirnent. pfor sleby a anr tesd dealers in -aadie ne. Th r afl',ie~dicine Co., King- ao.Ont. ?A QUICK CURE FOR CC COUGHS AIND COLDS Very valuable Remedy in ali affections of the THROAT or LUNGS Large Botte, 25c DAVIS & LAWREsNCE CO., Limited, IL atlaout a blemsa beause t does flot Stl F NurîS.t' utgrel Qt., FAb. 10,' Dr. . J. x.radai C. Dlre-r-fl sr pe1egv m emdyfr -or spurn r. - Au long1a, IaeCe,- luit ulîhai teaaîl Sp-duCur. .ud Irnua1ll'elitie alabte. Vny tly youra GJOPIT UTaIE $à s liet fr fnm.u also ATrentie beectte ellor th oo reeo dreels mai SIeadof TuED.& . MUlISr.,1 grteiaad oaekîi oa vhlcliai lAr0 ni o ru er, sSOeaagaineS sont T-d. WINGHAIL, CE., Uez-t 3'e, and $1 per Botal, DAý.VIs & L±WFEN'CE CO., Litait.ý It'e the constant te-hors, tise irregglaî liebits and le-tant va- btiaes Lhlm ?oculir ceptilse te ktdney tra Ft t its be-kcIteb autiîîary diffieultie, - enless lits attende( Brigit'a Diseasei denth. ~~AN~YPILLS -. e a Oh. Ie- Ëtrengtnet n a tlnvratethea xi -nleyer teiltai gi-ae qaicit relief an( th1ee mont obstine-teô ce-se-s, Rer. M. P. Campphell, paster c Be-ptist Cisurcis, Essex, Ont., sgays: I my pesenal use nf Due-'s ltitiey whieh I guI at 5Seron's drug etorc, se-y tisey e-nee- aiostexcellent rmKe kititoartroul esý, en am edti A Lribo rom agbntignlea hie utotýise -aid Iben tý ongeis ~'ie-'~e-vret ly tai do; bui g "'-'e On the Farm., IMPROVEMENT OF LAIND BY DRAIN AGE. In both ane-ent a-nd modemn agri- culture, in facI in tise agriculture aif arery aga cf the e-rond. three funda- mental principles have been necog- nizeet as essential te ils tievelopinant andi progress, writes Prof. 3. Fre- moni Hiekman. 1. A seed bad lu whie-b te plant; 2, moisture; and 3, 'heat. Bacbhait tinsse threa fouît tetinta principles are dependent aine upon tise othen. Thse eanihi famnishs tise saed-bed,' but can- net produce ae crop wthout mýoisture, for n'itiout motsture the seed n-ould net -prie-. tAe-t wîii îe-Cee-tn ver titra surtface rasuits in a tiacideti e-net moisturtt we oulti not produite lass to thlis so. t cannies wlth il e- erop e-itiout heat because vry tee- more or lass ofthtie surface soul, de- suetis apreut et a temperalama ha- composing vegete-ble mattan, e-sweal laie- fitty degrees, wiile neost seede es applieti elament5 of yard anti cern- requine a mue-h higben lempeae-ure. mercis] meanas. Ou tisa other .tgain n-e e-tey have tbe seeti-beti anti baud, n'heerp 111e drainage be-s bean heat ssential te the production ait providei, tIse passage oft n-eta e- maximum crope, but becanse ai t i lreugli the soit atd te>it hbeat andi mach moisture our e-op teils lai nhile it la bing filtre-ted threugb the groir, or fails tai mature. This leseil tise surplus carbonle e-id, nitrie- etten brougist about by we-ve-aec-e-e-i, etc., carrieti tce-vn tron tis aet- e-amulatiang on top ox vwithin the e-il iopeee yteni eyb hare telea i renieina fer days atten it bas by tleo loil, and helti in readiness for re-ineti. tise ueseait plant life. Wisene the gree-v-lg arop ie Ibus Funlisermere, its passage througb submengad tise de-mage la aimost, if lise le-nd is openin~- be-nnels thraitgb net enlirely, complele. Wlsera it wiih the- air me-y pass anti by ils stagne-tes upon tise soui t decomposes., presenea eeuse ile-aical action to set or rots tibiaroota anti stemis aitPlante; in werieney plant tood alree-dy in the cran wIe-ea t doas not rem on e- e-ilme-y be se, preparedt tset the plant epot ton a great lengîl oft tue, the e-en assineidete anti approprie-te ta ils testepore-ny stagnation rendiers tise use elements nleich in tne absence landi unpreduetire. efthtie air il coulti nover raeh. Seasons oft tillagearanaaflen lost, Dang fi-asa en'yfor deep- e-etnd n'eit yeaetlsee-m us ani-t ai- en root gmon'Iis, andti hus anabies e-aya h aseni and preaerious. But plants te se-,ore to>dn-uieiisit noultki drain I hie landi poperly anti inetae-ti ha irpoisibie tonrtem 10 re-cb n'itb- ofai grawng tisa poorest erap il n'ill eut tise e-annais n'iicis drainage preduce tisa hast, net oniy in quelily opennsTitis deeprar noot gron'tb aise but aise in quaaîity. Heavy rainse eue-heslthe- plant te ba'tter witis- e'tien plentingoen e-ny undrainati landi, stand tisa druth ait Sulme-r becausa a me-yuee-ta s-seai.te rot in the tise rieiotsare-mefartisar trons îl- surfacca grounti, or bo germinale impertectliy anti cannt ba s o soon affeeteti by hlehi-d the plant pass suceasfuiiy tise hot amntn dry n'aatben. ttis e-iice-i stage, h-e-ry raine dur- Dsy eerth wve e-me ree-dy te admit ing later growvti me-y cause a un- tcos net expand ti -teny tempematama, ne-tee-al develepinant or a teeble buet e-aiet e-rtI expandsa in proportion Iciteraclerai thlb, 'Plant. Lteer milathe te ils composition andtihtsaamounit seson tise-,e-ani ait sutticient nain cf e-ater il conte-ms. Tieretore, es upon tise undrainat lead me-y cause n-e naduca tise amount it e-rwater n-a tise crep tai ha destroyati by drouth, redue-e tisa chances of expansion anti, ton hetis naIoiL,,being conupacIai andi censequentiy, neduco tise proportion tirm, does net permit tise ots lai ot destruotion ta tise oots cf plants panetrale as deep e-s lhay iroulti in a buriet inlutit Isoire dryer si. Upon the iystoin of drainage rest Falauenet epring plowtng le otten tise pre3bies ait greaten banetits and reteret beceuseoftoD -mch mois- greater prodùtieisss freintie use. tura in ties oil. Whera the graunti oftmante-nes erganic ead inonganie-,.ot i9viel draineti ereps e-en habie-taalmanurresvretate-hIaenet me-uras min- 1anti cats- .-a n tiaUee eyfre- lion lu the officie-ls n'ich loti tua mu-h anieehe- bigeli-tua a ae-. Wea epplythem te aur le-ndettintly Irrie-t tisa raiýý,e aot eightvpriielepdto eare-nîin urp, eaidtitis, e-ese-generaîîy ;and tleey aene eten sureutedtiy e- m les e-n lotir, oiariei-diinliEeh areopaipnneplo glsenta ls eturateti soil n'ie-ichretartds or en- Canerai Baeeni-esbe-l-i i ianleis ---- o ru' ite vie-npreiuo lahigse-I. in iy pravents tise preselaO e ote-no- protes of n e-vi Hunter, generai j TOLTLiNB. Tise bjec cf naîn'ga K~ 1-p'iterie-air whicb is nece-ssary te their manager et tis a~ etai Govrnameat a'fiess eferano e nmite-men large prove 11li la -y Luparllng tai su-b diaýintegration anti tec inputiurt, iReilirsys, n'hos1r, excellent mana-ege- ofe stature or in e-ny way distingueis- noi- iee saîî'a-nes -a car clo jand titis prevents tisom fruinbecain- ment oetts' raiirad-is greatiy Sacil- e-iele-e ef tam-nefrairýt rdine-iy so; ' is the and dark color ing fî,5i'd fer thea roA tstoaitthe l UI <tr tdtý a)cýL ftetoÎ)3 ai.A iu3n ýanl ft ot seit-dieud antitriae-i eil. Ex- ore-ra.i-leI'ta ils us'. at tet isr moem s it oftircem on i-au-n aapae i Sa 4ca, e-o it r l e-e-s so ight e-î hoifficu-at Dan teu ieretere t mpraires tise etts em cim-tatts -ela 1e-,. evisible aesility is citet by e-n lister. tja-poai eeypriuer. t Le- le-net hy me-icngthe-"plant food e-a-pain Mr. iu-uten lIas e-e n twieaty Fugli-h exehange. >0 erviIent t lise-t 'cfft-ctlqispretiticati y pîset me-ne effectire.I yeers' soerviceanatNel, anti n'as Tise Dukaait Argyll e-as une-e Irrai- a hu îb"ie ai 10 emi at Ie-gran ng Drainage tisc afatteds tise candi- fonmerly ai i h b-Norths British Rail- lin, Lin ae-rain-ay camniaga n-us the aHoe ~ieyCap-y l renuereti ia- D riot Nrtumeran.At or o pttu Y- top intersectiag overy partit e of aisay Comaitanai >u 0eVe-t1uahie service during tise Zu andn the stetiens e- littia commercial drain- ta, y tise soi t w iisl h'y nover e-ai-tiido W r via. bera ltaeIan e-as tire-mati. hese -BeIer eae-.Imer enterati. Tisathree chetîete- ml- irwitis thoir axcnetions dacempose on M. Bolonr,e- Freneis enginoan, ne-s lianly ai-tii tise traln stoppaet Ain- ra, rerai of tisa amp end are e-eted for sema ears pe-et beau negaiu n e-ie-k junliain. Y upon by elernating air enidev-eto, a gigeatie- prej'ut for e- reiln'e-y lip- liera tho Duke ef 1Northumbeandt e-- itiis iaidecempe-seaanti hange la nelt roni tis- Se-ttisofSpSinlato tise- neut eut andi nas mat ley e- train ait degroo tise Iniaogalic uis-t-nce- aif is destruction of lung by, a Araian cee-st, a distan of abotfuiiaae-ic-iena tise soli. Tbaraby crainet lead, lweaty-tive anti a hait tuiles, Tise Tiset muà etle ame great sn'e]l, ne- n-hie-b nas baturo împervrous te air growlflg germn, preCîsely as! Froen Femoeiga 'Office have, up ltisah manketi the drummcer ta hie unitioira anti weten, anti -enaocequntty tue- inoU1dy chçes-e is destruction prstdainite eiusy -af-cnene, ave-talehe te air anti roets, air lairage- aider M. Brirscse and e-e-i oîe Yes. seid the Duite et Argyll, Iha is -~ table nealleread animl nfet, Se 'orns of cheese by a grox aing germ. now n' ails n-ey l F witis e- ien- the Duke ait NerthnmbeId b5-- y drainage pe-pe-leatid by botliI o kli he erto aecuxing tise of tise Blos me!I exclaimed tise drummer. Aoîgi xperiment e-u e-nh Itri yukl h eny Suite-n et f Moroceai,-' .M. BierIerencou- Andti tethinitlie asouiti bave been se ie-e- hyanyoneuneh, if tailhtuîîy e-er- so h osm t n. Y uadr ietisa cnsl:rtiction oft iis affable te twotiile snobs like us] ta iedhast, oti4t tr caitevinca bu ise-ht can or cari t according tC> Alor-,co h'iec-r ening and el,,wgtise sout is by Wlien vou beffin. TeLnoxUlt rmuy on tisno~is~n.a-ia~ teattod a aady' -pany have nen'narlycompletetial ethone-dri agestirL- -en. o t hi ed Take Scott's Emulsion Of titeir arrangen-Mtefon ple-ing alec- aoi, n apriug, we-vsta ~, laite e- quanti- Cod Liver 011: take a littie' t'italiy-pronloti ed-e-na on tise vibrle, ity et hie- barti'slsoit, suca-bespro-t1c agessan he ttar eente- e-bnkaýd anti brick-lite cher- iatirtileatitetticmp-ygviem i-ntatu orn-trty f e e- tubage- utji-et avr-r ty bon-ae, le protoabiythe cause 4cf more -acter undan tise influence of mootis, t It acts as a but _j-h ,,;Oe xesosdstesadsfeigza n te anti place ht in e- box or barrel open --.sts rpsietnîa e-I tise-boitons, and Sequenîîy dur- " fod s h -ehe- ho op 0slete tacom-, orgeaie-iereangeg'mnt. Gîteetise ho-avla foo à s te wiehthe h,, 'are eontipated, tise kldneys haconie igtheisas lttf o .P a (iiutras tlggtid, tie Ilvera-api, ead tise stoin- Oherroiuus frin limeroute miles in -l, Lme mleage tus e-nsusandi n'iola digestive eystam cei- n'itis nater. Ob3rai.isfon ieSceems fot to be e-ny te ta tAmw-y campe-ny in thee- pietely interfereti with. to lime onu le-e-sls' t-e-c t i Tise eati eciss, tisere 1, dizztuezs, w:îî becoine e-e-acanti me-na porous, at< food;- makes you'nlet i h-UiaiKato. A -eins -Sitneso -so an eatnai may sreay iuak, tise L.U.T.C. In tis abeek, eties and limbea, tisee-c-- strain aanti tinally holti e-ater tee-e-anti lees hungry hav dpe.te vr a rn i.cumule-tion et winti eni gas on tfie e-vieb pertectly as tise exp 'rimaent pruDceais, b ie vredînniet.sturaci", pains au-S fullîtese l is e ra- Deeltand tihîeeend lb e--titiatte-in e- coai-is comfortable. Tise crs are bl-ilt in th -e ot md a in et iisencytof'-ie-ol, u dprss 1itY cf1as-style, e-commeie-ing eeventy pa -nliseotiaY tprt. 3t ti-oIn oriti, train its tdeep anti malien- - ougroWstroflg.- ngn toyhiidatihmyi Constipation canl neyer ne eut-ad by ly~~~"g tub-i e-ansetambletalmoIetoalie enaiteas einT the ue cf sa-ls and sirnilar n'eaken- ,-y us-e graeiris t lntst e-ifect ifor theother.ke more; sid. fie-inlerion is fitlti -e p with lng anti debilitttitg purgatives. Dr. i,, ile grwthof pant. T,.,s chngeif a--Cbsse's Eiiiues-Liver Pills not enly tee _exale-s-oecarettilly, veulti ha touait not too m ;enough is as eeth t-1eanieaar- ccti-~ause tise nstra cion0flL a oi te bave be-en largely a malter ait de- heil-puesxl-e, by whbich passengens1bti srnte ndivgrt and - opsiinanti is, Iasmth e muclias you like and agrees nill be-, enebled t taiýp lise ce-m -v bn Itisern a e-s ene-ble Statît lu regule-rly cempattion I e-esain0, tse- ne- ai-t heir tune-lions n-tIsnt tise sui ai chtuial ctin bea~t aoutwit o. t.tbay e-rish te atîgisi, Undaiutedly, 1,_,of medicineas. One jel] a dose, 25 sitbyfa clenei cendaction bait hat anti - )yOU. oatÎs -y nunger in n fen' yaars wany cf tise aîer cents a box, et ail dealars. meisare in omblsalon 'iî e-t - ithusul fod; hatverlarge tramway comnpanlies nil taol- moisurein orrbintio wih at Wih uualfoo ; wal ion- tise xampie et the London Unit- This bning us bock 10 tise fun- yulk n ges ~ ~ aei nisaettieacnasl-iia IXT1. .-... rehiles in preýference tai Ihose tire-nni e -e ne detic-n pincipieo e atetanti moletare j Vv ai o r tog yies-aev tdiys Seing ain, ave ,a-altn PiIr, l cuei iamittai frealy lutote-tie soil'a a la ar ý ro rswi-eh n'a xlig.-Ct te rer p agaihaerecovered yu ---- - of the lmnaximum ci-op. IL e-ise Indicetes strength--the germs are THE lPiPES ýOr ROMP. "Frei 1 ocokuOto otCmo pl-il ts-t1e aeseary iseal te - . isane bas - ben oeaDutcb, ain pille l ldeath-a the necA i-hemile esoocessfuîiy unet i outly by ever 17cs pnepe-ly su-pport vegetable lite ean- Iu Lhave Xt.lled eS.S ' nglielis, oeeSresanti one Paigtr. i,OOOeLdies, Safe, effectual. Ladies ask grdy for inet be asecureti se longe-eslte pro- - guesepc. T- nsniet nian o duggeor a e CeitOnroeri n- L U vou h'ave riottried itseno lev be le' ILk a oie saI itrsplea herite jprtion ofait rtr a . tni5tat0U ax, . 1 I , dgesstrDnger,$s Perbx ailû e n-ain seahIigis Upathe p r ia - e tatwlI surpriý,se you. - , lr2m fOtietporea-dwlen - i .-- cte-leba, t-t irtin nt reat1iuy I sor&B W E tn h .kCMpazy WneoOnt. i da- XNCOA L. ',-N os,1 audi ýîd eanrecommended by all pes itegi r-e ,ilie-t selng Qeît epnil rglnluCanada. j m - ia eci a ls m u hy -lr-e ot , in 1505 Germeny dig 5001 o s e tn-îeecinrii'e tvlt-etai oe Cc.ad$10;aldugss -eyd- i 8i. FI q m1te-; eAde eei! lu' lia ÂnvHie Uittt table 1f e, w'e note that it results in imperfect germinaetion, in incomplete devlopment, and in immature and ahuornial conditions of thea ultimate. amrp. It le-es been estim.atad that soil wil hold one-fourth its b.ulk o aiter tihat is te se-y, four inc-hes of soil will hlid one inch of water, According to estimates forty-two incites of rainfali within oine year nans four hundred e-nd fifty tons cf viates fallie-g upon eacha acre of land. Te-king simply a commain sense vie-w of tihe natter -we ean tcarcely imaeginle leon the land is ta i rd i- self of this amount of watar througb nature-i channels. It, therefore, foi- lows tEet we rmust anticipe-te a large proportion passing off airer tue- sur- face or by artifiGiai dreinage. We fimd et once tisat we-ter cerried off tiens wbicb favor perfeet germina- SAVED BY AN EYEGLASS. tion, speedy developnsant and com- pletea meturity. lTe-dnits Pe'fr-ee Bow autEaglsltîai 1traculonsly Et. circulation of air and muoistiire iný the ca tIt(ie a',taaat ;Itllg. soul and makes psibeb.iet animeIa There bas just arrived iu Loindoin and vegetable lite. lt breaks dowi 'front thea Gold Coast Mr. Walter L. andt mellows stiff and i_>the rwise. un- Bennett, a gentleman wbo had an tiltble soil. It indui;es ohemical ac- 1 experience during the Ashauti rising tien to take place lu thse land andi wbicb rece-ils Mr. Ridier Haggard's thus prepares plant food. t admiltà story ot "King Solaimons Mines" and a deeper root growth ana gires a the magie eyeglass of - Captain Gond. wider range- troim which to draw su- ;Mr. Bennett la a le-na snrveyor by tenance for thee plant. t makes it profession, andi in May of this year possible tai Secure gree-5er benefts .va es at ibianiha, a place on the boun- frmnithe appicà,ation of botb yard andi dary hbetween Sefwl and Ashanti, two commercial mantares, t reduces in- jury te wheat and other crops from and a haîf days tai the West of Ku- freezing. Lt lengthlens the lime cf rmasi. tillagea end renders cate-tiation pais- The onty White me-n near bim was silîle 'e it e-d be out of the a y oung mîning prospector at Akiai- question if undraîneti.k-ma iincmp 1Thesa two Englishmen, fuan apart RALLWY Bt].~BLIGS. anti yet feeling thaniselves 10 be neigli. -- - bours, learneti of the Ashanti îisàIg hy Sona ots o' atee-, Aou tte hOu IIthe wholesale desertion ofthIeir black Thse Uganda Railwnay be-s now a rm. [ha mining prôspeo-tor weat tai tanUa it ire 33 mles Ib rol-Eheabin for protection. It n'as pro- iengt sock inclu3e) ies.Te rol-i . ised him by the chie£ of the village, motives anti 942 carniages anti cars. whai gave bim abonfu melo ThIee private saloon belonging ta'ýIicki. We inrwso h villa-ers msnied i-n anti battereti the tibe Royal train useet by the Queeu ilsmn it cost £6,000. Tise curtaIýns are bang Te they ouit off bis hea.d. upon tilivar poes, whîch are suspendeti Mr.hn nt erthserilsoy uo ml itfigureswhcrh cost M.fout sadii eeil tr upon ste-il gîI W:as he n'as about 10 more. Hle was ten guineas eacb. Tfha carpe-t in tltis oels o ersl n xetn luxurie-usly-fitted carniagýe e-st £150paenesfxrrialadepean we-rt the dear-hantiles are also saiti of a similar fate. to leave cost the. samne sum. -ýiate dieo neaae a Du.ring lise first tbnee mnonths of tie, heoivent tai the bead village ot tibe present 5ear the total number 3the ehief at thee Dunkoto, antime-de of ne-île-v-e errants a-nd ailier par.. a dasb for th, -t. lie ras seons killeti on tis- varie-ire-irilways natr-ert it rmst cf thea Unitedi Kingdorae-vies 314 andi-Protection. [I the other tise nube injured I 1915. For the Englishman e-t se-me pariod aot last yaar thse tote-Is Wiet i tilci e-verae. :69 killes end1,6,6 injureti. ires-tcahm£1n npabe pessing on tisa linE n'as responsible foibsaeg h oe 11Coast, put î" tO tbînki for thse langest numbar of deaths, ruatters over. '£ibc 'glass eye' thse total froni Ibis ce-use being 74. Me-ny people n'o" travel on the higbly amusei a shiny litIle blacek DistictRaiffl y, ondn, re az-boy, uae of the e-ief's sons. fle roe-red DistictR.a]ws, Lndo, ae ptz-e-rthblaughtar. Mr. Bennett grinead ziedti t know le-- the apparatias a l n oiemncedp which indicetes ,tb rnaine cof the next eafctnsgrt.TeD - station norks. An inelined block ile heos me-deascreleround The Eng-1 pineed ete-rach ise ailana sthdis-lishie-n, gre-atly mystifieti by anti de- lanc frm ec tatin, ntie-sthelighted wilh his extra eye. "IL bad tai trains pe-sairer t-his bleuit it engage$ do anme muaki y-tricks with that a catch et tise 5e-aton of the appar- eals, as~î.Bnaî eIe e-ttas fixed te tiha carrnages, tberaby Shameta-edly, "and- 1 completeti the causing it te moake one morement of conquest by menaging Ira e-ran' il lu thse indieator.- the eye oft one of the chief's wires, Reilway diecters, n-leen M-ing w hbO, Stmutted rond prouti of bar dis.. an inspection o1 tise lina, asually tiueitem." trtr inalu aeeialy vconstructeti car- Mr.,'Bennetn'as se-ved by hie eye. niages. As eale cf tact, Ihey 'glazs. It became a sort of fetisb. The are carniages a-nd an gine cembineti, chief entertaineti bim as an bonorati 'and are knewn e-h inspýeC-ion angines. gutiat, a-nd helpet inl the seaaxeh for iTisey are built forispein u rdur that thse assassine-ted prospector, Mr. Ban- stations elong île-aliue me-y ha visit- ntt was giren e-n ascort, e-ndt, aflen ed quickly. Th-1-inspjec riae-n egirtu me-ny days of privation, arriv .eti ately used by tise dirctors cý f the Lonedonainet thsae oest. where bchave-o infora- SýTVE£T, P50w YORK Crrv. We have soId piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lot to dispose of y et, an~d very cheap-first-class goods at very small nrieu Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and blaek ai $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to 62.50, worth $2.00 to $1a.50. Ohildren's Button and Blins 25e, 500, 75c, wortl, 50c, 75e, and $1.00. Misses', '3oys' and Youths' to correspond ini prieb. We will tell you what the stock is in each and every pair. Thbe reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now ilu stock in every line. The public is invited to inspect our stock; n trouble to show goods--we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satehelo;, Shawl Straps, fanex and plain; Dresi5ing, the very best that eau be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli. ed to. Repairing donc in ail its branches in first-clafs style. F'ine wo-k made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my eusto- forï past favors and hoping for a continuance of the tame. Beaver Block. Bowmanville. Hamton General Store We "I-bold a vaster tstock than bas been," sad0 are as usual prcpared to give bargamns lu Ciothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and fHardware. Gents' Clothing. Good TweedSuiits to order $8.00,. Good Serge Suits to order $.O We have a very large and well assorted stock~ to select from, iu Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds, oaoth Foreign aud Domestie manufacture W are bound to SUIT ou. Orocerles and Hardware. In ou.r (Gîoeery and Hlardware D,3partmnents you will find our st,, well assortad, bouglit in the best muarkets at the elosest prices, and1 bc soi at the riglit price. Sunie peopl.e wat uasity others qua? we eau please both. Higliest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a cai. E AMPTON, If the blood is pure the who, body will be heaithy. If the blood is impure the who system becomes corrupted with Here peple reafron pan ad himpurities. Ber's , ipie fro pan ad ahe Burdock Blood Bitters tra Dyspepsia's direful fom ipuean wtryb It is because they always take fno rihpureboo and buiidf Laxa.Lv r BIe the germs cannot Iurk r These little pills work wbUe yu lep we BD without a grIpe or pain, curlug aliosu,1 systern BhnU.î. i.s used. ~~ ~ ~ Miss Effie MDnlLieome- _____ _____________________ Guy Co., I., rts B 1. 3. 1 3. anexellnretned D R.0 2O9L'S s Cfh e sa-1 heb Ç'-a urn sootbstheungshad riednta NQRWAYPII~iEandc Cures thethn idni Yvhat is Castoria is for-ý Infants and Chilldrcn. Castoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Dr'ops and Soothing Syrups. It contain8 neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It is Pleasant, Its guarantee is thirty years»' use by Millions of l'.others. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- nes, Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collc. Castoria. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates thse Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Chidren, giving healthy and natural slecp. Castorla 18 the Cidren's Panacea-The Mother's F3riend. Castoria. 1Castoria. *"Caistoria je an excellent in edicine for «"Castor!%%le s soweti adapted tai cldral- children. Mutiiere have repeatedly told me ltat 1 recomimend Il as superlor toa ny pro. afit Is good affect tapon their ceblçdren." scription irnoavu ta me." De-. G. C. Osenoe-, .Lowell, Vass. M. A. Ae-ctaae, M. D. Broùk!ye.N. YV THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F APPEARS Imm