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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1901, p. 5

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lIty Ideas bout the- Theno are hundreds ef dollars sted overy year by pensons pay- g oxtravageat prices for poor ashy Spectacles believing Ihey ne gttiag a first-class article. There are hundrods of dealers ho have handied Spectacles for ~r who cannot dolerutine the cf a pair of leases se that it W)1 be wondered aI that the neral public gel deceived. We make a specialty ef spectacles ind have the most expeasive and most ceuaae instruments knewn te science or testing the sigbt and tsting the uality et the geeds wo handie. We are nover deeived ia buying nd Mwe nover deceive ia selling. Our nîices rua as low as lOdts aad we cau bvyo ynthe besî qualitv made tor $1,00 ethat ne caneaeed sufer for a geod of glasses. M hWR TEST EYES FRE.. et TfTT R& JÜRY, TeDruggists and Opicias 'lianik Yoll. A y ea igo we, thought we had r e ed tho ei -t et bbe busiaess pos- Iiiities for a t cwa the size et Bowmaa- eý, but blhis year's Xmas trado is one stiHi and we beartily bhank our leneus enýtomers for their ceatiaued douciie and patronage. n. wiî,bing cee aad aul a prosper- SNew Year we can assure same close and carotai lie wante et the publie our business a succss la -given te lb durîng 1901 patroniage hestewed ou stimtilatcis us te re-newed possiblo te greaten et- oer beforo. SJURY R. MIORLEYCAwKER. ~ ~ ~JAS. 2, 1901. 201?ll CENTURYV GREETINGS. ilwisb te thank ahi mv tniends ton nakiîîg Ibis store a sucets during the past year, and hope thaI the dawn et the twentieth century may brng yen a greaten measure of geod cheen, bappi- acess and pnesponity. Yeuns tnuly. A. L. NICHOLLS. Some geed rocipos on page 6. Wan nows and editonial notes on Srd page. Nul Taffy 10 cents per lb. Saturday only aI Tod's. àMre. Caddy is visiting hon mother, Mr.NotL-Stcevens. Mr. Fanxk Quick bas been quibo 1hl le s cOvaiýescing. Ue.Dr. Talmage speaks et the P etiso Lite on 2nd page. Hwgohd refiaers wonk is a very in- teetn rtàcie on page 2. 'BWW IiII, bligh Sehool wilI ne- openda Jan 7th aI 9 o'eiçckz. 'Mm - ni Quick. Graveahanst, le vslu- mý ioînen Mns. Roger Cole. Ld t3adecrs wii ble interested la th aetreview ef fashions on page 6. io'tmse the vocal rocitai in town nal eiesday Jan. 9th. Reservo T'hý next annual convention et the OYntario Fruit G' rowers' Association mili be hieid la Cobourg. Castor 011 or oîhen Cathartie le net nieeded aften giving Pr. Low's Plea î- a..nt Worm Syrup. TPhis nemody con- taines its Dwa purgative-antd netouclyi Iesîncys but carnies et the wonms. Prico e 25 e. Coueh, Johiuston &- Cryclerman are eoiiling- off the baýlance cf Ibeir iarg-e nd oleganiit stock et Ladies Ooats aI ealiy redn'Vccd pnices. Now le tho ime anv$elady may seure a now tylish xxd periect fittiug coaI for veny littho nr. Wilsoni Neads, chiot cf the D. O.s 'Ce. traîîepertaîioa service, while ng tihe- station one day bast weekr xolado organe tie wbeel nan int t.tbowia Mn Neads te tho gneand ang an ngiy gasýh la bis tonobead - ch nei.bssitatFed several sti tehes. Âlthoaghl neboes are broen ^,thet uscie et insrm and body are se g1rainedI t1i-t ho is rendered aimeet pielss. Ibi, de,(oitg ,asnwell as eaube ýxpectod hl g il bci h some lime Pfore hle abIeý to r-eÉume duty, t An e orsssion was held aI the i( fethodist Sah Seheel Sundayp teroon MnT. C. Jwehl spoke C, iofy i tie itenst t te Sick Chiid- f -as o~pîsilPerctt whîch the i ileellea et tire attenneoni was donatod.p sters Chiarlie ',ason and Gordon 'hell and 1"s liha Manning gave tiens MisSbiaMason sang a ti 'id Miss Ilibv Joîbiffe a viella soie ti \ýïnIed on 4he ongani by Ms \Joiliffe., Tho' pnimany cas 1 Iress;. The saipeniitoent, ce Jreiddad radIh ilî fW ]Blackýsmith-'s harvest is now on.- llow about the new fair c-rounds?1 Try Todi's H-ome-mad3 nut Crisp. A few 4(,, cents jet Beits at 20 cents at What duli weather the century end brought -as. Secretl&ries of lodges. sen4 iiilise o f new offleers. Balance of Counties' Conneil report next week . Guitar for sale cheap. Apply aI Tax ,STA&TFhSMAN office. Nul Taffv-Saturday only 10 cents per lb. at Tod's. Mr. Wm. Quick was ou a busines trip le Montreal last week. $6.50 and 7 00 suits at The West End House this ajoatl for $4.50. Could we have a frog factony ? Raw matenial is plentiful at the marshes. Butchers made a grand dispiay of meats for Christmas and New Years. Grand musical recitalinl the Town Hall, Wednesday Jan, 9. Don't miss il. The beautiful home and grounds of the Fisher Estate are offered for sale. See advt. Local merchants report a splendid holiday trade. The shops looked at- tractive. Lodges or Societies wishing to have an Oyster supper should ask Thos. Tod for prices. Some new pavement in, town are "chipping" quite a good deal. Look along Church-st. Have vou tried Tod's Home-made Candies,- a very large assortment le choose from. Ladies stylish Coats and, Furs are al subject te 20 % discounts this month at The M1ason Co's. See their ad. A Toronto commercial Iravaller bought a large box of prime meats andi poultry from Mr. C. M. Cawker. Ecomomical bu) ers should read The Mason Co's ad. il is ccrtainly a monev saving opporfunity seldomn met with.- Overcoats, Ulsters, all men's and. boys tweed Suits, ail selling at 20 % dis- count this month. See The Mason Co'd. ad. 1 Mr. John Percy in response to a large- ly signed requisition is a candidate for the town council. He makes a splendid councilien. Vote for hlm. We believe our ready made over coats for Men and Boys are the best value sthown by any House anywhene. Couch, Johaston & Cryderman. Wingham is wideawake -for business Its citizens by a vote of 332 to 4 voted te boan Gait & Bullock 017,000 te estab- iish a brass foundry la that town. Free sample copy of the Canadian Horticulturiet, the beadin g North Amer- býan authoritv on fruits and flowers, sent free duning the current month te any applicant addressing L. Woolver- ton, Grimsby, Ont. 1-2w. GRIPPE HEADACE-MrS. C. Apple- ton, Whitewood, N. W. T., writes:- "Milburn's Sterling ileadache Powders have given me grat, relief from the terrible pains of La Grippe in my head and through my back. " Pnice 10e. and 25e All dealers. Couch, Jobaston & Cryderman are showing a beautiful lot et goods suit- able fer Christmas preseats. Sec what they say on thé first page of this paper and give them a -caîl1. Yau will flot fail te flnd just whai you want. Derangement of the liven, with con stipation,injures the complexion, induce p impies, saîlow skin. Remove the cause by using Cartber's Little Liver Puis. One a dose. Tny them, Ladies' fur lined Capes in ail qualities first class Astrachan Coats, Caponines of ail kinds; Ruffs ia Sable, Oppossum, Grey Lamb, Thibet; also Muifs la Op- possum, Thibet, and Sable. No finer furs te bc found anywhere. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. The D. & L. Menthol Plasten is the most iargely sold iu Canada. For backacbe and ail muscular pains there is nothing equai to it. Each plasten la an air tîght lin. 25c. Davis & Law- rence Co., makers. The Rev'd Professer Clarke of Trinity Colieze, Toronto. will lecture in the Town ball on Friday, Januarv 18th anden the auspices of St. .John's Church Ladies Aid Societv. The subject of the lecture will be *'Conduct and Manner.1" Admission 15c. Proceeds in aid or the church repair fund. 1-8w The action of Carter's Little Liver Pis is pleasant, mild, and naturai. They gently stimulale the liver and negubate the howels, butdo net purge. They are sure 10 pleaso. The first lecture in the Hfigh. Sehool Lecture Course will be deiivered. by Dr. A.P. Coleman, Professor in Sehool of Practical Science, on Jan 111h aI 8 p .m. Subjeet, "Canadian Gold Fields." This is the fourth lime that Dr. Coleman has been iavited 10 lecture under the aus- piesg"ofthe igýh Shoc Board-And1hi or expense te keep Ibis paper ini tbe lead c f ail local papers in luis district. -ew subseriptions and -eeasare coming la vo-ry weffi aad eveýr'Sting looks pciigfor a goou t sond off for the finsî year fthe Iaew century'. ýW e lch ope te ar from hua t lreds c f others d2uring the nx few .veeks. PElISONAL. Mn. Wallace Shaw was la Port HIopeý Frîday. Mise Dilling spent New Years br Oshawa. Mr. Edga-r Adams, Toronto, le homE for heolidays Mrý T. RF. Knight, Owen Sound, if home for helidays. Miss Susie Baiiey is home froru To. rente for the hoiidays. Mr. W. C. Tole, druggist, had a trip te Barrie Ibis wock. Mr. Wiii Zinn, Port Elgin, spenl Xmas aI Mn. J. Gnigg's. Miss McClellan is visiting ber sister, Mrs, B. Bnittain, Stralferd. Miss May James, Normal School, Toý roato, is home for holidays. Mns. R. Gneenfleld visited fniends ir Toronto, Parkdalo and Mîmico. 1Miss Mabel Borland bas returneè from visiting frîonds ia Toronto. Miss Gailanough of, Thorahilliqi visiting at Mn. T. J. MeMurtry's Messrs Bert and Wili Barretx, Toronli spent Christmas with thein methen. Mrs. T. Jackson is spending Ne-w Years with Dr. J.S. Somers, Toronto. Messrs. A. L. Dai-ch and Frank Downey spont New Years la Waterloo. Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Lyh.e spent Xma- with. hen siston Mrs.Fnank Scott, Brook- lia. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Sherin spent Ne-w Years with thoir daughîors in Peter- bore. Miss Fannie M. Ellenon, Normal Schooi, Ottawa, is home for the holi da s, Mr, and Mrs. and Miss beliyan spent Xmas ln Cobourg guosîs of Mr. W. b. Hlliy an, Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Crosby, Toronto, were zuosts et Mn. T. J, McMurtry over Sunday. Misses Bertie and Maud liancockiz Courtice, were guests etf Mns. Thoýý Nichols. Mn. and Mrs, W. blislop and Miss Olive spent New Years with relatives ai Brooklu. Mr- and Mrs. Frank Stonhouse, Ot. tawa, were receat guests et Mr. Jes. Paltinson. Mr. and Mrs J. Gnigg and daughter' Edra spent New Years with relatives in Caaningtoa. Mrs. W. Jac'kson, Toroato, visited hon mothen Mrs. Jos. Maynard duning the holidays. Messrs. Robt. Tod, Artbur MeDougall and Jas. Janyls, Toronto, spent New~ Years at home. Miss McDiarmid, Whitby, and Mn. Carvoth, Toronto, are guesîs of Miss Ethel Y King. Miss M innie Haines and Miss Vida are snending Xmas niolidays at Detroit and Walkervillo. Miss M- E. Hig:het, M. A.«, Ph. D., New Plaîz, N. Y., has been guest of Miss E.L. Rundie. Miss Carnie Mantyn ententaineda numden etf fieads vory pleasantly Thursday eveaing. M iss Elua Coulter whc has been spe.ading hoiidays guest of Miss Mabel Grigg bas netunned home. Mrs. Gibson, WVeston, and Miss Ban- bara Yoilowlees, Tononto. visited their mother dariag Ihe holidays, Mn. and Mrs.b Goedman, Miss Jessie and Master Goodman, Toronto, are guests of MNrý Thos. I-Jan Mr. anîd Mrs. Herbent Densea and family,'Toronto, are guesîs et Mr.John Deasen during the liolidays. Mn. and Mns. M, Proutt and Miss Gertrude and Mr. Wilbur Mellba, To- rento, are guests ef Mn. H. Mellba. Mrs. Geo. A. Peance, South View Villa, Darlington, is visiting Major bendersea 81 Surrey place. Toronto. Miss Emma and Mn. W. Chambers and Mn. W barris, Lindsay, have been guosîs cf their anlMrs. Thes.Coiwill., Hev.b A.Stniko and family, Lindsay, and Mn. Wallace Riford,1 Tononto,spent Xmas holidays at Mrs. John Riford's, Providence. 1About four cblumns ef connespondence and local netsws crowded eut Ibis issue Next week we shah bhave pleaty et xoom again. Mn. and Mrs. R. T. Philp, Whitbv, attended the wedding of ber sisten, Miss Poliard, and Mn. Fitzg-erald et London, on Tuesday. Miss Bertha Tamblyn, Consenvatory of Music, Toronto, -and Miss Addie Martin, Whitbv, are guests ef Mn. W. W. Tamblyn. M.A. Mirs. M.A. Brvant. Brcooklin, Mn. A. b. Dale, Rochest-er, N. Y., and Mns. Canscallon, Winnipeg, Man., were gaests cf Mr. W F. Dale. Mis Mabel Welsh, Toronto, Mn Cecil Weish, Bexlin, 11ev. C.A. Coakweil,To- reute, and Mn. W. Spinks, wore guests at Mn. E.L. Weisni's Xmas. Stnathroy citizoas presented Mn.Geo. iVaddil los exrmeyheity Peak- ng weii for the country iii vhiclih has natde bis home for over 20 y oars, being oneof ethe pioneers et that vast prairie The D. & L, Emulsion benefits most hiose haig ugtroub[pes witb ton kcyte hema,;ra-,es. A few bot[fGes ake neulain akea w rnderfuli i- >reeme~. adeby Davis & Law- oný,c & Ce , Limi. Toys e-o =AND - M ancv %Goodsl ~ AtGreatly Reduced PYWcs 3- BOWMANVILL TOWN ELECTION. II0ARSEESS-IIelen Decker, Jordan Ferry N. S., writes:-A fewmonthis ag- To the electors of the t own of Bowman- 1 had a severe cold in my throat and ville. chest and became quite hoarse. A LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ~ bottle of Dr. Wood'a Norway Fine Syrup soon relieved the Hoarseness and llaving served you as concillor to cured the cold." the best of mv ability for the past three years I arn again a candidate for the'--- post ond solicit your vote and influence. .Agiultural Societies. Darliagton Township Agrienitural ,s Seciotv 's animal meeting wilbe bobd in the Ceuncîl Chamber, Bowmaaviile, s on Wednesday Januany 9 a 2 p in., to- telection et officens and genenal busi- niess. See bis. West Durham Agricultunal Societv's annual meeting wilh be held la tht Council Chamber, Bowmanviiie, en Wednesday Januany 16 aI 2 p. m. te ne- coîve the repent et bbc Directors, eiect officens and genenal business Sec billh. GRAND CONCERT, A MUSICAL TREAT WORTHY OP V PATRONAGE. A vocal recitai wihh ho given in the sTown bail, Bowmanviîie, on Wednes- day, Jan 9th by Mn. Rdwand Barbon, the Rngiisb Bosse Can tante. assistod by Miss Hiida Richardsen, Viohincehist, ef odEnRgland, and Pianiste, Miss Rîbel L 1tasband et bbc Toronto Col l ege et Music. Deers ope3n aI 8 p. m concert will commence ai 8 p. m. Adý mission 25e ; reseryed seats 35e. Plan a of bail at Big 20. Tickets may be bati Y front members eftIhe vocal class in Bowmanviile. THE WBEK 0F PR&YER. The week etf rayer g ilhcoebserved r during the week foilowlo.g the irst Sundayoetl901. Cemmenclng on Jan. e7tb, meetings wilbe hebd-as folhows- Moaday evening in IhePreshyterian Church, sabject, 'Spin'tual Lite and Ltgbt," address by Ror. J. H. Bârnett. iuesday evenlng le bhe Methodist Cliurch, subjeet, "The C'nuneh," ad- s dress by Rter. J. b. Tornbuli. Wed- nesdtxv eveeing ia the Dizile Church, subjeût, "Christia Character," ad- *dreoi by Rev. W. J.Joihifie. Thunsday revening, In the Congregational Ohurch, snbj.-ct "The Word" addrees by Rev. 8 B. IL. Hayden. FrIday evening bn the 1 Preebyterian Obnrch, snbjict, l'Foreign Missions," addrees by te Rer, XV. D, Spinks. t The Thursday eveninz meeting will ho set spart specially ton the Bible Sochety. The mneetings willlbe heid at 38 o'cieck each crealng. Itlale jarne',ly hoped that Ihose meetings will hi 1largeby sttended and that nioch geed will flow frem thei. We, tbe undersigneci, d, hereby agree te retund the meney on a 60-cent bettieof Greeine's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails te cure yeur congli or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bettle te prove satletactory or money refunded. J. HIGGINBOTHAM5 & SON, STOTT & JURY, BO0RN MILLSes -In Carke, Dec. 23, the wlte et Mr. H. W. B. Milisen, et a son.' HIAMLEY-IU iewmanviile, Dec 30, te Mn and Mrs R H- Hamley, a daugbter. BîAziY HuGnze-At ithe farsenage, Elack- stock, Dec 24, by Rer E E Howard, Mr T J Bailey and Miss Sarah M Hnghes, al ef Cart- wright. PILLIP5-JAMEs-At Lerne Villa, Bewman- ville, the residence efthIe brides arents, on Wednesday, Dec 26, by Rer J J Rie. James Alexander Pbillips, New York City, and Emma Sophia, second daughter ef Mr M A James, J P, Editor andi Publisher eft EE SIÂJESmAN. PÂeSCO-]300 inal Oshawa, Dec 24, by 1ev J1 J Ltddy, M A, Edigar Albert Paseoe, East Whitby, aund Miss Eliener iBooth, Oshawa. StmmtoNs-DOLLiN-ID Oshawa, Dec 25, by 1ev J J Liddy. M A, William Simmons, and Mabel, daugliten ef Mr Wm Dolling, both ef Oshawa. MOP.ISirONl-RÂLL-At St Savieun's chcrch, Orno, Dec 25, by Rer Canon Farncâmb, Mr James Thompeor. Merrison and Miss Amelia Hall, yonngest daughter et Mn Daniel Hall, "Millvale." S,inEiiee-In Bowmanville, Jan. 1, at the nesidence et Robent Stanley, Margaret Jane Shuter. iieloved wite et John Sanderson.jr.,aged 46 years. BracH-In Hirait Hospital, Buffalo, N Y, Dcc 3, ,lmes Bincli, aged 40 yeane. NkWSOMB-In WOv ilOt, onTueqday, V. ~ ~ '-1ý1 ui Nesmtreel ai irtwl#igbt, agea 79 ý ire. S.xIÂ aDunetabille, Ee.g, on Decý 4, Chas Shriran, aged 77 ye)ars. FÛR-In Oshawa, DXe 26, MLie Frd, aged 5-l yeats. SrkssNT,-în aris nie 27ilb, Johnl Stainton raged 46 7tears.- Ptxîîxs~s-T2-sbaMaary L41erKins,i of gtr tGeorge ýanti 4oaau I f g 3 years. 15, Tla Lt3 lti1da v f, C rJ)i N Ktrby, ieme!y o e it yeanef4(ti .LIt t?4 5 - ~ ~ ~ ~ d*;R LN10F n* >_* t~ p le- l., M, 'liAg Ago od choice of First-Ola'ss Suits StUR left. This is a chance in a lifetime. 'l 771 'lr"- Bal ance Ladies' and Ohiïlldren's Coats Mil '1111 *T 0 uI S' .I* o 0 Bowmanville. Next Door to Standard Bank. We soil Bîsseil Carpet Sweep ers-L. Loave your erder for a suit on an QTEER ASTBAY-Came on lot 1, Morris. evenceat at Coach, Jehastea & C .J on., ,,Darington, about the mididleoie ut Ourbins 0 ceapunntue ae cea innsne setha yn iav o ryder ear .-old steer. Owner cari bave sai-by Our nesof-hea funitre receap maýsowo tat-youmavbc sure-et -payiîtg -eperses anC provlng-roperty. .)orn -L Morris. having thom made bof ore C hrisîmas. JEWELL, Box 179,13olwmanvilc. 52-3 y" See our edd pioces lu Parler Farni- Couch, Jobastea & Cryderman are ture-L, Monris. showing a big stock etunader clothing Q TOCIC FOR SALE-I have for cale M. A. James is Government issuen et ail kiads, Flanneis, Fannelets and k five sews supposed te be in pig, titre" ,re cf Mrnige icenes.ailkind cfstale godewbih nt tro'-bred Eerkshires, price from $10Ixeofi'); of Mrriae Lcenss. ll kndsof sapl goos wieh otaIse teai of general purpose mares 4 and -5 8 8300 Blankets fer $2.25 at The West withstanding the advance tbey are years old; Clydesdale filly risieg 2 years - ith Rn bus Iismo-b seiing at neariy theoled prices. six traigh cossest5prie $l00Goodacuaî Bring la yeur tans, aow ils the lime Do net fenget about the SeWing METCALn, lot 1e, B, F., Darlington, Bawinan- te have them altered and repaired. m. Machines ah Riekard's. Spocial pnicvleP 0 Mayer, turnier. lrom now tili Januany 1901-$65 Singer ýBOWMANVILLË MARKETS, Wo, have a large stock et Qaarbened Machine latest malt for 80.; $65. Ont- Oak Furniture in Anti que and Golden ontl for$2. as well as New William's Correectdby J.llcMIurtry enchTl «. stay finisites. L. Morris. Raymond and White at lowest prîces. Now is the lime te have yeun baurs SAy :-Do yen Wauv Gil- FLOUR, P 100 IbS ........81 70 te 5 10 altered and made over la bbc latest moun's Celebnated ilig'i Clab. WIEAT, Fail, bush ....O0 O;1? 65 style by M. Mayer,Furrier. Doons for that niue aew bous.e O 60û CI Ladies, yen are invitod te cail aI Miss yen are building? If se, îelo- Gooeif..O.7 Mediaad's Miliineny parler and sce the phone No. 15, Notwithstand- n GseO0 ' 6 latest noveibies ia head wcar. -iîîg ail reports te the ceabrary BAPLFiY, P bush, No. 1 ... O09 à 4 M. Mayer bas a full lino of ail kinds we are stili selling and geing 'i 2 ..O 9 4 et fans, haIs, caps and gonts' furnish. Mo te nsepi, eand aïb lris ofnf 8 .. Ow 25 S- ings, eaul and se0 for yenrself. Meiîg.peesadaL knse w oe n 8 Se Ie anCpone, ufs Rifdressed and nndressed Junbr and are 1) ýATS. whiteo tt.... O0 25ti'l Collans, Coats, Gaunîlets, Caps, Robes, celnalBeevn n'r.sei elTCE, O47 If meet ail thee demandsof e t eIrs deiA cwaA .. . O0" etc. etc., at M. Mlayen's, Fracticai Fan- ofsg-rî,îte splerîtid No 1 dorirs PL,EB1acke',e, P b)h.!Ol 9 7 rier , arnived frem bbe Gilmour's- factorv at CaaiaiBeu ios 6 Tho ost eautfulwaîees eer 1b, rentoa a fow days ago, a, d xe are pioleme OC 3 betore a people are le ho bad ah Rici: pared te supply 'aîy grade, ef geods Smi i O00t 5 ards and ail are lime keepersad manufactnred bv tht .n mat aho t Eue O 6 -tt o guaraaitee, aîd ah neasonabie pniet. aife a dc Ebstaio Il..O0ttt0 Tait C' large,7 greup wiii bo Made grained eiiing-a speciaibvheadqi-arters E~&,Pdî... ......O 0t(i1 up on gottig t-be nes et the buiness aisefor sbingles--Britiso Ceiululiia Ne P~-iEPbI. ....50 tO mo i behvepomisedi. Klia ii 1 RI.ed Cedar and ahi gradeos u tif, ieadLA e...... u t 1 imm l-lt aon. inaive Cedar; aiPlaster adPi tf, Ot~- 'mdvmadecioth, I> ring ton mon nind Cretaw'- i t D H r Cylo bo'.s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~(i isal10 n titl pt-ae n asctixsokêOni 'l-cb~t 1 and ne ebenvaluie aaywhore. Con ci dnj t rg fseh - JehuisLoeai& Crydermian,.l.~s' Rappy New ar to Aill At thîs season housekeepers are in search of the best Fruits. We WstoAnune To the people of West Durham that our Xmas Fruits have been carefuiiv selected and bought for cash, thus enabling us le seil at prices that def y competition. That ive are leaders in Fancy Grocer- ieq is a settled fact. ýHere are a few lines we kindIv ask you to inspect before purchas- ing: Raisoiis-Coniseur'clusters, Black Basket, Loadon layers, Loose Muscatel, Valencia layers, choice Sultanas; Nuts, Candies, Oranges, Larrazona Almonds, Walnuts, Forida and Valencia Oranges, Mal- aga Grapes, etc, ehilna Parlo Second Fiat We are showing the finest assortment of Dininer Sets, Tea Sets, llanging Lamps, Hall Lamps, English Wedge Wood, Cul Glass ,Doltoa China Fancy Cups and Saucers, in fact everything to, make a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Kindly soliciting a share of your patronage and thanking vou ail for your liberal support la the past we wish you a Mcrry Xmas aad Happy New Year.

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