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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1901, p. 6

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ecvicw ef Fashi-ýon Seaïskin, sable, utarten, lynx,cbhin- chîia, rn, boa ver, Persian lemb andi bine lynx wlll ha the fashionable furs this senson" Fin%, Zur garmonts range in size fron,. the airiest littie haleras to etunnme àMareobal Ne-y ulters, whlch ectuatly %rail the floor! The former are jaunty garments for the promo- nadie ou milti tiys, whille the atter are meat Inxaiaus carrnage wean. Then there are the mare usefal coats, w>vbh-h are ta ho the beat "sel- lera." The lengths are tbree-quar- ters on short. Tuacroti fur la the very lateet andi emartest fad iu fur fashian, andi you eaui heairthie woman wbose waist is a large andte tnder point wîth her give a deslpatiig, ebgb for a b-îxury lu wUch~h she cannait Indulge. %fhe fuar- na-es have reachedti hat pinuiacle ini the fashîoning o! garmoats whero the amoath zand f luffy skias are moaideti te the figure exactly as velvet and cloth are uied hy the beat mod- îstes. Miere was a time when a fur coat, -as worn wholly for jts- w'rmth t-f ha ekins were sewod together with very little regard te symmtry and grace- fuiriess o! outlue, and the. reenît was a olauxsy, ungaiuly garmî'ut. But the l'AigIon jacket is exaotiy tho sort o! tailcrycoat wehave al banged for The f ront Lsabiainlulon ucekes, sln- Chapeau of stitched felt edged with velvet- The crown is encircled by long ostrioh plumes which feul backward, fine on each stde, frum a f ancy buck'ie placed directly in front. act reproductioa of the oe worn by Bernhardt in her play of that name. -As-It--ie nece3sanrily- a boy-'ssaei it la only becoming te young and piquant faces but for those seeklng new thinga thi.e is the latest. The aid standbys, for thé more concerVative for utility wear, foît trimmed in vel- veti or taffota, are stili on hand. Panne velvet je by f ar the most tused - ý - -,ý --É l, f-1 d - +n ha- can appreciate in these days of rapid ~~~ changea.. For boys, clothea there seema to be very littie that la newîr) There arecriie the same sailor ecits, the Russian - blousa. with the hase trousers lsanded in below the knee and the short Eton SOME GOOD RECIPES. coats for older boys. Gold buttons rmef ely.T eon pud flonrish here as well as plsewhere e ce.o, etieysakl poes, op and especially on the military over- and ail, end boitlu nsait wator tili coata with a deano cape. tender. Biilou on' and a 'haf pints Black, white and g.old braid, tiny mi ewhc a n de n gold buttons and narrow velvet nib-1 teaspoçnful and a hall of cornastarcb bons are the prevailing trimmings for 0c lu fpeeret nk littlo, girls' gowns, while for more creami. AdA eone teaspoonful o! but- dressy occasions lace is used. The ~Dan heclr n trit guimpe dress, nover discarded, is made :the creama and serve. quite elaborate with an Irish point -dTot--oe h otmo lace, ooller and the long-weisted ef f ct, Bal. ru.Uvr h otmo which is perhaps the enly now feeture. a smIal aval paper form, with a f ew L'iyng ho fontandbackin ineveiry thin lilces of fat bacon, ont down the back some nicely-washo.d small tecks dle own. h etmksavr trout, and having removed the bones, trrmlitie gWn.lay the fish open f lat upon the ha- For materials for smaîl children'e wear tho colors are 'bright or else! '~arnkewt hppdprly verydeloat intin, ad cmhmrepepper, isait, a littie. mn e, and two orydelcat latin, ad cshmreclioves finely pouindod. Bake 30 min- tansdcîwne and thin siîks are very utes in a quick orven. popolar. There are fine wool plaids wbich are useful and make up effoc- Vfeal Cutlets.-Melt a piece of but- tivcly with the lace coolar. A haped teoio n the frying pan; put in the cut- collar of the material tucked and trim- lets with sait, pepper and some spice; med around the edge witb lace is aise m'O've them about in the butter for very pretty. __Another- r evie.fie iue;ha-ve ready some mix- able gown la of blue and green plaid, ed herbs and musirmma chopped fine- ly; sprinkie haif ove oesaide of the cutiets, an.d, when fried enougb, turn and sprinirlc them with the oth- et- haif; finish frying' and add the juice of a lemon; set them round the dish wîth the seas-oining in the conter. - --Reat e- diPw a- and- IIOUSEHOLD ILUNTS. If yK) Uwant your windoavs to he cleax and bright add a littie ammoeula to the water and wash thorou3ghly. Use. ne soap as it leaves the glass of a milky color. You cannot obtain oat- isfýýtory results by wipinge them off witl a wash cloth. They must be washed with plenty o! waten, dried with clean cotton clethîl and polisb- ed with chamois or sof t papor. An excellent materaa fora clethos- Unme is the ordinary telegraph wiro wbich 15 ucîw sold for tltat purpuce in hardware storesl. It will eutlast a dozen hompen lines. Whon it is pro- pewly put up by a streng man, it doos net sag like the other linos, it does noit break, and it 15 not unsightiy ho- cause it is so fine that it is hardly a noticeable feature of the yard. Try thin suices of pork on the breast of fowi when it is roasting. It is not necesslary to baste fowi or poultry whon this ta done, Sliced heets mnake a iov.iy, pink col- oring matte.r for any article of food a'nd a bit of saffron wili produce a pretty yellow that ia harmiess. Spin- at-h baves make a goad green, and the yolks of eggs a gold tint. Vegetables if put in celd water haîf an hour ho- fore using xiii ha fro.shened uts wr-n- derfuily. Do net 'work et cake as soan as it is taken fro.m the oven. If it la siight- ly festened ta the pan allow te stand five minutes thon turn it on e sieve, ailowing the air to circulate areuud it. If you use any o! the patent pans, 1 1 The muffa off shartar fur are liued tÇic pumaes C [ing fra athe-ig g wîththe ame or toYim gob re -a0ýt buckle te cno aide off the front, son-leas lnyaewarmo -r and -cuîved grccetully over the crown. The do not so -î , ýof readily as lininga off hrim waa ffaced with cream guipure satin 0r silk. lace. F0ut-a off sorniekind are one o!1 the flic new bats are ail r-t-thon large, necessary eloments of an elegeut the toques quite full and importent outfit in winter, and tbey ke pace l*ookiug. A'handsome toque lu e ricb wlth ail the otitar thing-s o! fashion, naturtium red velvet had a crown so far as the changes lu modes are roaemb]b ng the beef-cater style, w-Llch concerned. The anc featoxe o! fac- xvas caght up tovard the front with Ébion in fars wbiah in at ail lasting a jet bow and bhock quille. A pretty In these days le the fourItseif, which tqquýe iu pale gray . oaver voivet remains in fav!on for mauy yoara Yen had a fuilb round gathered brimi veiled ara obliiged ta change the ferma of it xvtbaofft cresm lace, -and thiis was fromt year to year, but yon cen at caught ci> on the lnfft aide wîth a twinst le-st derive some satisfaction fnom off dark hlue velvet bt-id'- by aste the faot that the animal it.self han huckltn, a 2urled quill bond ing ovor not gone out o! fashion. the, crowu, Quite a protty batl in Broadtail la made ap Lu a varlety hrown fuit was arnamented sbmjîly la o! styles, o! course, bat one off the hows off soft glace silk in hrovvn and Pretty navelties la a short bolero In beliotrope lu tbree toues each. coat,.. which fits _the flg3re rather The, gold cra'zo ESa lso the fad iu mii- cl-aaely and curvyze ap*la tbe hack t eyth ervToeae lc elver- ahow nue o! the wilde Empire beits ýpiture bats with the brim off cloth off af panne velvet in eithen White or gold vociled with lace aud there are black. Gold hi-aid and Oriental em- sailor shapes with baoth crawu and broldery are hoth ased Lu the finish. brnm off gald, whileo the most fetch- 'Ia fnct the fur la treated exactly as if Dng of toqunes are made o! gald lace. AMI. the trail a! gald ln this year'a Lt areciohfahians does net stop bo-re. Even the TÉhe We novelty of the season lsaaI new hasiory for the very best woar tbree-camrnered shape, the bas a gald gloam abolut it. Thle very AnA- ltEsblackeilk sfaekigs hPvethei sort cirled tan quilis. back lu aven long euaugh ta beet th,;augh. Serve. -ack tire collar-la o! bine-sibk trimmedl M Àince Pos-aeeulwi -b-e f- witb. gold braid. Thcebbt and baud: tender rOnsàt bhec!, net, clarra uts, arouîd the shirt sleeves are of bine raisins aud opples whlch have- bo siik. previeusly pareti and cored, with bal! 'The Zouave jacket is a featune of the their weight off aeft auget-, one ounce mabl gowita, but it le made o! velvet o-f p9wdered cianaman, au equeil quan- lu the plain rouind cut or fiulehed wlth tity off candied orange and lnon Pool, plaited fr111 and ',vorn oven a blouse sud citron, a littie sait, and 12 sour w-it off thin, white silk sometlmes almoads 'lanched and grated. Chop mrbelblahed with fine tucks and hem- the meet nnd the au-et sepanately; stitoýhinîg. The accompanying shirt svash and pick the currants, atone the may ho off xelvet if you cen aefford the raisins and chop them with the Peeu; extravagance. and having minced al the lugredi- Prutty little coats for ver-y youing enta vory fine, mix thom tegether, gli-ls are m'ade of- light:cioth, in the addiu-g a nutmaeg. doube-hreasted sacque style wlthi Fruit Cake.-On-e Pound of flour, oe large luradown collera in open silk op- of sugar, thbice quartonrs of butter, twa plique. Other ja-thets have velvet oroff raisinýs, two o! curraînts, eue8 of cit- bacc caibara, and a-mare simple style ron, a hal! au ouanceof mace and e ia off cbouli trimmed with braid. Thon wine glass off brandy, one o! wiue, there la the long Empire coat trim- eigbt eggs, suir the sugar a-nd but- iy, then the \ine, brandy, andi spa-ct; The woman w-ho bas had dresses eadd the fruit just baýfoue it la put in ruined by the beautiful blossoms roat-i the pans. It takes over two heurs if iog agalnat ber corsage wvibl weicome the loave, are thi-k. the ouf! bouquet noveity. It la bard Orange lice Creea-One quart croam for the uuinitiated ta bout-vo that the three quartera off a pennd a! sugar, effect would ho sa, entirely satisfae- ijaîuce of five oran3ges,, riud o! one tory andi chnrming- but, sncb la the orange. Put bal! ef craam lu double case, noverthelees. boir add sugar and stit tili dissalv- Thc- arrangement la veryr simple, the cd; atit rema-inder off cream, and whon beside theàbof t leader lu the dnrk- nas, As tluey nearod the inn the then thne eupposeti cal! eeizad oneao! tbW' animais. By this time the herses were ffrantic, plunging and kicking', and it wns e earkable that the coach; wns net ovexctarned. The, guard laid hlold off bis gun and waa about ta shoet the asseilant, xvhefi set-oral mon, accosnpanied by a large mastif!, appoaned. fTho foremost, seoeing t'bîat the iguard wvas about to fire, poiutead n pitol at hie beead, de- clariug tiat ho we-nld choi>t if the heat waa killed. The "calf' v.asa a Ibomes, iscaped fr-nm a travelling slhhm 1 he dog w-as anet upia thct brute, who lefft the borse, seized the mazstifff and tor-e hlm te pieces, and r7etre.ateduader a gran- ary. Ibjo epot w-as barrcated 'OI preveout lier oscý,ap',, and she was noos- lhe herse which bad heen reized vas serlonsly injured by thea lionesq:. but fLnally eecovered. "But It did, 1 fell yen. The tempera- tare snddeuly turneti warm again, meit- lug -the -icicls, nnd the hear died tramfi water ou the bi-ain." DangeronaFetres Net fer from the boni-t off New York clty lsae factory for the manufacture off deadly poisons lu quantities lai-go enougb teanunibilate the ontIre popoteq- tien o! New York. The factory tase guai-deti that>even ts next dean ueigb- beors nooti have no foar of it, bot the possibilities %,tored tbere excite the im- agination. No eue may enter it with- ont a spociai permit. Tho empleyees are ehl skilied mou, well eai-e o! thoe danger o! the slightest -carolesenesse Tboy manufactur-e, nmong other thingse. pure enhydrous ncid, wbich is se dan- geroos that lu ts pure staffe il is net placed lu the market. Thore is instant deetb la its fumes if tbey are permittoti1 te escapo Niti-le eciti ls storeti in an- ether part off the factory bu big glass -ewe-boys.- The- mon -wm-ho -- wark--ln tlîls- factory realize that a broken cenboy of nitrie eciti would meane disaster, andi tbey trent it w tb tje respect wbich it desorves. This factory anti others like it are goardoti more carefouly than n saaety deposit vnîbt. and allowed to dry oott lose any off its nitreged co"ndocted. soeo_ expe preved conclosivîely th~ volatilizetien e! amI manure was spreed lu allowed to (dy ot wae that it, could ho disr pears that lunmanor meotation la nt once As te froqueney present opinion, asý perionco, as _th5tý feed the crop than to try ta perma, ty Improve the soit, tboogh, off cou botb are intjimatey conceted, andi ocaunot ho doue witboot in a targ4 moasure accomnplis iog tho othor. Ho wl t-ver, t ur ttdpoli to te the advisability of iight and fi e qoont dressings rather than heOuî,Ir applications et longer intorvas,WIa ýid thero can ho no dob bt ha i more profitable to rac ihtntta every second yeer tanta eýpIîy tons every feurth year.-rF. T. Sho ii t,. cake, fram it. A sweet cake mcdo off Inga, for sevoîni ticys. Ivory cervinge onnmpe1-e1a1)earoîupau or down-tho N«Ue, wherevor, tb the white,- of eg-can ho as easiuy s otiTti e ser-ubbied wbth a brush. an yo' e 0 IDgtoOr'thigeICO fioweriug fieldis are kl oaff o rendred oughand nfitfor oothy Glune may ho made waerproof hy fiast dat bomp dan ter get in 'or way ergn"bretfrtobcsy neea soakbng it li waer untit it hecomnes soft, te lbealne o! eéggi as a cake eau thon mettiuig il with goutte heat in lin-. A Xew L Il Idhtn brmýiheavy- antii greasy by tono lib- seeti ail. Abways removo the oli sur-face en a-ne bem of t- 1i-,# - ,,r The Japenese tnuaels said to, con-- hcr rwn em eh yard-- of crepe die cmîae wîu ï-1 of a i Wl tï0e CrmOntz nye *n he elae _,ton --% l gr- si",s -unt y a LLLOe icingSi aip;ttïng ani. eggy a-ase 1'The -nuniciPaI autholrities9 Of GIRgoW ecc ywPS in"ented by R w iue "eî'>>~i~ H IXI~ in~t ~!in t-Vh&t- Wol of-ildc evvinu hamly'en The h-1mh Hedge Seheol. The educational structurefowb taking advantage of the tolemationj government, the bedge sebeohua. i. abandoned bis al fresco establis1meoî was a. very humble one of Uts kîind The peasantry, animated by the stiL- Irish love of iearniog, but it for hLmý aust as in modern days they asemjbb1 and build buts for evicted tenants. It was flot a very formidable unde! tnking. A deep, dry ditch or trench b., the roadside was usually selected tei the site. î.t the side of the trench ni excavation of the requisite area wi a dug, so that the ulay baa-k formed tbi(, sides of the inclosure. Tis saved tli trouble of building walis. ihen il' foui-th side, or fr-ont side wali, wili r door and two windows, was bulit ol green sods laid in courses. whiiie sin ilar sods ratsed the back t0 the reqr,ýi, ed beigbt and poIntod the gable en(!.,, Young trocs and wattles cul from t!i1 nearest wocd and bound togettier witU %traw ropes and withes formed tih, roof tiaubors. Over those were sprndi brambies, thon corne a layeor o*: "scraws," or slaha orff ealtby hog S-o: face, and ovor ail a thatching off ruosi,, os. rThe earihen floor wxas pared to ai approocb toiolvel, the rubb)iIslhc ai-t- away, and a pathway made to the pmi' lic road. There was your hiedgo seco bouse ready for business.- A man wbo had experience In Alaska wvas listeniog 50 a groop off citi-zens dis- cussing the wenther and broko in on tbe talk thns: "Pshaw, yen feiiows don't k-now w bat chaange-able wu-atber- Is. You tliînk il':, alw-nys coid lu Alaska, do yoîî? Weli, Ijost lot me toit You a lultile ersonal ex- BARNYARD MAr"URE. S'acts Abouit,-FenetIt0Und &Pl liaonlu the Fteld. Fermntýiation of manore aIw ays tai,;s a losi, off organie motter. It i mUeans an eýscapofo a part o! tue nl gemn The thoe b pile, the groa will bu Rihedeteriematiion. Fia-e fanai is injorloos to te quality of ni and rosuits cbiefly from an u ciency e! moisture. Liquid excruw hy itsel! apidly boses Ila'value 1ilq tiogon escaping ns carbonateà moula. Tiiese facts point 1t t- desirabllity of contreuiing feriiîîü tien (1) by formonting thesod liquid extrelia togethor th is c-n ho accoîoplishod by uslnrg a sum,.eon et litter or absorbenti; (2) 1by fýerme tng 'bot" and "cold" (bo)rse and shee exerote bolong to the firet castbý from the cow and pig arof the latte class) manures toohe;()hy keer ing the hoap compact, and moItt thu excluding excess o! air. Frett must ho reguleted endconrle those meaus or thob,-As-,es that ens will more than outhaqLance the benie - e hogained. Witb regard to the respective offf off frosb and rottod manur-es on dlf ont classes e! soit it nuy be stated fresb manure te hetter -for ciaym bcavy loams, since It doos muli pi ove thoir physi cal codto y op iug tbem ta the air ami ma)tng tb#i more friable. On thie other lbaud, ü îmaur &hpltsi4tedtotIlgbt e "?,liake titue

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