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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1901, p. 7

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Ê'ODSIM,ýpTION 's Liquified Ozone estroys the Bacillus 'ch causes the Terrible D sease. wap tb trait consomption le 10 kilt i xvticb teed un tceceliste Puowlep'e LiquifdeS Ozone uoes chis: iq tbheSisseS tissue anS reures te esi1tbp toile. Ozone suplies, t'le air oxL gen in a pur coucetrated fumai. -:ai cur cuusu"spteuu lueviosunctrihy i5. Remr.sstir everp testimounial fus -.-Powlcy's Lqnified Ozoue'eau tic investigation is inviteS. Re.iS whist 'ni Oilla sys abouit il. "I take in recoumcendiug Ozone. 1oa it saved my lite. I cauglet a cissettied un nep lungs. I1ivas aI 1 baSn hope uf rccovesy. Id rme to maire usy ciii. I trieS mended fos comsusmption. I ai dozen bIltles ut Ccd hiver ding une huSsaS dollars in 1 it aest 1 was advised lu try s istae -Lwo -b oules mp- \'cureS. Refuse I1lueS talion iras as well as eues 1 amn, ý gncd, \ sM. PAL'!,, Orilila, Ont. Ozone t ail druggisis small ize, os frnm the ne o,ofnIToronto, Iii-. onto. _____ dllitiilivs tise } -pest fuir doaleu-s ~Ouaî- stock con- liss manx excliu-s ve delsigîisci n ItchetS, Ca1 r.elities,q }Il Lentghi Coaie,' of, trau-e skies II-enci toc new ~,DINEEN CO., LIf IiT ED, i"'enge and Temparausce Ste., Princess Tablets Are vht pou canir'for al forme ut !à (Jf emale ýtroubles; an insnellshle remis. ' d Spdiscos-ered bSa fatremst cif omali specialisi;guaranteed as a positive «cure,; xiiipo"iiveiy ascabli. h the normiai functions; uced muuthly bya oves 50,isisoadies; for sale nS dsug- giste, or sent oe-receipt ot pries $100. 1Aetna Drug Co, Wlndborg Ont. Can, gt':i'erPrsrs- i Notes and Comments. iMPeriai guvercament isi able to In YU-HSIE1N TO BE EXECUTED n -ý infhiot, thiougbilt must ha severe and a__ tihie powars muet have avidence thatOree toRur toSanF r ILt je ittie wonder tat siatesmen Ilt baue carried oui ln goud faithi. Odrdt eunt inF o, I A -' Av grovu pcrplexed and hachtant over the t1 ndmiy.Cia et1ako. This Purpose. probîrmi in China, for seldom bas one Lst nent.Ciai oako- A daspa'tefh trom London, Wednes- 1 more difficuit been. presented for solu- Jedge llability. for injuriesg to goverin- day,6as;-h L.'hi orepn-B itLishIIhh l tion. The Manc.hchgroup conrolling mente, corporations and pereona and ys;- elteaSanadghays;-"rren-X ihh China and directing the deatinies of a agrsitopy anagst h fxc enft bba artdPriunce Tuan -er Su fifth t fihe human-race, bas dauiber- hes'eafter by thse peaae pieripte GuvernusaSt atrhy tcied t.c lan-igbtec ui or drive tiariea. Huw far this msodiicatio un t PriShaei an, Sn he -Si r o out tise white forignars ceident in of thie demacnds xvii contribn.ete th the anSadSh -i provinces. A despatola frosa Londun, say's.;- the. empira. Tbay have attacked thse solutýionrf tise probleurt has, of course, Yioi an bas btûise t rder e tu ernThe uews fruits South Africa is frag- logations, an unparallelpd insuit to yeî to b'ý knowni. Negotiations must ic imE oihvts oh xcsa sintary, and adds littie to the( know- th-o, -Western -nations, a-nd afarat-follow; ai d --il-was Li lluug Cuting Ltila e upposeat. 2eg tii-nttto. <-n-je breach of international law, anS une with wbînu theise negotiations muet "ts ntre rm bs eot ener bias le-fi Naauwpoort and gune dirý-.Lly caculate to in'te oter Asi- be cnilacai the1o IndpehaiChinauthatrhtiemperiareupre-tienorte pardnortsard.sti d attnanila s u- lie, pcwers tu like disregard of their can neither caSe tcrrttory nor pay ie Igt.soneietsdead ttakitw obliatins aS e tu rndr rloî:scssndenahy, but isecia nS 1 î orýit n ilte for the puinthmnnt uf the un oblgatons an sutu endr rlatonsindrnnty,"bu sh an wi ,iirUargators outhtie trouhIinluChina." An 'ueaofticial report from, C-spa xvth tisem Siffiruit anS unsafe. There pive oritten prOmi3cs tistai airs" -.----.------- Town says tbat a sqccadron (fYeoo- s, mureover, nuo vidence anyuý,ebre shilli h' b3ter mmn'tgod un future." tiat the Chinesa peuple, as a peupla, Tb'st is hope, bowever, thit Sanle- A PROCLAMlATION imaarerwho ware pu.suing the Boers -- wbo retîred frona Britstown. were coudemu tis action of is rulers, but týlng mr subst,.entiaI than papi mescddb Tehrher u a good dea1 to show thatilt endosses prmi5ses w'J'l b" secure"l, ind tIsiaLr tesne asBo rpry Ia uea rrekln n an ansi approves it. [a ibis cundition i 'ni i sett!eme~nt ut thr trouâles Will Be-s espeeted. n tha vroi catrekle-o.ndhe Xc ar !.,s i nravit, able that thec Sesîre to puuish 1wll 1Ibe seachied. Even if nut, tIti4 A d'spîcifrom L ndon, saye.-'Lîrd Office deniee any kn!oéwledge uf the chia nopre cSanteS outrage sould lie ast atin oftihe p'-wcre mausi be Kitciseitr, a cst'dtflg ti 5adeepatchil ar Lniversal through Europe anS Amn- OSttJ 'at d oflthie ofh aiy, rmJha asugbsisedap- i ,idaot ssmant andrm uon bsg a ese t- T-lerai a report that a British orica, Uniess exemplary punisis- Icivffizatiun. clamatiun annuunc',ng tisat burgh'rsj force maistakiu.g 11(1 Boer1s ai n m(ýn ____________nte______Machuwhinvoluntarily sucrender will ho al- giruup, tiese iry ut toreigu iift in iowed togluve witis thefr familles lu tise POr,'na ugesop o Ciinat, aud suý of all iraS-', wili, it is lt bas'lieue expected tisaitbte Governmeut laagers iinrii sucb ime anta Horse, withbeld thi'i fine, asnd t 'h, pecmaneniiy diaappear. muntisa tulioxing tise close of the as guerîtla ivactase bas auificientl as uerllawafar ba sffiienlytighi corner. Iheir commanderrs- -- s~~geat. Exrîuïs-tîan-n Ssiueeat-aisa'etod u iu te-retorne-in- sici-atri__m.w __htiei_ uue Tht Wsten owes nS ap n al of puliltcal agitation in France, safety tochesr bh mus. The prues mn- ý edin abeyauce for tise terra of tise tici ca.o promises that ail property priaionr edl n anaine, h ai ' ocuyig eknagee, hc'o sow lest ilt migisi interfaee itis tiseands tcakbrughin u 'a tish, m tastatrd for', to domand the, rxscot;on ut clavait profits of tise Frencis peuple. Tbis ep- aurceesder cr511 bc respecteS and paid tbai.thse Boers 1lut a numher. cf princua anti nutables klent uhaveI iesbgaed nS isaed ctielyin hepreisenssun, baseS pertly un the !for if requicshioned by, the misiasy outrages, anrd ibis paymeni ut n large tissants ufthtie forces of reaction, part- atoiii.SRRSB30BES imdemnity Tise tirai. d"mand wasly un tise tact tisi Lthe, litea ut tise ex-SU PIE'D30B P. deemed jusi because tise Sgntariea stgmniry asaedy xcdd KEI0 11h OV But Retireci With tise Ls of Two namedwerethe eal uthos of theishai otmos t fis predecessors, i leen crime. As tQise second, il ws on- ieeie y i1 pea t .Wldc-(On.lDe Wet's Horses Said ta ho A reprcfrusts Eudin, l[edneis- sidrd only reasinàbi- tisaitishe gov_ Rosseau, ai Toulousp- on tise 28tis nit., W'arn Out. day, Sass;-LucS IC;tcoirner ie in tise ernmeni whicb lîad perpetraced thue Iuutlining the -prugrbn.slse ut the gov- 'A deepacch tfruniLundon, says:-A ireari cf ibis dis1attecýteàd1dstricts, and ecmeteo ie rnbpoi ilegram trom 2Maseru, Basutoland, basa -chu rsdvintage ut Iliing persofuaîly i outiag t aod en.Ar ib hi et utmade- it clealy apparent tisifibha cli 1bringa tise tirt nasccncernng Geus- acqainter i e-s local udcus reasun stillcas this bllefthibt it to meet the Cisamber ot Deputies about oral De Wl fa- s~' been recels cd for Liset March ha srcpacvisad Lh', su- anirt Spun'shm 2ni aftecting the tu reassemble cis a policyasue-tsiieBrthprsiin tth ringwbl cor ns -adct'nu u tie gou co-]y certain tu provoke a battue royal itaîtthe Buntise prosiîtho th" isiing ,vhi,,h cets- ud China wuluid bu toleobtain ncmJ'xvitb tisa'ingNi i aesnofitos assfthe uhnitedh ty :gaist a reputitionutfibis gruup of ceactionacies now ccli tisem- rietnLcl nau tup rsuts ut tevs.Tetem n hchii bo ava, -beeu Tise Sicuard's Cape Tow-n cortes- - b wep as unîy naturai tisai the-sle.Ts oeu usii r-pnetsy h oatt ecn suatiasts, missionarsîe sud mer- gramme was presented cns, naoreover, Ladybrand dils- ibai nt"uî aYs, h al bo pro. an criants ire China e-hobadS cern the uot iat ut a beaten minista, btu er tBas iotbnaghorfui Cape Coîonby ,outi a ie; legations besieged, the missions iili- une confident ut victury, tise premier w ans norciscrrd, j "Sncb a etop lenowtm isecxin age'S and burne, couverts put to tisa asserting that tise Natiloualist agita- --a-i----k -f .rrcin tr.4coon epear, an-Sbsiness enterprises Ses- tit baS beau supprassed, anS tisai CULVERT D N GD "' hý ýktGpýL u troyed, soulS crY tur extrema panai- tisere isad beau tiscougisout tise cou- jforcivle tnn rtluia osss lies. But tisera uvas litile doobit ofiry a geseerai nallying tu tise repub- Delays of Trains on Aceauint aif ponde-S largely ini ail pirý,sutieo- lise exact accnracy out ileir contention ilic aud to tise administration. Tlisstis.8,aS ooensu othe o l- n tisai if tise Mancisu princes remained saeetx'sdob s ae n tise A dospateis trom Cape Town sys:- Briiib Àare almuat unknown in Cîape nupuishd, beyivoud Sem ise- trecent b'anquet'lut Paris to xx iicis ra- Regulan raiixvay service beiceen Cape Town. Ilt appctre irai oua Boer cul- si-Irea tu bave a quiscad, anS Euro- 1 rdeiti Lo-uebt issviird ail tise 361300 Towne anS De Aar bas been cestored. umun atineked Sieynsbucg, but -was ris- Pean lita bu Cisua uouh iiscefoth isbelmay'oa'c utFrance, oviththe bisuder- Tishe eQI"t ut the destruction ut a plilsed, and fieS front oncrencbin.,sin unsafe. Instead ut ccnirolling anSd standing tisaitishey -ws'uhd by attend-' bridge ut De Aar te-rus oui to bue the mountains. gîuidîg Cau't, n;s~0 -ulSroinasos vucisi lyat tjts r l incQrct. Oniy a culveri, was damag- 4.ether Boer commando captureaa lis 'r o ly ou a u fr n c . ic n c e p lao n ao h ci s m a e a y a . T r a in s a re ru n n in g f rom D e A nc p ar ty o t p o lice a il X en e rs a d , M ohu sn t- mironcptin u usoicattitude 'm- to Kiessbanýliy irreýgu,]sr-;. There are aS colonial troupes surpriedr 300 'oces, 110- to acecre- tir punishmneni go sible. As fuliy txsotiirda ut tise considacable delays lerheraa iat ie rmBci'sopDcm agrce'd upan, wicin i recogni.tîon ut enlise numnber accepteS ibis inviLtlion reunit ut heavy rainabr2,aSatra rc.neorsg tis- 'n i'cpudouce cf Ch;iia es to ho aud sncb mayor was elected by a mn- ofu volleys, retiraS wiiir a luof tw inbce y tire ruigJuiug Sdrîasty, jurity ut a commune, ibis resitult'f IlOOSE FIGHTIS "MCdlfOTIVE. mn 0115, ac 'ver, antuo is'r nmattir. tfhe chat vas- virtu aiiy a piebîscitnm upon tise Capa Tuown curosponSent ut the (isu's cu cebailot RIsu, aettiseoxistbrsg forsm uf guvirnment,musi "'g c cîcell li"c 1' isele P"illc limes itiegrîpis tisai scarcely any nIan, 703 tmile's un the'interior, thons' be regar.deS as ovarwbeîmingîy tav- Lls-e es 4 Hi u î Holiu5? aecouu5sbv sne ieiv %v as nuous-y ut carrying tise sen-, orable tu it. A Sespatcis rlous Brandon, Maen., Caec, oLt hv ..Le heivd ,enceý ntuaffct. h-,cLindennesalys;-'Ihe Paci;fie, Express asas hait arei -s anmSig tîs' mîsi puweru- Withs popuIar approval ufthtie ne- an h-i sic habeienasr as-ing thia cit'y ---- I lutir emira,'tii culdpublic tises assumeS, tise premier au- M sîdayey as'un'g, anS tise delay cas à Certain Metisod fon curtng crampe n'vs ber be expeied 1To exec aie tiseus t'ouitcisd tisai chilis icceping thisa ceesaS 'by a.laaof tise rnogitcurlâu-a Sarrheoo, anS Sysentisry e by usiug Ir s ssarinul .,iiasty e-hlly Dresyfus verdici as madSe in guod faits, ihîpi- n e ver kncwn le Manitoba. Pain-Killer. TTis medicino bas sus- itierrpi ie-r to do su. They rareS anS s'a to b-e respecteS, tise guvrnu- i3-he traiîn cacravallilg aia aslowcaineS tiseiigs eaputaioit for f i oc tir' destruction Ot pro- meut uvoulS, as a "mensure neceeaary rr tsed nSbSjitnahdover 1GO yaars. AvoiS suistitutea, tisane p~' yc iLs o o httc-t etnt pesmetudrae ts nBasdcî,î,mille bir5cisenÉtise an- is but une Pua -Killar. Perry Dav i'. tnu'iiun uthaaOit or forfheisr reint ppaeen,'une a25c. anS 50,c. trucon o coni.'-nhisu- to carry tierçugistise Chamber tise git anuýrsaw gianît Sceil nm itse stand- jects stili ubeyed theni, Chini, as general tmnesty bllI passeS by tise sang ncalise tre.rk. 1la touteS tise one ut chair ainisssadlors said, xxý esBane 'dering tise lasi session. Unde Ion wieýsUe anS sl.-_ed up bais train, but FOOD IS SCARCE. [cuo btg ta b' coqtri, sad ,ir1tibill itise cases agaist Zola, Rein- iss kitm' thecira tatrefuseS to ailie bad nut inclination co con- 1sois aud Colonel'Pîoquarc, un thseone iiitve.He e-ats t notto bcb' iifed by Boers' slupplies cansist of Isha cicrmr it. 'Yet tu !cave Sau, sexamplei haî'S, eill lie quased, white un tise asîy raSd--yod aniimels uvibi,U more and Meabes. an outtru an.sulot l-,,m inrcssouîh... lter ibthliedompnia qesf il ta-! , isrus Ébihe,- ljssOai1 '- 'ji-" -f_.' - .--- ,Y CLOSE CALL 1Their Fire and rrounded. liorses, anSdIsad eeral men kiiied anS ceaundad. ILa reassenisid tIsatisae Dutels coi- ai-ouf troni hi usadora, anS aithougs tIse presancuut tise Latter lucthe Cape Colciy rendors tIsa position serious, contidieuce i lt ir e final recut. Mr. D-plç-5sste, a meshar outhtir Atrikandor Bonmd anS ufthtie Cap-- Assembiy, Isas sent a houter te tisa eliscirirs utP Cradocle expcaasing syni- patiry for tise Buersi, bat urging ibis Duccol uane tu toreinn ualusanS quiet, anS nult tc torget tIsai isey are Britishteusbjncts. Cen. Clu-enns' succees agaluet tira Boers in tire Mageliu&tuarg region ie Soubite-i, the hast Sespatlois cortiug thet "hite-as considored ads-isble nutË tu force tIse Boers fromt hair pou13- l'h' Pý -aîT -MtIl, wbich---ma-hies -I strcnig app-ýai to tire Gos-erument toJ "fa0e tir' tacts aud -end Lýord Kich- ener muore tm p.£,' saye;-"'Thena li a ceai nish in b3in.g IcrlaS t'o seap by carotndly censureS ma-ssages." PROMPTL SE ~ '2U SW rite for our interestiiîg books "Invet ar's ilîlp - and " Hew you are swindled~ SSenS us a rougi s setch or model of yoi5r in- vention or Improvenient anS we wili telliyou free our opinion as to whether it le probably patuatile. Rejectedapplicatlons have ofien bees successfuiiy proscciîtd by us. We conuo hciyequiped offices in Montreal aîîdoWashuiîgtou;.h'-iqualifie$ Us to promspt- as b_ patbwoksu uiky secure Patents asbod as [he iv.tion. ighst references flirshued. Patents procureS ilirougis Marion & Ma- rlou recelve special notice eithout charge in over o ocwspapcrs diîstributed throughout the Dominion. SSpeclty :-Patent business of Manufac- turera andS Engineers. MARON& ARON Patent Expertsi and Soliciîtors. OffIcs NewYorkLite B'Id'g, lentreal Alnic Bldg,Washingto-n D.C. have already bren drivei posit ions. rihe lateat advîces rece. to the effect thist wlsen 1' occupied hy the Boers a ~ui announced that the Boers were now acting on their ons houle, and were looking out for themselves. A large bicycle corps jes beingforma- ed here to guard the British commune- cations. The Boers have blon n up a culvert so,uth of De Aar. MA SOHTT-S '. ;NO0L T M IA H ..FR EE. le We will give the above reward to any person who will correctly arrange the above Q letters 10 speil the namnes of three amali Canadien cities. Each lina represents one naine. IpTry it. We xiii positivaly give the money away, and you nuay he thc fortunate person.à (Should there be morecihan onue set of correct answers, the money will be divided eqna]iy. SFor instance, should five persons send in correct anîwera, each will receive $4000; should ten passons send in correct anewers, each will receive $20.00; twenty persolse, $Iîo.oo each. We do tbis te, introuce unr flrm and gonds we handie as quickly as possible. SEND NO MONEY WITJ YOUR ANSWER. This la a FREE contact. A pocicard will do. Addreac 9 N. Y. SUPPLY CO., BOX 0., ORILLIA. CAN. -Si s tvcie th-. i-si- st, ie t'îias i th ae s.#sii SaiveryCe. , IS. aaote O3 PEOPLE R OVEJN 'arn Pneumonia,Tphd or Seniriet foye, Ophthsii, Le(isppe or fre the Nero nIng, Bleed En. oT.hlng, q-meat Susutlnlng Action of Milburn5î Hc-itand Nerve Pills. Il i. webl vlcsntliat after any serions nos tise h a - aînSrvesusea xtremnehy eatk nuS lia Yî granthy impnverisesd. or tfiese conditiionstisera is un rcmedy [uaisMsss Hea;rt aud Nerve Pilla. rescores ;il tise vital forces of tise body Mr. T. Baruicoti, ylmer, Ont., says: Aboust a yensr ago 1 lad a ses-are attack ýý,n Grippe cisichl ift my sys amr in an ~cîstcd.nnditboo. I CI nl esgains u -h enS uasvcsy nervosus anud sleep- \ night and rctUp intise usorning nas ur eS as n ausser nOfieilh.g t 'ýý,Pýýe- ' eay n , Nle r'..e Plu, chi Cis ~ards l5ugSesehseianged' oS s'eiacd a Sercli ccon uf Scty, an lede, Marcel-Haberi anS other Roy- lEe-ais bani. sait, tirght, anS tossing abadnaitnctt of i<Inizatl n. -B ut alisi iexiles ci le revoked, action cet- his ~asti larein tisami ai St ofiaint tb"sae-as npilsu iy xviXaii the de- tain to greatly irritais ibis extcem- me-',zine diasised tocward tise angine 'ibis srad punisbmcsut rouIS ise eotted. bts un bthsiedes, tisugis iarcieg anusgineor &awchlm ,coming and open- Tire powcrs migbt torts and Saciaratiuof tinteteionitio ceinsinaJ ad op tiathictile aetiad wcarat ainim caRý, bat China corii xxait tuaG. Ex- Dresyfue in his canle, likeiy to le car-- It wcae osn'y a t-ihblofu a mvinute. Tisa p2Sitions ni-ght minois t'16San, but rieS throuigi. Tsese je fe ar, isuxieven, brill's bhanne bpssamiuS cwedged 'icitbe thuy Ivoulb' ýeuurm>usly oxpesivetisai su mucis ounsot be saiS ofthie pHici, and iaS-hbeliocedaid kir'ked, anultrd ar ui tiic'ra.11 orestricc us" sigist utass-ociation butcct nu -ail. 'hiq tr4i pull S e-up, Pekin mio'bý: l"b,',hIS until the im ns-nwedlly aimeS at 'tisareligioun s I-a-nS tisa remeaisuee leaced asxey. peisil govrnonu, read'ng ili lu", ers, chose' great accumulations uoCf -ds'trFayhe brouglît a b"aS cf ail nor'ia ChIna, acco _lad to tise proîserty aunS uviosis teechînga preju- quiarrer cf the cerocesinsutojise cii7, ÉQernis nemanded. But l'ira tir' licial to tis ecpe-bile, constite-te, in anS ùi-s friands arenis ac ujoying olher plant, it -'oul I isavlve -gruat tise premiers viec, au butol 'table sit- v"' n expanses, Èhb' probisi'!tp ut friction ntin, dousanding an immediate su------- boteen tIse ail' , 'îui. tise posai- lotion. Frum proeut indicateons, O OL rirt' EIS hrhlitp tIsui Chiista migisi nut yieli Lu largely on tis measure, whiicis, tbey rnltlos of naiis, t s1 i,'t'ireswll ovesi,, hen. Every course -sas upen chsarge, is n revival ut tise Koicur- tth 1 îcîsi' elt.o'aei yoi tsi coniocra obj ciion. kampf prevaeiing un Germîny icenty wt hs5.u sesirgtci en 5 neas i -c ýe a be h clu f 't . i 'iIow8,s' S titi îg Syrtip yeare agu, tisai tiseNationalisteselu ,,r Ciilnreu Teetisi'g, It cill ,icileva thse pour Le condsiions su coïruplex hj n ak iai ic ico is vrmntheeisi no siniA es'u unlct. peid e5,es rit 5,Sac e-ssu-onthii cmaut is pos'ee 's' u M. Waldeck-Rousseau, anSdloc tise egalaîescthes8tomsîei ansd be'eie, cUres WVî,sd ývn-,rtatsoe fth pweshýý_0Cul oieiesu the gsiun3 tari Ires iîtmraiu aie. ~uneut irei 'i-eteS c~rlatter -ylceatiser tise storm, ro- uSgivse toise aïla ene gy su ibes wilile systein. mainsth-nisean Ouiit jeeut us- iol. Wiluloîss' Suoohi gSyrsp fotuschiresî xi laChina,sorto tuirtsw tht' empire mist ese..Bts snti-Let'hesîgisupleasaue oe tauie a!iS 13tise pie incoanarchyby ressng autssud posible ihat tise phodga of the min- sec iptiue et nue uf tisa oldestt anS ies eniale intoanarhy b presing demads ps plycsi.aiàd uS ases in the Urited State vhicis ch' ,'giiig ynasty migbi is try te pursue a policy ut miiitary Pi':ee25cea bottle. 8 illbyasildruggîescb tro gis tin h mpîsib' c tutil 1h tel-expansionl, and tei luttoduce bille for oit use iorîS. Be saris ed askc oi Mie 55 Lng grew tisaitisa, penalties agroed ulS eapansions, tise abolition ufthtis upon savured, under t1ic' cinoun- octroi lu Paris, etc., may modify op- THEIR LIGIII AND WEIGHT. sanros, ut s'ngeanoe, ansd ihat oven position to tise programma as a TIse Britishs Asso-ciation bas cul- if net, cililzation e-'unIS show itseoît iole, andS h slouid bu remnemberad le-nted etatisiisosfuthtes heigisi ut 10,- in, ietter ligiat iy uttering a langer tisai the Natiesialisia unly cotrotl in 000 Englisir boyeanuS men. At tisa Sagree ut maccy for u'rongs cumi- Paris, anStisaitishe Clambar muet aga ut sevanteen tisase avaraged S5t, ted. IThe objecte nied ai. tise estas- ubey tise iationnli ilîl. 8im. Lu haight; at thsa agis ut tweeihy- lihment ot n stable gos-anment in ---.--.twos, ft. 9in. At seu(-teen ihoy Poýkin, capable ut ptotocticsg liteanud TWEINTY LOSE TH-EIR LIVES. wuigheS lüst. 21b.: aitcenty-tco, fuafilling international uhlgaîbu>na, 1Out. 131b. Nuoron le lncroaeiliug ýjaS ibissecurcumnit fjusi and equal Gre-k C]<'iliesel, 5, hhns-ell eus-i urana'ij i nuS ,%eï_gLt eu ranpldlyas privileges out maopros-ad, un rofler- let'lrqlppre Pln h1tlaBritish. lu fitty yeurs tise aven- tio)n. mure important tlirais mre ris- A despatoîi trusts Nec York, says; age Isas goite uip for ilic vs-hle au- tiit troni 5fti. 7 1-un. te-tcS. S -4Lq. iriSe-tien.The reslit IMS e bro, j-Atlera rniSaIoulcasys a 'lIe overage hiscigisiout 'bu Br uhacp- thrtr- sr mu os gnemni,î5yutBa iotlcssurrnoundoed a p2rCl îaassai thinty cà "-solS e i.3f tIaitie e-ana s u unnimeisGrai oe-oi l A.iasi ud atan 8 -~n. u iisEa sfabyr, ti t oni inflio chia sueprot penisLhe tlSab.M-any -i bs iscs'ias iey ai a c es. ~ ~ cra Sunday tour icoopes e-ho cane sas ana- ly usoundad un tise ururso of Gen. Francis a maai to Machcidotop, anS hav s'a ssae lae prisonaca lu the hanS -ut ths Boars, usera sont trom ErmGlu tu Grobolant's tas su.tiscea mlues dis tant, wers tiey cere m't aied brou-ghu incuo cairrp un an ýï-nmuIsans'a. Tise men etai-c tisaitteyusena us-il trenteS. Dr. E,'orad, w's-bu seu peanteS chein, repusis tisai fcod lu very ecarce ai Farmalo, Ail th ism1utr, se-gar, anS, -uftee s finished, anS tise sup- pliee -cuitai-st ut msai anS mealies. Tise ceaidants ara kepc ctterlv un tise danh as to chat inkas psace uu taiSe Ermelo. Tise- Dutch it mster le-et Sunda' in-i formieS _tiemfcuutise, ulpit tisai' Qeen 'Victoria urnes eaS, tiset De 1 Wet bad crosseS into Cape Coiony and cas cerryceg es-ecytiig befura i['rl^ anS, tisaiMr. Kroger uxce cetucningi trom Eursope, hav-ing arrangeS inter- veniilon, Gen. Lu-b Boisa cis bis staff paicI tiseu a visit a fac Sapeq agu, anS seemitd un-chineS te edi orale peaca. "ARMýOUR PROOF "S"UERS ~~ W ill the "Armnons ProoU' Brand a ~ . are the strongest haavy "Double Dul"rubbers. ~EMARKThey wear best because made CEGI5TZFtEO of pust rubber, and more of it tl auin any other heavy rubber. Extra heavy, ruaI tap soles- pue rubber. TI ey Sand the Wear. Sea that the rubbers you buy bave the "Armons Proof" brand ou the side, like the CUt. Soid at ail dealers'. Made by the oldest and best Rnbber Comopany iu Canada: Tho Canadian Ruhber Co. T ORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEC. 15e s'u taistise HM]E IMON I. 1V's<one c bi eil tli5ried, aend msauce esdible of' uonthe ______________ WOa e-sOI'eniait te liave tW-ieas scanna' sbseilbers and are (le- lai-misiesltegel thens, Te ge ilathese uiew subsee-tbes w e e cfer, O O N AIN ~c~~1S.5~2'fs-e WA CHES te i sti-bstecl issder she 0__________N___ fsct,,srig izsudîiseil. Wvanyen te arasinge tise e0jecuubted letts-sicitis lsuekhuetis cemuioS'Il assdins cies. Thse lisct recel sosenlieag ce us e-ee sehettn tlecelve n atm g a Titi st2i0ycrold File 'as eis cdyc s- W j N gests, ,eeftiee<udlnitis qpIý esMil ncCirets ie'useet nswe s wîî eeeîeGeestp, aseîhnuisnceatcieâ4 l,!& j ecan ssie ns sesis-eqisiea ioii tises- L aause ts se isiumbes-cf crretacses s tý ieii'its 25 Gols 1'laîeden aefSie Cr-s tsIat..Wtie yIýee ahWerpusis a uc ic e-af ysur sisuilel1 ieJO 1 O TiY M GA I E . ~ m S esn iP5a isa os teSls-4 etcs isaasacelee~ts . h nii c- nstbs cttL'or-S, un A Qenuh"I Lite Liver.Puis. Must Bear Signature of Seo l'cnSlile Wrapper Below. BOIERS WERE REPULSED. DPriven Out oif 'heir Entrenched Positions. A despateli fromi Cape Town says; The Boers wvho were repulsed at Steynsburýg fled to the Zuuirberg mountais, whexe they entrenched themseives. It le believed that they Dr% A5 . CHSES iS sent dir2e't to the diseàsed parts by the Improved Biower. lrais the uccrs, ciears the air passages, ssops droppings in the îl'roat and permanantlyycres ~'C2tarrh and lHay Fever. l3loweir free. Ail d.3irrs, or Dr. A. W.-Chase Mdedie Co., Toronto and Buffalo. Cxii aind examine my n w FirCoats. Corpritn Waaha, W ombat. Do<, snd Goat: Iuutntioii Fur Gau,îfet8s mitte, imita-j tion iFur Otest ProtectorRaise Sakatr.lewani Pluffalo Robe, Goat Rolies and lorse Eialikets Imme sýe qua:îîities of al] wool, Dutch Kersev, Saxoity cutijjute. But5 makze tha otiit c ,mpleie you must have a met of ur Seid Nickel or Rubber Trimmed l-larne.5sque, Palmerston Cutter. The place to get this% is at Jno.S'. Rundle's JFasî End Ilarness Emiporilum BQwmAxVILLI-, lýCURE 610K MEADAOI.E. 1 Ullikil ULSil- 1 --J! Ul l i -l -1ý

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