0f Holiday Gifts'can be Smade now. The most exquis- ite line of "goods ever showfn. The very latest novelties. You cannot imagine any- Sthing more delightful in Per- Sfumes. J. Higgllbotliam &Bonnt Druggists, Bowmianville. a IPny I itatIOn Dr .w. Chas'sNee Food hasq mou, far sur- pasigthose oi anly nerve re- St o raZLtive o1 blood -builder As acouse- quence of th95 phenomenal sue- cess there havc sýpruflg Up many i imitations that relieve by dead- ening thec nerves, but which canI ~ ./~neyer really curE and are positively harieful andi dangerous to the sYstem.- As, you value your 1f e anR health beware of these worthless imitations, and refus e ail substitutes which are said te be "'just as gond." Imitators do riot dare to reproduce the portrait and signature of -Dr. A. W. Chase, which are found on every box of his genuine remedieS. G A Stephens, returning of'r R llawkçey, S Souech, 13 Gay, C Axford, C F Rogers, H Elliett, Jr Municipal Wo-lds for 190 N F Macnachtan,1county rate S S No 20, debentures sold . NFMacnachtan, bal spe'l rate T Snowden, gravel ........ J 'Irevail, i .... Tr J T Cole, cedar......... J Huiler, use of road,... 6 0 60 60 6 90 6 0 60 5 00 5 0 8 498 00 1 885 90 110 00 8 00 4 50 8 0 1 00 On1tarlo Brank, note.... T Stainton' , hepda ge. Mrs Wbtr L M Courtice, T J TCole, J Y Cole, gravel .. S AlunL," J Oke, Potter & Stainton, ' Mrs Webber ~ P M...... fI B Foster, C B Courtic,- " J Ba!son, gravel andcea. G Sandercock, stone.... C Bo-ers ceclar etc,......... McClellan & Co, lumber. . J Aldswortbi, drawing gravel W R Davy, piping trough... M A James, printing... M A James, adv local option E J Clark, brushing, grading Taking C Rose to asylum.. W Cowan, lime ........... T J Clarke, repairs........ R J Mallory, services. .. W JRoyv H ElhofttJr, ' I.. Ontario Bank, note due.. W Jackson, gravel...... T Snowden', i ..... W E Courtîce, sheep damages J Mountjoy, I O L Byers, use of hall. ... W J Roy, attending Council. W J Roy, arbîtration fees... ILBrown,attendance,mileage R $oter, ~ LAnnis, ". A E ClemýensC R Pascoe, " I L Brown,services committee R Foster,' " i * Annis, ~ A E Cemens" 18 66 785 375 4 45 80 2 0 1 50 1 85 6 0 7 25 1 50 1 80 7 77 il 20 8 70 5 48 210 52 64 18 75 93 1i401 3 90 5 1G 48 60 800 O0 400 0 2000 1 00 il 30 6 32 60 20 2 50 8 00 31 50 87 80 39 20 34 30 89 20 100 8 0 80 140 I I A W Allia, work grader. W arlwork. ý...... ... A Wilkins, work...... .... *W Barrie, work....n......... T Jewell, work............ F- oAdan, gravciing .... B Wsbkinse graveling........ A W Allia, graveling........ T Wll, sýwork........... ilW Alli, graveing......... *l Wilcox, building bridge.,. E Hicks. repairng bridge.. J M Joness, graveling........ J and G Allia, grading........ 16 60 1 ý200 15 00 9 60 12 50 95 90 1 50 6 25 22 30j 8 40 Total............$266 67 DivisioS;No. 3. LEVI ANNIs, Commissioner. W Ellîns, fixing bridge......... 2 00 W Armour, fixing bridge..ý...... 2 59 H Wilcox, work ................83 Co J; Bright, work ................ 4 25 B Moore, work ................ 5 50 A Hlogarth, building bridge .... 1 50 B1 Muore, work ................ 16 ý25 Il Wilcox, work.............. 18 75 A W Allia, work .......... 15 00 Flintoif & Ellin's, fixing bridges 22 50 A t Bures, gravel work ........70 J iheige, making cuiverts. 13 95 Short & Northcott, gravelig .420 W M Squires, graveling ........ 62 0 R, Wilcox, working grader.8 25 R B Mitchell, grading .......... 1 50 E J Clark, a'rading ............. 12 50 B Moore, grading ...... .......83 7b W Gimiet, workiag grader.* .. 5 0 W White, breaking stone...... 8 90 iW Goyne, work ............. 12 45 ýW White, breaking stone....... 2 50 W Richards, breakiug stone .... 1 50 W Morrow, breaking stone... 8 0 J Aldswortb, fixing bridges .... 5 50 W M Squires, spreadîng gravel. 1 50 S Northcott, fixing' bridge ...., 12 00 Furniture and ljnderýtaking-. _ RULE iIEATER, Ior,,Wood Pradcaily a. SuiaU Fnaoe -~ Y lm A james, local option acivt G A Stephens, lumber., .... IWJ Roy, salary assessor... CC postage, etc ... MAY. S BSnd, Stone............ N W Goodman, gravel.. W Jacks, sheep damages... W Edge r, irons and spikes . P Moroney, gravel......... G4 A.Stephene, cedr .. H Elliott, salary trtasurer ... H J Deacon, cedar ........ T Brimacombe, lumber.. L Potter, gravel ......... 19 '14 1)Che rry, C9 90 J Crumb,building culvert.. 90O00J L J ohns repairing bridge.. ilo Wilcox, work on grader .. J Wakely, 1 75 E J Clark, 1 80 B Moore. 5 93 D Cherry. work.............. 6 25 F Dell, work.......... 5 80 JWakely, ...."» 12 00 C Stonhouse."............ 85 40 J TCole, ......... 92 00 J Pye, . ......... 130(0 W 11Woods, Il.............. F Smith, repairing bridge.. 30 T J Cole, work............ 1- qaW JRizzs .. A0 Stock, work ................. 2250 1 50 W R 1avey, graveling ......... 18 75 2 50 A L Brunt, biiding bridge .... 26 63 9 00 R Hlawkey .ork........... 10 65 15 00 A W Cwlemenéls, gravelng ....... 20 00 16 00 A Anale, grax-eling......... 40 00 15 25 R. Branton, work............... 2 50 8000 B Moore, work................,1175 10 25 A W Clemens, work............. 4 75 17 50 L ry building bridge........ 13 15 121 53 A Carrdine.r, wo rk . . . . . ....... 4 25 25 50 T Gardinor, work .,. ..... . 75 85 00 B Moore, work .... o... 88 15 15 00 R Brantan, worlz............... 2 50 6 5 Branton, work............... 65 20 00 B Moore, work................. 9 40 5 00A Prm -w n, ork.........-9 THE MAS4 A4~4 L u u smkepp.~l l &dan J Gaudt, d ... 14 90 R Burns. work............ 15 0 frmloootâ>haated Il J Argue, C 16 75 A L Bruat, work........ ......228 and caried tauppes r aoe ua E Milîson, CC . 53 60 J Ashton, work.... ........... 25 95 rooms by n2eans cf tw e> bt air' B Powell, ...C.. 4 20 J Wakely, team, grader .... i 25 pie.Sllooey, ....... 5 85 E J Clark, ......1 25 ,ire box isas beavy» a&IaafuN J Wight, tone............... 1SHWicx7wrkn g4 er. 69 nace thus preveating is bucning D McNeil, cedar ...... ........0 W Short, 75 Holt,, 75 B Moore, .... 625 The most powerfut kIeater C Cox, 4 J Stainton, work ............... 3 50 made in Canada aad the great. J H Werry, CC ....... 84 J Cowling, drawing gravel. 8 75 est fuel saver. Especal adapt-. T Scott, ..C..... 5 92 W Riggs, building-bridge...... 2 50 cd for school house beating. A Hogarth, CC........ 10 10 J Wakeley, drawing cedar... 5 0 R 0O Short, -sheep damnages., 690)( F T Allia, . 2 50 W Reynolds, C 12 84 W Tanton, building culvert . 1 25 * erfect VentI1aS.. al 1 S Burgess, work. ............. 13 0 WiU retain fire over alght. I Dustan & Hbar, nails.... 25 C Stonhouse, work............. 10 0 F oes ... 4 30 J Clatworthy. building bridge 19 0 H ElCC '-J'10 54 J-Ward, repai ring -bridge-.......8 Gi Pan1het fre. boenour cia-ag lo ut nearefithonsea. GA Otephens, lumber......27 i iJ Crumib, brea-king ;Zstone...... 16(125 _W J -.d L~QNON~ TORONTO, MONTRE1FAL. WINN1Peqt -VACOUVER. israpo g.,JB r0*kgad .--.--25 UC CoLocal Agent, ibowmaivie. Y T lv d f ýfreLpv.m 269JSedn ' f ...........3 12o J E& .,- _____Il LG1uy ù. rIant or roa r (,JW iLymer werk......... ge.....1312I - -: W ltann iagw......... .. 0 Total ......... 88 74 * DIVISION No 5. R. PASOOE. CoMimisoner. A. Hogarth, work ...........$ 1 50: R. Stacey, building culvert. 1 6 F. Smith, buildiag bridges...,. 10,9* G. Reid, gracting and graveling 5 u W Kaapp, work ............., 1090 f* J1 Garfat, grave iing ........... Mi u il Wilcox, w CC nggrader.. 1380) W Allia, . 7 509 * B Moore, CC25909 4 J Orchard. C7 50 F Mjounljoyý--- S5 50 * JJOrmiston, zravelling etc. 15 OÇO W ~racQ a'at...........b9 H Wiox workîng -r 1qer.. S *7 a It bas 120 CROSS TUBES o n 4866 square inches of iron which gets intensely hot, thus zaking, one stove or furnace do the worP,,-4 twa.0all and examinethý,m. Dtist~ên & J-io&i~, **c-~ -~ - ~--'r C\\iil............."~O J Bart...C........"9 WFitfgravel ling con 6 .. 24 16 C oup 'rcedar .............. 2 90 J M J,;es,..... ...........80 T . .......'....... 6G 0 WRVD, xe '*y*' C 'C. . . *... 7 1( G Hiar 'v,... ...........89 G 'Urtlss,.. ...............94 1 L- Brown, timber ............2 90' G Haineý' sEq, P M, finles ... 2 0 SSN Odebetre Nol... 185 72 N F Macniachtan, refund exp 18 75 S iPo lardc, taxes for 1900 .... 15 327 12 Total...$25 985 54 PAVua2.s. J %rib JAN 1 7() 1,G B ya' nai1s.......... 1 Municipal World,-bianks.... 17 a-g's llf, vgran ia R Worth, iails ............ , 2 12 gvsÎ ie vgradvii J ecspikes............... 5 (A imIs-& face Iwas covered Jaugravel .............2 9 'ith pjtimplks and btackhrads but aflet T Monntjov, CC.......8 55 ' faking Ho-iod*s SraaiT a shortlte, 1 J Samis, " ...... 175 J Gau, shep damges 1 88 1sen$i cared, anid My skia'nwas T taiacon, ...0.moth adctar Ma1y Ryan, Ncorth A Tu ils, CC2 6 Sw, li.f D 8 S'illil en A.suits ,petidini 2u) (il) Ontario DBank, note, ........,; 300 90ù Fe-bruary, -26 85 March, .....260 April, -1.. 210( May....... 190 June, " 190 July. ... 30 où Augýust.....140 le > a... ...... 1 0 Conitinuled on 4Ir.st page. JOHN IIELLYAR, Sole Local. Agent. One cf our travellers said theý other ward o() colds, pnletmnii day ",You h!avýe the estal n ost tber dsassvou lneedt select stock of Ladies long chains I 1rich blood and gooddigs'i have seen in amy town out side of thie Sar3ýapafilla mlakes tlb"- Ciyof Otaa. low is Éihat for yollr pure as 11o othcr mden NbýIJg4od "fl 'eoda wII be ffGedé&lu alid îmgà-t l huwole Yoll wijl he wsetobentai it will k'eep you stJrong an< BOWMAN VILLE. E T S -1, BOWMVANViLLE A number of our caistomriiýs-"eono'ratutlatec1d having the busiest stores in town during thlffe Chrit rush. We are very much pkased wlth having recel such a liberal patronage and we shial give ouir patý an unprecedented money saving o-)porýtunity beforý regular stocking February il st, 1901.( Ail Winter Goods will be Subje to a Reduction, Our Winter Clothiug, Overcoats and ý? Suits; also Ladies' Cuats and Fur TRIS MEANS: $15. 00 Suits,Far Coats,Laclies' Coatsetc., 10.00 Overcoats, Suits, é >7.50 Overcoats, " 5.00 Suits for - - 1.25 Pants for - - Ail garnents are inarked in plan fig~