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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1901, p. 1

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I ~ PERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; THE WÙRLD ÂFTZRWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,l JANUARY 9, 1901> NEw SaiERIES. VOLUME XLVII No. 2, From COUCH, JOIINSTON & CRYDERMAN wiil sel] ail kinds of LADIES'CODATS P:ýT EXFýCTLY M FýLFF PR1,c5E These are flot last year's styles, but AIL NEW GOODS -MADE FOR THIS SEASON'S TAD and arp, undoubtedlv the finest lot of Coats ever shown in town. f\'LSO A lot of Dress Goods to bc cleaned out at about Haîf-price. ~ubtaitalReductions will also be made on ail kinids of Fars and Mens' and Boys'1 Overcoats. Couo h " oisol& rdral A U seful1 Present fo r Holidays ~We invite you one and ail to corne in and inspect our stock oûf Furniture and sec the rnany useful and inexpensive articlesthat we have that will rnakpe a useful and beautiful Present. Our prices wiil be made as low as possible to meet the dernand and requirernent of every purchaser. WTe are offering a nice Rocker, go]lden oak or rnahogany, at $2.25 and many other, hues equally as good values. Cal and see them, it will be a pleasure to show you through our ,warerooms. j' M. D. WILLIAMS& SON. ?30w>ÂRVILLIZ. Undertaklng receives prompt and persossal attention, tes and Gentlemen, 8khr~and Poor, ýn exten(4ing- congratulations on uces 0f the Holiday Seasosi, I 1îl-eress /yj appreciation o! tire al patirohisi ,e which matie tire past tire great<st lu tire hîsteny of my ~ese, oldesty iy ail veny w cil in its place I nesty climpeis me t o state tirat bilîl up'business with 3 ou by irav- thoreugir knowledge of tire came BOWMAN VILLE MAR TS Corrected by J.1curtry each Tue sday P LeUR, P 100iibe.......$101 2 50 WHrEAlr F.11i, bush ....... 0 01 ilO 65 S pnîg........-a (0 e" O 65 Redl)Fifo ........ o000"l 075 Tg Goose ...... 0 60"tg0 61 BARLIY, 4P bushe, No. 1 ... O0119 0 O40 i Tt' m 2 ... 089" 040 le i fi3,.. 025" 0.80 t " iTwo nowed O 85 t'0O36 OATs, white il..'....O0 25 fiO0'26 RYR, il .......... 04d7"t0 48 BUCKWrEArT Il......O 0 " O 42 PEAS, Biackeye, 4P bush.. O 69 01O75 il Cana dian Beauties O 69 f" O 75 fiMummey le 0 00"fi060J IlSmalii t 0 00 f' 0 5ù Fus! That's the rnorliing eall of Chanticleer, It's a welcome cry to a well mani. But to a man whose aleec seemis to have been only an rinrefreshing stpr ho wakes with buring eyes, throbbing head, and a bad taste in the mouth, it means only a new day's Inisery. Iu stich a physical condition health is inost surely and swiftly restored by the use of Doctor Pierce'sGolden Med- Ical Dkscovery. Lt cures diseases of the stomacli and organs of digestion and ilU-_ trition, and it cures through the stomnach diseases o & ve lungs, kidneys, etc., whîch have their origin in a diseascd condition of the stomnacli and other organs of dýgestion and nutrition, Lt increases the activity of the blood-making glands, and every organ is benefited by the resulting iu- crease of ricli, pure blood. IlGolden Medical Discovery " contains no. alcohol. and is entirely freà from. opium, cocaine and other niarcoties. «Vour 'Golden Medical Discovery' snld Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy have been of great benefit ta me," writes (Prof.) Pleasant A. Oliver, of Viola, Fulton Co., Ark. "lBefore 1 .sed the above mentioned remedies my sleep w,ýasot son!nd; digestion bad; a continuai f,-cling of msniery, 1 now feel like a uew man. ,.iiyaone iu need of medical treatment for na.,at eatarrh could do no better than ta take treat,oIent of Dr. R. V. Pierce. I know his mnedicines are an right in this class of diseases."ý The Common Seuse Medical Adviser. cloth binding, sent free by the author, on receipt of 5o one-cent stamps, te pay expense of customs and mailing o:.- lu I pnper cevers 31 one-cent stnnîps. Ad- dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. NEWTONVILL E. Miss Floreoice Ricli is homne frorn Osh- awa High School, having taken 3 first clas certificates iii. drawing and won first prize for general proficiency-a ni. e vol- une of Scett's poems. . .. Mr James Ricli is very ill.fle is now iunliis 8ist ý,ear,... Mns John Holman died in Port Hope on Wednesday and was huried bere Friday, being foliowed by a large concr ýrse of friends. She had reached ber 701 year. ...Mr. Elmer Pethick is homne fi < To ronto for vacation..Mrs W. j sr., lias gone to reside with lier daugi. 'Ire. Alex. Patterson. You have read of cures by ±ood's Sarsaparilla, and you should ha,, e peri feet confidence in its merit. It will do you good. Frs! * .0oiday Presents. Every Lady in West Durham would enjey corene iee article in the Fur line for a Present, We have just the very article they like beA- a Fur Coat, Cape or Caperine, Muif, Gauntiets, Fur- lined Garments, Fur -Caps. Gent's Furnishings in ail the iatest styles-Shirts, Collars, Cuiffs, Tics a fine assortment. A word about prices-We guarantee to save money to any cash buyer on ail Fur Goodq. We can seli 15 to 25 per cent. Iower than Toronto houses, We invite you toe aul-it wiIl pay you handsorneiy. Fuir Repairing a Specialty. Furrier.1 EE 0f Holiday Gifts can be Smade now. The most exquis- ite line of goods ever shown. The very latest novelties. V % în- ' ' ICn I- F1'(.. KEN DALL. We expert t sce~ a good attcndance at our Farmers' Institute meeting here on Monday î4th .. . .Mr. John R Peacock is Chief Ranger elect cf Court Kendall I. 0O F. ..A pnetty wedding took place al "Greenbank, 'the nesidence of Mrs. Hugli Scott on Xmas day when Lizzie K , the youngest daughter of the late Hughi Scott was united in rnatrimony witli X\ alter J. Olce, Tononto, About forty guests were present and the gifts were very beautiful. Rev. J A. McKeen, B A., officiated. Don't ruti chances b ' ytaking whiskey or brandy to settie the'stomach or stop a chili. Pain- Killer lu hot water sweet- ened rvill do you more "guod, Avoid substitiites, there's but one Pain-Kilior, SS. No. 2 CLARKE. Mrs. W. Laing visited ber sister, Mrs. S B. Gerny, London, during the holidaye. Mne. James Casw cli beld a family reunion Xmas .Ni. James Rich ie seriously iii, .Mr. AÀlfred MIoffatt recently visited bis brother Thomas..Mr. John Walton vis- ited old friends receetly,...Mr. John Holmes was ne clected school tnustec. More caces of sick beadache, bilions- nees, constipe tion. eau be cnned lu lese time with medicine, and for lees mone.v, bli using Cartgr's Little Liver Pille, than by any other means. MAPLE G1tOVU., Peny Dvi~. 2e. nd 0e.---------A large congregatien greete d Rev. ___________E. R. Young.'IToronto, ou Sundav ENNISILLENatternoen. RIS missienary remarksà ENNISKLLENwero well received. Subsenîptions were - liberal,...Miss Winnie Axtordý and Mne Samis, Clarke, guest of Mn. R. Mies Eva Folev hiave new Dominion H-anna; Mn. and Mns H-. Doubt, Port Organe,..,, Mnr. Fred R. Foie', wae pre- Penny, guestecf Mn. H. Byene; Mre. sented with an addrese and irandsome Shaw and son Mn. L. Shaw, Western volume, Teinnvson'e Peeme W', the Ep- Ontario, guest cf Mrs. S. Gilbert The worth League members i bunsday eve- Preebytenian tea on New Year's Day ning Hie wfil be urucb missed hene... wae a great succese a large attendance, ..Enzagc yeur beet girl for Fcb. 8th. good bun-feed and a capital program. Anilei-sarýv of League. Panliculars Excellent addnesses by Reve. Chrooke- later .. . Miss Eva Foley bas retunned sliankss sud McMullin. Pont Penny choir from a pleaý;ant visit wIith relatives in did theurselves pnoud- rendening their j Oshawa and Harmeny.. .. Editen J anes well cliosen anthems. tMiss Scenes and headed the oeil here for County Coun- Mn. Balfour charmed the audience with cil with a -goed lead .... Inr. Steiphen their solos and duets. Mies B. Scenes Munday is heme from Western Ontario gave two good rccitations. Rev R M1.'. , . Master Lorne Stevens bas beeu Phaleu, B. A., tihe paston, net only made very iii with scarlet fever . ... Mr. W/m capital cliairman but delivercd a very and Mise Nellie Axtord, T1oronto, spent itetg and instructive, address, beiidays at Mn. C. Axferd's... . Mrs. S. Proceede about $85. Suowden bas been visiting friends in Sieplssniht, auedbyacpris- Whitb»v ..We welcome Mn. Trueman tent raepiug cough Pyr ny-BalsalmnPwrý-dbiet u is.. r quickly cures the meet severe cou-lhis. W C J, îank and bride are visiting il soothes, heale, nover fails te cjure friclnde iu Brantford We wish them Manufactuned hy the preprie tors eof!nany 3 cars et wedded blis. Perry Davis' Pain-Kiiler. Fnom ail over Canada come !etters ___________tclling us ef the great benefits derived from the use et the D. & L. Menthol HAMPTOX. Plasters lu cases of neunalgia, rheuma-. TWENTIETH CENTURY WEDDINa, BUes- -WALTEItS. At the residenee of the bride's fath- er.Richard Walters, Taunton, a happy event transpired on New Yean's day, when bhis daughter Maud becamue the wife cf Mr, T. Buss, East Whitbv. The wedding was a xrery quiet eue, and performed with due solemrity b.y Rev. J. J.Liddy, M. A The weddingrnarch w as plaved hv Miss Edna Ross ef Osha- wa. TÉle bride wore cream lustre, with orange biossoms, wbile the brides- maid, Miss Louise Waltens, was dr(,ssed lu cream cashmere, both cannyiug the regulatîon bouquet. A pieasing item of the pneceedings was tue presence ef ail the tamiiy, inclucling the nine boys scattered in different parts of the w orld William and Hetrbert ,Detroit, and George and John of Toronto. May a long lite be the lot of Mr. and Mrs. Buss. "iSunnyside", tirehonme of Mr. and Mrs J. G, l-Ione, was the scene et a pretty wcdding New Year's day, their daughter, Miss Fanux-, being united iu marriage te Mn. W. L» Long, Orene, The coermony took place in the bine roem and wae perfermed by Rev. T. W. Leggott. Promptiy at four o'cieek the bridaI party appeared, the bride sweetiy gowned lu white mousseline de soie ever white taifeta siik, anid earrying a show- er bouquet ef wbite carnations and fernas She ivas attended by hen sister, Miss Evlyn, lu pink mousseline de soie, carry- ing piuk carnations, wile Misses Nellie Long and Eima Mutton made charming littie flowen girl and ring be'iren respectivel "v. The groom was supported by bis bramher, Mr. Fred Long of Toronto.' The intenior ef the bomne was castefuily decorated with palme. bolly and prninoses, with the exception of the dining reom which -- m, lamce ack, etc. D)avis & Law- w-as dne in red white andi mue. -After At the Thanikoffering a ~ i ce Ce., Ltd. manufacturons, pantaking et the wedding breakfast Mn, U sy Dec. 23rd 11ev, J. .li______ and Mrs Long left br the G. T. R fer Tyrone, preached ver'-~' , the west, accernpaniod bx r Contributions neaniy 814- HAYDON. wiseet ofail prescrit. The- pu Trebiicockz, the weil-kniowu buntlay -ofe the brid e and bride groon i s Scboel worker, Bowmanviile, conduet Visitons :-Mise Lizzie WVashiugton, ci ident by the beautiful pres s cd a public review in Sunday Seheol Bethany; Mi-s: Goheen, Oshawa ; Miss Do flot suifer fnem sdcl b. Dec. 80h .. .Dr. J. H t Eliiett bas ne- Emilv Ceuch, teacher, guet et Mies moment longer. Itit l fot 7. turned front hie Eurepean Atnican Campbell ; Miss Anuie Creeper visibing Carter's Little Liver Pille will cure yen, travele bringing with hlm a large col- friende ini Torontoe;Mn. Stanburg Dose, eue littie pili. Smail pnice. lectien e! ennios whicto bave been îuuch Aunger fermerly eof isyden le nenw a Smnall dor1e. Smialf pili. admined.. .. Mn. J. Oit e eturned Xmas reqident cf Cailfennia...Mise Campbell merning atter 16 yoans' absence during isl spending a few daYs with Mies Mary which ho visited ail aieng the Paeiflc Rogers at the Mitchell Farm Darling- TYRONE'S FAREWELL. ceset troinLes Angeles to Cape Nome. ton ....'Publie Sebeel ne opens en Jan, .... Mr. J. Hepper le recoercing slowiy Srd ...At the aninual echool mettinoe Mnr E. Trenoutb wae re elected scbeel Mr.W.Jl[. Creeper waq re-eiected Sec Mn. and Mrs W. Pi. Clemreus baving trustee .... Hloiday visitons: Mn. and reta1r-Treasurer ef the Trustee Board rented thein farm and wben about to Mrs, F.. Stonhouse, Uttawa; Mn. J. B. g .Peasant social gatbering was beld move te Bewmanville wene sunprisedl Hern, Listowel; Mn. W. W. Hlorn, 'ro- iast week at Mr. W. H. Creeper's a nl d by thoir fIonde and neiglibors and pre- ront Mn T. liitI, erdn, Mn; n. Ange's.sented witb two easy chairs and the Mn. R. Eiieringten, Exeter, Mn, Fred Visitera :-Miss Rheda Hudson at feiiewMug AD RSýCess S Msnand famiiv, Fnienidship, N. Y; home; Mr. Griffun, Essex Centre, at Deteflima. Âa Ma.dCadeens o - rn Mn. G. HUIS, Stnathrey; Miss Cannie Mn. William Trewin'e ; Mrs. Thomas Methýodistebhurcb. assemble here to.night, on this Oke, Toronto; Mn. Ewart Creeper, Mr. Ashton spent New Year's 1h' Toronto.. the eve of voun departure from aur midst. ta e W. W. Pnice; Mrs. James Taylor, Mns.. Mrs. Thes, Mountjoy, rr , is lu vcrv mimd you that we are not fongetful ef your long A. W Gibons Toeut, atMn reidence amangst us; during whieh lime yois TA .ibbonsCamb onoin ileM.poor hoalth ...Glaati t sec Mn. James have end carefi yourselves ta us as wonîhy ciii- RTayloratr's, aai olle n. u Mis I'Tick aneund again aften bis senieus zens, seltdenying neighbors sud tried true O.Tlv r, Wreersnka ýMr. W.nJ Cimsillness.... Mr. William Trewiu's !amîiy christili friends. Inacl the walks of lite. 'ou te theneighonhaeîant ,ibuted much toward making our lives Olve, rerbak a M. .J le.gave a pleasant party t h egbr l auad profitable. In religions lite youn eu' nR tpes niklehood ou Meuday evening. Aise Mn. prtayer was fervent, ia social andi domestie youn Mies S. Woediev, Tynone, at Mn. R Russell Aunger eutertained hie > _ nteneourse was congenial and when sarnow Aî'eny's; Missienarv services next Sun- fnedee Wdosa eeîu . visited oui- homes your consolaion and sym- Rev.W. eilife.mornug nd Rv. JondsRunde anedfamîlvteuded the Mrpathy snoue forth upon the tronhled lite. As day e.WJ lif.mrigadRvJonRrlan aivatdeth Methodistsewe havesadmired your zeal, hospitat- J. G. Lewis. B. A., Newtonviile, in the iyadgnrst.Da rGeesnn Nw en'sofdayss. Mebe olr o! Haldemamongît us wilt misesyen mare than the youug fvnn.. ribDochTiso a enNe esdy.. Mmeso ad psoole and the littie yones cf aur homes sud suiffcrin,; ombouhti.League who atteuded tire Circuit Rally heanýths; who have reecivefi mueh of their relîgi- at Tyrene repent a goed tille. ou riigatyu etas their much beloved T1-~m 7~f mi IAT WOULD THiiEY G E-lt seemas Our familleswilluaotforget your tender training. I11 ~a waete et time te waru people againet it le with them silîl; il will go out wi-il h tem te, neglctiT cugD andceiRTut h tlies roh heaving ses as au anchon of the saut neffectnz cugh andcols, bÏ'wiat lie tepest tossed; such training will ocrer Are Ever Recognised by An weuid victime ef censumption and be largotteit; but as tlicir guarfliaii ange, it wili pueumonia give il tiroir disease were keep ig in l the dark houri of tesuptation sud Intelligent Public.eî uisgiun. If it were onîy a ad i1tx God'o word shail not returu unto onlyin is bginnng."The seeds cf trn th we sow in sun sud - ~~~cough or col. Deadiy iuug diseases hdwllgo.subdadbrkfehmi bcpÎolgad Frlds Fnd with colde tirat could centainly ire tntosn lsea n ieiitegle Decepionsand FandsFind uredby Dr. Chase's Synup of Linseed th, ocety for tweuty years suld.recorfling and Turpelîtine, the grossI prpeription steward et the circuit for ten years we in common th at he Nsre. whicb net mereîy neîievee but tiiorougir- wiîh ail or ministers bavp. enjoy cd thse get aue coid together. confidence lu your tutegrity sud efficiency. We ly cures cougirn od oehr are not uniudful of the mauy kinduesses re- _____________ceired ai the bauds of your estimable wife, bier self ser iietng efforts in tuie soci il sud religions t1~flfl(IPWDlTMRCOURTICE. wellbeingeoftheceurimunity aid church. Aboya PAIEISCELRY 01PUNDail we ba V e prizdyour cnstant fiendship-a flower that 1bloomed iu every seasen, sheddiug StiR on thre Highest Round ef Holiday visiters:-Mns. Dakera aud Its fragrance lu every walk cf hf e and only Misesllancock at Mn. J. M.Squino's; Mn. faunf ini noble christiosu seuls. Thouglu we weep the adde of ame.honest tears ai the thought cf yaur depantuna tire adde et ame.B. Hais aud Miss Addie Pascoe at Mrs. r' u yet we are assunefi that truc christian Littiejoirus; Prof. S J. Countice, Albrt fiendship is immortat andi eau neyer file. Genuine menit and worth muet be Coliege, aI home; Mr. and Mire Ecker, -Friendship bas a chai-ming voice, the strong and leading charactenistics Essex Centre, at Mn. Hedley Oke's: :"vefiends )ma ieidhipertrdie, o! a medicine lu onder te make il a Mies Bickie at home lu Canton;Mr. aud "Gîe emfneundi fendîip's ue, cirosen home friend. Mns. H., Gay visited Mn. Bert Gay, Reeollectinig tihe pleasaut years mafia agree- Speculatons and imitators may, for a Toronto; Mns. McGowan, Oaiýville, able by youraegnaiutance sud fnienflsbip, we, brie! lime, croate a demand fer thir visited ber daugirteir Mn. Geo. Moi î.ew, your fnienfis berewitl preseur yen wîlh ibese Mn. ordo Woneu, on e two easy chairs as a sligbr token cf the very deceptive pille and liquid prepanatiens M.Ms-.Ed he onofý ih teaw hiihfo o n orda bv freeiy usinrg newspaper space, but Worden, lbaves tis week te fill a peSi. family. askiug yaur accelîlance of the some uet unenning lîuman experience soon pro- tien in tire Wester'n baul at Port Penny. for their intrnsie value but because ot the on- nouncos the juigmonit-"tried and Mn. Henb Osbrne bas been ongagod h fly thl0e liainicgiof h it.Sgaio found wanting." Tire yoan juet ciosed te teacir at No. 17 Darington. . . Rev. JAMES UTS bas manked the deatir ef many worth Mn Clare, Welcome, preachod at Eben- RICHSARD WeOODLa, lems and doceptiye medicines which, for ezer Sunday. . , A wateh nigirt service WILLI.AM BasNT, a timo, rebbed the sick and afflicted was couducted at Ebenezen New Yean THomAs CaFPER. onso!fînney and aggravated thirirEve. ... Missienary services woeecon- J.S. MULN iSt oumr, bunden o! miseny. ducted at Ebouezen ladt Suuday by Tyrone, Dec. 18th,î 1900. Paiue's Coiery Cempound, bas, lu tire Rev E R. Young, B.A , Torouto, assist- past year, added thousande ef victonies ant editer Christian Guardian. Iu the te ite establishod record as a dinease. mornning ire gave a graphie description banisrnid ireaitiî-giver. cf missieuary pioeeong in tire Northr- Mauy of the cures efftected by Paine's ws ndlIirfvneo tr ret Celer Comeuni ave een s mai-oetcbistianity and tire duty efthtie pros. Noer oemediuihewbenldliar- ont haveail n n adit. Sbswithtr tpLf voilons sud striking that able and ton gnd etinsowr i eubsl.ip promineut pisysicians have, wiîlreut tesadcieies eeluavae hosiatia, oenlypraied ndrce f-et set year ... Ebenezer S S. gave $10 eind thel c eda nder. m-towards tue Sick Ciridren's Hespital, mennd he ifesav1' oono .... Tire S S. teachere an(d ci-m~ ï--------------------------------------- g11ic1USI11 b M.Mayer, ) ý-rERMS.-Sl.50 PIER ANNUM.- M. ý A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST ; THE WORLD AFTXRWARDS.

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