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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1901, p. 4

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TE lr u r . -. E U . .. Îllmg Drgs Seraeand exqu site Prisian, nl ad 9- AmrcEast o osOc. I oidEoyBack aVilE Our Goods Speal We only ask yen our store. We buy the« Smarket, made in best w Sprices. If you intend1 our lue s and get our pi the goods of any city st Scontem plate a fancy eh Sniture for the Holiday, the largest and prettices KEEP VOUR EVE ON0 BOWMAN VILLE. L A ICREAI? )MATS AND LARD. J. E. L. COLE, HAMPTON, Thanks ail his customers for paît liberal patcouage and sulicits the same for the new century. Deal withi me, 1'il use you right and save you from 15 to25 per cent. "Stick to me and Cecil Rhodes and you'll wear diamonds. " 1 wish one and ail a Merrv Christmas and Happy New Year and 100 more of them. At present medium sized smoked, suzar cured flaso and i3eaklast iaci,.u -14c; large smoke.d Haras 13e per lb.; Balogna 10e or 3 for 25c; A 1 Lard iu -20 lb. paits-$2.25; lOilbs. P &B-.-1.1, $1.20;- 5 lbs. do,, 65c,-all from the celebrated ,world renowned firm af Park, Black- well & Co., Toronto. If not A 1 are returnable with thanks and mouey re- funded . Drop a card with your order. Lady customers say thev are equal if flot better than any they ever used. Try our Pork Sausages-beit lu market. Yard and a third of Pork for 10; ý4 feet,) Hia-hest price for Ilides and Skins. JIorsehides$2 50 for No. 1 extra. Nn, i Sheep Skins large 85c; Veal Skins 8e ,per lb' ; deacons 30 ta 45c; Deer Skins 10e lb., coou, mink, catskins and musk- rat skins wauted. Taiiow 5e lb. In Bowmaxî ville Wednesday and Saturda.ys; Burketon Friday, sMeet me-there lu Sweet Buy and Buy and seil me your bides. FoR SAïa:.1-73 acre farm lu East Whtblv and sinîgle cutter. J E. il ,COLE,, Buteher, Hampton 52 tf. If there ever wuus a spc'cilie for wtsy1 one eomplaiut, then Carter's Lil 1 Liver Pis are a specifle for siek head- ache and everv womau should kiaow -hîs, OnIy one"pili a dose. Try themn.1 We thank our Customers and Friends for the liberal patronage extended to us dur- ing the past four months and Swish one and ail a Happy and Prosperous New'Year. Opposite Ontario Bank, clssors to R. Woi'th. Bowrnanville. k For Themselves. tu corne aud go through 0 COUNTY COUXCIL ELECTION. go The eleetion for the couutie's connei Sresulted in the returi. of Mr. Panl C 0 TIrebiltcock who bas held the positiai pwiu er n h leino h dt forvasadteelcino h dî wof THESTATESHAN. Wheu althe othe candidates wvre exceptionaliy goo( iemen we eertaiuly esteem the houa Sgreat ta be chosen by sneh a spiendi( vote as was g i%,eu us., Our aima wiIl bi «Ras pramised to show the eleetors of Wes Durham lu a fair and business-like wal wbere the molîey goci (rom theConies p treasurý, who gets it aud what for, au( grotherwise ta enlighteu theîn ou eounies IE fnsiness. Resuit of the vote on page 8 g Alwas s avoid harsh pnrzaiivc pis SThey fir.,t rmake von sick and ther Sleave voni eonstipated. Carter's LittlE Liver Pis regulate thse bowels ané makýe -ou weil. Dose onie pil1 DARLINGTON. Mr. McSparrot, Queeli's Coilege, King. stan, has been visitiag Mr. N',Iacolm Mc. iMillan.,.-Mr. J T. Mlien and family visited relatives ai Newcastli.... Misý Lueila Burk, Oshawa, 18 visitiag Misý Vida VanCamp . . .. i Mrs. Thoý. VaaCamF is visitiag in Oroao .- NO. 3 Schoolhousc iu undcrgaing extensive repairs .... Rcv H. Thomas, Hapiton, iook charge of AIr. W iiuon's service Tuesday eveaiag. SCROFULA TEE CausE-Eczema, ca- -tarrh, i, p disease, white swdliing, and even eansnmptiau haie tlieir origin in serofulons condîtions. Wlith the siight. est taint of serofnla lu the blood, tiser is ia safetv The rernedy for tisis dis- ease lu ail its form4 is Haood's Sarsapar- illa, which goes ta thse raci of thue trouble anti expeis ai! impurities and di.uease gel-ms frum the blood, The besi family catisartie h ban0ds A verv pleasaut time îvas speai ait the resideace af Mr, and M rs. Alfred Hogarth on Modad-y evening lasi îvhen their rela- tives and a few intimate friends taok ad- vantage af i being thse tweatieth aniver- sary of theirw eddîng day and gave iheni a campîcie sus piisa in the shape of two ea6y chairs. Mr. Gea. H Hogarth, BA, read bhc address INr. T. Pascoe acted as chaisman anti appiapriate speeches were made by Sr J. D Hogarth, Nr. R. Pascae, Mr. T. Baker, C. C., Mr,. Davis aod athers Nur. A Hoaath miade a uitable reply and thaaked thein for the flac presents. The Hleatlie family, iNr, A E, Heys and Mr. and Mrs.Hî L.Pascoe rendes cd same chaice music during the cvening Games of ail kiads w ccc indulged in and the old year w as rung oui and thse new year in wlîh "tbe aid cow bell" The company brake Up ai a seýasanabk haour wisbing Mr. andi Mii. Hagarth many mare years of happy married life .... -Rcv. J G. Lewis, Newianville, will p ceach a M issioaary sermon here Suaday afiernoon aad at Zion-in the mraîag, .. Mr and Mrs J. G. Langmnaid gave a party ta the young pecople of thse ueighhorhoad in their beautiful home Friday eveaîng.... M r Thos Pascae visited at Scngog Island recently. ... Mr. RobtGriffin, Manitou, Man , Mrs John Hall, Enfleld, and Mr. H. Osborne visite(] frieads here, SOME W\ON'r BELlhYr h' TMati', people who have suffered tha s4eute muser9- af iichimîg or bieeding pilies for vearsýilii Sîite of medicines anid oper. allons won't helieve that Dr. Coase's jOlîsîment ih au actuai cure. Thera has nover vet, bocu a p9lcson La doubt thse eftieacv, of 11514 great prevparatiou afier [nig0 box. 'I acts like m tgie in s top rug tle pain and itching, and is rpositiveiy guarauteed to cure an"y case of bleeding or protrudhîg piles. Ask vour neig-bhor about It.. Yoctr dealer bas thom, clîildeai's Day at St, John's Churehl. uattiest Furuiture ou the Thse C hristunas Festival at St. John's voods and we seil at close chureh was coueluded IThursday Dec. 27th by a Childreu's service eausiuîing furuishiug a home, sec af a carat service entitled "Thse Chiid Jesus". Thse eaugregatiouî jolned )rices, and comipai e with heartily lu ths ing-ing of familiar carats ýtor ifyouwish Ilyou andl hymnu led by au efficient chair af littie folk. Miss Arnîonc lu argaulut and hair or auy piece of Fur- t ea9cher. Atter tIe service thse Reetor 111vtedeveronepreseut to thse sebool- seasou, sec our dispiay, r$~ oom wlsere in a few minutes a heavily ~t eer how lutow . ~laden Christmnas ýtree ablaze wthilight 9UR ISPLY WIDOW.After ceading thse annal Suuday OUR ISPLY WIDOW.Seboal report which uhowed a very nîce ,.balance on baud, preseuts and prizes Swere given ta thse seholars. Thse clasu Sprizes weme awarded accordiug ta .at t~ i ~ ~winniers among the girls were, ClassI1, Stedanc, Jie Wn iams; Caet 1T, Furniture and Undetaking. EhlBon oaRong;CasIl Carnie Boeuig-k, Blanche Morrvis; Clasu ~u~-s>~eoiososoeaaIV, Rhoda Pethiek, Greta Scatt; Infant ____________class, Reta Roenigk, Florence JRfeigk. ____________-. ~ The boys wbo won prizes were, Clasu 1,1 Alex Luttreli, Win Dastan; Ciass Il, The Canadian Statesifail, Perey Williams, Frank Marris; Clas III, Mackus Roenigk, Nürman Judd; - Claus IV. TIsas Dustan, Guard Bennett; BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 9, 1901 In ant ciaus, Rlussel Williams. Special -_pcmzes were awurded as foliows: Chioir, MUNICPAL LECTONS. AlexLuttreil, Jeusie Williams; Attend- MUNICPAL LECTONS. ance, Ethel Brock, Carrne Roeniq-k, Markns Roenigk, Rhoda Petbick; these Eieetion day passed vecv quietly four Isad not uissed a Sunday during Monday, but the vote came out fairiy the vear. Cateehism, Ethel Broci, Au well as wili be seen by tIse retumus. nie Couter, Mande Scott, Ethel Rickard Seven candidates rau for six seats lu the Thse laut two sets of prizes consisted of tow îauouneil and every cecetor in tawu bronze mûedals, the rest of the prizes un1 had the priviiege af voting foc six eau-« books. Afiar giving ail the littie folk1 didates- besides tIse ounty counciiocu, bagu of candy and oranges th!; deligit- Mr. :Gaod-win, tise- ont man,-is-iu-faim --fui eve-ing-was cftospd wiih a verse oi miuded, public upiited worthy citizen, jour national hvmn. but lu leus knowu than the other candi- dates and fell about 30 votes short. Web are glad ta uee Messrs. John Perey aud n teIima ci TIss, H. Spry back lu thse council, for i bath men bave splendid records as He 1tlTake- an ELI. counciliors. Our opinion af these two gentlemen seemu ta be generallv en- Let thse smaltest microbe gain todgmient darsed by tise electors, for Mr. Perey Iseadei tIse poils with 344 votes and Mr'. m you?- bod/y andi your 'w/ole system 'wi11 SpcY made a keen second wtiIs 332 votes. be diseased. 2'/se microbe is microscopic. Mr. Tait was a winner, too, with a proud But t/se germs become inches andi then ells record of 315. XVe heur lily congratu- of/Pain. Hood's Sarsapatilla destroys the laie Mc J.B.Mitcheli au bis eleetion by acclamation ta tIse diguifled and ce microbe, pre'oents the pain, purifies t/seb spoîtsible position af Mayor of Bo wmau b1ooti and effecis a permnuent cure. d ville. This journal has flot agreusd witb l ail that bus did as counciliar nor wîth the Run Down-"'I hati sevuere head- c actions pf thse aId council in mauv ce- aches and msy constitution twas generatty ~ speets, b ut wili give hlm ail tIse assisi- stan do'-rn. Hi reati about Hood's Sas- l ane possible lu bis present position as s tîà ridiadafe sn w Chief Magistrale, aud the uew coun cil 0prta rit t niate'uiglw as a whole lu their endeavor ta promotebote asrureycei.uMssJay tIsewelfaceoaitIsetown. As citizens let F2annlgan, &Wanning Av-e., 2Zoronto, Ont, c us al bury aur differences and joiîmB bauds with tIsa uew councilita do same- tiig ta bring np thse old town ta thse DJLUCW~<)«&t~ position it shouid occupy amoug the prosperous towusý of thse Province. r id &ýý 69-- 1h est EnU House, d y ~A Genuîne Stock-takÎllg Sale ail tis Montil. H $ 10,000 worth of goods must be sold during this sale. To do this we have marked some linos of goods at ridi*culously low prices. SILKS AND DRES GOODS. CLOTHING.,., 15 pieces fine plain India Silk, 27 luches To clear $4000 worth of Clothiug this mouth Mwide, ail good shades, the regular price the kuife goes very deep. A big choice is 50c, sale price 25c. of good Tweed Suits lu Greys, Browns,- M 25 pieces uew Tweed aidHmsu rs and Green mixtures, the regular price' Goods, 44 luches wide, regular price 40c, is $6.50 aud $7,00, sale price $4,50. M45c and 50c, sale price' 25e.-'75 New suits iu fine Checks afid Stripes, io pieces heavy all-wool Serpe, ail shades, double and single breasted Coats and M urrguar3c ere slepic 2~Vests, regular price $7.50, $8 and $8,50, 10 pieces fine Homespun 54 inches wide,reg- sale price M ulr pice$l.3 au $l40 pr yrdAI! our $10 and$12 Suits duriug this sale $8. saleprie $.00Ail Uilsters at a discounut of ý20'/. duriug BLANKETS...... this sale, 25 pairs flue wool Blankets, good size, reg- LADIES' JACKETS.... ular $3 per pair, sale price $2 25, 15 pairs Super Quaiity Wool Blankets, reg- 29 Ladies' Jackets lef t worth $8, $10 and -niai price $4.00, sale pric $3.00. $12 each, your choice during tni ne$.__ TOWELS... . BOOTS AND SHOES .. .. .. 11 200 dozen Tloweis, size 20x42, the re.,uiar Spriîîg Boots aile arriviug daily and odd __ price is 25e a paît', sale price loc. hunes will be cleared at cost. AUl kinds of Farm Produce taken at iHighest Market prices during this sale. Jé! ~ààflffflllIlhfilff!lIflfIfuIIlfflIffIfIIIlhflllI U  àÂMà& 4 BORN LINTON lu Oronor, Dec. 30, to Mr. sud Mca. G. R. LiutoL, a son. PsIRI-Iu Oshawa, Dec. 28, the wife of W m. Pinse, of a daughter. BuisoN-In Darlingion, Jan. 3, the wife of W. Bîsison, of a daughter. BUTTSOIs'Near Eîîniskillen, Jan, 2, the isife of Mr. t4eo. Buttsou, of a sou. MARRIED. FITrsaakLD-POLLARD-At the lamil y rosi- deuice, Darliugto, Jan. 1, by Eev. J. S. McMu!- leu AfTroeir. Frcderîck Fitzgcrald, Lon- don owusipand Miss Elizabeth C. Pollard, daughtec of the laie J ohn Pollard ERNksII-CoLE--On Jain. 1, ai the cesidence of he brîde's father, by 11ev. J. S. 1. Wilson, 9.D., William Charles Fr'ank and Mary Adricusa, youngest daughter of Samuel Cole, Esq., ail of ilaple Grove, South Darlington. RFEE5O-MCKEN zIE-At the residenee of thse ridesm faiher, Jan. 2, by Eev. J. B McLareîî John Ileeson aud Almas J., only daugbter oi tr. Joha MoKenaie, ail of Easti Wlîitby. BsîSS-WALT'RzSu -On Jian. 1, l'Rev. J. J, Lididy, M. A., Oshawa, Norman Thomas Bus and Emma Mande Walters, both of East Whiby. MsAaaOW-POWER-On New Year's Day ai the resideuce of the bride's faiher, by Rev. E. E.Howard, Mr. Charles W. Marlow and Miss Lulu May, daughter of Mr. Clark B. Power, oth of Cartwright t I t DIEU. BRtANT-At Wbltby, Jan. 1, Frauk MeKeuzie, third son of Mrc. T. S. Brasut, aged 24 years. WILINeSaN-Aî Whitby, Jan. 2md, Samuel Green Wilkinson, lu bis 69th year. NEwraam-At Linsdsay, Jan. 4, Sarah. wife of Rev. Canon Newton sud mother of Mr. S. M. Newxton of thse Wbitby Gazette, agefi 71 ycars. BîNGAusÂ-At 12 Bond St., Toronîto, Jan. 5mb, Elizabeth Millg, wife of Wm. Bingbam, Eusuis- kulleu, agod 78 yesrs. BIEoHÂM-Iu Canuingion, Jan. 6, Alger M., son of Dr. R. S. sud E. Biugbam, aged 20yeacs. REEn Tu Oshawa, Dec. 28, Charles ieed, aged 59 years RiasmSOs-In Bowmanville, Dec. 27, Mary Rbob! nson, widow of' the laie Richard Rabiusonî, agefi 105 yoars. L AMBS-Camûe ou lot 21, cou. 3, DA r .lingbou 15 Lambs. TIse owncr is requesteil t0 prove pcoporty, psy expenses and cake tbema away. Tueos. SigOWDNiç, BOWManVilic. 232W NOTICE.- To WHoMIe FrMAY CONcERNi The booksand acconts in ecîsueciion wiLb WIm. Rickards' Peddliug for John Grlgg will se aI John Grigg's place of business, No. 32, Ontario St,, Bowmanville, where ahl accouais nusi be palin la bis moustb. Wm. Richards bas no autbority to receivo any more of saifi se- coussts. By order of' JOHN GEIGG. 2 if Bowmauvillo, Jsuuary 8, 1901i. West DurhiamfiE1ectîon Statemeut of ail elecion expeuses iucurred by or on bebaîf of of 0. J.« THO»NT0N, a eau- didate aitIs electiosi for the Dominion Par- Lament, holdan ilu the West PRidiuig of the County of Durbaui 0,n the 7th day of November last pas"t (19001) James G Aleplitlng............. ...._17 7,5 tý A. Jms riig........2 40 -orrato niB wmnville for hall 1 GO Uorpora't in of CLari, e for Hall. ,......... 0. L . týy » ,for ceai of roomas..... ....:. . 1 50 The BeL T, epbn.telephoues .........2 45 Paliad~ia"21aoI-c Eallway Co,, ielegram 85 Datfed iis 4Ii 1'¾y "f Januîu«ry, A. D., 1901. 1J,. E17,SELIbLOSCOM BE, Finantiai Agent for 0. J. Tbornion Cash for Produce. HM OK W e wat the services ut a uunber of persons Thse under signed iu prePaccd ta buy ,nd f amiies to do kuitting foi-US at hoQme, ail kindu of pouitrY, dreused lu the foi- wliole or space ime. We furnish Automatie lowin£r manuer : Ail feaihers dr.y pick Kîittiu 'g Machines free t shaceholders, snpply yscn fm e said pay foris "rî as sent in. Dis- cil excepi long wing feathers, pull Lail tance nto hiiidicalice. FVou can easily caris good oui and bleed un mouth and nndrawu,j wag-es. Write os St once, Dept. A TISE fast for twentv four bancs betare kilinig Popîs NITN Stoû,ý Ljîe, o for whieh thée igbhest cash price wiîî nt, anada. be paid foc good stock ; also dcessed bogu, beaîss, dried appies, butter sud eggs. OPFFclC-Temperane sret Noti ce to Creditors. south of Standard Bank- JTAMES McCONNACI-ITE _ 45 -2m. Bowmauviiie. Dion't Negleet To wrîte for aur new Catalogue if you are 1n- iereaied lu bbc selection of tIse Besi ScIsool iu whicb te train for business pursuita. Central Business 'College, -TORONTO- Employ il Regular Teachers, owns 60 Type. wrltiug Machnessd ue20 splendid rooms lu Lis work.ILs courses are iborou gb sud prac- ical sud ius students sud gradustes are in trong demand. WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 2ud. E MTER AT ANY TIME AFTER VRIAI DATE, lVe aise give splendid courses BF MAIL for buose who cannut attenid our Sclîool. Alparticulars ebeerfnlly given. Address W.H.SIYAN, Principal. MORIGAGE SALE 0F FARM, Under and by virtue of the powerscontined in a etain morgage which will bc produced at the ime of sale there wiIl be offered- for sale bg pubi auIct!ion ai Galagher's ibid l in the Ollg f Bnretn twnhp of Darliugton, o. FRIDAY , THE lîTti DAY OF JANUARY,] 1901. at thie hour of 2 o'edock, 1). i., the foliow ing farmpropert1y, v7-the norili half of loi o.1lutha thcocss -t o he-township of Darlington eontaiuiug 100 acres more or less, ai present occupied by Rich~ard Siemoni. 0f ibis farm about 90 acres are uuder culti- vation and the balance wooded wiib secoud grwtipirie.The soi is said tobe good sirong lom. On. the prcmises are erectedf the follow- inz bildings: Two-storey dwelling, frame, 18x24;, kiichen., 12x16, and wood-shed, 14x20; baru, 24x60 wiih sione stables under; sheep bouse, 18x24; piggery, 12xl0. 'Tie property is sa! do be faily well fcuced and is watered by iwo wells. ihere is au ore bard coniaining aboutI35 youg appie trees jusi coummenclng9to bear fruit, The property is siiuaie about 1 mile from Biîrkeion station on the C, P. R. where Ihere is a good market for produce and whcre ihere is a public achool. This farm is said to be aud unusually good une and neh better than the ordiuary rua of farms in the locality. The following crops arc said o be sowu. 16 acres alsike clover,10 acres clover and timothy, 17 acres wioier rye. The balance of thec arable laud is said to b6 well tilled for crop in spriug. The property will be offered for sale subjeci te a reserve bid, 1TERMS 0F SALE-le per centi of purcb'se moaey down ou day of sale; balance iin 30 days. Arrangemeuts may be made te leave one baîf purchase money secured by mortgage at low pateo f interet. For furiher particulars apply to theunuder- signed solicitors and auctioneer. L. A, W, ToLF, SIMPSONe & BLAIR, Auctiosseer. Bowmauiville, Solicitors for V endors. Date d ai Bow'manville, December 25 .1900o: 1-4w In the inatter of thse Estate of ROBERT BRALGG lote oft/e toicn ai Bov-> man cille in t/se County of Durhîam gentleman, aeeeased. N.,tice la Isereby givon, pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 129, thai sil ecedîtors sud obbers Isavin g daims againat Lthe est,,te of tie aaid ROBERT BRAGG,çiwbo died on or about lIse fdrs day of Novemoer 1900 are required on or Iseforo the 15TH DAY 0F JANUAR 1 1901 La îeud Isy pust prepalid or dc- livýr toMoessrs Simpsonî &Blair of tihe tbwn ut Bowmanvllle' soliciiors for Albert S Tilley, M D of tIse iown of' Bowmnaaville tIse executor of the lest -will and testament of tIse deceased, their christian sud surîsames, addresseusuad descriptions, bIse foul particulars of their dlaims, saaement uf their accouais, audlthe unature of the securities, if auy, heid by them. Anid furtlîer take notice that after such lasi aicitiomicil date thc saifi executor wlll proceed Lue distribute bthe asseis of tIse, deceased amoug- tIse parties eutitled ilîcceto Isaviug regard ouy to ilsose claims of wbtcs Ie shaîlliohn have not ice sud ibat tise said executor will not bo hable for tIse salid assets or suy part thereof to any person or persouis uf wbose dlaims notice shall nut bave been received l'y hum ai bIse time of' sncb distribution. Dated at Bowmauville the 111hi day of Decem- ber, 900.SIM PSON & BL AIR , Solicitors for Albert S. Tilley, M D execuior of bbe wlll of Rtobert Bragg, decmsed 50 4w PlssWihosnd t success tibs R oe bulbs eda os' yTheoug on sud 4 -t womodin wgisn bave pasinghongîs beuis C collee abs fines etoday oltd lu pcou epoiions elet in thesss facs rom ail pa o heDmiin.Nme ~~ b ~usiness edsainl bscollege sd Pbobaveince ueregtheduccsteacces-4 con fuyo are ssogther udiosenwand f w noome tls avwl e us ssatlsfac- 4th toy ee îscudc oft.eTodas ol Croirct a lkie'il.the.Wosdess vlereand eucatiedositos. e * ferom aipsasry he.omWion sha h * p gamilblaroiriseplesofg pupils, ed a buins Buain iegbi e ean fly.Mo C a Bldug., cor. Fone and an-GIi Ss., ooto. ilnejs s aife DolctFaVID BiIOSK11.INSren gldohu Cb roid Accousîtaîsi PrincIal -vv'.v~wvvvvv 4 Auction Sale- of Resideiice Tho Town, uo? Bowmfanville. David Fisher Estate. Under instructions from Thse Trusts sud Guaranice Compau,,yLimited, administrators with lthea lîl auxdo Iepoet fthe laie DAVID FISHER, eofee o sale by public auciion at thse Bennett flouse lan the iown of Bowmanville ou Saturday, bIse lîtI DAY 0F JANUARY, ilot, ai 2 Il ' . iown lots 168. 169, 170, 171 sud 172 in Block î1a stIse saild towu of liowmanvllle frontiig on Silver, Wel- lingon aud Temperance streets, a iîd..beig thse laie David Fislier's resideuce sud ground. Thse dwelling is a fine comnmodious brick struc-ture,2 storeys high, fitted wiil.eecri lighi aufiother modemn impravýoeeis. There are conveLieai stables sud oreoonuse0su t1l1Ise lots are well stocked wit . fruit trees, ,,r.ile vines sud smait fruits. The. f oui garfonis l Suipplied with ornameutal shade[' trees suid do.Weýring shrubs. TERMCS 0F SALE--A deluosit or i0% of te purchase mouey ost opida a f sale tus the veudors' solctors sud rbIs ~aoce fl i S days thereafter. Furiher pairtienlars ill b u _deknown ou day 0f sale. Ts rpnywi be uffered lsubjpec to a reserve bi l. For furiher particulars apply to the ven- dors. the Trusts and Guaraulcee Comipauiy, Limiiefi, Toronto, suai to the undersigned solic- iturs nnd auctioneer. SIMPSON & BLAIR, Solicitors for Vendors. L. A. W. VOLE, Anctioneer. 5i 4w Bowmanvllle, Dec. l7th, 1100. Pretty ThYs Are-what-you will fiuad lu my stockr for thse holiday seasau,aud at lowest prices. Christmas aud New Year Carý Boakiets and Caleudars. A pc. Christmnas Endeavour Caliindar, 25C~I Aiso special cardu and Bcoldets f or Sunday sehoal classes, Peý rtbets Notes for 1901. Big range of Books for at clauses af readers. A Very speciai bargain in zioth bound, popular anthars, ar 25ctýs. Moody's, ai 25c. MyrssdMra' t 35e. Photo Albums, great va lue, 50 etS. upward. Bibles framn 25cts. Good value lu reachecu Bibles Toyu andl games af every description, unequallel. Faucy goadu lu china, glass, and ceiluloid ta pieuse everytaule. Liberai discount ta Sunday schoals purchasiug libras ses - Sultable preseuts forý father, mî-Other, caothec, sister, everyïbodly. à i- Il 48 -2ni.

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