Faulty Ideas Aboult the Eyes11 There are hundreds of dollars wasted every year by perSODs pay- ing extravagent prices for poor trashy Spectacles believlng they are gettlng a first-class article. iPhere are hundreds of dealers ý ave handled Spectacles for -,.Irs wlio cannot determine the value of a pair of lenses so that it is flot te be wondered at that the general public get deceived. We make a specialti' of spectacles and have the most expensive and most accurate instruments knowu to science for testing the sigbt and testiug the quality of -the goods we handie. We are nover decoîved ln buying aud we neyer deceive in selling. Our prices run as low as i0cts and wo eau give you the best qualitv made for $1,00 4so that no one need sufer for a goof pair of glasses. WE TESTEMES F11E1u STOTT & JURY, The Druggists and Opticians. Again WC ThanRk Yoll1 A year ago we thought wo had reached the heigbt of the business pos- sibilities for a towu the ,ize of Bowman- vil- but this -year's Xmas trade is larger still and we heëartity thank our numenous custom ors for their coutinued eonfidence aud patronage. luwishing eue aud att a prosper- ous and happy' New Year we eaui assure Sou that the same close aud carefut attention te the wants of the public that bas made our business. a success lu the past will ha girePn ti it durîng 1901 aud the libenal patronage bestowed on us during 1900 stimuntates us t0 renewed efforts aud if possible te greater cf- ficîencv than ever before. STOTI & JYURYxj J. H, H. JURY - E. MORLEY CAWIZ. BOWAýANVILLE, JAN, 9, 1901. Ail Ladies Coats selling off at baîf price at Couch, Jolinstcn & Cryder- mian's. The best pictoril newspaper lu the ) United States is The Ittustrated Buffalo Express. Don't miss the vocal recital lu town hall, Wednesday Jan. 9th lieserve seats at Big 20. 1ev. C. Parker, Cothorne, will preaclh lu the Methodist church Sunday. The -collections and subseriptions lu aid o] the Educatonal Fund. Aunual meeting of Horticýultural Soc- iety in Council Chamber this [Wednes- day] eveniug at 7.30 Etection of offie- ors aud othen business. Castor Oil or other Cathartie is net needed after gîving Dr. Low's Ploas- aut Worm Syrup. This remed*y con- tains its own purgative auJ net only destroys but carnies of the worms. Price 25c. 1The , )ung Ladies' Sewing Circle held ïa 1ewYear's At Home at the par- sonage Wlednesday eveing last. Mrs. Jottliffe, au;i two daughters are mode] 'hosýtesses, and provided ploasant and instructive entertaiment for the guests. A great opportunity.-As witl ho iseen by thieir aduertisement in this issue Cou-zh, Jobuston & Crvderman are seli- ing off their Ladies' Coats at hall price. These are.ail uew goods and 'were good value at tbeir original price, but being deterinied to clear them ont they are A ftoeeet read an appropriate hadress te Dr. Tilley who bas worie liard auJ faifl l the past seven vears 1for the welfpre cf tUic, sehool, Mn il C. aindsomneMrrscar D.iier- lied suitabty 1mi thnlug ail ior the leautifu] gif t aJ the kidý wod of the ddress. The(, doxùoogy was hear1tily ng, aud tecofmpauI diprsdfel, gthat it wasý a lgood tiug teý bave oesa social gteig cainly 11ev. W. J. Jolliffe preaches at Col- borne Sunday. Guitar for sale choap. Apply at TuE STATHSMAN office. Mr. Malcolm Galbraith, Toronto, bas been visitinoe at home. Mr. 'Wm . 1lambiy spent New Yeare with friends in Oshawa. Dr. G.H-. Edick, Detroit, Michigan, is visiting his f amilv here. Mr. Albert Young, Ormstown, Que., spent New Years with relatives here, Grand musical recital in the Town Hli, Wednesday Jan, 9. Don't miss it. Mr. Fred Martvn is attending the British American Business Collego, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. llenry, Port Dal housie, were recent guests of Mr, G. E. Mavuar d Mr. Chas. and Miss Elsie Sweeten, Exeter, visited their aunt Mrs, Chas. Manning. Mrs. Fred Wesley andlittle daugliter Alice, Newmarket, are guests at Mr J. J. Mason's. Mr. D. F. Burk, of -Port Arthur, 'was guest of his brother Mr. Metrvin Burk, over Sunday. Mis John Oke, Ehenezer, has been visitivg her baughter, Mrs W. C. Colo and other friends. Mrs. John Trick, Toronto, spent New Years with her daughter, Mrs, W. Me- Rieynolds, "Brookhitl Dairy." Miss Nellie W~illiams, teacher, Ont ario Ladies College, Whitby, spent the helIidays bore and at Port Hope. Mr. A. L. Brown of High Sehool teacbing staff, Leamington, Ont., was recent guest of Mr. John Foster, King St. Prof.,Coleman's lecture that wvas an- nounced for the ilth inst bas been post- ponied titi the 16thi at,8 o'clock. Ait are invited. Messrs. Garnet Trewin and lHarold Pearn have returned to Dental College at Chilcago after spending the holidaYs at home Mr. Cocil T. Oke bas returned te Deseronto af Fer soending holidlays with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. John Oke's, Ebeuezer. Major A.G enesoWitby, has been appontd by the OutarioGovern- ment te the staff of the Bureau of Statisties, iu Torouto and is attending to duty. Mrs. JHenry Pearce, Wellington St., entertained lier cbildren and grand 3children to an 53 ster supper ou Friday vei-.A-very- pleasalit time -was- enjoyect by att. Ariv body eau guarantee a watch but a genuino article of that ktnd eau outy be given hi' a man who understands bis business. Ilickard's guarantee witb a %vatch means business. Free sample copy of the Canadian llorticulturist, the leading North Amer- iuýau authoritv on fruits and flowers, sent f ree during tbe current month te any applicant addressing L. Woolver- ton, Grimsby, Ont. 1-2w. Mr. Everard Brown, Battieford, IN.W. T. rother of Mrs. Thos. Mauning, is vistig ere after an absence cf over 25 years, lHe holds a nosition in the Industrial School and is an enthusiastic admirer of the Great North West as a field for enterprising young Canadians. Weck of Prayer scrvices lu Diseiple's cburch this (Wednesday) evenîng ad- dress, 11ev. W. J. Jolliffe; Thursday, Trinity church, Bible Society meeting, addresses by 11ev. B. H1.llayden ;Fri- day, Presbyterian church, address bv 11ev. W. D. Spinks. Meetings open af, e p.m. The annual meeting of the Woman 's Foreign Missionary Society of the Whitby Presbyterial will be hetd lu St PaulVs cburch Wednesday Jan. 16 eat 9 30 a. m. 11ev. John Goforth, B. A , witt give un address in the evenring to wbich the publie are cordially invited. eInteresting program hias been pro- dpared and a profitable time mai' ho expected. * 1ev. Geo. Hartman, who is home on furlough fromn the China Inland Mission *spoke verv interestingly on the work lu Chentu auid the Yangtse valley iu the Methodist church Thursday evening. lu is nine years since Mr. llartman, Dr. Kithuru andi others started this work ywhich has been so successfai. lie spoko v'ery bopefully of the future, the urgent need of more helpers, the cause of re- ,cent troubles lu China and the kindly treatment and protection of missionaries at Chentu by the officiaIs. Mrs C A. Cawker and Mr. Norman Joiliffe con- dtnibuted vocal solos and the 11ev. W. J. 1.Jolliffe, pastor. presided. n Mr. Frank Mackenzie Brant, third eson of Mr. Theodoro S Brant, Whitby, and brother of Mrs. Thomnas E.Osborne, Bowmanvitle, formerty of Dartington dand Pickering, died New Years inoru- ing at the famity home after two year-s eiltness. Deceased was bern lu Darling- .ton township Oct. 21, 1876, therefnoe 1Colville, Dr. M J. A. Jamies, 1ev, J. F. fChapinan aud Messrs4. T. G.,IBragg, B. 3A., F. FI Frost, B. A. , G P. Freeland, 1F. R. Folev, L. T Cutc and A. Mc- s Taegart, auJthti leveyreiarks were enthusiasticait'y rce Rdeim- inhdinces cf plm nav tBH. were tquent auJ provocative cf much dig- nîfi;ed hitarity. Iu a show or of good w ics auJ !remarkablo rohsisfor \the ne-w century (which a-, miuority camdopeu-ed a ier ago) the compnilani' Jý ispersed, fully resotved te hold a simi- lar renton a contury hence. Mn. George Thempson, a. leadiug merchaut of Blenheim, Ont., states : "I was troubied with, itchiug piles fer fifteen years, and at tirnes they were se bad I ceuld scarcely waik. I trieci a great mauy nemedies,ý but neyer, found auythiug bUile Dr. Chase's Oint- meut. It cuned mie" Mr. Jas. Jackson of the Laurie Spool Company, St. Alexis des Monts, Que., wrtes :-"I was tî-oublod for twe years with that cruel disease, bleediug piles, and after usiug Dr. Cuases Oitmeut. I can say 1 am- eutireiy id of it. It is a treasure te ail sufferiug frorn piles." Mr. W. D. Thornton, blacksmith, Calgary, N.W.T., states :-"For firteen years I suffered untoid ngony from bllnd, itchlug piles, aud have been un- dler treatmeut with welt-known phy- siciaus. 1 had 15 tumors removed, but obtaiued n positive cure. 1 have suf- fered more than -1 eau tell, but eau uow say that, thauks te Dr. Chase's Oint- meut, I arn positively cured, and by one and' a bat-f boxes. 60e a box. See list of farmers' institute meetings. Haif the uiews this week on inside pages. We seli Bisseli Carpet Sweepers-L. Morris. Mns. S. E. Souch, Bradley's, is guest at Mn. John Gilbert's. Miss Belle Mukdnoff bas been visiting relatives lu Ti:euton. Miss Mabel Tait, Toronto, visifed at- home duriug the hotidays. Miss Ethel Reynuolds visited friends lu Mg pie Grove, necetly. Home made tIumbugs, mixed. Satur da y onty, 10e per lb at Tod's. Miss Aggie Tvylor bas been visitiug fiends lu Enniskillen and Cartwright. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Mauniugý, Osha- wa, have been uisiting Mr. Ed. routt. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Coombe are vîsit- ing their son 1ev. W.Coombe, Wooler. Miss GortGe MeGil spent New Years at bier fatben's Mr. J.J. McGitt, Yetver- ton. Farmers' Institute meetings are an- nounced. Dont tait to attend. Tbey Mr.R1. b Walks, B. A,, Brooklu, succeeds Major Heudenson on the teaching staff of Whitby Collegiate. Mn. auJ Mrs. John R. Sîcoman, Zion, atteuded the wedding of MrsSteeman's sister, Miss Scott, Toronto, at Orono, Xmas. Roi'. Dr. McDianmid, Whitby, bas ac- cepted an invitation to Deserouto Methodist chnrcb for the coming Cou- ference yesr. Just as we are going te press we recelveonder te insert tho 4-col. aduit ou last page wbieb crowds eut hiaîf of this week's uews. Mn. and Mrs. Johnr Joues, Mr. aud Mrs Geo. Rice, Mn. W. aud Miss Boa- cock spent New Yeans with Mr. aud Mns, WC.Fengusou, Blacksteck. Dr. aud Mrs, W.A. Wfhite who hauie been spendîng the holidays wîth rela- tives bore and at Bailioboro have ne- tunned te their home in New York. The first match garnis of the curling season was play eJ Friday niglit ho- tweeu the West End Housti aud the bahkiers, resuit il te 12 lu favor of the fermer. THn, STÂTESMAN Carrier boy Jesires te tbank ai! wbo se kindly remembered hlm on New Year's day with generous contnibutior s. His patrons were vorY good te hlm indoed, Mrs. Geo. Patterson, Mrs. Rd, aud miss Bailey, Mn. aud Mrs. Thos. Os- borne and daughten, Olive attended the funeral ou Thursday of Mrs. Os borne's brother the late Franki Brant at Whitby. I Mn. Marwood George. Baltimore, M.- D., Mn. and Mrs. R. Dumas, Master Leen aud Miss Helen, Miss Helen George, Mrs. Intin Flore aud ehildren, Winnipeg, Man., aud Mn. David Lu£- troît speut New Yeans at Mr. Joseph Hawkays', Tyrone. Among th,-se competing for the best design fer a pester bauger for Winni- peg Exhibition the names of the Misses Galbraith, of Bovwmauvitle, were veî'y favorabty mentionoti by the Free -Pres.s of that city. Tbougb net suceessful lu 1obtaining frst place we are pleased to tearn that these ladies, the meits of wluose work is se welt known bore, are ialso recoguizod in Fthe prairie province. About 25 relatives and friends from Toronto, Oshawa, Courtice aud Dan- lingtou assembled at the Il Brookhil Dairy"1 New oarc' da y te assist ln the crm stal wedding celebration of Mn. and I embrace this opportuuityfc ouiey- iug F0 thoso uho unseicited se enth-usi- asticallv supported mne at the petis rmy war rmest th anks. Not hauing made a persoual canvass I1 have ne neaus cf knowing whosuI my supporters were, but ait such wili acept this notice as a persenal acw7e-!odgment for the fai'- oýrqs se iherulti bostowed. As lu the pas(.T hhenevnte discharge my dalleýs as Co-ýuncitlon with feLithfuluess, efficioncy and henCeîuty. 2-1w JO1m PE'RCY. Note Prapar and Elivelopos Sec our special liue of Stationer Note Paper at 5c per quire, Envelopes at 5a pp-r buirel, aIso a job lot of very superior Cashmiere 'inîshi Note Papen which we offt-n at 25e per box of 5 quj-os, just the price of ondin aiy quulity. A4gricultunal Socioties. DarlinJ.ton Township Agnicultunai Society's arnimal meeting wilho helJ lu the Ct'unctl Chamben, Bowmauvitle,j, on Wednesday Jauuar.v 9 a 2 p mi., for, election of officens aud gencu-al busi- ness. Secebilts. West Durham Aguiculual Society'.- aunual meeting witl ho beld lu the Coutîcit Chamber. Bowmanvillo, on Weduesdav lanuary 16 at 2 r mý to ne- couve the neoet cf Ftic Directors, elcct officeors and general business. See bills GRAND CONCERT. A MtUSICAL TREAT WoRvuv Or PATRONAGE. A vocal recital will hie gic lun the Town Hall, Bowmanuiitle, on Wednes dai. Jaii 9th bui Mn. EwarJ Barten, the Engl-ish Bosse Cantun-te. assisted bY Miss 1lilda Ricins tdsoui, 'Viluecellist, cf London, Englaud, aud Pianiste, Miss -Ethel L_ ttsbasnd-nf Ile -Tcontn oi logo of Musc Doors open ;t 8 p. m - concert wili commenice at 8 p. m. Ad - mission 25e ;rescnx cd seats 35e. Plan of hall at Big 20. Tickets may ho lad> frein monîbers of the vocal cluss in Bowuuativiile. Ouir linos of cheap furnitune are cheap -L Morris. Oysters lu bulk or by the plate ut Ihos. ToJ's. See our odd pieces lu Parler Furni- ture-L, Morris. Sece Tod's window of home made caudy Satnnday. M. A. James is Governmeut issuer of Mari-ae Licenses. Homenmade Humbugs, mixed, Satur- day only, 10c per lb at ToJ's. A let of dress goods sel liu-' f at about haîf price at Coucb, Johuston & Cryder- man 's. Have yon trieJ Tod's home made Chocetate Caramiels ? They are Jolie- ions. Bring la youn fans, noNw is Fhe time te have them altered aud repaired. M. Mayer, fumrier. We bave a lange stock of Qaartenod Oak Furniture lu Antique auJd Golden finisties. L, Morris. Now isthe timo te have voan lursi altened auJmade ove n l ihe latest style by M. Mayer,Farrier. Ladies, you are invited F0 eaul at Miss Medtand's Millîneny parler aud see the latest neveltues lu head we'un. M. Mai er bas a full lino of ail kinds' of funs, biats, caps and g-euts' furuisb- in-s, cali aud secefor yourself. AIl kinds of Fans aud Men's aud Bov's Overcoats selting at neduced price sat Coucb, Jebuston & Crydermnans. Sec the fan Caponines, Mufs, Runf s, Collars, Coats, Gaut, Caps, Robes, etc. etc., at M. Mayen's, Practical Fur- rien. Tait & Co's large group will ho made up on getting the rest of the business mon ilu vho have pnemised. Kindty coe r igbt alonz. Wanted-28 Dollar Bis, ne mnattor how dinty, for a Bran New Drop bleaJ New York Singer Sewing Machine at Rickard's, Bowmanviitle. Rickard, the J eweler, is seling a soi'- enteen jewelled Waltham Watch for lcss moncy than mauy country jewelers soit the lowen grades fer. Oniy a limit- ed number ou baud, se lose ne ime if yen wish one, Say, Alice, wait jast a minute, 1 waut ttotlyen semething- Sain said a time ago that wheu ho could buy a Sewing- Machine for $25 hoe would got me one. WVoi1, I will have one uow, sure, for Richard, Jeweler, Bowmanuiille, is seli- iug a $50 machine for $24. Just tbink of that! GRIPPE HEAnACIE-MrS. C. Apple- ton, Whitewood, N. W. T., writes:- '"Milburn's Sterling beadache Powders have gien me grat relief fnom Fthc terrible pains of La Grippe lu mi' bead aud tbroag-h my back. " Pnice 10e. and 25e Att dealers, SAY :-Do yen want Gil- meur's Celebratef High Clabý Doons for that nice new bouse 3 ou anc building? If se, tole- Irî -phu-ne-o. 15 _I__otwithstanýL iîg ail reports to the centrany we ane stili sling aud goiug to e soi, Ioors, Saab, BlinJs, Moutdinigsâ piekets and a-it kinds of dressod aun undressed Jumben aud are continý-ially recciving frosiu stock 10 ment alil te demands of the tracte. A eougu~cutof splendid No. i Joors- arriucd from the Gilmeur's factory at Fn'unten a fow days ag, a adwe are pre pa-'eJ te snppty any grade of g-oeds mi., ufactuned by them a, short -notice ant treasouabte prices, Paiaeed and aIse for siu1sB.ts ouni o 1 Red Cedar and ail grades ofPleaud native Cedan; Sait, Plaster uJ Pocrt- landi Cemieut always luitok.Cati1 Thue D. & L Emuision cf Cod ie 011 may be ,aken with miost bnfca resuits by those who are riin down ojr suffering from a fter effeets of la grippe. IMade by Davis & Lawrence Cei., Lim. Happy ew Yoar to Ali At ,hs eason lion,,clkeepers are lu scarch cf the best Fruits To the Penple of Wo4 Dn-ham that our Xmasi Fruits have beeii eirýefiillv selcceed anîd boug-ht for cash, thus enabling us te seli at i1rîces tht deb; competîciori. lt-at we ai-e leaders in Faney Grccer c,w is a suttieri fact. lIecre are ac -'wvlino, we klindlv ulsir vou te iusqprî't bciore punch.as iri-: l1aisoiis' Coiiiseur c!iisterb, BI-ack'Basket. Londo n lavers, Looe Mu-filcatti, Vmlenýcia layons, choice Suttanas; Nub, Candies, Otauges, Lartizonia Alunonds, Walnuts, Fonida and Valcucia Orac,1-os, MIal- a,-a CGrapes, etc. lim no Sec-ond Fiat 'We are shoiur the fines assortment of Dîîunen Sets, Tee ý Ilangi-i- amýp. H'all Lamps, En-tîsh Wed;Ie Wood. Glass ,DW)toiiCina Faiiv Cupsa auSauý,ers, ia dact everytl matke a Mcrry Xinas and a Happy New Ycar. Kindlv soicitiug- a share of your patronage aud thankin von al for i our liberai support lthe past wc wisli you a Merry Xmns aud liappy New Ycar. CAWnE & TRIT- -sw a ~ - ~i~' - n. n. an. an. an. an. -P.at n 5t '~ n Ji' il- -l'e. an. dît- an. -rit. -rît- an. "p I We neyer carry over Ladies' Coats and. as the balance of our stock muegt be sold -this month, we have decided to clear them out at the- following siaugliter prices :- Ladies' Coats, worthÏ $5, for $2.50 $6,9 $3.00 $8,1,"$4.00 $10,9"$5.00 $12,Y"$6.00I Also a nice choice of Children' s Coats AT I SACRIFICE PR.tCES. MEN'S RND'ByS'ÛOV ERCOTS A splendid assortment of first-class gar-I ments ail of which will be clea.red outI Also Remnant and Stock-t'Ïaking Sale al - this month. BARGAINS ALL OVER THE 11011E. This is no wind blast, but a genuine Clearing Sale, that w-ill eclipse anything ever before offered the publice in this sectioný, ,; C HE PEOPLE'S STORE~. BOWMANVILLE. Sext Door to Standard Banik. Il-A5 _4% r-7 ~ 5-'daa M"QUI4-UaY& HeAsnmussbelu Deke, Jrdau TEER ASTRAY-Came on lt 1,TîF01AL-haeorsl Noeyo. S, writs:-A fewv iimths, 'hnaffi i Darltngtejn, abottenideo-cI-,s OW u>sd ohi i tr r Ferry a 1n qyear edsiecr.Ownencaouae cae b îo 2re0uklurs nc rm 1 e$0 1had a secuieoceid Iun m£ Froat, unuelipau na execses aud previing ,piopeinty,,. s sC MJo iik. ,j cblest audJ became quite base ELLBx l, em-niie -2 iu ietemo eeaiproemae n bottleof iDr. WooJ's Nra li u le ix sric itc-nesMre$i3 ed oko Syrap soonnehieued tho boarsoesa~uoudutsH aDRwiS U C M1 c, otS F danî-tBwnn cuned the calsi" 'XU suei 5,Atdnes v1eP . ' - * o *Ne e 2eel?