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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1901, p. 2

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Littie Liver Pis. Must Bear Signature of Seo Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. tetkeas xaffy C ~ FOR I4EADACe! t2-LFOR BILIOIflNE8. VE FOR TORPID LIVER. PIL FUR CONSTPATION. FUR SALLOW SKIN. cuRrî. 310K HEADAGHE. For Man ,ail and examine mv ne-w For Coats. împrislng Waliabay, Wombat, Dog andi oat; Imitation Fur Gauntiets. Mitto, Imita- tion fur Chegt Prtectorsalo Sakate-hewan Buff aio Robe. Goat Robes and Horge qtarkets, Imme se quantilUes of ail wool, )tch Rersey, Saxouy andi Jute. But 10 iake the outfit earmplete yeunemust have a et of 0r Soid Nickel or Rubber Trini meti arness andi Palmerston Cutter. The place to get tis lm at East End llarness Emporiuim. 31MNvILLII. DIN ME EN'S ~Frs a We ha-ve made ase 1 effort this year to outpaee our 1reptLationas he Slargest fur dealers tainsrns<msny exclu-1 Jackets, aprns Etc., of rare skins il i~ Senti for new catalogue. î T HE W.& D. DINEEN CO., LI MITED, Cor. Yonge and Teniperance Sts., TORON TO. NEWS and OPINIONS -0F - NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. ,..Tb-e Sun... Atone Cenicains 13oth. Daily, by Mail, - - - - $6 a year. Daily and Suntiav, by mail, $8 a year. The'Sunday Sunl is the -reatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. o50 a ('opy. 1y Mail, 82 a Year. itiress THE SUN, New York. Wri1qtefor our înteret1ng ou areo"lnrve,,- r' ip"and "lwyncealdied.l, -and us a rough sketch or modtel of your in-~ vention orimnprovenient and we wiltell yeun free our opinion ats to whetiîcr it i,;p.obahly> pateotable. Rejecteti applicrtIons have often> been successfully pri secutrd hy us. 'Oie conduet ftrly qippedi offices ini Monitreali andi Washngton ; this qualifies us te prompt- iy dspatch work andi quickly seure Patents as broad aste invention, Highestreeeie Patents procuredth irougit Marlon & Ma-1 1 nion receive specal notice without charge in over 100 nýwspapers distributedth irougitout ,te Dominion. SSpeciait -Patent business of Manufac- ) turers an gneers. MARON & MARION Pýtent Experts and Solleitf'a {Alnic Bldg,Wasîi! Notes and Comments.I Viewiuîg it in r«treepet, no other Century CCin ha compareti withle eut' juot lQsed ila the steatiy ativance madie aiong the ines of human pro- greois. In modes of commuatnication, of locumotion, and in the appine for comfortitîn, living, witich stn so largely for what we cail civiliza- tien, the ativance may be aaid to sumi up tiat of nil the age-s. The growth of population of t hae ivilize<1 wue'ld, that , tof European nations anti their kintred, lias been enormous. A Cen- tury ag' titis populntion tii neot ex-1 ceeed 170,000,000. No-w it is 500,000,- j I the worst kind of povarty. However 000, As, w iti the exception of India, 1ricli a weman may be, if hier lteaith le the non-European races bave remain- I"or h apo idei h isn basbea t appetite for food anti the choicest dishies ed satinar, tie rsui canuot temipt lier. She turns anti tosses se0 shift the balance of power te the threugh a restiesa night on a coucli cvilizet nations as te make them!i which might wee al tt epreas to, lumber, practically irresistible. Sbtould the1 She lias no strength fo.r househoit cares, abu no deligltinl soci,i pleanane. She sits forc-es whtch have brougli ot "perhed up lu a glistering grief we'aring tis increase persist for another cen- a golden serrowe" She la a wife and tury, the ivilizati population n 111 beinother. But she bas no liappiies ln either relation. She kuows lier liusband's 1,500,000,000, or more, and thte Yeliow1 life is set in tune anti time te the miner Peril have vanisheti by raera force of music of lier own inisery. If bier cilt nunibere.. lauglis or cries lier nerves qnlver with pain. No less wontderful has liee the Ask sncb a wonman if she wonitiuike to ecenomic developmnents ef the cetury. be well; te be lier liusbaud's cenirada, ]'The wealth of the cîvilized world ai lier child's playmat e. Couidth lere be abut eue auswer? hu.ndred yearo aga prohably titi not Sncb a weman can get well if sie wil. exceet $25,000,000,000. Now it muitIstAil lier syniptonis indicate a dlseaaed lac reckeîned by tees of titousantis of condition ef the delicate womanly or- far ure enerîîy anistu. Cure tliat condition andthte millionLs, anti is fweoe(,nealý 7mau will be lfted up te the full en- distibuted. The tisceries ant inii- joymeut of health. venit,în-thte railway, tbe steanisbip Inl ninety-eght cases ont of every hun- aind the telegraph-wbich bave con- dreti Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription tribtetmict t tits dvelpînutwilI cure womtauly udiseuses, will restore trýbte) most t ths dveloinentthe womnanly health. It lias cured tans were a cent ory ago nnknewn. Te of tliousands of wenîen miany of wli met'ed eftrael u 100 er su- ad beau gîven up by physicians and staetially those in vogue in the Mid-frad. tisaenalyamdcefo womnan's ilîs. It dries eufeebling drelairs. dit' Ages, anti carniet one at fastest It heals inflammation andi uiceratit. It twelve miles ain heuur. 'Tli clipper cures feinale weakneas and bcariîîg down siip inu tbe finsti third of the century,i pains. It trunquilizes the narves, re- lie reaeîstatianneof nukid ~ stores thea appelilte and gives refreshing the reaes adanic, o makin upsleep. to titat timie lu locomotion by watcr "Favorite Prescription" differs froni sailet aiglt or tan miles an heur. ainîcat ail otlier medicines put up for Commanicatien was by messenger or wotnsusse iu that it centaine ne alco- lettr ata sp ~t ot eceeting ol and is antirely free front opium, ce- Lettr u aýse--d nt exeefing caine anti ail other n7arcotics. It la in ight miles ainheur. Nowý we deenitich truest sense of the term a lern- travel by rail slow ut forty miles an p'erasmce miedicina. hour. Thea modem mcî cthant sliýp A Constant Sufferer5à- steae fom want tetwetty-oor "I h een a coustanît anfrer frein uterine kuais ini the came tiue, anti the tale- disease for fiyeyears, 7writesJ. A. Steorts, ofYau- kee Damn, Clay Ce., West 'Jirginia, "anti for six graph flasb'ýýs our mepssages across 'nonths previons to taking ycur mnedicine 1 as coninents in a faew moments. 'Tite net ot oflny reoi. couttiuot walk or stand, inas there was such pain anti diawing iii left sitie worid bas, iu fact. baeii reduced l andi beariug down wcight lu region o.f uterus, cn,-itlf.ant Isla-accîupuid with seoencss. 1 sel Preti con- size cehlmdgeegraphical isol -uîti îi li iadache, paiu in hack, stieulders, tu'u bico1rne a mete epeso. .aim d stche5t; had pal pitation, n ervena.prostra- .1ti, cuîatIioo iatcaeuîial as Scarcely ies 5wantorfu] have beeni lthe change4s lu other ditroctions. IJe 1800 tht' dLDoevexiýs anti ac.hievemiens witich have revolîtýtienizuti art ant i e- tiustry anti mIiitany science wera un- fliouoght1nfj. Colonjial tievelopimenîr lld nuit . au niîlieresouFCeýS oif manýy of whnti are luNIs tle ma adatiueet(Jc111itegr1ýant colonies anti tiepPindeiea were yal unknown. Th-e Iutinas Empire antiitalf -of N'orth Amri were uninder caonîrol of rati- irg compaaaies. New eteam -anti electricity have revioiuîieîizedth îe iecnidiinis of teveptnent,' ant what i werc tile undevelopeti antiw-aste' 1places cf the carlt have expunded ini, tD greait sî-e rigcommîtiies, 1 ati,tirg tîcir quoctate lI te worlti's anergy anti prcsiury A century a-giothinsm i in evevi thte mosl civilizeti states wvare ignorant anti discointnteti, anti suifereti under griaveus eicnenio burdnsi lte up- per eiai-sas scanceiy feeling any senise cf obligiion for tleir materlali anti moral uplit. Human slavery existet, minier offenesswepueisit- eti by capital p'înni î,anti prisons were haà,*,ationsis f cruelîy. Now the greal civilized i aals, save oune, ara goyvernet by peýpoikir opinion, lthe the capaciLy of ile peopie f or self- gjovanimiant Ibaing sateaduly aniarg- ad bytlie eitceaising t tentky n paidti b popilar edue-ution. Uiies a quiýkeneti ceusci of public duly, mny anti varieti reforma bhava b'eu enforceti by lue or popîclar ottItioýn. Syuipatby witl poverîy las aev'eryvbere lesiluenceti taxation anti ilitijc)n. Pity bas ai) largelýyi- crase t laItaaen are busiati with the al.vileno distr and in night- Ing of rwýrongs anti oppression, as- p2ciall1y of chLiîtiuitiandi cf ltepoor arouses a &egrec of rage wlibicli ut titnies ieterfaras witb -the execulion oîf 2awiv Wlb the growvîli f weatltb, of naitumai inoaletige anti tht' pro- greise cf si4nttfic [clisvery, ife fer' lhe masses bas occam2 casier und safer. Improv cd systiims of hy giene hatve givan mia kin I a new uccess cf h, Ith, :uni se ogroatlyduminishedi he loiss ,f power whit-h, a century ugo, ret-urtieti lis pregnese, Bïfore lhe adi- vaut'-î n sanitation anti in mnetical sc'enca, the grat sceurges (Af the race, typhus anti clioîtra, la-ve losI miincIof thuir vitruleceanti fret anti tl'crclas a promise that the lime may coma wiienmen will live out tleir alierlet i pan iu bealli. Tle vices ant imtora iiis prevaleuul lu previcus centuries, anti wlicb tend- cd loeanfeeble tle race, bave fallen i-rilo ilarapute, andtihîe curcies lave licen indefa-tigabla lu 11dm efforts b xtondntileuinai couquasîs achieveti il te make, Ibm apermanent. Mar- lus as hbas bý,en îlte, mucrial ys i)f Il' Centuxy, Ihat of rel:igions -b3en aven mseamanketi. cotîti snt sieep, anti iraatiig cvas se difficuli ai tinies t coniti net lie dowu. Woct isl 1 de- scribe nîy snffeîitîgs when t wrote te yen for adice. tn a short limne 1 receiveti a kinti latter from yen ielliug iInat oniti te greatiy betie- fiteti, if not cîîtircly cureti, ty tWc use ef Dr. Piercels Favorite Ptrescription, Whites uatilten oeettle of ttche rvtp 1o,'togcthe - e-Ith Dr. Pierce's Picasaut Peltits anthetu local treatrnt w1iich y ou ativiseti, I eculit waik ith the sup- port et a cana), the drawing sud pain iu aide anti lCieng dcwn weight ware net se, bati, suc, whau I td taken titra' botties ef tha niedicine lthe perietis werc regulaiti, t was net se nervos, cociti sieep watt, anthtuapain l iide ati tear- .ing dowu itativaîtisi. 1 have takem i sx bt- tics ut 'tFavorte Pres-niptiet,' tîve of 'Golden Mtiicai Discoery' anti four viats of 'Pelleta,' anti my heatfih is belier at titis tinse than it has heen iii fi-te cars. « -with grateful thalice for yenr kinti adylca, anti with test wislies." - Dr. Tierce's Pleas- iant Pelletsaure a nîost effective laxa--' tive for woman. Trhay cure blos nasa anti sick heati- ache. ne-b a faix- dbiappoinbmnis. Greatest cf all, perlaps, lias bean tic belief tiat, w iiticth pregress of deruocracy atm I the dcvilopoant of manufacturas aanticemmarce, wans would cease upon tie carti. Tils balief was, about thte naidla f tic century, general anmong tle uecac.Milibamism anti induslry wcrc negartictias su assen- tielly incompatible lIaI lie furtl- cm dcvelepment of île latter must necesnnrily brnin lethe eaaof peace. 'fît' tendency of democntcy wmts strongly lu tic samnedirection, tle bunulens cof war fallîng mosl bavily Iupa)n Ith nasses, XaYt ne dacade of i 11 lasi haif century las beau frae frcm mar. Tia exp_%nsion of cern- mier(de bas imposuti no check upon t, anti as fer tierocracy, aare lave iu cvery case bean'ferceti upon tle gev- eruments by lhc people. AsmDng olli- an disillusieus have beeauhfIf-iiurc cf manhcoi suffrage anti cpm coni- petition ln Iradu to frac mankinti froni ainsI anti intiusbnial ilis, anti of menu secular atitcation tb uplifl tle- race lu the Inueist ceuse, anti cf self gove&rument to imaure respect for law. Wbecther lIce'favnliîh Cen- lury as Ilsec lb' remîlizaiti of nmany of il' ,ýunfuifillated asof tle Nina- teennil -aunait noow b2 kninv, tiugli ilt isu 'ns net improi,ýbhl ' latinlual il-at gat's te make up materiaLl cvi- ,izaiticu it will relrpass ibat uow cnt'- iug. Tlhe ducree issueti by Wtliem Il. ï-viug tle i- lng-lil V ,guage the precctimace ,longAr i tuîe French îa1 certainGe~ ools ticsrva'î tuce , ýyS île tîls braneih W'reiafter in tic gyrm- nania, andi it shail dieplace Frenchi as. un ebl-gatery study lu the threa upper classes. Frenchi being matie optienal.. This dýecre" w-eld bava s'urprlsad Charle's V. if lie lad beard it. Charlesý said be talked German te bis hirseýs, Fr-encb tQ bis builessi assocaaes anti p litical and tilima- ticfints Italian te lis lady ac- quainlances, and Spaniali te God. Eng- land w-as ne part cf tbe demain of tbe great Germaan Emiperor and Spani- tsb King of three ýanti two-thirds con- turieýs Cgc. Englanti wuau anolti na- tion ven lu that age, thb ugli, but shebaid euly a feu millions of inhbo- t'ants. She hati net yet startîti on, 1; Wr career of ceonization ivhicb, as iu \Vebte's phrase, matie her morm- irîg drum-b2at foedw tha sun and keep couapany wtth tlie bttra in en- ciircltln.g the earth, anti ber language mas spoeken in only e small spot on thb globe's surface. Even at tbe b'eginning cf the past century en]y about 29-,000,000 people speke Engliali. More pansons us'ti Spanisia, Frenchi, German or Italian than speke tbe language cf Great J3ri- tain andi cf the new commonwealth w'bicb hati juýst arisen on IbisI s idffi bte Atlantic. At the dawn cf the twentietb centuiry the Englieli is t hie speech of 13),000,000 cf people, or more tbtsn urse the Russian, or far mure lIait employ any cf the ether langýuages of Europe. Russian cumes after English, and, in this 'ortier, Ger- man, Spaniali, French anti Italian fol- 1now. OmiÉting Russian from th,- cal- culation, ne two of the etheir lau- guages of Europe lu cembination have as widc a vogue as the speech cf Great Britalu anti the Unitedi States. At the eutset the Englishit auguage lad a bard figbt te gai a standing atmong the :grýeat tongues ef Europe. 'The sea warriors of Elizabeth5s and cf Cromweii's tiays, the colonîz',rs of the tines of the tiret anti second James 1anti Chanles, and the land figliters cf two eontinent,ý oet the tinys cf the iGeorgas, all'combinedti t secure for the languege a footheiti. At oe time, indeati, a century anti a thirti ugo, it seemedti îat France anti net Englandl weuld gtve the language anti Ibhe law te the Wt ateru avoriti, andti t a large portion of the Eastern. PHOTOGRAPiNG ROYALTY. Experieee or t PIIîg grapiIer W1911 sRoyal A well knowu Lýondc'n photographer bas written the tollowing interesting account cnRnig loyalty be bas badt, -"-f photograpbieg- "Tht. iiorkis ena cf tha meat pleasanti mjost natirlal (cf sitters, anti soo ii - i syeu feel quite aI hýome, quite at , o)urease. Thli last tune I lad the ho) cou- of taking Ris Royal Higlineas lieCame bimself,- to My studio. 'I amrn l a great hurry,' ha saiti, in bis usual frank way. 'Do yen mind "suiapping'" me off just as 1 am ? Any position ii do, won't it V 'if your Royal Hignaness will aliow me te make a suggestion,, 1 nepliei, «'I woult ativise you te ba taken as you are now-witli your hand in your pec- kat. The position le most naturai . ' 'A geeti idea r sait Ris Royal Higbness,' briskly.' Yes ; 1 tbink 1 will take your advice. P'm goieg te open a baarl half an bo'ur's lima, and as 1 saî have to put my liant in my pocket ahl the time I arn tlere, I may as well keep it in now fer practice !' "Two or three years ago, I was deubiy' bonoureti, se te speak, by re- oeiving a visit, enly baîf an bour's no- tice!1 freni the Garmian Emperor anti I The aboe , calshows aeaîa s la eps12ation andi saapis of vent N WÂN<1 I m ýM don2 aI Uithoahme c of uooaaJ Incorparated by Provîicial Charter etier thse Ontario Coaipanles Act.-I ÏT D Authorized Capital Stock, -$1000 HEAD OFFICE, - TORON TO, CANADA The 5yndIcate le Offerng a li.imiteti anount of Stock at $1.00 par share hi lots of twenty sharee, (Fach sub.scriber of the twenty eliares te be fturnisiuet a twenty-doliar knittiag machine free te work füo the. Syndicate andi to share la the net piofits of ali gootis msade.) The Syndicats han been fermeet for the purposa of rnanufaciuring knitteti goods cheaper ihan any exiating'comnpany. to, kssp clown pricel; andt topcpos the large knitting Combinez and Companies which have joinedntbads ta rajas prîces. To do this ucessfuily itlaS necessary te gel yarn ati fini co3z ana: to mac uiretire gootis wali the icast possible expeîiae. Thoefore- 1. Th. Syndicats supplies iii own yarn andi machines. 2. Ths Syndicate has ail goods made by sharaholders kntlinx aetihair own homes. 3. The Syndicats pays for ail properly rnade gooda et once upon receipt cf samne anti baîldes payln ' er the work whe sont ln will senai. aneuaily divide wî h ls work ng scareholiers tha net profit% fromn the sale of ail gootis matis bvitis sharaholderae. 4. The Synd leate selis ail goadseniade b- itsi working shareheidere. 6» To eae-h subieriber of twerty $1,00 ei res the Syndicata gises frac a twenly dollar l<ntting Machines b keep, and aiso supplies @Achs working sharelîlier, f-e of charge. fuli diecons, samples anti varn ta make the gooda. To bicorne a siia,-hoidsr. a worker, the owtier cf one cf the machines. ta be eaid for the work yau do, and aito ta participatsleIn he @quai civilion of he hii profits. you ha'e only la becorna a maniher of the Syndicat@ anti take twenty $>100 shares which wili coît you twenty dollars. Ti 7 T~ 5Ufll la 10 5U5p!Y its awn yarns anti kolîling machines 1teis sharehoiders. FREE. By this plan Il TH Mc1Tîi3JJD OF THE SY, ICIJATE c.n readîîy ha sean that th- Syndicate not onis hanefils ils shareholders by way of divideande but sn the saures ofa r-guler empînyrnant ana incarne ai their bornas. The Syndicale s fully preparedti l keep ils shareholdars suppiieti witlt yais.sor danil the various kincis of work required, anti Ilis aise in asppsition la dispose of ail gouda keilt from hisse yerns threugh lAr£* lobbotrs andt theta gaieral irade as fa;t as il cao ha sent ln by ils shareholdars. lwili ha seen that la rnanufacture çoods on so large a scasie t would be necessary la have a nunîber cf keil;ing factorils. which wouid meas the invesaIent ofihnusands of dollars, besidles taxes, Insurance anti interon aine Sl. We can, therefors, cal oaly manufacture gootiS ceîap'r aid in larg'r quantities. but psy eue aharehalders cilvitentis sem -annuel;y. T y 9 ta Syndilcats furnishes sea high gipsed famlîy searn lais knilting machine. and wililelst a lifelinis with ordiieary usage, la T FE MA MI É: facthe Siidîce illl guaranteelthe machine for iwenty years. P.,wîi Ii from Ileafinest cf ilmported yernstolhe coarsest of Canadien wool yarn the saere as henti work, but igbiytilmes 1fastar, ie fact a pair of soda cor bicycle hose ln tweniy minutas. Wlth mach machne atUýlt in sent together %vth e supply of yarn to commence et once. The guide accornparving the machines ls se pl ain anntheii operation se impia Ihal anVone of ordinary intelligence cano mate any of the lîritti gooda requireti by the Syndicale, such as Gante'Socles, Ladies'Stockitngc, Gai. andd Cîcycla Hase, Knickers. Leggings, anti Toques for ObtîidrLn. de'Sokns 1.0 a 0 ar;Gna pyfo nitting thesa %odise re Socke, $500 per100 pairs; Lade'Sekn.$10pr10pas;G ts THI~E PHIL i yoiaepy o Gotaticycle Mos complets, $10,0 per 100 pairs; Leggings anti Faotiess Elcycle Hoea, $6.00 per 100 pairs; fins Toques. $5.00 per!G0. l thesa goada ara quîckly matie on the marin anti ai tbase prices any persen wiiling te work can maIe goati psy. mch more thai, clarrr inl store, working je choic or iaboriiîgaon farm. 5hareholders ca e tisoe ail or part 0f sheir lime knittlng. but ai alil rnes they ar« expacteti ta work for the Intereste of the Syndicale. 1 ilprsn wilieg ta accapt anti honesiiy kbit the yarn entrusiedto tahem, anti to relurn matisugicids promptiyto the WH CAN JO . H Sy*clicae VfII " Each pereon desiring 10 becorne a shereholtier of stock, participating le the semilannuai dlvi- 'WHAT OUu MUST 00 TO JflI[. de.nds. andt oda work for the SyndIcate, reclipaiipyeas fast aîthswork la sent in-muaI eut out the fiiiowing APPLICATION FOIM . sigo theirrnaelai t, fil le atdreas andti rferance, and enclose il wilh Express or Poat Oftlce Muney Ordesi' ta the Syndlicats. lppilkation 'îorîr for Stock auld acl THItEPICOPLES KNITTING SYNDlICATE, LIMITED, 1,0 ToNGes t., ToÉoN"r, ONT. I enclose you herewilh $, lu PULI, PAYMENT for tec shares cf st ock (qiubject t10no oailer catI> la The Peoplels Kîstting Syudie5le% Iuiaited, wiiich 1 wish allottedt bmie, anti eue cf yonr $îoooe macintes free, saine as you furîiialiyeur shaîcholders, together with f rae samples,, inçitîrpetienssudît varn, witicli I wish senlta aime au soon as possible te enahie 5nie to begia work for lte Syndieste at once upoit reccipt 0' SeL l Te saiti stock te entitte me to participate in the semi-annuai dividenis cf lte Syndicatte nedditionii le bing paiti cash un delivery for aili te Kniiting t do for thie Syndicale on mny machine. NAmàeyou, e aentExOpes.e Ofice.' - s ro _________________________1._______,__ lu,-- a, vilt,, l. - E m Ymare Rîf'erce, Mr. _____________________________ se. state howmuch ltiime vouu devote t,, the work and how vou wih to be paid-weekly. mionthly or as yot send, in lté wlk-b PERSONAI, POINTERS. Notes of isterest Â4liat souite of ile VeiiGrent le~. General Sir Retivers Bulier, wbenla youth, bati bis cheice among ail the professions. IRis relatives pressed him to take, ssp politics, as lie had a private fortune. His ready respensej was: "I woulti rather bce a pr;vate in: the least of the Queen's regiments than England's Prime Minfster." President McKinley is a very go.od' walker, andi usualy tiras out those wbo acccmpiny bmli. Ie strides aleng with a swing and carnies himself very erect. He takes long, measureti stepa, k I I <y ~1 k èd by tle famous comnposer- The AUST RALIAN DOG STORY. music, of course, was one of the prin.. ciple attractions, and Sir Arthur useti A si. iternarîlDonSlsaw,AisnSît Hisilit not infnequently te uccompany those listai igeuice. wbo sang lits songs ut Ithe piano. Mr. An Australtan talls the stnsry of a Groalsmilli recalls a night wfan lie was 1 tiog, wlicis interasting te those wba sutidenly "cQmmiantet' by a great 'lova to sludy canine character ant inl- personage te sing tlhe piller sonig from telligence. Ha writaa fromn Mel- "lolanthe," «"lia greateat patter'bourne, song ever written." Sullivan sat iWlîile walking with a lady friand dowan ai the. plane, anti G. G. tniedti t along Stoilay Park Road, Kaw, a I rememhacr tle worts, avbich blielt suburli off Meibourne, on a very quiet sang s0 oflan Lhantleobat baîf forgot- aflemnoon soeatima age, we were tan. Lort Ropeloun, the Governor- surpnusddt by a large St-. Bernantdtiog, CaeneraI of Australia. cama te lie which came up bous anti telilierately rancwu e as a prompler, andtihîe resuît pawt'ti my leg cuverai thumez. w as, as M11r. Grossmutli anys, -I Irieti Our parplexity at lits extnaortinary the Prince of Wales, lioti together, and is quuck and active on bis feet. ta sing il, anti lie tidl' beaiaur was penliaps net mie Hlow full of spirits, anti almeat 'joîîy' jTfli Prasident usually walks tbrea 1Man man tne r ot f iialti sgvgfrlws I migît say, boti avre!1 The Kaiser, mls ot foi bs rstnatheý Prince te Joinville, who i faia fflmtal ie at ieoking round the walls of my studio, ievany day. -peculiar intercst to us as lavung been strangîlu but as ha gave avideul noliceti lu tle moet conspioucits place The King of Portugal la an autbusî-: the officer avbe was inîmusteti witb signa of satisfaction at our noticing a large plolograpli of Rer Majealy, a8tuc law n-tennis player, andi bIh the tajktng back te France lte body 0f hlmi, anti proceededti t trot on te front, t AhGeDBLUS ER! K ipnadso, playefrteInfaneuIlonfNapolcon froni St. Helena. VThe early -at intarvala lo:iking round 10 make 'MAYGODBLES HR I Alhono, layd fr te Suýt ofaas of tle Empire brougit on pî- - sue we avare 'following,-we hecama earnesîîy, yet quita naturaîîy, saiti1 Port ugal agaînst mtre Nonîli lur thIhoieeofe- tintarestati. Kaiser Wiihelm. 'ThIe noblesl mon-1 cent tournament at Cuscaesfrtemuetanss, for bthoieofee arcli, Engianti lis aven producedu' challenge cup offereà th le Queeu of anti aleli was lontier Ilan'in tluse Wlian wa batl foilowad bina about « Y-, ys,'saidthePrice Poruga. Te Kng paysa hrd'days. On one occasion lecaas inv-i ed forty yards, lhastoppati bfore a oor Y"s es'sii h'Prne'f Wales, Prua.TeKn îy in by h ot ePrsl ii inlua bigli garden wall, anti looking amfecionately, "an4t bbcdeaneat imolli- vleig ae lt ot jtget i atean u t Eu, anti, afler a daya sround aexiously te secethat ave were an îe wnidbaseva sen!'A sma-placing, anti eau boit bis owu witi thea avbthab lutiieereu icien owAoccuret-aîpl r t, a Iborougb bunlsman's dinne-r noticing, reaclieti phls paw lu tie, whThe famous F incidenoveliat, Alp- was serveti. Onuetuit w'as mulilgat- direction of tle lalci. Jusb afber 1 bat takan the Kaiser, bouse Djaudiet, loves warmbli aboyealal awny sonp, axltcl tsa naely sera-et in On stnetching forth my nandti t lowing penlaps te excilement or paer- tigat ecno okuîs I Franc". lThe Prince seet a litIe unfasten' the dobspcsr a lurbation le nnntwmy unparte Ioocauglitasur my foobt in onba Pcarlti, cangt overtemperabune of bis room lawaît sorprused t tahîe baste. Thle Comte nxhibitet lu a most unmistakable footin te cmerastan, ad ovr bat net notîcedthIis, and, tumnîng to manner, but wn holi eaw me tny ie want the lot. 'Rlollea!' cniethbb Em- Most people w'oiti regard as .uucom-thPrne ad-"owltPi-viitapnilebca qead pero, lughng qarily 'bc dwn-fortably hîgli. Even inluUie warm tcPicsi:"o atePi-vu eoe b ebcneqit n perr, augin li ' rtiy,' te dwn a eather lie aiavays keepa a fine buru- cess f The Prince, imagining bliat the looketi at me witl an expression 50 faîl of the Gurmran Kaiser aI lastIl ot a eern oth op e aiety niu ht1cudM Yes inuat' sit le rine, eîpnging in lits stnty in the Faubiourg SitCmewa earigt l op e aietyaxoaIiiImi n 'Ye, idee,'sai th Prnc, bl PngGermain, for, being a Soullemner plîcti, amiti roars of iacogîter :-"Ol,imore bava loft the poor animal blus -me quite unaffacbtly te pick up tle boru andi brada lie fints Paris cliliy warnm-rucl tee warnIl' ilan 1 couit bhava lefI a lielllees lit- [camera, 'Wbal a miagnificent "baud-' place ut the hast, Ie bondon Stock Excliaunge cîrcîcsa I lo cili a sumilar position. ing " for a puper 1 ' £iea Uanman Eni- IApat ln fCui sor al g ti fLelnn- Witb aager attention anti ex- parer asi leîle grunfi! fie Prnce Coonyi el n odo iueat pefo Waast leth 11e crd 1 hee Pinceillustmaiing île tlioougbeess wsth ClnlHoakuar, laIe oethîe "Roose' peclancy lie listenet wl-'le I knocked, lwhueb le carnies eut bis ticotnine ofanti Monîmorencys Scuuts. Roakier,' niahna lsoueea ard 'nt "Wlen tle venaurable King of Sava-1-nn-eituc,1ati lyacors ùn aseegis, aas tissatisiied th th 1e emtng tioan île gardoen patÈ,ý e tinwslaIi natsm mntIs tient. Soma lime ago e lwaas thele 1gu ersl hofte funec te w bl lie bounçlet about aiI avery siguo oft n- Cge, Ris Maje-sty camne te my studio tint of anu Aýmericau journalst wîomi belongeti, anti offenedti l supply lb witb lirnteti joy. :order to lie plitograplat. A per- the Couel ashedti t visil bis country la oxusata ilo ned f Noav lare was one of tlie go-cau il fau ligult; deicae citi ; [bouse, anti avit tput biia uncr a pro..animanitton. Thc offen vas accepteti,,Ibua, vuî aln 0gll ,witty moinacli, Xiig Oscar fer f ully l ongeti and mutîless examiatan Ianleabeitlisoftniaagt certain door, tuai about for a way% hlf au boi.r maite me thea lappiestl t tie visit came to au enti andtihîe lu Londuin te gel lis orter executati, ont of thetifficully, anti sa&ng us of 'anappers. ' '1 suppose yen lave gentle sufferer saaav ls questioiner ie oWlan bbc guns anti ammunlîlon avare some distance dow'n tle nout, wc aera taken nearly aveiy mi" iant avbe tle carniage. As lie parling great.. jtst neaty for dispatol came île news thie, oly pensons in sigît authîe lime, bas. vîsilti blaese s;iares of yours, eh?" ings wcra lieing exoliangedthîe guast of île donsqra death. ,Ris confitenlial came -te us, attmacteti our 'atatnt, saiti Ris Majiesly, aie a ýrranigeti hlm- blutai thal aftem aîî le lad noîlean- Iagent hasiî&tnti qdabout sentiing lIent, tooltius la the deen a ndti ld us lie, sel lua usicsslie wi'yb~oreIbeeteveryîhing liceaanlet te kuow. ant the sellera o ~eguns avoutti havewnati pee camera. 'Havs-ysyu .,ear"aen"Kru- "Tbetm yon muat core ne suethe bouse leen happy le relëeaso the agent fncm We agreet tbat thc anîmal lad gem, by tle a~ '- No, youm-!'MjesbY; agatn anti day anollhier day ailhi lits contractt. IuncloulI tIth latter slown a play of emotien antid tli IhaI loueur bhas neyer yeb fallen 10 was thc Ca-iunt's rapiy, anti lie woult wfred toe uuenant-éolouel Heskerls gence comparable to ilat 0 aci'a my lot", I rpiei'Iandîth e take ne, faller, tlien utthîe Riviera. The being; anti, indecti, we faItsem l -King loogl rjydbsjoie; 'lie S-ir Anilor Sil ilvan avas eone of île repiy came back , anti was cliaractar- Iakiîîtte nouble crea une tha, av a-~ ~ ~~ý, cat~"M.Ri'i akn lie" -mosî >«- d of Royalty, wialistle " «Sendt île ,gens aI any cosi ;lhave bibh,since Clou, bon -ri Ic t-0n ~oLord Roberts, 1C' e, -,t/rl, Amy so,ýtëW1aet- W" rasecteti. 9 [teclasa î'top- ~as "inferien a y1nw Yr m 1 11 Vle Vant a few more workers in ihis ilocality, ai once, and in order ta sectire your ca-operation wilhout the deley af correspandenrce, we herowith explain our full plan là Ibis advertisenient. The work i sileand the Machine is casily aperaied, and with the Guide requires ne leache'r. If you wish Io juin our staff ai Worlkers let us hear trom yau promptly wiïh the Application Form for Stock and Machine filled ont and remittance, and we wilI alla? you Stock and scnd you machine and ouifit tu heÊin work ai once.

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