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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1901, p. 3

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3 ÔilcaIArbîtrator JAS. PROCTOR, ESQ. 24 Equity Chamibers, 24 East Adelaide St., Toronto Eulogizes Powley's Liquified Ozone The ne- treatment of discase la making many miraculous cures. The best known and respected citizens do neot hesitate to give it praise, bercause they feel tl'at Powley's Liqufled Ozone is the only true way-the only saf e way te treat tlieir ills. Mr. James Proctor. who was appointed Sofficiai Arbtrator of Ontario, by apecial et R of Parlament, says; "I arn more than pleased te bear testiriny te the fact that your Ozone has bren of greut bertifit to me. 1 was troubird with indtgstion snd heart bure, followed witb beadache and langoor. Vai ions -emedies had been tried, cily giving temporary 7elief. Being adviseý'itetake Oziie, and from the tme 1 began to take it 1 pereciei d good resuits and amn glad noi to s.ay l'am entirely Ireefrom the conplaints îrentioned. I have rely taken about oniý botiue iii l. Saine of my frnds te wbom I hav e recommended it bave aiso experienced good rre'i1ts. It gives mue much pleasure to bear ths testimony and te lay tbat Ozone blas bemn a grrat boon te me. Yours truiy, IAS, A. PROCTOR, 24 equity Chambers, 24 Adelaide St. east, Toronto Powley's iqntified Ozone is $r.oo a large bot- tie, 50e. siaat size. Ail druggists, or f rom the laboratories of the Ozone Co., of Toronto, I.iml. ted, 48 Coborne St., Toronto. To provel to yen that Dr., Chtcs 0intment !s a certaini and absolute cure for eacia L and evary fcerroofitchinq, leedingand protruding piles, tihe manufacturera have puauanteed it. Sec tes- timnonials in the daily press and ask yaur neigh- bors what tbey thnkef it. YouenCar' 00t ard get your mener back if ont eured. 60c a box, ab ail deaiers or EDMANSON,13ATES & Co.,Toronto. Ur. Ohase5s O1ntment, paie !quieker fhan any alter. Put up ony in 2i~ 5r- tln boxes and $1,00 Hf BULyard rnlis. Thei aite allows you t0e ut &~e 1,> DRL Every fanî ly souM aedn ï- 'yfr an cifer- DAVIS &t LAWRENCE CO, lieware cf limitations 't The worst thing a painte h.s te con.i QM tend vîth ira the tur. Th lad, of course,, sbad too. Bu ha turpentine - s ho kidneys, il.- fîiîsand weaskens pane's life a dan- noeoe.WY n aIter'sbacLasi tlefor hirm te begîn treatinig the kidneys. wl ix thern up-take eut tfia inflammation adcongeation, givaecase [o the aching M.J, Evanson, the well-known paminer and decoraier, 50 Oxtord St., Toronto, Ont., saad: About eifflt weeks ago 1 was taren with an excruciating pain in rny back ovcr the kidrîeya. It was se bad that my ibad te apply hot cloths [iii the doctor caile and gave mue morphine. He said the trouble was due to a stone 5'sigfrom the kidney to the bladder. 4 ywatcr was loaded with a brick dust diosit and scalded on pasqing. While in this condition 1 beard of Doan's K<'idney Pis and started taking thrns. It was net long before I got relief froin pain and bave been inproving inisealtisever FneR. NMy urina is nowciear and does not osmart me, and 1 ftel better than in years. LîýX - LIVER P ILLS4 bak eow ac1(1 easily and naturatly on the systeom, c-learing away ail bile and effets nsaterial. Constipation, biliouaness, dyspepsia, sick h-eadache, heartbern, waterbras-ail dis- appear when they are nsed. Prieo 25c. I T , O fTITNIIRELb MILliONI China Is Willing to Pay This Large Indemnity.- A despatch tram Pekînsanys -There It she makes any demand at ailt[he is censiderabie taik about theama.ount' amount wil certainly by a smal ane oft[ha indemnity te ha dernanded'by, The ciaim efthtie United St.ates la alsc, tha allies, and abqut China's ability Ilcooparativeiy amati, and ivili hardiy- ta pay il. Whileia i laimpoessible at exceed $5,000,000. [bis time [o state accurataly the am-! Taking ail l aimsiatt censidaration aunt of damages diractty traceable ta and allowîng £1,000,000 more >te caver the~ B-'xr uprising, $69l0,000,010 ira gen-'avery other public ekpeuditure and ta craily meutioued as tbe basis. beiid a palace te replace every Laga- The national indamnitias ara wbat tiorq building t hat was bit by a buhiet w iii swaell the bill. Tisese bis ara for during the siage, a very iberai estim- the movement of treeps. Germany's is ate ot the damagcs [bat could ha aqui- the hi-gest ot ail. It cau ha stateot tably assessed w euid ha trcm £50,000,- tha t bar bill w iii h from £15l,000,000 te £16,000,000. England, accarding ta a man who aught te know, wiii coma next witb a, caim et about £12,000,- 600. France has net spent £5,00hi0,00 and Italy anly apprepriated 30,000,000 f ra ncs. Russia's action in withdrawing from the concert eft[he poîveras and reaching' au agreement with China tu igu a treaty et tSf. Petersburg indicates [bat [bat Gos ernment aaaad bardty ha îucluded in the matter ef indemnities. BUILDING ROADS. How thse Boer Prîsoners Are Em- phoyed in St. H'elena. A despateis tram Ludou ays ;- Il o1, appcrantiy net inteudai te isaul any pniaouonra [o Great Enoal Bat- toua camp, St. Rataena, as tisa tara uaaiial otticans tant o-ot te ba sf0- [Lanal [horo bave beaucrierai beome, aul tisa tentrsancdi char tateiai Lavei beau brce-gh-t lu. lbe largo as anou 0100 te £60,000,000. Persons w ho ara hast informad as te China's finances, inctuding- Sir Robart Hart, [ha lmporial Director at Mari- tinie Customs, say sha w-lt h abche te vaise [bis sum on ber awn cradit with- out any foraign contriol et ber re- vanunes5. 1'aking £40,00U,009 as an equitable ad- jusneet oet ha Indamnities, the bill would requtra a raduction eft he meney capturai 'Dy tiseallias atTicen-Tsain ani Pekin Tise amnount oethïbs lbat ir as- timated as bigis as £10,000,000. BY TH1E BAYONET. Boers Wer-e Defeazed With H-eavy Losses. ,A despateis frýom Prýi-ane scy Undar coaet o a tbieck tog tisa Boers attacked tisa Bniti.ais garrisens et Pan, Wonder fenteatn, Belfast, Wildfontcin, and Daimanutha between miduigist and dawin Tuesday., 1Hflic vouET I-TVAhe VeI îISSES 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A FL AL-..-~---. AL.. «. i L dL.'~J.l.. . Force Of 200 British Ambu.shed by, 70o Boers. A daspatois from Pretoria, say6:-Iu heaviy. thse colonel erdered tbe.m ta' [he, recet fight he[ween Ccii. Babiug-! re ire. Subsequentty thcy agaîn ad- ton's. ccmmand and a Boer force near vatgcad ib ex[endcd order, and drova Zendfnntein, tise Imperiai Lig[Hteorsel tisa Boars from their positions, and deuffered eaverety. Having learned captured a gond part of [iscir con- not~hnr by previous expcniencas, [bey vey. Tisa colonel ronde at tisa front of advanced in close formation up a bii hbis men., andl stimulatad thora by bis that had previously sccu[ad by e.xrLra §)ru'ely,. Tiel e ir, j tha Ilussars, who reperted [bat [bey aquadroto aust[ained several casuel- tound ne sign et the burgisars. Tbe1 tics. Boears, isonevar, 'Were lying in the Seven isundred Encera at Lindicy grass. They allowed [heo Hussars te anbusised too hunldred eft[ha men pass witheuit molastation, Qreserving wisolý fornird Lord Robarta' hody tiseir tire uttil tise Importai Light guard xvhan bere, and killed Lieut. Heorse were within 50 yards of them. ILalAg. There xvore numerous otiser Whan thea Britishs teund [bey bxd ccitaiies. riddin lneo ane[h.'r amb>lusis, lhey dis- Gain. Bocha's commando, reported mou.nited and kept up a bot tire., t eha1,500 stro,ng,, is cast ef tha Seeiag [bat bis moin were losing Springs. p fictured, the finest art and the best iieî I TIIEY REUSE FURTUXESI PEOPLE WHIO TURN THEIR BACKS ON IMMENSE SUaiS. .111111aaîres Whoa Livc on a leew Dollars a l~eeliIfe:,o,, lh hey GI (ve lor When the l-ate Mr. Rluskin gave aimuHLi. n its estirety, [he fortune of $1,000,000 which he, had inberjued from hibs father, reserving oiy an income of $1,50J0 a year, he was simply doingj what many uther less-known peoPle ar ongever-y year from' 00eu moive or ainther. To-day there i6a living- in the most &ordid sIuni of St. Louis a man who A-t Beiatrt rny managed te rushj--- -- ---n- theB:rtih poýstinbutwee uii lalls delberatety ternied boa back cmn tisa~~~~~~~~ Ertii prainbu er utm- home and a ..fort-,,. ofa ir n u Ldigs ericOtei 20re re ion, !ccehy driven oui. b tisa G rdon logis- uni will net b3 rentssved. ihývo ba-n- ilaniens cnd tisa Royal Irishs Regi. irdraineaprisoeora are on [he wayian. thoýre, with a gtcri cf 80 mein cf [hajAuthtie ofiser pons named [hein et- Gloucester Regiment. tanks werc repnilsad. Io actiton tao ch' ý40 oadi bniconera TFfhîa toers les, hcaxily. Thay left ce -ployad-by tis CoulaGevernment front wenty ta wnty-five dad on tise cliffo (unithe, ana-fa c, a nnmbcr werc, cirrnicdad say. bave boen incioy-1 1e a rection The Britois casualties in Chase figisis cf the new croco. Thora lire Soea wereafcîsut sixty. akilfiil workers aoîg them-hhe To tise was[t o Pretoria Gen. Gar. moi rit ar Seniinvias-ad 1 ifdon'& force isad c figisl witb tisa Buc' t-on week- , haeo ac cssfuliy coin- Setti of tisa Magalîsbur.g. lise plate-S, nier the direction nf Batroun :1ci-t left twety dcci on tisa fieldî Fagerakjald., a part efthts eris that oi bchd a nuambar oet chars wounded.z Irai beon vainly atonptai for mauyj The decaila o? chose affaira htave net ,waaeks prvioe-aly. fT'isra romains yc[ yat beanrcev. e smahl parti.oi cf tci fon lacions un- der wate-r t[o h laid; wis"n tisis warkt is coinipltai the re,,t will be ai 0a. FAMI1NE AND WOVE ON INCREASE.t BLUEJACKETS ON GUARD. fRsie ni ne ue :lg.îbletoi11 Mounted Infantry Occupy Pieka- neer's Kiont'. -A deaspatei train Capa Te-an. says; -1e-nuiut i i-utanctra rm Cape Twn ece-pied Picktneer'.s [otf ws 'tuucpposition betarc the Buer inloiadara cauhi reacis [bac place. lThe cycloLs corps bas arrived et Clan Wt h ,aut. No Hloars saer sean in eihe bar oft tboaa oLctrits, Tisa docks ar~e ge-anded by islu.jack- etsa tnd marines. Convatlescenut sol1- Idierr ara, taking tiscir places in guard- oorg tise Bcer prisonens on abipho-ord. On the Picqua-rberg rond, tise I(ars occupying Celvinia cnd Suth- erland consist of tw cale-mua, ane, advanning in tise direction of Clan William, aud tisa 4tisr towaarda Wor- cestcn, or in [bis direction. Ail paa- rans in front of Worcester bive beau occupied by seasoncd [roops,, wbîeb 5011 va Stars h Ig t c15.1e A despateis fr-smn St. Petersbur,Ï re- porta [bat aceeýrdiqg te newa recaivai from Tokioaut tise Jdpanesa Legation tisefaminue, dseaso and gene-rat mos-1 ery lu cettain parc.s of tisa Ciinese Province ef Ptohiti ara grewing worse instead cf better. Tise Ruasian and Amerîcan etticara hava beau most gan- arous, cundaaescili snpphyiug a cou- siderable quantity oet dceansd otisar1 foodstuff't, te fb-a stffarers, but tiseir isa rity is insufficient. 'lisousands of raggad Oa aus eu tOto Pekin, demauding food andi clatis-1 ing. 'liisy bave beau renierai prac- tical1' destituta ýby [lha sararity et tise w inter. Tisa hespicals are evercrewd- ci, and aveu private dovalînga are fult et aick paupers. TisaCiinese aucisor- iltes arceiscartiasand thae Engflisi aud Garman forceýs are inditterent to tise suffering tbey sac about them, ,,ltho,-,,-.if O-i------ are gatisaning at strategie pints. ""' '-s rouLe rutcng Tisa trotnquil flutcho cpenly disap- s- lsfraddbybt h nls prove of [b'- rail, many cran aending Iand Grmo curts for charitable pur- isntsuas te tisa Britishs camp. poses have beaul stolen by [ha native autisenitiers,[o avisent tiey wereena- FOR OVER FIiOTY ËTEAJIS. for distributioný Mrs.Winslow's SootiingSyrup bas bealuguedby Eigisty tisousani pounis of nice ani millions of motisars for thbair ebildren wbtle, taatblog. If dîsturbe at iii ist ani broken ut 1 a quan[ity et ciethas hava beau saut ynur resi by a sick ceisld suffering and erylue i'pohsi. bstefo- 'i o i i h Witb tise pain of euttlng teafis9611 lit ocanmesd., atrtTkaead'uts gai a baffle af Mrs. Witiuloas's' Sboaiiing Syrup relief work. for Chilîren Taatisiig. it witi relier. tisa poor Lttile suffarer ai oncce. Depend upon irothers,- tiera is neoistake about it. If cures ûaii.' re Diates tisa stomacis and boiraIs, cuiras Wind iysn'. C1u sofiens tis a esrduces Iniffammnation, B IRNE1 SPPIS and gives toielani eîîargy ta tisa wliscleystam. Mrs. Winplaws' Sootiig Syrup for eilîdren teatiig Lelseasant ta tite tastesdltier-Ato LylBtss Wb Let scrlpttooî a ana tise loe asi ba3,ttleniale elo Lya Brts Wh î.i Il yiciaeA and nurses i tisetUnited States- Jagersrontein. P îee 25e a boti.l.S d by ail druggigtâ Obro gis out tisa worid. B5e sure amiS ask fer Mrs. - s London, Jaen. 8.-Wti"n tise loyal SaeWS' Soaiîng Syrco Eniis waee tarcai [o eracuasta DO'TWOR RLE. Jageraýfoaitean in tisa Oronge Frac SLata Cbnistattss ve, because cf tisej OulLirute a spirit et gratitude tonr-actÉivity tftisa Boera., cli tise furnul- daily merdles, c ura, fod, sud c, hat ceuti net Re 0iz 'tsat onmyhai n r e nem y b " taken ew ay sa tay as b rnna. In i autcs esrYs orbpiaa 1 bh ratirin,g panty as-anc3,000 civilians Realize tliat it en au e curai by per-! siatnot ffot, Isoi800 selliers. Ouaeiho usani bonses Attck t dtflitey a enutiiug~and 2,500 shoeep aa'sretaken adeug. [se evercme. t wastes ritality and se rty marhai fr inthtea sr Lmpairs tisa mental faculties.sttin mnybisip tstcat 1 6 sealivas. Oua mocisen wisastartai Reatîza that it neyer bas doue sud aii a lnenstruts sao ocrer este de tise leerat goad.tie atsewy ReAr. andi ismtont rouir nÉiohbnx I -no hewy wh4n ha bnpt atmigLs etn Fiylrgire your enemias a.d conquer waýiîug bis arms. youn avereiOIlg. No, me net know, repliai tise Italian;] - me [mnkbehacoma to lane ta y s.," 'oTe [bse arissage ad isenor, lig- The, ongan-gruodler'wan disehsarred, igrae alona iâsis.-A. W. Hane.. THIE FUNNT J3OARDERI. Mr. Jo>aksmithi-My raam was tîke a 'q UR. A. W. CHASES f refngerator larat nigisi. CATARRR CURE .L 0 . Mns. S[arrern-Indeed ? I [booglit- ident direct te tise diseasedl yoialw'ays hoastel [bat You never v arts isy tisa Improed Blairer. yo e th e,.., I eal a tisa cIer , clears tie air notiel tse, stops droppings in tise Isat niht ~ ireat and parmanaoily CereS te. r(ace itisej trieze ie y , Catarrb amd Iay Fever. Blower bia!ppe_ýnel tL c ,h paper fiz on i.e free. Ail dealara, or Dr,.A. W. Chase WaIi. Meiojurce.,T "Uoma- ntesd luial,, HEAVY SNOW IN IIISSIA. 4,000 W ~orhasen <'Acarîsg tisaTracks 50 oîîessa. '.tA depatois irontOdessa saye;-Tba police, tinete-en, ced physicias h ave neeel 470 passengers tram tire trains ariscis bave bacc suowbounnifor several isys afttr enuuing tisa grecateust sufferings. A force et 4,000 aaorkn i iraclearing tise [arks [o Ocssa. Four inys' ý«il Las be 1 then you must read COeLLIER'S America's Foremost Jllustrated Journal Hall Caine's Iatest and greatest tiovel, "The tEteri-al City," begins soon. Send for free copy of opening chapters. Attireras COLLIER'S WEEKLY, 555 WEST TIIIRTEENT- STREET, NEW VI RK CITY. s I Lis $25,000. It la a remarisable tact, J- a.nd Las exciýted ceosîderabie interarat 4 O S4'm U4 G 44 in tLe wold oet teetotatars, [bat [he brother who accepted bis te gacy [ocst every panny of [t witLin afacw -AS OH T 9$ years by untlucky speculatioin, wisila N O L T M IIA H 4 a s FREE à , . abv hLis [breae brothers havse alpoprd ~ ~ wl iets in busines an are naw e- W wil giv theabove reward ta any persen wiso will correctly arrange thisao; pain buieaa renetenetm- lattera te speli tise namnes of Ibreasînall Canadian chies. Eacb lina reprasents anc nama. para tva weatis9P Try il. Va will pasitively giva tise monay away, and yau nsy be tisa fortunate persan. SSisould tisera ha moretisanana seet carrect snswers, tise money willbhadividcd equally. For inatance, sisould five persans sand in correct answars, ecri wiil racelve $40.00; iNO MORE CONVOYS TO LOOT should tan partons tend in correct answers, eacis will raceive $2000; twenty persons, Jo.o ea eci. Wa do tisis ta introduca aur firm snd gon;ds we bandie a ucl as possible. SEND NO MONEY WITH YOUR ANSWER. This is a FREE Outsîde Lines of Comruneatlon tO 9 conteat. A posteard will do. Addrass baE vacuated. N. V. SUPPLY CO,, BOX O., ORILLIA, CAN. _ uespauuon arm J0fJcl on cays; -Rarseandcolvtiies are beng coml mand cered ton tise Oeao et iaColonial lit fenco Corps in ti'districts in wt.cis martial law h issa Leeuproclaii- million dollars. lHe Las mada bisce iI t ira underi'aîd [isa-t Gan, Ijiteh- Lorme [n a single ruera'nar tisa1 moot" [n e large Lousa, ail tisa hast 1ana'r hadecLdai ta evacuata altisa tewns cutside tisa linsosfet remmuno-1 rooma etf wisicisare givan ta a Coiany tron [ho5 tisere wil ho n co- ot waifs anîd strays, wieina u oher ry frtsiH. stecpurnn rounis ara hLd classes for teaehing, 1 is irtlh,ý i t,ýr to cpre[atnd cucokiig, sawîug, and tise demestcle ,ié) de ýig o rcvn h trts ganeratiy uotehie puer woen oet burgiors fmom repilnisng ch [ir supplipas ut tisr'exp'ýnSe nf thetDri- tisa district. Bis ruent hoasts naithaner isrîpyr.Alitieswscs 1e turains nin rcarp..t, and ils oni'y j funoituna ceansisset a plain bedstecd, canult b.. c eqect'hy prateoted asud a dccl tahia, andaca iair.cnutba -toeypratdcd Auîoîisar mu w, 1-o "spurn, [bh- gîtaptats I - hn-owl - tisor etf fortaane" has ll cul i ts sv"elî h,liccfcnmateooowt a ar amnauîaog te millions of dollars, be- bled bit, and bas retlra-d ce atinv HAINDS UP V" ilnd lu Long Island Sa-tond. Rare L;ta bas boilthi sisa rmait t ig cebLo [io wisih ha bas [akan e faw of bis treasurei booksa a ,d pieturas. Witis bis boacs cnd b ' siaLg-na[as, bis hooks in bis pi, a,,s, ho tocis an aint nover ivastes e mement's regret on tisa "town-bousa, tise mountain bungalow, [Lae.seasid(. pataoe, tisa cuoacis-an-four," orar ey nftisa tuxu- ries Le bas said "geei-bya" [a for ever, In a [loy, tumbie-iowu brick buitd- How Three Britishs Sldera Captrirect a Party o, Baera. Maseru, iitae.8.-De W et roccnty capturai [breeo, our000en,00ain, iav- iog di-.armrt ti, o, [oU tisont[ofll- low on. 'lb y d'ý-'l 50 i mt tey cane co a '-p't. ,1 n is"ia they tid. Slîoîtiy afcerwarisa epcrcy oflBoers eau,ý aloo e , Ouol' Èch Enghi6i ed stood op -oui sisutý-d 'licols upy -ahrgto his comirades [o caver 'isa Boers w he hodisarmad oben. fise Bor, isai-ig- h taeleaouc,,uînt- ing un tisa Haxankopi tiras e mamber bered surrendered 1[humi arjm-5, otnd ut ueiettishe wealtis familles inu:, ara takbn, [o tise Britishs camp as tisa wonld. Ha lires absotutaiy alone, pritsours. aind onniy secs Lis tellaw-men once a year, win ha [rampa barafuet [uta LEF? FOR TH1E CAPE. a naighbouing tawu ce purcisasa bis'- y8aan'a uppiy ot coru-meal. Yet [Lis Mounted Troops !Fave Saîtnd From isermit efthtie Hexankopi, avisse totall Gihraltar, living axpensas 'are a feaxi pence a A lespatcis trom Gibraltar, saya: day, les sii 'Io ha entitiai te a prince- Five hiuucr-3l mun ai B o 1 tisis infantry ly fortun, wicis ha rusetteily re- ,ethofr [b' Caspe on Tbunsday fusas [o toucis. lI'isy ar.-iv -i front Malta on tboard tbe In tisa growing army af lady cierksË tro-paip HRalzps, and wcre rasliîpped and typa-writersa eutLondon ana, te by tht, Han ardýe& fGastie, tise knowledge efthtie rriter, two----- 1 - you-ng ladies wlîo hava deliiienately' FOREIGINERS, BF.WARE. tumnel [hein haches oi largo fortunes. Th isew o.aautadte Onaetf[hem le tise niecaetfa tata Thu asitaewosia-cs a latisbe wealtisy manufacturer in tise norti s mcgire sc tic o h ot Engian.d. who, aunnyci by tise eou- For the second tinte, he said. cd- duel t is anJy son in mraking an an- iressiog tise pnisunar, you ara cisang- derirable marriaga, icft avary penny 1 I e iss frtuieoîmuntug a uari cd wîtis assautoîg yaurn n'-ghbuur. oliseaisidfnrtunew-s obat yo- tdauber- 8150,000 te "his favorite niace," tetisa aaly, nd wshcs thut yuy apparn daugister et a peur w*inwed sistar. aey n i'j!itayaprn ceuse wvisctsaever, atrock tisecmn-' Altiseugsaiethtie tint- of tise bequerat piainanîL with our enchad fisc. tisa nieca wcs carniug a acanty living I - - ooucra Pt i'O hy typewritLnýg, ais refusai te [ouc i ai, en hr o-mercnt d Pot, f spenngy oftche fortune wbicis bd ddàashok ebe ga But he un-iy did se ii aeh-defoee, oni-a u har at tisaý expenseafetsaitise juiga. THE DE1AD i-2N'S ONLYSN; An' wisat about me? asad Pat, and it wa only after long ramrona- Ail abouet yeu, au.swered the- judge, [naina-a onLis part tiat se consent-,la tisait yoe- ana founi gaiity, ccd must ed [o an allowancaetf$500 a ycan tote retore kecp ch" peaca cawards cli Lbe' mootier duriîng ban lite, lhan Mcjesty's subjcta ton twalve Sucis nonduot as tis may ba Quixa- moucheý. tic in tisa extrema. but it le fan front Watt, thon, noaeenai t, as ho tett unieonmon, aul commanda tise respect ithel court, Ilaearn iselp tisa tinet far- duc ta pure ani unsalfisis motives. ie01rýet, Anîotber lady wàa ira ecmning $5 ia WHAT A WO-MAN SEES. week as clark in Londlon is tihe laugistar ef a latce brawer, wh lottiDid you seea mat and la woman hanr in oommon wl-hhbis acsen daugis- dniving pantisana lu s [rap about an terra a lagac-,y et $50,000. This mauney , heur aga! e detactirea arkad Mna, [the daugistar bas fer soeayaars ne- Blaink. fuised [o touis ou tise grauni [bat it Yes, answened Mrs. Biauok. bas beaun maie img au "unhely traffic" 'Ais,siitisa icteotivýe, nîow we'ne anid etennet bring any'tbing beUt getting on [Le nigbt track. Wbat- misey te its passessar, kind et a hanse wag [t?J That tisane arae tisers wba ebare Tisey were inivlîtg se test I diin't ber' 6nnuplas was proved a few yeans notiïce, tiat, repliai Mrs. Blanik. But aga [n Yorkshbire, A waeithy Man. tise wocw-an bad on a Scotch mohisso chster publicam lett tgacies ofet and woiJjaokatet [ urquoe-biue., $25,000 te,ejacli et four brotisers, bhis larat yaar style, witL stitchai hines,j nepiews lua sai'Yenahie twn.white pique akint, witb deep circuler Tsese brothens were aIl total ah- ftînu-nees, a satin-stnaw bat, [liteansd r snd tamparî,nce adrocates; rtse it nma ibhd sta f tisentr puisstd tiecas and loups of pale-bina rt nSuBis -t,-àÈI hanerbain was done pP ste lcol up. ,~t~5h,'ili -a'ugt oett "-Sus s 1  ad imre f'-- W WW~ WW~'5V'WW~ WW~W~WW, ~ ~ ~ W iru s the machine that taiks-siings--plays every Îinstrunelit--reproduces Su sBaîîd-atring arliceatras-Negro Ministrels, Churcis Choira, etc. It reproduces thea violin, piano, flotte, cornet, trombone, banjo, maudoli, piccolo anod avery other instrument. Thse Barliner Gram-o-phone is louder-clearer, simpler aîîd better [han any otiier taiking machinte at any price. It sings every kind of song, sacred, comlic, sentimental, patriotie, "Coon" sangs, Euglish, French sud Scotch Sangs, select- ions tram Grand and Cornic Operas, picys cake waiks, waitzes, two-steps, marches, in fact every [bing tîtat cau be playcd on any instrument or number of instruments can be reproduced an tha Berliner Gram-o-phone with the wonderful indestruct- ible record dises. It [ells funny tonies or repeats a prayer. It cati entertain hundreds at oue time in tise largest hall or chnrch, or it can. ha aubdued ta, suit tis naallestrooun. Tise Records are nat wsx, they are liard, Fiat, liadestruct!ble Dises, wbich wili asat 10 yaars. Tise Berliinar Gram-o-pisono is made lu Canada., it le guaranteed for five years. The Gram-o-pisone is used and endorscd by [he iaading clergymen and others tistougisout Canada. Tbe Berliner Grami-a-pho'se raceived tise anly niedai for Talking Machines et tise Toronto Exhibition 1900. Price, complete The Berliner Gram -a-phone has beau widely imitated $75 I and the recordis cou nterfeited, thareforehbeware of machines-$.5 1ý0 with aisleading namaes as they ara worthlass. including If thse Berliner Gram-a-phone ira net for sale ln yaur a 16 inch hemn, tawîs, write ta us for illustrated catalogues and other 3 records information, free. and FACTroRV: 267-371 Aquedunt St., Montreal. concert sound box, EmANuBI. Bs.our, Gancral Manager for Canada. E. BERLINER, r-,15 St. Catherine Strert, , . .MCY L For Sale by L MORRIS,' Bowmanville. SALT NECESSAIIY. Thse Common Table AritIcle la tise Ittooti Make', the Ileart ileat, Thse Ciicago Record oays; Ex- penmants on turties have canvinced D. Jacques Loch soi Prof. D. J. Lie- gie, physielogiats -ai tise Universaity ef Chicago, tisat common sait on tisa bloai makas tise beat bhast. Wbat le more, [bey say [bat net only doas sait keep [ha heant [n action, but tbat it pntsseibty may cause tiseiseart te hast againatter it shall bava heen la tise expaimentai wenk, inrtead of takiung tise isart as a wbeie, aý amait strip front eue of tise vantnicies was eesa. Susp6nded lu s solution et sodà-m nhrisoide tise ttripoe tutunle's ,bagan asanies et heats. Sapa- - maitna£rre connectians, tise 'le -9i batt muscie 5respeni.- ai perfectly ta tise presence ofthtie satty solution, For week.s [ha axperimeutema work- ai te ascertalu visat proeaties [bat saitt containci [o cause [Lis risythisue basting Ithtie iseant [bat ware net pussessel by calcium on potassium, tise saIts et wisici antar nio thei compOsition of tLe blool. Tbay fourni a solution of tisa probe ian t he tact that tbe action oat soduîm cistonida was da) ont [Lepecultan charanter et tise sodîumniaue. 'ney liscavenai thiaapure soxdium rhianide soie-tien was deetrute 'i otf eart [issues, and tisat by m ' tansd potassium solutior 44irle-5solutions, the P, cli' the xxnrlrl The L'ýýlj4ïillicr m

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