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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1901, p. 5

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Fatffty Ideas About the There are hundreds of dollars wasted every year byv persovs py Ing extra vagent prices for poor trasby Spectacles- believing they9 aregetting a first-class article. There are hundreds of dealers who have handled Spectacles fori yearsçc,, -o cannot determine the t va! *. S ýpair of lenses so that it la fot tb o'e wondered at that the jeneral public get deceived. We make a specialty of spectacles1 and have the most expeàsive and most1 accurate instruments known to science for testing the sight and testing the quality of the goods we handie. 1 We are neyer decoived in buying and we neyer deceive in selling. Our1 prices run as low as lOcts and we can give you the bcst qualitv made for $1.00 so that no one need sufer for a good ~*of glasses. ' ME TEST EYES FREi. BTOTT & JURY, The Druggists and Opticians. We ank ol A year ago we thought wc had .,lched the helght cf the business pos- ulities for a town the size o! Bowman- Ile, but this year's Xmas trade is rger stili and we hcartily thank car uimercus cnstomers for their continneti )dence and patronage. n wishing one and ail a prosper- as~ and happy New Year we ean assure ou that the sainwe- bse and carefui ttention to the wants of the publiic ,hat bas matie car business a snccess in bce past will be given to it during 1901 nd the liberal patronage bestowed on s9 during 1900 stirnulatesns to renewed forts anti if possible te greater e!- ciencv than ercir before. ' STO0T T & J U R'Y . .lJURY E. iMorLEYCAWKER. G RAN'4D VRUNK HAILWAY. 4 YWaANV1LLE STATION. EAST. OOING WEST. * 1an Exres... 5 15 a. r 3segr 48 p.m. PasBeiîge.. 1 40 p. mu, ccal......... 6 55 Express.. . 7 38 Ere il. 125 except Snnday. STOTT & JuRY. Town Agents O0wMANVLLE, 'JAN. 16, 1901. Meet me at Nichoîts'; 1931. >5 finest Envelopes 5c at Nicholis. 25 good Envelopes Sc at Nicholîs'. n . and Mrs D. Tod, Oshawa, were town Snnday. Don't miss a treat. Prof, Clarke lu cwn Hall Fiday night. 120) sheets Writing Paper and 50 nvelopes for 25e at Nichoils', Ail Ladies Coats sclling off at hall ice at Cench, Johnston & Cryder- an'5s. Mlayor Mitchell1, Mrs. Mitchell anti Irs Jos McLÏ.,a and Mr.Rod Mitchell s Ite inds lu Oshawa Sunntay. Th'le officers cf the Bible Society were electetdi fOr the ensing year at the eeting hlelt inlu £inity church Thurs- Castor Oit on other Cathartie is net eded aller giving Dr. Low's Ploas- 'Wormi Syrnp. This remedy con- ot wn purgative andi not only >ys butý carnies cf the worms. È5c. IMomeins' Institnte will hold their eeing at the residence cf Mrs aines, Church St on Satnrday aI 3 p m. A numben et practical will be given on snbjects inter- c al hcusekeepers. Ladies cor- n17ted. at opprtnnity.-As will be sccu îr ativertisement lu this issue Johuston & Crvderman are seti- hein Ladies' Coats at hialt price. ne ait new goods and were gocd t their original price, b)ut being nled te dlean them eut they are ýthem at exactty hall their for- lce. ebruary nnrnber cf The Del- ,Xvcry caretul andi fnllyillustrat- nfiption cf mi dwinter dress mat- £is given, Ths is in addition te Ksuai nuruber !ashiols show for megirls and ttle foks. Speciai tention is also gieen to confirmation an, and in the dressmaking articles, the matter cf fitting lun sleeves. The lîneator is a thoroughly practical al nd magazine ton women. 4-reat is lu store for yen, Il isheti on Mondav evening fe,11z i the Methodist chnrch, J ock. Then and there, 1ev. l'en lecture, cutitied, 'Englishý ihîinan, Scotchman and othens" p, auspices cf the Ladies' Aid. Jadmission 10 cents. The chanch fbe well flled, Thie Young ýÇ'-artette unden the direction cf F~ nosBA. il ing antil .2amblyn-tianti King wvili gie, jthe C lo se, We seli Biss eIl Carpel Sweepers- L. Morris. Ail liven lMs are cureti by Hood'sý Pisl. 2,5c. 1Guitar fan sale cheap. Apply aI THE STATIiSMAN office. Mn, Norman Mcyse has gene to Non- mai Sehoot, Tenante. MigsBentha Farewell is visiling with relatives ila Harmon. Remnember Prof. Clarke's ltre in Town Hal.11F-riday nigbt D)r. anti M . .CDvt recenitiY visiteti fnientis l indv iting Miss, Mary Ur 'yderman. Miss Lx Topsn shawa, la guest a! the Misses Dingman. "Il yon sec il iu The Itinsîrateti Buf- falo Express iI's wonth reading." Miss Pipe, Norwich is visiting Mr. W. E. Fotiard anti other fnientis lu Darling- tan. Mn. lHugli Wright, Bîhel, Grey Ce., 'bias been visiting bis' sîsten, Mrs. W. Dingman. Mrs. Alfredi Man "Raby Headi" ha5 been vtsiting bier lather, -Mn. Wm. G. Bitiwil, Coiborne. 11ev, C. Parker, Coibonne, was guesî of Mn. J. M. Joucss, -Retreat Dairy," oven Suntay. Miss Etsie Cryderman is home from Butte, 'Montana. vîsiting lber faîhen, Mn. M. Crytierman Who la ver-v il. "Main Street, Bowmanvilc, aI Miti nigbt" by Mn. G. P. Freclanti, was anc cf the illustrations lu Saturday 's Globe. The License Commissioners of MWest Durham are:. Robent Fhilp, Cadmus, W. F. Allen, Bowmanvillc, MWellington Faster, Newcastle. Mn. anti Mrs. D.Clarke, Mn, anti Mrs. llediey Oke, Courtice, anti Mr.anti Mrs, Jos. Ciatwoi thy, Hampton, were guests cf Mn. A. Guliy, Sunday THE STATESMAN offe rs congratulations 10 Mn. A. S. Forster, editor e! the Oak- ville Star, on bis election as member cf the Town Council cf Oakvitte. Mn. anti Mrs. John NotI, Port Ferry, celebrateti the 501h anniversary cf their wedding day Dec. 28. Mn Noît starteti business in that town 53 veans aga. Our olti fnientiMn JobaMoore, for- mernl'y cf the Heallie lFarm, Bradlcy's School, bas been electedti 1 the Arthur Township Councl by a large majority. Every lady in tawn is certiiallY inviteti la hear Mns.Gcforth give au adtiress on missionanv work lu China. Il will be vcry interesting anti no ane shoulti miss il. Major Wý J. Hamilton, formerly tie Principal of Cobourg Motiel Scbcol, bas beeîî appoinleti »Assstant Science Mas- ter o! the Colie.giate Institute at Owen Soundi. 1Any bodiy eau guaranîce alwatch but a genuine article o! thal kinti eau onty be given by a man who undenstantis bis bustness. Rickard's guaranîce with a walcb means business. Do nol suifer from sîec beatiache, a moment longer Il is niot nccessary. Cartcr's Little Liver Pilis wili cane ' on. Dose, one littie pili. Small price. Smail dose. Small pil. 1 Mr. A. W. Robb, editar anti prapriet- or cf the MIaikerton Telescope, anti Mn. William MeDonalti, o! the Cbesley En terpnise, are among the ncw men eleel- cd te bruce Coantv Councut. Mn. anti Mrs. Jas. F. Osborne, Fort Frances, have reeiveti word fromn Win- nipig that their litIle tiaugliter Mar- guerite, who is on a vîsit ta bier grand- 1parents, is utl wilh diphîheria. The Cbnistian Enticavon Society cf tbe Disciple church wîtl give a social anti refreshmcnts at the cbnrch parlonsý on Fnrlday evening, Jan. 25 Admission .10c. Gooti pragram. 8-2w* The Weck cf Frayer services helt in -the town churebes turing the week wcre f ainlv well atteutiet. The program .was carrieti ont as ativertiseti anti the m--elings wene quite intenesting anti heiplul, Mn.Jobn Lawric, Malvern, who acteti as jutige on Heavy Hanses aI the West Durham Fair for the past two years, we arc pleasedti telearu. bas been cileti a member af the Scarboro Township 1Councit. MIe congratulate Mn. Alfreti Higgin )botbam, MilIou, on being ciectedti taa seat at the Councit Boardtinl thal towa. fWest Durham beys are eonstantly being -bearti fnom lu places cf bonon anti ne spensibility., The D. & L.-Emulsion cf Cati Liver 011 will bud yon up, wiIi make yaa fat and hl ihy. Especiaiiy beneficiai 10 those wbo are ail "run dwn." Man- ufactuneti bz the Davis & Lawrence Co., Lti, The namerons fnientis o!f11ev. C. Parken,Coiborne, were pleaset 1 greet hlm on Sunday ta the Methotist church andti 10 ear hlm preacb twa practicat sermons in the interest cf the Educat- l ouai Society. The subseniptîcus were Ch7ildren cry for appreciation c! ber ability was shown ear'in lu l-e pr-ognam we hwsre- callet afler ber first soo. lier aceom- panimeut of the 'celle anti aise the vocal numbens -,-as a pleasane even te tise atisîs thenîselves. 1Home Work-pLrofitable..-oOfgeflial- easy-on new planý. UBe your Own workmaster 5in your own homel Seýnd y,0r sddres on post carS anS- w wUl snSyen psrtien. Miss Annie Ewart, Waterloo, is home. Stock taking sale al Ibis month. Reati The Mason Co's ativ foi' bangains. Be cure anti read The Mason C's ad,. Special vaincs lu ladies hose. Cail anti sec car ladies coats new selling aI hall price aI The Masen Co'é&ý Mev ing pictures anti illustrateti songs ln Town Hall Ihis evcning. Admission If 3 ou want a snap ln furs take adi- vautade cf the 20% discount aI The Mason Co's. The British-Boer war presenteti by Edison's latest Kinetiscepe lu the Town Hall Wetinestiay evcning. Now is the time 10 buy fun coats, robes, herse blankets. etc., 20% off ahl Ibis month at Mason Co's. Ail kintis cf Funs anti Me's anti Boy's Overcoats seliing at reduceti prices at Couch, Jobnstcn & Cryderman's. Subscriptîons are taken at TH1E STATESMAN office for ovôr 8000 -different papers anti magazines at lowcst rates. Mn. anti Mrs.F.llawkins, Blackstock, andi Mn. anti Miss Ada Hoar, Bethestia, wene guests cf Mr.R.R.lloskiu Suutiay. Why nol ortier yonr papers anti magazines aI yonr carliest opportunity? Dont wail tili yoar papen stops. Sec aur new cinbbing rates. TEE STATESMAN staff were pleasingly entertalucti by Mrs. M. A . James at Lorne Villa Monday evening la houer cf the E liter's 52nti birthdav. May he live ta celebrate many more. The Paris Exposition anti great Hobo- ken fire wil be exhibiteti by beantiful meving pictares lu the Town Hait this (Wetinestiay) evcning. Admission 15; chiltiren lOc, reserveti seats 20c. The Uigh Schoot lecture course pro- gramn for the winter session contains the namnes o! Prof. Coleman, Prof. J. Burwash. Prof. W. J. Alexautier, Prof. A. Baker, Prof. Goodspeeti. The first lecture is Weduesday, Jan. 23rti, by Prof. Coeman on the "Canadian Golti1 Fieldis." Reserve the date. Dr. M. J. A. James cf Albion, N.Y,, wbo bas been spentiing a mcnth aI home, retanns this week [o New 1ýork State. U Has disposeti o! bis intenest la the firm o! Hartman & James, dentists anti manufacturers o! dental special Lies anti has purchaseti the practice, o)ffice outfit anti îesideîîce o! Dr. J. Ediwin Waterbury, Holley, N. Y,, anti takes possession next month. A pnoganm10ti evelop the social element cf the Epwonth League xvas1 enjoyeti Mouday evening at the Metho-i dist church, Miss Joness, Fresitient, conducetid the devotional exorcises anti Miss Mason, Convenor cf the Social Committee,prcsented a unique programn cf recitation, song anti music. Those coutribnting were Misses Young anti Gentie Cawtten, piano duel: Miss Leona Williams, Mrs F. R. Foley anti Miss McWain, neadings; Mn. anti Miss Bea cock, vocal duel; Messrs. F. Trcbiicock, N. Jolliffe anti J. E. Barnett, mantiolin anti gaitan selections; Mn. N. B. Jamnes, gramaphone selections; Misses Ethel Trebitcock anti Mauti Wright, vocal solos. Light refreshments serveti aI close o! the program conclutiet a very enjoyable evening. MAJUBA DAY, Tite tays between the l8th anti 20th cf February, 1900, wiil be memtonable lu the history o! the South A! ican ýwar. bThe part taken by the Canadian trooýus ou that day wbeu the "ion cf the nortis"-'leneral Cronje-was forceti te surreudten will bc spoken o! as a work worIsy ofauY regimen.The cd in the picture whleh the Weekly Globe is giving fre te ils 3earlv sub- scribens. A sarupte eop.v sýau be seen aI -this office. Il is certainly wa;lhy o! a place in evcry Canadian home. Seetis tbat Sunrely Çrcw. 3The cosî cf seetis companeti with the 1 value cf the crop is so amail that a few cents saveti by buying second rate seetis 1wilt amount te mauy dollars lest wbeu Lthe barvest is gathenid Farmens bave bud cut by many costly failanes wbat a thing il is 10 bay seetis without bing pretty sure that they are reliabie anti truc te name. The latest catalogue cf the secti house of D. M. Ferry & Co , of Windsor, Ont., is a r-mintien that thousantis cf farmens iu tbe Unitedi *States anti Canada have pinneti thîir !aith to the reputation o! this great firm. During a business cancer ap- proaching bal! a century ia time Ferry 's setis have won au increase in popular- ity, which is perbaps the best evidence thÏat they grow anti give satisfaction Ferry's Seeti Annual for 1901 is a use - fui guide lu selecting seetis for tho farm, the truck garden anti the ficwer garden. It is sent f ree on application. 1 Eduard Bartcn's Vocal Recital. A finst ctass musical treat was the at- traction aI the Town Hall Wcdnestiay The D. & L. Emulsion cf Cati Liver 011 may be taken witb most beneficial resaits by thase wbo are ru dowu or saffeing fram after effecîs cf la grippe. Matie by Davis & Lawrence Co., Lim. Thne People s's Store 4 ià. .. La.dies'eoats. ,:5 Envelopes for 5c at Niehoîls'. i* Oysters by the dish or iubul, at Tod's. Our Runes cf cheap f unni tune are cheap -L. Morris. Peanut Crisp, Saturday only, 10c per lb. at Tod'u. See car odd pieces lnarlaeio Furni- ture-L, Monris. Aill goods rednced to 2th century pnices at Nicholis. Peanut Crisp. Saturday only, l0c per lb. at Thos. Ted s. Gloves and Mtts at greatly netinceti pnices at Nicholîs'. M. A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses. Trv Tod's home-made Maple Cream and Chocolate Caramels. Wcdding Cakes madti 0ordr at Thos. Toti's. Ask for pnice3. A lot cf dress goods selling off aI about hall pnice at Conch, Johuston & Cryder- man's. Wo have a large stock cf Quartencti Oak Furniture in Antique anti Golden finishes. L, Morris. Ladies, yen are inviteti to cali aI Miss Medianti's M'ilinery parier anti sec the latest novelies iu heati wear, Wanteti-28 Dollar Bills, 1n0 matter how dirty. [or a Bran New Dropu Headi New York Singer Sewing Machine at Rickarti's. Bowmanviile. Rickard, theJewcler, is seling a sev- enteen jewelled Wattham Watch for less money than îîany country jewelers seli the lower grades for. Only a limit- eti number on1hand, so lose no0 lime if vou wlsh 0one. GRIPPE IIEADACHE-Mrs. C. Apple-1 ton, WVhitewood, N. W. T., writes:- "Milbnrn's Sterling Headache Powtiers have giveni me grat relief fromn the terrible pains o! La Grippe in i v-headi ai dtbrough my back." Pnice anti 25c Ail dealers. SAY t-Do you want GiI.- moar's Celebrateti ligàî Clasý Doons for that nice new house yen are buiding? If so, tele- phone No. 15. Notwithstand- îng ail reports te the contrary we are stiit selling anti geing to seit, Doors, Sash, Blintis, Moultiings, pickets anti ail kintis o! dresseti antiuntressei ohranti arc continuait" receiving -icto meet ali lie demantis censigamolit o! spie arrivetifrom the GC * frenton a fow dayt paretite snpply î manufacluneti by them ni' ce anti at reasonabie prices, -a nd grain cd ceiling a speccalty,headquarters aise for shingles-British Coumbia No. 1 Ried Cedar anti ail grades o!fluie anti native Cetiar; Sait, Flaster anti Pont- lanti Cement always la stock. Cati anti inspcect car steck anti pnices befere placing your orders eiscwhcre. McCtllan & Co.. Bowmq.nvilie BO)RN UzNDiRWOOD-In Orono, lieS. 29, te Mr, toti Mns T. W. Underwood, a daughten. GAmsY-In Orono, Jan. 6, te Mr. and Mrs Len. Gamsby, a daughter. MCFHERSON- At 191 Bellwoods Ave., Toron- to, Jan. 6, te Mn. and Mrs. David MePherson, a daughter. SCIIOFIELD-In Oshawa, Jan. 10, the wife of J1 ohn A. Sehofield, of a dangliter. BRENs-At Chicago, Ili., Jan. 6, Elizabeth Burns, youngest daughter of the late James Burns, Whitby. AsirroN-Near Haydon, Jan. 9, the wife of Mr. Rd. Ashton, of a son, BANicS-At Port Jervis, N. -Y., Jan. 6, te Dis. C. W. and A. W. Davey Banks, a daughter. MARRIED. HîINKSON-DEÂRBORN-in East Whitby, Jan. 1, àt the residence of the brides parents, by 1ev. W. A. Terry, Bernham Hinkson, and Claretea E,, eldest daughter of Edward Dear- born. LANCASTER-BEIGEITON-A t Weleome, Jaen, 2, by 1ev. J. A. Jewell, John Lancaster and Lizzi, hir ng-trof John Beighton, Port Granby, formenly of Cedar Dale. JOHNSToN-RaxYNOLS - At the pinsonage, Blackstock, by Rev. E. E. Howard, Jan. 9, Mn, David Johnston and Miss Nellie Reynolds, both cf Cartwright. MCCÂa'nv JOLLIFFE-In Lindsay, J'en. 9, by 1ev. T. Manning, B. A., Win G. MeCarty, G. T. R., and Hattie E., daughter ci Mrs. Jollilte, both of Lindsay. DowNEY-CALLEN DAR -I i Kemptvilie, Jan. 9, hy Rev. John Mavety, David Wallace Downey, Bowmanville, and Margaret A. Callendar, Kemptville, Ont. DIEO. TiiîsAs-In Crookston, Miin., Dec. 18, James 1-1. Thomas, M. D., aged 57 y cars, YATEs-At 30 Sprnee St., Toronîto, Jan. il, Thomas Yts formerly cf Whitby, aged 47 years. DÂLE- iu Bowmanville, Jan. 13, Norma Evelyn, oly chilI of Mr. and lins. W. F. Dale, aged 9Smo fths and 6 days. JACli{5N-ln Orono, J'en. 6, Mary Chapman, n.liC cf the late J. M. Jackson, ageti 79 years. Biuîso-'Ess T Clarke, Jan. 7. Agnes vleKay, bel, -1 wife cf Mn. John Burgess, aged 47 yns. _Ci tRU Jn',aiteosîec f ber son,, j. J. Coulter, 533 Quen Si. cast, Tcocîîo, Mary Min Couter, wldow of the late Fr;ýamois Comi1ter, Clanke, in her 71st year. Itn~das Orono. HOLT -lu Toronto, Jan. 6, James A. ilcit, in i" 441h yea'r. Iliiirnedii Oh.swa. t 1 . BUY VOUR Note Paper -anld ERlIveopeS Sec car special hune o! Stationery:- Note Paper at 5c per quire, Envelopes at 5e per buneli, aise a job lot cf very suaperior Cashmere Finish Note Paper which wc off er at 25e per box o! 5 quires, just the price o! ortiînary quality. GaDCen tral BO'WMANVILLE. Happy New Yoar toAil. At this season housekeepers are in search of the best Frui's. We Wish to Announce. To the people of West Durham that our Xmas Fruits have beeni carefully selected and bought for cash,, thus enabling us tg seli a' prices that defY competition. That we are leaders in Fancy Grocer-. ieq is a settled fact. ilere are a few lines wc kindiv ask von to inspect before purchas- ing: Raisons-Coniseur clusters, Black'Basket, London layers, Loose Muscatel, Valencia layers, choice Sultanas, iNut3, Candies, Oranges, Larragona Almonds, Walnuts, Fonida and Valencia Oranges, Mal- aga Grapes, etc, ehilna Parlor Second Fiat We are showing the fincst assortment of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, llanging Lamps, Hlai Lamps, English Wedge Wood,' Cut Glass ,Dolton China Fancv Cups and Sancers, la fact everyvthing to make a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Kindly soliciting a share of yonr patronage and thankrngyon. ail for yonr liberal support in the past we wish you a Merry Xmas and Hlappy New Year. AlN ew Ti esn M We neyer carry over Ladies' Coats and as the balance of our stock must be sold this month, we have decided to clear them out at the following siaugliter prices : Ladies'Coats, worth $5, forù $2.50 $6, 61 -3.0O 46$8,4 0 0 iI:: $10, e65,00 $12, "6 $6.00H Also a lice choice of Chi*ldren's Coats AT SACRIFICE PRICES,j A splendid assortment of first-class gar- ments ail of which will be cleared out Also Remnant andjStock-taking Sale:'all this month. BARGAINS ALL OVER THE 11011EI This is no wind ,blast, but a genuine. Clearing Sale, that will 'eclipse anything ever before offered the public in tbssetion. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. >-' BOWMAiZVILLE, Nnxe-ýt Door to Standard Bank. HIOAus]el\SS-HelenDecker, Jordan Tait & Co's large group will b2 made Next Sunday 15 Chr Fer .Swrites:-A few montbs ag'p on getting the rest of the bU,,,1insss1 Day, at the Disciple bad a severe cold in my throat andiima uwohaepoisd iol atr wiîî S -eaitin chest and became quite hoarse. Aicrengtaog oPeie a ott f o r Mr.Wod's Nrwy ine -mnt ni ut Sy(p %Alieveti tho loasee3 atiï t eie eth ïoch tdGn il teS 0 cnned~~~~~~~~~~1ý, AhPQ e iuDII~ Ti1It h ol'

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