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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1901, p. 6

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Oh the FarliL T îlEALT1I11, Oaetofuheam c ony men in GIVE OWS AIR AND EXERCISE. East urhar couny iOntarjo. passible durieg the winter niontlisa 0.TyoCharlecote-, Otro great mnany dairynion keep their His sufeins c' ws heused freon eariy faiu untii fromn rheula.- late, apring, giving theunb'ut litile if tism in the back anry ocidoor air and exercse writos f (lumbago) for 'iý,r. G. Jsffry, Ncw these chaeged '~ N fouryeas wee cuditen~are ail right if tbe change knon o ecey~gives the ceows gr"ater corufot aniï body in thiehealth[. P,-lt la a >'of nae11,y iestables the~ ventiljati-i is decidedix county. It was bad aad the animaai je day after day with the greatest !,aYieg ini a sicck of disease germa'. m. . O. TAYLOR. difficulty, and Fer whatex r Vou rmay doe b yeur enly with agonizing pain that stables and heDwever well you miay he sat down upon or arose tLreýa,-l your rjous, as te feed aud cars from a chair, and walking %vas il ventilgtoni bhais baen iiperfe:ti or simply torture; neither the s1i11 of negiected il uùs sure te, resuit in soins physicians, nor the enormoi-s f-rinoe disease. Circulation and of pten medcins h ventilation are inseparabie and in- quantifies o aetmeiie eduspeusable te perfect hca]th. Nu took, gave him any relief unti he Ventilation is geood thet does net tried Dr.'-HalIl's Rheumnatic Cure. carry the fo~ul air oui cf the stable- After taking the first fewv doses of and suipply fresh and who]lesoine air this wonderful medicine heobtain- i-n ils atead. The air of the stable ed relief, and, continuîng the sheulld never be exbauisted or vitiatcd treatment, acomplete cure -,as If the ventilai ors do not cemmuni- effected. Hehasnotbeentroubiea cale witL the outside air they are of with an ache or pain since and but lottie use as the hay, grair anti speas inprasewothytermns ofsiraw readiiy absorh the foui air, tpeaks iin praiseworeshy im which ls retuî'ned te the system the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , meiiewahrsoe l galu inu the feýrmj of feed to continue to health-Dr. Hali's Rheumatc iidaywak Th veiaor Cue.shouid go frein the Stables up Dr. Fiall's RhenniatieCcure is pttUr n (,le rug terof dacicuato cent bottles, containingiten days' treaùitrna' rnhtmL idacruai For sale Ly ail diug iss and dep'ers in sh-ouid bc brouglit about by iaký,ng riedicine. The Dr. HafliMedcineeCo', Kina .irog bewis ote ell éton. Ont. air .hoightewisttevnil ____________ nira iu siîch a way as Vo produce a diret auppiy cf fresh air, By ar- ~isiuii ~ranfging these vetilaters ai each CU1C AL VOR PAIISWl e corner cf the building, a i)erfect cir- o ulaiioîa may bcesffected. I know cf N N -%11o1cases cf turbrciosis whereth H 'AMediclne Chest lIn tzem sbleshve a gaac.d circuain o Simple, gafe and Qulck cure jm good whoiesomse air and bave neo lCa PS'DiA 14GEA'coUCH3F knîOwiedge of wcny aniimals thaï, are CLUS, RIHEU7-MATîl, kePt i, cpm sheds ever being- afflict-. fý -'1 1iL cd 7Lh this dîsease. Warmthila uit 2 a n 10 e nt BOS t. letIc grea lcat essentil ta, c emj,f rt1 25 nd 0 outBotlo~ ~ and health. Exerciýein tho) son wîth1 NEWARE 0F INUTAT MIS. ia elLndreaeî h au Bu- oityThEosulse. racîng aijmovsphers la productive of BU~Y DAVHEGE eb Covi wnauisi have IL anrd plienty cf it or ,sha wii net do ber besi as a ýheaiihy mnilsý proalmecor and lber con- ditien wiilsuocn break because cf in- à ~ac i,n. 'Thik; la e subjeci -which muai b oc aidered vital te every milk pro ducer, as ne, miik, eau be a lhealitul S AVNf ood that cornes ïrouariseased cw or less extent if tbsy are not furul- shed with porc ail aeid prupe. exer- cc.The sltrong and rcbust do ilot becromane soby idlenness. Oarr.'oà naiure's plans; give plenly. - f su- light and air, pureo and bracing, wi Ln moderate exorcIse Vo bring'îles vari- eus fuuctious into active pLay and yelu wili kili the discase you have beauuuai, The oid reilable remedy for Spanfr, 5îgbona, SPRE 4IING MAIs VRE ON 5NOW. Spants, tarbs and ailf orms of Lamenes,. il curas wiihout a blemieli beeausae, t dois flot blîter. An early and heavy tsnow fail, Nh r Outae, ,., Fol, 10,'98. nca.Itadatco ' whîis ieudieg te dlinlish naturel I~~~~~~~~~~~0Se haOamr lScetr;.itl neerl ii5ht lse f Plant fced, is apita favor, Ihas- e aC- a ri et f fb.è Ye-8e t.àdflge ih y.., a rt KI.àelaiB.41: ery eei.glaenIy oa-e -d th-a apVîy!.ag afi'ial lisses. It la apt te deter orip iaCure s og icshes, Ieilltb'he SrthuK aalapaslatracenültra Bst, ee She faner freým baulineg eut Lis stbl.te, RS ArTHîta. >manrure supply, Toua uany farmiers p'rie *1, Six far $6. As a liniment for faelly;usa it h aid Vo the nistak-en notion- thai hae no eïual. Aek your d.reggist for SfeËd9t'o tlpauv, a fre,oradser'alo -A Treaîeon theOtlore,ee spreading manïure- upon thc snow is DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURO IFALLS, M(T a wasteful practice, that mueh cf its value is IGst by leachinîg and by A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Véry valuable Remedy ini al affections of the THROAT or LUNGS~ L a r g e B o 1e s 2 c - .o f P 1i'e D ý s p an il le STRONG ANDVIGOROUS.i Every Organ-of the, Body Toned Up and Invigorated by runmng off ef the surfa.e luinLsh spriag. Th ýà point Vo darkened snavis te discolcrsd waters sud tc gresuer mcadoweataithe base of he hiilî,sides as preef cf these leasses. Il la prebebly truc tJihat soe-o s ce- cura nutVIls aay but ieqs ËbLeu le usuaily suppesed. Theosel asIc are fmightsned by ibis, hoavever, shorold study tIe Lare basses, shoulti know that, as ordinariiy kepi, maîlure, dete- ioma les marc in the barn celiar or fin the manure heap tan if doesa lu tbe field; ihat il la better for inannure te leach ou the sou lit is aeantto fertilize tilinluproximaity tothîe hem afnd île family vieil; tLat t aili fer- I nara less ouldeors ihan it aili in- dconna; 1sf, in short, experninent sud experisuce alike shcav that tLe houa- îng cf manulu nIte ainter for sprnig h-euiing La seidein-P beiter andi geneealy womis than spreadng t up- onu tIe gnovi as fast as il is matie. Sne" will be lbat if nprtad; mors, howevec, wil L e lbai if kepît ai îLe barin; andtihes spri*ng's wark aili br- jus se muecLh the furiber hehîfnti. Expsnimernut iatiaru bulletins preachi S VIls dî0ctrie, instituts speakers pro-. - ~pcn i t, sîntifermiera are, ysaniy prae- Uia- t Lmors axbensively. h la iste I i ne dem ncion snd the, rigLI ene. The' ainter ma'nurng cf a shoep sidehil mny not ho ativiscîble; but moderae elopes or level pieces cf noi toc ieachy landi may Le safeiy fertililzrd aoey day Mr. F. W. Mayers King St. E., Berlin, l lsya xeiS.dys Qui,, says- "I arîfiereti for five years Wmih palpitation, sbortness of breaih, CAUSES OF TAINTED MILK. ialeissneas sud pain l ic he eart, Lut Snu ocf the causse cfttai*niti mîIk onei box cf Milbmîrmas Reari andt Nervi treasing symiîioms. I have not sufferedti er, aahntbcr useti for drinking or the oince taking ibemu, sud novi isep well w;a-s-Liinnrg cf ue sfoui air lu hs anad feel sfrong,'id vme4ros. eov ini rcw uin i îi nu itilbirn e id Nerve Pilla cure00wsaleoros yninti m - freni wesk heani, tirs, lack o c ciauiîunese in milking, 't, or watery bleod. neglsclinig ire air flic miik rapidiy ~esmen~aa diectly afler milkiujg, ack cfeea, -c servantg 1nosi ac i l naae u ui.jtadrutsaraises, mixýpg fresh I ,i aYt,<>QX~t, f __ _____ ___________ __ ____ _______ _______ -I ï2 sad 0caste . ME NU FOR T [IL IENS. Laying hens like a aristy of food,ý mind with a-uf cïitû exercise and gc'c annforiabis quarters wili be nuset bletter cn a varied diet tlhaa on one tua d up of the same, kind cf feed ',aý,h made up cf tbesacme 'Sind cf feed c bmeal. Ilere is a biil cf fare for me' week for n5 hems; Sunday, break- fast, masb; dimner, 1 lb green- cut bmec; ouppý'r, 1 qt wheat; Monday, breakfast, mash; dinner, a litIle wheat scattered lai litter about 10 am.,; sup- per. 1 lb green out bine; Tuesciay, breakfast, anash; dinirier, 1i pr cats scattkred lu litter at "0 am ;supper, 1 q c rackedcocrn; Weasabreak- fa&È, green cut banse; dinner, 1 Pt bariey scaltercd iin litter; aupper, 1 qý. wh<a; Ihorsday, breakfast, mash dinner, buckwhe&t acattered iu lit- ter; supppr, 1 pi cr rcked corn; Fr1- day, breakfast, mash; dinne r, green cnt b us; supper, mixed grain; Satur- day, breakfast, mash,; diner, chip- pr-d argeabes; supper, i qt crackcd cora1. 'To prepare the mash, take equal parts cf bran, gr[u:nd oats aud corn nieai wilih ono..'lhird as mueh ciever, ane large spo2fu of puivcrized char- ocoUase a EtIle sait. Peur boiliig -- *- -r i, --era--letit t-' SiJME WNfEIIJL FEATS. ALIVOS12 INCREDIBLE STORIES 0F DEAD YMEN, The Wtî Saes, Strer a Salp1, Gamible Go Titertt b ieoaIî n.i arriage Cgr ýI k, amialminne.e Tbere smeome than a suggsrrtien cf lies incredible lu atonies of tisaàdmen rinaing races, stesring- a sriip f Dr bun- tireis of vmiles, gamhliug w ith carda, geing thceugb a matri age censmony, andi seau; anti yet thse etideuce on wlk hLb mae siermas are toît isla nf sueh a cbarar'ter thai cunr canuot refuse cretieuce foe at ai 5ii 0 o eimpossible 1til esVan V tws menties ainesa valuahia cup was w'on in a bicy cie race ai Sydney hy a mari wbe wes actuel- ly tie arben bis bicycle flesheti past tLe winning--poai. Ths race took place ai an electnic-l.gbi caruivai in iLs presucýe of 10,000 speciaiers. Dur- ing the lasi lap James Somerville w as ieadîng, andi hi-o aictory was assuradl wieen tvitbin Vsenîy-.îmvs yards cf tLe goal, bLe vise eu te relax Lis Lelti cf ,tlies andîs-hars andti t lose Lis foot- ing on îLe petiale. H estock te Lis 'machins, Lowever, anti amiL frautic cheers wave hsrace by bail a vieles, eniy te pî.tcb heati feremost froni iLs hicycle îLe nexi warr v'rc-. rve THO 5t t t5i marent. Wlien the unhappy min over night. Mix the vegeiabl"- in 1V o Ias picked up Le tees found b3fore feediuig. oLp potao prm es toi ha dead; and in the opiion cf the cabaeh u o ehe etabies, dortors hie must actaally bave riddon aîny .ne cf which wili do for eu et w onLy-five yards of the race afttr '05g. Use cnions spariugiy. Do net life oh.îci departed. mix ruie, a me -Foie sofi, but hase ti Daring, a recent Voyage of the seal- rrumaly. Fead -wbhl ,werm and give ing a chooner Arictis, whsu about a war avle tedrik n celdwsV~ir.hdrd miles frein the Qtaeen Cher- lotte Islauds a masticas sLip whîch UrNC 0\ OROTABLE, VERY IUNCOM- appearsd te have hasu ahandoed hy FOi1T~îBLElirr crw taas sigbted. Xhen the Anse- -Ve erticis' persoua niieni i th 'c tn is drew ucar te her, however, a fig- pany Lf strangers la as dangerons as ure was accu et the wheei asteering tLe teadîug oui thin ice. At e diuîaer dereliût; but as neoean or was re- îLe' w ors discussing au opera, andti turne d teo reps-aicd haîls 'andoffrsc lady turnuîg te lier ueighbcur, said, assstaiace a Lest avas lowered a.d7h, lotidiy:"I tbîik Madame S_- N myîsterious sLip was hoarded. muleh boa cld for bier part, Dont 1V was thon ond that the stoors- you at'res wfiL m0 fi 'er siugiug ila na"whose bandas till ciutcbed the unhearable. iwheei was uci aniy lsad, but Lad cvi- MaLd,,in3 S- --- is sitting oppo aile to 1dc-ntly been yen, said Vhe gentleman, ùoldly. DEAD FOU MANY ýDAXS Amithesislence that foilenwed ibis The ah'p an bieh wes the Gc-uer-ai Siglin, remrk he ad tunedtthesinerho-uaL f rei. San Fraucisco Vo Alaka, teu îr te ldyturedte hsSinerhait cleeî-iy heen abendened hy lber w itir mauy apologie:s. It s tat orrd citi W--, liecrewa; and the captain, finding bis sald, who bas influneued my jutigment; drnth failing, bad laahed hmmsf te Iconernng, oursinling 1 .liVh theoiel and litsrally died at Lis it La lie wbo îs slways writing against os, sVssring bis vessel for bundreda you. ifs uctat Le a naaV dîsagres. tof miles wiib.bands thar held the ahbl- und pedautite persn. - 'wNvIoainluas firina grasp as ohen lied yeunotnetheter tell aIl this te alive. Mr. W--- bînsoîf? Hfe is stniNet Ui g usa ent next to yoe, was tLe cther's caim antiI ln goaRain entr crosebing reply. was the accus eof as strauge andi wsird' a wsddiiigs as t ever besu witnessed. We are jost- as distinct - arns froni r youe, Jew esa, wbo Lad beau alstber in thlought sud feeling as inlu hrntbe&1 c(ied oun ths very eve of lber Wancd ferm; and aers wc nuetse marriage, anti lier frinîsdîcided Chat, curiobusly - efraid of s1tawing our ewu rul spîts cf the întervenîng baud cf persenalities, this wçsuid Le cleariy d b-o hr marrlage must take place appreciated. As' t a, ave strive te that "sho nîmght avoid the dishenour bide our real selve.s under ae îlnak of ef entering the cibor world as5 a coufcrnuty, sud, instead cf sincere- single w eman."1 iy living Dur ovin U lveas, ws ry te The aeddîug csrsmeuy w as accord- i brLrng îhem jute lins with ihose cf ingly pcrf omned ai Vhe. graveside, -and sorne class or party or circle witih weuif was euncladod the body avasl svhictb we are aliid, j1 f . - - -- _ý Nobody knows ail about it; and nothing, now known, will always cure it. Doctors -try Scott's Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by îrn-' perfect digestion of food. You can do the sanie. It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their -taork. If it is,- you will cure it; if not, you wi11 do no harm. The -way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod, Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It neyer does harm. The genuine bas this picture on it. take no other. 4fIUyoü ---lave- not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNSE, Chemigts ccc. oo; al dru~ i CLuXOeU t. lt O the c05 trucd cou ret inmte îhe grave. Meuv slvfauga scenes bats beau -,it- ncased hy thse-rch-partes in ludia whbossl duty fitla to sceetest ail cassai cf plagus are rt'pcnied, but nons atranger fLan met the eyea cf aparty lu a Bombay aubuirb. On euing oesof thes uspecteti heses ths perty qawv a group, of uatives inteni upon a geine of carda. Sons- tbiug lu the appearauce cf oesof the players attracted aitsentien, and a membar oetVhescarch-pariy placed bis baud ou the man's ahoulder. To bis I sumenu th' msaswaysd anti feul I prous upon tLe iloor. Ou examinnatien il oas feundtiba liLe baL hccn deati soeaimo; Lut, lu order r te' avoîd bavin.- Che bouse imarked as plague strinck., bis tr.cnds, on hear-1 iu.g that the c-eerch-party was sp- preaching, baL proppat i hlm upan a chair, placeti a fevi carda lu bis banda, nd uad given hlm ihs appeamunce cf A SHARER IN TREIR GAME. But moe rrmarkabie s5h11 was tLe part avbîcb tlreckford. tLe proprîiorr cf the aaell-knoavn ganhiing bouse cf tas generatrens age, avas matie to play afler Lis death. Wbeu euoe cf Cro-ckfomd's herses, wihw as thL, favorite for tLe Derby,I stas-poiseneti jtîst before tLe race, îLe misf ontune brougbt ou au aitack cf! apc>p]sxy wbich provod fatal 'wîthin forit -eîgbi boums. Hua deaih vies peculîarly tnesleîiui Vo many cf bis fnientis, svho Lad siaked large soins io-n enaiber of bis herses vibic w as ;the favorite for the Oeks, anti shich jwas tiîsquelifisd by bis dsath bei ors iL" day cf lthe race. Unviilling te lose iheir avagers ihey net only suceedet inr keeping Creck- fond's dsath secret, but eciually placed ithe tieti man in a chair bafore -,a. w inde-t, se, that the smowvts rsiumuîug from the race mîght scehlm, andti hai thue anyn ,suspicion of biîs deïltih-mzizh-t-e-void-i id. As,%as auticipatod, 'Mm. ,rockforti's fivyats fi-rai tpas1 ihe poat,' anti as îLe rwds sirsameti home tbey cheeredi n han wnmer hen ihey eaav Lis figureý ai Le îndwneyer dreaming ihaiý is saris wae , deaf te; their chears anti cour~'ftietoos t w-as oniy some years liter iba iLs -.w enîtilearni the, dep ib rtifie that Lad beau play-- PUBLISHEH'S COLURN. SosiE FAOTS S THE PUBLIC SHOULD KNOW. New century's greetinga te ail STAT- ESMAN eaders. We are a fav,)red people-we have llved lu two centuries. Saturtiav last vias a busv day lu TrEE 'aI'ATESMAN office. l'1eW Subscribers cerne lu at a iively rate. Iticreaseti price of paper-now 50 per cent higirer-lessans protit consider- ably. You help the Publisher by psy immg lu atvauce. ('onsitierahie change will Le îotici in tire nalLe pages tiîs week. Reati the sermcmn Subscribes h ave seen vert liiiit duci- ciug lu TîntSTATESCrAN tire. paSi year. Pa oyur subscripiimproumptly sud o cu w ill net Le d unrteti. " Ho-me anti Farm" is a capital littie sein i-mnnth 1 y paper for tires idie readi n z - Pnie 50 cents. Sample, copies w'cre net le our reatiers last week. Here's rur offer :Sr.vIES'[AN, Weekly Gilbe, and iorî anti Fmim" fer 1i, 90 for 82 .Xnýv ther do0ti o- aper înaY Le suiret. cieL for thre Globe. Tire 'Farneers'Ada ocate"of London i8 pot'mlVvt'y tirs Lest farnec's palier in tCanadla. Senti for a free sateple ccpvt ,l. post card vilîl do. $t1 a year. Club bel vii a lTE STATESM.ÀN ai $1.90 Atit Hotus and iFai-ni," Vitis eveta 8-2. Otîr price for VIoc New York "Christ- ian Reraldti 1W Necr is $1 25. We takasubssemiptions for ail news papers snd magazines at club rates. -ý'ee cur club liais. l-'ab-ercibers are taking '-lhe'Porcnte Daily Star lusteati cf 'Toronto anti Monircal weehly iapers. 'We have a splenrdid comin tatiori in Tîma STATrES- MANtan sd Daily îSttar ai $2 50,Tihis is a neideti bat rat, but a greot ubig bar- gain la "Pictumesque Canrada" at 61 more, $3.50. Thre 'Ladies borne Journal" is the queen cf the, wornen'.î îeorithlies. SurO- set iptiena $1 a %cear. Ail ladies like it Agency ai 5-rArESaAN cIlice. Orders taken for 30 0 iffereul news papers anti magazines at thre STATES- irrai office eit loviest prices. G-oaL centure - We geeut yeu. Gm est rush cf job pining et the STATES4MAN(milce. Staff WOrking Oer- timre Votuctioui yen- on thîne.Our prîtîting gises -oodi saîisfaction. Prieus vil-iti W etiuecardq aîî nd rnncag,3 iieeuses a, STATPSî-,IAN cfflte. V"Je 1as a ueo' Wcbster's Iniernatio rial Dictibmîacy (1UnabridLged)price$l2 50 lIai ve cffr'r aI $îo cash,. jPretsec0t aI! ccouîmts againsi ihfi c f- I Castoria is Dr. Samuel Piteher's prescription for Infants ami Chil4ren. Lt contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It is a harmiess substitute for Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is tbirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Yeverishness. Castoria prevents voiniting Sour Ijurd, epures Diarrhoea and Wind Gffle. Glsstorf a relieves Teething troubles, etires Constipation and Fiatltlency. Castoiria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Boweis, givîng healthy and natural sieep. Castorla is the Children's Panacea-the lliother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent miedicinc, for Ilcastoria is se well adapted to children chiltiren. aMotiiers have repeatedly told me that r recommend it as superior ta any pre. of uts good effeet upon their chiltiren." acription known to me.'1 Da. C. C. OSuoGn, Lowel!, Mass. H. A. ARciERa, M. D. Br-ooklync, N. Y. THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF_ APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THIEFCrNcAUR COMPANYs- MURAY STEmET, NEtW YORK CITY. 'f lie everbeSl * lIe ferlhwîith fer settlt'meiit. We have sold piles cf Boots the la-st five or six weeks and bave lots Advertise stock for sale or for service te dispose cf yet, and very eheap-first-class goods at very small Drices. lihis paer. lgoico i omsm Oui carry a good a3sortment cf Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at The pries cf THiï, STATEAN iS $1.00 $1.00. Men's Caîf and Cordovan 13lms, sew-ed and. ri vitted, frein $1.40 only when paiti à? advance ctherwise te $2.50, worth 82.00 10 $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50e, 51 5. -75e, -wýort- 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' te correspond In priceb. ONEd FOR JACK. . We will teli yen what the stock is in each and every pair., The '-t iLs bti e e nfrsot reason We do that is because we know, Latest Spring styles now in ing- a eoiade counifr L 'lraustock in every hune. The public is invited te inspect our stock ; no &aketi eue of thewitnessss, alan a sea- trouble te show goods-we do it with pleasusre. Trunks, Bags, Satehela1s man, whem Le aas for-plaint if f or Shawl Straps, fanexý and plain ; Dresaing, the very besî that eb defeudani. 0O1bouight. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots W ta - Plaîntijf or defandant1 says Jmck,1 ed tb. gîving bis broesa a Liich, shiver me,i Repairing done iu ail its branches iu first-class style. Fine ef if 1 knew lwbat ye mean. 1Ircime ter made to order, sure fit or no sale. 'Thanking my customerrs for past aay sunimat fer that ther-pointing favors and hopî,ng for a coutinnance cf tne Lame. You'rs a pretty feilow for a -ta itness, said the' counsa'i, net te kneav what -ý plaîiiff er defoudant meaus1 Beaver Block. Bowmanville. Snom' lime afier, heing ssked b h same eounsel1 wbat pari of theo sLip ho w a,- in et the tino, les repiieti, Ahafti Atah bcbmco eeaied cun ' t r , îLe the acle.s balLpat H ne ne w bat part of theshi slaîp 7LV 1e; , aton û4al b 11e, La!I cbuckled Jack, yeu're a nice feiler fora recansellor, net te know w bers. aLa.V rhc hinnacli Li --------We "Hold a vaster stock than has been," and are as usual prepared No oescen ever uouranb wuthin hlm- te give bargains in (Iothing, Dry G oods, (iroceries and Eardware. self a genereus spirit who refusas io1 els ltig performu the offices cf generosityGe t'C o il . tnSitie ny e ly n I -ahl Nr Geod Tweed Suits te order $8.00. Good Serge Suits te order $,0 wiltIOGti periiin fuafiuiing thsm We have a very large and welI assorted stock te se'ect frein, in Serýges. a gadai e-Worsteds and Tweeds, iDoth Foreignanad Domestie ma -fc e~ We spoae unin is own spirit of goedwril and friendliness. Exposure ta cold and damp atmnos. phere and sudden changes in the weath- er clome the pores of the skiai and th!% throw s the waste matter which should iescape through the skin back on the kldreys. The effect upon these over- burdened organge is whiat in known as "cold on the kidneys," which usuaiiy develops Into regular kidney disease or Bright's disease. The earliest symptoins of alling kid- neys are backa'ije, painful and sca1d- Ing sensations when passlng water and depeaits in the urine. Iînmnediately on: the appearance of any of these indica- tions resort should be ruade to Dr.- Chases Kidney-Liver Pills, which wili In a surprisingly short Urne set the kidneys and bowuels in order and in- sure the return of health. Dr. ('hase's Iidrey-lilver Pills can be absolutely reiled upon as a cure foi every formi of kidney and liver derange- mnent. Oue pili a do"e 25 cents a box. Dr. u-CLC, So-~mpon Is successfuliy used monthiy by over 10,000 badies. Safe, effectuai. Ladies ask your druggist for Co9k s Cotton Rosi Con- Pound. Take no other as ail Mxtures, pils and imitations are dangerous. Prise, No. 1, $1pe bo0xý No. 2, 10 dagrees stronger, se per box. Nor Ior 2,maiieden receipt cse and two -cent stamps, The Cook CoVa y Windsor, Ont. SWNos. 1 and 2 soïd anct recommended by &Il responsibie Druggists in Canada. Y; anti 2 sold ini Bewmanvilla OyHoso i 55 5 'T. ror& JUaxY; Qrono y J. Gî ~stieby DR . F paciE. are bouud to SUIT ou. Groceries and Hardware. Iu our Grocery and Hardware Departinenis you wilI find our stock well assort.-d, bought in the best markets at the ebosest prices, aud xil be seid at the riglit price. Some people want quantîty others quftlity we eau please both. ilighest price paid iu cash for produce. Give us a eaul. HAMPTON. In the Olutch 0f Consumption. 'a 't Hurt The pain, nausea and G tress thiat Dyspe-ptîes suffeýr after every meal t ,-an ail beý permaniently removc'd by Bur-. dock Biood Bitters. J - h tories Up anid restores the stom-ach to normai condition so Don't negileet that pereictent haciting îb at it dicoests food wit cowoah rilA'-on ied ycurself in the cluteir cf ccnii coutan. Its atm easy matter te stop causi ng discomfoit. it now by aking H r' ro oi*e -R. OWS 1MW Y-Pfi SYUP. Misa Maggie Spînde, Daileusie., Thais pleasant cen.edy Liais and soothes wroie tLe foiioviing: Ibv the lunigs anti broncbial tubes, anti curas .suifer-er froue Liver cemplaint cedy lingecing anti chronie coughs when ether pepsia for iLe peet twoyasai c neies fail. -îery inisarabie. I couid n t Va l ie ý Ont., sys : Ilboîîestly believe 1 vould saiti, ' Wby tion'i yen try B. B. f3.' 1 d have dicti cf censunîption only for Dr. go, 1 ing twoboles, which matile ,et Wuod's Norway PiieSyî op. I bave used complet cure ta I can r om se it foc yen ce anti consitier it Las tna equali tilicîg 1 ike without it canalug me jdiseii for s4vîsrti coilodlen troat troubles."j fort." 14

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