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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1901, p. 7

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oîgea tioul, 1hu111r. ,Vil!aniile. 25 iifl* MAISS LEVA LLU i' RELL Je ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ý"i prprdtgv eso&o ra nd piano DUMSSý ETUEL MORRIS, IvST. Instructions given lu PAINTING t) Oil, "I\te-r Cior and China. Sketching andO paltinig from nature. KILN on premises, ir- ring at isaa pries, 51.6mn. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, M E11B4EO2 COLTýEGEO1t PIYSICIANS nd Surgeons, OntarioCoroner, etc, Riesidence. Eniakillen. 74 .R. MeLAUGHLIN, BerriGter, Holicitor and Conveyancer. Office- lil6-kffey Bfloek, 1 ing street, Bowmanville. Iloney ta bacn et reasonable, rates. 1 48-lyr, -XO13PRT YOUNG, V. S. EN WEST DURHAM NEWS ~JBloek, w here himeseli' or his assistant wtli te fotid fro Sa,ýýi. m. te 9 p. m. Nîght calie at reeneireetly opposite Dril Shed. Calis by leeiao e lehn iircie rop aï ÀLAI 1 WOVý7RK.--Ladfe3 wishine-' haIr East and Cor Af Ontario St Bowrnanviiie. 34 if ýjIARRI.AG'E LJCENSES,-M. A. à.X AmES, Issuer of' Mearriage Licenses. ieience: Centre street, DR. J. S. SOMlERS, DENIT, RA DU ATE OF THE ROYAL COLL EGE of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Crowvn and ~Brlge ;r%' specialty. OFFICIt:-Cor. ÉDlman] Yopgp-Streets, Toronto. 16 -if. SIMPSON,& BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. P. BLAIR, Barrlsters, Solîecrs, Notaries, etc., Morris' 9 locIr. up stairs, King Street, Hon manville. Sol1itore for the Ontario Bank. Private monry ioaned et lowest rates »R. .1. COLVILLE, G RADU A TE OF TORONTO UNI'VERSITY Gand Trinity University, Oiche: Silver St I ght celas iwered fi om residence of Mr ., DENTISTRY. G.C. \NCSLL.O. S., . &S, Nonor Gi; t, lu Det,.tistry of Toronto Umi- veraity. 'iE:Oe Couech, Jolinston and Orydrm~ntsstoe. Bw mnvîle, 18-lyr. R ARRI[STERl,7OLICJTOII,NOTARY Publ ýi Covyancer. Money, Private and Iopaî . ud te tend at iowest corrent rates ~FFICER in St., opposite Dr. Harinden's )ental Ilooms , tlowm anviiie. 13-6m, (lTO LEND t e ecuti' Ily t - dertp rates- ýetutrest, Gent~en sClothes made to Order., k\ TSTS WiU. at Blackstock on the flrst Mo"ly meh month, at Orono from - ,2 p. ra and ât Newcastle !to 5.30 p. ti. on the second j of each month, Ici:-TemperauÏe St., Bowmaan- r ! r lf ligginbotham's drug store. 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. (kradate aof the Royal College aof Dental Sui geons, Ontario OFPICE.-Opposite Express Office. VITALIZED AIR ONTARIO BAMNK itine do a Generai Banking Business ai 9omnlie AgenoCy. DEPOSITS ieceivsd ili SavýingA Bankt Depariment and ae et alio eda urrent rates3. Notice of Ci ltbdwa neecessary. Alildeposits payable L -CHANGE guugbt and eo.- iandDrafts lisued n pon Europe UnltedSt sate ai anl Caitada, aiseo old, Silver anâ '~tlt5 Sete Geenba4c(ks bought and soid 4irtWCOLLECTIONS mae i ureîtrae upon ail parts 4~ ret Brîtain, the United States and the Do. "nsln f Canada. Telegraph Transfers 9tmc:toilai-,or ai- s uai s on ail parts of 'osde.Thi l spclaiyad antageous telier- 'vs i-viig ilu !andtobanor the Nui 1h-W'est, h ., ee hefnd vlbi t once ai the place P1Pt pement. Fer ther oarticulare ceali antthe bank. A. J. MCLIAN,,.ai, GEO. McGILL, AccontanManager __ cn a-t Îa L-UTTRELL'S, Ms J11.EBIRDS 0F 1THE BIBLE r0fll05* 'hL~etehdletet ITells the story. When H omead aches, and Yeu feel billons, cosil- pa ted, and out of tune, wlih your cvrto The Rev. Dr. Tainiage Speaks to the tmc ofradn peiA l3 odegsatselh Tetet.ti heuto r sioac aor ad lOapptîe, etGOOD JEECIPES. years of experience ; i vitalizes the systemi eqitalizos circula- boy a package of!in eoe i bý... . é îer NtaPt ri7n nanlld recogn zed as aspeedy and praen uefor Varicocele and New lNlem bers. od's ~~j f~ sancepari, a pound of out sugar, n wo kie r]oaoftm New emb rs. ý I, 1ý 1 ý1-ý1,, ,wory coditon, lsothestricture, stops the smartngesensation, Andtae doe rei to4 ile. a cp o cold waier. Stur uritil i unnatural dîscliarge, tbereby strengthenlig the parts as weil as Yeu w Il be aerprieed at how eaasiiy rexiches Uic boîliag point,;cok onti 1 hbac drso ediyeslos es Ifune ttoog A despatch froni Washington says.- Agan These eciuls, ite doveg, fly they will do their work, cure yoor haire; formi whea dipping a fort inao eradicaies the poison frorn the systein; if yen bave sore throai. -11ev. Dr. Talmage preacbed frani thehorne. Mo&t of the winged denizens headache and biliousness, rous e eLýhon 'oionu rilmye]te us illngluncs, hihr liouht fibowing text: "Who are these that ,have no homne; 'nowi they arc nt the liver and make yen feel happy again. otc on body ltching ain, or other signe of th!@ awfui dis- S255 cents. Sold by aiimedîcinedeaa can be rolted in a sof t bail it is donc ee, yen ivill flnà the Lateat Metiod Treaimen.t will cure yoo ' fly as a el'oud, and as the doves ta rionrth, and now at the souili, as the take off the fire and pour into bowl. wiaterryoPtsiu.DR. O BEG thefîr wînuows. -Isýaian lx. 8. cilimate indicates. Tbis yeux a niesti Do not stir, and set carefully fin a cold ~~~DSOEtR0 Wbier persans apply for mnember- une trec; next year a rosi ii arother place untit it fis at such a temperature IaL m IfLTELTRET METOD ship int any isociety, the question le ires. The golden oriole remains but thai the inger cari be dipped imb iti 1. Dr. Goldberg has 1SDilxpomas, Cerlidclates and Licerises,which aske, "'ho ae tey, nd weredo tree ente ofthe aartri ermayof sin-they wandercd near 'htb- a iit ' esufficieni gurarante as te bis standing and abilities. the corn rni ?" aad s hs mudothrandfsthngs.the lrian e o1f tot unig;batwll ha 2 Each tirne yeaali yau sec Dr. Goldberg personaily, while all other Chronie, Pri- th--r dangr-thy chn-d thiassistant tedoctoryau, titude of people to-day preseat thern- waly cross the ucean ta finad rest thf da'r-ey hundthr knead thoroughly. If boîled ico muci,' 3. The Lateîut Jethofi Treataienit dincovered by Dr. Goldbcrg ia recognized asitte covre o. hewinde os, I nx eost speedy adpermanenticure for Biood PioChronie, Private, NerusDbly we shouid ast "'Wlho are these thaý heroni, thc goidfitnch, and the grass- a -ýwnow. oi be right; ilflnot cooked ta the 4- Our reco2dhsow more actuai cures tban al othr peciaiss combined. ceneasdoes t îha'crwindows :" bxkare niigeratory. The BDoit xvtfteangroat fiick îhýs day i 5. We accept no incurable case for treetmeît. creasdv, ocranies proper point, -boit again, adding a 6. We are the only doctos of aur spccialty wvho are willing te waii for the pay unl They are captives whoseechains have cati each other together .severa1 days c imn"s tr.i he dove-cot of meýrcy, the i' u sould h, 'e youareconvincedthata conîplete cure bas been establieghed. If you doobi ittryus ]ý'tl- ate. nus sr V and se. Callgr write for hlank for home trealmeni. Bookfree. Ibeen broken; they are soidiers who bJoýfre goi'ng, choose their leadera-'largei nfluet are gceg theoathrWi. eealayshld. [keapc Hus9m.tSpmSnaylamtop. hv nildfrtit er'war. range themseives fin twe uines, form- lb is n v.'cy en'-y thing te tam" edives. of the sugar-pasie and wort iintii it l 291 WJOODWVARD AVE., They are heirsi of hcaven. mgr an angle, and are gone. Bot tlic Go iout w iiit a bsndfl of coca ta o ue!ia, inpeau bits tof BTOTMOH Thy ere s ovs a h wndws pgens alue t f te jeisu-feed 'rh' týigcans, andthynlfy uiioa. bsviiefodcryni i bouir n orhn elcoes cflateon. press______the_______________________________________ firsi, because tey fly 10w. The cagle me"r, and winer, and aiways, baveai a1 in' are te. Gd od asLe hes n andy-Dlss cnfcton. w ccp ___________________________________ dlarts up as if ta stritefis beak inito bhorne fin the dove-cot. And se Christ- who larz b'fare mc w-'t"t"he finest fuis of gt'anlated sugar in a veryl----- the ýsua. Theire are birdsi that seem is tthe m" af hase whe corne tohim. o h eanua etynbv foniîî rir oi lwyunlalte tu dweli under the cave s ai beavea; 1He te a warm borne; they rcst uinder frour, bita ail yuur lives long. You xii arden when dropped fn cold wa- lc the sty, so tari off that you cannot Christ tells us that chiokens find nrot IE K * E U E I A iri a rncdfi-iot aven uila lughti browwn and done, whicn wtfI afetiota___________________________________ lg akts aremiaules; huascta kin ienimpact bie final high politsbtoexin- fruit, sucb as appies, figs, tdates and iy neetile into tic centre i f theta;.1fif dows ant i mrrars. ,Tbey may alse be (tuera yen may fency. Tien with a ou ticnleetite carnes ott ean, tic cakes uset in10packiag chbina and glassxvaee, -bit of obtton dipped inao coobineat or it are donc; if any tiaugi a lire, tic rat iorgettîng tint if woohen gootis are aiber coioriag, tint ans sitie ta imitate iebatîng mnust be continue(i s as wrappet inj newspper the -pesty lit 'b>fut hs aepidosads ts tlic cakes! are donc, remove tîcmta le mtis null fught sby of tint parti- wiîb green teaves, mingièti so as ta jt fromn aven; tinsi a pasîry boarti xitb culer package. Maay a case af pneu- mate n beaubiful pic1-ure. [powtieeed augar, tr cakes eut oh monta a mgbt be avoidet ifi severai Tie Geemans excel tnalal tirits of confections, wiich tbey prefer ta lis pans upside daxxn 1an board -ati let tiictresses of paper xxcrc laid over tbc candy, as,,bcînzrmuci maore bealtbful stad iil ool latri man lime pre- cbh,,t anid acrasa h, beet before von- for bbc youtbful atamach. parc lie fiitfg as follows. Place a turing oui of doors ti co Id weaiber, srnaIl saucepan aver bie Lire with anc whfie layers ai ticsane thtrg wiîl DRY-SS EOOY leaspaunfuf butter anti add yots af 1'tate bbc place ai w etier stipa if Jackt Buy the is maîcrîis you cari eL.t« ibree ggs, anc teasptionfut Ictatir Frost catches us unan ares, and or fard. juice antia-autile gratcd nit i eDr_ tentierest plants may resi seccure under Aira-ntibrii.cci-grexlefe ce ange; set saucepan ti a vessel aitcf e rtheit gwn.enci xearîng. baîling xvoier anti' atir thie contents In th ic cit eorn a pati of nexvs- Neyer usc pins tn lieu of boots anti .y till bbey iiiicten ; remave frein ire, pape rs te a great protection ta bcd- ysadbto. d andi nien cool atidonue-hiall cuplui ding and a greai savîng tae eurLi. syseardbto nds. s'%ýjilin sugar; tien Iay are layer of cake, itresis. These may bc matie as tie as batQM-sdE-u-Purieap uad --sprca -L- - wit Iy avec the oranîge mixture: 1y ev tr-he Iftiesired, covered on theupipe'side - - - Env ceady-madA feet for tockin STARTLING FAOTS FOR DISEASED VlCTIMS. CgrURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAYI YUVf U ?9 n nsaddspndn;weak or dtihlitt, irdmrig;n m ARE "'? tisecems,;a adlooking; mek h;ba npan:ailas;ucr;orihet vse;rot eceteaî uieanti drain s at st pol; t lrsttul; want of confidence 1 laoko eriergy aud sirengti - W-- CA N 0CURE YO U sI RESTORED TO MA NHOOO BY DRS. K. c% K, JOHN A. lIANLIN. JOlHN Â. ALIIN. CHAS. PO-WERS. CHAS. POW3,R&S Z"arax laAMT.AF'ç aRas IEATMENT. nEyeRa TRZAT5IENT. AÀL LR aTIMÂET.T f40 NAMES ORI TESTIMONIIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT, John A. Manuin eys: 1:wa anseai' the cont leEs vie.. IVARICOCELE htiso a n'crlyigoa" ecomneed at 15 years ai' cge. 1 1 rjeti soeeamedicral flirme ariamnd speot $900 vîthout aveuI.- E MISSIONS Atit> igave np ta despair. The drains on my Wy-1a - weakeniag my int ellect as weIl as mny sexul a pyseta I MPOTENCY life. My brotcer adcliseti me as a lasi re t ite carient D.-.Kenndy&ergn.IcomenedhosorNew Meihod C UR ED, Treateceni anti in a few weeke vas a new mane, witi ne-w ie anti ambiion. This was four years aga, anid naw 1 arc umarrieti anti happy. I recommegWtd les. relable. speciaigtte ail unr nilicd feilovuien."0 CURES GUARANTERD OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. "Thictes ai' carir icyhene laid the foandation cof my roba. Later on a »"gay lifc" fc O expesure ta blond di- yp li, mi ssi r cesses coutpleted tic wreclk, I hati ail tie symptems r Yh cf msso Nervans Oebiiity-iunkc:n syes, ernissiane, drl aincinei-! a nervoueness, vent b'ck, ec. Syphilis causetimyhairto V arîcocaîo Cured. faîl out, bouc pains, utcrs in menti arnl on teegne, ibotehes on body, etc. 1 ihank Goti I triet Drs. Ket)uetiy &X lergan. They resioreti me teheati, vigor aid happiriese."l CHAS. POWERS. lR'-W We' treat and cure Varictuceld, Einissions, Nep'vous Diiiy Semi, P- 'ekness, G/et, Sitictue'e, Syýhiîis, Unnatural Discharges, S/iAbî-- Z<idney and Biadder.Diseases. _____ 17 YEARSI[N DETRlOIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK.ý R EADE R Ar yena vcthu? Iitveou lst ope? Are yen conteun1ýainymer. READE ! rrneelaHas yen,' Bloodeond dIsased ? Have ynuany veakIrase 112r New Methoti Treatuien ialil cuen, -o Wbat it bas donc for Suers it wili do fr Yn, CONSULTATION FRIEE. Neon'stter who hait treatid yon, write for ne honeet onioEs of Charge. Charges reasenable. BOOKS FREE - "The Golden lllenitor" (lllustraied), One Disaaof Mon'. Inclose potage, i cents.ieleti. 820rNO NAMESU SED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE. No m(edicine c nt C. 0.., No flares on boxes or enuvel-r, opes. EverythIng canfîiorntiai. Question list ancd coet of Treat- mnent, FREt,_____ KERGANo.148 SHELBV 8ST, ORSiKENNOY KERANIDETRITMICH. guesis the style 'ef thete plumage or I&a xvrier place un-der the wing of ohin----------- notq 1-'i P ou a r îint o a we11 t radt i n aue the shape -of their bodies. They fLienthie beni than we if, himr. hnBe aris a sale inllsqars wnys striv Inlathc murningu-, afic akdepyit aaisuae bf se ar away thbat if the hunter's gun home; aur fortunesî may ge doxxn ton a v pagyn hv ee u n arsb iaxyCnde ae istoa be dLimhawged et thoxu tbuy du iýttd -greoabel.owzero, the sniows of seautt th rie dead on the snaw; se, folows: mlilo adpoundroeUicdeas i change their course. Not sa with troubl-e ma-y failthebwinds of perse- 'afier awhulc, Gro-dIs racrc.y ofithceuse deves or pigeons; they neyer take aay cu[ol may howl, the' jactais aif deatb aniit, crt elbaavrd ih.guni- araic in a pin a wteofiri high exursians. Ibey fly around yourf may se ait forth-al is well, for th.,mitureand ddjeîfsapound of roand atîgba on bbe fence, anid seem "great peace bave tiey whe trust in 'i- ale icos h cise n gar; cook it a fexv minutes o tu rothe. sterni. liai staîrni is coming. 1fi as you do a fondant, by rullirg a 1 te, dislike great altitudes. Sa ihese Ged." Frein tis home w' shah twl uvrt'msic nd-t rpbxentelngr fe i seuls, wbo came ta Christ anid ta bis river bc driven eut. The sheriff 11 wîdief t he white reefeý ofpt ietawar. Wccldi Church to-day, fly taxi. They ast no nîay sett us eut of eure e'îrihiy heuse, pjtemlawer Wencodi humbe n bb lies ay urafi owa ordeath evcry cargo ofAin. The cedars sbauld forta a paste af the cariis gret tiae; ieystck nof 'tic mýýuntain ilitisplifinfathe hbut- teacy of the commun mrashrnaiiow.1 place ai t th feet ai Christ. They are tbe winids carry fi away, but that ricane, and bbù sad ina net asharncd ta b-, cat]ed heggars for hoe shal lwnhýys he ours. rve o-tfthaei pces, sud thbe Wben it- bas reachcd ihis point pour meecy; they are svflling te get down Again: Tiese seuls to-day. gaîhier- f twi xr i eac iuco continents chalIt fa' ent asuier, and fo>ur eggs. Dlusi square bisucuit-tina on iheir taces, and ta craîvi under fng for membershfp, arc lite duveua, t i hen Iwspheres 1shatt w'hirl like a with paxvdered starch aud pour tice the table, and t-o pick up tic crumibe i cause they cerneinfaliocts. 'he l i'fcyc itdy i et nt i ei fhî-ni ai Gospel prevision. There werc daya bcxuzacd, xxfth drfpptrîg beat, fiut- Piuian wl 3based n h ýrae hm i il-icas wh-enthcy were proud and puctilfous, Itecîng up fronthtic carrion, le atone. l'ess e'frgib1ic"- tmdstienaePwt ir ar cI and- inexorable, and pufledi up; but Yen eoccasionaily lotk up against t' he ' ýcliue ja an a'vaiaache of terroýr. iheta cool. Tieyshould be saien tresi. i net aow. The iighest tirone cf eacih ,vinÈry ety, and sec a solfirary bird -qh ýdcad shali cash forth froin thc Faîmerty thaeo candies wcrc made c-ouid n'aI icrpi Mary away feorn wingîei.g peet. Bait doves or pigeons CplheSescwhtsbctaiIontemulgmranaew r Jesus's Laet. Stoop, ci pardonedi seul, are tin ocs;by' scores and huadrcds tee-, and ali t, tics' n'h desp;sa Ced Alibea aftiinalis, heure iheir naine.i if thon xvauidst enter heavea. A high de liey i ly. Ycu hear the loud whir 511 'LL JORRIBLY PErJ'isiH. Quick Mince Pie-Haii cap aifh inely lent and a prend heari God hates. Fly cf ibeir winigs as ihey pass. So ta,- No, do yotU suppose lthiiit1 can cbopped. culd cüokedi beef,an api low. IL is a rneccy tint thon caret day w3 sec a great, 11-t cemlagig fa t ýanl hero and taew thai that day; chopped fine, quarter of a cup cf rais- fly*tail. Rernemba-r al! bbc years cf th-- îgdrn. ifs rot a sueaggler, -les cum1ng ivit!hgut ficltiag yen about intr. Quarter of a cup of washed Or- iay sin: thy danys of youthiu'i wnnder- îryinpig i catch up with his reginieetlM ateelgpa- itn atiatbepofl sgr ing; thy days cf manbaad iransgees- LI f5a solid pbaienx, t t ?-Ny b' at roes. WTJlat -"If, niersait-spoon 0f aIt, sait-fsof aicime. sien tb sin-dak beodsg, eat- TAI'N IR KI'GD , 1iget up La tic rcsurreoin day, I mari, sait-spaun af ginger, tic gratcd iusn aano hy seul, agninat Lt is n,i a dop- ou your band or ii r scyncsha Imcate indi and juice of bal a lemo, halL tby Bible, againsi tby Ced, 1cheekt h'it teaves youe indoabi ticfudlotie aiutic ccrnc ty e ar ear ofaier It Le an offendcd God, oeioee xvhernwb'rher firaie, orneut, Lbut therush telsoufy 'tiyedidinry nd ot te Orange Layer Cake- One-halL cup-f tboucomct. Thon deservesi bis wrîtb. ofl-anunamistatable sbower. Ihiste ui butter, anc cupfui paix dered sugne, He sattredtheonehunre( an' nL th rakiig u, o, te geanngsof tibis? 'If il h-id not beea cryaur anc-hait cupiol tatît, whîtes cf tires Be~~~~~~~~~ scteb i u ude îdrut ltihe, ong p- oItic gulseniigs -neolect, I should havr e hen c)'n the n n-aLcpasfo eîghiy-iivc thousarid of S-nachrfb's but th- toîsin1g p cI tic mI siacaves,"eggs, oa e tlfcpflsflu hast fa a rugit. hotic rnemw-"ais doveA, ta ibeir w- r,)asïe wn- - onysif fer --o Vnkî. trie n dows" ar ni age se tif "alys yen orequcha e u-wl fac b Le tapowder and graicd rînd or anc-halL Be~~~~~~ xxiii E kB tellSM 'nleilyowo farhaelT iUA to orange; stiebutteransga vi- e iljîîdge tic nations. "Holy, hl lc.Soeeof lient ca andsi- a sug aar, s, n un re yu;n, ad hll? sal a o-ug mn, s, n Sun-your right iand tu a tigit white creai is icLor Cd Amihhy" ew th ir~tus sene- dyanhw',reubaek, i- dashed past a ,and add th~eg gratea Orange rind; i Xgan:Thsepesas tîcenete x'iig f 1 f-yfle ictigdin gced Christianade'tcori. At the nexibeau hewitsto asiff fraliandý dayî are like dotes on ibeir way toeic f thei are old, and tudr wings bave boLira ta tic road1 1ýh'ohrse threw ticei add, aiteeoatclyxiii tie sfLicd floue dave-cot,, hecause tbey iiy fer sheiter. bacan torn witb abat and ruiiicd xiii'Goin rdr n 'w'sda.B Tic elh-trots mates a ibrone af tic tic tempest, andti iey batialmosi ' anitd te knoxv bew fer tiwas ho and rlta elabe tîtnsandbut teps; h eaul i heir grand- drOpped fnto thie son. Sonie nr hern thwde tarjtycaftisaiids tempet; ic saguls Litihbll, andi Leuid out xxthouiticdc-wîiihur; put an equel portion of est ftalie ýin ,tic sbrt-their rmej iosihave b8eta matinîg a vey crooteti-ao' t1iigLia a-te baýtieL oaoc bou scta t h tit riwhti becourse. They dipped ibeir wfings in ISo ihian art mounted aon a swif esx'cay xvttb a broad-bladed truce ,sort ai tie sea pile,4 mosu bigi. Nol.5 - s-siei .heehai. lriî,f,, r' ioe ,wae ni aett1clo noriheaster they ty i-o ;tbe ccap, Eagie canteri-s xiii ongle ti midair,l and, vutture ligits vuIture an ticý buteurot' ihi caca as, but doves, ,ai the first da sh af tic bird of prey, spect for sheiter iront Lîcry oye, and iron' beat, anti loatislame talan. Se ta- day tisse sauls -ceeree for sheiter, Evcryane bas a beseting s-a ; tiaI sti Lis -aivays ufien yau. Wbcrever ycu! go, sia gues: wh'eree yen say, sini sîsys. Yîou have xaicbed tie bawkti abcvve; tic barn-yard; it seils urounndf andi around laveerflic braod ai chicteris -araound anti aroandnroxv elîosu awn I to tihfotk, lien beetk again, unti ai lastitf dra-ps anti seizes ils pcey. Tieroi dove, andîthtit is tic. reasca tiattîheo doves, corne ta-day .ïa tic windows__ ticyl n antshelter in uic grace aifCuti andtintaChristian associati-s. Ticy prayers:, itit me bave them;, if there be1 any virtue ini gcYd ceunsets, give tbemI tiq mce; if there be aaytbiug cic-atiag ti Christian asso 'faticras, Let me feet I ticir fniuance. '"W bec-e lieu dxcl est I, w fît ldw cil. loy people shail be rnýî people, tby Cati my Ced." Openi yaur ticets, oh Ciorci 9f Cad, aed fet! thcrn came iri "as tioves tla heu o fa- tiow." Christ t5 tic anty sieter af tic sant ia trouble. What Icianl'au de iwîith- oct hiirn iven sa roxv cernes i Perbaps ai fîrst yau Late vaiecian ce quiet j aur Pain back of your eyes P Heavy pressure in your head? And are 6 'you sometimes faint süd c 1,dizzyP Is your tongue coated ? Bad taste ln1 your mouth ? And cleS orfood distress youP Are you nervous and Ir- ritable? Do you ofien have-the lues? And are you fr0oubled about 8leep" inK? rsut there is 'a cure. TI- h old reliabie They act directly on BOWmarîiivile,>,uo.hgood liread spiriteS: but have yan iouind thelivr. TeW u- acd iluw andJPies, an a ic metif-cines o hscl y osiainbîose Cake, a'~- Prîap tr ti St~i 1 tsi ýAhCkhea,,dache, nausei enL an.d dyspepsia. Take --~~~~~~~~~~~ XAirghSrhdntttio ieroe-ratî a-i hcrec '- îaxbive dose each nigi me anv mor0le. Tt Wil 110 minig oaithie ciai-reota, yi auvaer!0yas er h doubt be tiec best plan for sa>ught relif. Thifs wintbas n have b0 en y thena the sme ayn. beata for a -w'ouatieti seul, ,noebiher - have bey PthS. a A ex L ttel uL-ra irnisetispirit. Tie cl ion ti brîce 25 ceaie, AI! Druglts. Aie.Ltrl.tmnai tittih n-e, iiexvrth, anti Sii " bae tkenAyer's Pii rec5 titi Conleiarer, Bu wmnanvillex salxvîe nisnta is ariy forsx MwW e.Tb ha, eque ,r cuecdmcau!cvwuebeadac si -~ anti xmen, and ti xaslwa b e Ieau cnewwnlk frein tise tefoi miles ithut eltrgtired or o nomsl xvrataset lw a1 ssWsci1it a0bat, c n smhin I ha TEDr- r . RUMABLE deati nati' Lest eliti ib LAA N -àa 'ad gh1f 1(-i lS. E.Wxwcc I bc dresfee techei xas1iei JOy 13,18M. SlmMae t'y~~~ý,! 'tchiy trogh anda e ntiree __Yi_ cd. acitr p h ards o,1n s' hIDWCFhi troman-, j , jh' !!Plu0C lc grod nialc-pi-oî t, a iie ,so a~i' ]egos f anIfynhvaycrpaitw ta isiibeiîi sablaîi'eri'ng aîrr -aa cm,'nthbandtIncru"cs ire Medicne Ce, LmoîdnO a snuest cfer ihe dovs aviL' tic' -"'-r- ire 's, a2, a lit. and 'o- le 'or, the pavement as ha tiashes past, an ycou cc-y eut, "Blos, fer, is lb ta muin 1 answer, "No-ar-.'vcry ricar !" Oh, that ny Lied Gnd svanît briei 1 Foix naxv' ta sea yanr si, anti ta fi. fro ta fi; an 'yý,,t, urty.anti beip yoi te do à; soa t wenthe lasi grea terrer ai cîrti shall spread its tsi i binot ivieg,-santi cluiLhhxviit fbloody talons forthy ,soui, it canne hurt theo, for thîit tic>u art safe i thpe warni dove-cai ai a Savia'ur' mercy. "Cama fa!1 Cerne fa I Eternai gtcry -shahlituwtn." LORD RUSSELL'S GOOD-BY. Affeciieei of Engliaul's . 'nb iId' ,s(,le for Ibis Son. S nce thc denth ai Lord Ensýseil mac pteaeîing anecdotes have icen ici a im iand arneng the n re xvhfchi macteti by an inufrnate ioucb cf farnil, affection, appealingiy burnan. rernaînîng layer, r tîgi-it stop, ande ayer i ceaacoen apîce a ai---------g' Bis î ourigesi soan was about to sailidusi witb pawtiereti sugar. 'sbcctîrg tacteti îooscîy xiii sîcong _- iat ae "psi aniend bttnsof for Southi Arica, ns lieutenant Mari . breati. wripouts aid cyce antebutonsgoff ariilieey reginent. As tic transport! THE USE 0F OLD PAPEIIS. 0, EMN DIN S. ihem ta bbhe rg bng, parlcd item ber taeerhrgs, lie Lord! One usis î 1o aixays spread pai 1Butonboe-stitca îippeti glove scarne lppe Marzipa-ate 1lb, eci cnecî jieep your sice beele c,Ëroýight iy CuifJ stice, standifng an tic pier,'Dsp-on tic tabe befure prcpaeîhng an'andi bitter almaorits, blniharnd pord avîng "«Lilts" reffeavcd as they weas eagcrly scarmîng tbe faces which lîicti meai, ni tiecocmpîctian aifxvhicb they fine. Atiti1 lb, pawtieret cognearid dtia. tic vescils bulw'arks, xvas unle ta cani be casily remnoveti, anti there litno 2 tablespouns rccexvntcr, sibici ren- discover tint of ifs suri. necessity Loc scrubing. A ipapir tiers te mass jusi moisit eougi for -' Dicappointeti, anti yearnung for a nip'ti aver grease spilicti on bbc stove'ynîh pariing tookt, e raised bis fîngers te wil usave an extra biactira-, wti ri e nti easiiy. Rollito a baili bis lips, fa; tie marner so familiar to noting us btter tiri uew.spapcr t n e sad tl iteh reed.-~~ boys, anti cm bcti da shili wstie. Tic thebai an rol KPTabot oesua' evicrntly fernilfar cati braugit young - îick Sn-in Je a,,n± o,'f ,i,,,,gSu î__til__S Rusellcu ce g iaeof etocvese, anti -fatier antisari, gezing xisthuiiy fateý cacb oiier's faces, waveti xvai preveti, ta, be a lest taren cli. Tic aci n'as characteristue tif thi mari, anti nbeariy cheer fron thbose wia heneti anticaw bestifiiedtit tic f inrics ai hurnan cympathy xvben a' ",touci oi nature" rncves it. EVIDENCE 0F BIS CREAýT WisD)oM. KfgSolemur's mfiliner'y ý!m bi Yes; but hý,e dtri in urneta atvoli tic seitnwrap ee, Plaii-'Killer cures aIsorts-i u~ bruiseS, ba;rris anc ti -tali. -ae' a -terraltyi it cures tilarrioea aBd 4y aeniery. Avitienstitue; -LhýJ i tespi0'a-Kthher. Pery-s25. ar tic board to prevent tbem frorn ctictiag. Cctito aney ehupes cf ail sairigs ctiassters. hearts img ana-dre the lite, Bate ta a ticet pan co(vereti wtiipaper' anti spritieti with sugar. Tic aven mast be very moticrate. Mute a portion af tic pacte ua smahl tari ant I 1wfit tie ollowing mixtqrxe, wvicb must be ereonretibeforehand: DEBxzlI2iT, u-bn-,I?"T bisartcl u-re istit eaiesi BY the ald of -,he D. -, L. EieloIhv un o vrayear, 4and lave andcasdr ably le weighl. T. H. WINGHIAM, C.r.,Mots. eO. nd ýl ,parr> Botti DAVIS &LWEC oLmid i Fllig-Tte 1-2lispttireti sugn, bs ji 0! t1 i emonCliii2 table.. S p4f p 0 Yds Popoie aions recewater, ionien together icG-fRaatltcet. -asi goti e nt .CMa i tl a ke 'abe mdi 'wiil tbe arcwnemanti ja rt ru1 i'mmeMmexueacearess nov tiFifont tic ,'ns fa wiîoîaexces Reia Wari uwieyxvreae t u îîtî qîand dolt.aup lucacags Laof C' T h oaiî 1, o-Pre i' ra tlit' ti metis, ix ilcle a p OseWc Isogr asti ase-atcras ly lu'-"'ww -a-â-r- -1 Wlý "Il' Î.--l-n'In-f--ý--.. ý ý - .1 . r-W nerve's. a r R 9 e il a

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