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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1901, p. 8

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KENDALL. Good Counselý ât Lhe Annuel' Meeting of the bowman-I ville ColieveveAssoeiation, !held on - lloney ve~iogles, ~e flloingwere lace Sanject-. IeovdI u--------------- w. .ew E the battie field. George U iliiy proud to have him back aso;?urero wh mongst tha bravest of the brilaveuel& There is nothing, better for a Cough than SNUMBER 301. J.HiGNBOIHAM & SON, Druggisbs, Bowniauville. -------- Cooper on bis election to the coulicil - - .M-r. Jno. McKay, Starkville, who had paralysis is some what improved. . We deeply sympathize with M-r. John Burgess in the loss by death of his wife lest week. Deceased was a daugbter off the late Alex. McKay and was much respected.... Mr. Robi. MGaîà M-n itoba, bas been visiting his uncle M-r. R. Morton's, 6th Line. .Mr. Wilson Miller, Manitoba, an old Clarke boy, is visitine bhis brotber-in-law M-r. George YoLT CAN MAKE Tîs TEST-YOU eau flnd out if the kidueys are clogged, de- ranged and diseased. Hlave , ou back- ache or a weak, laine bac];? Do you lia-, pain or diflicul ty la urinating or a 1100o frequent desire to urinate ? Aie- t!-here iteonosits- lîke brick- dus, i_. inie1 urine after il has stood for 24 hours? If -you h-ave- any--of theao-sy7mptoms- in- Dr. C-hase's Kidney-Li%7er Pilî1s. the PiCl a dose, e95 cents a box. GoDHUSEKEEPI G FOi JÂNUAR.Y, ________ 901 -E very wonta, wil )jy the We are very anxious to ea out rany 7* ;,,reu s aî, yaticLiil, at; die erd Dlning Rooms," includinLr thcse of Central Hobid, Oshawa, 92 acres of S ator Depew and Edwin Gould, are L de'C asa afpie farm land situated on Lot 35, Con. 2, lSaen with beautîful engravings. Darlington, on Kingston Road 2 lutae ais'C asa afpie miles east of Oshawa, 61 west of Bo21 A short, bright essay, by Ellen Wheeler Avr ieltt eetfon l mavil, ndifrm ortce Aodw- îlcox, on "Getting Into Social Life," Aüeynielt osletfom i arked in pl house, bain and stable on property, sets foreh truth which every woman fgrs ad no haif-price takes any Cuat you n two acres of orchard, land plowed ami will appreciate. The most eminent of select. 20 per cent offWinter Clothing, Fur Co readv for croD. Terms-One tenth speciaists in bis line, Dr. J. hl. Groedel down,balance at expiration of 80da-vs of Nanheim, Germany, writes of ,How Robes and Horse Blankets, High Top Boots, WTool UTe fromn sale. ImmediAte possession. Sale Io Avoicl Ileart Troubles." "Our wear-all at 20 per cent off. at 2p.m. Further particulars may be Experiment Station" department telle, had fromnD.CLARKE or ALBEITH.OKE, from actual experience, tne secret off 3-2w besides giving plenty of-bright notes from the magqzlne's rnsny honsehold A large and select stock, ba'ance of our Xmas T HAYDON. experinienters. One of thie moBt de- reg. price 50c, now 25c. Our stock is comparatively Mr, Aibri Auner and ife viited I off Amerien etory writers, o bu'o -- erert Sttn ijcui, .orlibdtei5 fresh and new anct now is yu time to u if w former bsretuneo. to theDental Col- ~otacee krh eie aEeyî~nqoe eo s a p lege,- Chieagoý-. . .. Mr-rJ.- Haw key--and -troducing thein. -Published at Sprîng7- many siilar bargains now olfereci, day.. Mr. and Mrs. \Vr. Broad1 At St.Paul' Bunday-Sebool services off Black AII-wool Hose, 10 dozen only. ....... .Mr. and nirs. Richard tu-re fromithe usual routine of lessons. "hese iý re -4eav-,r ,both plain andi ribbeci made ,- AZlitn '-.b~bb- ~ b ir ,blh off , Ubb O ~ ~ ~ «.~ *J, *U 5e~*~bn «Ob~ ,oi- t~ii5î ei««'.~ ~ ~-y. o i,,, ~, n' HP' r.~ ~ ~ ~r ~4" KEEP VOUR EYE ON, OUR DISPLAY WIND)OW. BOWMNVILF'.Furniture and Undertaking. BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 16, 1901, SOLINA The Farsuers' Institute beld bore gat- niîday wasweil attended and the ad- ,îresses given by Messrs, Shearer and Fraser wene- very interesting and con- kiiderable discussion ffolowed theneon., .Mr. Wm. Sanderson, (Yorkshire Biy) off Lxington, Mlcb., 18 renowiug id aIltaces bore a! 1er an absence uff 31 years. He thon resided on the fanm now owned by Mr. S. J. Williams .'- -Mr. Wrn. Bond and bnother-in-law,' Mn. Balil, Chatham, are visiuiug Mn, S. Shiortridge ...-. The choir ai Eldad bias lncreased .. .. Mn M. A. James off tbc CANA»wI S SATESMA1N and wiffe off Bow- manvillo visited bore recontiy. Miss Pearl Poarce, Newcastle, visited at Mn. T. Bakr's. ... Mn. and Mrs. T. Pascoe -aemovel into their new home, the - i'sidoneeo of the labo E. G. Pascoe.... Miss Edibli Rundie, Courtice, le visiting rt Mr. J. T. Rundle's. The empliatie statemient that The D. 'L. Menthol Plastor is doing a great tîcal to alleviate neunalgia and nheu- matisrn le based upon facte. The D. & f t Paster noter fails to soothe and . cily cure Manufactured by the avis & Lawrence Co., Lbd. OSHIAWA. i&i6l.88 duiy was collected ut Osb- ustom bouse for December .... ýe old Warren bauneny was dosroyed - an 7th. Lose $3,50. Insur '2,500 ..... The number off binths, ages and deatbe registered with wu clork for the iast six monthe WCO birtes, 56-, marniages, 19; doathe For bbe final six months off lasi bore wore only 16 doaths rogisten- M-osra, J Schoflold & Son, off tbe ni Mill&, are rebuilding onua larg- more arbistie seule the tower on' * - ilis.... -Mn. J. S. Creen , Paris, en appointed Chief off Police off wu,.....A. 0. F. No. 5772, officens 0 a re -:-P. C. R , W. J . Francis ; 1 Pellow; S.C. R., Jos. Marehali; Proi. nngle_ Sec., J. A. Wil- r, W.výW IL H.Marks ; Jr. 'A'. s Hustinge ; Sr. B.,G. Soutbwell;e las. Jacques; Mcd Officers, Dr1 uen . Aset Sec and OrgniE. ietb , Janiton, W Il ars ,ý Or.W tror.E.T. Bernet il ionnett.-1 iSES Or --,LDREN - Meashes, oer he rnany exhaustiug I eh, d, frequently louvej e suffi in a weakenedaud tbt' ('O l-off healib from is aitflut tii rose ie x- ýJ egular use off1)Dr. Chase's'ie TIl peparato is ad- ied toe rqimnsoff lias sncbi an in.-vigonating e0 influence on the 53 sti Mn l< puny cblîdren bealthyv HA MPTON. Miss M. Brout visited Victoria ffiends lat wcek,.. Miss R. Walters, Taun- ton, was guet off Mn. J. T. Colo,_._.Dr. J. H. Eliiottbas neturned to bis duties as Supt off Gravenhurst Sanitarium . . . Mrs. b. Taylor continues serionsly ili ...Mr. S J. Williams, Solina. bas pur cbased the propertv in the y illage be- longing to the Elford esta te .... Ice bar vest began on Monday, Mr. J.E L Colo beiiig the firsi to stant oporation. Your bpst wonk'canuoàt be doue unless3 you bave good health. You cannot baive good bealth without pure biood. You rnay have good bealth by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now. You eannot realizo the good it will do yen until youa try it. Begin teking 111te day and see how quickiy it will givo you an appe-, lite, strength aud vigor and cr o off rbeumatism, catarnh or sorofla ÈNFIELD. Visitons :-Messrs. S. and C Jcffery, Toronto ; M-r and M-ns. G. Hloganth, Whibbv; Miss Lela Gifford, Oshawa; M-r. and M-ns. A. Hogarthi, Solina ;Mn. and M-ns, T. Pascoe, Solina. M-ns. D. Dyer, Port Penny ; Mr. John Hoan, Da- kota Miss E Wotteu and Mr. A. and M-ns. Cumeron ut Oshawa; M-ns. Ym. Tapp wibh fniende at Toronto; M-r C. Nicholsut Countice ; Mn. L. Niddeny was elecbed sebool trustee .... Mn Wm. MëcCu~joch will teaph for Wood- ley's; M-r. C. Camnpbell, et Pereman's sehool ; M-r. Arthur MeCuilocli ut Ash- buru ; and Mn. N. Heablie our own uc- ademy ; Mn. N. Osborne, Courtice, ab Union sebool. . .. Messrs A. Smnith, C. MeCullocli, and Miss May McCul- loch are attending Oshawa High Scbool ... About 70 of the relatives bad a jei]y tirn ai M-r. and M-ns. J Hepburn's New Yean's night ... .The officers fur the S. off Tomponance for Ibis quarter are- W.P., Bno.J. Dyer; W.A.. Miss Fannie Reynolds; 11., L. Tondlff; A.R S.,Miss E. Hulbert; F.S., E W. Pascoe; Treas, Miss Jennie Ashton, Chap. F. Bray; Con, A. Niddony; A. Con, Miss Nellie Alexander; 0 S.. C. Powell; I. S. M-lss Loua Huibent; P.W P,, Fred Reynolds; Organist, Miss J. Ashton . .. Mr.D.D.ver's pupils proseîîted bim with an address snd a bandsome pbotograph album Dec. 2îs ..Sauta Clawa presented Mn G. Cochrane with a new or.gan . _ Chosen fniende officers for ensuing y car are -P. C., Thos. Hall; C C., Benj. Powell; V.C. .Sam Bray ; Prelate, S. Souch ; Sect. Treas., Wm. Griffun Marshal, W. Ormiston; Wardtin,. j i Hall; Guard. J. Dver : Seitrv. i 'GiIl-i bort; Trustee, îi Powell ..,. Hoibouru Lodge-S off E. ofilcers are :-P. P,, J. Ashton; W.P-, Benj. Powell V.P., S. Bray ; Chap., A. Beach , Se, W. Grif fin ; Trous , F.Giffln ; 0O(x , WAverv; I.G., G Cochrane ; lt Comn*, J. Hurl lf' '1 7' i3 d Com'te, C. Prion ; 4tb Con, NIance Kiveîl -,Sth, Comte, W. . ;tthý Comte, A.lhm. Seroffula lu the blood show-; itself edsonrer o. laten lu swellings. soies, orutiuonr.. But Hood's Sarsaparilla complet; .ly cunt-s Lt, privnegeu LU look.atL. IL îs n uiu,,ua gem, and must be seen to be properlv appreciated. Mr. Thos, Douglas was in Toronto lasi week .... The Misses Dingman, Bowmanville, visited ai Mr. W. H. Pearce's. . ... Mr. R. A. Colvili bas re- turned from bis trip to England mucb Umprved lu health.. . .Mr. Clarence Workman entertained bis numerous ffriends Friday evening when a vers enjoy able urne was spent. Mr. farry and Misses Gertie an(! Pearl Pearce visited their graudmother Mrs. Henry Pearce, Bowmianville, recently .... Mr. Harry Tyler, Bowmanville Mr. Scot and Fred. Treleven, Newca1stle, visited ai Mr. Richard Warren's Sunday... Rev. Canon Farncomb attended the Cierical Alumni Assoceiation of Trinity University Conference ai Toronto last week.. . Miss Airneda Couch attended a partv ai Mr. Hancock's, Clarke, Friday evening. . .. Miss Clara lledges, Pickering, is guest off ber aunts, the Misses Hedges. . ...Miss Uglow, ilope, is guest ai Mr. J. J. Uglow's .... .Mr. Will. Law le attending Ottawa Normal Sehool.,.. .Mr, Norman and Miss Eva Riekard entertairted about, 40 off their young friends ai their home Friday ~evening .. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cobble- dick gave a progressive crokinole pariy Thursday evening .. . .Mr. and Mrs. C. Benan and danghtter, Tor.,nto, spent Sunday with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beman. The H"ealth Pro inised By PAINE'qS CELBRYï 1C **yfotPOUND Cornes as Surely as Li-aht Follows Darkness. Amlon gst the First Good Effeots of the Great Mledicine are fir- mer Nerves and Conipleter Digestion. People wbo decide to use Paine's Cel- env Compound, shou!d flot ententain a doubi regarding the health-giving power off eartb's mosi successfful medi- cine. The hcaith pnomised by Paine's Celery Compound, cornes as sure as liglît foliows darkness. its good work bas been voncheci for by Canada's besi people, as w'eAl as by 'our friends and neiglibors. The use off Paine's Celery Cornpound nieanros, lrrner and stronger nerves, ctompleter digestive vigor, more regu- laî;- bodilv functions, bri.-hter eves, clearer complexioni and sweeter breath. Wby deffer the use of Paine's Celery Compound when the testirnonv of tens off tbousands proves that te onderful medicine encourages the kiducys, cleanres tbe blood (o f waste and pois. onous inatters that are the direct cause off headaches. drowsiness, listiisbness, ffùelancholia and that rundown feehnig that develops organie diseaase? Evey an or wornan wbose nervous st=egi is overtaxed, should try the invigorating and vitaiizinoe effects noý Paine's Celerv Cornpound. The useof the firsi bottie wili show wonderfui and encouraging nesults. ning. Mns. Watts bas spent the mosi of bier life bere and bas taken a most active part iu the Temperance cause and every departinent off churcli work. Those wbo knew lier besi apprecîated ber mosi bighly and words fail when we attempi to express the loss wbich will be ours. Surely we can join witb W1ittier "~And '3et, dear beari, re- mcmýnbering thee, Ar nent ricber than oi ) id." Yiay success attend them.. eY Epwortb League Rally Fridav wtk proved a dlecided success. The af iernoon programi consîsted off papens and addresses upoii League work in- terspersed with music from the differ- -ent Leagues on tbe Circuit . In the ýevenng Rev. A. C. Crews delivered bis very popular lecture 1'Through Marn- rnotb Cave with 20D Leaguers." Not only was it instructive and practical but brim full off wit and good bumor. Pnoceeds for evening $20. Trulv our energetic pastor Rev. J. S. MoMullen rnay be congratulated upon success of tbe day. Leaguers returned tu their homes with new liffe anl energy f(r the year's work ..ev. A. C. Crews was guesi off bis coubin MJr. B. Moore wbile lu the village. Croups, Couglis and Colds are ahi quickly cured by Pyny-Balsarn. it lessens the cougb almost instantly, and cures neadily the most obstinate cold. Mannfactured by the proprietors off Perry Davis' 25c. and 50e ORONO. Miss Phoebe Plain, Perrytown. is visiting ber parents..,.. Mn. H. Mil1s9xti, East Cleveland, Ohio, is home.... Miss Edith Brownscombe, Port Hope, is guest off M-ns.S, Cutteli .. ..Mr. Wm. Cooney, Peterboro, was here necently,. - Mr. Johuston Carscadden, Edminton, N. W. T1', brother off Mrs. R. C. Cowan, is visiting bene affien an absence off fifteen yeas . . .. Fire destnoyed the barns, stables and other outbuildings off Mr. A. A. Rolfe, east off the village, Satunday rnorning Jan. 5tb. Mr. Hoife was doing- the chores about six o'clock and be placed the lantern in one off the stalls, wbere ho ef t ih a few minutes, and on bii return the place was lu flamosç With much exertion bie suc- coeded in saving bis stock and the greater portion off bis implements, but ail bis winter's supply off food was cou- surned. $800 Insurance on barn and contents .. . Burgiars fforced an entrance mbt Mr.Robert M-oon's residence during the absence of 'tbe family ai chuncli Sunday evening, Jan. 6th. Nearly every room ln the bouse was ransackeà in searcb off valuables, and stumps 'off matchas were scattered evervwhere. M-ns. Moon's purse, with a small sum off money is missing. A tidy littie wad in Mr. Moon's pants was ovellooked by the invadors. . ... The death off Mary Cbapman, roulet off the laie J M Jack- son, took place Sunday Jauuary 6tb. Her bealth bad beon tailiug for sorne lime and the nigbu, beffore the spark off life fied she suffered intensoly. She with fler late busband settled in tbis township over -i xtv yeans augo. The funeral service was heid ai the borne of bier son, M-r. T, W. Jackson. Beauti ful and toucbing culogies off tbe de- ceascd lady was delivered by 11ev T. W. Leggott. Mrs. Jackson lias been a lifelono' member off the Metbodist cbuî-eh Decea.ed leaves a son and a numben off grandeilidren to mouru ber death. A sudden chili offten means suciden ilînes. Pain-Kilierilealthatileneeded 10 wVa rd il off . Uuequalled for cramps ard(ý dRtrboea. Avoid substitutes, tîoer&ýs but onue Pèïin-Killer, P9rny Davi's'., 25c, and 50c. Mention was made ton off tbe obanged facilities in Snnday Schootlaissons off laie years. 1ev. Mr. Turebail in closing the Meeting, among bis cnstemary instructive remarks, sai, be veny mucb wisbed tb se ail the cbildren reguier in churcli attend- ance, and that tbeir Plesence was always noied. St. Paul's Runday Scbool is in a flourisbing condition, WEST DURHAM PROTIIST. Uàder tbe above hea ding tbbchoToron to World off Wednesday, Baye; "Robert Beti, who formnrly repre iented West Durhamu in the Dominion Hlouse, was lu bhe ciîrjy ysserday. He said that the protest againat the Bloc- tion off C. J. Thoraton wouid be pres- sed to the lest ditcb. "The date off the election protest trIilbasnoetbeen tlxed yet. The preliminaries, would have beau gone tbrougb, and the tume and place Pettied beffone ibis, but for the indispoai ion off W. D- McPherson, the gohicitor for M-r, Thornton." SHELDON'S NEWBOOR. A new book by Charles M. Sheidon, tbe fanious aa'bor off "Inlle-s Step," neyer fails to excite the Intereat off thousandi off readers. "Born to Serve" la the ftle off the latent book by Mn. Sheldon, and the advanced shestis Indi- cate a very strong book Iudeed, one off thrilllng interest te the tbcùghtfui reader, one ln wbicb .wIth a masýer's baud many off the canrkers off social 11f e off doniestia unhappineus, cf the broader womau problei,'off social reform ai the vitals off soclety-are laid bare, witb cultured delicacy, but none the Issa with graphie, unfliucbing truth. -The Oanadian rights have beeu securled by the Poole Publlshing Company, Toron- to, but as bbe story will not apDear Iu book forni for nmre lime the publishers wiii mun It as a arial In The Presbyter- ian Review, beginning wItb the Issue off the 3rd tuaI., thus enabiing the readens off that paper te have tIbis ment lnteresating work In advauce. CJLARKE DISTRICT L 0. L. The Anniual Meeting off the Clarke District Orange Lodge was held at. Newtouvilie, on Tuesday afflernoon last wheu thoeras a good represeutation off aIl the Lodzes In the District preseut. The W. M., J. Davey, presided. All the, iodges iu the District, wih o"i e 'xception, repo.rted progres durlng the pait year. Considerable business vrac transacted, af Éer wbich the Election off Officers took pi'e as ffelows: Dis niot Master-A. Tait, Bow-uanvlle Deputy Master-E. Morton, Orono. Chap-M Cowan, Orono. Bec. Sec-Jas. Gale,ý Bowinanville. Fin. Sec-E. McLean, Ncwcastle. Trnas-S. Arnot, Newtonvilie. Dir. off Car.-Bert Reid, Newtonviiie. Let-T. Glass, Kendall. 1. G.-John Reid, Newtouvllle. 0 G.-W. Harris, Newtonviile. The ,jfficers were afterwards Instalied by Bro. J. Davey, to wboin a vote off thenies was aloo tendered for bis services a« W, M. for the past two years. Kendall was decideul on as the next place off meeting, on Frlday, June 7th. Short speeches foilowed f romi the newly eli.cted officers and ffrom Bro. W. H. Reid, M. P. P.,afber whioh the Lxdge closed. i flm IVIMRiu i7 Don'ts for Shoes. -lis I I I Dont wear a shoc th-at pioches at the heel. Dont wear a shoe so loose that the foot is not kept in pýacc( Dont wear a shoe that wI not alloiv the. great toe Ïo lie In a straight Uine. Don't wear a shoe tlîat it is tighlt anywbere. Pinching the feet mal-es theni grow larze and uns-y.dfent Dont forget that "SIater Shoes". are made in tweive cifrn foot-fitting shapes, six wiîlths, thirteen sizes and haif sizes. Dont forget ihant the leathier in heth solos and uppers of "SIater Shoes" has passed the most rîgid examination.'\, . Dont fail to look at the sole for the makers',name, and price k in a sate frarn, this proves the ga-nuine. $5.oo or $3.50. N Don't forget that every "SIater Shoe" is Goodyear w~elted.. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. DàA.RLINLITON COUINC[L. Town Hall1, Hampton, Dec. 29, 1900. Regular nonthly 'meeting. members ahl present, Reeve, Mn. A. E Clemens pre- siding, minutes off statlutory meeting read and confirmcd. Resolved to withold pay- ment off orden granted in fayot of R. Hunt- one in considenation off bis recelving pay fromn another party. S. Pollard, collector, reportcd baving collected and paid into Ontario Bank $ia,ioc. 11ev. H. Thomas on bebaîf of local option committee' ne- quested thai bbcy sbould be relieved off a portioni of solicîtor's account, grantcd Sorne business circulars w-ere receivcd and fylcd Mrn. Clemens paid $4 10 treasuren for timben sold Messrs. Baker and Reynolds on bebaîf off S. S. No .20, requested rebate on changes for issuing debenitures, As theý charges were not made by tbem no action was taken. Mn. Wickett requested an mneuse lu bis monthly grant, allowed. M-r. Law's bihl for alleged damages enstaiued lu passing on bbc 4th concession was laid over, as were also sevenal petitions and commuai- cations. (Irders were granted on the treasurer as follows: P. bioroncy 85c; J. Oke $4 50: J. Worden $3 20; J. Gaud $'i io; W. W. Goodman $2 35; S. Allun $i.6o; J. Sully $5, all for gravel; J. Curtis gravel and cedar $2 30; J . Barbon cedur and nails $i; W. Gimblett cedar $I ; J. Crumb cedar $5 30; F G. Byam nails 7oe; R. Avery nails î8c; W. Short errer in taxes $1; I. L_ Brown attendance in counicil and mileage $2.25; RFoster, do. $2-79; L Annis do. $2 8o; A. E Clemens do. $2.45; R. Pascoe do. $2 8o; R. Pascoe, services on committce $2; D. B. Simpson services and expenses local option by-law $16o, do. $8 52, Indigents: Janet Wilson, $5; M-ns. Hoidge $4; M-ns. Lane $3; Thos. Wilcox $2; T. Wickett $4; Mrs. Coulter $3. Council adjourned sine die. H. ELLIOTT, JR, Township Clcrk. Town Hall, Hampton, Jeu. 14, The 0ouncil eleot for the Townsbip off Dairlngton for the year 1901, met ut the hour appointed by the statute, when the ffoiowtog gentlemen made sud euh- seribed their respective decleration off qualification and off office before the Clerk and took their seao:-Reeve, A. R. Foster, R. Pascoe, andi Afier pleasant cDngrati4ei% wa proceeded wthb. The miuit~ 1ait meeting off the 4old oun read and on motion 'ç- etd. ber off circulera weregoavd ani The Clark was lntuefed o o copies off The Municipal World, off members off tbcCouneil mnd ti A communication was received Ros Robertson, soliciting a grai Sick Chîldren's Hospital. Inuccl therewith $5 wms grnuta. TI off W. L, Law, for damages austi passiug on the Iourth coucasulý laid over. A certificata wati frein tbe Deputy Registrar genel iug bliat the number off Blrths 94 during the yaar was 77, Marrl Demblis 62, and that bbc Divlslqu trar wae entltied toe: recoive . Goun, Foster, gave notice that h et the next meeting, Iutrodnaa for the appointuient off an assesa collector ot rates. The followl laws were Introdcced, and 4 readînge, passed: No. 580, appoi mambers off the Qouncil rumdcom ers. Coiun. Brovin, Div. No, - anthority 10 expend $090 on4 bridges. Coun. oster, DivJ $255. Coun, Annis, Dlv. 1J Reeve Olemenes, Div. N 4 Coula. lPasoe,Dîv No 5 $â, No. 581, appolntlng F. L, E'il & Smith, acditors. B1y iaw, No.î poiuting IL.JM. 4ea amembeq board off heaith, % Dr. J. 0. Medical Hualti ofàcer, and W. Sr. Sanitary inspete'Fr. The Re authorized to grant orders on th arer as fohlow :-N. F. Mai Coanty rae $3444 40ý H. Ell iregiabretion chanes $30 40' W-crld $5. 5ik Chiid, Council edjourned 201h et 10 o'ciock,w NOTE .Teesoff Schoc remidee rri et I lthter irt-,, 10 the Ci rk týhe naineoft and off bbe Sacretâry 1'eas-ire section. r 1%ý, ti7ýý ON

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