t TERMS ,-81.50Pim AIiNum. 012E TOWN AX<D COUNTY FIRST; THE WOItLD ASTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and BOWNrAN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1901. 44444; Cutd1n Two 4 From to-day COUCHI, JOIINSTON & CIRYDEIRMAN wil sel] ail kinds of4 F\T EXP'ýCTLY 4 ~ These are flot last y eai s styles, but ALL INEW GOODS MADE FOR4 4THIS SIEASON'S TIRADE and are undoubtedly the ftnest lot of Coats4 4ever shown in town. A lot of Dress G-oods'to be cleaneci out at about ilf-price. 4Substantial Reduetions will also be miade on ail kinds of Farsan 4 eý M s n' By 'Overcoats. DAJ'LIN GTON. Mr. Russell Laugmaid bas been teacis- S e fU I ing or Miss Syhil Jcwell wlso is quite 111 (I~ftf~h.Joh Cory, Moorefield, bas Sobtaiced a situation in tise Nalleaisie Iron ~ r'AWceks, Ôshawa, and bas enrewg old cquintaceshere.... Mr. Alfred e% Él Ê-%Mennulest a vahuaisie herse witls mIlans- %D qco atien and has pur-chased eue from MAr. John Mecalf for $so... . Mr Erastus J. wiha plane. Miss Birdie is iscginning a for course et music Lender tise instruction cf We invite you one and ai] Sstock -of Furniture and see the articles that we have that will ~sent. Our prices will h, Stô- neet the ýdemand and requi a ïre offering a nUce Rockýer, ý 2,2'5'and mauy ether linos ec and' see them, it will be a plea watrerooms. BoýWýMASNVILLE. Undertaking raceives Pr Ito Cma 'ei iirer ,qua LI )omp Hoidays cerne in and inspect our any usetul and inexpeusive ake a useful and beautiful mnade as low as possible ýment o! every purchaser. -'den oak or- mahogacsy, at iç ally as gccd values. Cahi e te show yen through our LIAMS & SOIN. ip and perssnal attention.- WeeK of Winter NE W'4,BAKERI I desire te heartily thank ail tise citizens of Bcwmanviibe and viinity, who have ce liberally patrenized me and acisted lu building np sncb a good trade~. I amn ptepared te farnhsh White and Brown Bread, Relis, Bans, etc, and everyihing nsually fouud ln a firet- class bakery on sisortesi notice. A trial order respecifuiiy clicitcd. Will visit tie country as far as Haydon Tuesdays and Frldays. D. Wallace Downey, Wellington St., Bcwmanvilie. TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS.. sexedn cogrtuatin o tports at yuebec. ibsince we ad.dtess-ed yen ibroagis iýe uccss f te Hoida Seson 1 hispperlas, Xasbas corne and inus express my appreciation e! tise geue,again bringing with iltishe New >-ral patronage wii macle tise pasi Year and Century with its prosperit-, 41 the greatesi in tise iistcry et my iUDÎADoii, in ï~~ aa'bveri and a vesi varioty ' cuber usiuoss. I'LDIEBUARY 4'ltllLii JLl1 ih i5sechal hss. Tisere icone suggestion Modestile til very weIl lu lis place we can enako wîtb assurance. if y on uthusy pl me to site tisai 1 Prom ait Stations ia 55e dstrict. North Day te want geed value yen can have it hy )u ve lt )nieswî e yhv Nagara Falls, Ont,, and castthercof te Canada, dealing with us.' avbil ' trebusknesswedge cf tiseameviaTrtnte and Hamilton, autesne way leSt Try Ceyleya Ceylou Tea, nuecbotter, every braýucis et the business and by first-clasa fare. Tickets i alid zgoing Fr5 21t07,TyorBkn odr nyi as )ersevethis 1applying tisat knewlodge inclusive, and valitdfor ttisteleaving Quec a T epeaklbPweenyl as or yeue- henefias well eS msn , wu utli Feh. 11, 19Lieai10ptlb Try ont Faniey Malt Feod !cor Breakfast.; Sncb kncowledg-e accempanîed isy Tickets will be valid for Contiinaagen ouet b3ig c tse er bet ee4 ely inecri directions. Tn car fresis gronnd Ceff ee, put e. diis uin ftevr et ad or cs cds aOnnor in gecsNoýwi fr tise vounger sex-Quaker arirl com tise marufacinîrers drc n o ikt ad-l nomto gns Craekcer Jack. ashSpla e me iha aposition ail tlise GrndTtunk RIiclway Syatcor netoa tt Yu s& Iodr ilbemc vai aleng te give s ou suels value evyJury'd Deug t,.p~ orsml odrwl ouoi mc~la onuraefrisetsienIappreciated. tere te Cerne again and 'lesqt but I.tt.HL RMCý DICKSON._______ -"t ls"bitcSay beis i n sîeh on eon t, D. P.A, ltresYd eae .eto i pSsibea , 11v1 . I ioT- sreanl 1901 LETTER FR01 MALTON. DEAR STATEsMAN,-Yonr welccme presenee is feltinl more than one home lu Malton. One has to get away from the place ci bis nativity in order te right ly appreciate hic home paDer. Well, old friend, y on and 1 wîll congratulate your Editor ou bis success at tise recent electiens. We feel sure he will fli the positicu wertisily. Here lLitisis cennty of Poel, municipal matters were made toc mnch a question cf politics, as every body kncws detrimental te tise best in- terests of any cemmunity. We are well pleased wstis cur new homp, having ne time as yet te allcw disccntent or loneliness tecreep ia. owv wondierful is our commen brctiseriseod. At ne time and iane place can we teel utter- ly adrift from cur native home, se long as tise clasp cf band with baud of oye meeting eye se long as tise love of God romains. Â.tocere other timo Ï. will give yen any information yen mTa y wish ta gain o! cur modest littie tewn wisich nover can be called dead, se long asth~e rushing life of the greatly laden trains pulsates threugh it daily and isourly. lu exactly opposite directions frcm us flash the electrie ight cf Toronto and Brampton and we do cur cwn ilinajinat- ing at our cerner. Faithfually ycurs, _______N. E WATTS. TO BENEFIT TOWNN AND COUXTY. WVe publisis thse ollewirîg letter re- ceivod from a very preminent citizen la Toronte and lu this cennectien -wýe may say that Mr.W, W. Henderson oýffers te give ae freo site for a Creapiiery eu his farm Ncrtb-east of the town cu thse creek. EDITOR STATESMAN,-I ce 5e by tiss wook's STATESMAN that your articles have been stirring up people a, little. But it is plain that moct oet your Counicil are still uncenivinced of the ueccessity cf blping the town by helpingte sur- roussdîug country. I send you iscre- with an extract treip au addresb.- y Mr. C.C. James, Deputv Minister etý, Agri- culture at the mneeting cf thse Eastern Dairysnen's Association lheld la-t week at Smith's Falls, cnt from the WVeeklv Sun cf dan l6th, 1901. Wisat is: wanted lu Bcwmanville is a goed bi.g n ublic meeting with addresses by mon. like C. C. James or Mr. Dr3 den, PRtISSESS. Mr. James said, " have nctioe-ýd, that tse tcwns wiicisare inakiDng t1,;omost substantial pregross are thobe i whicis thse mcci intelligent interect is bcbg taken lu tise progress of farmin 2, in tise surrcunding county. lu sectieis where tise lino is niost cicsely drawn ;.etween the town and surrcundinig ountry, conditions are most unfavorabld I have ceeu tcwns that are readv te benus auY little industry that prcmiýse-s te gve m- pîcyment teaà few men, but wisore ery litle attention is paid te tise i~l les cf increttsing thse value t' trd of tise surrcunding ccuniy. sywl grant a bonus te a factcry, tha;, mabe stolen away by another tocwa îi s a tew "ears, but nover think cf loves igating tise value cf tise farm trade jusz bevcnd tiseir owu berders-a trade tisat le always there. But that is jusi wiere development can bo prcmote, ý. Oxe, twe, or tbroe creaineries ou theýýberders et the tcwn enermously incroase thse value cf tise trade ccmingen te tisat tcwu If moans putting encntLiy checks fer ten. twenty, torty, fift7,-roree hnndred dollars intc thse bauds et prcg- rossi.e farmers ail about, and with the increase cf wealth among thcse farm ors there is a natural increase in the trade flowing into tcwn. 1I have otten thcnght tisere are many tcwusA which eould do mach mncre ta increase their u)rosperity isv assisting lu developing agricuttural prcsperis.y la their neig- iscrhood than by benusing manufactur- ing euterprises, that are apt te preve, se taras tisetowns particnlarly luterest- ed, fer a cemewisat ephemerai nature." If ai lasi she tires cf tise fauli fiuding ef a dyspeptic husband and baves him? Tise werst efthtie dyspeptie is tisai ho dees net realize his owu mneanness. His werld la entîrely eut et perspective. Dyspepsia and cuber diseases of the stemacis and ergans cf digestion and nutrition are perfectly aed permanently cured by tise use c f Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discevery. hi cures tise worst foruis efthtIe disease. hi cures wbeu ali cuber medicines have failed te benefit. Accept ne substitute for Dr. Pierce'c Golden Medical Disýcevery. T-here is ne otise' eedicine fer the tstort, acis, ileed and lungs, whhc h ca >scc a wide and w caderf ci a recerd of cterca It lways helps. It aliss always cures, ",i ea, say 10 Y0ouoiC ottie çof yor 'Golden Medical Discoveiy' bas CUre0ci ecrsiand weii, after scièiu Wo ont. -i-.Witiî stomachqîi case." w. - , e O.W 1.braswi 5 cf MeAdenville, Gaston Co., 1-ti cacijua. "My 'ceaithis a vvh the MaCi-ild t, mne. I iill praise youaa aaasISi. D,. Pierc sMeq i l1% ,-rici paper bicltgi j" Oonrcc f 315 5e VOLUME XLVII AGRICIJLTURAL SOCIETIES, is ne excuse te say, "I did net knew." - If !ycn accept yen chiould knew as cocu TOWNSHIP MEETING. as yen can. If yeur departmeut is a snocess, it is a success becautse yen are, - if a failure, from tiesamne cause, Make Tise annual meeting et the Darling- ycurs tise best. Tise meet successfssl ton Township Agrieultural Society was manager may net de mest work, but héld iu tise Council Chamber, Wedues- see that tise otiser fellew dees it. We day, dan. 9, Mr.W.J.ldragg, President. 9hould have twe mon en herse back te in tise chair Tise auditers' report was eall thd exhibitors into tise ring. Pay read and adopted, shcwing rocobpts them for their werk and lot them stav $245. Workîug- expenses $20; grant te wvhere they can be fonnd, net se tisat it Ccunty Society $225. Total $245. es barder work te keon track efthtie Tise folLowing were eleted efficers msan, than fiad tise exisibitors. and directers : President, W. J. Bragg, Tise managing cemmittee should sce re-elected; Vice Prfesiaent,M.McTavisb; tise special prizes befere placing tisom Treasurer, W. F. Allen; Secretary, M. ou tise differeut prizos Tise bicycleÏ A. James; Directers, M. McTavisis, H. prizos were net satibfactory as tise1 W. Jewelb, J. M. Jcuess, Il J. Werrv, secend prize wac werth three times John Oke, J. Deyman, WVm. Allia, H. what tise flrct wac. Tise Secretary eau C Hear, H. G.Pascoe. Auditors. Joisn xplain as te tisa. We always have McMurtry, J. S. Moorcraft. trouble about tise fruit. I wculd sug. A resulutieu was passed faverig gest tisat cnly three entries be tak-en amaigamatîcu witis Ccunty Society e fo cepeilP fsica xisib- exhiitin prpoes.itors bave nearly killed that departracut. exhibtion urpess.IJ takiug away tise fruit lot tise ex- - hibitors caleut their numbers and tise CeUs'TY MEETIMG. fruit be handcd te them. Eacisoe weuld be likely te get bis own fruit - whicb bas net been tise case in ,tise Tise annual meeting of tise West PaLst. Perhaps nmore ccasplaint couses Durhama Agricuienral Society was weîî frora tiat tisan any ether eue depart- attended ou Wednosday last and unite mont. One pleasing feature lu conne c- a lively intorest was taken la tise tien with car last exhibition wvas tue meeting. Mr W. E. Pcllard, occupied amalgamation witis tise firtlcultaral tisechair. Tise'l'reasurer's report was Seit perisaps tise best Heorticultaralt read shewiug $1161.65 was paldid lu ib ever seen lu Bowmanville. It priîzes aud a balance on baud o! $28872 thsnk I maay take credit for iringing1 -27S.98 more tissu last year. Tise tisat about. J hope it may continue and t Presideat tison read tise fcîîowing bce more succecsful su tise future. Tee address: mucis praice canuot, ho giveu Messrs.1 Kydd and Jarvis for their hearty Tise l9th Century wvitis aIl its eppor- ce operatio and isard work. And> tuoities and 'advautagec bas become agalu cemes tlice old stery - 110w t histery and mach as bas been accem- greunds and a grand stand. I hadè plished durinig thse last Century-tise hcpod te acccmplistf scmetbing dnring i greater part se far as tise section cf my tenureofe!ociice and that was tise 1 Canada is conceroed, was doue in tise reason J accepted office for a secod bast 50 years. Seins boera can remerni- termi a year age, but I must beave it te or wiseu our bouses were ligisted wvth sny succession te carry ont wisat 1 1 tise tallew caridle, and we rode te tcwn would like te have doue. We have a lu ugcs fitted with sprieg polos, tisat report te suismit te you. we migis1t ride more easiiy. ln reîsriug tror tise President's chair, And we say ail houer te tise mon whe fer my seoed termi, lot me thank yen first sottled ini Ibis fair land of cnrs. If rer tise kindly support you have given teck courage, and migit Imusetise word me and cengratulate tise directers and isereism, te face tise difficulties thon pro- mauaging commitie eon tise cordiality souting thensiselves te tise pioncer. ýVe and snccess attaodin- cur efforts dur- owe a debt cf gratitude tetise people ing my termnetofoffice' whe carved eut fer tisemcelves and familles homes from tise ferest baud. W. E. POLLARD, WYe oaa best repay tise debt by being Pros. W. D. A. Society. wertby sons cf noble sires, net culy bs Ail present hoartily applauded tise bcbng geed citizens and doing caur best, timely aud practical address A repcrt but by islpiDg etisers te be botter, on thee HOw fair grauuids was receircd and we are pleasel te say sisat Canaas frein Messrs. Pcilard, Jenese, Deyman sens bas sisown te tise world flint tbey and Galbraiths recommeuding tise buy- are wcrtbx successors cf those Whoiscig cf 12 acres e! tise laynes otate, have gaiuod giory on thielbd cf battie. ljing sentis et Qusen St. and tise ap Seme may have iheughit tise days cf gai- piutiug ot a committeo witis fui] power antry were past. Tise Colonial iscys te act in cenjuncticu witis a ccmmittee bave vied witis Englaud's best and tise freMatise tcwn counicil er other commit- rcsit bas been ne discredit te Cnada, tees vbici may ho appciuted Tise but bas cemeuted tise bond of union as foloiwig mere eiected officers fer tise, uetis)iu else cou]d do1. Tise cctI bac e3nsuing year . Proýside1it.A.E.Cteniens, bo-; -tb.glire biaed o srs vose Vc-Pe Hun, nglih Greenî ccst t isas beeu ievally givon. James Deymiau,Bwm vî Drc Wýe sav ail houe r te tise boys wise crs, Darlingion - T. Baker, D. J . weutl f rtis te tinl support of tise flag Galbraitis, J. J, Smith-, Clark-e, A. that fer a thonsaud years isas braved Staîker, A. Tambivu, Geo. Gras; tise batte and thso breeze We bcw Cartwright, S. A. Devit; Bowman- our iseads, and drop a tear ho sympatlsy Ville, Jes. Jeffery , D. B. Simpson. fer tise hearts ibat are seire. We pray llonorarv directcrs, Bowmanville-A. tisai God may comtcrt and blocs therin, Tait, j. W. Spariing, Cerp. llcbbs, Jas. and may iseaven deai gently with tise Gais; Dariiiigicu. S. Allun, W. C. noble stain. Blackbsurn, John Diýer, James Leask; I saidceone et us eau remember car Clarke, Tises. Cemene, Jehns' Davev, bouses being-lit isy tise tallow cendle; D. J. Gibson, W. E. Jewfell. tisai was fcllowed by tise ceai-cil lamp, Tise now president, Mr.A.E. Cismeus, wlsici tise farmner bas stili te use, but toek tise chair and tbanked tise mcm- wisich bas been rcplaced la towns and bers for tise houer ccnferred en hii cities by Electric liightiug, and wlseu I and isopod that aIl wculd jehu heartily speak of Elctricity-ihat almeet un- iu keeping up tise reputatien et tise known qualiiy, yet by its use, man bas scciety by ,making tisis vear's fair as accomplisshed se mucis, we are lest bu successful or smcre sc tisan iu tise past contemnplation as to its possibilities. President Ciemeas was appcinted a 1 expeot net many years will have deleg'aîe te tise Cauadiau Fairs Associa been cuted lu tise* century juast coin- tien useeting ln Toronto, Fois. 20 and mnced cr0 our country roadc wiîî ho 21. Tise report cf tise ccmmittee on lu commcu use lu tarin bouses, and tise 11w fair grends was taken up and wison some who arc ho active lito-day therougisly discnssed witb tise resuit sha-ilbave grewn cld, they can sit is tisat Messrs. Pellard, Deymaiî and their cointertable ceunts-y home u len assisted by Mr. D. B. Simpson listen te lectures or cocerts, as tise aere appeintedl a cemmîttoe wiib ul case may ho given in eur Town Railu ee eaiTs fe tts cu There are brigister days ahead even lu sip Society te unule witi tise Ccuntv social lite for tise farmner. Society .fer exhibition purpeses waS As there bas beeu imprevement aieng accepied. It was aise proposed te unite wiîb tise Rerticultural Society fcr tise ines meîîtioned, and as we e rpeet similar purpeces. A nuanimous and euhl geiriprevement bu tise future, isearty voeocf thanUk was teudered tiset se isasetFairn impreved. Some cf us rethring- presideut, Mr, W. E. Poisard,( can remember when i was led lu au for hic faitistul services darhug tise pactf oen Ifid up scmewhcre neai tise Pnb- two yeaers. Mr. Pellard bas made at lic Scisool building .1 de net kucw jusi very dilligeut and cuccessfnl officer and wisere. Bcwmauville te me, ivas a bac tried faithfully te work for tise very largo place, fer I wac a very emali interests cf tise Society, cparing ne bey at tisat tue. Wben we badl50051 tiscugisi er laber tisai weuld lu any tise exiibit hantise field, whicbi was f ree, way premote tise success o! tise Fair. we ceuld cocue te tise town bail for At tise close cf tise meeting tise direciers1 wbicis a York-chilling wac chargod, beld a short meeting wbeu Mr . M. A.' dollars and cents net yei beings s.J.e a ecete et avand1 We may look oack and thiuk pei haps, Mt. W. F. Allen, Traasarer. It was that i was crudf- cempared with te-day decided te held tise Fair esn Tlsn'rsday butlwe can scarceby estimais tise value and Friday, Sept. 12 and 18. it bas been te us. Men teck an benesi pride lu prodacing tise best, and sicis By au oversîgisitone dîrecters were pride we believe se o ccenmeudable. eiected instead et uine as roqnircd byi tise~ usogicce rnch raîs thie statute, therefore tise last oee ci- We cano ietomc riet d. Mr. Tele, bas te ho drepped, ne brcghtint. carosior course being- open te us. con,68c; Treasurer, Przsawarded in 1900,834ý on hand, $86.70; Total, $545 The following officers were eît..- President, Jos. Campbell; Vice dent, N. Marlow; 2nd Vice-Presi Thos. A. In riglit; Directors, W Montjoy, John, TVrighit, G. L. Lauighlin. And. DeviG., AnÈýn Te Jas. Malc olm, J. H. Devitt, Whitfield, Jas. Coatesý Ho Directors-Robt. Beith, ex-M.Pý manville; W. H. Reid, M P , C Wmn Ross, M. P , Port Perry; C Gibbs, Manager Bank of Comm, Port Ferry; Dr. Nasmyth, Lotus; Hi% Henders, Manvers ; Wm. (Joui Pontypool; Jas. Nasmvth, Blackst, At the close of the annual me' the dire ctors met and appointe Parr, Secretary; Robt. Philp,Treaî and J Hl Devitt snd Jas. N~ Auditors. Ail repaired totl lHotel and par took of an e:F oyster supper provided by the aud oopular host. The cloth beý moved a numher of excellent si were delivered; an abundance oý, vocal and instrumental music, spcrsed with appropriate ictV THE CANÂJJIAN'S PÂITý During the past weeks thea part the Canadian soldiers took in tho, ture of General Cronje at tha Iba t Paardeberg han been told an,'ý bY the greateat authority cn th(,, -Genoral Roberts-and severai [eading officers. The picture v, igiven free by The Weekly Gi'-. yearly bubscribers is urououa those wlio were there a very aic description of the scene. A sa m .t can bec eeu at this office. I si lu ineverv home lu Cauadit. The fav orite family cathatrtic [Iood's Pillé, IYEDD[NG BELLS. DowxEY- CAL LA.NDER, Frim the Kemptville Adiance. On WedneaîdaY Morning a very pret and quiet weddintz toolt pl2ce at the ber of W. F. Gibson whien Mise Maggie Galle der and~ D Wallace Downov, eof Bowma ville, wers unhed ln the bonds of Ho! Matrimoey by the 11ev. J. Malvety. A few of the most intimate, friends eýatives were present te ,vitnas, erent and wh the Young couple OUR future. 'The, bridemas bceorninýly attired iio travelling suit of cadet blue ladies' aOloU and looked very bonnie as brides shon]i always dc. Alter partaking of l:nenhac Mr. An Mrs. Downe.y, accompanied by a numbe cf fîl;eods drove 10 the Jonction anc ajiet bewrso f icaan ged wsh whsla feeling regrai a leingb-rf r. r or Iown. jain wiùh The Adývance in wiert ing bar gra hqppiness, and congratrIlaý ing Mr. Dawney on having carried off oni 01 1<amptville'e Most hi.,hly asteemei Young ladieg, Tbe couple wore the recipient o! mac beanliful and tastefully selectsd gifte. TI-JE STATESMAN welcomes Mrs. DoN ney te Bowmanville and wishes th happy couple many y ears of bappy ma ried life. Mr Downey though ouly ri centlv branching eut into business fer himoseif as baker is meeting with spien. did succoss and we trust his business will increase as it deserves te and that prespority may attend their fuattire. BssnAcciuna SPICER, The Mount Forest Repre.sentatie bas the following- notice of a Bowman- ville bov-Mr. Fred Bri*macombe' sou of Mr. Richard Brimacombe, Elgin St The marriage cf MissLizzieSpicer,the second eldest daugliter of Mr R. Spicer, te Mr Fred Brimacombe, teck place at the residence cf the bride's mother, on Wednesday, Jan 9th. The ceremeny was pertermed lu the presence cf a number cf friends, by the Rev. Mr ilanna. The bride wac becomingly at- tired ln white, trîmmed with silk and chiffon and carried a bouquet cf bridai flewers, Sho was attended by her sic- ter, Miss May,- dressed in a pretty white dress. Mr. Norman Mc Williamn, cf Proton, mnade au ideal grocmcenan. Mrc. J. Spicer played the weddin g march during th 'e giving awav cf thse bride by ber eldest brother, Mr. J. Spicer. The presonts wero mauy and beautitul. The grocm g ave the bridesmaid a baudsomo Writing case. The haçpv couple le! t on Tuesday morning fur Buffalo thcir future home. THE STATESMAN offers congratulations te the happy couple and wisnes themu a happy future. Niakes the ~n ead Safeguards the fooc{ Alusu bah -' -. ewd. menacera t c "tia us 'a ýNBw SIERIES. s' Ladies andGetm, Býotlx Ricis and Poor, i hi h Pl fi il a) i a.- re 'q ý C/Ay