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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1901, p. 2

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-lai -n &tSff LFEIN BLEAK LBA1 i Liquified Ozone , ewîs Gleason, Esq. '-Ili, Ont., of this Te.- ) 'e Disease. ,ystemi becons filled with Uie ielscae membranes of tire bodjy ar-c utl ,linflammd. 'Tbm naturel ils et the esten by the ccid sund regnar- torturc 'he cuy vcy te'1-,. 'cmdiseuse ist macs".G ~p'-drumcî c epeilacu I- qole' ,iqnifjet ozone kilts the ~ Àid weeks, 1 have he coiî(d te mtý jointsý siff and swcllen ; sny haiuds so a i iet ose them. 1 couid net sleep ai and had palpitation cf the heurt. 1 gel ,ne fsrni leading physiciens and tenir iof patent medicines, but got nothing any gond. 1f purchased two hboitles s Liquified Ozone, beiieving froci ieard from others that tiis medicine le hold of my disease. Aiter 1 bac e tifobottIes 1 bcgan te f cd rief. 1 ed six more bottier. After tating the jttl,ý,s the sw, lltAg left iny j.dnts, mi )w pan as l*imbler as they were twecty -'nd Ifeelý like a new mars. Rhen- îness of the joints are ail gene, and iiyself cured, h aise cured me cf !:W,! cfkice trouble. Anycce -cmn the atcve disease wite or come iat Ozone lias doue for me. ie f2ct, ivy tee mach towards the vaiue cf cine. Signed I,XWI3 GIEASON, Castleton, Ont. 'sLiqui*fied Ozone is $i.oo a large lbot. ,ait si;e.Ai drrîggists, or'fron the CiImO oneC., of Toronte, fimi- orne St., Toront. 'mm.ptives Need not ave Their Own Homes to be Cured. e Slocum. System Treatment Is Olfered yon Ab- solutely Free. consideration net to be overiooked 1treatment cf consumptives is the Ise in quest cf hCalth. Some cf oui -ai men are .now advising their nt$ te go long distances in the hope change of air wili do themn good. A soiernn nnnsense is being- said, and 'change of climate, and its the patient. "Stick te low saysoene. "Go the mou iitains", _)ther. How is a poor perplexed .rer With sore lun, to decide among ,.ý.ese different authorities ? The fact is, p,ýeople die of consuimption in ail climates, -' hey recover from it toc, in ail climates, ~tiey are treatcd pi operly. The oly os.itive cure for the disease is te kill the ,erms tbat produce it. This is accem- îihd under the Slccum system of retun. The disease must have poth- ngefedon. That is the principle nsaiigthe Slocum system. Von can iry it atyour home. POSITIVELY FREE. Yoa or v,,ur Blek frlrsd% eari bavas a SREF course ai "reitn t.implY irite t TRE T., A. SIoeM7 LOMItzAr (u 'o., llrlt-d, 179 Ring st. West, Teron- pýevlglo,,t ofice and express officeaaddress, and 6'cmptly sent. timawmmninIi Whoc wrltixig for te IagMnjatt paper. ParBons ln Canada, saalrsg Sloenm'ls fre> offer In Aimercari paper ill pîsasae zend foi fiamples tu tise e orecto iaboratole-, Jetwrtheallckardkr f0e elliug ocly 15i sý af Pariba BsutyPinsa >55 a t. Each set contaIns l'are rtiera clenneed BEacýII Pins, fliustd in gold. L-l,',w&t-thia, you cLethic 5l n aneu. Maul ,Itu avertIsemernt and we w-ll areu you tihe 15 sets. dcltseu.rtIsMstlesyanS wr seul lorur, slusolUtel' frsc, l eadid St,,rine SlverC,5c iauarlt.wt lautani ey. llani lty Co., Box 26, Tarants, Cari. WO EN LL TALK. HOW THE FISHERMIEN LIVE THERE ALL THE YEAR ROUND. TlilIag Pletssre of Ever-'resent Msr AIaast Nakeil Chllde and liugl'Y Ibg->ut "~Iea-y, P1'er cIi cevu son Evvry iland-The fDeep tea Mi, titis l a Greai lIelp. The conditions of the «'livycres," or permanent residents on the Labrador ooest, is every year a cause of anxlety to the Colonial Goverament, because in the avent of the failure cf the ccd- fisbery relief bas to be provided for them, the region prodo<cing notbing, ansdthere beang no stores or depota landed fur a dloser inspection of tisa place, and bordes of hungry dcgs snif- fed et his heels, ready te sample bis calves et the lightesi provocation. flirt, tilth, misery, poverty-tbese were stamped across the face cf every qettie- ment we vîsited. Tis a est bas nu civil administra-1 tien ; ibare are no laws, ne police, ne officiais whatever. Durng the sum- mer months TIllE CUSTOMS (3OLLECTO1R. wvho works alcng thse shore in bis re- venue cruiser has powers as a Magis- traLe and decides the disputes wbich are alwnys croppîng cp among the tbousends cf fishermen iocated thara, but for tbe balance cf the yeer there ____________________ ~iiis __ jevery yea a teanterbas tebesent lrtheaîghtmonths ofwinter thare u's ibeart and sItea alngth cas, tshod iled us 3no Mail, except a few lettons, ttn îd flos alon tia cestlis oitfilit xithseekiug bealing cf stores, front whiclistire most needy are wbicb are lerwarded by way cf Que- E e ut o1 hr suppliat, and it îs a task caliig for bec, aleug the nortb shIea of tbe ha aught sadder tltcn - ibe most careful attention and Judg- River St, Laîvreecoce, courions takieg that she shcnld ha led by very Love ie tiset fom eintte ein, bu raalythe aembuas wher£ JDeatb, arrow on stringr, ment iisoroî'gbly te investigate tisea er r oitt on, u aey 1 ni 1 waits to plant bis deadly ubaft inluier cases aud appontien tis alaîowances ever proceeding beycnd Betile Bar- brec t? Vat se it is. Tune and agaîn properly. 1 ber. During tisis periodthie lil'yeresiuLove proves tu be veath'sJ eoy. AnJd Labrador hs a paniesola cf 120,C00 travel about by mens cf dogs and ourun when lihe grii n ai-uier Lls te iu- square miles, an area equal te tue sledges, but ibaîr enly journt'7s eroin fitnsthuhalastesfer British Isles, w~oits population cou- 1quasi et game, -abuchisis biaiable in--wna tecepirus telk s- 1 brekaen-winged bird. sista of but 5,000 souls, cf wisom about tise fort cf rabbits, bears and bjrds. jW7by âdcc, love le-d to suiering? Tbare is littie or ne dbonst 1 3,50W are wiite and 1,500 Esquimaux. îsnsî any a noinun butl J that qu~es Labadr frt prt f be ai- mong thent, becauso tbey buave se lit- p a l u ssuo~ti bshe lias for- Labdr Caad o sarlis ofethermaini-i t ta, u1be i acne saken fetiier auJ roctter to cleave nmite ladfe aadis oter i it tat taadthyalbcmr-1hhsbauîd ln the belief that se she w ast being tiesa brait ot Belle Isie, while its duced te the came plan cf misons ha- iechieviug wornalis higï est biappiucas. nertisern boundary h is te udson ceosa if eue bas a pcound cf fleur h u .,jt lnseaad cf lhapýine*ss aire bas fjlouu t Strait. Bai as it us trequenîed onîy Ls dividat amoug bis mcci eeedy misery, struggleJ nritIr it nutil strnggle hy tse ewfundaed poope i ba eegbbrs, The itiesssavrit cfseemned unees, anJ et la-tliras cure te by te Nwfondlnd eopl itbas neghbrs.The itiesssevrit ofaccapt lber iuisets as lte Ilcr oss" laid up- been uncder tise jurisdiction oethiat Ilwiuter bears mesi barsisiy upon tbe ~'ue îol, ~Jmtry colony for nearly nLnaty years. Thse pugrpol, b blrn ecially 'hrue is no reel reason wiîy almeet land seants aecurst; it is hareocf grae- being susceptible te cenaumpîioe and every wife and ntiler slîould trot eujcyU elier u-sase inect b tiait bad-sound healt. The cerises cf lber ntiserye ery ent living tbîngs ; s desouiate, i-te iessidcdb hi ed hlekwîdanes ttchidig ocsing toge iber and Lb air wretcised food. lelciessihihiamtts aiae blac wilernss o foriddng rckswonianiy crg auisnti. Dis igreeable drains ant stunîed teresi growtb, aif it! Until tive yors cgo tise condition of aire crvng-a tevta ece1u tisin s an ibis respect was. very muech flaiumaîticru blas lilîtîd its firrfrso iiad heen ibruein up te soetepasi aea csto e tat r slowt.h by a voicanie eworte tisan f i ncw. torînertut, rtoni ati, by~Abu a veoane euplSu tdhisapi7g utender tIl - tues. Fe-maIe ieaakirss le matura ceeling causod innuniarall butia tn1tieEglsspepe akiurg lîte a Jaily niartyrdouni.his it cracks le tise crusi; the coast is seant-1 werie creusetl te a seuse ofthtie mucery auy ivondar tisaiItua nervas are a reeed, ed witb hundrets etfisarous, cuit stud- au dored by tisa-tisouruards cf New- that epp-rite fails, and niglit, wIiiehi b ibo lsousaus. tendiand f gber fclik turing tiseir su- clîould urng reat, brungs ououy restirsa ded with ilnsbuetosiaut d'. icura te Labrador, ced s .raech of sud troubled dranis? Tisae latter bava beon cisee, wner-- Dr. Pieu ca's -aitrite Pre8cripttiscirres ever cehtabla, as defaneas beiind wici the Missin uteuDee Sea Fisberme tisa wonianly diseai -s5 v liieh uutdrinirte was tormed cen ibisbileak coast. Thtis tise gencral iseallt.hI tîries ltae dcras.Î Au LIcT L ETE T miSsiîru w'as orîginsîly established te putseout tise fît-e ut inflaiîraaiott, hlle tiseshator husSETTEMEf, wrl5among the Norths Sec fisisermen, the ulcerated tisanes aund cures tea-le th ble hsattorded being cf in-; waakuess. Iu a nord, ih nrckec waak estimable valunisahn tise wuntry galesasndu wbea its welu-erganuzad îunlan- weîuen sîu-nad 'dcii 'vt',,.en sîcul. i bio an tro rleties ýepcktbropiy made iself avident cen, i"uavorite lPreseription"" ut a truc tain- buo, au tu reeuîess be-eckLabrador it wasaunincalculable ibene-,perauensJiine. Itccntintîrsncolol, sîveeps aug tbe sisore, testrcying urî ictlier cpim a, ceainie, or otl'er nareotie. ie is patis. But ibis doubles tisei Sick and cilin-r wot-tuer arc ina ited te daner et eevigatieg lise rag7cn, '"""" cenent Dr. Piec-e by l'-tLcr, fieeft hisraareevr ea uedetf ixat KITCHIENER PREPÂRING. ucsa-.AIeorpnu-.alrtypi salilamnts Irot Btîl tehai, u-- at eand sacredlv ceoiîdiJehtf1. In a cccli isuviug a resîdent population cf.: His fttc, ta for SeCoiu-rng Peace Have assistat by bis staïff c rlc y a sctre et 1feteet-fi efmles h po ali lýphyitcirsu, bis trea-ed ancui tut.ulover luere tery-fiveresdcidie ie eu- ahetouiaihalita utillion svoiîîer.. Write, aidiut 2ie~~~~~~~ ar emt"iee' lvhrs eAcespateb froin ULmdou, Thiurs- téat or fce to Dr. R. Iý. Pier-en, elîef ditinguihh tisent front the mass cf tise day s -3,; -Vb'le tis-' arrisai l oautigps 0rnt lt xl o heeiunlad useran wc nl 1 ~nAtrica c untinu-ru in s ci-tel auJ i,, leal Inst' itte, BiuT 'o, N. Y. traquent lise cuasit uring tiese un- pceyis1e rntu'pbic w1A3OVNLPIîs~r 'mer f Lsbing seassn and are tarmet or Ibrealît e laraispuzl-Sh att ir- mtnsc ouce5aisd Ia ILeaai." i s toubtful iftise ilooi ay15ri uttya'CI"S-1 u1., -ury A. Bronr, i orit bas tise cuunerapîi fibs - mreg cmt)utl- Oor ejý, ' - nitniCourut "uine,. ' IIs'ote -- cal ,ths e tsiipratdvipnsaat j.0u ccu-,'-,ni ny luaithr 1,st liprirîg (1 arânlal lîsaceymigration. lu -June ,tlink.ises-ri un Jîe), nid ion adti e-d me te f inauon utise-' ransvcLal. fise de- l'ire yortu'olriCsealtr' 1anti 'Gotlden eac1 erthis unsaians u thiaae i e ptiufiai îdi a.val.tsa ediml i- ni--t'which t1tid according tu di- ;eca ya ofr raftionsd aed het<uf daieing th-rm for nive armeruofi t25af0 cdipeop.lebeGea, K;ilcis uer ilsa raklun a b-g ou-mciii. ï)tonin ue rotles of 'Favorite Pre- combt ut23,00 pepia ntn, wman euirt1cncf lra crioion,' tof -'Golden iuidical Itismnvmry, oeild-footanicind f Dr. Ps-r sPr irIsMydîsmase su osutrn~!sar frLabrador te -was disnl, -mentriand nicer-ationocf the clercs. engea i tis ootissery 3ltey at euurrasýsp;ni-ents report.tbOlreîcon- aud t was ini a tmrrile conditioun vithr pain and envgeleainbthe tha Bouers areegaisarIng wrui'ntesand had rvcn n p aF- S of e tiseir sclicners wilh thiai- ouseiseld 1bei g ss'ell againe tIad dominrats wîîh four dif- ý gecis, rovsios ct sat fr f'-i ~ tr-engiy in tise B ,tSi ans.d rn fér-nul dorlto ithin four inontis, andi insl'-ad gous, rovsios ad altforfis c-cf gettimr, better was grewirîg sseakcr cli Ibhe ing, aut maire hair tyay te the bar- dsrer.'i- spm ia e.De turne. a1drrtted te t-y yecr redissnes, as 15hall '\e i -uac; li'othi, oWL, ha-d cf the nîaruy curesr resuuting Item their boas wvisra tisey intacdt tn fîsh, sdld, saneiiî ats1,d ss usle. I bougi fwae btle ýd feitacauruch bel-i ý,1ee he rman ntl e ou ueeýte- wiîh ibis murvemnt n. tes after usiiïg thons thai 1 kepto itcurrîi I am as ba-etIayreai uie SPtemier or li as evet ainY hie, sud in 13 - ierce al luahe Ociober, when tisay retuî-n te thiat Ai! Li0rearpie sco>neur un statîug paise is due. home. j isa Cm.îsioiseer' effrtsin tsa Be'cre 1 began taing ynurr unedicnse I only i home,%. d ian pcnd'. I nais îvetg effoprtsoiuithe Durîng 'u-iis paruedthtie «Iîvyere'" en- direction cof saeuring p-race bave fallh i garoied reivpurunde un six unniîs -IstriAi dtouý^,ir -ce mwiih ul"tcr-s, as it le enly a joys comparative Gomfort, for hi anen absoluiely fIai, nolwifisstandiug ivaste of rinuey. I'7o niat,Or- subt îny troublei reîy wt craieîy on euugisoo te tise extraordinary endteavours to et- uiu per-îmrîW3umaitiîDr.iercseitcryjir.Pme" 1 ja keep body ant soul togatiser. n sur iie rrei Ie uiiui Dr. Pîerce's CoînmnuSanse Mediceli wben tise "fluusiers" clart for lhone Boers as weîl as lis- leadersu. White Adeiser ia sent frae on receipt cf stanaps tisetlbis ntisery baguas. Ha is al- tise wemrk of tise hurgiser Peace Cein-t- f0puy expeîse cf ,cluitonts andt mailing -j ways s fistiermae, but efthtie poorase sital aauta osm t ai-ou/y. Send 31 ou-et0erefrts ct-dm. o taas ervie eitiscore uo, ls' eorsaresbewug rse is--p'per-bound bock, or for cdots iing f orde. U taes ervce itheom i enît 5o stauipa. Adt-ess Dr. R, V.L ivel-te-de "iloater," wbio provites him puosition te surrendar tisan aver. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. wlth e tisbung outtit, beat, books aed1---- lices, aed bis catch ho excîtanges for D THWL O EP food and raumant ai prices tisaI ainteci -THELP equel th-ose of Klondike. For bis figh hua recelves eely about e2 a quintal Boers Attemipted to Capture Barkly of 112 pGunts, wiie for third-rate East, But Were Defeated. fleur ba pays e'8 a herel, cour moles-, A dospatch fwtont London, Frite5, ses 60 cents a gallon andt musly tee &asoy:-lt is ce5sertet that mucre iseevy 60 -cents---a-pot( -Thaýe - fart biýs nvlgn-rsllb ano-ttaC -1-S -- ? i' i î,- Z-i-ri and at-e'b-'iug PIessed by ur troupe.", This presuta -bly rmeaus tisaiLord rlitcàisener bts sent. ýO,O(rO meus unie Caipe Colony. WINIEO IN RlJSSIA. tîutl.,laTIrlîgah lee.-.ry t te sVil rS IThe Ode sea c'rresp n4id-nit oftisa La - UDi y ,Mail sayAdtisaIt fie fast ut tu-r tiaI aere sunwbon id !ri lise roccai Isba ur, bas, art-itouai, Slasa, ise5nuow drilefoLr rua.îes liardait-d mb lue. ubr ugis oue cf th in, wiieb wvSS49U yards Joug cnt th-riy--rigit fart cdecýp, it wa)s nuc-- rarv bis ut a ttiua 'I. Seîven hbnu,red et the pusaungers, ititsly pc.isanls le b qu:il--rithlb- iralu,-i befurre tus y iv -ra .ug <Dui, isa-ve urrve i b1' r wlCuulh ta y rubtuin- eds ta cpouloueti neeey-live ruxilinorrs rut O i5e5,i. ULttiy Deth s iwere more Élead lisaus Uive. haverai nio era Oiuble ta g tt ipted tu svaLk tii-anaila niiatauxareuIn-o, tia ru ry. laty caib th r--wre esînouated blykli auJnd iia-cî, auJ sazi nsî ju the artlts, avis le Lis-y arase touicatis. 1 is ,. le s a gre ut o-utery aaist tis? ra.1wnay iluiibr.irus, wavliýe ll--ged U ggardlitasi ru r a siag- lpy îat -'-c a- nt auvu 1,iLrgs !br ra day's wurk iî tî-vla' h a a a -dIIdeastisa (swt uoflb stnlferfrugs cul deatlis, h i-r asý<Ia.ell taitaree days cnet-e wc-t- ta' un t .legrapi-aliy urg 'iiatittg awitis St. Peteroo'uag on tLbi0qît'sla ',n. Wisrn lis-r tien ldsa aeri nt-Lately grautLed tb,- uniîta, tbirLy aud icriy fret bigis, ext&rlu uctfor nt les, tise raiîrcat cein- pauy's losse lissungis liseblizzard is Staicat te uinuni te more tisau 8-5O.- inne lliOse as beeu stop- pcd tuarm-r-ïy tays., isa piorlu marly ofthe lieutlying paris et the coîuntry! -ire star axung. Tb' ,pr:c'a <ut pruyi- siufi.s have risen 533 ,ýrcent. HER MAJIîSIY'S HEALTII. eisrui.%loitlias i'iw aeeairîa Stolli iesa an2149piysi *ut A despateh £ront Lotndo-, says;-Ra- potho anîturn.ung ther unfurvourciuîe ruoiualtiln ouftisa Queieu'shbra.Its bave lsaminPt risisteut tcirculation for tbe puas-I mosist. Tb'te iN noie' ely tro - rd reascu lte bu 'dvu tisaItisera is soma fonda-Con for thent. T1e me.- sent, sudten dealis ut Lady Churcii, seâlsi lady utfbis-cQueeu-'a Ledcisasa- buer, daçirivet tuer Majes,'iy oet lncet ber last oid intimate friand, ced isac tiasadetst eff oct upen hem. Har delapresre-on hbu itontue bnathsmental aud pbys-ieall, and It le titticuiltet nousr bar fron hem tespuuîteuey. Hem pisyshciais dvise tisat bar deparînre for C(nsirz hp, hast-oued, but sie se cnot ia'lt'resiad inthiebmclip. Sise plads wt i is rue r u t Ytar ,,u umia t iern post whîie tise affaire of tise Empira SEVERE ENGAGEMEN4TO r eusiit u ira ig Six Britishs KilIed and Seven'îeen PRETORIA PULL 0F TROOPS. Wounded. A tespetis f rom London, Watnes- Civilians Forbîdden to Wear Kisaki day, says:-Thse rasu alty liai ahu sl jr5inFuture. OCTS T00S I T M 1TM A H eisFREEe ma We w»l ive the abeve reward te any person wbe will correctly arrange tihe above Sletters te Speli tbe cames cf ibree smali Canadien chies. Each lina represents crie came. STry il. We seul positively give tbe money away, and ycu may ba thse fortunate pereon. d 9"'ihnld ubere bý more then cne set cf correct ans-wers, the money wilbe ivdd qaly ;For instane, sbcld five persons send in correct answers, earh will receive 5$400ý0;è >boulIdstee per sons send in correct ansivers, eacb iili receive $20.00; twenty perso11S, $1o0o each, We do Ibis to introdnre aur f t-m and gods ive handie as quickly', as possible. SEND NO MONEY WITH YOUR ANSWER. This is a FREE contest. A postcard ivili do. Addreas N. Y. SUPPLY CO,, BOX O., ORILLIA, CAN. This is the machine that talks-siugs-plays every instrument-reproduces Sotis's Baid--striieg orbcestras-Negro MUinstrels, Church Choirs, etc.. It reproduces the viclin, piano, inte, cornet, trombonse, baujo,, mandolin, piccolo) and every other instrument. 0 TIhe Barliuer Grain-c phonle louder- learer, sinîpler and better tissu any other talkig machine at any price. lt slngs every kiud of su.'ng, sacred, comie, sentimental, patrictic, "Coonl" seugs, Etiglisis, Frenchi sud Scotch Songs, select- ions from Grand sud Comic Operas, pinys cake walks, waltzes, two-steps, marches, infact everythiug tltat eaui be playeîi on auy instrument or nunîber of instruments can b2 reprcdueed onriaeBot-iuer Gram-o-phoue with the wouoerfnl indestruct-. ible record dises. It telsf uuuy stories or repeats a prayer. It can entertalu hundreds at I time il' the. lar get liai or churel', or itl'-an be enbdned te cruit the sînsileat rocd The R~ecords are not wax, thcy are liard, Fiat, Indestructible Discs,whc wxll lest 10 yeers. The 13e: iner Gram-o-phone la made lu Canada, it is-guaranteed for f ive years. The Grant-o- phone le nsed and eudore-ed by the loading clergymen and otisers îhrougbouîi Canada. Tha Berliner Graun-o-phone rýeceivec1 the only mnedai for '1'lkiug Machines st thc Toronto Exhibitioni 1900. Prnice, compiete aud the records cootrfeituil, thercforebeware of machines 50 &" $15. 00 with misleading naines ae they ara worthlass. iuciuding If the Berliner Grant-c-phono 15 flot for sale iu your a 16 lnch hfore, town, write te ns for illustratad catalogues and other p eod information, free. 3irecosu FAcficxv- 267-371 Aqueduet St., Moutreal. concert sound bo-x. EmANuEL Biou7r, Genieral Manager for Canada. l -E. BERLINER, 2315 St. Catherine Street, .. MONTREAL For Sale by IL. MORRIS, Bowmanville. BIFFICULT PR BLE. Refugees Are lnereasing Daiiy at Many Forelguners at Durban in a Durban, Natal Bad h PLurht., A despatcis froma Duirban, Natal, A tepatch front Dut-ban,Nai, is prepsrin1g a liet cf unitsirablu jsays:-VIanf foreigmsa",r mnvn says;-Th['lia tîlndar conmiltea haro j bre fient Johannesburg wletan1y l'etsous evio are holding officiel pesi-rme ans cf support. Tisoir csk bLines ie tise Transvaal. Tbey at-e! ref use te haip thent, andthtie -tco por- aise urginug lise militaay ofceste tien bjcts to Seing bt-,deot ih allow n rapresanlaruve front acuStisair support. Tise question et curjing fit-m te reltun cnt uscrtain tisa cn-!u for tisent presents rmeny difficultie. Ctonfut tbir stoeks, tisus plaeligj Twe tise sant recînuls have beau se-. -r' I j-- -i - us a I ~ a île- ~ The End. of' tbe War [s Steadily (.oming Nearer. A despeteli from London, says :-Mr. Jennat Burlergb, wio ae bs returned. te Cap' Town, sen-ds te thse ]Iily Tala- gr-upb an eeigrnatical despeicb, say- ing: "Alor soidiers, whetbcr front Orange River Colouy or the Transvail, leck tisa' pîcture of beltis, uni! it is boped tisai ibïeond h s stadii'y conting nearer. "The few xecent successes of the' Beers are ann uylCa-. Tuventy tlisuand reinf opceaeits biave arrivad, and tbey PREPARING A LIST.' il I t- tues. -~ 5$ - 1- 'i i i s ct With tiie "rmu Pof"Band are the strongest,.. heavy"Due Duck" rubber-s. They wear best because made of purest rubber, and more of it than in any othei heavy rubber. Extra heavy, real tnp sole- pure rubber., They Stanid the Wear See that the rubbe-rs'yu( w ~i get àaldealers'.- Made by the oldest and best Rubber Company in Canada: The Canadilan Rubber Co. T-ORONTO, MONTREAL, WINPC t'MnU du D MR >EITIFC C7~I1 'il Lù.ý

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