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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1901, p. 3

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Ieus G&r signature of ses Pac-SiîlIe Wrapper Blaow. FOR TWi ùgO'APLEXION DANAfIkUS UUT URONJL", CONAN DOY1LE PAYS A TRIBUTE TO OUR BRAVE MEN. Turit lu the'Ttde Dite to the Vetory ai ' Paareleberg - Gra1îhic Iiserlptloàitofit tiie Gr'e tleue Iu lits bock, "T»e Great Boer Wer," Dr. A. Couac Doyle penn a graphie description cf the eventful bathie at Paardeherg andi pays an eloqueut tri- bute te, the Canadians who partici- pated. "Ou the nîglit of Feb. 26," says the ceiebrated *auther, "it ,-as dehermained that Smitli-Dorrieu's mcn sbould try their luck. The front trenclias of the Brtish were at that ime 700 yards from the Roer lines. Tbey were liîld by the Gordons and by the Canadiens, the latter being nearer te, the river. It is wortb white enherîng iute tdc- tails as tex the arrangement of tbe attacli, as the success of the campaigu was at least acclcrated by it. The orders were that thc Canadians w-re toï asvance, the Gordons te support, and the Shropsbires te take sucli a position on thie eft as w-old euh-j flank any oounter attack onHepr of the Boers. "The Canadians advanced in thei slarkns'ss of the erly mordueg, ha-1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~fore the risc, of the moon. TefotFi eaoyc adkstg wa rauk held their rifles in the left bond, suppreased for e, timua, but reestahlish- ' CURE S10K KEADAGHE. and ecd extended i rght baud graspedi cd a few- yeara ago under tic reign - the sîcave cf the man nexi it. 'Ib oOf Alexander III. rear rank had thir rifles stong andi Jan. 1 is lu Beîlin the day fer the carrsed spades. Nearest the riverý Court cf Congratulation w-loch la M an back wcre two compauîes (G. and 11,) ld by tie Emnperor andi Empreas. w-be were foliowed by the 7th Company 1 Early in the raoruîirýgthe atreets near and IesU.!cf Royal Engineers, carrying bags thc Royal Scbloss are crowdcd wîtb full cf earhh. people, ail waiting te sec the scate -J Cati and examinîe my ntýw For ocats. A 3?JTCH DARK 'NIGHT I carniages cf the ambassadors, princes eompîqriing Waliabay, Wombat. flopaiîd "The long line etoe hhrougb al and nobles, who are on their w-ay te ot;imitation lOue Gau 'tiets, Mte, Insta&-i tino fo'r ('lest roteetors.aieo Sakavihewac pitcli3 darkness, knewing tbat at, attend thc Court cf Congratulation. Boffuialo Robe. Goat Rostes and si-vs Biasukets Imme se qoanstles of AllWo any instant a blaze of tire sucli asi The ceremony is precedesi ly a short Dntstch Kersey, Saxouy and Jute. But to fiamesi before the Highlanders at service la the Castie chapel. Ail the make the cuisit a'îinlsicte yen imust hâve a set cf our Sois Nickel or Ribber Trînamesi Magersfoutein might crash out in princes and princesses comne te this 1-1,rînss ani Palioertton Cotter. ,front of thcm. A hundred, iwo, tirce, Court as w-cil as ail those mrho have Theplae t ge ibs iIa four, fivc huiodresi paces were taken. , the pivilege cf aîteuding court fao. J o. S. R u n d I' They kncw that they miust ne close tjvitias, se that it is a very long, andi Fas Ed lanee Eorum upen the trenciies. lithtey coulid rather Èatiguing affair, especially for Berea'îrui ui ereep sflenîly euough lihey nmught! the _________________________sprîcg opon 'the defendars unan- EMPli JSS AND RER LADIES. nOneuaed. Ou and ou- they saie, step Duriug the next fcw- weeks ail the N WS an PIIO Sby step, praying fcr silence. ol, NEW an OPNIO Si hegeutta ahflottie fo c eheard - QF y tie men aWbe loy w-uhin aStone- NATONL îP0TANE~ thretv of riem eTie L opes bad be-i NATINAL MPORANCE i gun te risc ivan there bmoka uponl ...The Sun e, the silene cf the uîgit a resonant Sun ... IlmetaIlie. rattie, the thesi cf a falliig, Alon CctaÎn 13th. mau, au empty claîter. iTioy had Illoie ct~cais ~th. watked ltua lune of meat cens situn, opon a w-une. 13y nîcsuremut it Deilv, b-v Mal, -8. 6 a Yeat'. w-a uiy 50) yardis mm the uîïech. eLa n d -Su ri d avby m -at- l8myea r " îJ-r-utn- ipe ni soundesi and tbe Cauadiana huried 1'1ï'hie 5unday Sun, thcnîaI8kves devin oison ilie ground. is the greatest Sutnday Netwspaper ~i Tesb~ c adytohdi theword.w-eau, frona a lina 600 yards long, thew-orîs. Itiaere camaeue lfs-tous giare oet nue1 Frice 5b a Copy., Dy Mail, $ a Year. fire, win a bass tîk, walarn oajesi-: Asidress TIJE SUN, New Yeni. Are triaipaantfait omsc apeleuit araotEed asaf pitiv csure Taîhi otlviracees ti r normal9f1onolo is;utad onllpb iit, rsn ti u reep *p-u l Aotna OrWindorWint rCn spca it urnte nl sasa positive 'jre wi. qoutiel Ana' 55the bot plate, of speedtaîg hulaits. lu lIaI terrible redsiligiat the men, as they lay andsi arapot.d dsperaloly cotl cuver, coulsi ses 11ue beads ofitîe Biens pop op andi doîvu sud the truge cf niase barreis quiver allai gleamn. Eow tht regiment, lying I lpsl~s onder Ibis tire, isotipesidtsruction, 15 extra- ord.nary. -Vo i Oui i eLueicilin authe face of suce caontiu uablasi ot lead saemes i mpoossituleandiil w-as equalip ompessihle LüiaiiunD were Lhey usera. -c a short lima tie mosan w-ould bt u p, ansi îlay iousi olu ckesioiftho a mou. Tbe coter companies up ou the plain w-ena cuderesi to retire.. Breaiu 1 up into loose onden, thay made their i %ay baci w-ttc so;pnisingîy bltle bas, but a ats-ange contretemps occurtasi fer, leap0ng sudd-'nty imb a trenci held Doy tis Gos-dons, they xx re mis- taken by the' mata, w-ho aseeule havi beeu asleep, for B cors. Ax subalter- ansi tw-alva, men recex-es bayonei tîrusta-nona of them fortunately ci a very serious a nohoe-befo£ie i as. talcswasîîcirsi CANADIANS I D LT, licIbuter fate meauwhiiele d ha. great court festivities take place, andi t hene is a constant succession cf court and pivate gayeties. lu China, thic New' Years' rejoicings iext uns ever tbree wec 'ls, during whicb lime lit tic or ne business is trausacie-d. Fie Chinamnan endeivors te stant thc inew- year frac et debLol ansi ail obliga- t ions are discharged before the close cf tie cisi year, anas a iresi suipily 1 of charmos is laid in. At midnight, a work's ushans lu tic New- Yean, the ioouaes are decorated with flew-ers ansi laistenus sud family parties anc in endeor. Much tic s-are programme Is car- f£casting lasts for tan days; every oee appeara lu a broui uew- suit cf clothes. Fha Jat-ocuese INew Year was formeriy a noovabie teast like thai of the Chic-- esc-, but il is n0w cetehrated on a day corresponding tl ucr Lrai utJanu- eny. 3iBvnfirea of mamnoth proportionis I are kindiesi on New Year's eve lu Fer- -sia-New Ye'i's is Marcl 21-ansi peo- ipie dance about them. Fils holiday is 1 tic most important of the year, ansi y f ecsting lests for ten sicys ; cvery oe *appears, in new- ciothes, s No peopie lu the worid maka more i of New- Year'a tien the Scotch. ansi lunumenable arc the superstitions cou- tneehei wtIihheday. Iu the fb-st place neotesi witli thc day. Iu the first -place on gethîg eut of bcd lu tie 4morniug eue must stap on souathing b, igler tienthie besi that the firat i slep may bo haken upward. In dreas- ingý if unfotunate enosaglite put the t eft aoec on first os a gaîment ou Iwrcug aide eut oe must entirely un- tdresa again even tethIe taking dew-n f fne's beir. ansi dreiss over again. Ih is bad luei te be icte fer breakfast ansi goosi luck te bs the first oee o sjeak teh the cook. Ail salt-ceclars must be 1 full ansi tIc breas basket w-ail sup- I 1e~n tvecsutorio ~ Llauthe lxxo cîmpoules w ho liedhbe pliesi; if a basket ot eggs or of crs ngî's e il ufnisni oS. ht as1 ü7feloiva s by lie englacera. It la diffi-is rugfs a present il indicahes e h '.ui tai - cLi letuundersi, andi îhy lu the avide 1thc hast kmd of gosi mci. Al gar- yu-, îuu-iual iai 'ie nol hiave carriesia a sekint of carthba tlona garml tshoulsi On no account Dlx a,,Sos- lgonte, nuaeasi of a spade. Withithese I,ebc w-osn. Neithar lair uer naila muat ______ fluni cempanies, thie experiment was be cul.; mona-y must ha in the purse mosi succensal. Ouniaoutbrakaioetansi lie purs' linlhe ocket. Fe slum- thlifrethie sacis avre cat dow- hie on ali la cbol lu-k sigu, uniesa ' mo crectiei 'it la upsluirs, iu whlch case do not ttme was guven ion tortues- trenching. - -IB1 îlhe mornuog lhuy w ana not enlyi o R O -BR AR iL _________ - saccre tiamacilves, but îîey teunsi CLR O dBR AR Xgsii.c foc--u 1iuiC tstc-g se - ,iI v, os -usdsapaiiethat 'fIa£hogirl w-bsechair 15 o-t auy ahade senr r's am"cu- ' aiyî se sîî,,inîd.. cocîsi enfilade the tirst- unes cf that justifies ils being hermesi resi venut )'îiiurvesniest ocei ae n IltatI"000Bier toceNo dutCo" hd s,,udn. t ssaisi,W-car pnrd freenoirlu- ston a'hvlethirit i p-bali rnis ioh rn s1toli o,1 apcr0 pateoirie llea uic&tlorer- vcufteun atneuady realisesi liatthie extremel or biglit ycllow- under auy circum- beau îiîcce-L îuty piou-uted hy us. We ct f bus resistance hesi coma, but! stances, as hhese'colons accentuaetei co'a lit fully aqutpp si odces ii!'l tliitreal ,i it1 and lw,il5i'gtou; this qun;ufien us o onrlt- 't was te liose 1w-o cumpa ofas et nsitouas in han hair ansi present an tp uispatu-irwork sud quickly suure PittIds 1palles as bîuid asthcînvcuttonu. ligheîlrelcrauces Canadiauis ticitich crashit s imme- uubacoming contrast. On thic otier Patnts prccucad tirogh Marloun&Ftuai daiely due for thaltwhie f ieg w-iuch baud, the auburn haiiesi girl car inb- rlos-aîla-apcie ntIc ivthotoligIn luitteresi cpoI hue mo)ren. cf Ma5uha duige tho ber heent's content lu al hIe over teeoevsapscoe;.tricot si th-îCUugiroUi day oe-ton lilnes cf P-oardeberg" gldnbw-saesithigou ispeccatv ;-Pu.ttiit buines of Manufac- -t"hie rusidy golsi tinta. Sic may also tus-cc. sudusîgiacro. Sý 1iît.0 Miss Partie (ioodxi-So youve esi- --a niSr idsc ou Pstesattcpept Lîad tc tsla d pape? Ilt wasu't soda a terrible andi green, das-k purpegry il, Offfceet Wait-go D. ordeet was il ? Al pou lied 10 do'wasan a li astolvedr ~ 'ho iecp partectiy cool. T-he Young! Mani-Coel ? 1w-es so cool pou couisi nTo lvvi h enfai 1eav' eaiMy teolli chathen hue u'Imula ett bu ansi ainolute c'ure for ece i~~~~~~~ i' utciiliaeuuiopwi ld me Ibis mcrniug -w andusievery form nofitching, I i m, ao On inutro ia mat hva ibleasiingaod prot1usiuug ades, i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .u y OClU nio O m. aa occ onicsaisi 1fr he mnuechres havae uaran teed it. Secs' ami ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý . ne u- pa'noS.Vau e onar oflit)-ku Vaii i iS- io i li - Nnrsdagcoîy wci îeoiaI n eiso rs -ccàpd ÀEW YEAR'S THE WORLD ROUND. iýuOCtlowq InluEuropesIn couris aud ne- jielitg- u lu bi nud .Jupaiu. The celebration cf the first day qf the year by exchanging gifts datbs proin ld Roman times. Se costly werc the presents lu the time cf the Cees- ars that tiscy werc a great source cf profit te the Emnperors and quite bur- densome te their subjects. Several hundred years' ago in Eng- land it w-as customary for the nobil- ity te send purs-is cf gold te the king. In the courts cf Europe New Year's is a great day. All the monarchs he- gin the day loy attending churcli, cf- teirward, they reccive the dignitarics, cf Churcb, State, Army and diploma- tie corps. At the Ruesian capital the princes of the Imperiai family, personages of the court, functionaries, and servants cf the palace coma lu regular order h present their bomage andi goosi wishe te the Emperer, who kisses aIl the' members of bis family, and al Uhc bîgb officiais thýree times acccrdàiug te the Russie n fashion. People meeting in the street in Russia on New Year's kias each other, wbather acquaintesi or net. The favore.dI onea who have been kissed loy the Cza-r are permit- ted ho kiss tHebaud cf the Empress. PERSONAL POliN FERS. ~iet4i5 of Interesl Abolit Seof thse Gre t Peopse. Arcliduke Otto,. the future Emperor of Austria, ia an artist of great tal- ent. H1e possesseg bis ow-n studio in 'hec Acadciy tIf Fine Artà in Vienna, and divides his tjue, between the bead-quarters ofthe cavalry corps wbich he cammands and lis studioa The Archinuke bas frequcntiy exhibit- cd bis -w-rk anonymoiusly, in order that it ýmight stand on its merits, and not be favorably criticised because of bMs rauik. Little Prince ]idw-ard of York is of an inquiring disposition. Not long ago, so it is sail, ha was taken over one ofour great Trnn-of-w-ar, and was ranch iuterested iii a large, heavily- budt cha8t ,-,hic was shiow. him, -Wbat dees that hlod?" lic asked the tait officer w-ho, accoînpanied hlm. "Pew',der," was the reply. Tlic littie boy lcoked sympa theticalIly at the stalw-art figure, and obscrved, "Then do yon take powý,ders, ho? ', Lieutenant Guy C. E. WNylly, w-ho bas w-on the second Victoýria Cross aw-ýarded te the Tasmnanîan Imperial Bussbmen, lis the cnly son cf Major E. Wyliy, late ef the Leinster Regi- ment cf the Indian Staff Corps, and grandson of the late Mr. Robert Clerk, of Westholme, Somerset, and Serjeant-at-Arins to the Hlieeof A-ssembly, Ilebart, Tasmania. He is only twenty years of age, and joined the Tasmanian cor tingeut with s view of qnaiifying for a commission lin ERer Majesty's Army. Mr. Edison lives in a bouse whjch lus ail agog with wires. As one ap- proaches thp, front gate it swings ope n and abats automatically, ilie v:a:,ter's foot on the steps of the porch rings a beli ta the kitchen and aiso ene in th-- master's stoviy. By tou[:h- ing a button hL ope3ns the front Cioor before thc- atranger has lime to kooli. An electrical music-box plays durinf dinner. Whan the gucat retires te bis b2dro>n the folding bed unfolds by eiectricity. Wben he puis eut the gas a strauge, mocking display cf skeletens, gravestoues. exils, and etiier hieous phantasmiagoria dan 'as about i-n he w-ail at his&feet, reap- pu'aring auJ disappearing in a ghost- ly electrical glare. Colonel Le Gallais, w-bose loss In South Xfrica is se. much deplored, w-as ,an eli-.reund sportsman, a fine polo player, and a cavalry leader cf dasb and daring. Il waa during the op- eraýtions uniler Lord Kitchener, in 1897 Land 1898, that b-e performed bis mo)st notable w-ürk. Iu thelatter year, at Atbara, lie w-as the lIeader cof a recon- na'ssance of great p lnc!,. when the Major and other ofi -r iad te use thoir sworuls repeatedly. Once the euemy made for the guns, when these, were tnrned lIn another direction, but Majcr lie Gallais cau;-ht them up wjtb tho- Fiftli Division, and1, in the w-ords cf M1r. Burlei.-i, "taught them a les- son." For this claver manoeuvre he w-as sp2ciaJly snantioued in dcspatcb- es, andiw-as given th-, brevet rank of lieutenant-colonel. rame OereNc- - Ar- (Pl aý state 1mw much time x'ou can devote te the work and iLow von -wish to bc paid--zeekly, monthly or as pou send la the wotk. bs-il King Aipiense cen ne longer b >e5iîraisit Kaldte"itpIý:ng," aslie bas sotîeigec grown very muncb of tata, ansi lias îeriuhbieri Lctbe Rameg rSoleutinwiI csacetain sn beoma robuot andi hall for his cga. g Sntinize,ceoR!uiT.9ecrbirriiis e Ris Maj-sty lias iost lbis, former Jeui- moierie at5 Gt Pai cate -~~ /~i, ec the laist 25 lit cîa eîts caeappeanance, andi is ne longer a C~e. aIsentuîîtn!eir timisi ciid. Hie is funl cf f un ansidnnstsidii .Wiaps Ide, and bas developesi a veny crong -, arsOecelcifrd w-:iiofJaits 0w-n. Dnniug the weeks ruesfuccleietsathe lie spousis w-th bis mother -andsi%-rgliSOacrititi tens et St. Sebestian ho lias a course cf sec baths, w-Lia aaeaiw-ays ot great benefit te ihm. lHc is a goosidS ,wimmar, ans i bs leaitiy appehite '- aud higi spirits show- bow- eutiraly i ~ 4 n5' hielias get ever thie veakucos cf lih;,a infanuty. The King iaada a vary re- gulan 111e. Froma tw-e te four o'ciock is sevehed te military driii ansi gym -________________ nastios, trom tour ho five thc King slisfige h -V'senit t Iilns Las trensaches iw-tb lia, Queen Ragent É ansi the Minishars; ah saven o'ciock lie _______________ lias dinner, ansi at aine thie King a~ goeis te bcd. r Professe>r Max Muller, w-ho radent-C ly passesi aw-ay, w-es perbapa the mnat F rs * prof oued acholar of ti'na ,century; nev- erthcieso habcwas cne, et the simpicot- Weh meîadeq mindasi ansi tat modest cf men. A few- mentis cge, a certain scmew-hah pua efr ii gushîig youug seciety lady, uxho af-yeua ho ouasce t fechesi the greaeta veneratuon forlreutfuron alere a,,cboarship ansi îaaning lu any shape lretIi eir or torm, saisi ho hm, "Oh, professer, Vn ana -hat a mLnd yen have, te ce su-re! ~yOtur stock con- îRouw- uherly diffarent from ail us O~~ tains many exciu- pormotis t-s norvellciis to me -O- '~~ designis __i n Y biy(uenacu tolenahe talkimg te au ittJJa1els, clpennes,t crdincry individuel! I supposa you \I uli Leugih Coats,' are aiw-eys thinkiug eut soe pro- u~~\\ Etc,, of trare skiuîs. fou-nsiprbliem?" "Yes,modestiy fsl saisi lic professer, 'ilarapratty lusy ~Snifruw al day, I must eontasaAt umplt, calou liow-cvr, I geneacly take an iour'a THE W. & D. DINEEN CO., retor se>." '«Ahi," raplurously saud I.LMFD tic young lady. "Thinking! lhink- Cor. Vonge andi Temperance Sts.,' <iug! 1 suppose. Planning soîue noble TORONTO0. wcrk, professor i'" Ne,quietty saisi __________________ the protes fier; "eat nigit -1 generelly afieusiau heux play.*iug skilie!" efIUf l auote uisrsiarl, typise B, .a et, lIsse Fnsa y Bongry fnr-akns ay lli lee-i1 a na 1e, P nttOl usesi ho maie lots of moue, hore the s- n c au-hî --iisda. 1 , o'etiuu-iitamnatuSit evecy houe imoneypuw-ers crushasi my ýtrajde.U n.utui.ecieatsslle Ki : ,L" ýîa diii u ,ou,,,arkS;t1 isoi1,5,iiuC i., Sýinu -'i, ~ I ar. moîaBox,24, loUeUeaGîte Be yer Cete tse ~fl0WEt5t> 2aIVabli cocfteoILIIt1I l giseso uentCtisnraeit asi i Iladab e rrsîiiLî i i i ssosiiite hse Wrie so niny erie-tsansdas-e41L-. gaitiserTo uiit teuSaae sibscriscra ire ffer, Di A N 51 OLDWA~HE ~ ilts-Cbteii tinîtc' tic i litest ii en- iail itios iatb nn iOs h, In t~os-r seci scos-e. is Dnt 1 eeia tacei-ciesreand h dte si lunomca4)5.e Tattisi-iiys t'a asO sensa Iltee t niaceil, faee a tacorectenorci, t TiOn isAbeiticn mill ucltes ni Sie nmi t= u ss met lae- 0MBMOTISIFMAGAZSNE 5,tt:y isitc etbiY Peetai - o, Ex- ~ srsnWili ue usinsîeresin t] '.da4, eev ;- et-u-i' unsi tee, a lait day eorIPebrnary, 1t01I, Tsite aurfui eOis,' oio-r S .Magazine nos-011nY 50e,.ltIE P&.i B iSJLG j C,,Bo te.-O LONG-LIVED ANIMAJ5S. Fabulons ages bave beau accribesi ho the elepient andi whale.. but itlmta ow thoughh hiat tbey may be capable of atteiuiug tic age cf 400 years. 1h im recordesi tiat w-heun Alexander the Great invadesithe dornîsîlous cof For- us, oeeofthe Rajahs of IJpper India, lio tooi e luge elephant fromthe cn- quentls Prince, names i hm Ajýx, dodu-, cýahes irulmte csuc, antIicI iim go, 1 w-itb tle inscription,," Alexander, the! son cf Jupiter, hati siediîcahis Ajax ho the io.n," fastenasi mound bis leg. Tbis elephaut, the story goca on to say, w-es focusi 350 ycars later, wili îte inscription scliiintact. Flic average ae ton an elepiant us. louvever, 101 years. Theacge et w-hales is asccr- hîllinesi by hie-aze ansi nunoher oh lay -i ars of w-haiaboue, w-iici incereasa year- ly, ansi a perteidetf300 on A00 pears les beu ludicatesi hus. Ia lhe Seychelles Islanss aine hortoises are babiîuýaily kapt, ansI are hausies doavu trom taxin enr b sou as legacies. Mauy of these, are kuown to be maore tiean 200 years ci-I. Iu Ceylou there bs nowv living in the Governme-ut Gardens a lonholsa saisi ho, ha500 yearsclii; w-hile, au- othen -historie honloise w-as kept as a pet loy Archhiîshýop Laudi, w-ho cora-i meudesi il 10 tic cane et a friand, ansi it eveubualiy diesi in London anthc reigu of Queeu Aune. IIAMPERIED. Ida, neyer leliks slhng. Tiepn Da5si. I-on1dened w-hy 1h IO~fT ~5I LJ WILL f LOOK OUT FOR îMTAT1ONt, AN-S1U11 SfTTiJT PS.THE OENMINE ril j B~YEARS THE NINI~E, Isgi v e thia banffi ,o Thr i da o inascomont l oa tcuà-i sinec'bvth dooii n of lf dir, un on hesids ft n tey an vedrbs, n~ meas emvig heeaayntîr ie itheun bl m y leavi e d ni le 1ionh, 1)S c skirtdays wý , u ou:tiabn ut1i1ai and haL,7ene re., a don ýBoj 1ýi, itO, u 77s icorporesýted by Provliîîmâ I, ,e n rtet aioUdQCopau le U.L M T D Auihorzed Capital tock, $f8o.OOO HEAD, OFFICEe- TORONTO, CANVADA- l'ho Synficate la Offering a liited amourit of stock at $1.00 per share ln lets ftw tyesr. (k achis1bscricer of the twe îty,,atoares to be furntslietiaa wenty-douUar kniîtingnchî-: trï. te W)ritfop Ibos yndicate and te saaes ii , net peoNits of ail goeds madie.) 'The Syndicatsle hbeinforniad for tus lacros@f of acoi'gkutl ed ode hemper ihan arrv ,ieltlng cenpany.tekep clown prie% a-sel ta capote ihe large k eitiOni;orbincs andl cempanies which hava joiried h-.sctleroise prices. Ta do un. eueceaciuili 1la6 ree&îary ta&S ec t1,Ai fiat (cas 'sena te maOtarenre Zaods wlth the e asut possible expance. In*rîfor-, 1.,Thel iydica, uespp21es ltscnyarn and machines, 2. Th-5 , elcMer Mudsby eaaheicicrs keittinx ei thelr ewn hoesi. 3, , he 8*e a a a y a î,-fo r .uli rspay made eéa rise opo rec eip t aisse, andl basides paylng for 5the work wlison lt iwil seul onu ivi 05.w h îte accu 'il rUa- s the Uanet profits from thse 'aie of al oui da maeda lv saharahlsoders, 4. ris0t c . e lc i goarude by tscwrs harehoZders. fi Te aa. sabea, y $00 an-,tetlscatrgivia fIres a accordy dollar lrting Machine te komp, and a9cOce SPIÎ lleC w9rcelng sU rehcbier, freJ c' chaa, fouddrections, ei~and aryns te a kudethe ona. Ta bicomnea a har tsolJar. a theeii, wner cilice :f thse machina. tu ls aid fer the weck Yeu 4*, ansd aise e parc liae lthe. squat lvision cf ho n-, pu-fta. yul Ssnii uyta beconne a menoher of the aendcalle au-S taetwenty $100 ahslas hiwi ceai Yeouwit- 74dollar r ,'e-,~sa 1r i5anus-'laie opyal ion eynonc -d0 kssitln maies iutte ita c m'ch*i5cre, FRttn. ytrmlspian it ~ !~b1iI ~ ,î1.n..o can raadi;y tbec % tsai ui Snel et ci niy beriefiti ,--z 1'idae y way et ivieÎendai au réu su fa r' rcsp ~ uarn mat aiar lhome.-, h. Srcate es f0 ty prapalced te keelýpia ls 91i opic w ,ereior da o,,, the na un b s u'ero ouicad, andet laaise in a psta eigpose of ail gonds ksiied femtîsae ya rna uchlarge cobbers and > tacs g-ssraelira ç it 'Aicn la sent ilju s aaccledrs. luayt lea iib oL 7r-î-ô1S he o lt wuo bas n reintaite aso3.11.s un c sucelarge a ceae, itsaould te naceayt a.anrnsre îHigfatile lll e mn tr nrnoot honona dWaa, eus z'ýtaxes, Inirui-ce and îni-r2et enc£rne, Wu con, tUer@f-s-eý, sot a i scioafeUrê e,'O caueî n s aperan quastits. botp cr hrieeidean en-o ni. Sths. yssOcate hnaUcsa hIeSed 5avnlgîcrlias kutint maa5uticand WMilat P fileWitls ordlesaY uaca*,. Î4 T II M~i'ii ~L -ce 555iia'ni tre&saceii-eth rti.Rçaîiine Ttwentyyveacc. li;Mknt from tl-finse lmp o ra'tothO a ýr 5-t aiC'lv eln-jaf ,o yrn telscaine ar hand i , at oïîehty timîs jiast.r, ln feu a pair of- socle or îuoie ec;' GiilaiCo e ih saci' Machlnes eoIl outflî s -nu tagther w in aa sui t ru eceenene ai once. Thse 7gode acQoempniigum-hca in e ýlOiii Oi t opgra5ucfl s0 simple tUai anyene of ccd ca&ry iel-, lgaZncie,n moite any of tisa icti&Sousda roîoired lv ticSdte , Sucsce.One ce LadeS «zcoirgo, Col anSiScycla FSos, 1 aisr. cg nd eeToquei fer ChuÈira. TLC È* iz UheSoncair paya for kniýýîing55., eeS rc :-Bocks, $0M Pr 100 pairs;Ladies' StotisgSOtyue Q cr~Gne T IIL PhC~ :>lt, and Bicy-clse omp. t.e pa ertie; Leag Ag nd aii iossc icceoHta,a*. 01pr10pie ieTqe ittOt prlOi. At tise eed suc qoi.!y macla e t %r machins and et ihee lsac. yiernwiig ,e'r aaca'eg~py uSr thohcaa-in e lFaec.kirir «, uyoarokiia n ari.Siariedoa eu 1rm5 ilerpailS her if. etisia bt i ilti areu cuspeet- ta e-n-v- fotoceminetaCitecîi.'e tSyndicats. eyr nrliele?«it adtV*Uî M4&'dgPO tIteý0 WH C I Ai tl cernonS siilng te oece-pt and hovsatly knit tUyre stutdttiemdtrtlOmaegat.1iopyt SI ýT Do Tu "ed. and te do woct fur île Syndieattu, rzcE- îsw- eny eias a% tJs 'ewert. es ent in.-mueic-4 Ot thefalle-ong APPiCAT.ON FORi' îignui vnrne e R.tolfin addresai and referonco, and enrno3I h sith axpreis or <aat 0me meoisyOrelec te the syndicae. ~ y r ~for $tocila s he TUn PEOPLIS îaluGsNOCTt uui 1 enclose yen lurewitls fuse iiifit I, PAYMESNT tor 2o charca cf stock <cutject ta ne other oi) ia The ?eoptO5eleMIttiîg SyudieàtI. ,iiicd, which 1I iiaii atti ta vt sie, aenfor c sf ycnr $2o00maianseafree, camne as y eu turaeuh year cîcacdtcgettici witl irae -eauipcsuuutcuitnie-aolt ysur--sli-t wslissr, n uer a rnas,-o e- zszible teealte tr te egin wock for the Svncdiaic 5itonce U55110 rctî pt cf cames. Theflic stock ta en4titenie ta participaticlintthecni-annafl ldividenet e Uesmiof a dulhte-bteing paidlcnia r0civery fer ailthtie oitiiig I do foir the fiyndicat on umnachino. ycl'sesr eerfretExpiresOffce: ra#arlissa --j Boy rma,ýViJia STALM3 N atseve eut st ion a ~ii~ le eretteli md ras ds'ee et e niai e i SeeStI Wawnîafew more workels in Ihis - - localily, a o nce, and in 0ur ar 1u scure your a-uen. n wihotth o f ca'IePL- ~we hereith e xplain aour full Plan inhisa'0rîisEmCnt. The wark i aar s sir-npiui and the Machine is casily 20 ~~ cpora id with the Guidterquosn tece. If yuu wish ta juin Our staýff ut Wukes otus hmar troim yau prumptly -.'i à tha Ap11plication Faimn for Stock and l MaChine filled out and remittance, jn V ~,a~' wII alotYCIH Slock and send yu ahu aplEH" I ni oulitt bin rk ai once.

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