Successors to IR. Worth. One door west of Post Offi(.e, I3owmanlville. MAYOR MITCHELL AND PUBLIC for a bu-sinessmen's-coun.cil to reiplace OPINION. the ol one. The resuit is shown. by the signatures secured. only a x ery few busi- (Concluded froin last wek) ness men on Rking street refusin g to sigil Auther statermcnt 'in Mayor Mitchell's tse requisâtiofl and these vere nearlv 211 înaugural address is to the effect that be- fav orable but foir business and personal sides being criticised unjustly and in a reasons with which w e sympathized they manner uncaled for, "a great many preferred not to append their namnes. tbings have becn sad (about -tbe 1900 Several weire*flot seen as we had flt tine council) so strikingly different from the to make a second trip round. But here is views entertained by the ratepay ers in the requisiton-it speaks for i tself, We gene 'ral", etc. Now, we join issue with are very sorry that only three, of the Hi ï,W'orship right heré and state emphat gentlemen acquieseed in the desire ex- ially wvithout tear of stccessful contra- pressed, but the fact that the nule new diction that we expliessed curreut public candidate,, (Mr. Percy) who responded to oin ion in our Open Letter which v-as the prayer nf the petitioners and placed endiCor;ed very generalîy by or cltizefls. bimself at the service Of the lectors was '%e, had two ve-cry unmistakable cx idences. retul ned at the head of the polI streng-thens First, after the appearance of that letter, the belief. that had the other gentle. morie 1peopl)e irirespective 0f politics, ap- men responded to the caîl of their fellow pýroa.ched uls and requested us to stand business men, they ton would Lav e been for mayor anxd oifftred support than ever elected by sweeping majorities Hence beý,fore, and ever since we served two years xve conclude, rightly or wrongly, that in the counicil we do not think an election public opinion was behind Ti-la STATES- has passcd" that v have net been encour- AINS utterances and flot behind the old aged to Lecome a candidate for mayor. council. The fact that we came within 30 votes Of We regiet tise necessity for putting unr- defeatig thIle mayor who bas heMd the selves so prominently in this article, but office longe r than any other incuiobent, the criticism of His Worship was directed would not indicate that we were such a to us, we circulated the requisition and ver yunupopular candidate for that office personally received thse re-cuests of elect- then B ut this bas no bearing, on tise ors to accept the office; for these reasons ques-tion at issue. we could not very well eimînate our own Tise second and decidedly the most personfl,]ity and stili make the article as c-onviuciug evidence of thse popularity of effective as it is now. We have no des ire, our idea-s as expressed in our criticisms to magnify our Own importance nor to waLs the action of the business men when glorify ourseif- The course w e have WC dtermiined to test public opinion by adopted xas solely for the public good per sonalýly cJirculatiug a requisition asking anduoet to gratify any personal ambition. To1ESSlý D.B SIMIPSO, Q C., J. B. iMITCHELL, W. B. CO UCHI, 7- ' 7A~Q~naT PrnM~ 7~TF IfILTAIT-and JOHKT ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. EDIToIRSrATESsAN-In'a recent issue of thse STATLMsANN I notice a Suggestion re the taking over of thé, electrI.o ligbht plant by the twný council and tise towui ,upplylng ,its own light as, is already doue lu some places. \Vhetner or not this plan would provo satisfactory it is diffienît to say. but ail who use the electrie liglit will agree that a change of Gome sort is most desirable. Afeor several ýears of experimentirig with the incandescent light, the coînpany which presumnably had doue its best, has failed to give us light that inay be depended on. Sometixnes we have light in the eveniugs (oceasionally good light thul over to the f ull capae ity of the bunr)sometimes we have noue; the saine in the mornings from about five o'clock until daylight; but what of thse small hours of the night? Simply darkuess, and if there is 8ickness ln the liouse or the lire alarm sounds ýoie cannot get up without groping about for matches and canule or iamp the saine as iu the old time, before eleetrie lighting was known. Occasional failure of the Iight may be unavoidable, but whermtlie-power îa purposeLy- eut-off for two or three hours of the night it is certaiuly uot keeing faith with pdople who have gone' to the expense of electric fixtures ou the distinct promise of an al uight service. I have been long expecting to see some publie protest lu regard to this matter and regret the uecessity of making it, but we want liglit, that is my ouly reason for troubliug you at this time. Yours sincerely, IlOUSE sOLm.. Bowmanviile-,-Jau. 7, 1901. j -711Caui ifor- Cissimani ut zin--fri, ueA àls iciriPtJI is îml'eu Mr. Geo. Gale, and mother of 19r.T. G Gale, Contracter. died iu perfect peace The annual meeting nf St. Paul's ai thse family resîdence lu Darliogonu churcli was heMd on tise evenmu- of Jan. on December l9tlx, 1900,. afferan illness 17. After short devotional exercisesý of ouly one vWeek,. Deceased was ln cnnducfed by the pastor, Mr J. B. lier 79tL year. and an unusnal tbing iu Fairbairu took the cLair. Reports on1e so old, bier deatis was the rn-suif of from tîso 'arinis organizatiofls andi aii nttRck of typhoid foyer. TIwo societies of the cburcb were presented. daughlters Lad recovered from îLhe ds. These indicate thaf the iuterest is well ease when the inother was taken down. sustained and îLot the affairs of the aMrs. Gale was one of the id resideuf s coligregation are ini a safisfactory of Dariington, isavirig resided thero just condition. The total debt rismaining 48 vears. She was ighly respeeted and cu the echool room aud oî-gan is only and ber îoss is keenly feltu ni ouiy by $172. Compared with lest vear-the or- the familv, but a wide circle of friends. diuary revenue las iuereased by neerly The funeral took place on tlbe 20tL 'at $300, and a larger amount has been Ebenezeî- cemetere. contribufed f0o the sehemes of tise 1 R. ViîjtLON. ehurch. If was Leartil 'y and unani- Au >xcelen misioarymously agreed f0 inerease ftho salary of An xcelen mssinar <lseourse the pastor Rev. J H. Turubuil, M. A, was given by pastor Crookshanks Sun- from $1000 f0 81,100'. At tise close of day and suifa hie seleetions were ren- the meeting tea was served Ly tise dered by fise choir . ... Master James ladies and au enini able, social time w'as Aunis bas res.unsied Lis studios at Whit- set by. Miss Lilly GilLert'Las been lu- dispse .... Mumps have reached f bis viciuiiy. Mr. MeTaggart and Mr. 1-. Tink are among tise victims. -... MissC RD Eva Souch entertainen the members of We tise nndersigned, du isereby sgree to îLe choir at bier home.- After a sumpt- refond tlisamoney ou c 50-cenit bolle of Gree's unus repast the happy company repaired Warmaulad Syrnp of Tan if itf feus 10 cure f0 thse parlor wbere a mosi 'hI bleyoor cougis or cold. We elso guarenteeaa -ntmP11Y1 e C-cent boe to I ipove satîsfactory or money eVening was sPOntlumusie, SimgimgZ rafnnded.- and social chat ioterspersed wifh deli- J. HIGGINnOTHAM & SON, ejous popeorn... Reeent visitors: Mr. STOTT & JURY. and Nirs. L. Bradley, Enfleldrecent_________________ guests at Maple Corners; Mr. A. Abra- bsamn, Searboro, at home; Mr. James Staini on, Manitoba, at Mr. J. Garfais; Mr. andMrs.R.J Luke,Whitl)., at Mr.J.* 3ot4manvIil1e :3oys, J. Smith's; Misses. S. A. and M.E Abraham, at Toronto; Miss May Miii' E. and Girls uwho have bias returned f0 College; Mr. Fred: Won Stueeess in I-eti ohicago. uies A very prefty wedding was solemu-* ized on Wednesday afternoou last at Resuits eont. Tisa proof of tise* the residence of Mr. Wm, Ashton, when pudding is intise eatiug of i. Tisa inÎ p-actoag iesi etredaeld btie bis dauzhter Rose was unifedl ar iaaeof g' ibusn esi2cpted ô niage wirlh Mr. Chas. Blauichard1l idle<tituSil M17, M.jas-, Me- )Ve wi tisah servic'es nf a numban of pai-sons andi famiies 10 do kiliton for, us at honme, w-iole ùr spaar ine . W e iunisis Auloinatie, Xititing ,,iacsines free to sisaneboldars, supply yamu frac end pay for work as seultui. Dis- tance no isindrance. You enu easily ecru gond weges. M'rite ns et once. Dept. A 'l'HF PRopi,Fs IiITi-se SianîicAlît, Lirnted, Tor- onto, Canada. Lady of tise house looking into the entpty flour barrel saîd- "O0. I. C. U. R. M. T." "Weîl, I arn glad as now I eau get ail rny Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies at LuttrelFs and save ail the botser of bakîng myscif." King St., BoWmanville. -Telephorne 97 Don't egleot To write for our new Catalogue if yon ana lu- ferested in tise selection of tise Basf Scisool in wiici f train for business pursuits. CJentral Bulsiness collège, -TORONTrO- wrfiting ÎMachinaad - u s0slniros îf strong demand. INT-E RTl-,,?, 1-FI, () M-J A N. 2-1 d. RNT!,R gises1edL~onaeBY MALstlbfp b n -sýi- gl use-i. -0F FIAM T"Ider a nd isy virtue of the powers cou!lned hl a ceortain inorîgage wiih vwllb!)î-od, e atti limne of saie lisere will be nilered for ale i -public anetion ai Gallagisar's R9ota i in the villae of lurketon, townshsip o arigono FR!1DAY, iTBF25TH1 DAY 0F 'JANUARY,-k 1901 ý,aitisebonr of 2o'eloek,, tisefol in p rpoperty, viz., the nons isaf îfo lot o.1610u the Suis concession 0f tsth sip f Darlinglon contaiming 100 acres moreor lais, et praseal occupiad by lÙcisard Skimon. 0f tisis farma abonit 90 acres are undar (culti- vation and the balance wo)od1ed lisecond growtis»ine. Tise soilis said t od~rn loans. Ou tisa premises are er Éu3 Le f(ADlow- insr buildings: Two-storey dwelig rme, l8x24; kitcen, 12x16, aidl o-heiee barn, 34x60 witi s snna stables uiiderýsh~sbeep bouse, 15X24; pigey,1216 TeL said lo be ldy waeli f'enead an(I(ýid iq i aied '- two weiis, lise is an orcbard - tuhi11- aboutl85 younn apple Irees jtist coii.,-1to bear fruit, use properiy h siltti ê t imPsie froin Bigrkaton station on tise C, P R wiiera lisera is a good market for iprodîuce aiwbr tisera is a public sehool. Tliisfarmis i4 10i So e and nnusnally gond one and mueh boMtter tha'ýn tisa ordiucry mon of famnîs in tise locaity Tisa followiug crops are salid to 1ae u,1 nceres aisika ciover,lO aeres cînver ainc tîmotisy, arcare winter rye. Tisa balance of t isa arabiie land la satd to ba wall tilled for cýrop insrig Tise properly will be offered for sAle subjiee 10 a icierva id. TFýRMS 0F-SALF -is-per vcent of prbs mone,(y dcwn on day of ýsale; balaine i 5 days. Ai arigements may ba made b lea-e Oua f purebase money secuied isy mortgage c-,t ow pale of;isîterest. For furiber parliculars apply f0 týie udr signed solicitors and anclioneer. LAW. ToLE, SuIMPSON i& ýlu.R L. Anetioneer. Bownmnville, Solicitors for Vnos DaLtad et lanville, December 25 0: 1-4w BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 23, 1901to- -O -::- QUENVITOIARED The Nýest EnU House, QUE VITORI DED. B OWMAN VILLE. ENGLAND'S GREATEST SOVERFEIGN PASSES 0- AWAY AT OSBORNE HousE ON- TUESDAY, JAN. 22, I1901.H The British Empire and iudced tise whole civilized world is monrning tise sad ___~O I b L ~ ~ 1 1 ~ 1 news of tise passîng away of our belovedCIt1 Sovereign, ýueen Victoria. Cable despatches from Osborne House, is say that ber critical condition is due t0Hlo. P u l Si g no specific disease It is ageneral physi- cal collapse. ln other svords, tise Qucen died of nid age and exhanstion, AIl tise members of tise Royal family were ýgath- ered at bier bedside. ripou tise throiie nf Great Britain, and Lv _4__ ber womanly modesty and real personal-~t i n h interest in hem subjects Las erthroned herself in the isearts of an Empire.________________________ To Canadians Qucen Victoria xsas es- pecially dear. Her womanly virtues, as a evte, if ad oter hveevr10 pieces Fancy and Plain Black Goods, reg- appealed to us of simple habits, and ber <" t a rno +hi deatis brings to us alI a sense of persoîsal ular 75 a d 80 , ajle r du(? t i sorwand Lereavement,. - t -a i~ s l Qucen Victorias place in tiseisearts of stckt ki gsaefor 4î b)er people can neyer be filled Ly anotisiher.n1 . -i yesterday afiernoon by îLe tolling ofal s l ï6 liah mast oui of resp ect to our beloved _____ bEEM 5pieces Watered Wool Merin, 36 in. wide,inL COUNTIES' COUNCIL. B lack, Brown, Red and 'Yale Blue, reg- The statutory session nf tise nesv Coun- 7 ~ s l -~~2 l tics' Council met in Cobourg ai 3 p.nm. lar prjîJe 50 ~a saepr yestcmday Al L e counicillors fîom tiss ridiisg went down on the moi ninig trains, TIse irst business at this session will Lec nestnd fere are.Four tcandidat e.-W Pay the Hîgliost Prîces for Produce - --CASH OR TRA DE. elerondni N,' aren.for thedodatce:c àlessrs. XN m Richard, Newcastle;H H. ý Waiker, Port flope ;S E. Ferguson, Bctbai-sy; and tiere is a possibiliy that our townsissan Mvr. P. C. Tiebilcock mayl isake n foui-tisconstestant T L salaryfo tom tise office is ý2oo a year, so that Lesides tise honor the moncy is an inducemeisi to secure tLe position. Mm. Rickard Las received cnough pledgcd votes to elect hlm if tise men remain truc to their pr omises As ne go to press Tuesday afternoon,sve shall isot be able to announice Vl tse eit till next weeklu hen w c arec- pecting a fnIl report ni the proceedings 66Î 666W 1lfilhllu1l1i_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from Editor Janmes, who lias proîised to EMME___ ____________M__ giveour readers a -lot of information 'on CUTC.IPILS counnues' isatters, Maiv UnTlsnethICEriwfnc ANNJAL MEETING AT ST. PAL'.HOEAIK Pretty Things.> speelai r; 25e. L. Conish. (5) T. H. Spry. (5) S. . Saunders.(4) R. H-. Soueb. (5) Jas. 2NleBrien, Thos. Biugham. Wm, Scott. W, W, Shsaw. (5) G.C. Boîînyeastle. Digory Tnuscott. F. J. Hornte. William Edger. D. W. Downey. James Morris G. L. Stevens. Wm. Monison. saent anj d ati rli .n pe,,,,ï,^lj, aii-Ncst froin .wbinh iisey enfler, an d pcuiy Biack--sto cureseceze ma, sali risauni andplIas For men Dr. Ciases Oraintle j- irsotaîdM If,-,,,,etly used for nileS, wxi ilsarae .;r 3 Ldma Werry's;Îr 'lToronto, ai Mr* la rrii a months X BrItish American Buisness College, Y. M C. A, Bldg., coe. Tongeaend MeGill Sts, Toronto. -Mollôday, Jallllary 28, 1901, uequlîl gme fevr decipi * t tise honi' cf 2 o'clock p. m for tisa pur-pese oft Fancy gonds lunchina, gas.-and 4 cosidaer cc ad san'4iofflng cBy-law. neýssed a F. , a,~ ~ Hilouseliold Goods, PRoasting Pans Meat Choppers Kitchen Cleavers Meat Saws Mir,,ing Kniives X getal1-Uae. Leèmon Squeezers Egg Beaters ýÎ Clothes Wringers Leader Churns Granite and Tin Utensils of ail kinds, We have carefully selected the best in the maarket and invite -ou to eall and see these goods.' ROC0K bOTTOM ýPRICES r