FalIty Ideas Aboult the Eye There are hundreds of dollars wyasted every year by person s pay- ,, ý extravagent prices for poor e ,1-iy Spectacles believing they are ketting a first-elass article. ~'There are hundreds of dealers who have handled Spectacles for years who cannot determine the îý value of a pair of -lenses se that it is not~ to be wondered at that the gelleral public get deeeived. We inake a specialt y of~ spectacles and have the most expensive and most accurate instruments known to science for testing the sîght and testing the quality of the goods we handie. We are neyer deceived ln buying a.nd we neyer deceive in selling. Our prices run as low as 10cts and we can give you the best qualitv made for $100 -o that ne one need sufer for a good pair of glasses. WE TEST EYES FRE1.. STOTT & JURYI The Druggists and Opticians. Thiank 10ont -A year'ago we thou~ght we had reached the height of the business pos- sibilities for a town the size of Bowman- ville,-but ibis-yeax-s-XIihas-trade is- > largor tili and we heartily thank our numerous customers for their continued confidence and patronage. In wishing one and ail a prosper- tus and happv -New Ycar -we can assure youl that the same close and careful attention te tihe wants of the public that has made our business a suecess in the past wil hc given to it during 1901 and the liberal patronage bsstowed on uns during 1900 stimulates us to renewed efforts and if possibl to greater ef- ~ficiency than ever before. ATOTT & JURY GRAND IRUNK HAILWAY. BowmAN'vILLr, STATIONs. GOING EAST. 018,4 WE8T, prresa ...8 31 ar. . 1"ExpreB ... 5 15 %.mr ~. Passenger .... 3 48 p.ïn.1 Par'senger.. 1 40 p. , Locnî .. ýý.... 6 55 p rn.Express.. . 7 38 *Expreu... f.2 * Daily. 1 Daily except Slunday. STOTT & J11av. Town Agents BI)WeANIIILLE, JAN. 13, 1901, 25 finest Envelopes 5c at 1,,icholls 25 good Envelopes Se at Nichoils'. Nut taffy 10c, per ïb Saturday only ai Tod's. 120 s.,heets 1,Iriting Paper and 50 Eneoe for 25(. at Nicholis'. Ail L-adiesi Coats selling off ut haif p)rice ýi Couch, Johaston & Cryder- Mmr. anrd Mms. R. H. Nunu, Winnipeg, Mali', have been visiting-his mother and or em re'atives heme. Mr. J. llarry Alexander, soloist, and Mliss Lu,,ttreil, pianiste, assisted at the Preshyterian anniversary services ln Ocono Moniday, Mrs. ich. Matchett died ai Bethany aged 90,-)yeafs. She was born on the lQth of a month, married on the luth und died on Jan. luth. 11ev. D, O. Crosslev and Mrs. Cross- *ley, Charlotte, St. Meihodist church, Peeboo ave gone to Los Angeles, California, for at least threc monilis. J and packages seont festo applcns t 'moghlail. Onipen"sapie (of one( sort lent te abapl n.Add-eýss Diector (o)f Eprmna am Ottawa, alqy urne e r irh1 Letters maiY ho ntfeolpsa. Mentin tlhe TTSMNadwrite ti es-nnew Dian. BIDwr-w workmaster in, your own hom~e Meei me ai Nichoils'; 1931. 5o Envelopes for 5c ut NichohIs'. We ssii Bisseil Carpet Sweepers-L. Morris. Miss Ena Trsbilcock visited frisnds ln Toronto lasi wsek. W eddigg cakes made to order ai Tod's. Ask for quotatieus. Mis$ Joiliffe, St. Thomas, is guess of of hiem graudfathem, 1ev. Win. Joiliffe. Scugog Agricuitural Society -will hoid their Faim ai Port Perry, Sept. 10, li and 12. Messrs Bsrt, Chai-les and Ermnesi Bru-' tain, Toronto, speni Sunday with re- lalives heme. "lwasies neither is own space nom the reader's time."-The Illusbrated buffalo Express. Don't [ail te hear Prqf. Coleman in the High Schs)ol Asseily roorn this Wednesday eveuing. Mr. Thos. Spry, jr., attended the fuerai of is sistem-in-luw, airs. Harry Spry, Oshawa, on Thursday. Mr, A. J. Reynolds, Scarboro, has been appointed assessor for Scarboro township. Thers were iwelve appli- cauts. 11ev. W. 11, Adams, Ciaremont, was elected rep'resentative front Whiiby District Epworth League te the Bay of Quinte Coufeence, Aiïy body can guarantee a watch but a genusue article of thai ktud can only be given l't a inan who undessands bis business. Rickard's guamanise with a watch means business. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Disciple church will give a social and refreshmonis ai the church parlers on Friday svoning, Jan. 25 Admission loc. Good progrant. 3-2w* Mr. J. K. McCulinch, the champion skater of the wold, aud hîs manager, W. C. Crunston, Winnipeg, Man., are making a tour through the various towns and cilles of Eastern Canada. Prof. Ciarke's lecture ln the town bail, Friday night on "'Conduci and Mainnors:' was exceediugly good and worihy of a full bouse. No doubt the excessive cold wsalher prevented mauny from alteuding. Mr. Richard Moyse, etiring Pmesid- ont cf te Wellington Lodgo, S. O. E., was presentod by the members witb a Past Presideut's Jewel, ai the iast meet ing cf the Society. The new offiscrs were installed by District Depiy, E.G. Hart. Mr. W. A. Bru,-ý Chatham, was lu town attndsng teofunerl hc-1b1 brothos-ia-law. Mr. E . E Dodds. Il is 27 years stucs Mr.Bragg 1sf t this section cf the country and lie looks as if ho was weli used sn Chi Ilium. - Port Hop)e Guide, Say, Ailes, îvit just a minute, 1 want to tell you sometbiug, Sain said a lime ago iai wben ho could buy a Sewiug Machine for $25 ho would gsi me eue. Well, 1 will have one uow, su-re, for Rickard, Jewelcr. Bowmanville, is seii- ing a $50 machine for $24. Just lbiuk cf thut! 1ev. Mm. Jolliffe, Bowmanviloe, pros çhed educalion..J sermons iu the Meibodist ehurcli hors lasi Sunday with great acceptunce. Ris thome for the, moming was, the palm ires and the3 iedars cf Lebanon and for the evening was the sin cf Adam. Beth îvers cieur preseutations -Colbot-ne L'nterprise. Cawk&r & Tait ceriairily display great laste lu wilndcw dressing. This wcek thoy are showiag a weil arranged elgar andtobucco dîsplay with catcliy pries tickets setting forth the pricescf saine. Io bbe other wîndow are nieely arangeti a pinnacle of Pue Gold buking powder and Jeily Powdem. Bcth windows are certaiuly very striking andi efets greul eredit toeithe dressers. Hope Agricultural Society have elecled the followin-- officers: Pres,, Mr. J.ý W. Martyn; i-si Vice-Pres ,Mr. S Pursor; 2nd Vices Pros., Mr. H. A Walkor; Trous,. R. Grandy; Sec'y, W. McCalium; Dit-octors, J. W. Davisou,A, N. Bull. Sam'l A Oke, Win. Bernie, ,John Watt, H. H. Walker,' Fred. S. White, A. R. Westiigtou, Wm. David- sou; Auditors, Messrs. Johuston Beatty and R. C Caldwell. The Bar ef Vbitby Couniy have eleciefi offleers for the cament yoar as follows :-judze Mclutyre, President; L. K. Murton, Esq., Vice. President; Miss Rae, Sec-Treas. and Librarian. Messrs Dow and Farewell wero ap poiutsd a commuttes te represeni tbe country associatLu before the Law Societin lureforence te the Attorney General 's eceul, circular ordeing changes in the junisdictiou. WHAT WnEI EA-IS iutendod le nour- isb and sustain us but ht must ho digest- sd and assimilated bof ors il eau do thîs. Iu other words, the nonnrishmeut con- taiued in fond must bc separatod by the digestive orgaus fron t he waste niaterials and munst be cariod by the blond to al paris ef the body. We helieve ibe;reasou for the great benefi which s0 mauy people doive froiu Hood's Sasaparil lieslut fue ta t- For Infants and Childrcn, -ç~<~~4'J wîappo&- POSTPONED LECTURE., Uwing te the lecture r having la grippe 11ev. C. O. Johuston, Tomonte, will lecture in the Mlethodisi church on Wednesday Jan. 801h ai 8 p. mi, ou "Englishmen, Irishmen, Scoiclimen and others" under the auspices ef Meîbodisi Ladies' Aid Seciety. lie Young Ladies Quartette under direction of Mr. F. H. Frost, B. A.> will sing and Misses King and Tamblyn will give a duel, Ad mission loc. Ail cordially invited. *Nul taffy loc. Der lb Satnrday euiy ut Tod "S. I ry our Mapie Srmnp. Cawker & Tait. Guitar fer sale cheap. Apply ai Tune STATIPSMAN office. Miss Maggie Neads, Milliner, bals e- turned to Stittsyilîs. Miss Jennie Wright visited relatives lu Oshawa lasi week. Mms. Thos. Biugbam is visiting re- latives ai Bobcaygeou. Mr. and Mis. CM. Cawksr. are visil - ing relatives ai Meuford. Miss Leah Hutchinsou, Newcastle, 15 guest of Miss Stella Mason. The Divibion Court meets lu Bowmau- vile1onday, -Jannary 28. 1Somuaetiug extra nicessu Oranges and Lemons ai Tod's. Try thent. Stock laking sale ail this moutb.,Read The Mason Co's a dy for bargains. Be cure and read The Mason Co's ad. Speciai values iu ladies boss. Miss Mande Bond, Oshawa, is visit iug hem grandfaiber, Mr. John James. 11ev. E. Roberts, Lindsav, preaebed lu port Hope Methodisi cbuncb Snnday. Mr. Arthur Bond, Oshawa, spent Suday ai bis unBc's, Mr. M.A. James. Cali and ses our ladies ceuts uew sellirxg ut baîf pries ai The Mason Co's, If ýou want a saap un furs take ad- vuntade ef the 207, discount at The Muson Co's. Miss M. Hardy, Zion, and Miss Hed- don, Mlt. Vernon, ans visiling aI Me. Arthur Humdy's. Have yen tnied Tod's home-made Chocolats Caramels and Maple Creunts? They are delicieus. Now is the lime to bny fur cents, robes, herse biankeis. etc., 21% off al Ibis month ut Mason Co's. Aili eds of Purs and Men's and Boy's ut erceats slling ut rednced pricos-ai Coucb, Jehustea & Cryderman's. attendefi the funeral cf their cousin. Mrs. John Stacey ut Oshawa, Suuday. Mm. John Hligginbolham bas been verte iii for soe* teime and bas made very litlei progress toward recovery yet. If yen once try Carler's Little Liveîr Pulis for sick headache, bilousn ý - constipation, yen will nover ho w:it seul tisernt. Tbey are pureiy vegetuble, sînalad easy to take. Dont forgel ibis. Mr. sud Mrs. J. Vice, wbo bavs been visitiug relatives ha ibis vscîuity, re- iurned tb their home hn Solinu ibis mioming '-Lindsay Po.st, Will be fennd an excellent remedy for sick headachie.Crtrs .Lithoe Liv- cm Pis. Thonunds cf lettors frein pecple xvbo have used rhem provo ibis fuel. Try thent. The Township cf Duriiiegion and Bewmanviie Sunduy Schoo]Aisoî-iaion will bold their annual ocuvenlion ut Ebenezer ou Wedncsday Feb. 27t1s. Rieserve the date sud preparo te attend. Canlion:--Beware cf snbsl:nbsts fer Pala-Killer, Ihere is nelhsg jusl us god". Uneqnailed tor culs, sprins, aud bruises. Avoid substituites, tbere's but one Palu-Killer, Pemry Davyis'. 25e. aîsd 50c. Ricirard, tise Jewelem, is seiling a sev- enleen jeweiled Waltham Walch for less mey thun many country jewoiors .soli the lowcr grades for. Onhy a unmit 1 d number on baud, se lose ne lime if ,yen wîsb oee. .Tise Womens' hustilule wili hold their 1nexi meeting aI the esidence. of Ms. 1Gso. Haines, Chiurcli SI. on Satnmdaî' Jan 2t.ai 3 p.m. A number cf prachical papsirs wl ho givea cn subjecîs inter- ssiingte ailbonsekoopeors. Ladies cor- diuhly inviiefi, Thousapds of Canudfians eau vouch 1for thee flfcaev cf that peelsss eough remedv, Pyuy-Balsam it cures a coid vemy quiekiy. 25c. cf ail druggisls. Mauufatnred by the proprieters cf cf Perny Davis' Pain Kihier Mr. W. J. Clarke, edilor and proprio- tor ef The Pickering News, bias selfi the plantiand gcod-wilhle oMm. John Mur- kan, who bas for several years been principal tes cher in the Public Sebool thome. Mm. Mnrkar bas resigued the latter position, and will now manage and cdii The Psckerng News. Mm, r '. A. Rosmer bas been eagaged te fil tbeI vaeuucy iu the sebool. If sick beadache is mi.ery, what are Cater's Little Liver Pis if they will posiively cure il? Peopls who havej used thern spealt frankL[y cf Ihoir worîh.j h!dre~ ry for No change in markets, Our lineofetcbeap t uriture are cbeap -L. Morris. Ses our odd piecos ha Parler Fumni- ture-L, Morris. Ail goods rednced te 201h century pnices aI Niebolls. G loves aud MItts ai greatly rsduced pnicos ut Niciolîs'. F,9rmers and othens requiring good stock sbouid attensd lis farm sale cf Mr. LLO. Short, Cotîntice, on Thnrsday Feb. 71k ut 12 o'clock. Uniess union menicnial, serviees are arrangeS fer Suuday eyening, "1ev. B. H-. Ha 'yden will spouk on "The Pussiug cf the World's Greatest Qusen." 11ev. W. J. Jolliffe, B C. L , wîll IseiS a sporiaî service ha the Methodisi chureb Snnday svsning iu memoriamt cf our labo beloved Qusen. 'Suibabis musie by the choir. Afler a nîgbt wllb "tise boys" thons is nc botter rensedy t10 dear the bead Sterling Heudache Powdems. Price 10e ad 25e ut ail dealers. BORN A.aUALL-Iii Oshaw a, Jan. 14, the wife of Mr. Martin Luther Argali, of a daughter. M~ART-i-I Darhiton,, Jais. 21, tise vire of Mr. Aitemý Martine, of a son. KaisER-AC COshawa, Jais. 20. tire wif e of Dr. Kaiser, of a Saughter. MARRIED. MoRGN-ie Ieîae.At Vernon, B. 0., Dec. 25, 190), by iiev. J. P. Westman, Alfredi Elswomcb, Morgan, Armstrong. B. C., formerly ofOehawa, and Milss Margaret Louise Emma firiese. Smli-Wccsw'vAn-At the Methodist Par- soîsage. Dec. 12,15900, by 11ev. Wý . J. Jollisfe, B. C. L., George Smith antuai (daWooýdwarzd, botih of Clame. B. C. L . ela enei iiIeaJ el b5tii of Lttii BuesrAcMneSî'ssiuAt he esidene of: the bride 'e sotuer by 14ev.W. G. annia, B. A., Jaci. 9, 'tr. Fr'ed. lbriscombah, Bowmanville, anti Mise Lizzie Spicer, Moti Forest. fiA-aNîIDSO-In Sianlvere, Jan. 9, by ltcv. R L, Etiwarde, Pontypooj, )Ir. Edward F. Deani, fariiptois, Rowena E,, Saughter of Mm,7 Geo. bibson. tfnvers. SLasIaiAc-HILI -01u Janl. 9, aitise residene of tae brides lather, by 1ev. J. S. 1 Wilson, B. fi., Thomas Ile-nry Sicemal, 1Fort Grraniby, andi Etiuth Nîar-y. second tiaugliter et WilliairiE Bi, Esq., uf Courtice. Semis I, Cike, Jan, 9. Mary E. Ovene, wife of Normais A. Simie, ageti 44 yeaxe, LocKuiusar -Ai the esidejîce of hie sochin-aw, Mr. fi. Cemstock, Kendiall, Jais, 16, Alan Lock- hart, ageti 85yeaýre. Ii.teriedtiuOroro. 1 CxIODuEusaa' lu Boviant ilie, Jannary 18,l Michael Cryderman, ageti 68 years. RiIeue-At Port \Vhitby, Jau, 13> John Bîce, ageti 64 vears. Berce du Snntiaty, Jan. 20, at'ber laie rosi- de1,,.,, 220 Ge Sati., eest.,'rloronio, Ilenrietta Wilians, belovet i vie of J. S. BonS, is hem 43rti year, GILaEsRT-I's Dsrilinlgtcni, Jan. 21, Charhlie Hioward, eldesl ion of James Gilbsert, ageS 19 rears anti 14 days. The fucieral wiii take place fîom the famshy resitience, lot 28, con. 8, Dar- fingion, on NVedisday, Jan. 23, ai il a. n. for Bownxanville Censtery. FOSTmR-In Bovmuiiville, Jan. 21, Maria Blake, rellci of the late Richard FGeter, aged 91 years. 1VmrzTE-1F Ecter, Jau. 11, 1901, Jolin Wbite, Pubiiober of the Exeler 'Times, in bis 7tb year. DICsKIz-Ixi Oshawa, Jais.13, Luther J, fiikie, aged 46 ycalîS. W'HIsczin sheawa, Jais. 12, Winxfreti C,, daugleter oi M7. C. White. SPE-iiT Cedar Date, Jan. 14, idatilda J., beloved wlfe of Mr. IiarrY 3Spry, aged 30 years. VIRTUE-At Enniskîille1n,J.- . s.,miry Anis, reflet of the late Ed. VirtUe,' ged Ï9 yetais. JEFmUBvI-In Prince Albcrt, Jain. 17, Mar y, beloved Yiie of Mr. John Jefrey, sr., aged 75 yearS. DEYMA-In Ohicîgo, Jans. 16, Xita Belle, only dangliter of Llewellyuj andi Lizzie ]Dey- mani, agea G6 years andi 3 mnontixs. Good-by e darllng, you bave leit us for a bright ancihappy borne; It ir' vain to deplore thee if GoS lias marked tbee for bis own. Farewell darling. we wiii meet yon, words Swould fautS our lips to tell, But in heaven we hope to meet yen, ne'er more to part aganx. L AMBS-Came on lot 21, con. 3, Dam- .l.1ùgton. 15 Lausbs. The owner is requested 10 prove property, pay expenxses andi taLe themn aw'ay. Tilûs SâowiDN, Bowmviarvilie.. 2-3w 'UOR SALE-A two story frarnebouse Iisiuatî ouOntario St., % ,hiu te-a minutes walhk froin centre of tùýwn, con0t îining eglt rooms,' closetsý, pantry, enn floor "ellar, The arde le tocked mvito choice fruit trees liard dsoit w liter etc. For terins and par- Éiculais apply toeJ'ie. C. WiEuKi, evuer on the premise. W INDUCEENTS TOPEOPLE., CommerciIeg Surdany, Jan. 19, ceasing OinIY wheu tfio 1a-t h solillsOeil balan ce oS Wol, ersc, SaonynS Jte b i One door easýI of L. Mri' ýIf li D. & L. Emnîsion of Cod Liver 011 mnay he taken with most bensficial resuits hy those who are rum, down or snffsriug front afler offets et lu grippe, Made by Davis & Lawrence Co., Lim. BUY VOUR lote Papor and Bnyo1opos ÀRT Sec our special line of Stationery- Note Paper at 5c per quire, Envelopes at 5e per bunch, also a job loi of very sup erior Cashmere Finish Note Paper which we offer ai 25e per box of S quires, just the price of ordinary qualiiy. Grl[and C entral BOWMÂNVILLE. T 'lie______________ e s a e-,e We nover carry-over Ladies' Coats and, as the balance of our stock muet bo sold this month, we have decided to clear them out at the following slaughter prices :- Ladies' Coats, worth $ý5, for $2.5O Alsio a, nice choice of Chkildren's Coats ACT SACRIFICE PRICES. m EN U ANUOS VROT A splendid assortmen.t of first-class gar- monts ail of which will be clea.red. out Also Remnant andI8toCk-taking Sale ail this month. BA'RGAINS AIL OVER THE HOUSE. I IThis is no wind blast, but a genuine Clearing Sale, that will eclipse anything ever before offered the public in this section. THIE IPEOLL TOE BOWMANVILL.E. N ýt Oor to Stau i iak Ce 2,1 it- er %P . . . -n:i e,, e- '.- s 4 Cà1 ie- -/à%- -V-e- hait prîce ai Couch, Jolinste 8c Cryder-w ri 8Dla e c baveh« a langestock cf Qunremcd Pbo W irCr,0ti- aBrn Nw CWFumnitus mnAntie and ldeie okSsgrSwn i finiSises, L, Morris.Rckrsowiavl. ut'Ç MisÏs ' ru ihj~ d 50'-"~Li ripcia '~tî"51t.o h bsns SYRUP 'ilis4 ee.Ail ca S8tock-takî ng aM-M SpecialIsi Af ter completing our stoc.k-taking we find sonie unes that have net seld as rapidly as we would like and as we carry ne goods ever, have rnarked theni at prices that will seli them quick. Capoep Toilet Soap, regular 60c. doz., for 48Sc Snow 46 6 t1c. cake, 2 forl15c Cupid 46@6 13c. box, 3 for ",5 c, Pure Castile with Wasli Rag, reg. 10Oc. cake, 2 fo r 1 5c l lb. eau Baking Powder and Sifler, reg. 25c, for 20e Fresh and Sait Fish. lu this deparîment we keep a fulll une which are arriving frcsh every week as follows :-Fresh llerring, Haddock, Codfish, White Fish, Salmon Trout, Tommy Cods Smelîs and the finest brands of Baltimore Oysters, Sait British Columbia Salmon, Lake Ontario White Fish, No. 1, Labrador llerring. Cash Paid for ail Farm Produce. UiAWKîERad TAIT BoWMANÇVILLE.