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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1901, p. 3

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A LONG AND RAPPY RHIGN. Incidents- i the Life of Good Queen Victoria. Tise year 1817 n'as a mmemabie oe litisa histol'y of Englanil. Seidein bal t.he prosperity cf a country which bad knowr ne serions hftch or obstacle for a centary bean more serieusly men- a-ceil; never wera tisa datiaies of a fooutitut;onal saonarcisy that bldsi00c tkfse;tDms of iOd years anvelopeil in a ,5fcb -idding gicoîn. '±edëath of the Princess Charlotte epaei up tise prospect cf succession tu tse troeete the ycungeâtsoneaoe Vreo0rga Ill., andil adinspired ihm with 0. desire te marry. As yet tise nly bons weo bail taken wivca wc e the Duke cof York, wiso badil bidren, and th Ue Daire of Cumberlandl, whose f irst ltving chilil isa net bhu till 1819. Thse thîrd brother was Edward, Duke Éf Kent, tisen 51 yaars cf age. B3e cas aot on ternssof orilinary frieadsii evîtisany of bis bremihars. Suddenly he r tetermined Le marry. Victoria, daugiter cf Duk< ni-rauz cf ÈWXe-Cobarg, at tisat ime a2 years of o,àe, hadl taken the Duke's faucy. On July 11, 1818, this lady became the iiucises of Kent, the future motber of taefuture Qucen cf Laglanil, H3E WAS POOR. When thc Duke was infoemed by lut consort tisat bu bail tise prospect cf an hein., tina lis wil tînt thse vbld seulil ha bora cn Lnglisb soil. The joufney was attendeil with difficulty fer IHA Grace was mach preaseil for reagd-;s< In the sping of 1819, U-owtven, the journey was made. The DuJr# anil Duciss ware installedl ai Kenfillgion Pal ace, tisen, as ncw, a place iof resideaca for thse mesabers and proteges of tisa royal fasily, anil on May 24, 1818, "a pretty luttle Priaceas, plump as a partridge," was oem. Tise Duke Was delighted witl the chil. lne ..w9nuld dandis and carsas ber, aud >/tisea and lber teý the arma of admir- ing spectators, with the caution, "Take caraeof ber, for se will be Qucen of Eaghand. Ris Graea ililnet live te enjey bts parental bappinass long. IL diadilbaea prophesicil Liat two members cf tise family would dia la tisa course cf 1820. TIcý Duke believeil tise propbccy imphcîtly, but ha appliail iVt tobis brotlers. lIthe winten cf 1819 lie bai lone te tise slisctereil wa- tering place of I'Simoutis, in Devon- shire, "Le> cheat," as ha sail, "tisa wia- ter?' ~meday haeisappeneil, whea -A'~ig walk, te geL wet andl te catch e $. Acute inflasamation cf tise luags superveneil andl carniad i bsaoff. "Tise pour widlow, fotinil berself, owing ta thie Duke's cousiderabla da.btO, ls c veryacomifortahle posi- * tin at tise ime cf lis deatl. Ber brother, Leepolil, unableil 1er ta ra- tura ta Kensington, wisera sle hlinca- forts dencteil hersait te the educatien of heu' ebilil, Quean Victoria." PROPHLCY FULFILLED. Six laysa alLer tise dentbcf tise Duke of Kent tise prophecy aboya mentieneil ,was completcly t ultillail by tise ilath of bis ftLer, George Ill. On Mouilay, thse uaL, the naw sovereig9a, the Pr ;inca ibegeat,' -waa preclimeil George IV. The hsealth of the naw Ring, was preeari- fus; -bis age wasadaivanced iehalal ne ktgal hein. The Duke cf Yorkr, tise iseir apparent, iwars manniail, bail no family, sud bis Ducheas was lu a de- eliniging stata. Tise Duka cf Carence, tLi etaà, ordar, was of ripe age. He bil hba d a -~'o ugbters boruts te in. LacisfLli thmbail dicdin laintancy, but fîrbrissue, thaugli net Probable, wasstLJinet an impossible ceatin- gePncy. Tishe nextint succession was tisa iifantt Pninees aut Kensington ralace. Envery year as it pas.sed by mandailh more apparent that if oaly the ,iis fe tisýe royal baba wvere apaneil UPOn 'ber the mioarchy ultîmately muai 'de- vev.As a matter cf tact tisa pro- Phitt ofen t he Duke cf Kent waa fultillail aurliar tisa migbt have been à11Licupte(d. Tise Regeat reigneil fonl'u 1 years afien hie ascaut te the tronas G (;eorge IV., tise Dake et Clareace', just saven Years as William IV. 01u August '30, 1836, Ring William,1 bit adl accedeil to thae thrcne an the Oet f bis brother, un 1820, gave a uhîcuo1r party ai Windsor on bis bintb-! da ýýY. B is bealth lad beeu proposed, the 1 ing burat f>th ici a bitter tirade J ugainat tise Duehess. "I trust in Goi," lia exciaimeil, "that 1 may have the satisfaction cf laaving ithe royal authority on my death to the 1personal exercise of that young lady (pointing tu tihe Princss)-tbe bairess presumiptîve of thea crown-and net in Btise hands of a person now near me awbo ta aurrounded by evil advisenu, and fwiso la herseif ncompetent to act wîth iprcpruety in the station in which she Fwould ha placed. 1 have ne basitation lai sayung that 1 have been issultei- 1grcsaly and continually isulteil - by tisbat paracia, but 1 aa dcterminad ta endure fno longer a couîrse of beisavion e iliairespectîci te eme.' s The King particularly complainad of ptishenanner ln whsch the Princeslad ebeen pravented frein attendteg at court by her motiser. f For tise future," he said, '«I shall finsist andl command that tise Princes a do upon ail occasions appear at my ecourt, as it ie ber duty te de." f Having hegun with an anathema the King endcd with a benadictien, speak- ing uft tzl Princesu andl ber future i neiga in a toue of paternal intarast iand affectiun. Tise affect. bowever, 3which the royal utterances produced was alarming. The Queen loekedin i deep distrasa, the Princess burst into rteara, the Jjuchess of Kent said not a word, but soon aftex leav'mg the reoin, announceil her immediata de- Sparture, and orderaed lier earriaga. There was but uea vent which H is 1Majesty wishied te liva te witness in Ibis " God.frsaken reain," Ha deveut- *ly prayed that lie mtgbt ltve tili the Priacess Victoria Was cf age. Hlispray- er wae just granted, but enly just, It wap.,net until she was 12 years * eH that the Prinýel" Victoria wasl *ptrmitted te know tise higis destiny *regerveil for ber, anil even thea the tkaowlcdge came in an accid- entai mannen. ASSAILED A LORD. Meaawhile the future husband cf the Princessansd lber cousin was grew- ing up in Cermarsy. Prianoe Albert, the son cf the Duke cf Coburg, was1 bara at Ilesesaan tenthe Auguat cf the sanie year as Princass Victoria, andiLtit l a carious ceincidence, cen- aiSdering the future connaction cf the 1cbildrea, that Mme. Siabulil, the ac- 5 ouchese Who attaniled thaeIJuchasa of Ceburg, et the birth cf the young~ Prince, bail oniy threa menths beforea1, attencleilthe hluchass cf Kent ai the! yen have said thiag abaout me which axe net truc, andl I desire that yen wiil eal upon nie to-merrow with a -witness -te hear my positive deniai, andil ihope that youn will net repent sucb things about me., She was In a tury, and lhe in a stili greater. Hal niuttereil that hae shoulil aeve.r set11 fout in ber bouse again which sha did 1 sot heur, andl, af ter delivaring harsaif4 of bier eepoh shalie unced back agate te bier seat, mightily preud o er 1 exploit. t arase ct of lber aaying1 that be shoulil make Lady Durhea de- inanil an audience of the Quean te cea- tradict the things which Lady Jer- aey saïdiolier, andl to ethar Whig allies." Tbee are days in which purty spirit rail bigh, andl pcneiratad the wboia fabrin, of society in Eng- land. Witumte twi: or ihreýe yaars of this turne Princess Victoria lsad azen lier Place un that uociety as tbe haires to tise Engllab tbrone. hIor natienai parpeses the Princess cusupiateil bar majoriiy on the eigh- teentb aauivarsary of ber bith. On June'2, ntne ilays after this, event bail takan place, the King was desperataiy ill andl dîad on Juna 20. THE CORONATION. Thse King died at 2.20 on the sacra- iag cf Jane 20, and the yssung Queu maetlber Ceuncil at Kensington Pal- ace at il s.m. the saine day. Af ter haviag receiVail the twe royal Dukes, ibe two Archhmebops, the Chancallor aniltise Prime Miater-Lord Mal- bourne-the proclamationwaradt the Ceunicil, the u'sual ciler passad,' the ilers wera thrown open, and the ycung Queen euterad. KING EDVg The New Rtîler cf'Great E WARD VIL. Britain and ail Her Colonies. )leated by ohie Franiies with a similar 'veapon one nearly the saine spot. The istol bail passetilujnder the esarrnage. Xbut two months after this s lunch- ank named Bean simiiarly essayad ha. assassin's relia, but was prevent- 'd froin accomplishing. this object by i. boy, Dassett, who happecned to ha tien r. THE ROYAL LINE. Th* Quien was cescended frein Wiliam tha> Conquerer, who olaimeil oonnection with the previons reginle, and intludcid Alfred tse Great asnong ais ancastors. Hure is the family duea, traced backward frein ber1 Ylajesty te Williama; Victoria. Daughter of Edward, Duka of Kent, Third &on of George Ill., Son of Fredarick Lewis Prince cf Wales, Son of George Il., Son af George I., Son of Princass Sophia, who marrîed the Electer of lHanovar, Daugàter cf James I., Soin of Mary Qucen of Scots. Daught er of James V., of Scotland, Sca of Princass Margareb, Daughtar of Henry VII., Son of Margaret, wife of Edmond Tudor, Earl of Ricbmond, Daughter of Johna de Beaufort, Marquis cf Srsmersat and Deoscet. Son cf John of Gaunt D[ukea of Lancaster anid King' cf usti1e andl Lecn. Son of Edward tIf., Son of Edward IL., Son of Edward I., Son cf Henry III., Sua of John of Mag-na Charta fane, anyin. ber cautenance toanay inilivid- e, dean littie lave it h." The Mayflew- Sou or Matilda, wife ot Gaoffery ual cf aay rank, station, or Party. I or abone ispoenaaof, was, of course, the Plantagenet, patîcularly watched bier whea Lard Prnceas Victoria. Frein a nery early Daughtar ot Heary l., î e S d Melbounea andl the Ministars sud the Jperied tise Dewager Duicheas permit- Son cf William tisa Couqueron. Duke of Wellington andl Peel ap- ted lierseif te entantain the hope that The Quea ibrougli the Georgest preachen lber, She waut thrcugb the'ber two graudcbililreu weuld tlara- waa a Guejpli. Tisis family wassi whee ceremcony occasion ally looking ai alLer bec'ome man sud wife. foundedin l 489 by Anulphus Hluuulp- Melbourne for instruction whan sha On February 25, 1831, wiseu net lus cf Guelpis, theï tirat of the northl- bail apy doubi wisut tu do. wiiisqaite 12 yeassof aga, ila attandeil ana Rings cf Italy. Ha subsequeatly hardly ever oceurneil, andl witb par- ber fimat drawiag rocin. "Lady Jen- obtaluatil possession cf Bavaria, andl fect calimness and self-possession, but sey," wnites the amusing Mr.Greville, tle Gualplis mied thera for inany cen- at the sane time witli s gm'ceful mel- "mails a scelle mii Lord Durhamn, tauries, sud atterxvards hal sxvay iun eaty andl propriety particularly inter- egtnpeacrerfth roi Saxony. Oae, cf tib Gueipbs, illiamn, ekgttng sud ingrutîatipg." andl said: ' Lord Durhsamn,liser tisaiteouder o ettl ouse et Lunenhaerg, RER ENGAGEMENT, bis marniage on Febnuaay 6, 1840. bail savea sons sud eight laughtars. On October 14, i839,-tbui is, four The marriaga teck place on Fabruary TIse sons agreeld among thesaselves ilsys etltar ber lever bail reachai 10 ia the' ciapel cf St. James's Palace. ntt iieîedkic hsi h ahn httlsan Winila-Lhe Queca informedailLard "The moring," wniies -Tlaodore ha salactail hy lot, waa te .teor Baiîil-atring cricestras-Negre Melbourne that sha bail made up han Mart.iala bis "Life cf the Prince Cen- hiandh bis chilîran afi I reproducas the viella, piano, flua mini as te bier marriage. Oin the lt sort," "lied been wat, fuggy sud dis- to mule haansut coîo andl every othar instrument. _ Th unuualThe Berlner Grain-pione le louder ahe thn wrete te Baron Stochinar: mal, but te day was not te want was observed te the lc.n, -hem taikilii achine at any price. Itsi III de fIel se guiity 1 know net tihappy cinen cf tînt suashina George, the sixtis brother, won the sentimental, patriotic, "Ceon" songs, En haw e bgîm y ltter bu 1 hinkwhLh cae, ttewardte c prver i ous froin Grand sud Coice Operas, pisys, howtebage mylater bu Ihik wic cma ftrwnd e a pevr-matrimonial priza: RHis youngest son, in fact everything that can beplayailoai the, aewa it will ceatain will ha suf- bially knewan as 'Qneen's weaaîar.' ErneatL Augustua, succeelail hum cen ha reproduced ou tee Berliner Grain4 tiantIi aure your tongivanaus, AI- Soca alter the ratura of the bridai mr lgtise Elatres oha ag ible record dises. bart bas completaly won my beani. panty froi thsa chapel tahels pas- tam cf the Ring etf Bohema a wo It talla fnnny tonies cm napeatsas priý sud ail was sýtitleil hatween us ths 8edOff the sua shone ou-, wth un- witf ts agta t rJms time lu the largest hall or church, om it I intcninga. .I ab crtai ha ilhand sibe ý The RecordS are net iwax, tbey are 1U inaa me v 1rybappyerIain he Icolil aun bnlbaac tousa ThesElactresSophia, grauildaugh- wilIiat 10 yeams. --hn smd i mao- e ey apy w-h ouawho liadtbe neails fron, Backing- ter of James I ., would bave succeeleil The Berliner Gramo'oulaad Sa 1fea tcertain of makîng isim ImbainPalace te Windsor Castle te ssto the, Brtish Crdwiyn on the deaili of oThe trugbo-pt Canada. dande abouppyheLepoilnswic t a e neat îley ovanedgu anil oe hashaleQueea Aunne, But she -dici suvea The Barliner Gram-o-phona receined abou ib daail. wieîI hva et tay assil enamor fotunataweaks betoretisaÉi narcis, andllier jfor Talking Machinues ai the Toronto Exil Lie e e. isatbseWo adtnwdd huavu son, George I. ascenileil the throna The Berliner las beai Te fiiladpublic anunca- os f St. Jarnes's Palace in, tle mora- ywycfJms1subidagtr and the records counterfeited, threforebe) metofficiai sud e ad n, edls f'rÎ adcea e i-with misleaaiing naines as tbey are mortb itae nt qf t anatrotia nwasantmaai gthbeada rocsin n nil cl, bwit-the Quea 'sas connectad i xii the If the Berliner Guam-o-phoiee lanet therclae Gatemmay n ngaeiL ain ta ridaIhe pessi 15 lswyGueipha. She wns aise uitledin l the town, write te us for illustrated catalc tis cos c tsa ea. e adfren heclla."sanlie way te thea Royal âne of Scût- information, free. 1 '[ha Prince anniveil in Englanil for Notwithstandiug the learty efforts lanil. James I.,,et Eng-lanil, andl the EACTORY: 267-371 Aqueduct St., Mo birtb ot the Princes. "Flow Pnetiy of the Queen te isleutifyV benseif withI, itl, cf Scotiail, was the son ef BMA,.nue4 r, ouir, Ganemal Masý tise littie Mayflower," w ites tba ben subjeats an~d te premote their wel-' Mary, Quoeaa f ScoLa, whosa lineage E ELNR 35S.Ctei grandineiler bath cf Albert sud Vie- l ane, tînea attempts lave been mail s latraceable back te Elizabetht, Dun- E.BRI R,21St ahrn Loria, tise Dewager Duces cf Cc- upon ber Ilile. An insane pesi boy, cans, sud Malcolmi, cf tragie fumle. The For S î l e by L. 3101 bnrg, te the Duchesus cf Kent, wil Buvard Oxford, final n pistol at Rer Scotch linaI, the Norman ine, ald tha ha when 1 cea itL n a yu 'a ie Sie- Majesty as she was drîving onCoea- Hanovarian or Guelph linaluita bll can net cafficieautiy lesenb wa stituioual Hill. The attack was ne- i thi Queen sud Royal family. Se doIstise cl Britis meaarchy. It is claimeil tiat eue braucil et the tam- D N F N ý ily trea menuciies te Alfredl the Greant ~~, andl Egiseat. The varions races unit- ai ta tise Quean mails ber lisliuctly jI s rapreseatativae of tas Eagirl of te- FOR OVER FIleT Y EAU8, Mr,.Wtnslow'e Sotbiigyrnp tise beau ui d tiy Millions etfsiothae r tîreir u idee hle T a nd tlb ngýfdsti rbeeu sci et dbes aî,dffrt hi ywot anofur reet tetsuemgnul yince gndyear to outpace our getasbattile efM'a Winslows' Sootbiîîg Syrep rp aina h f or Cihilaen Teetiîg. I willl reliera tne peer r io <s h unie siff cratc et .. Dapaul upon it.asotrBar, las' est fur' deaIers iber le ne mistoke aboutit. h acre!1atarri trS regeeethae temachu sol bowels, enes wind in Canda. Celic te, eien t liegoind, raduces lasmcto,0rsokcn angivéastoneanduulaimaigy ie the wirtle sysmein.Ou stc co- Mas. Winslo)we' Sootig Syrup for cbitîcen tuatbtîîg 15 Piensat t te ta tete andl istheapra tains manyecu seaiuiomu of oeeof tua oulet sud hast îemale nrecu I nhyiisinscd nurses in the United States s i v e designs i n ýA îîulese s hboule. Sold bysai druggi8ts tirai gi Jackets, Capeninies, omtthesworld. Be lare sud ik foi' Ma <s FitLngèoas SaeWS'Sou)thîug SvruloFl eghCas Etc., of rare skins, THR-Y COUJNTED HONESTLY. t Seulfor new Soeayeurs ugio a home nmissionary e i caloe bail beau praacbîng ou an islanil whose principal preiluet la the cl ni. Onea day THE W. D . DINEEN CO.. ha mceivel an uaxpactel epjna T TD as e te horugles etbissprital Cor. Yonge andl Temperance Sta., wonk. TORONTlO.t rThe gool man w'as werking in bis IQ abim-aleeves on a naw churcis. A atout sea-cu tain bailel lii :Weglvethimbe'%ttilSolid 77- Are 'trousthe mialister hbanal dtearls twiti Y - OLs, air. îea ila et i Wel'g, le tt tan idelasfr fiitcitid in geadand enarmel. pretumy7Fer the churebcsthtVsstrsiisimaeu Ne, for yoarseeif. 1 like 'Ilva I ~ ~ s I ara5 va g r wy en crra;'dsnditaatisera.ttef bo ding thiaga bere. Ina comatineCtithe P.2emietne is is1i1alfom clama a goil manyiiaseiuawiltsamatt yeýars, und alwy oa ienathn t etuen nilO, atsItsitteiy fr... '~ '~-',.. sanil or f ifteen hundreil short when Box 26, Toiromiy o,, ig neom. It wiIl pay me te bave __________________ you keep preascing adoctrinles wbicb nusha peeopie ceui thair clama lion-i 'Ncpilgon"Il'Rubbers. Made by the CANADIAN RIJBBER CO. Canadas oleat andl hast Rubber Mani- ufacturers. Au extra thick cerrugated protection baud of pure rubbar ccaîing higir on tbe upper (san tbe cut). Tbick soirti of pure mobber snd tapsansd beels et extra stengtb sel tbickness., Thase ara soles that weam as long as the uppers. strongest and best S heavy rubbe's in SCanada. I Look for this trade mark on the Made byPAT. 1 SEPT. '88. THE CAHADIAN RURER CO., TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG. çýiM A SOHT T S ~N _r 1 AH?.FREE ... We il gve hoabve ear ,o n person who will correctly arrange the above letters to speli the names of three small Caniadian chties. Each Une represents one nane. Try it. We wiii positively give the money away, and von may be the, fortunate person. Should there be more than one set of correct answers, the money will be divided equally. For instance, should five persons send in correct answers, each will receive $40.00; shouid ten persons send in correct answers, each will receive $20.00; twentY persons, $io,oO each, We do this to introduce onr 13cm and gonds we handle as quickly as possible. SEND NO MONEY WITH YOUR ANSWER. This is a FREE conteat. A postcard will do. Address N. Y. SUPPLY CO., BOX O., ORILLIAý', CAN. DRA~t'IISM' ALEXANDR)7,A, QUEEN CO (IOR F EN-L-AND. 198-Plays every inatrnmant-reproduces >Mintrela, Church Choira, etc. ate, cornet, trombone, banjo, ruandolin, er-learar, sîmpler and better than any stngaevery kird of song, sacreil, comiîc, iglIsh, Frenchi and Scotch Songs, select- ,cake -walks, waltzas, tw t,-is, marches, any instrument or numnnb "unients a-c-phone with the wor <t ryer. It can entertain can be subdued to suit the sLý , lard, Fiat, ludestructible C, st, s in Canada, it is gi aranteed for five yeors. ndorsed by the leading clergymen and id the oniy medal EIibition 19W0. Price, complete m widely imitated be u . f ac in s inciuding >for' sale in your a 16 inch hemn, ogues and other 3 records 1and rontreal. concert sound box. Lager for Canada. ne Street,. . . MONTREAL RRlIS, Bowrnanv~il1e. We~? habeaut .401da~ a' medi g at tht tiree 't' aagîttet J'iiiia.ts for soi' Msit saci. e.,h. Mals titis tais ar ( durcs, aa'i ,eu us ttii onyaand 'Jce t indata O stli noS re inas * - '.ISe nisorsatCa Too mnnch rush ané¶ bustle., work and woirry f ai to the lot of teeverage business man. Rxd1neys can't stand it; t-hay f ail lic filter ltne poisons friým lthe bloasd properiy. iNinary tronbl e,generaiiangor aud pain in the bacit areï the naturai re -mlts. A mn can't attend to basinosa properly If hig back aches -ne nse trying. Take a hint froin business men who have used thern: a111 have liakan Doan's Kidney Pilla, whioh I procnred at the Medîcal Hall hae,e for rheumatise n d peins in the amali of My back, with which 1Ihle abeen &fflicted for the past six years. They di d me go mnuch geood test I heartily recernunenil them as an excellent madicine for ehaumatie troi-hlel and baskaohe." CruagO ?a , ee ia agrionltaral îraplernents, Orillia, Ont. Doaa's Eiduiey Pilla cure lusokohe, lhune or wtsak lg&ck, Bright'a disease, disetegý, dropay, grzvai, sediment in, the urine, toi irequent rimings et night, rhaumatis, anr * tûakuess of the kidneys in chidrani and 'r Jfuse a&U others. The D"an Kiaey ta eutdirct te tÏha diseased Ue sai MAM griedos pinth cng ha a îl l ta tierden beai irtt c 5okatl u ,SAS ac seniilsiag Lp"h paragsstos ropiee n ire ta lse a tyClaa r a, Sisui cait ias 'C' ' la-

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