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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1901, p. 6

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Powley's Liqui*fied Ozone Cures these Terrible Diseases Permanently 'I'le pecuiar construction of woman mnates ber table Io sufer f rom ntany ditorders which ire especiliy paint ut sud wearing. Many a womn bears these troubles in silence, rather tItan consui a plysiulan. Powiîys Liquiffled Ozone, I-he aew sysI-eM of treatmenI-, wiil gi-e prompt relief and a permanent cure for any et thîtte afflctions. A special bookiet wii give you ail In formation. You shouid write for the :intphlet on womenle diseases. Thts la wbat ore sufferer scys, "'I have mucc l pcuore ln tpstiilyIng IoI-be superior--qualities ot Powiîy's É,lquified Ozone, for the troubles 1 was aflit-d wsicI. A fcw montha, ago 1 lefI- mv country hbome to ge teI-be hospitai, ie île doctors said I mtust go titere Io gît rid et my tretuble, wliclé 'Wae fermaie kidney trouble andf giferai run 'down systent. 1 lad my denîts, ase ladI-id se many leo-calied] patent meu-dicines, and I-bey iead proved of ne avail. I lad n,4 umcd Ozone -for lwo weeks until 1 irnew 1 wae on tihi ight track. Il just to four mentîtl treaI-mcnt, and lan that tinte I used five large lotIles and now 1 arm tlankful te say -laI- I arn as well as I ever wae la My lite. The lest part o et ha lt yen ha-ve net got te, keep on taking il, asi I Lave eut 1usd occasion toek any for montha. I lave heeinI-be means et gîtting others I-e use Ozone and will aiways speaka gooti word for ItL Wth great tlauttuluess, yours, Sigiîid, ALLIn GOULD, Keel St., Toronto junction, Ont. Pewliy's iquified Ozone le $î.oo a large bot-' lie, Soc. semali ize. Ait droggists, or fronthI-e laboraI-orieetfI-le Ozone Ce.. of Toronto, ,imi- ted, 48 Ceiborne St., Toroute. -';e, hr, ai -aid e - hns. elwtd, Aýnrio - sis Ciithey elie lx . Boxei ore,, iat Flh ewrt fliinff a Vaintütr hZ3 tG t,,ea. tied tit l-ise I-or- pettOntt. ~ .~> ~ 'fle lcati, utcourse, iS lied too, ~'iNa,,, ButI-be Iurpenlinma coI-s the kiduyS, a ' i,.e at we ns Ihemn, wakes ftic pcainter ' slite p. da-. gerous anti trouble- &orne oe. Whe-%a aiaîer's backacmea, its âime for hi-inte begia treatiag tI-e kitincys. KIDNEY OuýAN' pWLs wiil fix Ihem up-take eut I-e inflammationi end congestion, gîve enta I-o I-le aching Itacir. »4 r. J. Evanson, I-li weil-iraown peaI-oer and dlecoraler, Se Oxord S., Toronto, opI., sait: About iFlit week's a--o 1I 'as taken witb an excruciatirtg pain in msy liacir over Iho kisineys. h wes 50 ba t Iat uuy wife lied te appiy hot cloths liiili e cdoctor caîme ast g-ave me morpine. He saidthI-e troule was tue le a aI-e passing from I-he 1itey I-o thme biacider. .My water was lc edsitli a brick tuai deposit anti acalieti en pcssirîg. _ j__NOTES ASD COff3IENTS. Under the unwritten British con- stitution there ta no such thing as a interreignum, the death of one seve- reigil hein.- immnediately flIwed by the accession of another. Corona- tion is unnecessary to thbe iecurity of title to the crown, being oniy a formai eonto of ro3a1 deseent and thus of the rLght of accesmion. By the death oJ)- Queen Vi'ctoria, Albert Edward, Price of Wales for more Ity and virtue which for haif a cen- tury have exerted eo powerful an in- fiwuene upon the w4Isoci oeal order of Great irtain. Thé German Emperor là: always at his best in pageants and ceremonials, and in the twù days' recent celobra- tlion in ilarlin, ýf thebi-centenary of the kingdom cf Prussia, his doings May faLr1y be sald to have divided in- terest w;th -the event con)nemorated. Yet the assii.p'ciin by the Emperor's et- E LL II AAA Th e King's Speech Announces That the Duk,,e of Cornwall WÎI1 Tra= vel Through Canada. bhave overcomne 12011fthe tub re- sistance of thLe m9sI- wari kl:eIris of Wet /Africa, and the e,,p , i ffi- cUlties of the cEmate, aad season. of the country in whih the operation~s were conJuctited. The garr s nj of Coo- massie, wlrich wee besteged by I-he eaemy, lias been, relieved after a pro.- longed and gailant defence. 'flicpria- cipal Kings -Lave surrenderod, 2nd the c'ipf impedimeut to te prog'res f' thp e~ eopiaatof'this dcli portion so weli equippeti by exp(,ulonce..for I-le I-i- xvii -uteàO ,JIiainuiioan at lut, wise exorcise of the fuccions that ichatis. are eR I-lie crown. Ileie lana clie fourti monta of~ -le icsxI-icI-lyear t Ž, orfiel ',lacontradicýtion 0o bis lite. 'fli long perioti of probation lb -hta ories s ývtich imukîe nucilca.s pros- for I-le aevereigaI-y, anti îslohngp- by tb,- art 0i f pee, Prii sia lias performance ofthIle scdai fcincIioaa grotvain phyeaiahily great by moral ofthIle Quen,liai e>given lita unluai m1 eaig, Ir ,-li -stainaîs i in aLO-tyfor opporI-unlI-y for e equainîace xibb-i m oitcn illaitccisiens I-Le duItes pertainingI-o I-lie kingly ofp wer, fro-inI-h' acqtitiîon uf Si- office, aitîL chu feelings anti tesires h scPtsiI-aI-of th- ireaiehiproviaaas. ufth Ilcpeople, anti iitli the positionut -haiv-e b-ca tvo-aly terce Even lber Engianti emong nations. For I-le ouprcmnaicy ia tie imperiai triýeralleaB empire over ahicli he la calledtiIo 0f Geramn aI-atùs Is maintainec i y reiga exceeds 'in extent anti power- pbys cal sîrongI-l, fojr cli 0gb ili aaythjig of whjcb I-h,--ut-t dEeward ,i,î--uVa,,iric ani il -r>ial seiat ts esus il] LIe to ail those who wsnt te get , el . When wrillug for.thent ahiaS-enition tIît pap-r. Persnua nCanada, SûeÎngteSleeeim'S fiese ffer iln Amirirait papîrs ciJi please feed for samples to te ot-onto isiiorato, tel. y 1 Ihan fifty-nine years, became. inetan- -incestor, Elector Fredeick, of Bran- ."fi f taneonsly ing ef Great Britain and eaburg, of the titie of King, t - 41 Tfirst Parliament'of I-he reign of King rito!rils of the two reputtues. Thlir "Te su.tfeig ad mm rtality caused Lrecnd Dfener f he aili nd enuris aowrsne nîporant L1 1'E Edwiard VIL. was cpened on Thursday eariy submission la mach to be de- iy the puool nged droughÉ la a large Irlapero oiC ndia.ofUce did ololthaetwre, I-oh wH)se onouienzoirtn afternoon by the King in person. Ris sîrel luint1heir omit intercstg, as until portion of iur Indian Empire Lv ever, assuntp his title, that of Edxv'rd -nd Ils Pruassian subjects,, or -to the Must Beur Signature of Majesty was aecfrnpanicd by Queen it takes place it will be impossible b ed ge 1tlY aleviaI-ad by a 2easonabla Alexandra, the Duke oif York and foýr me tea estalblsh in those colonies ramffall, bUC. 1 regret I-o addtats VI. utlli ok h atio hse- arl t large. For thougli the iuin hc ilsci alted office before the Privy Couricil, chanrge of titie seems lain cif of lit- - Cornwall, the Duke of Coaaaught, and the irstttis hhwll eur parts of thle DIl mbay Preidency di.i an wsno rohimdKigtl ýmrIth4ddd7 eeneceiaray others 9ofthce Royal family. the equal :r'glits of al the white in- cross 0of a serhus character stiilcon. throghot te Uit.d Kn.-om n- t gve he obezglern rude os-Th e route of tic Royal parÉy,which habitants and iprotecin andi justice.Imus which my officers tire using tii I-he 241h ult. W iti chat pro- cible the risc of I-he littie north Ger- Set FacSlriPe Vîrapper Onuow. lay threugh the Mail, the Hlorse for I-henative population. every ende tv-or s mïigate. clama lion thc royal caste formally ma EectoraIe to a position in whici Toryemail aeaa aaey ment st5 prde, ws guac d y iveI- tro a tiIlie -ia Ppeleaste fioe "Te oftimte fo tc ea will re c o iz e an eec s~ i a 1 li m c - i -is c o o s a nt y e nfu e d a m n'stot id a srn a n d sç ld ers. T h o u san ss of L o n d on - w h ýo w e se g Lnd l e leg a tio n s, la id b e o re y ou . E v ery c re la s bq en h r,îshîip. 'Tlic mature man wbo Laed iinds, ,ith the G'.rmtn empire. Lt is er akdS.Jn&s ak odrdresaîits tom ýîý mny mua - lropakelltO -nlimit theiramonI, but the xxitd so long ad o patientlyfor Ituc iaI- Btcndenburg startetd witli .1 -i ot tIle rcsin îdtle n aynvlfre agî - naval and mihutLary requirementsof thte sovereigasy te vhihlie waa bora soame admantage a itI-le struggle for teTueO h rcsin idfle n ynvlfreslreyc, the heir, 'carne I-o La wa. supremaccy, haviig- emerged IromIb o windows, Stands, aad roofs. Thli cor- twrflatmI, have lican folIoivesl lyItbe the count-ry, adcpeal -eot Tti!,rty Yeýars' Wai, les deva-,Iated tM eif I~R -ge was short but sPectacular. Thei submLssiton oPf die Chiinese Cuvera-' lay cofisequerrt upon tlie Sout-h Afri,- L ' annt b- sad, hwevr, Éat c Éhn Ls neghbrs, avig ben ror-Royal coachi, drawin Myciglit famtous nient I-o tlie dem3nms insistesi en b ca war, have iavolved an inevitable ii cnntb- si, owevr Iba iec- t gi- t egrs, haiugeetr nd rer- -K ~L~ I cream-colored IHanoverians, with Piepeveg Ng eiaiosarcro nrae came I- il eagrly, ~othoe ioicede- NnizodiyaI-besreart Ercoori "dThe- emisTOMofX the meanor and lis speech to tht, Council liiaved of I-he menace of Swedisl and P - E.ION POistLitons lani-ed and goiti liveries, and-ceig earagIerane la "lcdesefIle Crown renderas showed liow ralucsantiy ti dwI-li Polish domination. But it was not un- 'a cs Pu>fuI-amn iealing -be hrseswhicl tu Io iceffUecte -- shahliebmatde for I-le civil litý. 1 wltatprofInd sHnAe of ls wre c antiguI-,w a pei nifMOl- "ThlicamI-ablisliment Of the Aulstra- place uare-servedly1 at your didýposal ohlgastains lia approacbed bis royal limsu by I-le Eiector's son, upon 1adfl lien Comm nweomlth wa.s those lieredit-'ry revenues whicb were as-k. But I-le wotid taras hI-Ile th-le eaufferance ofthI-e 1oy Roman e-IwdIi ieGcrsl uiuiorm, a;-SIdu .y, Janue y lis,, wiI-h any suplacet by amy predecessor, sind J1 oaiguzaceofli prsna felng 0 pre t~~- li ltIlel:î,dorn ot Pru R.with silver breatplatesad red- manif. ,s a l ons ,-f popular catbi ta m have cemrnided tstire paperà a nvaamnacl, ad n homisiufsia piayed rmnchipart iu European pol- ,LU 'S pîîc im'Is ni ml so ti rit ,ejoi ln S. Myti cpi b la, e-1andi necea ary fer a tuiconoideration of its regret andi grief over l ocssof iti-ss. :eriee-u~rs itre cos-Iameaised i obinei, cd as5ef'e-1tu the Plie cubjeet chahli c laid beteire you, iU i' meut hcaorod 41o;is Litular soyer- uýs immediately surroadd the ýi3lii of the Duke of Comnah and "My Lords ad Gentlemen: ins, tciaquiry la, \XnËar ner of Froderiei WiliimI , I-ha second 1aide York 50o pen imef irst Parliamear ut "Proposais' isilil ie s,,bamlItted I-o ,ag wilhlier cucce, sor hI I- i i, : - 1îedc dil -hFru--VE CARRIAGES OF STAllE. 1si arnýw Cm ocîinhalier name. your judgmn. for increasing I-le ef- naan tasy queti1,on to asvor, for 'coarn ntil it becan- alma-,tncNumbers of Pepe i caanguifreifftlsadl- A s(cp-iraLis-n trm aMy on, c-pecjatly fc e fmymlcr ocs m ina new'sI-licfuture, cand the ex- n-taiio u iciies C nd Vi r erg te ttchueili cl rWn1 YLy stntuli acmnu mî, i ,c ainna,,ctb- oLe wý.5ie "CrancngsuI-i eoIit pedicace we ccii hisI-ory liais hoîvn c-u etataao h'rooîa ' 1 ~,six hoîses, wili postihtons anti oocrid- 1liban ticpiy pafutlbut 1Istilll{taare dno -i or u ia pela tliatthIle soberiag tespousihbilitieS tif t(n otcSi t iIh xme u ueuO -fSlfpIf rs, led I-b" procession. NexI- came I-le to give e&foce ceulier lace !ecysreaciererinecessary ln consequence of kigsi lav oc tt- ad1i tre i> e s sat fs-andi the iGrebutt iLjýsy, kinshp av nit i rreq entlymassive State chariot, I-le Occupants ivislmîs, andi as evlsieneeut lier lasr-tle increaseti resorI- I-c it which ba6 Wrought radical ciana 'c ia t'Lie tuacie pPrussýa a Ërtc-ecss -Lu- Iof w ,,0ch were plinyceea i ng eti, ia weii as of my own, lai ail that resulted tronu I-le expansion of the coaractt' tiLcs tioe, ca, a,-. u. riîa iva s ti velÂh7 .Lv1UUII lte plate-glaiss windows, tic Kitag,who [concerrns she aifaire ut my sottjccts ci erfprne.________a ir,, Ip,;ir ý1ýpoiio a Empire duriag I-le lest -wo genera- Raglsicoesigu la ic h o min i tî' .tfritt',la h ot o-was la fuluaiforam.'taiuting constant- b'; and LIho eas, I1lhave- -teoided chat o. tle emlpirei I-o whom hla sperumittat to cai' cntat fc;1k-w 'tandthecie nt-lb- 0f the MBrvelos sSuccess of thely, and I-le Qucen bowing.Tlic pro- the visiÉt Io 'lustralia shah net tbc "LsgisIation wililie proposed I-o you bave ne poîittîs. Anti au per ,ecI "as geuc tbdI-t sLrecti,l Pri a aregainet SIoclum System for- al Lung messi;n speeduly traversed I-be short abaudotet, ad shahllicexîtedI-otor I-lite ameadmnent of I-le law relat- beenthepolticl prcetio oftheroute I-o an acoompanimeat ut roars lNew Zealandadtih-e Dominion Of iin-e Io education. flW kag s Pinc otW c-' hatit1~ ~î -ba LaI bla sî u t-- a-and sliouts and reaciUd I-lie Royal en -anada. ne kn a ric o als Éati Canada. a. cel os i c-Na 7 gsaton flas 1been prepareti, and la te-utsfui if amy main cem~~ng lii., Irance tQthIle Palace ut wostmins-ed- "flicpiolouigitonn utthe hosI-lilties i iaiii tyu lps- rs palo ei 5t,_uggtl_, cati icter ruhers, NO AMORE BIG DOCIORS FEES i 1 .te inea «i ipslpov subi ais knuwsa liI-are biS vîews b ya ivise ch,:ia o;).iagents, completlcI NO NMoRit LONG SLJFFERINO beneccli I-le Victoria 'fower, aethIle ap- ta South. Africaibas ladmtaIo maire a'-I-oic adequate, I- wililibe laid liefore upon aay of llip measures by mhlci t le cibîci,î îeri 1 Dr. sloremls suceesein cu-llcg 2aildiseaseoth flI-ttie.jtrleroel on lie patriot m anti de- ycu, for thc purpose of rcguiaI-ing I-le laprp~e -oprsrv iccefîrslir pua:tt i ig Pîucii I- cai r. i oS- at bocllaofieti bi th5. estion. 'flic e. ' Inis ared cf inci.t ubmcesw ia bevqesthio.TheKing and tic Quecu crrived t 1- Osiaa utf Canadaadtrisnalasia. 1 vluaLary sale utfiiîn-tlordsto occupy- weii beîag. k Lamirigtti t u artrîtaîco, af coditinI hote is bit rin-aed to e baithWestmnter et 'l.57. 'flicarrivai cf rejoi-ce tI-it amy requasI- las met w 11h fiandcoiatin Iate faotryaa thoeg ihe Slocmntsysmîti oli tneauiei t. taritet nt l'a ÎitheirMajesteswasgreete withan a iomp' nd 1-alwoeîrksliepin 1acrge; ororopI-lie; betI-o e rtadmin-n ~ pr~,eaac ovey arcnytieaiintit itegttlier- cil iit i fîst hlinli e rselte u-cr u lcr nirnin tcuciaional osa iog. uts ftom tho 'o c' aa- of uthIle lew respecting lune Fooe na-arlvy oty yoars, or over sînce e0t_ hipbp 'nuuýJa tt am if rou euiTer :roun ati o fe,-Lietut g tt ciii vhat- up ao hesadrign fcuc di iiu;fraedn h uilcha I-le widuwiood of I-le Que-en, tI-li e cý,tiÉ,nnici oruicpa lias beien-vr, youSeuld , i oi loain tetint tpplinug fo r-elisanti I-lic triag ot c Royal cahute. nies mi embutrirfor I-Le scat outxvtir a tral f te socu Fysew f teatnert. a an eary d te.acta in regard tu, water snppiy; for aotnti more frot I-be eîý-ruîýaiLd"comtpleteti I-le wc;rk vou aie ntc,ed iai e narcet. Ai s-ou have in lSt. Jarncs' park. lien I-licgreat ath e:ydaece preventlon of druikrnness in more admr utePrince ut wLhscitht-i' reut Liredericek and his LIMISTîrk, 179 Kincg St. Wt, Totronto, gaixe camne anti lis heenperformti ett- 10 dis t us-t e TA. oau aus 5. ecr fSI-aI- ant I-lc otirs wCOt"Thli'expôdi-lon organizeti for I-ne lilceti houses andl public places; and \VI-, r'Âcesusbaua 'ghham ~ heaiul . itht post-office and expresscîffice address. were ItIair a tic cer-cgony as- 8supp-essioil -cli-- reteli on in Ashlititfor ameatiing 'tie lew utfhiIerary - sud sembndiblsn orer co ticir a- Waa croaed withî ignal su cssnd'fie epynigh-I- ciencly. For I-wety-five years lie jmiii ail his Iana cdpenmip andiclashow, T A ME T esîle. in dI-lir,1eKngathirQusa enducraced Ïti ginalryu ay esTe -a -c lilt lt a bas, ouI-ide I-le reigning rmofarcha, at-lia I-roquaýýnt titregard of cuit- F E R A- 'jste.-I prh Kigad ue ndrnean alntyo aie liea lihe MOsI- foa-picttois tig ure ain -I, ls haxv lei-euet ~yret pîly e rceptOf Or 'aligling frntm Ihe tt 'rige h bl omadI-ru-Jme: llL"ýeýt gud o i h cwtc veL*nJ'Lý,as-lw hi!seif S80Ouet. UTitis ethee os en-ceereus cer cicr citat ,eS-c aigIle by ~ h u ~'"of yoiur deiberations, andti I-at IHi tie royal caste. Perliaps no fBritish ou-eu uleogmearoe sIoU-aîyieiai efan le titis country. Dr. Slocu- pr cession was quickîy formet, ant i lliocira anti loch 12-Britishr offluýers, 1mybeste ihsios pla s0 positive eof-liat iti tîatineut selde chat lie Wmylhs -e il uces sovereiga -las ever acootie tutepower,--:v, t deitririnete t r -ussier ,i,, ias titis ,,,,rocefî,uued eSefit,, eet fide it paceedd to ii terbzrch o t,,,wtoe

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