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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1901, p. 7

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THE ILLR 0FTHESOu, Wheri afflicted with disease, the fariner, perhaps more than iny other artisan, is obliged to suifer acutely, simply from the fact that relief is irnoonvenient.At te Sanie time a pinmiglt live Ia block srrounded by i.3edical practi- Ig . O . CNNLLtioners,andthen Ma.JOHt ONNLLobtr3n little or noô ele from rheuniatism, once~ di-sease perrmiates the blood. Iis the discovery of Dr. HaIl's Rheumatic Cure that then proves a boon to the, rheuma.tic suflerer. Mr. John Connelil, Bedford Milis, Ont, had a bad attack of rheu- iatism from April t'ili June, two years1 ago. He was so bad that he -could flot put his foc3t on the ground. H-e saw Dr. Hall's Rheumnatic Cure advertiséc in the papers, bought two bottles and used them botli. This se rlieved him that ie was ableto0walk around, and- after usîng four botties ha vas perfectly cureci, and has flot been troubled with rheu.- matism since. Dr. Haii's Eheuxeatie Cure is put up lu 60 cent baities eonWaning ton day8' treatirnt Po'r gale by ali druggiets and deaers in redieine. The De. Hlli Mledicine Co., Kingston, Ont. TDe D L EMULSION TiseOD. & L. EMULSION s lb. oa aomt altale prepa ration of Ced Olivc1, agreeîngwh thé most delicate stornachs. The D.& L. EMULSION Is aprescribed by ibe Icad~ing Physici et o Canada. Thie D. & L.E!MsJLSION Ia inrveloua dlesh pr ýdV nSwi,~ Yeu an appetti.a. üc ê er Sattle. De sureyait get 1DAVI S 9, LAIRNC the genune CO. Lir.itedMc ra The eid roUsSile remedy fer Spvins, tlgboe,s, epit . r d, nSait firme ef Lmenrs, te curei wtabt a btemsh bcause i teosant blister. Noih Plaîtaener, Ont., rob. 10, '98. 1).r. . 5. . uit 1Ce., D- rsire ,-Wrl Yo.please 1f'o e sa remriy teur. ihaie e.mare thti, itlicied. ftaie pleeur, ln ~ati.g hai KeuteI'llia ei ng Si ouly once ruiýtruapplylng toe'ral ue. As long u i1h h orI- 1.1 t ti w51hii't Coudi', . ruCure and aras i, u i y &tati,. veryi .. ULIH GAUTHIE, rre$S- foCr $6. As a liniment for family eoi ba oui e aa. Ask yîur eruggist -or reoadaii,'0 Sp'f ure, aiea "A Treatireon the liawae,t "si bok faor addreeî DR. 9. .J. KENDALL, CO., ENOSBURQ FALLS, YT. 711?PJl-tiLEtftWILL MOT N1. 100 O? ORIMITATIONN AVDUB- UItiE. THE QENUISE ROTTLE SASTHE NAME, enth lu s Don't ngettret Persirtent hacking caugh ftilt >rou frinçyoiurscif iiithe ciotch af Consomptîco, It s nan1%easy rater to stop itna by tajkin1à BR17OD' ORA PN YRUPI SThis pieesssit remedy heais and soothes ~Wthe longs and bronctîi tbesVand cures iingering andi chronic cougits when otber remedies h. Mr. W. P. Cgnn, wrting from Marpetir, Ont, says "'I haestiy believe I wouid bave dei fo c if rooaiy for Dr. Wood' Nerav Pne ~u p. iave u ed It f61' yOars aM en sdérithas lno;,eqatà for sevets c ai n hottobe, The reward of one duty Sanu e th Power ta fulill anther.--George E like a water gate acraes a stream-is LI IINTS O substituted fta catch the claver as i.j~lt faits fram th, elevators. Wbcu T :EFA R M ER]. the rack ie full, the driver, by en -~ of a baud lever, opens the gate, let- WINTER. WORK IN TIIE DAIILY. tiug the claver slide off, ieaving it Before, milking the cow's teats arcelu wudraws always washed with a clotb and wip- It was forielythouglit uccessary ed, wbetbcr tbey seem dean or not ta lot thse claver lie lu the windrow enys Mr. W. -R. ilatetter. My pran- until partially rotted. But wîtb lus- lice le io bave e 10-gaimilkoan in the hern ia owbicb the iilk les srinjud aLs test as dcawn. The strainer le maSeoaf île tineci wire cletb and un-. d ez ibis is a second sireiner of twa ihickaiases of ration flannel cloib, will ithe uap sides oui ,If tIc uap siSces face eacI aiher 'iýe milk wil ual ru hroîrgb. Wben tIeîiik le délivered ai île dairy hanse, tIe Sairîoian's part is donc anS île but-. tL .-maker'e part commences. If ilS milk is ual good anSd ean thc butter-, maker cenn ut almke goad butter. 0f course île bet of milk cen le epail- oS ln tle making. I rua île îilk il rougI the separetor as coon as ht recels the dairy bouse, so thel ht telle as lhîtileini iempecainro as pos- sible ftier being drawu, Thecceam' is rmn luto e cen ibai stands in ibe-calS weter, soeîthauine very short tme the creai is cooled tai 46 Segcees or lower. Il ic bolS et lIai icîperatursunutil reedy to ipea fan cluruiuge. Tweuiy-.t an bancs before cburning the ccamn is warn2ed la 70 or 80 Segroos, depend- ing on the wealher. A saur milk starter w biol las becu sieried 24 lanc e bore isa aSsed to île creai, one part ofthîe tari c tao 20 of tbe creai. Ia 24 baurs the ccam is ceedy ta chuna etier be'ng ooaied la 52 ta 56 degrees. The usuel tme tac cburniug is tram three-.quartenc ta anc bouc. soon ae île butter is nicely granulaleS the cdura je claoppeS anS for a clurniag ot 50 Ils of butter a PounaS aisait je put jute the oburn. The cdura is revolved e few li.mes. TIc issolving otflte saltinsheI bultermiik anS île butter is tees api ta tua out witî t. As coon as, île t.utieiilk jes drawn off, water at 58 degrees le put ia îlte edura, about tle same quantity of water as there was butte-iilk, The clucu je revolved a few tumes and the we- toc Sranaoff. Watcr ai 60 ta 62 dmgrees le incu pu«, !buthie cdm, %bout twi-co the qnantity thait tere was of buiternilk. TIe chu rn le cc- vioveS a lew imes anS île -wetec dca-eu aff,.whiob sIaulS ho elmost car; ih ua laer, tcesh watoc aI the sainie emprature ile deSSeanS drawn aif. The butter le alowcd ta dcc lu e fr-eminutes. 'Saltistethon eprinkled avîr it luinîte clora, using one anS proc ,.y ls xve CLuliers tlisinta a ULJ- qo.Lred. If the weather is favorable I let Lt dry three or four days or until, it is lu the condition of over- dry bay, and then stack and bull im- miediatety, or enavier well and leave several weeks. Treated lu this mau- uer the straw will ho almost as valu- able as hay and is relisbed by stock even better than timotby bay. Hul- Liug claver frain the windrow 15 Heu- aily very uneatisfactory work. be- cause of' the deiay causeS by damp- noes ram rain or dew. I have kuowu three or four Says to be spent doiug a job tbat might hava been donc iu ane day, baS the claver becu etacked. Mammotb Claver produces but ons cropi lu a seaison, cunsequently 'it caunoit ho utilized for botb bey anS seeS. Wben a socS crop l e sired it should b2 mowed or pastured i May, Otherwise Lt wili ho dîfficuit ta haudle'ou account of its great lengtb. It je more certain. of a good seeS crop than the cammon red, boeause of the greater uumiber of insecte lu miS-. summer anS therefore the perfect pallinetion. Memnîoth clover je le-ss liable ta iujury from insýecte wbiab prey upon the commn t-oS and in localities wbcre niuch injury je doue tram,'this ceuse, it je preferred. Durng the aunmer of *98 the claver eeed crop was almoat a com- plete faflure lu my locality. AnS yet t here bas sel1dùi been e fluer promise for ceeS titan there 'cas iu the growth antd dcvelopî,rcnt of the second co.p during the suuumer. The bloom war, luxuriant, but the ripened heeds ce- vealed the tact that there wae pcac- -àoelly no seed. After saneienlvesti- gation I arrived et thie conclusion; Ta gelÉ a good seed cropi we must have a good houey year. Beemen lu- farmed me that the summer of '98 w as a poor one for the honey crop. To bcing houey juta the tlower et the pe'riod of blooni the mvather muet ho dry and the daye anS aights bot. But dnring that sumi' r these conditions were reversed, and there honey iu the dloter blo,,soîs, the bes did nat work aud consequently pallination Sid noýt take place auS uv seedforiS G-IIP REPARTEE. First Grip Vicliin-I'm baviug a bard trne of it. C'an't guit my breath; on e-half Ounces la anc Pound af but- cen you? ter Th11e Gîhr Vctim-I ca gel i but Thc buttcr is placeS on ebter 'et balS il. 'cocker, wlora il me worked about Th1 is-htmuth ees atm -hait caougl. If necessnry I aSSd sia tog mace sait. If tle grnulhescf butter 1 .LOTS Ol TI-ME. i ippr ,n ta bc a litho caoo fine, i wîi1 balS more weter euSdivasî oui île ,Jack Newlywed-Timc you were scl..I1really decideby hyîe leste, Ig:,tinig marrIeS, aIS ian. anS sait ta suit my custcomers. Biily Baclelor-O. I do't know, tliuk the tinte ta stop tbe butter- te century 18 yostng yet- warken en ouiy le delermined ly ep enieuce. eLOVER AS A SEED CROF. - The value of claver as e fertilizer or for nay 15 sufficieut reean for gra'cmug il,, writee Pervien Illinois. Biut esido frrin, this il bas anoiler velue as e secS drap, mvicl le of no taconeiderable amouat lu île jucame' ofth ttfari. The yielS of claver seeS may ho p1aced et froint îwa o c hushets per acre, anS the price ou the tari tîrce ta sovea dollars per bus- l. Il wlll not le fer oio l The most beautiful thing in, way ta place tIc average yield ai thewrd i h ay i titree bushehe pcr acre, anS the preceltewrd 1 th ay a] et tour dollars per busitel, ibus dmlsad o.Th - most îeking $12 per acre gnose incamc ý fri the claver filt, afier hevlng .-pitiful thing is that same baby, alrad teeaoff1 -2t trce tons' thin and in pain. And the of bey per acre, ta cay uathiaig ot i île hulluge, or cîraw, wicîla as con-. mother does not know that a sideableteeSvalu. 'littie fat makes ail the differ- To secnro a secS crop tramte cam- mien ccd claver, tbe tiret craýp should! ence. ho dut.nar île middle of June, al- i - bv iboughit hi ay hocnt cachier or leter lI Dmples anu joy hvegone, wit succese, if île ceasan le favor- and left hoilows *n fear; the able. ShoulS ibere le blumble secs' neste in île fielS, telle boys not fat, that was comfort and ta isturli thc,, as tbe ceeS crop color and curve-ail but, pity will depend iargehy ou thibm work, letec ou lu tcrtllizatiou. A bacall- and love--is gone. fnl seed crop is cenainly abundant1 compensation terac few hecestrings. The iittle one gets no fat Th1e papular 'blielef ht the tiret from. her food. There is some- crarp Soes net produce secS je erra-1 neoue. There aili anîy le e emaîl thing wrong; it is either hier food amonat eeS, bhcouse of île i1 or food-mill. She bas had no perfect poluation tram lack ot becs sud otber insecte sae enly lu the fat for weeks; is livinog on what scason. Tle secoad cnop is eut for'he adso dint t lm secS wbcu all île beads have turneS h a trd nta lm bcowa or bhaek. Penlepe lte olS 1 littie body of bers; and that is self-cake reaper would le tire lent SeÎ tr gfrft impiement for ibis work, but as that gn. Sei ~rigfrft las uaw gane wilh the elokie anS île aî is death, be quick 1 cradle, the momvcc or bluden avi lave, Sots Enlin o o ta le subtitute.d. If île moaver i ct' nllin o o useS île claver sbould lee ut and Liver Oul is theý fat 8he can raked avbcu Samp, ta avaidShcatterng: take; it wili save ber. ase mucb as passible. Neveribeless, m'bsptr o theca wilil e cauclderalle lacent af, 4 secS in tisway. -for -pie, ts agrecable Wlicu tce claver stands up wehiI ese ii lSl s YOU. bave 'tud the binder lest anS the;8O'8rW~ waste of tle ceeS leai. 1The hiardig Toronto. part ofthîe machQine le removed anSd - 5 a$lO i ack il a swing-mg gate-roaewhat . 1 -Enat r exauers ihier so inca hmore at- tractIve tIsan epeofetmmeasurably superior bcaoiy. Non eau h lbe de- scribeS as iegnet'qa, tac maguetiai iniplies eomeihing that is violent an.d ALEXANDRA, QTIEEN CONSORT 0F INGLAND. 1 egalasi whicl oee avantSbleinclineS te resisi. But lu is tle eweet, grec-. loue anS kiudhy manuor ibet couverts every men wha sets cye upon uer huao ber swora a dmirer, tliat e v-'n Ssarms tle jcalausy et wamc.u, transtorming tbeî lie liber Sevated trieuS. Froni the lime of ber merrnige, eigbl-eud-thiriy ycans ega, ebe bas hIved liesi unceesiughy exposeS ta ittfull glare et pullicity wbicb beets about ibronos, occupyLnig ly reeson of îhe ,secinsion efthîe laie qucen tIc robe of the firsi lady in île hanS, et eny rate lu a social sense. AnS ilrauglout ilet satire parioabc bals net maSeoanc clugle misiake. She las kuewn 'Lu ber own triendly euS cali menner île people -rvlom it wac Sein- eble tInt eeshiand kaasv. She bas etecreS cleer-cf adi trace acquatant- encos wiîcî mig-h have given risc ta 111 natureS dcorpient. Site bas nover loest her ead, neyer rendered berseif .gnity of euytbing tisai ould ho con, ,srueS as partekiag et the nature of a "taux pas," anS bas ly meaus et île atiosphere of ideel refinement avhcIse seems te dIf fuse ananaS bec kepi wtlin londisîle tendency of medenrueociety ta exuiberauce anS yul- garity, ami, perfect la tact, bas pre- ,senteS thiougî ber mannieS lite a pIc- tutre oethîe wpMn unruffled Someetto' bappine«es. Finally, la an ege whýecc calumuy La se ripe end ail pr evgleut iliat not even au angel des.cendeS tram heaven would ho permuLteS ta retain île celestial garmeats unsuhled sud île wiuge : nruffled. NO BIREATIt 0F SCANDAL liens ever, tarnisheS even for a fîceet- Iug mt-eniýI h >,fiir aia ýf Eug- Lan-d's e uc.Suey lncric mites, taere le lut anc Pein-Kihler. Ferry Devis'. 25c. and, 50c. GREAT. BIITAINS TRADE. lacIs and FIleres 5hew mber caejnineiria1 Th1e trade «t Great Bilain ecn- tInues ' cou erfilly Prosperaus. Lest Autuma coma ,p epic tlought ibere would bh a a inof thîe tiSe, but île tic lihas ni turneS, non le thoreaeny cign of t ls -,)iag sa. Tise Gavera- mont is fortunarte, for baS île pro- logtofetthe, var la Seuih Africa licou arcompaniod by a serLons Se- clanla trede thora wauld havýe been nmuaI dLscouteut lu th-,ccountry; 'out traIe not usniy keeps- Hp, but ex-. pende, The total exporý-te eud importe tracteet îl te country ton 1900 amauntje îo thse Oncrmous ieum 61 £878,00,000, or $4,3,N,0,000 aerecanîlyear. XVtb te wars lunSo4uti Atrica euS China et an euS, îles year's retucas may ce'blow a large increese. AN AIRTISTIO DISTINCTION. Mn. Seppeigh-Met. Woazau scoms badiy emien on that young lady, pianist. Musc bath charme, yau know. Too man y asthma sufferers giveup thelr search for care, believing that their particular case le beyond the co-,n- trol of scientific treàtnient. It ie only necesaary to point ail such to a new hope In Dr Chaâe's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, the ans great remedy whiehli as proven Its efficiency nut oniy as a prompt re- lief, but aiso as a tborough cure for atthma. Mrs. George Budden, Putnamvllle, Ont., *ays :-"X feel It rmy duty to re- commeud Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed, aud Turpeutlrte, as I hd the asthma very bad; couid get nothing ta do me îgood. A friend of mine peruaded me te try this remedy, 1 did so, and It cured nile.,, It 19 Imupossible ta Imagine a better trettnent for asthma titan Dr. Chase'% Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. It zoothes the excited nerves, clearathie branchial tubes, gives prompt relief ta the frightful spasms, and, when used re.gularly, thorousrhly anS perxnanently cures asthma. 2ý3 cento, ail deaiers', or Edmnanson. Bates & Co., Toronto. Ooo!k's Cot'bon Ëôot Compvard, isýuceessfuily used mon thly by overl 10.00 Ladies. Safe, effectuai. Ladiesa ask .eurdru itfrCei et RoCr. pond. ke no oet er as ail Mixtures, pille aud i mita tous are dangerous. ric,, o. 1,3$1 per box, c. 1, 10 degrees oetrauger, $3 per box. No. I o maieS en receipt af price aud twa or8i-cent StmeTe C0e 0lpany Windsor, Ont. 08.Iî6nd 2 solS anerecommended by ali rpousible Druggists in CausSe. Nos. 1 and 2 soiS in Bowmanviiie by Hiesie BOTneu & SON, STOTTr1 JURY; Orono y J Gn We w1ill teil you what the stock is ln each and every pair. The reason we'do that is because we know, Latest Spring styles now ln stock ln every line. The publie is invlted to inspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchelsî Shawl Straps, fancý and plain;-,l)resning, the very best that can be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear,- it wilI ruin the boots it Is applî- ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches in first-elass style. Fine work muade to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customerc for past favors and hopîng for a continuance of the- bame. e I7 ]3eaver IBlock, Bowmanville, i,,ýa pton Gener al St-or e, We 111old a vaster stock than lias been," %nd are as usual prepared to give bargains in Ciothing, Dry (ioods, Grocer1eg and Hardware. Gents' Clothling. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very large and well assorted stocit to select f rom, in Serges. Worsteds and Tweeds, uoth Foreigni and Domestic manufacture, We are bound to SUIT ý ou. Groceries and Hardware. In oui' Grocery and Hardware Departments you will find our stock weli assorte'i, hotiLht in the best markets at the closest prices, and will bc sold at the right price. Some people want quautity others quality, we can please both. lligheït price paid in cash for produce. Give us aeail. HA4MPTON. STRONO ANDVIGOROUS. I Every Organ of the Body Toned; up and Fnvigorated by-- art C The pain, nausea and dis- tress that Dyspeptics suffer jatrevery meal can ail be p ermanently removed b y Bur dock Blood Bitters. IIt tones up and restores the stomach to normal condition so that it digests food without causing discomfort. Mr. P. W. Meyers, K-ing St. E., Berlin, H ere's proof positive: 01-t., sys: ',I sufe red for five years Miss Maggie Splnde, Dalhousie, N.B., with palpitation,, shortuess of breatb, wrote the following: "I1 have been a aicepl-senes and pain i the heart, but sufferer from Liver Complaint and Dyn- one box of Milburu's Heart anid Nerve pepsia for the pat two years and felt Pille completely rermoved ail these dis- .very iiserabie. I iaould not take muaità tressiug 8syMptoMs. I have not suf«ýf.rd oo as It burt m-,e to eat. My ftionds since taklug themn, and now sleep weli l d,'Why don't yutry B -.TI i and feel' strong and vigoraus.11 suilg îwo 'bo!Uls, Ç,hieh m jade sueilt Mllburui s Heart aud Nerve Pillecropts cure ait i eau no1wet any- ail diseilse arleing front *weak beart , hi-ng I11k ihu *eutgm icm F0111 outnev tissues, or watery blood, fort." -w h N. considers ail the temptetions of anc ENGLA DS NE QU E kianS and enoiber ta whîcit a waan ni the position of the royal ldywho AN AMERICAN'S OPINION 0F ALEX- i bac%, ntil nw borne thc titie of Prin- ANDRA OF DEN1;1A,,K. Ces, of Wale, iýexpoýsed, every anc in- terît on tiattering ber, and îarny cu- be lis Preiled as on e orflic lot Fasf'elîr deavorlngin vain ta poison ber mimdB Bri:sh LIkýpre-A htoe etof ExIra egaiuet those xvhonr tbey wisb taOouat ordnety Clevermeee. tram her fa>veur, the t act tînt ,sqe _______ Writtklg- u ic h New York Tribune, could be withbent a single mistake in "Ex-Attachte," one of th- bestijuorra- ber record Lndicates thai, far trhob- cd wpriter4 au toreigu tolies iu the Ing e duil or foolisb percon, ebe must United States sys ihai Alexandra t ofp ecde xrodntycee- ~ -F CSM L Deaîark, who apqw becomes Queen of'n,13as Gree Brtal, aS Epres e Ini Not merely columns, but volumes,- could ho writte lîot beïr innuierable \JgalPepauofr SIGNATURE le one of tite masit ascineiing and pop-.i acte af kindness, of generasiiy, anS af mlaigteodn eu nier waîen lu the wbole of ber hue- tender couelderation for otherii, but 1l 11,1dlaIdoW1lO band'e vasi domainians, witich embraca i eeyrlteeehîi nie one--quarier ofthie entire papulation wlbocr om iiapee _____ of the kno)wn world. True, there are moment, euS whkb may serve te il- ____ ___ manywoîe la nglad saietywbolustrate the syipaiby whicb she teele soosieUî,he{l are infinilely more beautitul, wbose' anS whlch cai ouiy bha .urpessed ly ness and P£qst.0011ta ls nelther figures cantonm fer more claseiy to tbe sy,pathy wich shit ie. 'oOpuMr Ieioruea tbeo ideel af the artisi, end, abave ail, teea însie.Sinoplf iriea IS 0111 THE thraar mnywb pasesa re ter a o, nsIc was i inLondon, NOT NAU C 0TIC. th,,ieareman wh poises agreteraýnoldlaSy-in-.waiiing of ber mother, degrec of hrLIlienicy, of aesb anS ofthîe late Quecu of Denmack, lay-yn wit. R~otitbsiandng ailio the tt royal palace at Copoubegen. She wberever thc grec ions lady wbo bas iaS kuo\vn the present Quean ot Eng- now, heceae.s queon appeere nat oniy landscice the iatter'e intancy atnd wes ort'a I0 EVEBRY doee she becm thc cynosure of ail deeply attacheS to ber, King Chris-. W_ 3 noe of every aiber woraan precout' ter Lu England, ae u o nc ot bis let-I- s5eenis to paie; 'this, tan, lun epite oftetrs declared the dying lnSy's anc wlel the tact thet shte Le the grandiather: wa to speak witb ber "PrincesAe" Ae clenedy frGnù,- 0f ai sx itte nc, nS ccoce.x-belocoebe expireS. Alexandra wee tion, Sour Sonc.irhei ty yeariscf' ae aIn fifty. t Ietolýv ngada h True, site romainsý amazngly yautb-qutirbitebvEnauette W rsnusosFvri- tineutsh 9ok atender aud Sympa-. 1g255 wdlLOS0F SLEI*:. fui Lu eppearance, ibenke not somucb tl'oti rrmege into a phonmgr'apl anSd ______ ta tbae vlgardevicos known e a- pat-ileS t ta Copoul gel! by seo-__________ 'making up," as ta thoso judiclous cial rme,"tenger. Already the dimnes cares hat are eutirely legitimete. For of , ý b btS veS ed heolS lady's cyca YO1K. aetorla ilput up lu eue-size bottiesoly. It instance, Saily message bas beon cm-vj1 niy'hhlng eue os eav pet O p ployed ta help nature iu werding off cj-a t love udaispe ond as he yen h or rrrmise that à mc, e o loe an hoe, nd a th ýîis "just as good"J sud "wiii answer every pur wrinlosfro thetal fae, vile the lest -i ocde dieS away anS oniy the _______________ li, &'80ttynetaÂSToRI, elaeticity euS elegance oethîe figurevbatnctîlpoogp igre havibenIliiedbymensofex C bave ~ ~~ o benrtth ymeu tc-o Ie ai,cite sigbed happiiy, anS EACTCOPY OF WRAPPER ,egîti erise, moderetion anS Siet, ta the witb "GoS blocls you, dear" on ber lips ~ came pheromenal Segrea, as Lu tle case ~~,~t rubrwrd of tle laie Emprese of Auctitatethîe "ýdaa eaûhrwrd timeof er asasinaton.The air Ifamytîlug could console tle Eng- lime ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ILh 0fbreesialn h ari~ people' for theboslacewhidh ihcy ___________________>__________________ le dre-sseS la precîsely tle came quiet, bave sus tained lu the persan, of Vie-! euS claracteritiltumanuor oZ. tweoly-tarie h le the knoýwlcdce ihat ilcir fîve ycars aa, île boaS reteins ~ qeuj ieie eino al THE SAilE DAINTY POISE eri-wa 'on t iguel on a neck su gr-tceful ilat it raaveYs blemeless lite, of ktndly dispostin tle impressio a esioender l elk 5up-a eleae h disi it",S portLng e flawec, wbite tîeecyes-awpaten wof aile-ici gosic, its, ino _____________________ surediy bave neitber SimmeS aoc tiieily te ail sorrow and enttering- eh odI fBot h atfv rsi ek n aelt changeS, tienb'nig as Lu cys of yarc, lun oue word, e bath lavely anS lovable i .'ehve sldpesofBtshelt i rsxwekanhveos witb ton ac mischief ores wel oeeg. t dispose of yei, and goods at very smail Dri6ë@. appealicg in lIai sari ofptmîi Oui carry a gaod assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at maanner peculiar to people whoae$,0 e' afadCroa ls ee n îitefO 14 lard et beering. -b ae Bicycliste, yauug or old, ebauld car- $ 0 e' afadCroa 3mswdadrvtefo 14 ry abotle f PJn-illr i thir ad-to vorili $2.00 to $3.50. Chiidreu's Button and Blms 25c, 50e, But il le net ibis thai maires thee ry atbaille 7at and $1.00. 'rolu'taeir caS- 110 eorrbO, i nc~~~~~~~w~i que fBgan r acnaigSclgs. Ih cures culs and wounds ;$00Mis',tosadYotstoorspn nwque o ngadsx a cnaigwith wondcrfoi quîkues. Acadseuh- i inprices. 1

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