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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1901, p. 8

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Coughng bef ore it start of you Bi Colds, Coughs, Asthl Bronchiti There is nothing NLTMBER 301. L~ IGGINBC OPm g'ets the Li anti runs into ronchitîs or Copsumption. 30_ Lma, s-, lloarseness, Weak Lungs, La Grippe. , better foir a Cough than )THAM & SON, Duggisis, Bowmanville. ire, Or 1 oods Speak For lhernselveS. '0 We only ask voi t u (corne andi go through our store. We huy the nattiest Furniture on the market, madle in best woods andi we seli at close Sprices,. If you iend furnishingý a home, see our lres andi get our prices, andi compai e with ~ the goods of any city store if yo-uwish, If you Sconterrplate a fancy chair or any piece of Fur- Sniture for the Holiday season. see our dispîay, the lu gest andi prettiest -vershown in town KTh5P VOUR EE ON OUR DISPLAY WIND;OW. BowMA'v E. rut niure and Uri dirt 0; $3~ tu, his ad ot Ooandsend tous with Stt hte o ilhenV orLadies' Bicycle, .heigtof ean EAGE lndg,,,rtnsudwewill send yÀL '.ss his gsGrade 1901 Fodei Blcycièb11yExpressC.OD_ CLEsubec teexaintic. You an examinei tlio ronghIy att yourEx- press office and if found efcî st0f oy exaCtly asrepresented A IGH ORAGEIBOI MODEL SENIN EGL BCYLE pay te theExrs 4A get the balance due - ý29.00 - and Express Nos,4~, 0 an SiCharges. The express charges are only 50 te 75 cents for each 500 miles. No extra charge foc Ladies Bicyces VERYONE KNOWS TH1E EACLE BICYCLE Tbey are the Highe3t Grade wheels made; no Bicycle bas a better reputatien; ne icycle has becit morewidelly advectised by the makers;bgfvu e ihbs iyl lbs;theidno helwth met lits ih ito igle TubeTrs 25 xr frMra rgtT cs-.5.00 extra for Drfssnalirs.Heit onfam-Mhs20b2 ad n.ldCe0ad2in, hgetaee Bsc. LScueA Wsalsalgltl sse, 80 t $00. . .BO yD & SONj sps l id c ac oa dag eet in Sedas 50ow e. dfrCda o gns si"hcAgnc tso, l'rpodwlu tok e h ot s a erfefre u rsa re iluta A IRcleet u esL i P wr hSee eltsmrtrteoeadt~ nlesn .i iuafr e j&sr ise sesonfer eeilsg PaSeede s ahotbs ce100 c. ed85p7t@,WOOn. If you are looking f or ý,omething g ootdi ii canned gootis - Toma- toes, Corn, Peoas, B 3ans, - fp- 0, 1l . -t BOWMANVILLE,, FEB. 20, 1901. HAMPTON. Miss Ethel Cr vderman is visiting f.iends in Oshawa .. .. Mr. N.Cronkhito, Thesal on, id vîsiting friends here... Mrs. G. Oliver and Miss MI. Oliver have been conflne-d to the bouse for same time with grip, Irs. J. T. Nun, Col- borne, is wating on ti .. Grip and and mnumpis serion ly affeeted the cou- ENFIELD. Ilecent visitors , Mrs. J,Dyer is visit- ing at Oshsawa ; Mms. B. Gilbert visit- ing ai Columbus; Mise Nellie McCu1- lachs ai Asihum; Mr. ced Mmd. Adams, New York, at Mr. W. J . Ormiston ; Mr. and Mrs * J. Stainton, Enniskilleni at Mm. J. Ormistae's ; Mr. ced Mms. Bur- gmaster, Buffalo, at Mr. F. Giffi's; Mm. and Mrs. Finkle, Oshawa, aI Mr. J, F. Hulburt's; Miss Reynolds, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Reynold's;, Miss Hudson, Haydae, at Mr. N. Ïftudson's .. .. Mr. J. Alexander bas secured a position ai MeLaughil Works, Oshawa.-Mr. Levi Nidderv attetaded tise tuneral af bis ruotiser ai Forest last Tuesday. Hem deatis was causod by tise grip. She was ln her 77tb year. Shie laves two sans ai Forest, John and Welington- and Levi et Enfielfi. As tise family Iived bore for a god mauy yeams Mms, Nddery was weii kcawn bre, Your Only DoP;livorer FROM IBILS BROUGIIT ON BY FOUL AND IMPURE BLOOD. PAINESGCELERY COMPOUJND Is Niýature's Truc Blooti Purifier anti Enri± ber The Only Medicine That Makes the Blooti Brighit and Ried and, That In- crease,, Its Volume in The Arteties. PAINE'S CELERI COMPOUND Gives the True Bloom of Health to the Weak And .A.iing. Paitue' Celery Compound is a blood purifier aed enricher, and does a wom-k tisai canr-ot b6 sucessiully undertaken by acy oison remedy in tise worid. Paine i Celery Compound imakes tise blead brig iand ced, il inci-eases is volume in tiseacnet-les, quickens is cir- culation and gives it more pow'er in ilis work oi heaith-buiiding. Tisere are ne long eand tiresarne wait- legs for good esulis whben people use Pâine e elerv Compound. Aller is wark of retieing and ennricling tise bloed .3 ie full force, tise bloonu a! heait is seen in tise lace, tise eyes spartle iti vigar and tise limbs are suppie aed active; euen tise aid loch reiuveînatcd acd enemgised. The tisousands e! victims cf mieuma- tism, cen-aIgle, lumebago, iseadachje, backa éhe cnd sideacie sbould remember thsat thesge conditions etten recuit frein slow crculation of tise bioed caused by accumulations o! wcseo natters. Ail trosubles aie comi ctt- ed dpermiarietily baeishodc by vigerousiy clean, ing tise bloI witis Pciîe's CeiemjF Compound, tise womld's best andl gt-eatest ef invig- oratorsantd ceansers, COLUMBUS. Tise iceisarvestis inj full swinig. Tise qua]ity is goed frem continued frost... TÉise East Wiitby Council bougisi a car- iload of tule, rangîng from fifteen incises te twîo feet across, for culvert, instead af cedar. Tise latter is becomieg tee ex. pensive.... Mr Lesturd Gibson bas takeni bis departu-e lt-onu aur midst; Mr. Samp son Roberis w-il be iooking for a foreman in consequeuce.. . ,Tise Columbus brancis of tise W om en's Institute will meet Thurs- day, Feb. 2t15t, et 2 30 o'ciock, je tise Township Cierk's office Topics fer dis- cussion caetinued fcom lasi meeting "Houseisoid duties and Ot-der," also "Poultt-y raisieg " Tisese meetings are lt-ce social gatherîngs et wbicb helps and hindecances in daily bousebold duties are fteely,discussed, witis a view to elecacis otiser. Alil motiers and daughters at-e welconue, Plum puddings and Minece Pies afllen have bcd off ecis upon tise small boy wbo over indulges le lbem. Pain-KilI. r as a liause bold remedv for al suchilus is unequalled. Aýoid substitutes, there is but one Pain-Kîller. Port-y Davis.' 25ei in O. SOLINA. LU t vesu un fi.-, I5ge atuse ctecas. a m..'e pcstois l'Tise îoads isere bave been bcdly bleck- 15 casîdueing revivai servicesinte ed by tise storm wbicb was tise wamst ex- chui-cisIbis week . Sunday-oeiningý perienced for years. . Mn. N. Cronkisite -UTTEAS- -Id-OFFE~ sriowas Ceeduc teil b v mnle-~of OLTbesaUon,isvisiing-iuance Mr.S-j - t hb -L-Eague. . -... ýW7111iisi a fieea Williams; Mt-. Hart-y Pearce of Newcastle Durhamn yearlisag lest week. iitis bis cousins; Mr. Horace ccd Miss C YI T T -L" Yen b cdiv rcoalize tisatiti is medicine Eilins, Columbus et Mr Wm. Asitens; 0 VA LJ L.U 12.4v wheîî tcling Cater'a Litile Liver Pilla, Messrs. Robt. aed At-chie Areot, Park lisey are s0et-ey smal: l'o bcd effecis; River. NsorisDakota, ai Mr.W VaniNest'c ail trouÏbles froin hrpid live r are cured . ... Mr. WXater Vice is sinking bis wcll bv tisir use. deeper on account ef lacît et water. . . Grauda e-ry celebrated bier nînety HAYDOlN. sixtis birtisday on Friday last Sheis1- quie bale and bcarty yet aed ieoks as if -hers .MISS Aima sand Mr, Oswcld sise migisi reaci tise century matk.... T Po i ,Tvrceee. ; Mci. Thines aMeGiIi, Mr. Herbhert Reynolds wiso bas spent tise '"epone N ,5 7. Bi. ;Mr. Hhoward Rund le, Toron. î ast two ca-rs len Quebec Province in the te., Mi Mande1Cener bats eus'- man-ufacture of butter andciseese ccd as eit\SttvctrsIacu 'it travelier focraCreanu Sepamator Ce , spent ~4is~Risaia .,~ - a peit-a feu days witis bis parents cnd friends ioc n Ohsne. Wenedn lasi bere 1 el lojng baie andliseat-y c Mis izd eLuhincdMm Ricis- speckc w-eli of tise Freci Canadiens aed sudessrgeat.secsi r wlanelaaoz'St cd Mort- nt- ut tise bonds a! tise Laurier Goveceiment,.-Grand Y -o w diîck bv fvEM.bsinBlack- Werisy Patriarcis, Mr. J. 0 Ms-Cathy, 1îrotest sa es essc, sts ab sstisi I evt-~ h ~ .. -Toronto, exisects te be aitishe District mie '. Iger Mn~tdy tvai"-- here on 'Frid- Dlx aAesu ciar isecsa itucltroi- eanad lzpsîsîbcvO- î~t-oi-evrend e~e05rîîy osîeg - Ors-iscceorilOtrcs1seoeesi1rbgenthl'man ccd ct d , 'liisis;dfi- session id expected, w-bec tiseDistrict si-cai lrin--eOslcdeamogctit e"aii O -ie um iion troeby cnd a set of officers' cm- ii ls- -cît'c eiameretsasaccis M. Jis Sece i î asc s-îs'ig\ ble:--,swili be-es-ý-c--tedto Solina Divisi n ~t-Ut1 UNNERS ~tse~5 beenvi-liiu ~, ~Aes-,eteutoef-teidEnîsksllen Dsv- -îd i. * Na~ ee--c e >~lOOC ~psi~ca-s - ittlîîiiîitt fo iS~D. issJe-st-ic Hudson, Haydon, - - liup -ii -, ~ vriisg i bi. TBaker's, C C te'tal ruoîl wi a titl Fi- c SSisrîcfi laaeI-ieg lrein;acm o a~~~ur aid. Addrctas î tn,.cisjÀ, avi sr la 6 aa6 ahctce-da l Or,- o, u (,,cO2 -rcïptabzy utasia -e elteîscon, taor ii ,ut a I. îl bul st-o Mî'i ' , '1i5 P.2 de "Brevüty is the Sout ofWf" Wttl sawi3ýdom. B(o-od ib tife. Ipr blood Is living déalh. -Heatth dépend; on good blood. Disease Ls due ta bad blood. T1he btood cin be purified. Leglons say Hood's Sarsapai2lt[a, Amer- lca's Greatest Blood Medicine, puifies d. .A brie f story but Lif tells the tale. Nervous Weakness-"I sufferea from nervous tweakness and toss of appe- tite. My b[ood was impure, my stomach disordered and I couic! not sleep. Hoo's Sivsapan'JJa has cared me entiretyP Mrs. E. Lock'wood, Bette'csrll, Ont. EINDER TWINE. Farmers, delay ordering your twine until tbe Farmers Co., give prices. They will do well for you. P. WERZRY, agent for North- and East Darlin-ton, Tyrone ,t DISTRICT DIVISION. The Annual Session of Durham District Division will be held at Solina on Friday, February 22nd. Morning Session at 10.30 a m., Afternoon Session at -- p. m , when election of Officers will take place and othier business will bc transacted, In the evensng a public meeting will be held when a good prograni will be rendered bymembers of different Divisions. Mr. J. O. McCartley. Toronto, will be present Collection. 7-2w. C. JOHNS, D. W. P. S. WrnaaV, D. S. Our new wall paper is now le stock atnd we invite ail thse ladies to eall and see samples wbether you buy or not. lilihest prices for butter, eggs, dried apples, and etc. Store close at 7 30 cacis evenrng Saturdays.' W. M. Wotton, Thse People's Store, Enniiskil- ien, We extend our stncere thinks ta aur m a n y friends a n d patrons for their liberal patronage and evid- ences of good-will slsown' toward us during the past vecar, and bez to day that we are-stili here inatise old stand ready and willing te cater to the wants of ail who tavor us with their patron- age- We have son-etltinz good in coal oil, Trv a canful of it and be convinit- ed at W. M. Wotton's, The People's Store. COoLD)à TSAT HANo ON-Pfloumonia is thse result of neglected cheF t eolds, colds that bhang on aed inflame and irritate the broncîsial tubes and lungs. To praimptly and tborongblv cure chast colds, tîgbtness in the cbest and all colds le thse tbroat and broncîsial tubes Dr. Chase's S.Yrup of Linseed at-d Tut-- pentine ba>s provod itself thse most effectuai rem!:edy extant, Its sale Is siîpky norou ,725 cents a bottie. COUIZTICE. ýMr. A. L. Pascoe of Solina, aqsisted by Mr. R.' J McKessock re-organized thse Division of the Sous of Temperance here on TueýsdayM night last, with nineteen members Many msore arce e-,p-tc d te be initiated sboîtly. l'he followieg Iofficers w'ère elected asnd installed: W P, Simon Penfound; W P, Miss Bonnie IRichards; R S, D M. Arnot; A R S, Miss jGoyîse; F S, R, %. Clarke ; Treas, lUr, McKay; Chap, David Coleman; Con, Mr. Brown; A Con, Jno. Penfound, Jr.; 1 Sent, Russel Sulley; O Sent, Geo. Ar-- mont-; P WP, Sam Trick; DG W P, D Coleman. This Division meets Tues day niglits and ail interested in temper- ance work are kindlv învited to, "Come in with ns and we will do thee good.",... Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nune, Winnipeg, Man , visîting at Mr- W. E. Courtice's; NMr. and Mrs, Morgan, and Miss Rose at Mr. Mr. Win. McDonald's; Mrs. Griffen, Brookiin, at Mr J.C TruIl's; Mrs. A. J. Courtice, with her siter Mrs. (Rev ) J. H. Oke, Goodwood; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Osborne, town, at Mr. John \Vorden's; Miss Flo Annis with friends ie Tyronie; Mr, aed NMrs. Vyborn with frsends in Tyrone...Darlington aed Bowmanville S. S. Association will hold its seventis annual session at Ebenezer, Feis. 27th. A good time is expected .._ M& srs. H.- Gay & Sons are putting in maclsinery for making barrel heading, Thyhave in already a large stock of bass- wood.. .. Mvr.' C. W. Lent, P. M., bas had a good effet for bis business here we un- derstand. MR CLARKES MEAT WAGGON. Nýotice ta my manv custormers ea8t and soutis of Courtice's Corners that I will ' rn mynteat wagon e et-y Tuesday and Saturday>for the stumme-r starting the m-iddle of April. as I have ta put twoagonas on tise road and will rue as , -esas Maple Grave and may go tau Bowmanville. Will do my best ta furnisis mv customers with chaice meats may ha able te purchase. Thauking you ail fçor past custom sund iopieg for tise conitilsuance afi'tie same in thse future, 'i roman yours sitîcerely 1). CLARKE, XXXX Butcher, Courtie. Thie Baby 'Llien probably iL's a cold. Da,<Iîe5 scatch coid ibu 'asily andi recover se siowiy. Not slowly, however, wLen you us Vapo-Cresoiene. Tison inight is al that is necesaryfor cur. Voi -st put sone t-cssb-n h~ apt r, il the i!amp bciaî,a 'ipo near sL. crisL. wlsile baby sk.eps Seb etF ie th etln c r Cold ?ou" inflaed inrubra e bc, and ail troube ceaes, 's a perfect specifie forwhopigoth. and croup. s Vap celo eal yrt~il vcwee A Vap--Cce l sic octdA inPdsgiiVpcecai For ~ [t' j1el~ U&Jr, owaVille, Hfall', Welhngt où, Prince Edwamd Cane- ty, wcs amanging tor stcniing a news- paer..... . S.C B. Seobeli inteeds bey bis store lightëd by gcs-.. Mn. Geo. Hedges, Pickering, aitecded bis faitben's funeral Monday,....,Thse Roy al Templars are gettiiîg up c dramna.,.. Mn. Kennedy wbe bas been visiting baeeIorthie pasi few weeks bas gane te Owen Sound.... Mr. Ougis, Part H-ope, wise bas jusit-oituned tram SentîtAfrica is visitiig bis ucceeMy. i Richard Ougis .... Our îseîv bacis uili balmost conmpietedl. Tise plate gloss windows bcvinz been put leinleyexpecita lne î i thlue îow building iii about a w ee k....Mr. lIent-v Loegior is oui agale cifter beieg eau rfloed te tise bouse witlu a brekesu leg.. Mr. Flve Miidileton, Tocante sisitefi l.,Is parents Geor Suisdav..«. Rev. T. J. Fdiniesei, preacised uisiaayserncuos le Tyroîse onie iuLlday ced tise 1ev' J. 711-'_ul1 en ois tise wo'- i, re.... Mc. morning. Afi'-c on los. ie tunteral iserviceia otii ieMts dist cburi'ian lda. tîh'v of 1-ierg BOWMANVI LLE TYRONE. Iu spite af thse blocked con- dition af tise roads a zood hanse awaited tise reedering af thellome Cit-cie con- cert la5t Friday eveniing. Messrs Gamsby and Swain pmoved a capital pair of entertainors and gave the entire program. Miss Edna, Ray prosided at tise piano and played tise accompanim- ents for bath singers, with ease and grace ,4-, ,Don't forget the MeMulleu and Ros oncert le the Sons' Hall on Manday next .. . .The Sunday service wiil also hoe elivend by sacred music freimtise Bras ...Revs. Edminson, Newcastle, and Leggott, Oronoe ron- dered excellent service in aur cisurch SundaY on boisait of Educational fund ...Miss Carnie Branton has typhoid fever,.. Misses F., bar and M. Van- stono, Bowmanvilie, Mr, R. and Miss L. 'Pamblyn, Hope, Misses A. Werry, L. Start, Woodstock, Miss Ethel Bran tac, Eniskîllen, have been spending a pleasant visit among friend s.. .. Messrs M. J. Werry and J. A. Ramsayv very acceptably filled tise appoiniment at Long Sanit Sabbatis. .. . Mrm'and Mrs. J. Curtis visited Orono frîends last week. Tyrone Public Scisool Honor Rall for Fobruarys Junior Depariment, Senior .Part I-Lamne Sanders 99, Eila Lied- say 99, Eila Hodge 70; Jr. Part. 11-0 Skinner 79; Sm. Pamt II-H- Morris 91, D MeLaughiîl 89, M Wighst 73; Junior Second-N Poaley,94,F MeLaughlin 92, G Simpson 86; Sr. Second-J Lindsay 75, Hl Burgess 72, A Thomps.on 71, B Bail 71, A Congdae 70, F Rabim 70, M Morris 61, F llodgre 55. Junior De partînent : Junior I bird-Peari Skin- ner 100, Florence Clemens 78, George Byam 76; Sm. Tisird--Clameec-e Rabm 88, Ross Hodge 62 ; Junior Fourtis-Ella Sanders 62, Chas Simpson 60, Mincie Lindsay 59; Sr. Fourtis-Lessie Tisomp- .son 80. Ray Wilbur 65, J",sie Bicgbam 51; Public Scîsool Leavisig-Zilla Mc- Laughiîl 88, Gertie Sinier 85, Will Stoekifis. J. A. RAmsAy, 1Tecrs Miss A. CoAKWELL, ý ecies No Excuse For .People Whio Wear Rusty or Faded Clothes, WHIl Make the Olti Things Look as Good as New. If tise majoriiy of people cannot affoird ta buy cew dress-eý, jackets, capes, waists or suits o! ciothes everv tbre.a or six rnonths, tise use of Dicrnoud D .ves xiii enable thoîn ta renew ai trifiieg cost tiseir faded or rusty gar monts, mcking them as hacdsorce as eew ones. Mms,.W L. Woodward, of Cresswazll, Ont ,says; "I have aiways used Diamond Dyes witi tise best re- sults, but my last trial of tlîem bas exceeded ail previous efforts. I bav e just dyed a dress ef thse very finesi brown flenrietta Clotii witis Diamond Dye Fast B!ack for. Wool, makieg hi ook as weil as new goods tram tise store. There id na excuse for anvene wensing aid clothes wbile Diamond Dyes are sli." NEWCASTLE. Miss Dinginan, Bowmaeville, was a receci guest oft Miss Gertie Pearain... Mr. J. M. Cobisiedicis bas been sufer îug witis la grippe.. Miss Emma Beigeîr, 'ro-nta, is visiting ber parents... . Mr W. Jackson gecectly xisitocl iu Port Hope .... Little Miss Es-ancos Filisei, reeenth1y eîîtertained ber younz triends at a party. .. Mr. Malcom Uglaw en tortaîeed a tumbeo etYoung POplo Mandav evening weec... . .A num ber af tise memnbers oi tise coîsgregatioe ai St. George's chut-ci met Thursday ove ai tise homeofaiMr. and Mrs. Ada Otton ccd pmsenied Mrb. Otton iwitb a bîand- seme marbié dlock te toisnonfaItheir estees.nsand appreciation o! liem services so long anded cherfullv given in the choir. Ruv. Canon Farecomis, îead a kinîily worded addreoss. Mrs. Otton tisauked hem frionds for tiseir kindness. Tise emainder af thse evenhîsg was plaasactly spent je music, aed games acd, aller partaking ef efresisments, tise company with bearty good wishes ta Mr, and Mr, Otton, disporsed te their homes. Mr: Arthur Toms goos te Port Col- borne next week ta work for Mm. Geo. J. Bell, ai tise Part Coîborne Times... Mm. Petisick, Bowmanviile, visited ai Mrs. Wm. Tom's last week,.. Mrs. Gea. Joli ontertained ali tise membors aftie Ladies' Aid ta a social toc on Tbursday ...Miss An nie Douglas visited Miss L. llutciison last week.. .Miss Emiiv MeCullen bas reiumnod lt-arn visiting fiends in Pontypool. Our orders for spring of 1901 are, very large; s9m small lots are already here :-2 cases New llais, 1 NwCps, 2 cases New Prints, several bales New Carpe- 1 case Cottonactes anti Moleskins, a large shipment Rd path's Sugar, several barrels High Grade Coal Oul, Cana- dian Prime White Coal Oul, 10 doz. Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder, 10 doz, our own Special Brand -which we seil at 15c., new lot of Brooms, Wash Boards,White. Wash anti Kalsomine Brushes anti Scrub Brushes, large sh-,ip- ments Christie's Sodas anti FeyBitdcuits,a large-,s1hipmnent of Starch direct frum the factory, 3 cases Cow Brandi Soda, direct from tine manulacturers. This wili give you some idea of our receipts of gcootis turing this week but it is f ar f rom a ll If st. We shall have the best stock for the coming spring'sitradle that we have ever yet shown anti because of the recent s arpdt- vay ces in many linos our early orders anti large purchase5 will be very much to our customers' ativantage.._ Now Is the Tiffe to Buy i i . i a' Th e Early Bird Gets the Wurni," Snch stap le Unes as,-Factory Cottons, Elannelettes, Cottona des, Shirtinigs, Blue anti Grey Driils,Table Lanens, Toxvelings, White Cottons, Cretonnes, Skirtings, etc. We ask ail econornical persons to see our presont values 'alid save money, Our stock-taking ,shows very satisfactory results -fors the past year's business in f act more favorable resuits' than for several years anti we see no reason why -we should nfot do, stili botter during the coming year. We shail show an elegant assortment of Mlen's anti Youth's Worsted Suits this season. We have tis'e D. B. Vests in Black, Bine, Grey anti Clay.- Twill Suits; aise inFac Tweeds. Bicycle iepair Sho .iti Mm. W.W. Tmulilueas been ilII... .Miss Kate Hugisson is ecoveing from hem mceet iliness... Mn. ced Mrs. W. L. Long visited friecds ai Oakcill111 Mr. H-. Hooper bas isad er-ysipola .. Mr. Samuel Dobson is vemv ili ai bis homo le Oshawa. ,.. .Mr, Wm. IHarvey bias lecseid a farm nea 'iymone, . ... Mr. cnd Mrs. Jasepis Rickcby, Liedsay, are 'visiting bis brother Mr. John Ricicaby .. ;.Mm, John Gibson will occupy tise oasin tise Tueker tut-cit-e ware- rooms, ... Mrs. Wm. Jones bas roture- ed tram a vieil wiih hem sistet-, Mns. Galbraiths, Part Hope .... Mrs Thsomas Soucis is ln a vemy serons condition af bealtis...Mr. J. W. Odeli, B. A., Ca bourg, xvas borne Sunday Week visitiing bis motiser wbo isas been quile III wiih bronchitis ...Mrs. James Linton bas elunnel fromLakefield citer c pleas- cnt isi-wi-h io~d ghtr-s~Ms- Ben-- son aed Mrs. Tanner...., Saînuel Jones, Newtonville, ivas cppeinted Township Auditon le place o! Wm. Undenwood, wba was cal quclified le accilie bein- c bondcman of tisacollecter o! Raies.. ..The A.O.U.W., Ai Iloie w ;as a great succest.... Mn. C. Tait pisoiognapised tise members aoflise band... Tmeasnrer o! Tewesisip aneouinces ail taxes paid . ..Mnr IIC Cawan lias put-ch ased a loi on Park St !roîa tise Misses Boom and will buiid iliereon. 5/ 1 arn prepared ta do 'ail kinds of bicycle Tepairingý. ,OId wheeleïs thoroughly renovated, and lewly encmelled, -New wheels made to arder. AUilw o rk gllaranteed. Get your wheel in now so ats te avoid the rush. Grinding af al kinds. wu FISHLEKiH, Market Square, Bownianville. Tua ,DANGERi OrP PIES-?;iOS Are uqually caused byv, laeck ao exorcise an ittîng on wet sats or cold siones. Tisey frequeriiy v ba into tumaors, fistulae or rupture the inites- tinos. Dm. Chase's 3Olimn.t bas nover faiied to cure piles an d n 1putt a n end- ing ta tise wseicied itcbiegan uneasi- ness. It is tnuly a wouder ta ci who bave used itand le guaranteed ta cure eveny case aoficig, bieedicg or pro- trudieg piles. STJJSCRIPTION RATES. STATESMAN tao, nd af 1901 11eo STATESMAN, Globe ced Promium 1 85- STATESMAN aed Weekiy Mcii 1 90 STATEsmAy, ced Family Hemald 1 90 STATESMANanFc in(ekl)i9 ST ýATESMAN aed Farmmer's Ad vocate 1 90 STATESMAN cnd Guardiane2 0 STIISmAN-&[d-otteal-WVitness- 1-75 STATESMAN aced M1sn r i25 STATESMAN ccd Montreal Hem.,ald 1 75 STATESMAN and Wesýerii Advertiserî 75 STATESMAN and Breeder's Gazette 2 50 STATE smAN and Ladies' Journcl 2 or; STATUS0,3AN ced Toronto Womid 8 50 STATEsmAN and Dcily Gob 4 75- STATESMAN aed Toronto DiyStan. 2 50 STATESMAN ced Eveenîng GlobIIe STATESMAN ced.Dciiy Wýitiess STATESMAN cead WekvSUn I 9 STATESMAN ana Sctrday Glbe 2 50 OF"Y LON AND INDIA TER i Toget cieau R N Tea use themie- nid Teôf Cey'-on ad Tii t contaLns noadltrats no~~~~~,V àtcs nowlowlaesi' alTa The~~~~~ sa3 s re BLAC I 1 Sprig0GodsaivÎllg. -L -r -L -r n-nýý

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