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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1901, p. 4

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i ua ltes Co in And Medicines particularly. this fully, and when you liand that you expect to get the best, build up and estabiish a reput a Dr ugs and the quality of my wî no chances of faling to attain t you anything but the very be mistake lu trustilg me with yoi The same New Store-Phono 49, BOOM FOR BOWMANVILLE. G. T. R. WJLL PUT IN SPUR FROM MAIN UNsE AT ONCE. An increasiug number of manufaue tories locating, or wisfing 10 oucte, in Bowmanville bas set, the towusmon Trul th ol toe isgetinga surtcerus only wauted botter railwuy trans- on for acquirilu new industries A fer- portation facîlitios, Mayor Mitchell, niture factory is eiooted, the pork pack - Mr. J. W% Alexander, President of tho ing advocates bave appointed a commit- Dominion Orgun & Piano Co., and Mr. tee of investigation and a by-lawv is being Jcbu Muckay efthte Caledonian milîs. prepared for a big evuperatery. May formed a committee wbicb interviewed tbey ail eventuate, is tbe ish of TEE Generul Trattie Manager Loud, et the STATESMAN- G. T R , ut the Quoen's hetel recentlv The evaperator if established will be a It s about oue und a hait miles to the splendid industry for town and country. GT. R. main lina uow and the depu- Indeed, Darling-ton Council mniglit de tation suggested a seur lino witb sidings worse tban grant a $ieeo bonus cadi te it to the 'factorles. The deputation was and the pork packing factury. Vegct- informed bv Mr Loud that he favorcO. able evaporating being new to 0Cr cdli- tho idea, kÏnd the engincer would ho zens, a goodcoàmitte C. M. Cawiser,, detailed immediutely to go down and. S. J. Hall, Councillois Spry and Worth lok over tbe grounO. with a view to wer e sent te Belleville FridaX te investi- putting in the spur-Toronto Globe, gate and leariL ail tbev could fr'nm an in-______ spection of a similar 'industry there, and. tbey are exceedingly well satisfied Se THE ONTARIO LOAN AND SAVINGS muccise that after iearing their report COMPANY. at a special meeting, thecocencil adoptcO. - it and gave instructions fer a by-law te We take pleasure in caliîng the atten- be prepared for submission te tie frec tien of the public te the annmal statement helders. The conîpany simply ask for for I9ee, of tic Ontario Loan and. Sav. suitable buildings and tiecocst te the ings Compauy, whici may bc founO. in town fer tic old B. C. churcli and. other another colmme, as sebmitted te tie preperty belonging thereto, togetier xiti siureirdders on tbe 12oth inst. Since its other niecessary buildings will bc frem formation this institution bas deserved $3,500eo t$f3,8eo; Wc shail discess tbisJ and enjoycd tie confidence ef the public. mattor m-ore feliy next week. Counicil As a local cenceru, under the manage- will consider the by-law, at its regular ment of men of recognizod abiity and meeting Menday nigit. probity its grewtb lias been rapid, per- ___________manent and in overy \vay satisfactory te PORKPACINGFACORY tec stockholders and investers. Last PORKPACING ACTRY. year's total business was ne exception te those that preceded it The amount Tbirty farmers on Saturduy gave loancd on mertgagos was $55,311l; the re- their namnes as subscribers for 'stock in paymenits ef principal, interest,- etc., a pork packing factoiw to built ln Bow- were $89;987. After meeting -ail tie as- munville ou the co-operutivo plan pro-ceîtained dlaims ag*ainst it, the eanig vidiný the sebeme eau be inunched on of tbe year bave cnabled tic Compàny te a sutisfactory busis A good committeý pay $17,966 ini,4ividends; te addsioco te was appoited te procure ail information tbe centingent accotait, and !eave the possible te present te anolber metino- gross assets ut $923,441. Tbe Contng. on Suturday Marc 9 This loks like oent accotant new stands at $25,000, au'd business 110W. TEEi STATESMAN dliSenIssd the RosI ut $75,eee. Ibis co-eperutivo business tbree yoars Its success is largely duc te the tier- ago very fullyanti is stili us sanguine ougi business ability 'enid careful super- aîs then for the success of the company vision and censideration of the Secretary- if organizeti on a proper business basis. Treasurer, T. H. AlcVillan, Esq., wie, Webeliive everypork pac,ýingfactory witi the other members efthle Managing in Canada is making moeo and as we Board, we conigratulate upen se grand a said a few weeks ugo, the demanti for siewing by this deservediy pepular and gooti bu ,on is prucîîcull.v unlimiteti. prospereus institution, Great Britain will labo aIl that Canada oasend ber. Wbat otlier localities have loue in Ibis lino of trade, West Durham witi ils characteristic pinck, energy and on- terprise eau da. If the farmors eithIis district unule on uny underlubing et tbis ciaructer they eau eusiiy carry it ou te a succe,,sful issue. A few years ugo a similar factory war startod ut Colingwood anti now bus a capacity for killusîg six or seven bundreti Pigs weekly. The' Davis Packing Co. Toronto, starteti in a amaîl wuy some yoars ugo anti we understantibas.uow DÂIILINGTON MÂN'S WLVES. Many et our readers in Seuti Dar- linglon wili roînember James Aduir wio taugil sehool several ýears ia S.S. No 4. If we are net mistaken ho is lie mnit eferred te in Ibis article from lie Toronto Telegrum: A FAMILY AFFA1R. Iu 1860 Dr, James Adair, thoen a scbool tracher,21 yeurs et age, marri- ed a girl near Bowmanville 17 yeara ef ao-e. They livedt ogether 26 vears andi W:mw %W IM\ll -1- -- - - - - lu, stoppaaqgLilese Ltiing cougIs ; and it's sc> plesant, too. For asthnîa, croup, bronchitis, cuturrh, and whooping-cough, it's the greul remedy. 10 Vapo-Cresolene lu sold hiy drxggits everywhere. A Vapo-Cresoiene outfiî, inc iding the Vaporizer and Lamp, which shouid last a ite-trne, ansd a boule of Cresoiens, complete, $î.5o; extra sup plias ot Creso. lene25oeiiisand 50cents. Iiiusîrated bokietcontain- Ing physiciens' esimeniais tre upon reqteet, VASe. CRESOLENR CO., i8o Fuitcsn St., New Yrk, U.S.A. l'er sale by Stott & Jury, Bowrnanville. Nioss for thee 011(. f1he wili gave the moaey te Berdie May. Vick's Illiutrated Family Magazine for February is a spocially gooti num- ber for ail cultivators of seetis and plants. The publishers offer lie mag- azine for ene year and a collection eof seeds for 50e ; or a collection and the mazazine five yoars for oaly $1.15, Vick-Publishing Company, Rochester, IN. Y. istores viger te Use whole system; 50 cents, ut ail dealers?, or Edananson, Bates & Company, Toronto. Ativertise stock fer sale or fer servi ce in thia pftper. It gnes te al lw si this district, PCFPRD- W,tthe undereigned, d.) hereby agree te refund ie money on a 50-cent botte et Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tur if it tuils te cure yeur eugh er coiS.> We aIse guauntee a 25-cent bottie te prove satisfuctory or money refundeS, J. HIGGINBOTHIAM & SON, STOTT & JURY, ToxinuPrlis off and on, ever sînce anti feul us webl as whea I was twenty. j mnoat higbly recommenti Dr, Arnoid's Toxia Pilla toeovory womau,who suifera from any efthle cemplaints pecular te our sex."' MRS. MARY E. BRADWELL. Dr. Arnoid's Toxin PIs, the only iiedteline" made that cures diseuses by kilIng the germs ihiet causeiti, are soiS hy ail druggWits at 75c. a box, Sample box 25c., or Sent Pest paid on receipt ot price by the Arnold CLernical Co., Ilited, Canada Lite blding,42 Knîig Street West, Toronto. Booklet sont trle. sDay of Marchii0, saicamiflastrators wi1 proeeed te dîsiribute the assets eftihe said de-t ceased amen g the parties entitied thereto, hav- ngrgard oniy te the c aima et which they Ihal ten have notice; and the said udminîs- trators will nothe lhable for said ussels or any part thereef te any person or persons of whose di.m notice shah net bave been receivod by ihem or their sald solicitors at the lime et suchi di stribution. Dated F'ebruary 5th, 1901. Tax TRUeSSANI) GTJAEÂNI E .COMPANY, Limited, T. P. COFFEE, Manager. S PSON & BLAIR, of Bowmanvile, ~.w Soliciters fer mn14 aunistrators. Toys anti games et every description, uîioqualled. Fancy gotis in china, glass, and celbuloid te pIeuse every taste. Liberal discount te Sunday sehiools purciasing libraries. Suitable preseuts for father, mother. brother, sister,, overy body.- Pl TREBILCOOà The Calladiall Statesini BOWMANVILLE. FEB. 27, 1901 THAT VEGETABLE EVAPURATOR. Drugs.à I believe that you realize ,d me your prescriptions ;It is M y one aim to ation for the quality of my crk a-ad I, therefore, take to my object by giviug est, You will make 11o ur prescriptions,. L E THE DIIUGCIST. 9.4 AUCTION SALES. THuRSDAY, March 7,-Mr. C. J. Mount- joy, lot 15, con 7, Darlington, will sel] by auction bis valuablo farm stock, impliments, etc. Sale at 1 P. M. Sec bis, L.A. W. ToLu,auctioaeer. Don't think less of v'our svstemi than you do ofyour ho use Givo eit athoroug'b cleansing, too. Take Hood's Sarsa_ parilla. ______ HAMPTON. Visitors. Mr. W. Brown, Rossmount at Mr. J, H. Burrows'; Mr. und Mi'ss Annie Lewis, Kinsale, ut Mr. W. Allin's, Mrs. Hookwav, Port Hope, ut Mr. T. Elliott's.... ,Mumps are prova. lent. The senior depurtment of our sehool baving from 5 to 7 sehiolars... Mr. R. Kutorson has sold bis undortak ing business to Mr. Norman Run-Ile, Haydon ..,...Miss Ada Cryderman is home from Bluckstock to wuit on mnem- -bers of the family who are sick .... Mrs. D Taylor is improving slowly after hier serious illness. .Attend C.J. Mountjoy's sale. Children will go sleighing. They return. covered with snow. Hait a tea- spoonful of Pain Killer in hot water willprevent effects. Avoid substitutes, there's but one Pain-Killor, Perry Davis'. 25c and 50c SOLINA Recent visitors: Mr. Herbert Argue -and Miss Mabel of Ballyduif at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's; Mr. and-Mrs. F. Wilbur, Tyronc; Miss Mahol Argue visiting graudpuronts ut Hampton; Messrs N. Ileatie, Enfleld, McTaggart, Baker'm, and H-1.O0bornoe, Union, guests cf Mr. R J . XcKessoc)b ; Mr. Arthur and Miss Osborne, Courtico and Mr and Mrs. J. Hall, Enfiold ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ash- ton ut Columbus .. . .Attend Mr. Mount- joy's sale,... .Division about 70 strong visited Oshawa Division Monduy niglit and enioved tbomselves immenseiyv, Mr. H.G Passoo had a suecessfnl wod bee Thursdy . ,... Mrs. Chus. Blanchard bas a very sore foot.... Miss Irene V. Argue bas returned homue froru Toron- to. Loss or' APPETIT.-A porson tthat bus lost appotito bus lost sometbing bosides-vitality, vigor, tone. The wuy to recover uppetite anci ail thut goes with il is to tube Hood's Sarsa parilla-thut strongthons the stornuch, perfects digestion and makes euting a pleasure. Thousands take it for spring- loss of appetite and every person suys tbereý.9 nothing elso good as Ilood's, BIZOOHLLIN. After an illness of less than a week Mr. John Bray died Fridav morniDg, Fob, 15 He wus in bis 77tb 3oar, and fr ir the time hoe wus takou sîck there was but littie reason to hope for bis recovery, it boing a case of gobierai break down. Ho bas rosidod bore for but a few y ours, but bis figure bud be- corne a familiar one on our streets and bis duily visits will be mucb missed by bis friends and numerous ucquaintunces. Tlie funeral was beld on Monday te the Raglan burlying ground, Ho leuves a grown up fumilv of sovon cbiidren- tbreo sons and four daughtors-Mrs, duo. Vipond, Brookîtu; Mrs. Gý Moore, Goneva; Mrs. James Coutes, Shirley; MNliss Bray, who kopt bouse for ber fath-î; Jaýi Bray, qonùreal; Will B3ray, Toronto, and. Jonathan Bray, Raglan. AN~ HON0RAEBLE MNEDicniB-That up- pouls to the bost jlidgmoRt of the besti people is'Dr,Cbuse's Kid-ney-Liver Puis1 th,, greatest prescription. of Dr. W. A. Cbuses',tbe fumonus Rocipe Book author. l3v acting directiy and spociflcally on the liver, kidnov's.3und. bowels, this pop- ular familv modicine thoroughly cures liver compiaint. biliousness, kidney dis- esse, constipation and the uccompuny- iug pains aud uches. Dr. Chuss ýKidnev-Liver Puis act promptly,t pleasuutlv und naturully. Ono pill aF dose, 25 cents a box.t MAPLE GILOVE. Lu grippe is quite provaleut in this3t Locality .,... Mr. C. Cox bas an attack off lumbago. ... Mr. C. H. Snowden. is visitin- friends at Waubuno.... Mr.and Mrs. Ï. R.- Foiey made a flving visit boere Saturday ._Mr. W. C Frank resumes bis work ut Toronto this wookj ...Farmers in tbis loculîtv are deepiy intere4ted in tbe move ut Bowrnvillet for a Porli Pucking industr'y . .. Messrs1 J2hos, Suowden, Wm. Suowden, Wm. 3limblett bave purchused a10 asy Harris Seed Drill. .-.. Mr. Tbos. JBeery, Port Ferry, visited friends bore recently 4w-- West End flouse., i 1118 810 E ABUS!MONU INOURSTAPE DPARIENT H We. have marked several leading Unes at very substantial discounts. 1200 yards extra fine white Steamloom, 36 inches wide, regular M price 1219c, February price Per yard i~ 800 yards fine white Steamloom, 36 inches wide, splendid good cloth, regular 10e a yard, February price per yard 8%C 2000 yards good Flannelette. You'll not buy it anywhere for less than 7c, February price per yard 4 3000 yards good heavy clean Factory Cotton, good value at 9c to 9'2c a yard, February price per yard 7e 1 piece super-quality, double threaded, satin finish, bleached table Linen, regular price $1 a yard piee in hlfb1acedLi en, ryprice per yard 77%2 1 pecefin haf-leahedLinn,62 in. wide, regular 45c a yard,' * February price per yard 32e0 250 yards lînen Crash Towelling "Minto Brand" regular price 12'4c per yard, February price per yard 10eC 450 yards pure Linen Towelling yr 0- Oranes and Fancy- w-Lemons, Fresh- frozen British Columbia Red Salmon, Slect Baltimore Oysters, Golden Hadclies. We have sold all our Potatoes and are open to - take in any quantity. J H Ic U T Y ___________lllIlhflhlllfuJOHNluIf -iIlfuul , ~>LA5 ~.AN'1ED-Parties 10 de knit ting Tfor ns at licime. We fernish yarn and Much regret is expressedl over the mrachine. Good, easy work. Goùd pay. Send Mr. Walter I. Osborne is offering to doatb of Florence Batty,second t]augbt- stamp tfer jiarteulars. standard. Boe c o, soul or rent bis farm. Anvone leoking o fW.Bty oeaO rn-OrillinaOnt. for a good farm will do well 10 mee him duugftero.ef the buteyWm.andtgyaof- ui, once. See advt in another columu. Oshawa. The uews wus a greut sur- Ma, CLAEKE'S MEAT WAGON. prise.te muny as bier illnesswas not W T Heý Notice te my Imuuy customers ousî geuerullv anown She was uttaoketi Fî ahadsmcpe <andi soutb of Courtice's Corners tiat 1 wili lu grirppe from wbicb serieus com- P ae oli.sîed TeayPlications urose and ebe was cNfne 1ickel W'atch, Amaer!- wlll mun mymeat wagon everv usa ofnt y~ a -vchoefc, and Suturduy for tbe-summer starting o er beti for sevoral days prier te .- ociisiYdoz.y the middle of April. as I bave te put detb bc ccre Sna . D , 4 5 Laiopokg.Esipct lwo waoso h ot niwill uncaseti was well known andi bigbly lig cortains a.pkudid mixture fthse as ta utaMple Grove anti muvgo popular amongbrascae.Te Yeu <eau earn tiht fisne Watch in ait te owanilb. il domvbe ttofnerai took place on Tuesday te the afiernoon by eettng to Worka iceah f urnisi my cutomors wiîh cieice meua UnionComotery andi was very lurgely MaýI ~thncletl tmoelt5ad w W1 f5-raie eaeds.i et al kiuds aud t tright pricos se as al uttonded, Mr' anti Mrs. Batty bave ory1 1oW tcae l - d!.u>SX o ,Thesoro maysu be able 10 purchase. Tbuukiug the sympatby of the community in Iheir hîgoita.eeEcap seTxuti you ail for past custom andi hoping for sa ereavemeut. the coutitunce of the same lu the future, 1 roman yours sincerely D. IfM CLARKE, XXXX Butcher, Courtice. A W N N T R .io ie t fe îo s Tiere is ne uncerluinty about Pyuy- Bai sum. Il cures yeur cougi quicklyM- ise nai oiej eeygvnta i Ail bronchial affections give wuy tî i . M .M E. Bradwe!I1, of Hmto, Pursuant tociperl29 etthe Revised Stat- 25c. of ail druggists. Manutuctured by Ont, tells an Inte resting Narrative. crediters andeother persons huving claias ujion lhe proprietors otf erry Davis' Pi- o h a athe estate ef JO01N McSORLEY, laieof:h Kiler,- Pin-110 Sh Wa Svcd from the lieath TeWe If Bowmanville, in the Ceunty of Dur that Claimed Bler Motlier, Grand- haum, Cabinet maker, deceased, whe died en or inother and Aunat about the 2nd day of Janeai -y. A. D.. 1900, are Dr. rnol's TxinPill Curti lerrequiredti te end by pest prepaid, or delivex- te DrO1RONO oxnPll lrd e.JeIhn Parker Thoimas et the city ef Belleville, Wbywomeu abouiti sufer more from in the counix ef Hastings, Selicitor for John lu.,UT,. D,.k...A.. ,A .. ,,>,,.iliheath an mn. s a ~ ta..George Frost et the said city of Belleville, Mer- W ietlabeautiff ' Sweci ?iaSee at 5-eac E i p-1, gecntainsasicdlZ mx tar htie e.stfaanaie tUcsefailcoiers. Maieiusflua advertiacxnent ami weWifllas s-ced thc Seeds .11 ithse-, te? bc. uthemoney, and tis beau -ý, ' wiii bcacsýtýtya c1.ssyae. cdlsa eist1incd bar. tn e day. heseasm or sii. nu aedslasaIeat. Seed spl e."rot,(a. Lady of the ho-use iooking into thre ompty flour barrel I. C. If. R. M. T." "Weil, I arn glad. as now I can gel ail miy Bread, Buns, Cakes aInd Pies at Luttrell's and sa-ve ail the

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