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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1901, p. 6

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Faslion Reyîew. Tise ofs bieias ecing wel dresaýd pýeritaps soothea te dreama îhe Womem wlo have adopted île elabon- atie cigiti dresses, irhicl an-a now eneowdiug ont tha impier modes. Ful ga-e-d akirts, yokýs, finish-ad off ý-ith deep beriles, undersîee-as, txains and fi lhuxging fclly sicav- es tavü al becna dapted te the gionl- tiuitiianite the rube de nuit, thouigl Plaïn Play Apron.-This simple yeke apron la slsexn la white lawn. It la gatlsared beloiw tIc yoke, ad la fitted by side-saams, xx"licl are slcp- ed te taet away extra tulns at thc top and et the sanie time le-ave tIte lowr edge aufficiently xide. The aeck Is finish-ad with a fiat coller, the enda et which set epant blxtî front and back. TIe aleene las but one seand eaU la therad te earist- baud. The epren festons etthîe back witbh buttons ad lutteaboics. The apron cen ha mada in plein or croes-barred musile, dimaity, nailûsook, or gingîm. Tle latter is espuŽially suiteble fe-r *boys. it la very wvel understod thet a sm-al percentaga ut aven niuh womar buy and use thesa garmants as nighi dresss. They serve enly tee de- llghtfully as elegent lounging gewns, uv-ar whlcb in cold wetea flowing sicavelasa wadded ailS Japanese wrap Ls ausat, ellowin1g tlegorgeons lace- lung fronts and sic-ares efthîe cain. brio ge-wn te ha5 amply and -ffective- ly xpesed. For day wear the sacque coat in tht ihne-quartr laagth has may foilow. ers. thentg-l some prefar the clostuly tittiag backs, with e loose front, and titane oeats rre irimmed xvth militery troggiags, and breidiaga, the revers la- Ing feced with aither astrakhan or broed tail. A very handsome ce-at ln the Sacque style was mada of white sin, almoat caver-ad witit applique blacieUxot, outliaed witl rews 0f' tiny black chenille ad beads, the higlh oliar beinag m-ada of Parsian iemb, Titis ceat was worn over e gexvnet black ilS îthe skîrt portion of whicl f ormeda full-shtapad ruffie, showing groupa of the new upstandiag meSs, whiel hare taken the place et cord. inga. Thea full ruttie on the basa of the akiri is necessary te the b-st af- fect efthtie secquteceat. A greixt deai et satin ribboa is aow beiag utilized upon eening gowns, wiile the new waten-preof nrihbon la hlghly taviered for millinery purposas, aapecialiy upon titose bats wihu ar-a-at aillibi- te ha cauîght eut la aahower et .rein, fer tuai-a riblons reeily lok as w-ail wisen w-t as.wl-an dry, whicl certeinly can net ha aaid of any ether rilbuin. i The prattîet new faIt wallriaé hat la trîmmed uPon both sidas itlh'ows et wat-r-proef ibben, a long, narrow burkle rnameaîîag the front whileaa wing or a teatber doas dut tt becS. Ail millinary id-aas rat h ride and fiat shapes, ýEv-anthe pic.. ONE OF THE NEWEST OPERA. CLOAK& The opra cloat i aIe i ofetpaie blue panne and leavy creani lace. It i« eaged hi around withi a wide baud et sable sud las a thariiug sabha uolar. Tle drapcry about iheetoul- dere i.4 et blackS tuile, as aae elong aaahI ends ai t»i> ùok asd front. A Dinnuar Bodica-For velvt, val- veteen, silS or satin goods, te match tise akint ,wth whicl it la te be wora. The trhimin.g ca ca pssemeaterie, pennl, or sequin insartia)n, and kilt-ad adgingset chiffon, or sot t silk. tiare bat, wich we are so accustomed te admire for its seaming endacity la upstendiag bexvs ad waving plumes, bas saccuzbed to tle inavitalel, and noxv apreeda itseit eut init asimple, jtulnty tilt te ena aide and a single:~ plume curling set tly oven the fiat, ful A Princesa Ciemise.-Loagcloih, cansînie, nainsol, zephyr, or ailS xxould be used -for- ths garment. Quatity et 38-mol longltl. 83-8 yards ; la ce, S yards ; i-liot Wn, 651-2 yardà. crexyn, tinound which may be s-eiU a twist o evr-t h-aid by a long, nar- -roxy bucein lail-afront. E Fio-anes ara the favorite oenamants for evcaing w-asr, lut biatiltul as tisae ethey muet la tuntiar au- Itaed by streamer-a et deubie-faced satin riblons, appearng te lictem togailser. RIJSSIAN SACIRED PICTURES. Tiey Are made la tise Province of Vlaid. 1 iiir by the i'caitntg. Ttay are to seb-aaan ererywlera- tise leons, or stced picturaiofethil- Rusai-ans'. They ar-a tonnd standing on a siseit opposite thc door oet very Rnsslan neonu, bha h sp or pivate Ions-a, mark-at staîl or railxvay book- îng office. Many aise are fouind in tisa streeta, octiide, clenches or Lu shiries ivîcra pa"aers-by stop aa7d malta obaisance. It i a iat-ar of wodr tte I etrauger wlaa lis dneslky driver stops suidaalyiynlathe middle oethil- read, doff s lis It and multtars'a faw words et prxyer. Ris derotion te, tte leons sacuanu te cfereignen as airange as titis act tisat le dev'outly cnossee limacitliser-a ha -ntruste, h-mussait and hîa vellele te a bridge. A wriien explaimus tisai icons rary muel l'a mateîial and vaiue, butliii- tic La styla. The styla m8 alwvys ,strictly Byzantine, aUd lacopid feî- fully trom seme olU pictuna, la itsi tur e slaisl copy ot enoilea'. Tle story oethil-amanufacture et tise icons la interestiag. îMosi et t-hem are m-ad-a Lanil-aProvince et VIa-f dimLn by peasants who work et tlem la tisair cottages. Very mucb uSke an up-to-date factory pioets le il-a tasioiang of il-as-apidturea. ilThe work passée fions Iead te Iaad. One ma mekes tiseto-aids, aneiler paini8 thea backgrounds, a ihird puis Lu the figures,ad il-a pictura passes on trous tast-ion-ar te tashioner until al L complete. t lasaaiil-at as meny as two millions et icoes ar-a preduced eacî y-aar. Soeieoftthosa uag Lin hui urcIes are rain-abla, beisg, uSa tleat of Our' Luad y.oiEKazan, in tha Cathedrel lu St. Petersburg, coereud witl, and fia- deed almost madeo tf. preclous Fitones. The retiriag pay of aBfilit Fierld Marshal le £1,300 a year. AboutHthec0 CHILDREN'S TEETH. Dentiots urge methlers te tae' moe care of thalr children's teetl durini thte flrast yeara of lif e. From the tim( wlen the littie white peints comn Pri king thraugh thay shonid b cleanad carafni]y et least once a day for on tIe care cf these first teeth de pends te a great extent the coaditior of the second set. A sm-ail soft brusi ishuiud bhaepplied aight and moraiug but if only once enu ha maneged, thai at igît. A littie gncta-d castile seap us-ad twc or tîrea timesa week la a geod thing fo)r chiidren's teetl, as w-ail as foi those in eiýder jcws. A plid cf pre- elit-atod chalk cii thc tootit brusi with the suap makes e combluetior tba t cieaai the teeth btter than any- tbin1g else. Thc f'lrst teeth sbnnld ha watched cie ai,ëy fo-r avities, whicl shonld bc promptiy filled with a soft f iliig, thE idea being ta retain the temprry set until the jew las stratchad sufficient- ly tu recaiva the second teath. Mthters ofen sexcusea erow of blackened stnmps lna cbild's meth, with the ramarS that "potor teeth are an cubaritancae" frosa one parent tt the thaýr. This is truce, uudoubtad- iy, but it shtuld ha the incentire to redotubied effort on the motbar's part. Two or tîrea ganeretiens of cre wiil preduce sennd teeth, and that then will ha the heaitage paes- a o. t lu worth any sacrifice te seeure thil double hl-ssing and beeuty. A p>e-Ict otten neglectad hy imothers dnring tle teath-forming period la tc ses tlat tle preiper food lasnppiied. A teaspoonful of lime wat-ar oftea tc the baby Lu arma, eand ictar soft-boil- ed tggs and othar bone-eroduciag fieeds, shouid ha previded. PUDDINGS. AImond Puing.-Sîir oe- table- spobnful et butter ioe alf t up- fui et scalded milS; wl-an the butter la malt-ad pour ihoe-r tIra-aoences et Ire-ad cruwss Let coiol. tIen edd one fourtl et a cupfunioet tinely eleppd mort-ar oaa dessertspoonfuii 1a-si-y almoada, tire drops of extraet et bit- fouir sage learas> oe small buacb t-ar almiond and oe fourth cuptul etsaevory h-arbq. two blades mac-a, a lit- gnranulated suga-; stir ta two w-al- tic nutmag, ad haîf teespuon lamen beaten eggs. Tura the mixture ie peai. Mix theenughiy xitî the meatj buttared cups and lake 20 or 30"mia- put it a mold, and peur or it nias La a htot ovea.1 enough streng stock te make Lt moisi. Banane Puddin.-Cut etale cake BaSa an-a and oe--hait heurs, adwhen Lntc ti slices, ansd lina a dish wit daon-a, allow te cool, When reedy tbl them. Cçner witl bananes sliced 'hin; serve, cnt li thin ýslces ad gamnish sprinkie w-tit suga and e very littie, with paa-sl.ay an cresa. lemon jmica. Pour or-ar thls e cuptul A Naval Fruit Dish.--Cui e pnmp- of naler tinlaboiind custard, ma k ininto a basket witl eid-teshioaed lanother layer et eeke,baman-asadoua- tub handies. ESercise euitha pulp uand tard. Serve celId. se-ada&.' PalisI or varaish the nînd and 'Apple - Pudding.-Pare, cor- a-and, pile igh witî oranges,1 applea, pc-ans suice enpugl epplea te f iii a bakiag cand grapes ot varions colora, lctting disl. JButter thc disl weul, ppit la a thea hang ojver teie aUge of the bas- layer et appies, swe4n te tasteanad Set. dot with bits of butter, covr witl a'1 Cream Taffy.-Oue plat grannlaied layer et cake sliced thin, st-aie cakej or cotte-a A sugak, I-ait plat w-at-ar,1 wilidiinioly.~entnue tit laerathree tabi-aspoons rin-agar er oe- tea-o until the dia is fla ul. Serre lot or ceid i apoon creaM ai tar ad butter the and with isr withcoit cream. siz etofe hickory nut. Bell withoui Orange Pupiding-To oae quiart et! stirng until mixture tîneeda trom a milS add one alitoe a cuptul et sugar, f!apoon. Pull ais seen as the candy cen twuo tablespoontula et cerastercb, dis- ba landled. slolved la a little colU waer. and the wcii-beatea yùiks et two-aggs. Greta A greati may women wîo ar-a othe-r- tle rind anid pres eu ot the .iuice o wisa neat do net gir-a tle car-a nec-as- tîrc ornge. S-ai tIt miS, d1t seary to lceep their toilai belongiaga cern standh,and tIen the othar ti-flan geod cendition. Tihe brushes aUd gredieats. BeLl tour or tir-a minutes.!'cmaaapsilrtama aice H-ast:the -whii-asof thîe eggs to a stitt la this lia-a, anme baiag us-ad witbont ftratl, aad twe tabiespoont uls etfitw- icieaiag fer mentIs, ad otlers se dercd sugar, aind spreid ue-r the pud- oereiassiy wasîed as toi be but littie ding. Set Lna t bt een te brown.f improred by the prooesa. Ail h-air brushasshaosild hawali waahad every UJSEFUL HLNTS. weak, and the work should ha cane- Slap ahould ha Sept for soe tima ,tfully don-a. A littie pearline addcd te hafore it la us-ad; ht wiii thea go fur-hait a bowlf ui of werm nainwater wil thar. make a w-ail cleansing sud. The brusl Fish as a ftVd coantaics much the and combasithould ha worked quickly same ptroportion et nutrimeant as meai, thrcugh the w-at-ar by dipping the eainLae muid ligîter form. bristles la anid eut, ttan rns-ad la cold A lump ot soda laid upon il-a drain piPe dQxyn wliot wasie waten passas wil pr-avant île ehogging oethile pipe witî greesae. ChleUefetlime is an hnallihie pre- ventive Qt nais. t ahouýlU ha put Umeva tiseir hli-s ad spread about wlarcr-ar tbey'are iikchy te appear. Cayenne peper nbiuwn into tle eceka wl-ar-a anis eongeneate wili lacted. w-ai-ar and w-ail slakea. If île bul backs an-a silver on ivery thy lo_ h net ha irai, huit ruhîcU wit li tie whiting and w-alPolisled. Comba should ha waahed tîrougis il- sud and w-ail dritsd. Tbas car-ad for brualesanea comba wi ' 11 e punîfied andccanscU-so as te 'mnaka tlsam ealtîtul ton us-a and wiil last muchl ionrthas if neg- tEhe ite DuikaetofArgyll was considan. aleto an artist. Painting was oaae e Jils favounite nacreationa and île roomis et Iaveary Casilea ceataia many ex-amples 0f lia brusl la eh aUd Titane Ls a sediaty in Yorkshire wtich bas forits objectthe, encouir- agement oet lumane ireaimcat and kindness te pitpoules. ThI e tis te oly organîzaion afets iaSnd la Eag- land, and sine ia formation h I-as pneved hlgIly suceesat ni. Sir Henry Irving will ha 63 la Farim- ary, and ne oaa ceuld bieme hlm, tliouigî avrneaweuld regret ih, if ha rctincd uit an cixnly date tnom. et leiat the managanial p-art et one oft tise mosi nemankable theatnical carears efthe century. &. cat wasapeeposihia for thse uira- lng of a bouse, the propcnty, et an official et Roacommon Xorkhouse, On Boxing Day. A burniag saurk trem e tira feu on the cat, whieh ang into ia bed, saitiag thab-ad and sub. saqueniiy thse houa-ainla blaze. A unique depennra h-ais just ha-an matde hy the benevolant Guardians of W-adsxvortit. They h-ave decided te alloxv tIc oid peoplaetofboil a-axes lu ihat institution te lava ihair breakfast ln lad, and te retira te lad any time la tise day tley liSe. Evea rararance ton the dead did not prevent a seene et the funerxi et William James Northltil-a mnager et tise Woolpack Rotel, Cnippiegate whe mnrdered lis wite a few deys ago, ani tIen alot limsclt. As the cortage if-atie City Moriuîtry many pensons la île luge croxvd whicî had essambîcd, lias-ad. Ernest Yousng, e native et Penny Strattord, wten cemmiîted for trial at Newmarket, fer ailegsd huase_ý braaking, boastcd thet lie b-ad bcani1 la erery prison la the eountry, ali thougî le3 la only thiriy-savan yaars et tige. Lt la s nownltai ha leas nerv- ad in thirican ditteenat _prisons dur- inýg tise pacit tweiva years. A hutman mummy et extraordinary' intert-a xvs racentiy neccivad ai I t1ke British Mtuseum. Lt la sa id to I-a ot remerkablc uiltiquity, murE eideri drie tenewsy.titan amiy muimmies la tle collection Soap and chahS mixed and nuibbed NEW ALASKAN STEAMSBÏP ,NE athcr ini London on la Paris. It la PsIE t-at-ad by a higit autlenityia i ou mldeed pot mliramra lm. Vancouv-ar, B. O.,h-as beau t ne-,taige caunot ha less tlau 8,000 y-aas, Al spices aluuld ba Sept n tins, quently urgeai te grant a suhsidy te and prebabuy la ne-ar-ar 10,000. and sat shulU bc' Sept Lnae dry any cempaay uthatvould estahlial a A Luge aturgeen, tiukea ha the North place. liisetfsteamers te Aleskan ports, buit a, renyaecudta-tnio BaS-ad apples artirei-amosi heltI- ne actien Eas beau taSca, andi prol- * et tise publieionla1 n 0 tf st r n fui desserttih# icain ha planuad upea abiy te n-a-d fri ton las asacd.Lt days. Lt measisned cicr-an et inl il-a table. la aune nid t-at île Yukon anU langt, witl a ginîl et neanly tire G*mid pesiny ca onhy ha m-ada wl-an White PaRs Railw-ay, las iately pur- feet, and tipped theo scale et a, utile il-a ingredienis ar-a absolut-aly colU. ehased ti o steamerg ila England te over 500 'uads. But ton ,taetact The coýdear ggs are, île quicker rmn, htweea Vancouver andi Skaguay;' tat île no-ala unnipe, t. is inîtrest- ileywtiitrual. nd tta Can-aieuP-a tic ailsay i ng specimen w ,ould E-av-a yieldad more A epoontuh et vngar addd tte le ndoubtedi1 put as may vessais o tian tighty peun s of fin-a caviane. w-at-ar La whie slil is bell-ad wili mrakethse rua teo Skagnay, St. Michael, anU----- t tlrnu eaU tend-ar. otbEer ponta, lu Alaska as can ha prof it- WILLINGT LAE A uitile rlnegen aheuld be Sept hoil- sbly amphoy-ad. e SuUio-Sir, I lava coma te ask ing on the store wtila onions or euh- i baga e lab-aLg cpbkusd; it will pr-avantI il-a disagreeable odlor going tîrougis t-a lipqis-a. Grain-ad woiid sitould be washed witî colU tea,,a smail surface oanly ai a urne,ad tabbed weli witl us tianael claitI b-atone t iscomes dry. Ammonie, painted over woodwerk w,UIl Unîkeu t. JUST FOR FUN. -I migît as well t-ail y-a b-atour we go any tu'iular," iseid il-a witness', who ted be-an getiiag rail-ar the b-tt-ar1 et tise tawyer, "thet y-a needa't tny te crttla nma by askia' toeh questions." "Ne ?" ratte-d i-alwythe"aw I've raiscd ilirea boys, ah'gtiw grendsons tislat'4 keepla' nie train-ad ail tle tume, eýouw daugîlar in mtmniaga. Fatsr, tearuirlly,-Wouid yen takae My cnlY citilU awey trom me ? &iiDr-0î, not et al; notet a al, My de-an air. 1 can moe-arîghtinl. NOT IN'A CONDITION, &)d't yoIDUrwlto siympatîize wîîî yoou wl-a u n ad il-a gTip NV; site h-ad i hersait, 1109 DeluxIls cf T11% 'rafi le. gardlng tIc immense amount et trat- fic ce*-riedf on Ru.s3sia'8q great iniland river, thc e isa. Ererywhera up ta-a v cige aUd As isundrad iributani-as ascu'nd île ion barges et the Caspiean Sa-a ail fiea, WMi16 tirrougl thecscantis te St. Petersburg clone pasd5 anaualhy, dur- lng- tha 215 duxys et fr-a- navigation, tbousands of ste-amers and berges bcaiing millions oetions et treigît. E vcry known xnsans et locomotion la nacU, from m-an, whl, Se oxeu, tramp thex tow paiEs, Iaullag the smaler barges, te Poertnl tuga tIti creep along.huy ne-anus etan andi-assi chain laid in île beds oethtI canais and miner risc-ans, dragging aften ihem ai sael> pace-gi-aat car-ar-ans ot Ieary ]barges. From île greaier strem,ý ilnmemsa ortf t aeanly 400 tact long, 15 tacttandeptis, cefryiag 6,000 tons et freigîit, drifi down île Caspien, wl-ara tleyane broken te pi-ad-s, teabu used as iuxvwood on tise steamers go- ing uip sire-arn. 15,000 MILES 0F RIVER. In ahi tlcre arc 8,000 'nules of navig- al awterweys Lanîthe liey of Vol- ga, or, Lfthîe streams wlioth lai île giant rafts fron sea1ange a part et tise trff le e lariversareancua- ad, tisa mileaga la lucre-as- a te any 15,000, or as tuucas il-at et thc val- iey efthtie Mississippi. Fifiy thouaaadnafta are fie-at-ad Uown îhe Volga -aunually, many et t1em 100 tact long by 7 tiko, and this giras but e faini id-aafetheîlenaa trefficeoethtisariver; ton Lu addition thora are t-au million ions et produce passing kip aoU down the river dnnieg tIc open seasea. Muchloetihiti cen- tres aci NlijaiNovgorod, Te ibis tam- eus usark-at steamers and larges coma tîrom ail parts et Russýia, bringlag gonds te ha soid ci île great ennùel tain, over $200,000,000 wentisOf etmr- chandise channgg andin lu a15f-aw waaks; 30,000 crafi, snchuing nafts,i are requin-ad feor t1ics trafflo; tley coma fîem as farn ot as Arclengel, aa fereacst as the Urixîs, trous Astra- kan lan tiese aui, St. Petersburg ad lmoascow lu île w-ast; whiie greas cane- r-ans et slhips etfil-a desani arrive daiiy fions ail Parts et Asia. NOT CLIPPED. LA. naitiralist says ilci île aquirrel umn8ie laincneasing ail ocrntîe wuind- aU districts «- England, and lail-ah S4ý,otish Lowlandýs. lu soe parts of ýScoiland, netably La the nonil, il-a uItile ceature la ankuexyn. Itisl net se long cge titet a Scotch judge w-as tryîng a e-as-a whicîh-ad te do) witI îhe escape et a squircl fnom ita cage, and il-a question as te wîa- tie tanhlad baca stolan. W-ara ia wings elipped ? h-a asked a witnaks!. But, my lord, Inierposed île ceun- gel, t ila equadruped. %Quadrupedu r ne quaUrupU, a-aid lis luonor, satern]ly, ULt liawiniga lad beau clippaud it co'uld neyertiarve sCaPe<d. i-ast namne, my lutile man? New Pupil-Tommy. "Wl-at la youn fulname?" "Tommy Tompklns." "Then Tompkmns is your lasi ndme." "No, itIsa'i Wl-an I was bora, my namaew-as Tempkins, and tley dida't girls me il-a other oe-afor a mentI aft rw-and."ý Division of Labor. "Tbene's nobody cea say w-a don't lire weil," remarked Mr. Pneer. lWe nearly aiways bar-a oatmaal and maek- - rl fr breakfast" "I Snew h," sigled il-a wite. "I est the oatmeal, iaod you ea tae mecS- erel."-Chicago Tribune. "Don'i yen ihink ulai 1 shoot raiher will, Roberts?" "Yes, sir! Oh, yes, ai Indeed 1 duano as 1 anar gsca a betuir shooter, nieyer, sir. Ail yen ne-ad, sir, le te lit as weli as yen shoot, sir, an yoW'lI ho a wunner."-Scrtps. Tise Profemsor', Rebuke. Aiex Smiib-The eati is marely a speck In île unîvanse. Professer Squelcher -WhIle yeur etaiemeatIis true, young m-an, il-ai dea net Justity your apparent theery ilat yen ewn ii.-Obie Stata Journal. Tisese Chiego Divorcel. Mns. Deerborui (ai àClicago recep- tien) -lail-at youn busbanid going eut of tbe room witl il-at- blond lady? Mura. Wabasl-I can'itael. lie yeu my husland wben 1 cama lere.-Ito.- Sera Si-atesmia. h flepends. Teacban-A chîld is bora on ile-4th et March, 1900. 110w eld wIll 1 tha on tihe samne date lu 1940? Pupi-That will depend upen wbtl. on hit la aboy or e girl.-Bston Tran- script. An Absentnalnded Fetiser. Hewiii-Congratulata me, old mia. l'm a happy fatlar. ,ewutt-Bey or girl? Hewiti-By JoVa. oid m-an, 1 forges te inqui rel!-Brooklyn Lit-a. A Youthfui Egfoist. Tecclur-Name somatltinoft Impor- tace existing tcday tînt w-as net ia existence 100 yeairs age. Sm-ail Pupil- Ma,-Chicage New& A Severe Penalty. "Beapeck was a.rresi-ad for desertiaf- is wife."1 "Inde-ad! I hope ha w-as w-aIl puoIhis "Ha was. Thc judze-sent bim beckt te han." Antiquated. -More naw gewns1"l'le cried. "Wby, y-as," sIe answu'red sweetly. "Al et mine ar-a lest etury's styles.,& '-Pilitdt'pbha North Amanaia.. y 9 0 Pickles 61huld neer be kept J THE PAARDEBERG GATE, Spoisono1is compound, with the glaz- ~e is0 h rts oen~n h ~~ mg. ~~~~NTERESTING NEWS 0F JOHN BULL, De oteFagi ot ~le Always weli heat a gridiron before AND HIS PEOPLE. The citizenls of Victoria, BOC. have broilLng meat, fish, bread or anything deC4ded upon the' fO ni of thair mem -_________________ .else. Record et occurrences in thse Land Tisat orial to the brave British Columbian s A FETV E E e Whole c1ove*s will more effectually Reteîs îiâprenie lia the coarnmeîclai wlio gave their lives for the Empire A FETV E EY 9 exterminate motha9 than camphor, to- Würid. . i South Africa. But thse Pnbluher Will Nevur Une It le bacco or cedar shavings. Thr r ery400 ie nad Te project is to erect on the welter- Again. Le Lemons wili keep a lonx time if cor- navigation, in England and Waie.s. front of Belleville street, opposite the Mis naine is suppressed Ptu compliance Sered with cold water. News fromn Pekin is telegrapbed to main entrance of the goverument with a solemn promise, but hie Is a pub- L.,oon àt acost of 5s. 9d. per xxord. buildings, a publie water gate or ap- lisiier in acertain uine kniows- tbrough- -~ 0MEST~ REIPE. 'ondn send £2 a earon heproachi frùxn the harbour to be known out the land. Ile is of that type that DOMETICRECPES Zodon8pens £8 ayea on theforesees e wful resuits from the most n education? of eacli ahild, la the Board as the~ "Paardeberg Gate." trivial indications. If hie has a -pain lu h Cherry Pudding.-.Put a -piat of Sccios. 'Ilss stri ~ure xiii comprise la ning bis great tee, hie anticipates anj ampu- charrias, cenned or fresh into an If ail the money in the world, were steps about '1001 feet long, iaadiug to a tat ion of lis leg, and If a neuralglc Searthen or enamaeled dish that cea ha dix ided equally eci person would get via tform about 30 feet wida; from shoot piarces his body ha consîders set, on top of the stove. Maka a crust about £6. thence the level of the roadwaY is himself a vlctlm 0f galloping consump- of oeaut of fleur, ena e apiag tea- Tevoutrfrc no nubs reached by two broad flights with bal- tion. spoonful of hoking powder, e little '00,0'0. Tha last figures gave the an-usadsTecnteftbspaom Hawkdpthotengtwtha rsait and sufficient milk te make a rolied strengtli at 229,851. is to ba occupied by a bronze bas- duil ache in his sida. 0f coursf_ it was -sOtt dougb. Place over the f ruit, cor- Taiseo e.C.H prensrlef about Glfeet hy 3faut 6 incesý pneumonie and a bad kIht H her tightiy with another dish and let sermons lias now reeched the unrixai-' reî n. senting the incident of the deatb nlduo i if ogtte"i n ceblk on top of the steve. Do not re- Ied number of 2,689, or 1544 monthly Of Sergeant Scott at I3aardeberg xvhile bti"0 ic ae u ielssd a thereugb rubbing. She found the - mor the cerer. Cook hliftan heur, parts.laig icordsoIhetakf bottiec, whlchla l properly labaled, and turn bottom aide up, and serve with In the parish of Runwell, Essex, an the iloe- positions.,'Tbis bas-relief returaed. i riol sauce. oeare sheuld 'be Plenty apperatus lias baen lctely invenited by sget in the wall, frontiag tho harbour, "No, ne," hae sald as shebegan prep- o fjuiSe So that the pudding wili not thLe rector for ringing the chorch beils; witbhin pilasters and under a pediment arations fer the application, "Don't- h urn. This pudding is jat as geod, by electricity. 1 nnaed by the xxord Paerdeberg, turu down the coeas. It would ba my tif beked in the ovn, or steamed, and In 1899 thera xvere 103 incumbeuts. will afford- thal central motive to thil death If the air struck me." Se shie - xve thi.nk heif an hour a short period, of dliurch livings ln E nglaad xxho had coutrucion. slud bauds and bettie between the feir propar cooking of tha crust. lieccupiad t4Q samne living for 50 years! Tie piers ai the ioxver end of the. sheets and feught sleap for a ful heur E ClQve Ceke.-ýOna cup molasses, oeaor more, and of these 12 bad heid iSisxii surmounted by lionswitserubd Flayhaapta that hae wns al igît and paPi ta glow- cuip suigar, half cup butter, le cup tliair places fer C60 years. supptfL inthe, armas of thec city, those lng tribute te the curative pewers ef * cbippe.d raisins, two-thirds cup sour Tise dcily consumption of beer la of the uppcM.nd by ernameatal ligît vthbz. m iik; one tacapoonful eachl of soda, London is said te ha 419,000 gallons., stands rds.i When the good wlfe wenit te replace -cloras and nntmag; and txvo of cina- 1Le addition to this over >12,000 gai- Thtis Pilan provides a large amnouat i the bottie, she found lber hands as mon; tîre cups fleur. Ti is a good ions et spirits and naarly 28,000 bot c rasoniry xverk with a very îsmal black as cealaindoUthe eleaves of lber a cheap fruit cake. tics of xiae are drunk per day. PortionOof aCtuel souipture or bronze Ioniy garmaut lu the saine condition. Ilibboia Cake.-Cirecm oeacnp of A' cargo of ftesl meat fromi the castiug; 3et te preminenca given te She burried te bier patient in fear'and butter witb twey cups of sugar; edd n iver Platte. preserved on tlie passage titis hLtel feature et the head cf con- trembling te fiud bis sida as deep an tour well-beaten eggs, a cup f milk, by a ev process, ias beau anded! xagiig s, enbfo .i g th ar nd a 0bs surr teunigsof Dtheom e sand tbree and a half Cups of sifted et Liverpool. It ia beliivd that the Pour xvii g iva great dignity and point ýceler. Just as hae concluded thrat ha flour, te xvhich eue ha-aped teaspoen- exparimaent lias been entiraly, success- Ito the event comm"moiatel.I t is was rapidly mertifyiug or bad the fui ef bakin g powdar las been added. fui. "0soproplsed te acquire, if possible, a blick plague and net more then a few Divide the batter into three parts. To A pleughman on a Burks f arm be- captured Boer cannon which will then minutes te Ilie the sou camne in. 11e one add e teespoonful of meltad Che- longing te Lord Cottesioa lias tun-!Occupy an uppar pletforn( aboya the beard the story breathlessiy teld and e~ltaenifivorwil vnile;teth d up an earte1nùý vessai, in whichb bronze to hae epproedliad from Belle-* tIen laughed until bis back had te b. second edpc ri oorn ad were founld 63 anciantBritishi geid ville streat by thrae or four broad pundled te meure brenthlng. Wbeu hae Pik'futcluigadcoins, ~ea-bucIcsz f sfv- tp.tek] bw ewha d flhied tbittbottie with *flavor the thîrd with lemon. Bake in .bu.he luo iv-8teP.Ik, as haeb-ad bought more than the layer cake tins, Put togethar with boil- sitilng Piace. The~ work la to e- ex-acuted in gran- usuel depositorias would bold, the eid The colossal memerial te Kinlg ite et a cost, inciuding the bronze, gentleman forgot ail about pueumnonia ed iiug tI brxxva e tlbetomAlfred the Grat now la course of pre- estimatad et abouit $15,000. I awiel -strigtearagols the. tp ck, ias tinkh.wit.'Ieparation, which is to ha arected etait oagbht tgat (an eddiîtional 81oooo bine and lmpregnaa> tln Itth thodor * ow hatpcoloring 2Ib cld it piS.Winchestrwili probably ha one Ot would enable tise cerryiag of the ef snli}lur. Prk itohie eeut 2lbsoid qresthtia rost rnarkebie pieces of scuIlP-1flauking walls on each sida as f-ar as E t prk nd tto i e pac esounlwag qe - ture in t e kigdom . th e bridge a d the foot of M enzios e ixed About am en. ter'ound fatepranac t P oundlainnSe-a- aleaddition to bis eccomplisbments street., ece t e ul)Wa ayu 5r RUSSIA'S BIG RIVER.

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