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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1901, p. 1

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3 TERMS .-81.5O FERi ANNum. 0OUR TOWN AND OOUSTY YIRET; TRE WORLD APTERUWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr NEw SERiEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 6,1901L VOLUMEXVINo10 Stock About the end of February and during this Month will give Greater Bargains thnever. Ail Furs wlll be sold AT OOST, OVERCOATS of all kinds AT COSI. ,,Ladies'I Coatsof Ail Kinds at Ilif Prîce, COUNTIES' COUNCIL NOTES. A correspondent wrî tes. 1 have been authoritativelý,y informed that " wbiskey is obtained fori indig ents Onlv on oMer of the gaol s-urgeon and is not given indiscriminateiy to the in. mates." Sucli being the case, cali't You allow the "lgentlemen and ladies of leisure" to enjoy their '1cocktails" even tliough tbey do cosÏ tbe Counties the trifiing sum of $48.26 a yr? It may not be amies to inquire, however, hiiv mucli whiskey lias been ,bught for the inmates i n t h e Bowm, anville a n d Cobourg Homes ? 1I shah,1 de mur if these inmates are not treated as weil as those lu Castie Segoe If they need "spirits," those occuipying the humbler Homes shouild bee "stimulated" to the same "bigh" dtegree. These "ýsu pplies," 1 observe., are ulsed splts- modieally. On Sept. 80th -2.70'9 worth was obtained; again on Oct. lotli-10 days later, another $2.70's, worth was ordered. Irhen on Nov. 2l-st a double supplv or S5.40es worth vias obtained. Then just before the Decemb1,er session of the Counties' Council (e.9thi) $2.70's worth more was laid in,.iI have bv me the report of the Industrial1 Home for the County of York for theSamle year, and from the detaiied st,..temnent pre- sented to ti Council 1 find thiat there were 106 iinmates on Dec,h, 99, and the amount spent for 1ý ai Old live during the yenr was $14,-2, But the inmates of tliat Home are piossibiy if a lower aristocratie orde-jess addicted to "higli spirits," as it rr Then again it le suggested that , s the water at our Counties' Gaol is impure, the inimates may demand 'thle pure "creature" fo r bathiiý' purposes,. Shoul 1 these commenteb sîuat"the C, C's to a greater famil ipit witb the jSABBÂTH SCHOOL CONVENTION. A well attended and enthusastic gathering' of Sunday School workers gathered at Ebenezer on Wednesday last when the seventh annual convent- ion of the Darlington and Bowmanyille Sunday School Association was held. Everytbing seemed to favor as the weatber was exceedingly bright and sunshîny, good roads and a capital progra m. Owing to the illness of the Pres-ident, Mr. A B. Cr-vderman, 1lainp- ton. the chair was occupîed by Mr. R. E. Osborne, After appointment of the nominating committee. ivir. Thoinas Yellowlees, Assistant Secretary of the Provincial S. S. Association, gave an address on 1'.Music in the Sabbatli Schools" recommAnding that briglit lively songs be selected for use during the service, stating that these stir the heart and --ive new impetus to the scholars. The lesson for last Sabbath was taught by Mr. P, Trebilcock, Bow- mauville, using- the convention as a class. The afternoon session opened with devotional exercises, Rev. J. H. Turnbull, M. A., leading in prayer. Mr &. E. Osborne, Treasursr, present ed his report showing receipts, $55 47 expenditure $3671, halance $20.76. After considerable discussion it was decided to ask the sehools for their usual contributions that the grant to County Association for the Provincial, may be made in the usual way. Mr. A. W. Annis, chairman, present- ed the report of the nominating com mittee which was-adopted. The new officers are. President-P C. Trebil- cock, Bowmanvîlle ; Vice President- R. E. Osborne, Courtice Treasurer- ed, delegates being present from al parts of the township. A pieasing feature of the day was the attendance of 18 members from Almond's Sunday Sehool, Whitby, who came down and joined beartily in the enjoyment of the exercises. NEWCASTLE. Mr. McCarty is very low. This town is rejuvinating. Capt. Gibson is assessing us. Fred Knight bas soid lits livery. Our new illuminator is a Beacon. Mr. Fiigg i8 improving in health, Frank Barrett is working for Mr.Jos. Colson. ]3.e. T.J. Edminson bas been iii with la grippe. Miss Martha Wilson visited lier fath- er iast week. Mr. Chas. Henry has been laid up with quinsy. Mr. Ernest Spen.cer, haa joined the Beacon staff. Mr. Thomas Bragg is laid up w'ith a sprained knfe, Miss Ida Eilbeck, Toronto, visited at home re-cently. 11ev. C.W. Barrett, Bethany, visited at home recently, Mrs. T. Douglas spent Sunday with Toronto friends, Mr. J.K. Allen has had the old bank building repaired, MVr. T.H. Everson weut home last week with la grippe. Miss Fligg, Bowmanville, visited lier father over Sunday. ýlMr. Arthur Toms lias gone to Port ICoîborne to work for Geo. J. Bell. of 3"The Times." i Citizens mav go to Toronto for' fash- ionblegarenty, but lionte made bread fesheest. Miss Aile? Middleton- arrived home SaturdY rom bier sister's, Mrs John Awde, Marsealltown, Iowa. Walter Wamsly gave a dance Thurs- day evening, a large number from Bowmanville being present. ,The D. & b. Emuision ben fits most tho)se liavingi lung troubles with ten- dency to hemorrhages. A few botties taken regularlv make, a wonderfut lin- ,Plovernent. Made by Davis & Law- rence Co., Lim. Mr. W G. Bn-ans, manager Traders' Bank, is boarding- at the hotel. Can- not ecure a bouse to suithim. The Japs dîd it. They suppii3d us wirli the menthol con tained in that wonderfui D. & L, Menthol Plaster, which releives instantiv backache, side- ache, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, and seiatied. Manufactured by the Davis & Lawrence Co., Lim. Mr. John Rinch has bought the Hunter residence, Mill St, wbere lie and bis daughter, Miss May Rinch will reside. The essentiai Iung bealing principle *of the pine tree bas finally beern success- fuily separated and refined into a per- fect cough medicine-Dr Wood's Nor- wav Fine Svrup Sold by ail dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price, 25 cents. Mr. Geo. Lumsden while waiting for lis mail orne day" last week was taken suddenly 111, but we are pieased to see hlmi out aan -I.--, - e Teks

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