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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1901, p. 2

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.NO T17S ÂND COJIMEN3T~S. T undry, and iflihe chafe what more ftre@u of Vemetlan affla. A~ TlTITTmTTW( natural? Clean water and clean Oeo u r es upie ht greetAf lUIVII UUhiSÂ Tlie great erupir af Gai many is con i Il YJCE hT1~« c eesecloth, te rin'se baby witb, are atulti eiel i eùrri frcte wLb ua f he ue vialI ~U3 ~J V0~ uotusiy.ment of the Venetian girl raipepi froned 'Lt one ofthemestnetcosly.are so accustcmed toe5seclber -cavorting PE RSONAL AND- BUSINESS NOTES prob1anti, tliat eau vr rs in a nia- - Don't use damp or steamy articles on the stage ut light opera in gaudy batts ABOUT THE EBISY YANKEEi. tjon's Ide. Ltdpiiin soution Scola- cf eot,ing~ about babys 1t y. The and depicted by the art,ýt in colore nival- er or i itar Lu -, Mu!ýt eVeL7y 1ati0n THE DISII CLOTIL AND THE SINEV chwer orders keep their ycuG bt n h rno twurse ,sen 11 wb 1(iepesoe 11 Hl§ IL omn eremoe duc e nth dr ai mmaulte Ireaili1fe the revelation of our long delu- Of 11ens and Iî Gailber E Front ~~va' dryIand tm cualIs e.e uu Sicon nes with scmetbiug .gpproachi. g 1119ïRecordss. gaine lr ws. [n (Gerînany :ft' a pre-- sanitation cf a bcnsebold, h-y I baby co'oid getlahis bac k upal like a shock. Beautiful in nmany cases we ~entdo re'c~icsc xed would pay far mor,- attention tiien a cat, or roacb is coohing as a bird fiedla cfa hBritshv r- ank - Mit n Xontana have ljngdÎf1ty Agicuîur su ma- --. beydo cw c da wshig- f dshidts iefeathers, damiees wo'ld net sented ben faithfullj. But ln the mtti more than doubldita Lx years, In 'î1ýjly g i utu e a d aa -they cars of tb' kkon h lani n f tltion, and v of tiîaîied'el cf attira how fan short they bave faieu w l i [n Vyoiing th y ha e treb1 d . :ther. buI cfssI4ebresiieti neidesarIforberbpostwail T'lienQw Censue shows that thé ~tar IietralbaLesd eands I~I t~~nass of their dish clotbs and dish aboueyneesr o hbewl-ee as been presented in a ligbt frock cneofpulto hs o-ed but- thartih wî .>keis-c.iîk ged Lu it bail towels, for there are mnany cases cf elwhrdrcimlcdadu-cnteOpoltonasnv haefo acepe,,adabunao.ilasi h aiyta ib, ih Datseklul ebb.Teetidy, frivgad, struag withbheads, set cff slightlY silice ten years ago.'t pe kloudapte aby.Tand ilus ntefmIyta;mgt vt with a flcwer, baviug ber bain doue in the TcSaeo hoepae$400 f Et wLshe o I~paroisse raw materiLaIut therough investigation, hc traced il nothing created se tender as a arudidlnl hefviTe heoo aulIon Oits 1,20000400se0o a~n, b 1d3 ~ akùg tt inerets e-portant thinge. i aby's ear-drumn mueýt seem ynmii bauds and play cf expnession. ýl100oooo0 uia ii1'.strace , wîî.berer p olindnatyt-ngetcftc*veyi-bay n lervrbrtes gie alm esiin, wiihetureofchîr'n. fMuetfud Cnannai ay ~ute ~..ttidew ~ fncguecn-Take the disl cloth, for instance. snd jmonstrous. blhack,,ils geuerally of a dark hue, close Philadaîphia Iraisieçured an or- tries boui h as unfettered as iniy A celebnated physician bas said that - fiting andi neithen choit non long. The dinlance Prohiibiting the throwing of1- be e~ce . tereeeni~il lat ot ea- p there le death -in lie rag, for if left 50 LE SELECTED RECIPES. universal open air garmont of the towns cruar m adrerîîsemients about nulet ,,uuiy itu a Costome ns yon her hik, lene asover itinalm thu a wmno f al ages le the black cbawl, th-_ treets. 00; ý 1 w it ,,-ji,,. L a y aig f r o h ra n r t u r . you n a m oJth e r lIm b e , ie i s h a te a a n g w i lu n d lu m p w ît ibo u t l C r e a m P ora to e s .- E ig h t g o d -s iz e d 1 w itli a d e e p frin g e o f s lk , fo ld e d , w itli a A c r i gt a r n i c « F c s with~ bîîyLug rons hlm ia rturn. coiaipltetthe baby grmeute thattarotetthorcngh aandngaaldngcpdong, il wil Nee~.ythe aggrtculuriits take ex- lotha the lutIle forin. But shie il net al ferminandgnrt easo i-gaoi h iuefo ekajppT hlrno ae at actly ÉIi,ý ocplâite p~iin liey wisb resuIy for haby's coming, enlaesche bas u n gnrtpgrecfds arliie tinpottosaut ie ; 2pe-tshoWrt pont bv n alnaontllw rccnag teaSna - isry Se a tnd" irnl rpe donc coreting more for the baby than rase forayole wbose brealhiug Sp- prea hn iie ace 11- ine;r rppagaout theafigue foot. ae sd paetro eblidrefa egieWatt, n- add 1 teaspoon finaly chcpped parsley omliesfrinted e oo. va yvetesc le tem ugne ae o iltha l *W£tfes hahi sel ut as bigl i neneiy te prepare hisclcothes. Mdany a paratus ile brought into direct cou-- 'wcmaa lu Veice iillowe the latesl mode lvn in Califernia. Pricee ai. peilehi. Likewîsee thepro- yeung imoîben whe goce througli hours tact vith1hlemt. Ragged or Iny sdagnnu gaigc noS te fdesn h arwi l)nte IcCvrmn eeus o h O ~O due c swmteiist cpse oof pain and sufferinig ondes why it w d lts hndntbeaefrpolyatues;, seasea with saitIaud a few radical departure frein the artiste' ides. Th ÀvrieteensfoteFO loposbet rprinsri afor e tln il olc ngrains of cayenne; turia over ail the r In genenal the vonieii cf Venice imprese fiscal Year were $567,240,852, 'he R O IZ tI c'i nccfra mteilefrnite aos blet ranedintein a ie tah ht îwilleclinthe visiter as domuonsandfiin d fan largeet on record, and Iliere was a FORSLI . f0reig e ccnies into his own. BOtI agony that seerned alinost uneiduishle. the scmi spoul sud may cause a sert- wiesue ltbI pan ev. ls fond of coortIen thieir sistern urplsf J$79,5_7,060. FOI OPI ~ thesle interea desrme, inu ther words, Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription isisshe us obstruction. To those who have TnWieSue-w alson onoPre e eko biae- The latest ,statieties tshow that theO O&i.'î~ te kecp out of their own country al eue Medicine for -wci hich repares bŽ.nl I ai fuigprec butter, 1 1-2 tablespoons fleur, i phia.-Phladeilphia Tuimes. Uic thtti auatrrdsrst ragthein pcfectiy, bell for tire. bund ens and prle lk - eapci atUieStates bas uver zO00mle OLALOs~ tht i mnuatuerdciest 'bin leasures cf materuity, It preveats the wcris articles cf table linen or cf c sids lk -4tapoc at in, aud if tnýey eannot keep then eut jaîertng icinese frein whicha se msuny 1lethiag for Ibis purpose, itfwîîî few graina pepper. ~h nrprdWe frirsar asIin2,0 iie O I~OrX9 Mawe uup.-ahadpr The normal girl naturally looks fer- of gond waggon rends.- ie G1UMSeaa entirely, tkey deliaand tiat taniff d.u- women suifer. t strengîhens the whoie doubîtless seemû extravagant te pur- ahdT'ips- s" nd ar ward te the turne wbeu dhe wiil have the If expeclations are realiz, îl Ut- -yVoe tashhbia upntesstatbody, se that there le ne uiervoucnese uer1 unpeti lesadccinw-arofhmbbn ndhIrn y, tnicety. It prolaidslaponaithy appeîi're chase uew malenial, but that ile whaî rit u uscssdccrl a an fbre nbn u hîrn oPut of copper for 1900 wili reacb CURE 610K kAACE the eunt e.apre l le oca s aues I rfna s a slcep. it gie rter salted to taste unlil tender. Drain aad te say, sheile often whclly unpre- 350000pudvcaia i,5, market with îteebernepredueta.1ether stregîli forslr triai su ina witsould be doe, itssumedohbetter hQnoughlymach sud e32o5,000,pa0edPtevasumethe raponcihiliies wbeu odute 1mohe sreigh orlirkrilsnd isae okadi more easily kept dlean bteppe n at they- corne to, lier. To presomje te maie a 000, th-e largerat on record. i e babys om1qent prsclicaiiy painiess. tia alf-wvorn material. Twe rhm adcr or a 1H t iv awtt pem- SM 0,0 rgs r al a-bnn Englaud waa I re agit face te face Healtby mothers bave ieaithy cbjldren he hi esso hes-lih Cern Fttr.To cp . - 1 aioeilsnd cael e arnily witheu ep- Sume 1000fog r alystiee5ebn~meacw aud it la tle generai testisnony of j thoshicnes, of ciesclch ie the fteîyartin l pîae ofp 5 p 1 puEhdNeela.ici ece s cebtuy agoand ai decide lie Pescripion se preaurlive fr molir- purpse se a s sot 1ine cf coase uraen, 1- cup flur, saI sud epier dycandy nd witihthe xpectaten cf ain.oGengarn-w Yenand arewerYorut, andevareremcatforael Tiae srugVluEugcn wa ùortle obd, that the childrciî were beatiier 1 weave, Besides lisse linen cicîhs, ta ase,12 espoon sugan. Drop by ipantk.eWde wulf oin xpeie t e ubsis itl, etuanasdclb. -. s nsnydaMlig aparleats. Wo thse ouldatehe thorooifieofhot utl IlieedTIare haibacc atarted at Stenlen- '~ sS alb~dete theevdacawa eervîîmng n Is tos hm flr hain disb chth for ketties, fry pa esapoflonbl ei raa emeriîy cf suci s physicien sund yeî we MoSnSW'lsnd5He cause teev -ne asov ulng iotha ofrmntaîl mieery and, plysicai griddle. ]Brown fîret onuone side thien. ccmplaceaîly leave car girls villent in-ville, Ohio, the firlt Ainerican matn- and oLe1îeeunne tiat Eagl.4and coulfi ne longer f eed ber> anguisl ou the part cf tle prospective1 etc., made of wira rings, ilecf great 'srcinl eeer eIi ileb- faetory of glass marbies, wîich. havie o.nsltl r Onxîpeuple. liefr future ase liegreat nieller, assistance in rem.-oving viatever ismahr efi j te iz l tiied dlty 0fereotsebodtUhe hibhese ho- et eniactdfc Gr-__________ factory cf lhe -venid vas as plain as Sicki and ailing wemen are invitdo burncd on lu coekiug. cces circurnslancee rau va vonder lIat meuy mauy a pkptk f Bu tnGenfaywai. 1 tasutGr.rieaeuylttvhereltey Ateusaitih asDr. f vPiercaae Rlby.-llellerp-bteaomesaeiuîeutefyiursf le citiout fee or change. As chef cosul- r iedii ucin c eer ICalag Rliinvcncteprtehoes resholtefalues ____in_ the malter ls nov ap for acîhlemeul lng physiciant te the Ilivalida' Holel aud meal tie disi Iowels sbould be wash- cablage very thinîy ih Sharp kaife Ose cf the firet Ibinga a girl should bse dioti nenevshm i the contact La treineudeus, sud if ih SungicalInLstitute, Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. ed ilu dean, bot î'atervib ,sdThrow mb tas veater, leI stand one. taugit ll Ibat vealîli sud social position Ohio, on 11t Fcbriaary, 1847, lairs la ecra L ucalerae vudR. ýV. Pierce, assisîcd by lais staff cf e hScladCeuant for uothiug unlees uniled willi pu- fallier being a graindealer of Dutol heamiy s score cf pnysiciensalas inuîle a few drops cf ammuonia or s sprnkle hour, drain sud mix witi Il une Swect iycIbutanlfendoesyfetrtian bsmhraSct- probabiy have resulted an civil îvar. past thity years sud oven treated sud of iwashing soda addad te remove the red pepper finely etopped and une purpose. UnJtil sudh standards are re- Ln Gerinaay ftic agieultanists coin- cared more tiahaif a million ick eud greases qnickîy. Tien rince sud bang, saalsh uinu llced very thin îioiad by young woenuilachooeinig thein voma pietewatisth otait-suifeig vomnen. The testimoniale cff tIen out-doors te dry in Ils sun i bs ail wiIb a frkunutil wvd i isad l eneg eaîucuo e Tc auto frpe çer u rUvPL E U E rialewltistI c are-tIsse claredvonen are ou record. A iSae ilvbldvngr.Sreawat God iatended il le he-the highast tie Michigan p2ninsula las beau j Write for onn lnterestgbols"ve- ciratie suad -atogaier the Mcst pcv- large mnnben cf 11cm wene cuncd vîsu possible, axcept lu feeziug weaîîiem ao'vt aldvnea.S'v ~type cf earlhly bappines.-Frern"Girl- piaeed aI $100,000,000. Que mine aone 1il er'a -Iea"nsd 11 mwyoar wded0 erful iutercos tai e cmmuity. Tie' doctors lad prnouuced a cura imposi- ven liey may be dnied indoers. Af- lemon Shalîs. bcod te Womubood,"' ly Sallie Joy Send us a rough sketchormdleycrlu npsI ________________________ Ibis year ha declsred divideuds cf vention onmmproveinent ei eilel lands are net ovned ly poor fammners hie and afler enuaiag years cf uselester thelia ual lis the dial cîtî r;î White, lu Womani's H-ome Cempanion. free or opin Ion note whelri rbby- i 5,000,000. I stentale. Rejected apictesVae fe but by great Barons, wvIcesinfluence saifering. aheouid'be vashed, using s litîle an- FUTURE FLAU 0OF AUSTIRALIA. rSaaaGadsDsocnmgSa i dnuaiMuîiseba e e n surressfuliy prosecoe u.W > L vrai e ee hsitateerbt te -mua vsin stes The ebuice of Ibis al-important Mmne. Sarah Grand lias a good demi to an arescf cv-or 2,800,000 acres, sud ,cnducthiton e qeofcelaMtea Ile lapon Ibslr ovru asIates. ITbey aIse- nI once and se, secume the profesalonal lbs more grease te remev, sg bi uce t Isfuur f i uxv us syinbr itbogapycfte ifiul inIbsgrataesfll 30mon- alraacheneniond lbstreeene lately control a very large portiou cf ceunaci of a specialiat in the diseases cf aIse ouldoons, sud isep Ivre disi rls Cmowalhlste eh icses and in get-iagcorne cf l1er bocks tt ei iet îiulsrnig frihd île total namber of votes in theGemr- vmnWitri Alcloîhe on baud aîvrays te alternates puhlisbed. For Instance:tanpksreteliudsag Patents pnocured throuc Mre a nas Paliaeal su sefarLIe la e dels i yddrie and crespeudnf- 1decÎded apon, îhough there are mrnu3 "'The Heaveuly 'Twins' fiuished, T vas froua 1-200 te Oes 5,000 feel. rrien recelve special noticevtotcag i ence stnictly pivaine sud saccdiy conav- nuevemy houehold il sheuld be tle, . -over toc newapapena diatuedIrogit denia. AdrssDr. R. V. Pierce, Buf-, ccmpetîug desîguýs in-public faveur. flung beck into despagir egain by tIi. re- Dav-id E. Tbomnpsou, oes f îe lead- the Deminion. lent Parliament, Minlsters sud île ae, N1 rrnIsli aI thîle l asddieu Ciotie Au entenprisiug eonîenpomary, tIl, fueul of Bearlsy te pullisia ilN Y; ha had luin rg candidates fer United States i tbusiness cf-Manunar- Emprror lhimuself tlteIu vili, Bat as il IfieDa~i bc put itb lie vasi once a vreek sdanorn vnn ehofrd thv-cary i-coud hen agaIn;ealy evTeyi r adlnines a1d2affed appl'211dVsud lces urnial monepntein ten{ting îlfe ed èr oanime lake n n eala.' The Senatror for Neb',rsrsks, bas maintain- .- N&lW R vithin tbic ls five yeams Germuy i"ftYor te salie of poor auffering voten, 1 féel ftadat hspl ieadtoe utnilMle rz iate gplblîsher vas tried-aeîîairaîy every large cd fer yeams s systeut of relief vomi < ARIONxer &n olctos lias ascuird great importance as as ît my dciv le iaform you cf the great benefit t ns vre asîeshosuld lbe inspected cmeioso l edlc IIth ue.TebivsPjcs vr- rugbcpo fLnon abat~lent ExeYrs.e'I', hats or tuediclue lias giv e me," vir is, .calle fb l iteasdnlleftin lutle fice Atlantic BI(,aslgenDC ranufactuiri.g aountry, as lhem pop- by thofwats, reeliCe. N C."rnasinadesgashould coutain lia Union Jac- k vIe. Sons of tien kept it aunlcO- Fraderick- Winklemanan, vue las f ulaic ls nemosl ierAadthe amut ooiscaicl ronditiona viaeI wrcite u. j kitabsu. sdlt otcuCos i mue-scicuable lime-a cruel liing le de. O0 usl e yIe crYkIlud. - ulaionhasenomoslyinceas 1had uiirine disea.ce se lad I rocid acarre-iy 'Anflue sîraluerros. Thew litljcoming le London I lad tle benefil cf .thee lcte yheNwYrBod eryfordhep fodtufs sd fr te alir aud suffered sch dneadfoli misery t hopod dsi1gmiadlwcedC, hs Union Jack in the îeîp of oue of my atepseus, vIe hldleft cfEdale selcurou us, other esscttials ofte le relieeed by desth. Yoo wiote te tnie tg necesei'ty lu a ci, and tîrougi il aIl upr eur iere il isborna onIhe army al; lad settledi dowu le alit- la eual raint chresnil'f-suc- taire yooîa'Favorite Prescription' and 1 have bun aex ýna ble er r a ro ex- eeses lis arien vith meuaaing loud- rIne evoe botles cf il, andti io cf your disivaten sud iquid refuse should b ha, is ngis ifls, vt ixrd'li, "%r-sdatatadnsr udc y o,-cta it i1Lnea.E asbr1 usr iaaiPellets.' I ani eutirriy vel sud féee.wt i e ie lan rit cerndomys, ceL like a new wo"c. 1 foc' Ihatikful tu God sud Pourcd, sud bbe scraps asud amns me- on sawîîte grcitdeccpying tdis pl e wbe lad gone on tie stage. We dedîded lr. toun. Pierce for toc ae 1 Inov enov. 1miigl l rie suste ~~. , , c,, te print tle bock ouncelves, sud vs didbid Theeghciîaissorlb5 have a fiae big boy, ivtoc'i's -oid audrneyer Ibumu d orn thsainuîe r cese uîowit. Tion edf cf the .iag s. ranachicenas ara ssid te lec Th giutrss rteAgra- guit aiong as veli inimy lite, I aù' rau e yurblliedorise hereuepull. Las tlb Sou'-bora C ross cof five stars o misas, bav been all, up b îlepres mediînes enoug" I Wbeubas sle na ced tiriri. Ncw ,the Australajan Re- Iadtevs uig leneoianesvthme- mu fr cadutt sem ana evcry preasuticuHa- gard te gtling a pohlisher's namie o i 5ufry ansd bis fermens sdcv eut imele eeur îleimpoitio cfVery 7ThankfulE takea Ddct.te 'alev anylhing but liquifi viawcfR'-vew.9 effets a prize of 2£10 Cuver that ihs bob vent t Mn. iHeine- Iadeeaiet ieîeiid 11lgb taniff dalles open ll e for- BI willevery riacî ay atewwenods forDr. to go bIls thesini drain, tiare viii foi' one, vithoul euy mesreLions on main,aud fren the momentl h cnîered iresFvrt rsrpin1 rtsM s. bis h'office, ils acthonsasys, the lido deen- ca yb epn hc eigu produets tliaI cons uncmpeti- Pierreas, f a ýornip b"wîsM~ c an suamouint cf greasy maîber liaI îlhe invention et ticc mpaiîcn . ic eti e tenu Uc tek overthe vioe niskl c at check ltaascfMnoville, Ironie Ce., Qe'hi-me ior.Th d eunt.H to oe teral r Itou vifli licir eru. Tlsy have Caue- I"Doring the first four imonîlis when I ieoked will cdiug tlethe pipes and clog thena, 'six Antrahisu Premiens are te hal tle end breugltit o ut viti cucceas., CI'e'agc nov contaitts a grester ed Gmnay 1 ge jue al srtscf ii-foivard tu hecoaiîîg s mther 1 aofféred very ei emn egtit lsrso i-murli frontnusea sud xoiii'g snd I feit se tunleas, scuethiig more effeative tian judges. i --nplaio aslthec icis ocf lie fiulie -tI hr ouIns oer errînîîibe si m cuid sco-rccli'oct or drink any pa.orGania b1 pospulatSion Hlder ficltes thr oritrel ovr hetllirg. 1loated al idsof 1food, ,A thistinel1 h t am la sused. Il is un e;'-el-- AHnt1r rnt.Ueýtcd Sta te orseaiaed iu 1840, sudAStc1 exîrenely iglu cunstruction oetIhese "'ite uDr. Pierre sud ie told nie te gel is lent ides le prinb scruching liue tIce 1 Nec WmenYorksîraght ainsud ittg')fFor idi mi "P 'FavritePrornipien suda botiecf odonr Itil eel ith ris - Yen novd bas s popu orhol ing sock the ceI h 'Favoitf 1' ; in mauy a batcasesîro-dG i eeuly e hsdiefigurerneuit, not le- N grealerkind. h ha îaîed o S agm tarif las; n may cses he ctios Mediral Disrovory.' a gor a botle of each aud rfllowing ou a placard, sud I'eng b hn ailinCnd: qal a,îs ba acîcus heo Ibcd tken iana afew dys, Ifeit îsdli' 1erabllete maie up sucudeicicocies yla'tion ise ail tle citie tFrmou aad:eqolletimbi erseal cf Gen-eau officine lun enfercig leliier,1 sud vison Ihadta few dhard 1lyt ip faeerIl itbe su; Diasva iarifcilmms ln 11 s lîy lay hdiu1 ingth bttr, ndwlen1 hd akilove te itLensnoma!'tgem good enugh betore.ha weansrg taniff acta hava issu diclaleci by ci- foaci boleeI feu vweli sud cold eut asneoSL 'tablepoonful cf vasbing-soda ia tu-o IdoDleaeitb Caps are cut cf the à'% as hatin l er foncits and lmie1 anv ene, aud couid do any vorvitacut ace que- New York crous-re, viii îlte jr ganneard. Oui &c Q viens hypoýrtsy sud frauda. Moreever 1trouble, (I cotaitaBut do csp thheag befotre). 1 foot quarts of tsoiliag vaher andi pour ilfin aubprtybnboedaias'Fncrocal V crtanfu tth.aiece ortasuleiteean lin.iv Pioncerdiioall nforr x£saris- xptuediritiean i fo c n hot rile.I tle Agraians, Lave proeurced the an- 1î îoil hs va te lbey are irS te gel these ,dovu tie pips every dsy aLler îvshî- r-vbd weko f~- i fesvehxmesd sdsrlcirmmsuaieeupautassogo Laebe armr eondîîin tac on ule 5,a xpimforyo l do cde. airsbcwr dis-ya selmeaet cf a varieby cf measures af edrtesor write te Dr. Pierre" ýing Ils dinner disias." This vill l bbcea anmr bcînn haTorehxeis iInag-FeEiyb ds a cf tle fi ev7ay beafi' cf itir day. Again1 pesesaf with,. Their departameut Th PAGE WIRE FNEG.(t. feeling infernal trade dEsigaad le 1 Drm. Pience's Medicul Afiviser, sent free s constant renalader te thien a roune a-3must Prencbw-uman b quoctefi sud look- tjtIey Coats eaxpayers morei WALKERVILLO. piss al Genfer11oureceipt cf clampe te pay, expeese of Iptnc ol it e lr dOatetnchi onat eciîsracie-e 00a a i en îbl eCusIoms sud nmailing ouly. Seud 31 lic cf making Ibeuissîvas attractive per_ than $15,00 ayea. tint l ottriuclsda-oaa-cent stampa for bock in papen cover, r u Iylie ief i e-rscuaîîy enfler ail ci r-clunstlacesansd tonrfKobel Qiva, a Japanece elealrical surd ahien, Lava lave issu passed or .$o clamnpein clotah indmug. lifîg clogged ibithgrease. rtiteir pr-ceeet il inlabiding defeate.ingler of seusuderabrîe prmrinence f ____________________________ Prinlacrcfiduapro-, auy In sud 'a'case as Ibis viii îiey v sac sgueMore' Ilan 150 ni selolese p r oî bib e g ip e nla io n1u r ai p r - 'I i o s aia e p e rs ns a tf et in d us n al e fg ed i tvî h la em a cd u lis o w n u co u n tr y , ila tr a v e llin g lu a v e b e a u b u il t a n Ea s v l i duct-s, sud tic derïaud las ceeu made 1Russia cunir nly pay fucirbles matnu- hoskep6sdemmcl now that the j ounti eccningly over theiluirhas co- a tic UnirtedStates stady-ing valer reoGently tîat tle vantaus steak ex- fcue chemical action cf 1tie varions liquids qaeo t2 ace fdwt hepwrdvlpnntwt iwo n 1aI year. cha nges in Germany siould nul ha al- ifluuesinagricuitumal preducs iIps îoul l iemi af_________________ ta astruhtepp aeapoint in front andi aise titarned itih e__________________ suld if Russian agricultumal predualu r - - ae-ae innsusalyad 1trcduciug iuaproe-mensnluJupau. =-! lovrsd le liSt ajmy fcreigu seCumities onu f nscusting on the iusde f 't b ihili f s esi5IVaht ýb aexg are le île barred Ocut a Ae graruac imnoovt m 5~ ~dhte lae- Tveîends ri e caily sud Chgrounfi lIaI tIessaseennilies veuld dirnnd filaI they ishah hbc, Germauy e odorless, u sdeadly in i tscreeliî itîrob sdml i- pcndcfananrisupastr th îe comns Lu cempelitien as inveslmeuts IradevritllaRussa ivll ceaee. poisonune prerIy. t is the daly ~cver or golfi safeîy piedaskeep il lu place!large 1Auaricau ailles dueesnot ex- wLth tle norîgage Mains issuefi îy of svary bouseicepartle Izeep lier sink f be ~'~on tle leafi, aaye Vogje. vhIla net cf Iccii5120, uleintie enlr 5 Genuasu laudholders ad b heGr- TeGeriî î ro hs en i drsîtritsurveillance, and tu,'in- thaev-asi vaniemy ila alsemucl aae4 fer auileGm , rn Eupvr 55slue csdl u ,- saîpree.r noisd iue man land eedil batiks, or Ladeclaf- comp lled inthre pasi ltscaler le tlia sist liaI il ha kept perfeclly dean '___________ Iea a ue sgratdeau ton. demande of tle Agxrmians becanse cf and jneat. Il ils net sufficlaul tIal t iL .E 1 1 d6 are usetinsc AiotaIret E . Ijir navsi sd miiîsy exenduures am la rea rouarefue o gness. lie - t itr iLady d Mr. DncansiCWiii asclief Ladinrc sxecteionsg; of suOthoom To mcc rus an Mare thban ltaspeople of Geruaany bas thces ea mn u auy Country sud Don't give hsrusshold directions in, Wettues, alarit lur mai rSi 1cal r 15t ltbiole îsalvas efoeay,"---t-r---'à-a -amiosas cf fiekidneys: urt u cain Consumre. %,les muet le made an inlýbeseaiag acoucie sirtuation ae non permit complaiuts le le broîgiel proarsîcThi l a ceeîhing euî'îtiist wbpei. [ PPR HENSON. d pefuge aeaher enm, en, abmnaii nuiess anufacîuning iLa le go tIers le lu Gerutany juelsot it m lI te nursery, for chiltimen, eepec- Titis -il ceaoi-ies -ii. aS a M0v-fetdrnet 'force her stalles 'u once von I d ail chers.CoIcTDeantoduat u n e r e n tir e ly ; s d ib e e fo r e e r eim a- n -ia ly o cam v e r y 1111e e e s , u e u r a u c s e a r cli , u e ' " . 5 5 ,- - n l y Y', î î aco d w r î vn e t a e y e , T n u o u manuLactarars are demaucliug liaI ALL'S FAIR. gucs e! o emon, Iaving nellher es- COMPLRersT anisa. n -' Il-airer grume au. poioî ta r , Dd' ewrtta u vUIGicare ba, te -,. sil a co b -ditr, abi m tJ i i m a -, I ta a nei. Ddtvsvne tu drwori almile Osipviba tfe hl ai oegaeLtea- AeSnedgrassc--l'iiliai lins, enly cape nom redreas. lbey may only de- Bsesaud 90 uultrr .a eii r, odCrie- I lot w'rcP in1i i. cl us eb aiu hnaotLX np npicne iiu. v'antugca cf Cormmercial- trataies. 9g1s s ga ygs ynspaihizin' viihlis! part will deuil. cea .OINTr' c i ,i[ aaji is cues tieat leaf îri.nacesddyppiùadrat Russia, feruntncesa ne oethîe e duDon't leava coup on liaby's sun nor m flsUTICUiao, , se ymapic. aîlv lbocugl ilis b--r vay 1t> selt!; i-Y ,but iIey don't LVE Rrischeustpid iedbud fEt, , i' -e5Tlnvby don't ite Od. - 1 aa ise ca i-irs.'. ca' laxgeest, if uc-I "he irc ,puucbaa- you -uir loto linsau* leI hlm lick [un bis cLohiing. Baly ns'ay not 5at -DSmml.l.e5-C ~ie era~tasefsect't point cul te OU 1 Mlt>Cal. Tbcp'ne straîi Ih'Il seli 1 LLIS Pou ascet2t.Erute '-ug me aiL Gera m anutPutuas 1 je~uviii or uecsssity change valet or Bq., Lendoan . r il. . ciunaaiheîeand s-sodde-tele isCate tIni3i' aOlI 25.aia m.g to p' shuler t th y0lel.too, t-h m n3brpLcýOS'e

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