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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1901, p. 5

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F- - - - - - - - One When you r hallds arce chapped or your face or lips rougli and sore one application of ream of Violets will do more good than a week'.s use Of the ordinary articles sold for this purpose. We guarantee this statement to be absolutely correct and will cheerfully re tarn your money if you are flot satisfied after trying it. LAR~GE BOTTLE, 25c. q~STOTT &JURY. N. I.-There is no remedv for Coughs, Colds, etc., that wi11 equal our Cough Syrup. You always get your money back if Our remedies do flot satisfy youl. 86"MR6ELY It is scarcely necessary for us to say anything about the purity of the goods we seli. For over 20 years our name on a package bas been recog- nized in the homes of the resi- dents of West Durham and viinity as a positive guarantee as to purity. This is flot newspaper talk 1b-,fl'nn actual fact, and it is an uinderstood thing witli our cus- tomers that we stand ready at ail times to chcerfully refund the money if a cu3tomer is not satisfied. We seli one quaiity only and that the best. We sell at one price only and that the lowest, If you have never tried Our goods and prices it will pay you to do so. STOTI & JURY, The Druggists and Opticians. GRAND [RUNK RAILWAY, BOWMANVILLE STATION' GOING EAST. GoIN« WEST. Ey tress ...8 1 a. m. 1 *Express ... à 15 a. m *Express... 10 17 a. m.1 Local .5 15 1 Passenger....3 48 p.m. Pa1ener.. 1 40 p. m, Ioa1.., (1~55 p.m. IEpes..7 38 Expr il25 1 $iy except Sunday. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 6, 1901. Mm. Norman Crago, Buffalo, N. Y., Is hume visifing bis mother- Messrs. Chas. Keitb and John Roacb, Toronto, were hume Sunday. Prof. Baker wiïl lecture in 11gh Sehool Frîday ,Mar. 15 ,ou "'Astmotogy." Ail Ladies Coats seiing off at hait prie at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- Tait & Co. make photos for 50c per dozen np. TIhey bave picture trames on sale. Mr. and Mms. Thos. E. Washington, Toronto, wero recont guests ut Mrs. S. Washingt on. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Manning,Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Clarke, Courtice, were gnests ut M. A. Gullv, Sunday. Mm. Thos. Spry, jr, bad three fingers of bis left ba-'d badly crushed ou Fiday night wbile wvorbing af the Bubber Factory. Tait & Co. have a banch gattery af Oono. Ther can suit yuu at eifhem place in photos or crayon portrait Prices luw. Miss Roberts, Cobourg, who bas beon titing rotatives bore, bas efurned aceumpaxsied by Miss Hattie ý'emens, Tyrone. rMrs. Fred. J. Manning and Miss Rhea are expecfed borne fumurrow atter -enjuying a mont h's visit with relatives af Exeter and Toronto. Court Pride of Ontario, No. 6000, A. O0. F., wiil hold their annal At Home, Weduesday, Marcb 1M. A full atton ut ýofmembers equesfed. Tte Bible Class of St. Paul's Presby- mbii church. Hamilton, peseted e1- pastur and teacher, 1ev. Nei Pclhorson, MI.A., B. D., with a coin- plc te set ut Rnsbin's wurbs and a band â oino easy chair on Wedncsday evening It. Mrs. McePherson was the recipient abasket ut beaufiful fiowems. T i 1Beau Supper given by the 1 - ad4 d ut the Metbodist chureh un ayevening was a social succoss, Aîor al had partaben hoamtily ut the ello311ntiv pepred repasf a short g rramn was Prv~d Misses Nellie Iand Edith Yîeetand gave a piano dt; Miss McWaî.n anmd Mm. Geo P orclaî.d, readings; and a Sunfiower uri4us was a pleasing new feafn-e f'ýon by Misses Ethel Trebilcoek, Ethel Er,,Ea Trowin, May Vanstone innieWriZhf,,Steila and Fln Mason an i Jennie MeLean under the direction oMrs.(1tev Jolliffe. Mm. Levi Morri., nnitArtqined tht.comnpanv with anumber' et gramaubuone solections. 'God Save 'heKing," loqed a verv sociable and pleasing enfetainnenf. The pastur, Rev. W. J. Juiliffe, prosided. Pmoceeds & bout $V24, Nýihoils seils cheap. Nicholis souls cheap for cash. Wo soit Bisseli Carpet Sweepers-L Morris. Our lines of cbeap f urniture are cheal -L. Morris, See unr odd pieces in Parlor Furni ture-L, Morris. atddng crds and marriage license; Try Tud's Angel Cake and Jelly Rotl somthing extra nice M. A. James is Government issuei ut Marriage Lîcenses. liomemade Peanut Crisp 10c, per lb Saturdays oniy at Tod's., Miss Belle llammond,Boltivar, Penn. is visiting ber aunt Mrs. D. Davis A lut ut dress goods selling off at abou hait price at Conch, Johnqton & Cryder, man's. Nothing sncceeds like success and success is certainly coming unr way, A L. Nichoils. Don't frget the Victoria Minstrels Town Hall, Friday, March 8. Plan ol hall at Big 20. We,' have a large stock of Quartered Oak Furniture in Antique and Guiden finishies. L. Morris. Orders taken for 3000 different nows- papers and magazines af the STATES- MAM office at iowest prices. Whiie tbe cold weather iasts people will buy overcoats many guud bargains stili ieff at The Mason C's. Ladies, you are invited t0 eaul at Miss Medland's Milinery parlor and see the latest novlties in bead wear. Mrs. M. Cryderman and Miss Elsie Cryderman, Butte, Mon. visitod Mrs.J. H., Ashley, shawa, on É'riday. Mrs. W. Cubuirn, Chicago, Ill., has been visiting bier sister Mrs. M. D. Wil] liams and other relatives bore, Peuple loou and stare and wonder how Nicholîs soulsbis gonds su cheap. Spot cash answers the question. Ail kinds ut Purs and Men's and Boy's Overcoafs seling at roduced prices at Conch, Johnston & Crydorman's. Scar-l1usd ut sugar jnst received at The Mason C's. Now is the tîme to buy sngar bv tie barret-gefounr pricos Mr. C. Wilson, Galt, was visiting his daughter, Mrs. John Rice iast week. lie gave -Tun STATESMAN a friendly cail. Mr'. John Pentuund, Courtico, has purclsased the fine residenco and land belunging ru Mrs. John Allun, Liberty Street. Mr. Andrew Ponnington bas bought and remuved- tho ruins ut the nid build- ings between the Balmoral intel, and S. A.Barracks. Tait & Co's largo gruup will bo made up ou gttîng the rest ut the business meu in who have prumised. KindIy corne right along-. Miss Elsie Cryderman loftf Mondav morning for Butte, Mon., tu rosumo ho:r former position la a large depart.inent- ai store in that city, The wonders ut bypnutismi were well exemplified by Prof Pauline lu the Town Hall Munday night. Ho is billed f0 appear again to-night, Mrs. Alex Luttreil and Miss Luffrell atto-nded tht' concert 1in Massey Hli Toronto, iast Tueqday evening, giveî by the Maie Chorus Club under the direction ut Mr. J D. A. Tripp. Miss Luttreit presided at the piano. Grand Master T. M. Cornett oi the A.OU. W. was fondered a c.ýmplimen- tarir banquet hy the local Lodge ai Gananoque iast web ansd presente! with au iltumninated address on satin, and a gold ring, appreciafiveofu his services. Grand Recorder Carder and Grand Treasurer Jnwood, Toronto, at. tended the banquet. The wh6lesate price ut Watches are np and going u ail the ,!me-Rickard's prices are DOWN. lie looked abead and pnrchasod for younr benefit. Ifs yonr nwn fault if youu spend mure thar hoe charges for a tim0skoepor. And you witl need f0 buy at the right tîme as well as the right place. Riebard kuows wbat ho eau soul for now while bis stocks lasts. Look sharp 110w. Trhe Eari ut Aberdeen cuntribufes tc the curront issue ut The Ontlook a series ut pleasant porsunai reminiscen- ut Queen Victoria, recallingfthe circum. stances outlber visi tof0the presout earl's gandfather in 1857, and relating anec- dotes which impress the reader witb an appreciation ut the Queen's simple womanlv ebaract or, ($3 avear. The Outlook"Cumpany, 287 Fonrtb Avenue, New York.) Tho March Modern Culture opens with a charmingly writton and beauti- fuity illustrated article ou the "Social and Domestie Lite ut the Modemn Greebs. Mr. G. Mercer Adam pays a g-racetut tribute to Queen Victoria. For diversified interosf the March number ut Modern Culture is nut snrpassed bjy any magazine now betore the public. "eExperénce (s tMe Best Tea cher." 77e experience of millions bas démnon- siraied that Hood/s Sarsaparitla is the perfect remedy' for att troubles cf the -blood, sicmach, nerves, hc'wels, li'oer and kidneys, and that ià imparis strength, 'r.igor and vdlality. Every testimonial is the vroice cf experience to you. Dyspepsia-" Hcds Sarsaparilla /j a grand medine, Ifibas ccred me cf *dspepsia. My blood 'ras so pccr that in the bot test qveather I feit cold. 7rhis great medicine enriched my btccd and made me feel var.m/' Mrs. lames MValyea, M2 Pinrulcle St., Bellevrille.t b.- 1. ut ýr- id of le s 3s Le 5r 's tt 4t y ýs ci t i s r e Peanut Crisp 10e per lb. Saturdays only at Tod's. Our price for the New York "Christ- ian Herald" this year is $1.25. To cure a cold in a nlght-use Vapo-Oreso- lene. It bas been used extensively during more than twenty-four years. Ail Druggists. Major Hendersu, Toronto, ils organ- szin-- a South Ontario Olci Boys' As- sociation. Mr.,A. MeNeil, Ha3 don, visited bis sister, Mrs. S. Vanstone, Port Whitby tast wcek. A pleasant time is assured to ail who attend the social at ,H. C. Tait 's Tues- day evenîn g., Mr. F. and Miss Annie, Lewis ut Kinsale visiGed at Mr. Samuel Allin's, Lake Shore, East. Mr. T. C. Courtice, Port Perry, who recentir hadi a paratytie stroke bas been called tu bis reward. Everything new and up-to-date at the victoria Minstrels. Don't torget the date-Frid4ay, March S. Mr. John Burns, Whitby, Secretary of South Ontario Agricultural Society, bas gone to Chicago and Iowa. Several uines of men's worsted suits have been received at The Mason Co's. Also nice lot of spring overcoats. G. B. Smart,Esq., Inspector of British Immnigrant Chiidren and receiving homes, was in town last week on officiai business. Ontario Ladies' Coflege conversaziono next Friday ovonrng promises to be one of the most brilliant gatherings ever held in Whitby., Why not order yonr papers and1 magazines at your eartiest opportunity? Dont wait titi your papor stops. See our new ciubbing rates. Soe Cawker & Tait's adv and notice their window this week tbey are sound-1 ing the praises of thoir tea. Try trmi and vou will do likewise. South Ontario Liboral Association held its annual meeting, at BrookLin, Saturday Hon. John Drvden and Wm. Ross, M. V., were presont. 11ev. Jesse Whitlock wite and dýugbter, Port Perry, have returneci home atter a two months' visit with his1 daughter, Mrs. F. H. Fairweather, To- ronto, Taice the Ozone treatment-Tole the druggs received another gross(12 duz) uf this wondortul garn ittiler yesterdlay and will give yuu special prices in doz. and dozen lots. Do nut be misioad-if any one toits -von that Rickard bas not the '-New York Singer" for sale, don't- yuu give it credît. Heelias the samne macbine as is soid throughuut Canada. Locust 1h11 -creamory paid its patrons last year the average price of 21ie perË lb for butter, an incroase ut 2klc uverc prico paid lu previons years. Totalr receipts for butter was $13,436. A social wil ho held Wednesday,j March 6, in the schooi room of ther Church of Christ (Disciples.) Good proi gram and rotroshments. Begins at 8S o'clock. Public invited. Admission1 loc. 9-2w. i It is 3 or 4 years since Stott & Jury L first introdnced Ozone in Bowmanville2 and they recently received the largest8 urder e'-'r shspped to town wbich proves t that the remedy must ho giving satis- factionf The Ladies Aid uf Trinity churcli2 purpose holding a social at the resi-8 dence ut Mr. H.C. l'ait, Division St., on Tuesdav evening Mar. l2th. Admission 15e. or two for 25c. Corne and enjoy tise a evening. Mr. liobt. Beith bas been oseorting two horse buyers ovor the riding look- in- for horses Major Irvine recently from South Atrica buught a lhackney mare fromn Mr. Jno. Oke, Ebenezer, un Saturday, paying a fancy prico. 1 Very sfrong protest4z have reached us about the host and hosfess ut a well known bouse at Long Sautt allowing ic dancing at a Methodist gatherîng re- cently. Wo have nut space for them Several gnests feel very badly over the questionabie action. Excuse me'Bob, but you du nut nee& P a new cart une hait as bad as Jennie 11 dues a sewinz machine. I see Rîckard, i Jeweiier, Bowmanville, is selting ma- ci chines right (and hoe is f0 be retied onM for the aualt fu anv article hoe sous.) R Say we surprise Joninie with a machine, and straightwav they lof t for Rickards' M' a spot wbore the wise do deal.b We tell a certain pride in the seic- tc tion by tise faculty and students utf A Ontario ,Cotiego of Pharmay out ur former pupil, Rev. Dr. Taiting uf To- E ronto, tu repiy tu the toast uf "Educa IL fion" at th-,Ir annuai bauq net Wednes- LM day nizbtlion. Geo. W. Ross,Pi-emier o ot' Ontario, was the noxt speaker, replying eioquentiy to the toast of,~ "Canada,."S You nover iooked uapon ur llonored A Sovereign, who lias su lateiy passod di awav. and if von do isot have vour oese1 C IGAR a ehave on hand a big line of ChoiceCgas When you smoke you may as well get the LBADING LUNES 111 â alld 10cGOODS. E best value you can for your money. You are E sure of that if you corne here; 0so ail the .Iead- E ing brands, of, Ct Tobaccos, Sume extra E choice lîues in and lb. air tiphlt tins. uiaf -e*e tr CenwmANVTl: Considerabie mattor cruwded ont, Read inside pages for Counties' Coun- cil matters. SNexf Tuesday eve ning is the date ut the social at Mr. H1. C, Tait's, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Joness are visit. ing their daugliter, Mrs. H. C. Brittain, Stratbroy. Darlingfun Councii's resutution about' the Counfios' Concils action is on an inside page.1 Be sure and rosorve Friday March 8,i for fthe Victoria Minstrels.' Plan ofi Hall af Big 20.' Town Council mot Monday nighf but the evapurator by-law was nuf moady. Minutes wili appear next weeb. The liarmony Maie Quartette are, mabing preparafions for a grand con- certt fhogiven lu theoî near Ituturo. Wafcb for the date, Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons ut Staff- ord, Tennessee cuunty, N. Y., have been sponding their boneymoon bore guests, ut bis nepbow, Mr. J ohu Darch, Proprietor of "The Balmoral.". A great uppurtunity.-As îviii be seen by tiseir advortisemenf lu this issue Couch, Jobnstun & Crvdermau are seli- ing off their Ladies' Coaf s af hait prico. These are aill new goods and wero guod value at their original prîce, but boing determined f0 clear fhem out fhey are offeing them at exactly haît their for- mer prico. Relatives and triends ut Mrý and Mrs. John Grigg asseiÈblod at fheir cusoy residence, Ontario Street, Friday even- ing Mau-ch 1sf f0 assist in colesbrating fho 25tb anniversa-y ut thoir wedding. An appropriato address was read by Mîr. W. J. Todgham and Miss May Shaw on behait ut the fiends presenfed Mr. and Mrs. Grigg wîth a beautiful silver tea service, a hait dozeén silver tea spoons and a silver su *gar scoop. Mr, Grigg made a sustabte moýp1v in a few weli chosen words and requousfed sul to enjov fhems'elves. Au eceletl supper was served'and mst, games and social amusements tle in a very pleasaut evening Everybody wasjoily and tbought the bride and groom had borne their quarter century ut marital biiss vomy well. MAPLE CG1OVE. Mr,and Mrs.W.Jeffery have genc on a isit te riends in Victoria Co-_Mr. Lawrence Wood, Virzinia, is visiting his sister , Mrs. A. W. * oley and other friands here ... Miss Ida Stev- enis has retterned home agate - * "The Division ntend having- an eeitertainment with refreeli- inenis on Wedn"sday evening March 6 . ..Mr. S.Souch, Miss Ida Souch and Miss B3lackburn, Clarke Union, vjeited friends here over Senday ...Mr. John Gay's emiiing face h; te be seen here agalin.... Satnrday evening Mar. 2 about .5 fiends of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Axfera sur-j irisaS iham on tthe fOih anniversary of tisair wadding day and presentad thami with a nicely cordaS addrass and a beauloful cine set: Mr,- Jacob Stevens was cliairman. Principal Jas.- ilftilen, Bý A., read the addrass and maoie the presant.stion.Spechas were made by Mesrs.L, M. Courtice, J. D. Storie, Thos. Power, C, Truil Reave Clamans and Rav. Mr. Wilson, Mr.I Axford respn dad in fitttng terme tto the addrass. Miss Winma Prower played an instrumentail alectinui. KmS ivisies and regrets ai net- bceeg able te participate woe rrceived from- Mire. Lindsay and Mrs. Bait. Plooma, Mani- toba, and Miss Axferd, Toronto, sistars of Mr. Axford. Sehool report for Febrnary :-Sr. IV, Elva Power, Ada Tyler, Maud Power, dola Snowden, Leslie Snowdeu; Jr. IV, Maud Wood, Leslie Cox, Russell Pow- ,Ida Wood, Tommy Adams; Jr. III, .,idmed Collacutt, NMannetl Beiiamy; .1m. Il, Gladys Snowdeu, Mabel Cox, Shirley Snowden, Pearl Snowden, Edua Adams, David liamilton, Elva Snow- onu, Harold Power; Jr. Il, Rihea Jet lery, Ethel Adams, Normn Wood-. Farmers, deiay urdering your f wine uintil the Famrmers Co., give prices, 'l'bey will du well for yuu. P. WERRY, agent for North and East Darlington, Tyrone. 6-tf AIJOTTON SALES. THuIISDAY, Mamch 7.-Mr. C. J. Mount- juy, lot 15, con 7, Damlington, wilt sel] by auct ion bis valuable tarm stock, impliments, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See 'bis, L. A. W. T4oLu,, auctionleor. NEW CASH GROCERY, Now open and ready for trado. Grocemies and Provisions, the best the market affuords, will be kept in stock- tresb and goud. I wanf your cnstom. Cail and see me. Try my 25c Tea Thev say if is a delicions fiavur. Fine Teas wiillho a spocialtY with me. Try a buffle ut English Pickles. Sugars, Spices,Curranfts, Raisins,Coffee, Canned Goods-a varied assorfment. Givo me a share ut your custom. I will trv lu please you I seli for cash. T. H. KNIGHIT, Morris' Block, Bowmanvilte. T'he Motiiodist Chureh Bownianville. The pastur, the 11ev. gr. J. Joiliffe, B. -C. L ., will preach a course ut special sermons ou Sunday evenings as toliows: Marcb 10. r5 the Devil a person or an March 17. Is there aHo ' Marcb 94. The Model Wife. March 131 The Modol Itusband. April 7. Gold and Godliness. April 14. IIow we may know the doct- rines tauglit by Christ are ut God. April 21. Whic, is the footP April 28. A Godiv young King- a sermon to the young. Services fo commence af 7 o'elock. Att are invited. Corneeariy. HAYDON-. Visiters. Miss L. Robbins, Leskard, ai Mr. Wm. Trewin's; Miss Mabai Wighît, Tyrona, at Mm. jRî,ndIs'a Miss Siiccna Wcoodiay at Mr. T. Biacomýbes-..Mr. Albert Gildars and Miss Rowe ware marriad et Tyrone on Tuasday, by 17ev. J. S. MeMuiten, aiter thae eremony they lait for a trip te Toronto and w!il on retnrning resida in ilcydon. . . Mr, Ittillir and f amily of Bumbaton hatve coma te rasista iu our muult.... Dr. Tîilaey made bis inspecterai vieilte s he sebeel on Monday. COUTITICE. Visitors: Mrs J. J Mason af Mmr. R. E Osborne's ; Mm. aond Mrs. Sanderson, Toronto, and Mr-. ana Miss Heaflie, at Mrs. Lsttlejobn's; Mr. L. T. Courtice at home; Miss Hall and Mrs. Patterson, town, at Mr S. S. Brooks'; Miss Ethel Pafferson, Toronto, at Mm. El! Us bomne's ; Mr. J. W, Fotbering-harn at hmre; Mm. Walter Osborne bas soid bis farm f0 1ev. J. Hl. Obe, Godwood, tor 8,5,000, and wil l bave for Wester-n ,anada shortly,.... Mr. L. and Mr. W. E. Courtice attended the tunom-ai ut Mr. Thos. Courtice, Port Ferry ..,.Mr. R. 0 Sb9mt was a victim ut a serions acci- dent b y a talling free mecently. HIe is getting amound with the help ut a crutch. . Pupils uf S. S. No. 8 will ou- tertain Fmiday atternoon any trieuds Who corne, Children Cry for TEA! A r1ea that has a flavor which is srnooth and pure is the kind of a Tea mostly desired, We ask your attention specially to this branch of our business, We pride our- selves in the careful selection and blending, of Teas and. after testing the same feel safe in recommending thern to the rnost fastidious. We keep a fulll une of the very choicest Grocertes the market affords and none seil cheaper. We do bus.iý ness on business principles and the public like our method, WFarrners corne and see us and~ Sbring your produce. We e will g give you th'e ~estprices going. BoWMANV'ILLE. 'THE PEOPLE'S STORE. g r A* BUVI -For 3 weeks more we will seil the balance ID of our Men's and iBoy's Ready- Madle Clothing. lon. SV'e are giving up thls hbrandh of business and the balance must be sold at once to make room. e.- --à e.- -î WE. AR-Se.N ____eekl hrt adColas New -___________eigns ew W.G.& akingShis a an Collars; in our Gent's Furnishing Departmenb ~iThe Best and Newest ollly ey- wil be shown. The SON & SON, TePeople's Store. -Next Door to Standard Bank.3,PM- prprlv fitted with spectacles von wiît m t orl AedmPwcer; jlds, Frank^ a BWAVtJE îlot lie able f0 ead the papers wbich Hamilton, MerePwr r t.I, now contain so many intemesting items Norman Juémd ; Sm, 1sf, Edna Snouwdon' BO b E .e. 4lR. - about hiem lite and thus yuu wilt miss Ceeil Jeffemy, Elumer Cox, li1azel Powor; B ploasuro wotb tam more than the price Jr. Isf, IRussell Foiey, Herber; Jeffemy. FoInatauChlr. Richard the optician charges for bufh ALBERTA HANCOCir, teacher. FoTrD-Twontmoandfonces fmu testing and ftting your eyes. Think ut I have for sale a few eboice York- The c O55to 60 feat. Apply te WILL DAvavY, Ylal rpryTrSl this and acf. sbires front 6 weeks f0 thi-co monfbs uld, Émiles~s Orono.92 Fmîday evoniug the Standard liocbev aiso Sows in farrow. wugdstceialS__________________ feam utthi tou ientf0 hify ~ Hugs for service. T. J. CuLE, Box 188, ofR OSL RT E T-aTOuurier a he iemca os plav ed a match with the Boy's Brigade Bowmanville, Ont. ____________________ Centaining 60 acres, lot .31, Broken Front, containing oe acre of land, know(n as life Brîk The gaioe vas fast ail thmough but the BRDalington. CeeSd cay lanîd, free froin ail Preperty, situate oni ligli Street in the Town visfor wee bate bya cor ut9 f ~ 7fl.. YX BiÂT-t 28 Gmrad t, , ioromBOMecineatons weeds anS te gooS state of cultivati'on. et Bowmanvilie, Furthier partieniars Wiî be visiorswere bate bya soreof to7 28 Grrad S, E Toont, MrehGo<îSbank banc anS othar oulhuiidings; two- givan on application. The Standards speak very bi,,hlv utfli i o a 2, te Dr andS Mme James B3ray, a Saughter. sterey brick bouse; barS anS soit waer. Pos- .FHNTEQ the way they wecre feafed. The toams: nlU. .J J.11T adio ndy ac ,t sessiive. immadinteiy, tpplv on thea.HNTR s STaWRT remies e WLTERI. sesouzz Cortica P. 0. Soliclor for Veie~ Bowmanviibe, Goal, N. Legge; Point, Mr anS Mme John Stewart, Jr, a daughten. 9-2w BDwmanviiie, Ont., Febrnary Clii0. T.sry;Cvr onG dc YOUNG-In BoWmamliie, Feb 27, the wife of 854f T. Mards, uE r PhnonIlXt, . dckuaa L A QnA MAlbert EYoung,'Ormstewn, que, of ason. For.uadsE.Johsou IlMatyn L ey1j1j andI SaJid -9 WERRY-Near Enniekilien, Feb 25, te Mr anSd * SAY:-Do von wanf Gitmonr's Houper, F Neads. Whitby, Goal, Mme James Artur Warry, of a -on. Celobratod iHigh Class Voors tor BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Lawtem; Point, Devoreli; Cuver PointRitiAi25hehStTooMrS, thaf nice niew bouse yuu are Henderson; .Furwards, Blanchasd, P? f su toiehonoNo. Crreetecib J.llol5lrtryaehTuscia Smith Comeack, hompsn Retmee 'l S 1 the wifae of WTm Rankim, baker, ofie Sanglier. bdio Sm ith Corm ckMTofnps n.,Rf0ietheuild n t? aImy w elae sf11 soi- CFL cOR d b J .......$ 1 7 0 f0 $259 Redd Ma his n, nd ro -L. DIE . ~15. N o fw itstanding allreports One f th mos prctic an proOTJTIS-1 Bowmanville, Feb 28, Thomas ing and- guing f0 soit Doors, WIEAT.ý Faît, bush .... O QOor) g 65 gressive ut Amorican authorifies upon Cartis, agad 70 yaars. Sash, Bliuds, Mouidiîmgs. Pichets anSd o' Svrn ....... ij)octeO 65 conking, Fila Morris Krettcbmar, cou-SmiPPrDAan TClarke, Fab 25_Tees Sheppard, al kiuds ut dressed aud undressed o Red Afie ,... ... CO 00 O 75 tribufes fo the March number uf Guod Wbat Dyos are al ways guarantoed, 11Iftçrr SLddeîîiy. of pneumonia, in Denver. lumber ansd are contiîmuallv rcceivmng If Goose .-.0- 62 0 GaO Honsekeeping au infeesfing and vain- And in unr country take the lod ? Colorado, March 2, Sophia Frances. wiSow of tresh stock f0 meef alI the dernands ut BARLEY, P bush, No. 1 - _ -0O40 u0 Q41 able article ou the pruper coing ut The Diamond Dyes! the late 11ev. Canon Breni, ONewcastle. A consignumernt ut splendid iette oil2 _,.0 40 il 0 41 flsh. Miss Maria Wiltett Hioward con- What Dyes are sfong, and brighf, and No o rmived frum fiee Gilmoum's il î 3..0 25 il 0 tributes a page ut original satads, and fast, ERANT WANTED -Af once a factury atTrentou a tew daîsago and Il 'f Two rowed O 40 fi O 41 teaherofcooin giessom nw Ad lwa Sgood getreral servâint. CeeS wages; ubrea wo arme nropared Lu supplir any grade et OA'rS, White 'Il - -O25 0 27 a eceru ooiggie om e Adawys dye fo lime and last ? miles f rom Bowmanviiie. A. MAmNN, iock box..... 05I and excellent recipes for the chafing- The Diamund D% es !9, Bowmamiviiia - 0-w ou ods manufacturod bv fhem at short liTE, il - - 7"O5 dish. Meals for Two at Fitty Cents a Whaf Dyes givo grand results oach time notice and at reasouabie prices. Painfed BUCKWREAT Il ......-0Oo 00 O48 Day, lieCimoOir expemîment Station pages Whenevem used in anv chime? X AITED-Parties fo do knitfin and graineS coiliîîgs a speciaify. bead- PEAS, iilaekeye, 'P bush. - O 69 el o 75 is wrftfe tromactui tets, vrifid byThe Iiamond Dr - t W fores ethome. Wa iemnisb yaî-raSquarters also tom- Shingles - Brifish iCadanBaieO69"O7 competeuf authorities on prices and- machine Gond, easy work. GoeS pay. SenS Columbia No. 1 Red Cedar and ail fi Mnmmey ni 0 (0 If o 60 metbuds. An article on bouseceaninz ndb theu os bringr ianre.aee tmpfrprtcir. îdrd Rose Ce., grades utFpine and native Codar-; Salt, oo Smalil o0ofi't060 ,-ives the latesf and înost approved An ytorwr ra nrae? Orillia e,01t. Plaster and Portlanod Cemý.nt aiwax s etoîBlne e O te0 O 65 mefhos uh. iiedb te I- hels The )iamun Dyes! Wd 17O(KlvA NTED-- Any quanfitv of in stock. Calt and inspectounr stock I BUTTER, hest fable, P l1., -io oo te o 18 Pulsin uSpigild Ms. Wa ys hudatt Canadians ir? Springl'aies, Veai Oalvçs, Hogs and iii and -rices boforo placing your orders jEGGS, e doz,...........o oo 00ilo0 la Chicago, New York, at, ton cents a. co py Esarh! iisf d of thaf mighty cry- kinds ef let stock wanteS et once. Parties Ê,Adlo iVa.>The Diamonna ves 1 ving saine will piease notify by carS. W R Pwhre Oi1-ATOBS', hP bush-------... 0 '(Moet ý & CO.. Bea a <<e ROwM iy l.1A ------------ q n,.i .rr iýTEA!l E L&X 4-LIV thirty days .IIIonss aia PILL e*ery n1g-Il e. a compisete eure onslplcin.That

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