F - - - - -~-.- - -~- -' y" t k k k k 4 -j ~1 ~~"~~1 - J t-* c F Zt t k-t k-k k 1701 * 1800 59 46 -' tQt) QQ lYS OU k) - ~-B88Q 04440 120 QG - ruuQ t-O on Telepheno -37 To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid Address, DIB PATENT RECORD, Daltimore Md. Grant to Children's Hospital. C Ilooper, rent of road. F L EllFis, auditor....... extra services.. W J Bragg, anditor...... Ontario Bank, charzes.drafts - Pollard, salarv 1899 FEBRIUARY. J Ciatworthy hal repars. F Nichols, sheep danages... J Bart'ett, lumber . 100 0 A E Clemens. extra services. 5 00 W Creeoer, services janitor. 2 00. Elliott Jr, salary clerk.... H o H E1li0tt Jr,salary treasurer H Elliott Jr, postage etc. 6 00 Deberture No 1 vnd coupons 1 00 P vloroney, gravel . 8 5 J Oke, 100 00VJ Worden,.... J Gai. 1 60 WV lodman, 6 00 S Alin ,6 40 J Sulley. 10 OU 25 OO 100 O 100 00 82 20 17 15 185 72 85 4 50 3 20 il 10 2 35 1 60 5 00 Total.......... DivisioN No 3 Luvi ANNIsCommissiOner. W Ellins, fixing bridge...... W Armour, fixing bridge. Wilcox work.. . ... J Bright, work....... ..... B Moore, work ............. A Hogarth, building bridge.... B More, work............. H Wilciîx. work ............... A W Allin, work................ $8 1 Api 2 o JuI. 2 5 Auot, 2 o0 Ne-h-muer, 4 25 October, 5 5- Nox-tmber, 5 50D 1 50! euf6 4mn)e r, 16 25 18 751 15 OU 21 ou 19 OU 19 00 80 oU 14 <O 19 00 32 00 32 00 7 L)5 21 00 Fonts.................. Bal on special rate to county Registration charges. Land purchase for road.... . Solicitors' fees and disburse- gnents............ County rate for 1899...... Board of Health......... Support of ponr.......... Refund of statute labor. Taking lunatic to asylum.. - Errors in tax and assessment b OU 110 OU 82 60 200 U 368 82 498 0 59 5u 289 40> 75 18 7 6 80 M4 -Yicredad n f a dlt ork rt rvfr w years from Kidney trouble and DyDepsia. I was completely rund- wn and could not eat or sleep. One of the ahlest citv doctors attende, me but no good results follow. ed hi, work. Raupl'. a friend advised me to use I ai0 Celery Compound. J procured a sup W and the first dose helieved me. I ha - eud eight bottles, and now qleep wt'9 appetite is good, and I am as ston as ever before. I recommend Pane s Cele y Compound to alt /4 'k