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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1901, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 Pim AaNum. OUR TOWN AN~D OOUNTY FIRST ; THZ WORLD AYTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr NEW SICRIES. BOWMÂNVLLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAIRCII 13, 1901. VOLUME XLIIN. 1 ~~~~~A1L. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y .AL .IL.I AL AL.ILâI M&.A XL_.. Ni_"w NJb~J ~L .iL. 'NJL. 'M N XIL. ICRYDERMAN.a . *-Are verybuis.-y . . . *thisweek O I OPENING 'OUTI cC,,CNEW GOODS , Thursday, Friday andkSaturday, March 28th, 29th and 301h,7 190 1. Grand display of artistic Milinery at the central lVIllînery Parlors On the above days when ail interested in Millinery wil be warmly welcoieqi. Qddy & Go., Milliners, BOWMANVILLÉ. 1CANADIAN NORTHf WEST. RAOY LETTER PROM A BOWMAVIlLLE ,BeY. As peuople are always curions et the West and saam te hava sucb a hazv idea of the vastextant, geographîcal appearance, etc., il may ha possible thase few linos may ha accoptabla te those looking for knwag1ada bava pub l sôea lima bora I ight ha3 supposed te know whab 1 ai akn about. The part i vish ta describe most Sparticularly is Western Asnioaand readlers must net mistake and apply it D i et-te ny other par: fti c-a et ilere we have one of the finest climnates D 1 ever saw and ini appearance reo- distinct f rom almost any other part of ' 9'Canada W-ist. For instance ManitobaÊ b as hard winters and deep sncw. flore they say we have had two d winters in 14 years. Last winter ct tie were I 0',eut on the plains ail winter asherses are ev ery winter) and were rcý nded up J' in the spiing in fine condition. Persons L .making a flying visit te thircunr knew very little about the nners, 7T'class or work of the people o(thi part me one of the grandest sght isa " un p." NopeagineýÊ what a sight 2 or 3ites~ od0 cattle affords, until -voixset,, J in M ovod lYlved surging, hoaving massan ed 0 a nly saw a mnan before when ,, t ewre lu d 1branded. Then another sgi when US-1U7 the saine number. Theyarg IamCnot geing out of the harness "rounded Up" twice ayear frbadn bsiness as some would have you be- Tu see branding for the first time P RESENT lieve, but have moved int corner store would possiblv make your sin reep ofblc known as Bounsall's, opposite but yeu gel used to it. Firds jare0 lit .~Tod's store, where you will find a com- and irons put on to hea, irons with a OR ~plete stock of llarness and Saddlery latter or pronably part of a letter on FOR YOURHerse Blankets, Rugs and other linos the end, in some cases a numb er. The IUUII. 10 numerous te mention. "cutting eut" Ihen begins, riders go Alsoagen fo MeCrmik Bideramengsî the bard and single ont a mare Also e ntfrMCr.kBne or cow. then itis roped and thrown the IIM~ .brand put on, in soe casesc, on thet HOME.Corne iii Old flustomers and Bring shoulder or the hip and somolimes the your Friends, ears are slit Thon the herse -s are put on a ranch for tho bronches te býe breken ~INO ~ RUte saddlo or driving, and afterwards an L , turned eut for anetheryear. Cattle are Jlarnessan Imploment Emporium, generally kept on a ranch for heWin-, ter but have te go eut and paw away We invite you one and ail te, corne in and inspeet our the snow for'the grass and are on!y,,ed stock of Furniture ani sea, the many useful and inexpensiva en ver vry stormy GaYs. he rtles that we have that will make a useful and beautiful j & v, ~at ohtoftey hvas hed Lte tucralute reset. ur rics wil b mae a lowas ossbleAt load of ehea sthw lito a corral, Pýset. Ou pieswil e ae s Lwaspssbl E>4I probably 200 te 400 head ia n eshied. t4mee the dexnand and requirernent of every purchaser. T _______________ hese sheds are net inucLh higr than ýeofrna ieRcegolden oak or înahogany, aI _____________ hir backs, and are covered -,with bush.- 0-25 aeornd aohe ie e oce, lya go aue.C ~ $2.2 and any oher ues equliy a geodyalue. Onuto our Special courses given BY MAIL ifs ad imr with pregas. dsdeo an eetem t ilbeaplaur eshow you îhrough our inBop epiled Bus(ness Formis Arithmetic, idertmerwt es andseatha, iwil b a beauretePenmansip, Sborthand, 'Tpwrt.ngnd This is a grand country for sh,1eep and warerooxns. Correspondence, wîll produce rsutfoilsfotncm nleeeickof8r ftf r~~AII II Rf C~R~ <~ ~ wîhes to qualify for a better position n l1f e. 4 Ihousand in a buuch, and thair con i... LV I A lv & .i .111 The cost le but a trille and our circular, wiîî tant bleating is like a wind orchestra, IVI ~ ~I f ~. C, W~flgive you f ull particulars. Write f or them.1 At tha south and south-aast are theai BOWMÂNVIL6E Undertaklng recelves prompt and personat attention,.. Cypress Hlis, ene of the bast stock l S Correspondence uepartment, ranges in the ceuntr'y. They are abouta central Business col1'ge 30 miles Ibrougli and consîst eof highP heanboches cul up hy sureams, and ceoleys,t W. H. Shaw, principal, mile or twe miles in wbdth and probaby r a numhtr of miles long. In these wee Pl' A strong shtoo1l, with 12 regular teacher, fiud the wood. Il censisîs of the sofI nliilaIllseqiprent and weli patronized b IIUL tdents from every province of the Dominion woods, of the ir and cedar with feresîs __________________________of cotton weod and shr-ubs., Soeaof the bouches are fiat euough for a table _ ~ , P umrni ~d~nIoiii ~ ~ nd wilh grass fil for cutting'fe fed IILLJJJ.VU StandardU.IU rhI'E i itU'i The seuthern slope is about go milesG from the boundarv aI somae places asud all SigerSew ng ~ l DI flL I taiflrising lie a codin the1 and inge Se ing istaceHav romthese bouches isc cut and raked the same as i the EasLt but the racks fer drawing are madet heatil thnk il hoabout 18 x 9 and are thon made 4 fI.t 1~UUIIllÎ ' wen of Bowmanville and vicinity, high by stakes, semethiug lhke a barc wh have se iberably patronizod me roi wagon only sniabler anîd haviug i and assistod bu building up such a geedmoeskelthe isarfud Saine style an s !%cut. ra some very fine eai beds some of them 1 am propared te furnish White promisod te ho, of gond oxtent, and Brown Bread, Relîs, Buns, etc A sight net te ho forgotteii on thesea For 1eaT N.rCADSaHAFTER SULPIE and everything usualby feuud inuafirst- bills is probably several acres of rosest at . N RIKAD'Sat ALFTHIR SUA PRCE class bakery on shertesl notice, eoUugh to decorate, 10 or il towus. An agent who dees nething but Bell Sewing Machines caunot possiblvy touch .Bertnes of every vat'iety are te h us in Frice. For instance- We eaui give you a gond lDropl-Head Sewing for A trial erder reSDeCtfulIy solicited. found bu the woods. $21 .0, (twentv-ono); but we are sure of Ihis enly while our present stock 1aî, WIvstth onr sfias Toei 'e5h1t ofudl MANF~CUBE~' RICS AE ~IN~~p aydon Tuesdays and Fridays. these his, such as, deor (rod anid bback) lqAiUF&CURER' PICESARE OINGUP.and the. moat that 1 have tansted liera is If we have lot cal led o o send u a card. ' about as difforout froiu that tikou jin Ofi YOU USlaCe 1iO'Wll6l NMukok. as you could psb, bhif û ~ad soinet1imes vou ish it. Iione of P11__,Ï,'litWellingtonUSt, Bow manville. the sweetest meats 1 bave eovor tasteci ~near Medicie fiat this sp0ritig came INSTANT RELIEF guariïnteed by us.. ucar oating a mian aud horse, hlieatart. andJewlli LIURN'S STERLING BEAD- ed on the man's leg, ripp(d the 3punts BOW[A~ILL, atc'rnke, OticanJ ~ PQWER, N deeeffn ate and top boot down trem th e top, but the herse gel restive and wouldn't stand sll se the bear lest bis dinner, the heur -was atterward shot and preved le ho eue et the larg'est found lu these parts- they ail are wboro aver yen go. We have welvas, coyotes, prairie wolves, jack rabbits, budgets, in the his beaver, muskrats and gophers, and on the plains autelope. The wolf is about twica the size et a cole dow,with very long hait and fangs. A vary b arge eue ureuud this paît Ibissummar caused quuta a stir, eue cempanv paid a haIt- breed $35 a meubh te hunt him, ha wab ail summer looking for the same but it kept eut of naach tuougb within harm's length Twe et the ranchers carne acoshim eue day. The first shot aI short range riped up its belly, ho rau soea200 yards and thon faced them, they shot him helwoan the ayes fient and took it for dead, but the werf gel up aI hay wbon they camaefleur and bad te have a third shot. lb was a mensbar and Ibe man wbe shot il made $10 for the beur, work, Jack rahbits are about tour limes the aiz, îof the bame broed : aftord flue sport, Gophers ara toucli bbe same as a red aquirrol only their laul is net se barge or bush 'y and they hurro lu the gneuud. Somohimes in going about a mile you weubd sea about 400 efthem. Budgets and musk- rats are emmon in the oust, Il suppose. This faîll bbceold suup in ý.the nortb drove the antelope south and oea uncb stayed near towu for somo days-thero were about 350 in the bunch, and il lsaa gerand sighhtet sec tbom trailîng oe ufter anether when;once aiarmed, 1h is impossible te imagine the vasb quantity et ducl-s and geese in Iheso parla. Almoan every- siough huasa number on il auJ soea kes ar e ftu is dottod witb them, Imagine lvig in camp ou a cal m night witb a lake pro- bubiy 5 miles in leugtb eevered witb fowi ef ail descriptions, and hear the continuons performance et duck opera. But ut the first shet yen would think il bud brought dowu the Ihunder, for yen, eau hardly compare the noise et thons- ands ef ducks le unytbiug ebse, wbou tbey are oh bbc wiug, sud te, heur bbe swisb et un iucoming-fiock hefora they slilkinte Ihe wator. Anether bird Ibal makes au impesîng pictura is the poli- eau, wibh ils suowy breasî and swan nock. We baveý the swan hersalse, and lu contrast the turkey buzzard, enaeto the most ropuisiva hirds I ever saw, with. ils hald bad and ringed neck. PoÊrk Packing Factory. ROUSING MIEETING SATURDAY. PRÂc'nCAL SPEEOHES-MUOI- ENTIIUSIAM --FARmEns V O T E UNANlîsOusLY 1 N FAvon -or TIE Ce OPERATIVE PLuX- CeîaînrrEs' REPORT ADOP ED-STeCx LESTS TO BE PREPARED-LOOxs LIRE, A!"Go" Now. Farmersa and citizeus almost filed'the Town Hall on Saturday aftrnoon le hear the report et the cemmittea ap- pointed two weeks ago rospecting the establishment of a co-eiperative perk packiug factory bu Bewmaîîvbble. Hardly ever have we seau greater una- nimily about auy public enbarprise, for af 1er reading the report il was ununi mously adepted,' The speeches that follewed on the meîhod Of erganization and the conditioms auggested for regu- lating the issuance et stock were in the main poiuîed and practical and much pertinent information was elicited. Ilf the same unanimily and enthusiasm obtains when the stock lists are circu lated fer signatuta, Ihere sheuld ho ne difflculty lu securîng al bbe local capit- ai required. Ail that is required is uniberi action on the part et the farmors et West Durham and East Whîtby and the coutracîs for the preposed 'industry muy seen haeutered upen. S M r. John D Hoar, chiairman et the committea, was requested le tube the chair unà caîl the meeting te order, Hie axplained bbce bject et the galber- ing and calXe on Mr. W. J. Bragg, sacretary, ta raad the report ofIha comn- milbee. TuiE REPORT. We summarize the report. Il first teila ot Mr W. J. Brugg's vbsit te Tor. ente le interview the Canadian rapte- seutative of sema big firms bu Munchesl- or, Enzland, wbe had been leoking for sometbing such as is prepesed bore and was leavîng lasI week for England wbere hp tbiuks he cun gel a rebiablo firm te inveat $25,030O te $l60,000. The report nazI retors te Iugerselb and Branttord facbories, hoth et which are tee extensive for our modela, and goes on te Say: Af bar putting together and cempar. ing ail eur correspeudoîte we feund Ihut the estabishment hast suited te our requirements is'located in Palmers- ton. '£ho bnformationreceivel of Ibis institution and whicb wo are iuciined te accept as reliahie is snhstantialiy as fol- lowsF Capital, $99,990; arnount subscrihed, $40,000; amnaIn paid up, $30,000, De-ý boutures guaranteed hy town, $25,000; capacity par woek, 2,000 h OnW kilb- îng about l,0i0o hoga; paid eut weekly, $10,OOQ te $15,000, CeaI 9f building ayid plant wilh dimensions:, Main building, 71x12l foot witb stone cellar 10 foot bjcg'h. wo atonies et brick eueh 12 foot caliings, with allie used for store roem; angine and hoibor romr 40x6O feet; tort- ilizer plqnt building, lhree atories 28x40 foot brick; two sterey store bouse 22x40 foot; pans ho accemmedate- 10JO te 1200 hogs. CeaI et buildings $25,000; machin- ery complote $25,00); Total cost $50,000. The Palmerston plaut, is cbainiod le the most up-to-data plant in Canada te day allbough net sa largo as sema. Your cemmibteo consider that au e shah lisbment sinjilar le thaeonaeliiPal mer- sIen would iu every way suit eur pur- pose, thereforo a flan 'caret ni inquirias made, and information roceivad with raference te the iudustry in other bocal- ihies, wo recemmoud thal thîs meeting talka immediate towards securing a pork pa ckbug establishment in Bew- manvilbe. Al et which is respetfully J Mr, Edmund Prout, Salem, expressed great faith in the farmers. They caui and do make a success of ce operative, butter and cheasa factorbes, and in ike manuer can werk lu harmeny in a pork fer In wonroifo sochees-frshan fo packin ofitsnfer, Toholra i a chne the sale te tbe factory and second -on the~ sala of thea finisiiod produet by tha factor 'y. Hie saw a splendid oening fox il right haro. Mr. John R. Cola, Bathesda, agread wilh Mr. Rickard's viaws. StarI tha industry agoing-, place a goed man aI ils hoad te manage il and we farmers will fttrnish the hegs. Ho was quite hopeful for ils success thon, Mr. John Snowdeu. Maple Grove, apprahiended ne trouble bun finding a man le mauagzs. Each farmer of 100 acres could easily furuish 25 hegs year- by. It euly requires the hearty ce eper- ation of the farmors of this district te onsure the success of such an enterprise Mr. Jas. McLeaa said every stock- holder should guaraulea te furuish a certain numbor of bogs, Ibis in his bu- terest te make the cencern pay. If hy ostablisbing a bocal facterv the farmer can gel what is now pain hv tho drov- ers lb will puy. Ha weuld take his chances if a guaraubea ,were givan te suppby. Mr. Jas, Gale of the News was iu favor of the sceme aud would help il abeug ail hoe ceuld, This section of ceuutrv la as favorable for such an lu- dustry as cati ho found arivwhare. Mr. Wm. Breut, Tyrone, looked with favor on the propesed undertakiog. Should hc properlv understood hv the' promoters and advisod due caution. If organized ou a preper basis wiîh the rîght kind of management il should cartaiuby succeed. Mr. W. 11. Gbon, Clarke. was qut strongby in favor of the proposition 11t is a good thiug for farmers. Ho wouid net always expocbte gel high pricas. Thero are alwaY~s perieds of bbgh and lew prices. Il will ho se. Would net quit raising hogs whon prices go down lu prico. Farmers don't go bu and eut ef business as pricos vary. Mr,. Samuel E. Souch. Enfield, saw soe difficulty lu keepinig up a werk- iugqupply wheu prices dropped. The, tarmers would naluralby held ou te tbeir begs. lie was bold that such a course would net pay as the hoga weuld gel tee heavy, Wheu the hogs are ready they must go, Mr, W. S. Bragg sawrnonev iu a perk packiug bouse. If hogs cati ha raised- aI a profit now to ellout drov- ers with two or three profils le middle- mon boforo bhej roach the killing house, aud the railway charges addedi surely there would ho a fair profil bu handlinig them bun a locab packing heuse. Ha is ready to do what ho cauti te ake il a succoas. Mr. D. J. Gîbhon ,Clarke, made a sensible suggestion, uameby that every tarmor guaranteo te keep Iwo or more breeding sews. The proposition vras favc>red hy gaveraI. Ona man suggest- ed twe sews fer every $100 stock, Several Cer gentlemen made short speeches and numerous questions were asked and answored, the tarme,-s pros- eut showiug a ively intorest lu the whole discussion. After the subjacl hpd heen pratty weèll ventilated a vota was agkedod se how thenaudience fait bu regard te goiug on wihh the ergs ni- zation ef a co-operative cempany and uearly ovary tarmar voted bu favor cf il. Mr. M A. James- exprassod great pleasure over the manifested interast as proved by tho very large atteudance ef tarmers. Ha was ready te invest overy dollar ha possessed if the farmers et W.est Durham would guarantea te furnisb 50 boys for every lffl acres. Ha weuld imuch like te sec a guaruntea but the stock canuet ha raised axclusivaly by tarmars under such a centract, While the stock should net ha allowad te go in largo bbeeks te speculators, hae would saîl te anyhody bu town or ceun., trýy. If Ihacenceru paid,uud hea Lwne reason why ut sbeuld net pay wall, the tarmers will supplY the hogs. Ha moyed seconded bv Mr. Gee, A. Steph- eus that Messrs. Thomas Baker, J, D. Hoar, W. J. Bragg, R, H. Souch and D. J, Gibsen ha a committee te draft the conditions on which stock shall ha suhscribed, te continue te ebtuin ail in- formation thoy eau ou the subject ot pork-packing factorios and report te a meeting te ha calad as soen as thev are readv, The resolution was carriefi unauimeusly and the meeting adjouru- ed. k f 't Thon cemes the prairie ebieken, tbey Signed J. D. IloAti, Chairman, are heavieg- than the ordinury ebicen, W. J. BRAGG, Secretury, and maka a moet dalightful dish. Thev R. H_ Soûcm, are iucreasing lu numbor evary yaar FRANiK ALLUN, and are very pbentiful ut preseimt. A D, J. GroSOŽN. day's shoot fer two et us bnought us bu on motion et Mr. Bragg seonded hi' 23 binda, and eue bey gel, in a singla Mn. Gibson the report wus unauimouslv day's shoot about as many, nar a tewn. aoîd Almost avory boy bora eau gel hîs bird on the wing. Mr. Thomas Baker, Solina, offerod Thora are soeaindians haro, but soe prachicul suggestions. Ho was soe onruxost efthtem araemel up le sîrengly in taver et the industrv, would mnch, ulbbough lu semas casas thay turn support il with bis custom and would uIp as pretl.y straight stuif and wijlî mn tako steck lu il. Sncb connotas had a White rman pralty clase lu a day's made big profila lu the paI fer the werk. Haitbreeds, in soma casas are sbuckhoidets. Since more naw tactor- the same, but in soe cases Ibay ouldo ies have beau statted pnicas for hegs the settbars lu wealtb. Thasa Indians have rnled higbar. Thora is an open- niauka the mest beauliful bonus I hava ing lu Bowmanville for a pork pucking aven sean. lu the training îîey fan eut- factor 'y, anti ha had ne douht et its Suic-. slnip tha hulfhreeds, their herses are casa if mauagod proerly. Pork-kill- mostby undersize, remaeoft tbom une ing haro woubd ho a decidad henafit le prabty meun te ride, In the way et nid the farmers. iug gauerallv, a halfbroed will do up Mn. W. J. Bragg by request re-stated anyîhiug inside or outaide a cincus, with semaeofthbb parîlculurs givan aI the or witbout a sudd le. For instance, Ibis meeting on tbe 23rd uit , and outlinod ammr oua hreed put up a bat that ho the stops for orgunizatien et a ce-eper- couid ride an outlaw herse (oee Iat bus ative compuny. beau givon ever as unbreakable) witb- Mn. John McLaughlin, Haydon, had eut a saddle, and witb bis baud tumued made ne money ousier et laIe years te the borse's beud, and ho won bis bol, than wiIb hogsaund he lîad no eaoure the herse hucking for about huit an the busîiess heing over doue. If farm- heur straigbît rhe ,eu,,,y te lte nerthors vWbch loval te a local puckiug et us i5 Roiug le ho the place of Canada, bouse there willb ho trouble ini malt- if the MeKeuzie & Manunuilroad -g0ee, ing il nsuccos Thoy should stand by lhrough. It is botter wooded IbaIbis il ne malter bow the pnices run when part and consista et shrips et grass, il was once sharted. reucbing te the herses girlh, and thon MrJhnDvyLekdwsae- a bell et woed and the wator lasnppoed Ma.beohuda eyresn wils fbor-d lo be 0. K.abeadswn esnwyishul Hoping Ibis will bhofetsoîne use t10'net puy w cli îeour readers, 1 romain, Trý John Rundio, Iluydon, hal roal- A. S G. izod good profits from heog-taiaing and Ma pie Cî,eek. Assa, Fe 21s1, 1901, n-as beartily ln fayot et a tactory geiing fon bure. Mn. as. Richard, Sqhawv's, though t ho sciteine a very goed eue but quost - 'à î ifntheif arescould rmn il ubone. They wun't ~ together watt enougb. Fer Infants and Chiidren, 15 ini faVý , hepop5d iudustry andî wiIl help il bCii Vte obest et bis ahil lily A nt~. ~ ulc hoplaed t th Io c-edcfiai. rina and al rboronuh0u$varde e 'fthIe business. Ho would accept oulside Qapitai. 8a kiïnqgPow-d erc Makes the bread more healthtuiL Safeguards the food against alum+ Alena ibakîug rovïdes a grea t i,- e menaces te bralla of the Prseî't da-Y. Il

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