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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1901, p. 2

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VIT - Cenuine Littie Liver PUS. Muet Bear Signaturo of ses Pac.SIiIe rWrapper ?eow. vSe7mamn i ma~ as easy FoIi-f T ' ftFORCNTIAON CURE S10K MEDA0HES THE TRAIL 0F THE VANDAL. Wvkat ClvllIzntlolk "a$ Dalle for lte im- pertl i 'aiaclu Il.Chlll. "The sacking of the imperial palaces at Pekin," pays a military writer in a Bavarian paper, "ivas torough' and oomplete. The walls, even when the German.s arrived, wero iearly Lare. rnhere waa hardly enn.ugh furniture left to fit out the dwelling of the ptaff. OnIy very heavy things, Sitçh as big loojring glasges andi screens, 'Were there. Beds andi bedding fiati to bc procureti from elseWjere-not without difficulty. 'Cupboards, boxes, drawerg, wcrel P:ulled open, broken andi ransacked. Barbarian work! Bronze statues; ivere thrown doiwn toafEnd the golti in the interior. Sonietimes it was founti, eonaetixncs not. Very often, in oxtier to siniplify the worký the statues eTe Smashed. I'0bjectSj toa heav~y to be carrieti a1way were broken, andi only the valu- able, parts were carrieti off. The Chinese are very fond of clociks andi watches ingenlously conatructeti so as toainake music. Soule awre ieaviiy gilded. In the imperial immer pal- noi were two big doacks, under glasg, in the apartments of the empress;. The figures were on a big sun, whose! rays w,(re matie f the best andi heav- lest golti. Sun. andi docks are stili there, but the goldenrays ivere taken away. "Near the Lotos lake of the im- perial palace in Pekin stands a s(mall biouses with a sort of belfry, with dlocks of vuarlous dimensions. They were struck by a hammer andi pro- duceti a most harmonlous concert. The, big clocks are still there, but the smaller oneés are taken off. "On the other shore of the Lotos lake was the private mansion of the emperor, pince the empresq dowager kept bita prisoner. The emperor's apnrtments consisteti of three rooms -reception roota, betiroom and library full of costly books hound lui the pre- clous yellow silk, the privilege of the NOTES AN» COMIIENTS. D)r. T. D. Antierson, a lceen-eyeti amateur aistrcuomer of Edinhurgis had seen a nsw star lu thse constella- tion Ferseus. Any enae au f inti ,it in tise sky! now by imagiaing a liue te bc tirawu from ,tise uorthern constel- lation Cessiepea. te Orion, anti anotis- ar lin-o to e hdtrawn$, throughýthea ,two briglit qtar.s Alpha anti Beta Aurigne. Tho mteeting' p,,iai of tisese twoIi hus is near tisesiertar whicb l§, noxv ef thse first magnitude anti tise aual lu; brilliaucy cf tisa higbt Orlon stars. Abluni 8 o'clock lu tise evening- theýtwour Aurigýa stare are near tisa zeih sud tise newi star isurer tieur tourard tisa wvc,st, and,( it is stili easily tei ba seisu from tise roofis of most bouses? at 10 or il o'clock, is brighiness makingit conepicueus, Wien ,it was first dis- covereti ont Feb. 12, it urus moralt than fifty time's feinter than nour. It Isas increaseti frosu tisa tenih magnitude, or fainier,, tetise first magnitude in tWo days. Its brilliancy lias in- creased tii -usanis; of timas iu tis brlnf interval. In its present brilli- aacy it is a "sur star." Cansider whiat tisese balti facis c,îgnify. 'Es'ry star is a sun, lîke our ournuisun. There is no reason tc .doubt tisat some, aet least, cf thse bue- drati million stars sboownr in our large teles2,opse area accgmpinieti by planets our ouru star-tise sun-bas eight. If tisey exist-and whs shall say that tisey -deofot f-al sorts of conditions preail on their surfaces,. Some cf them ara worn eut like our moon. Ne air- andi sio uater are to be feundt iera. They arel worn eut, just as volcanie pumnica 13 uoru eut. Soe, like tisa planet Jupiter of oun systosu, are at a temperatura e sigh that ne lifa of aýy kinti eau subsist upon thesu. Tht-y are lise tise burning velcanic lakes cf Hawaii. Amoug tise bun- dretis cf millions thora may ha ban- dratis ef theusantis xviose surfaces ana now isupporting lifc-plant life, ani- mil life, humait lue perbaps. Lour tise temperature cf thse trepiec seas by heu tiegrcas, andi thousantis of millions cf o -geLnissus -i 1 a ie f romu lack of Lest alone. Millions ef oisons will pan- islt fnom lack of food. Raiseý thse tam- penature slowly andthis aretic Esqui- m n u ili eove ie tisae AraIs. Tise change li[ibis new star isas comae in a moment. Iu turc tinys is billi- ancy anti its tamperature bave iu- creaseti 10,000 times., Cousidan tise fate of men,, animalesud plants if t.his sun cf ours suddenly inereaseti its ferrent Lest aven a hundretifolti 1 If tiis unlucky star lu Perseus uras lndeeti accompasiieti by a train cf planai-s uriat a fearful fstc uns theirs. IL may Ise ours te-morrox- wise eau alel f Or, ure ray passI it off xitis a leuyýh andi say, anti ightly say, tht the elti eartb bi-s enduretifç?r juil- lions cf yaars -unleb likely toi en dure for mIsions more, as indoati h is., But ths catastrophe mirkc.d by tise hum- ing cf this UQ ur ight lu thse,, wst bas smprssivne~of its ewn. Let us stop a ta m ut iu cur milking of love, of mcuey, cf fame, it may ha, anti say that somew-herej soeheur, a star has fallen, a sun has set: anti that thea cousoquences, te some one, WCe kusur nef' Who, have been literally cverwiselming. tise sky. Tise sigu 0of it is in imperiai family. Thse scieme deviseti by tise Hague "Tise emperor's Led w'as hire net a Conferenceocf 1899 te avoidte ie oc- beneis, as usual in China, but a reai urneo a ,Dee w ujcs sleeping sofa, a coucis covereti vith c -rcvrt w ujcs dark broaivu, beavy siik, sybici was mediation anti ambitratien, effort to tern off te tise etiga of tisa concis. secure cessatlpn Mftise comptitien ef EveythLng pillagatil Chairs, benches, armamonts isaving faileti cf surccss. tables urere matie of a very bhard, Alediation, ns defineti by tisa congress, valuable dark brown uoti, atiorneti. by xondarful canving-s. Tiey ureel isaeeconciling cf conflicting daims brokea, koceketi about by isundretis. anti uppeasiug resenmments urbicis may The- uork of Lrbarians! By xvhicis have ambon hbetureen trconteudiug States nations %va it donc? IL iS impossible ant isl thus ouîy te have tisa csarac- tour t say."ter of aivice or couasel. By tise ternis _________________- ___ o f tise convention tisa siguatory pour- ens pletigeti thesuselves not oniy te s sea' try ta adjusi ail diffament-,es betureen - -tisen by direct negotiations, but to Ws leethId ingbeat\ invite tise iooti offices on mediation - - itiS ea, isreleinig -a tei55 Pack-es- o -f - of eue on more fnieutiiy pourers befone s-rsemofai.stvn. >appealing to arsus. Furihen, any ties, efalicelors. 11iii tue. powver or pois as mey tender their adeer isemeet and wewiMlfor- ara the ,,e.eys. &U ttîbm- eu - ' îendly offices as mediators, ,aveni ti-ul idUt,'aS tigTiunug tise progrese of hostilities,anti .di issviVetiiid.X.' tlttay. Teesasti.sucis effare, tisough haviug neohlig- _____________aiery fore are siot tebe regartietias uunfnicutiy,Isat as an' axas cise of gooti '7!IM7AT CH -officesiu tise iigisen interesis cf eau Lever itiveasen age ttn, oplendid mixtureeo tte t ation toeoffet a settlieet, provi- insut ragrant vrtet-ofaal colos- Yeu ca e.rst iis fine Wj 1.lan ion wxas muade ftor a permanent court atirasse Up seiig tae s-rYat s Halhssitits adveaiîeio-ntsnd vse il fsrsvrd the Sert-,, cf arb-itraticu, composet cf arbitra- Ssii te., resIs ose niossi-, slnd orstess-eisiv eeyofyotlnW. 5iCh atsflog W-eoaysiî silue o ns c e'ognized competaencesin tolu.'sedasais bsat S~iir(o, 'os>iie questions cf international law, aujoy- ing thea highest moral considorain" Are often capable of doing injury to iess positive people, the very emphasis of thleir affirmation nalding Up for lack of argument :fnd -want of evidence. And the worst of ail dogmnatists are those doctors who, harking back to sonne olti dogîna of t1he schools, insist that certain patients are beyonti ail medical help, because, forsooth, their diseases are beyonid the limiteti medical know- letige of tise dogmatist. «Whcn the physicians had given nme up I was cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery."1 That state- ment, varieti somnetimes in formn but ienticai in fact, is one of the common expressions found in the fetters of those cured by " Golden Medical Discovery."1 Somnetinses the statement runs; 'Il was ~iven up by four doctors,"1 showing a desperate effrt to, find relief ini local practitioners. But however the story begins, it almost invariably endis with the statement, III ami perf ectly cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Mcdical Discovery." Persons suffering froni "wcak" lungs, hemorrhages, deep -seated cough, emna- ciation anti weakncss, have been restored to perfect healt-A by thIl Discovery."1 The philosophy of the cures effected by this marvelous mnedicine is flot hard to understaud. Life is sustaineti by food, digested and assimilated. Thse basis of health is a good appetite and 'a sounid digestion. In aimost ail cases of disease ioss of appetite is an early symp- tons, and this is promptly followed by a wasting of t he flash. F or some cause thse food eaten is not being converted inito nutrition and the body and its or- gans, being starvcd. niust grow weak. There is only onie u ay to, get strength aiid that is by food. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery heals diseases of the stoimach anti allied orgatîs of digestie-n anti nutrition, so euiabling the body to assimilate the needeti uourishment. Thus varlous formns of "wek sQ, - called, are cureti by the "Discovery- Ilweak" 1lungs, Ilweak" ýheart, IIweak", nerves, Ilweak"l or siuggish liver, etc., because thse orgaus are madie strong by food, which is perfectly digested anti assimilated after the "Discovery"l lias healedth ie dîseases of thse stomacli and*, associated organs of digestion anti nu- trition. PAIN ALL qONE. IIbave talzn ru n edicine with the greatest satisfaction," wries Mis. George Ru-hI, of iock- part Station, Westmioreland Co., Penna, ansd can lionestly say Dr. Fierces Golden Medicai Discovery lias cured mne of a pain in niy riglit long that the bcst docturs conld nt belp. My appetite sud digestion have imiprov, s rait 1 cao est aaîythtug at ail, and I feel b terthn have for years. Your 'Favorite Prescription' bas cured mne of womb trouble that 1 suffered frian for flftecil years, and paisîfull muthly troubles. 1 can wori, a wbole day and not get tired. M y pain is ail gune aud I léel like a new U erson. 1 suffered witb beadache aIl the time, ut baIfe nuolîadache 150w since tazing 3-unr iedici se. Vour 'Golden Medical Discovery' and ' Favorite Prescription'1 do u at iyou cdaim for tlient, snd mure, tuu. 1 have heem cured of troubles that 1I aniled froin for fifieen years, and tle best doctor in tbe State could flot cure me. 'Golden medical Discuvery' cured mie of neuralgis that I suffered frons for five y eas -ansd if rny letter eau Save oue other pour suifeci-, you eau publisb it'11 "IALMOST A MIRA OLEfl"q "pi too k a sevsere cold wltch settîrd in the bronchial tubcs, -, writes Rev. Franl, Hay, of Nor- tonville, Jeffersou Co., KCansas. "After trying mnedicines isbeled "Sure Cure,"1 almost without nuner, I was led to try Dr: Pierce's Golden Medical Discuvery. i took twu bottle3 sud was cured, sud have stayed cured. ,IWben I tbiuik of tIee aet pain 1 had ta en- dure, sud the terrible cuugb I bad, 'it sceem almuosi a miracle that I wss so suun relicved", Dr. Pierce's Plassant Pellets cure con- stipation. Thcy do not re-act upon the systemi anti becosue a necessity, as do ruany other pilîs. iug shoîuîti tbay do se, Powers not sigpatory to the tonvention eau subi- Mit casas totIsa court upun the termis sud conditions prescrîbeti, and tii 1 thse dut3- cf the' signîtories to reminti cotutuending nations that the tribun- al je open -to tbt'm anti atvise racosirsa to it. This court h'as now beau formeti, f if teen nation, including ail the great Powers of thse world, 'having appoint- eti flfty delegates, th'osa yet unrepre- santeti bei'sg thse uiner States of Fer- sia, Slam, Switzerland, J3ulgaria anti Montenegro. lt je at once the larg- est aud most august tribunal the urorîti lias ever known, thebigh stand- ing cf li members. showiug tho im- portance the govoruments attach te it, their desire to atit to its diguity sud strougth, anti the confidence that rnay be placet inl its intelligence anti iutegrity. Thse Ansarican mamibers -t:o Chief Justice Fuller, ex-President flarrison, Jutige Gray anti Attorney- Geacral Griggs, wvhile amoug thse B:itish delegates are Lord Paunce- fota anti Professoý- Westlakete ol eti fer. Tise mare fact that sncb a tribunal exists ivill lay upon the na- tiens a moral obligation to use it, anti seo promote the steady growtb cof publie opinion against wsar. The task before Mr. Breirk, tisa new British Secretary of State for War, le a- difficult one, tisat of giv- -Lag the -British empire aL neu miii-, tary systara. It Ds tish mredini cuit because -wIsile a good deal . ts Materialin athse existing systesu is unsounti, al or nearly ail of il mnust Le used. Latise uaw, any referta which makes mernt tho suIe teist for cota- mandi belungcertain to be resisteti by the prîvileged. cl,%ssede. Thse War Of- fice, has, isewevex, matie a beginniug in weeding out tIse unfit by request- Lag the resignatien of General Col- vile, xvho iast year commanieti a di- vision in South Africa anti failot inl bis duties, theugh an officiai in- vestigation of bis continet at the time rellevet imt frem ail blama. Thse fact that after soe resistanca hae bas beeu forceti' to rasigu, despite tise be- lîef that an officer of 'higis rank and gooti social position coulti neyer Le dismisg(eti, gis-es hope that other of- ficers provedti te L incompeteut may findti tsasselves sithout place lu tise reorganization. Tise Britishs armny is, isouevor, the strongholti of the aristocratie anti privilegeti classes, antibelif that the Englisis gentleman is necessisrxily anti by reasen cf bis. social position compctent for auy mil- itary duty is weil-nigh invincible. Mr. Brodrick's task, wùile to Le de- soribati as that of army reforni, di- vities itseif Lato thiree parts, that of internai War Office reorganization, a- somewbat ,saparate matter, imu- provement of tihe efficiency of thse re- galar army, andthie ereation f rom the voluntary forces of a complote army able to take the fieldi alone. As te tise first, MVr. Brotirick on assulmiug office promptly calleti to bis aid a numibex of pratical businesq men, to urbot, with a single, gevernument of- ficial, was commiitte.tihie task of changing the, meibeti of thse Wax De- partment f'rom tisose of a circumiocu- tien cf fl'ete thoeo f a motiern busi- ness establishment. Thse entilese de- isys, tisa dsplcation of work, the mul- tiplicity of details, tise reti tape anti time-wastiug metisots are to bLeanti- eti, anti a simple anti direct sysýteta deviseti uricis by decentralizing a gooti tiai of autbority anti redistri- itsponsibilitiee, shall expedite businesSï anti preveut thse bluntiers that have se often disgraced the,"%Var Office. Tise scati task, that of tmpro-rIug thse fcbc of the regular estab- lishsment, wut seem xightiy to de- -Volve upôn the comimantier-i-n-chief,, wiso is nominally lu the aristocratie ring, anti wio knows Latter than any other man the special weaknesles of tise British army. Tho operations ln South Afrîca havie, bowever, madie clear thse f act that much of its weak- ness iýj due te thse off icer class, a large part of svhich is, as Carlyle deÉcribe. ed lt at the battie cf Fontenoy, "with- out knowistige of war or fear of deatb," and that there must Le bot- ter educated officears. A unif orta stantiarti of efficiency iu practical ex- ecises mugýt alse Le establisiset for regiments, as tisere la lu thse German army, thse infantry reai-med., thse cav- almy more lightly equippeti, the landi transport imprevti anti a ready sup- piy of remiats3 asaure'd. As te tise volunteerforces, tise militia anti yee- mnnry, no satisfactory plan of reor- ganlzation bas yet Leen matie public, thougis it seeras probable that tise present syeteta xvIIi Lemaintaineti, but greatly imnpro'veti. The latter may La effecteti by irnproviag tise per- sonnel, extending the perioti of ne- cruit tnaining, anti officering tisa coin- osantis by mon wbo have gaineti dis- tinction in tise negulan service, but are assignati tiirectiy to tise volun- teer forces. Tise wisoie probleta is a Prncess Tabletà to ba accessible ai sîl times for tisa I Anatnia hoatis hemlîsiuritis tise na- !neC îotIer. Lt la terrible lu think Arewhit yen usut for ail ferms or seulement cf international disputes. female troubles; an infaliible rame, Four membere cof tiss ps.1ee t sident ofAreer highsciourt, France cf oun litie son lu tisa haude cf tIs- dY discovred bbeatiyevere fholeurushan ex-prime ministen, Gammany speiaist; gnarauieatiasna positive be 'appsinted by escis signatory powrv- ith thse presitient cf an imnpenial ig1 inpes - cure; will positively astablish the But sait tise Symp-shzig Friand, n, ormal fonctious; usad meuthly hy cm, to anre for a terni cf six yeame,1 court, Italy ith han iigistil-ige, thge -gie Aen over 50,000 ladies; fer sale at drug. anti an inter-national bureau, in charge anti Hutsia sentis hem misisten cf jusi1 foin ftsesca potg i io Aen rug Ce, Wiicior, ont. Can, cf a permanent secetany anti dinectet i ice anti M. de Martenes, presitiont cf ___________ i_ anti controileti hy s permanent adula- thse Ang c-Vsnezuelan arbitraticu Iinative council, for uhosa procedune tribunal. Tise court is hishus Dow redy i W ganerai ules ivena adoptati, ls te have for business, anti aithaugis it il! ts'lie iui keyles,,id, Amcanjunlstilciion in sîl ambitration casas, useless te expecit roin i htie!iM-me5i- týoiydzýanyedtise parties intocntroversy seiaciing ate cessation cf -iar, ail tise nations g 't -,Ma i isd rt any num isen cf ambitratone frosu th eisaving alLîs an iaa i- ti- ns w iut ih 2~ Z'k- . I i - 3 personnel cf the icurt, but tise pnur- resurt io1 wouid i tenfene, tise paci- - i 5ý-5t onr 0 tic il ý es anet obligete tharuseives ho ne- lic settiersut s- gIsit cf mauy in-I -~s- ~,- --s SSsx4. 'W O ~o srtielii, thougis its Jutigmeut ile bind-ti-hnational èoatnovemeies may alor . ' .o-t,,b,. t ,. .Lo Any of the children ever have it? Theru you will neyer forget it, 'ill you ? Don't let it goutlmidnight again, but begin treatment during the evening, when that dry, hollow, barking cough first begins; Get out your Vapo-Cresolene (for you surely keep this in the house), put some Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the lamp be- neath, and let the child breathe-in the quieting, soothing, healing vapor. There will be no croup that night. If it's midnighit, and the croup is on, inhaling the vapor wvill break the spasm and bring prompt relief. For asthma, bronchitis, sore throat,' coughs and colds, it is a prompt and pleasant cure, while -for whooping-cough it is a' perfect specific. Your doctor knows, ask him about it. CURES WIHILE YOU SLEEP "The âipparaqtus is simple, inexpensive, and I believe. eunequalled ini the treatment of whooping-eough. The vapor is not injurions te healthy persoas. It has a benelia effect in allaying thse Irritation and the desirc to cough inl brenchitis. 1 earneszly reconsmend it." JOHN MERRITT, M.D., of Brooklyn,i the N. Y. MedicarRecerd. Vapo-Cresolese is sold by drnggists everywhere. The Vaporizer and Lamp, which shonld last a life-flme, anda bottle of Crasoler.s complete, Si.5o; extra supplies of Vapo-Cresolese 25 cents and 5o cents. Illustrated booalet centainisng physiciaus' testimoniais free upon request. VAPO-CR'ESOLEECO., île Fulton St., New York, U. S. A. iRZeeormended and sold by Stott& Jury, Druggists and Opticians, Bowmanville. MYSTERY SURROIUNDS HIN. Sanibor, a itas>%silîtledkit,, lis Attrâeet Ing JIacit A5e-at'ossby Mysterils Plienoulnîes. Samber, a Russian spirit mediium, is attracting tise attention of Europe ho' bis seancas. Semaeoft tise have beau attendad by M. M. Fetrovo-Salevovo, tise Russian secretary fer Fsycisoio- gical Researcis, fer tise purpose cf stutying tise physical anti net tise spiritual manifestations that are un- acceountabiy matie. An accounlt of tisase visits is tnuly remarkable, aveu uban daaling ultis a subject uhicis iss roplete, uith unacçeuutaisie piseno- mena. Af tea a eanca tuýring uhiciX Sain- bor'sivrits xvare *sacurely bouati ho tise entas of total strangers, a chair on ubhicish h is atibeen praviously sit- ting was f ounti te haoiangiug on tise arneoftoeeoettise strangers,tisrough tise back et uhicis ha still rataineti firrn soldtitatise medium'swunît. Duning tise sama visit anti bount inl tise sae manner, ha rose in tbe air until tiseetas of bis visitera urare ex- teutiedta tehie litait. Belîs wurearang anti a music-box ubich is atibeau prevleusly allouedtiate n deun, playeti severel selectieus. In ail these Satabor exhibitati mucis agh~y, uhich appeareti te ha genuine, anti ha par- spineti freely. Wiie Saievovo deas net attempt ta hhrou eny light ou thsse matariai phenomaunl, it is plain tisai ha recog- nizes soe intangible influence be- bindti iem Ha assumes tise position tisat tise pisysicai tacts are stranga, viiutmakiug allusion hoatise causes. INGENIOUS BURGLAR ALARM. ,An ingeulicus lock aud Isurgiar alarm just put ou tba market may serve te lessen tise chances of success cf future attampis et isunglary, etc. Tisa device is entirely of steel being, about four 'IncIses long anti eue-haIt inchisnlu ianseter. Its weighis two hr ounces. It ivill resist any attempt ta opena a door or 7kintieu againsti isci it is placet], anti aititesa seahme expiedes a 22 calibra bleuS cartnitige. It is sa simple that a cisilti eau eper- ste it, anti it urlîl untcuIstetiiy prove as isouseisoldars. 110W TO CURn A COLD. Finst stop aating. Tisa systesu is ovenloadeti urus impunities andti iey muet bheailminateti. Fast until these Poisens eau ha dispostiet luina a u- humai mannan. Th *a long xvalks, tmaxv- ing lu many deep full breatiss, axer- cisc evary muscle efthtIe botiy that tise circulation may be quicisanat, anti every part cf tiseibodytiyhhrongisly cîeansed by this accaieratati circula- tien. Batise ah tost once a tiay,ruis- bing tise surface efthtie body hnisiy ail over for five or tan minutes. Af- hen miseing frein turcta tismea meals if a revenons appetita is acquireti 1h is of course tiesirabla ho indulge this appetite. but in modemation. lieder ne circumstance3 aboulti tiese temecis5e gongai, and those footis v hi- are ur- urboleseme, or but modarately nutrl- tiens, sisnLd ho avoîddt. BEUTER THAN A FENCE. Ilou a FHock or Moiheys %Tere CrI ýjOf Steahtnig. In "A Sportswciu'tn in Indus" Miss? iS-'avery wnitectontainiugly cf tIse mmsktoye lu tIsa foDt-his of the' Hlm- alayas.;( For cool impudence anti audaclty, she sayg, these Iili-ruon- kcys stand unrivaleti; tisoy slip ie tIsa bungalows et Dalhousie, anti car- rxy off anytising frein tise breakfast or taa-tabla, if tise roios is empty. Tisay spring frein treo te trea, frons brouse te heuse-a mothar, it m ay be,' with tue yeuag eues elinging te bon, a boalf ofbread inon ee anti anti a Lunch of benanas lu ber mouth, which she isat Just "sneaketi"- froni a din- îng-rocm. 0f courses msnkeys are very trouble- semin aplantations. Fov- men cen shoot a meukey; tbsy are toc human- like. anti pathetie vheu urountiet. We met an Englishman wsho uras tryiug te proteet bis sugar-cane patois wiih a> great trench anti a palisade coverati urus nails. AIl te ne parpose. Hes walked ticuru te h oeemorning, Conversgticin ie a flue art and net- witsetanding ali tiseisard knock[s tise story uriters anti ave levalleti at what i designateti "smail talk"' thse ame ia justly entitiedtoi a place. The- troMible là of Course, thât it la generally carried a long Way ojut of ites Place. Friendiy tiiscussione Cn thsa ureatisen andi ose'a healthin ay eemn ratihar silly anti tecidetiiy emnmoýL; place, but they give e a littîs time' te noncentrata ber Inteliectual forces anti sire up the friand befora treati- ing ouï moire une ertain greunti. Thie universal topie1%a geas aly meaning- lea andi sioulti, therefora, eonly ba carrled fýan enissagis t previde oua wItlh an bppoirtunity toa ilip ont cf tise beaten traceks onte semae subjeet whiich it le judigeti wiii bc of mutuai interest. Once f airly startedth ie cou- vereation generally floiwe along cas- iiy andi tise ubjeet shifts wlthout ef- fort. A een.rmsatiosi matie up cf tri- vialitie's anti what appeals only te, the "nonsenseoriaxn," might be likenedti t a, dinmesî cempeeatiof soda watem anti andi founti a rosv cf monk'-ys seaitid chocolate drops, anti by tis amie tok- on the palisatia. Tisa moment ba en tise men.tally Lndigestible subjects came uithin reacis tbsy threw bis ousi with unieS some people- ceýnisiUialIy sugar-caneie b, is face, after vwhich striLve to entartain us miglit Le em- tissy get douru anti stroileti auay, pareti to six or saven coursea cf beef- leîsuroiy inunehing. , teak. 'A jutilius asseutisent of in-- 'Sucb tiings ureont te Le benne. tellectual rafrasismantz ull ýLIways Ouan fnîi cis aseti s f loe loto a trac, prove refresising. feflat the inca, anti caugbt four on f ive iWisile chatting witis an Esigli-si ycung raonkeys. Tise prents usiteti fniendtihie othen day ,Ihe cquite sur- Dean, in great consternation, auxi- ýpnlseti me by eaylug, "Do you Irner, ously watching -ivile thein infants wisat I disilika about Canadians is ure palata-t frein ieadti t foot iitb tisair boitinass in asking inquisitive ï-reacle anti tartan amatis. On beîng questionsý." Sise meant that frientis of nulouret te go, they rush!-ad off junte veny sisont acquaintasice thougist tisa foui anti ueicosuing ai-ms, aud notising cf asking xvhst rent sbhe paiti, urere insiantly carniieduap inte thse wisat salary hem busband eamueti, anti ivoo Is, andti Iera assitiuously lieketi similar queries- aqualiy impertinent. clean' froin top te tee by tisais affac- Feople elten unuittingly commit a ilenete parents. grievous breacis cf etiquatta la ibis Tisa natural effacis folio ted. anti vemy way. lIo as-cu a friendly inter- tisa pÎLalecsnetionio f tise olti ton- est inu ea' worltily uralfana is gooti, keys cen scarcely Le tins 4usnd. TIsai but ýit shoeulti ha ýùr!ctly onmfiiedti t picis cf sugar-caus wae nover nifieti a gaLa, CURIE F01R CIIILIiL- ViNS genelralities. 'Vemy dean friands are often led apa rt by undue inquisitive- nes concerulng tse salany question. lis at ail timee dangerous conven- eational grousitianti oaa urulti raquire uiiisas reae. tar airiý,-----rtoe excaedLngly intimata before dam- man y people tiuring colti ueatisen. lgt rai nc ujo.Ee Wisen on-e the fceat or bande have been itn 1h siiquld be done eryEvary frosteti, tisey suirer more resaduly a gaddy nintuaoteams ,second timausetIs-,ýthtie habit cf chil- sonable objeci in vi 1eu. Oltien pensons blains.,ia easily etablisised. Witiscane ofion take an unwrantet i iberty lui tisey eau ha ao fan cureti as te girepuin tisqeio tetaryug utie touba.CIslhiias aa ablotifriaends, xvhan net qualifieti te de so tisease. Tise colti cets as a blodotiPl by easen cf theinrarlatiensisip. I son upon soma pansons, sud chilblaing f net, u onese-a h ie parent or guan- ara tise result. lUe cure thasu, rama- tia, such a' quesition is decidedîy infra tucefer this condition efthtie blooti tig. sisoulti bc taken as ESon as any signs Just imagine tisa onîbarnassmesit ef appear. Calcium sulpiside le pnescrib- e1 yGtlne'girl -ivCis a akietihy an olti et by physianq dfor thîs purpose. It £riaxnd of tise fasnily, all alcunt lber eau ha bought et a drug stome iu tais- fn- eat ut lie nutts leta of oi-sixtis of n grain. Tise dosaeqesiner hy =deciining te nsïivertor i, one hablat sf ter eacis meal, anti the lay haone e ita auffairer por remedy sisculti baceuotInuati untîl tChe ple whsom ase pnefeo-s nut ho knoýw ci'lbiain5 ara improveti. Te guardti ism. la sucis a ca'se, ivhichiss by neo against tiseir etumu tise calci um sul- meana9 imaginairy, tise young gin 1isi euma1ly justifiet In apolitely refusinîg phida ishouiti ha resortedta toproinptiy tise informatlin. It te a tîneinees ma-ILt- anti taken fer tisrea on four tisys uhen- jta-r, huit "sioesof his Istoslines.q," to aen arny indiceations cf thera ara folt. usýe a vany eemmunpiace ep 5ig <1 i 'f r jý7 j ýiiuvn auiýi2criEy on international law, 1 V- iý iý ýorrihI(, imnqnp.d flip. '%Vcý.pn- 1

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