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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1901, p. 3

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DU, 7L. POTTIER. DOES COFFEE HARM ? Ojffice Rn (li esideTs,Church SL.opposite Trlnity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G O » _ _ _ _ __;ýýr h, owmnvile.25-m*Elîher RIess or CUtar MIISS EeiHEL MORRIS, ýk At a rTentsso fteNx AitTIST - Isstruetions given in PIN1ING-cn eaono h e in 01, Water Cler and China. Sketching ancti r>~~I York Mdca Association, Dr. Leq- smufnaurie. KI 5o1prm.s i-IRI I~1 .zynsky, Of No'W York city, a promin- at cnal rice. 1lu .e.nt physician and authmrîty on the DU. J. C. 3MTCHELL, Gr a M ercies. ,Rouse the or pid lier, and c u sa Of narotis, etc., reaf a very iu- and SurgeonasiOk tardoheronerdnie, EMieE, ndiges ien, ec. Theyare lu teresting piper on the indiscriminate Resideice. Enniskiiien. 74 -21 desp-atcbi f rom Washington says: .sînai1f Your Father ses it, valuable tu prevent a eodf or break up a Use o'f coffee as a bevorage. Coffee, ____________fever. Mibf entlecran hyaewrh -11ev. Dr. Tq~magorecfemte audr if this mncment yen mshouli tr g ecranteaeoty th!- physician isaif, is an antidote to A. E. MelAU(3I-ILIte, at Fatî br tad1 fo a can be taken by chîldren ordelicate women. i bre tc s not B4rrister,Solieltoir aind ovvî,e.offce:- fylwig en :'he huwryt eaead I~ranet ou m.y, y odo n r ofdec.Pueyvgeal, yacohol as f araas tho erfoe systm Moytake ek ifig h Bowmanvills. great wny off bis father sa5m a id ll'.allok v yoa te stmugglen on up te- o! C. I2.aaloo & Co.,LoeilerMs .unome fr hycmeprsnet Moe ola treaaoîîahle raie . 4-lyr, ascpassindufraun 1dfel on wa.r.d h1,m. Oh,n! 'S eeing yosaOi .1 eO OLOel'aS hnommofoireftetha e x ese e hiýneck gr isdhin1-t Lk v Tant wa'y off, ho wcnld fly toteb-a1ditedt the excessive________use___of_ ROVEUT You--Ç.G, V. S. rheai kssdhi.-S. Iktet. j HoW y ig deas it take a fa- both. Recegnizing, the immodiate >-%FFoEkINîb ESbrnnT DoRHsrasANE WSl aeote eci.teyuteg-tber te laap jute the mile cf the louf breathing of tbe qufferer as he possible consequeuces of habituai é f, urdf ce4arato9t' p. iNgbt catis et aw oufrm ish"ghwat-y if bis chili. b3 there and a paritgvith a aworld on iis beart. alocholic indulgence and its denier- in.-uetrosSo ;n of this prodigal sufomhsvmh '_-l-, is coming antinlay destrcly HIrk teo the fall of bloof from brow teolen-rapb or eeiy m1oitü Dr will Sed. Compt etfa thers 'hou. dat Ibvosovfhiirn. Five hundref times longer cfafa nt oto her cb-auzing influence it la but naturel teton, v.i y y ou what a- dtmehjhd, on ntban t talces ontr heavetky father teuneath-drop, drop, drop l Look attbe that ïsn many of us prefor te rcsort te ___________________-.I abad imebr laffon~suspriug te the delive,,raâioe cf a lest nails ! How wifo tbe wounfs arc- tUa use Of cOffoe te tide us oe-rcer- AIR ORK.Ladies the wilferucss, anuf what a very chili3. iXihýtho was a great way wider do they gapo as bis body cornes tain intollectual omergencies. Fur- eore over, cal at Mita Diccacnses, ninQ great miustake it ruas for him tu lea'se cfflis fathor saw hlm." down upon tbem. Oh, this crucifixion theroe r eznk ns h u Entt and Cote.i Otarie Si Bowmanville. 34 tf se bosutiful a borne for quch a mis Anti thfs bring m2> teutotice th.e gany. Tear,ý melting into tears; bloof mrD.Lsynk as h n erablo doscrt. But he ddinut a- fatber's haste. Tbe Bible says he flowxing inte bloof ; darknes ropping tleta aute xio o h i Tra. No wclnder. He dldn't know te darkness; harda eft mon jeinef svitb greatest dcgree by the use of coffee TsiAG sEs 'MrtaeLces acciatt he a wbil e n 't rcle afe Lut that the ycung jman WGIuld the hantis ef devils te tear spart the air, the imagination anti tho memory. Resideece: Centre street. chnehmn.At obc. H uvrlghatc h o tGf tpedcs an augmentation of the __________________________came___ greet hlm.1 didn't know but thfat ho wculf drop Oh, will lie nover speak again l Will povretatetOn, a -vivacity o 1 IupPSOshe wBsdeui..,Shu nouif I do-wn freonexbaatsti'on. He dîdu 't that crimson face, ev-or ligbt np agetu? oth ofgh tnntie ores fc- D. B. SIPS'ON, C, CHAS. P.BAR aebetefrtt o eout. The talc' bm be ta hob get up te the doux- HE WILL SPEAK AGAIN, aiyfrPsca o metlwk Barristers, Solletors, Notaries, etc., Morris' fther tvould have givon theosecoufdai, and,. su th-_ fathsr ran. The whle the bloof is suffusing bis brow acdirty r pysatical o rnanta bco- Biock, upstair,- King Street. iiewmanville. kias tei the i& urning predigîl; thse 1B-baefer- the mnut parTt speakg et anti refdening bis nheek sud gather- mdtastr miin fo o Soicitors foi'heOnaroBank. Private moueys loauef at iewest raies mether tbe firet. IL rnsy have been God as walking. Oh, bmw mmsob help ing uon nostril andf hp, sud yen tbinik yend the physi'al or mental capacity a nman dotas w-cnt whou ho tries tue hois exhausteti sund cannot speak; hcouf the individu-al. The use of ceffe fortheackofber exemple and pray- becerne a CLtistia-n. Indeed the pro- cries eut until al the ages- hear hlm': is therefore, the physiolan argneg, at - TSRY r ta ebacame a prefigal. Seme- digal cai't finti bis wsy homo? te bis -"Fathur fergive theas, they kueW net truc csame trne a blessjng anti adan- G. . ONNCATL, L O S, O O ~ times the fatiar douant kuetv how fathe-r's bouse alene. unlesaseoue what tbey deo~ flonor Graduateitie Ontitry of Toronto Uii em- ae becioie f h oue nocrest eet hm bcha b, botter iow will s'eu accept that Father s ger. lUnquestienably, lu the opin- verstty . OFFic:-Over Coneli, Johustou nd on mnglte idno h og-hava atai by th,- swtne-trcugh chou'- kimms? T-bp Holy Spirit asksa yen te. ion o f thae doctor, the moruiug cup ci Cryferman's store. Bowmsuvilie. 18 lyi'. btlti; the! cbtef tork cernes upon the ing tis, carolas of the desori., When Tise Holy Sprit cornes te yen this coffee bas ha] a wbolesome and a __________________________mother. Infeef, ne eue ev-r gets ithe- sec coras inat full tîde yen might miring, witb bis arousing, melting, heneficial rffect on a large xajority evertha calîmity ef lesiug c mother Imore easil ywitb ycrur breem sweep alarming, niig iiy n jflu- Il. F. 1IUNTER, iu earîy lifs. Stili, this yeuug man back tba surges tien yen cauhi. drive enee. !ien.'t yen thinit ho la bore II cfcar aticît popu'ation. But coffe e io S BARîSTElt,SOLICITOR,NOTARY bc. Hsx-vr. -lapra vobaek theca nacf aiyeur unforgiven Lîa'o it in thesc. solmnn loeks ; I sec it nef ilun ny seme replace food. Thous- 1 Publie Conv 'anceer. Moey. Private sudf usa net ungreetcf wheus' hoecane transg'.rasins. \Viat are 've te de ? in tbese tearful eyos ; Ise h. lu these antis of aer-sensitive perseus, how- Company Fonds te tend ai iowest entrent rates bai jwvjýwelapr'lw Are tve te fight tha bîttmi alene and. ilanahef checks; I cee t lu tic up- OFFICES: King St., opposite Dr. Haredem' vr opanta h igecpo Dental Rooms, îowmanville. '13 Sm" ray bc lu thernoring, wbenJ tv-ostart trutigeon vith. ne eue te aid us anti turnetface etfeit-ibdootianti the ern-evrcnpauttthsigeupo cuton jo-lay. cýfrý igriewat rae-c3kte sh2lter us aulnoneword est gaza f eh ge. IiuTv- owit troas cofee lu thelnorniüg induces lu theas rtea just ayd theforstng, wha et encouragement tuehcier s. Glry thiis silence liko tie grave. Tie Holy c transitory sensation of wll-being, ttsfbwith bda nitaj tlg vOle te Ced ave have lu the text the an- Gbost La here, anti tv-ile I speak tbe iucroasaf rmpidity et theugit, anti ~5 .O O~t hOLED ave i at aIl cievovrnosa er. appecrauýce- neuncomot; "When bu avas yot a chaina of captives are fal[ing, andthtefs like, which are soeeu succeaedt by ~e eeenriy I mdecterats e itet. B ut this prefigal, tv-bn hbu startef greautvay ccif bis father ran." Wien dungeens et sin are openiu'g, ahti the 1.6E-6mchaue caa .'telicitorrowmauviîieragg-ad tisa s'aner startg, for ci., Gef siarts prodigals ceming anti the fathers ru- dprsln niidgeto.I1 16 -and fror t.s'ted tredgis tv-aracggcfer tii' siener. Gal. dees net coe n ug, anti augels are shontiug abti de-, smiller dose, cemm'ttsnrate wtltthe ant wrtcbd, ant bi apeeru out with'a sl-c4wai-t auhsitating paco; vils are trombling. Oh, itla a momen- sasceptibility of the pattent, tycre after ho ha-f gene tisteugi dcys et the. intinite spaces slip boearla bis tous heur. Tt fa abargef titb eternal takon, the secondary symptoemg, -iilci jeureeyiug andi expesure, yo eeu,foot mni. ha talces rueIris at aheiunti. destinies. The sbadutvs cf the eter- htaeoecinb, DENTISTS. more oasily imagine than descrube. 'Asg' Tho tather rn "nal werid fliti oe-r tiais assemblage. are tihose ha ae objcinb tii inToseStc ro.g 1omeg I enark nnte o ather's kisg. Hark i I bear tic sgongs et tise saeoiwouid foten tailte e ppoar. Tise ad- thepeIplet3e te podial omig on 1"Ho fel oui bMisneek," my text. scys, -1 hoar the ibowlings, et tisedamnof. ditien of millc en-fsugar te ceftee ag- Wil beatBli'lstckon heflrtbometvard, they1swoneor wbho 2a.s-"and Iha kisset i hm." The tather Heavon anti hel sem te minglo cuti gravatos tise bati etecta by encour- Monday ef escis menth, at Orono trom bel'say : "I wonfer ubat prison cbarged hn tih nne -n t bis waud- eternity poises on the pivot ot thisagn fomtain ndnieso. 10 a. m te 2 p. m. anti at Newcsstle ho bas brokcen ont ef. I1tv-nfer wbat j ringg; ho just rocoivet ims, iour. Thy destiuy ila boing decifeti, DrgLgfermeyntkaleatntion tingetion. from 2 80 te 5.30 p. ru. on the second lazaretto ho ba.s oscapedftreas. ,I lIE JIT:1f KISSED H131. tby dcom is being fixof. ,D.Lsznk ,le tenint Monday of each monfli. tonHe it wa pagehorul l ,awet'chisde,-c ivas a recesumei- greup et oym.ptoms moat treqaently OFiE-Tmeac tBwa-wr-e ih htpau.h ildatian te tisat tatber's lova. Oh, obses-veinotb utose3 addictedt t the use OFlra f Hsti-mp n e t., Bowmanstg. 'mite thieair." t-Ho looks as tisongi tisait atber's liss! fHre,,v-shallI de- SWITZERLANDS ARMY. ut cotte-e in excoas. Ho onys that -vileea etUigînotam' dug t bc o adre jutent npmn uometbiug ', ery sctib- tii' levi ef Gei? Oh, ibis love. 1lisiacOLas soon viotinis etf tisecoffee Ihab- D 'tyou hfelieve it flias he net doue Mili1tai-y SriemiI xstdFre important. Tise peoplîe stop ; tis@y omrtsgt mlesFntsu s oervicoee h t i te. i it among coim0rcsial traveîerserek- M« % qC7 lok abhima ; tbey tv-nter t bore be bas given yen lite, healtis, frientis, ylwer wLsautilab «snrcns cog rtrad D E N I'iS T R Y cerne fricm; tiseî,wenter where b ho eethe useofet îour bands, ts yItv-eySte amî shbe ri erhnsacrtvitsni goinj. 1 I '3 tbn c ,eoplo ahi acouatI 'gf tynur oye, fhe hearing eftot serve perqoually but tise piysaa Iso once vibto esteît C.H.AR 'D N LDS. tere amazef. They self; "It ia ouly y-aur cr ; Ho bas sfrowni yeur patis test iase strict thaf, nearly 50 potiet fteIilesaes, i an olti trarnp u ith meoes, lie bas ttc] yen, elof edcent are in tact, rejectef. Tisese pay auci cases, the victirnaofethfiahabit a foot-paf ; h is oniy a l tapyen, sholtereti yen, teif en O, 1ev--flo 'ý-cus ftevciso h (rafuate of the Royal Collega of Dental Sui et thi rtoad ; don'f go eut tse meet o] ynu, imporfunof genu, ail y-tutlite- ssteaf a yearly tax oet5sapot heaf.telstiacue ficitm tte Jgens, Ontario hm long. ]Jnt ou'yn believe ho luves yen? witb an income fax et about 4f in otisur stimulants and eenstautly lu- FFC.Opst xrs fie IEFATHER KNEW BETT Oh, tbis tather's is! Thore is ge fie pounti. In practice this tax la nefceo i mut tteiis. Ts OFIC.-posteEpreB ,Office.ranchEmucs ning aou]l'e-oanti cempas- eatt rmtovr peet i ypoaaetroubled eleop, bs et - VITALIZEO AIR &hO c thngn ,-in fath,- S- in fse n hpade lsi exatdfottevý,poet h yp sae pearan ccoul]. noft ibide the! cs evnini.Iprcamhl ieman who, in bis 2atithyear, passes tfi e appetite ntiontipationalugtitis mirks bÈ',tblhish tisefatiset lnetv bard Geti mercitul ant i grtcieus, long- test, is callef eut, te de bis "Irecruit mrostoposefoqetytk tho boy. Yen knev- that pcrsoms et sutteriug anti stiuntiant in geetineas scheol" ln barracs, for a periof, vary- ing tise form et a fear et approachiug cuti trufb. Lest yen weulf net ho- n rmsxwes natytoul. W e re oeadi- O NTARIO BANK a great decl etfiutiopondOucc et char- 1ev-o iias, ho gees np Golgothsa, at 'gfe i kiaty tet dc tr eo Woohare tanmo.adInt ronitnuest, do a Generai Bankieg Basineas at acter are apt te indicaf o ift isahe it le the rocks are rentiig adtihie mentis, cavalry. Dy thiîsshor ri-c ets ete ai inmu i Itovmanville Agency. txalk. Fer thaf roasen the sailer a- graves are oeting anti tic, mels are 'ng be af once tulfils eue-quarter et persons net habituai usera et cffte meat alttays bas a pesular atep, iet 'bowling anti the I-,nn lahiffang ho fies fie wiole rilitary dufies te wîicbthecsieueo fe mye DEPOSITS anîy becauseobhosanads misci nu siip- for yen. Sce him. Secehlm on tise hotv-l ev-et ho hiable, except, et course follouf y yYnposswhiich are ai- isceived lu Savings Bank tepatment and huard, amif the rocking efthfe Cea, meunt of Crucifixion, tise sweat on. ot lk toe of diru literest al]owem ai eurremt rates. Notice of anutho bas to balance itmse if, bat ho ashev igt ihts loio-a case et actual invasion. For fie ma io tss t dlru xllhdta-allnecessary. Alldepots payable bas fer tise moat part an indepeuti- u].ing frein ils la"-ratoti temples. Se fist thirteen years et bis service ho tremeus-tvill doulifless not fail Ul femauf eut characer, tybicis tvouI] showav- If lis eye-s suwimmLin defot b. Hear tise helonga tute c"lLGe," anti is calledti e sefisc usefulnesa efthif ladia- ]EXCHIANGE self ovori it ho nover weuf on ticoteeyohrya o cus cvr ntecfrn ftsioyt ea, anti tv-e !cnv tvhet treuspireti cf- -_________________ ete-r te erfra*'erecevery lu tseoaccugsatontsmmey t Éorgbt andfslf acdfBrttaissued uxon Europe ftv-sfat of vbttruprfe repetition," varyiug,, accerding te ontaittc cuain itte Dîiied States aud Caieada, aise GeldSIîverand adan rmwa tasie av eudikigt xes %7nited States Geeebseka beught an'dsold hetore fiat ibis vrotilgal sen u as et tise aras, tram tourteeu tueiegîteenhaebo rnigtexas CO LCIN3an indepeutieuf anti trauk nature, tisys. Tise eavalry alene are calleti CO LETINSanti I suppose fiat fie cliaraetetia-- Prousptly made ateerret rates upen ail parts fiesoet ils mind ant iheart tv-mro tise afeeyyabu nyfudy.LuMASDLVB if Great Britain, the Untef States and the Do.ccafrltc t i ak.At eils ttermefiate years tie solfier theiaion keetimtaHeada.outshoots athis own finie anti place, but London Business MBo aya' ow Lunch li Telegrapli Transfers bis wtîorod arma teward bias. 1 Ho - i1- i A persis- untier strict, goverument condit ions: Tîli' Offices,. Atde feu Iarjia or amali scims on al parts of bringa bis tyrlukietiface agaiusf flic tent cough trf ond e aumatts"rne The fstrihcfiag Kitehen Company Canada. Thisîs iecially advantageonsso par- pale chek outlits sun. Ho leisses tichae Y aiigwihh vilh aleiota iiei"etLnoEgatL i EcDes livin g in Manasitoba or tie Noti Weît, it uculips. IHo thauhc Gudti fat fie firSta aligwchewl bcledott mtd, fLnoEgad ste akes tie fonds avatîribie at once at the place log0 aeu ise-r. - W/hem hcn as find ori is oun expense, and titcf tie rnsd laest tiev-lopmeut et modern chang-; ef paymet. gaoyi For other partîculars cati attbe bank. yef a gi-omt u ay off bis fafiot sawvgvs an lace fixeti by tie autisorifies for a ing fdernestic, and business lite. Tise hlma, ant i af l-,ompasaîen, anti rau anti ing OF the ap-- "shoetiag oheol" eoft fhree tisys. new cempauy bas matie if possible fori 1ý.J. MCCLIcLLAN, GEO. McGILL, tello i:src n isdhm" hhfW itbl thc begiauing. et bis fiirfy- fie busy -city man r ht is typit-or Tu tiese t ttplace, I notice lu flua __________________22 t exi, fie fafbrr's eyesight ; in thbsac-' dcadly ene- thîrti year fie self ier passes fer tv-elve j oth-to rit do-wn in fie office te a unf place, 1 notice tise fatior's haste;Imy Hed years loto tise "Lad-ehr," o ie uuin acen or for tise b] WANTE .':.RELIABLE aîný lu tise, thir place, 1 notice the the warning rsre lt ol aît u vr ding barrister te give a luncheen in MN futher's liss. rsre eeb scle u vr le evry lcaliy IbongiCanaa teintrtinc Te egiu:Tisottafei-' eyesigb. beore t IS feuris yer eny, fr trfoerif t bisetv- ciabats too lte, b- c:eeuhea fathefimestarig-fieettb Bnsy mon andi wem," says the, I' gey oos, tackirg hoCadao n true s,'Whebohotvas ysat a groaf wamy off t I ebe- eroun ds a te W if stev- popetsiffbn' ig o e aIs dstthtigamal dvrtsig ale. ter be-caltie v-hl ia tblli __ n Sshootoficsauhave daiuty ligif, Comasi._n -r Say p60dO per entisantim oxenosno t ecef 2,0 erda. tedyr narby, but Jdo knotv-tha t ho c o m e in- ' yeat ho passes iloetise "Landsft m"luncheon5, sent te fiem in tv-cl cap- pboyen tt..d ,bone te hablef1mo r. c eli seca g-d vy of. "H sl - f e , b - or second reservo, tvîich hl eoe ti poitffaa-u whcsc tey a l- exprseceeedtml 0Wrie0fr uatce. yfafiot sat-hm. w0raps o ff. hon. cEmpcre Md rin C, aLr ,nt. lecigfe il e rfui-n e fatbey 0f orethe etfev-o dyet cîtizeus heftven eltia, etc., are loclufed. Dweîbers su foprialyth t u rIdn'oflcnetv-but dcooyy,"osm 1 ni e1ete orets ît fast-of iffityl rcr Emoie Meicie Coý. ondo. Ot.creaknt boyhe weiilbdy cerne home.wee "Ho saw bitna g etv-ny off." Hoe -c-----y ----- ry ------ F tit ieneueet y sns v-asrejcteiocfcifof e hve ci-fry thatI Pecora ret.We. neofey snsWaodejete ~'LospOlifl, as seen ailt fear trailties,al] yens' tise bot rcmedy for colIs$ sud fe ee tts stdatm- nce begitonhavethe r us te asd 27e Great Engfiî7 Remedy. struggles,acli yeur fiavnae.H ob anti aIl tbroat affections liavnae.H Cul 0frtearrny. n ftesdetm-sne einn hi s h a Soi au rteomede]byailba bon lagug er~ or oasug HoIlie ae ausef il for 30 yosrs aud it imonta et myIUtc waa tv-boatise time inarkedly improve inluevery way. I eau odanle mecmendtaoecof.&Z a ben on.ngRor L.OuscoiEy c ame 'for my own superamnuatien." withcofdnehrtreeom nc femaSoua 1-eksanCadaf.etso!u e a ate ey, nt Ifa arntev'WIoias Doiop BSJUT IWAD e 1o17et5guruonfitocreaidenc'eoy r biif' oe,-ia Uf Dc 2, 38, Uio, .T.r-Oe ii ds ;2 cnt b druca, ela tory xcssv uedio ptit aclll.Gtipfis e. e îyncs'aycmîactuassni bacce, Oium or timulans. Mallexs'a roeiptacd ifcoavearente ime fjo àz Xilz cur-e. pamphlets fi-ee te any adfress. reunfinga ubowhn I sfarf cd lit e." Your fiesy.Yen 'sii recivea prompt ce. 'eldSi, Eng-rene, I'M aîîvays lait eut i p e Thse Woc] L'ompsay, Windsor, OuI6 Falier, soces if. Xeu say, ."I -bave se o p7, withcnl ccat. Âddresa th i.î d Bs. J. C. ATER, Lcweil, Massa old Woods Plicajihoflite sl i-n Bswmaoiilebe >an ay ha] surt'ountiiing.s uew, l Novetmin], -repli (IJob S1cuastiter, Stot&,Jury, Iliihthaïn & Smta; Gren by anti iU is very difficaît fer È J. Gil iilaiv Newcastle v- Dr. F-,oiiii. MUýto Lu reak awa.ýy fi-cm cv-il ye won't 'W-,lu tise next woi-1j, No medical diseovery for years bas pro-ved as anceesaful as Dr. Goldberg's Latest Method Treatrnent. Il is the outeome of years of experience ; it vitalizes the systeni, equalizes circula- tion, removes ail obstructions, consc-quently îi the enly method recognizefi as a speetiy and permanent cure for 4 aricocele and stricture, without uise of kmite or loss cf time: it absorba the wormy condition, aise the stricture, stops the smartîng sensation, unnatural dischargc, thereby strcngtheairng the parts as Wveil as the back, and restores leat powers. 11100(1 loison rcadily yields to its influence,; thorougbly eradicates the poison frem tbe system; if yen bave acre thr, B atches un tongue or mouth, swoiien glande, luair falling c-t. lotches on body, itcbing skin, or other aigus of this awfui ds- ease, yeuN wili fut. the Late t Method Treatment Wifl cure Yeu without Mercury or Potassium. DR. OOLDBERG. Facts For Patients. TUE TE MHD 1. Dr. GeldbergZbas 18 Diplomas, Certificates and Licenses,which TRATI1 T la sufficient guaranee as te his standing and abilities. i 2. Each time yen caîl yen sec Dr. Geldberg personally, wbile ail otber Chronio, Pri- vate and B3iood Poison epecialista have some doctor in charge of their office or have an assistant te doctor oun. S. The Latest l\IeYhod Trcatment discovered by Dr. Goldber.- is recognized am the mo-t speedy and permanent cure for Bloed Poison, Cbronie, Prîvate. Nervons Debiity and Impotency. Varicecele aud Stricture enref Vthotceutting or stretching. 4 Our recordýsbow more actual cures than ailotlher apeciaiats combined. 5. NWe accept no incurable case fer treatment. 6. We are the eniy dectors of our ,ipecialty who are willing to wait for the pay until yen are convinced that a complete cure has been establiabe. IUyou. doubt it, try us and se. C al or write for blanit for borne treatment. Book free. Helurs 9a.m. te Sp.m. Sundaya10 a.m. te 3p.xn. 291 WOODWARD AVE., GOLDREDETROIT, MICRL Bicycle Repair Shop. I arn prepared te .do al kInds ef bicycle repairing. Oid wheels thoroughly renovated and newly enarnelled. New wheels made te. order. Ail work guaranteed. Get your wheel III now se as te, avoid the rush. Grinding of al kinds. W, FISHLEIGH, 8t.Market Square, Bowinanville. This is the machine that taIks-sings-plays every instrument--reproduces Sousa's Bald-striing orlicestras-Negro Minstrels, Chnrch Choirs, etc. It reproduces the violin, piano, flute, cornet, trombone, banjo, mandolin, piccolo and every other instrument. 19 The Berliner Gram-o-phoiie is louder-clearer, simpler and better than a1y- other talking machine at any price. It sings every kind of song, sacred, comtc, sentimental, patriotic, "oo" ongs, English, Frenclh and Scotch Songs, select- ions frein Grand and Comic Operas, plays cake walks, waltzes, two-steps, marches, in fact everytlîing thatcan be playefl on any instrument or number of instruments can bc- reproduccd on the Berliner Graus-o-phone with the axouderful indestruct- It teils funny stories or repeats.a prayer. It can entertain hundreds at one time iu the largest hall or churcli, or it eau be aubdued tesuit the smallest room. The Records-are not wax, they are liard, Flat,9 irdestructible Discs, which will last 10 yenrs. The Berliner Gramn-o-phione is made iu Can ada, i't, î guaranteed for fîve years. The Granî-o-phonîe la used and endorscd by the leading clergymen and, cthers throughout Canada. The Berliner Grant-o-phono 'reccivcd tîte only medal for Talking Machines at the Toronto 1ýxlibition 1900. Price, complote Thse Berliner Gram-o-phoîîo has been widely inîiitated $ 5 & I.O and the records couniterfeited, thereforebeware of nmachines $75 &$1.0 with misleading niames as they are worthless. including If the Berliner Graui-o-phoiie Is net for sale in your a 16 inch horm, town, write to us for illustrated catalogues and othor 3 records information, free. and, FAC'roit: _967-371 Aoaeduct St., MontreaL.cnetsudbx miAzui,: Biou'r, General 'Manager for er unbx ~BERLINER, 2315 Si. Catherine Street, . . . MONTREAL, For Sale by L, MORRIS, Bowmian ville., adseed teeus ith$ Stae uuu ouwish Ae o'r Ladies, Bicycle, height cframe aned gear wnted, and we will send A E yen tlis Hîgli Grade 1901 flodel IG r Eagle Bicycléby Express C-O. 1 L st te exoinination., Yeu can examine i; thcreughly ai yeur Ex. pres Ofdceand if fennd perfectly satislaciory, eactly asý represented, A HIGII GRADE 1901 MODEL GNUIME EAGLE BICYCLE, psy te theý Express Aetthe balance daue- $29.00 - and Express Nos, 45, 50 and 51 Charges. Tbhe express charges are enly 50 te 75 cents for eacb 500 musle. No sitra charge fer Ladies Bicycles. EVERYGNE KNOWSTHE EACLE BICYCLEsJ/ Tiîey are the liighest Grade wheels made; ne Bicycle has a btter reputatîeus; no Bicycle has bee more widely afvertised by tbe inakers;- big favourites with best Bicycle Clebs; the leading wbeel with fficessinal riders. Beill on henor, flush joints, fines; hanger, hubs aed bearisg. highest grade equip ment. Fitted with Victor Single Tube Tires. 82150 extra fer Morgan & Wright iîres-IS GOextra fer JL)unop Tires. Heiglus cf frame-5ten's 20, 22 and 24 in.-Ladies' 20 and 22 in-enamellef Black; 4b WH OFFER splendid chance te -a goied agent lnecdi own. Sendfofr Catalogue and ask for Agents' Rliamonts. Wheelaslightlye,$3.Otell25.00. T. W. BOYD & SON -ecreAgency asonre. 19 oa aeS. ojrr~ giece fornsali. n l.y 2ldoz. pack cesi 'e a Secd at 100. 'f~5' h lXniî secicaoeCifaifsnspiesýdid mixtureofet5 nto - I si les co ltrs. 'The URiSla ot thsbc-t castLni - ýfh p -t, iaie niekel barrai, 'cigrgýuard and aide plaies. Il ha-icr-roi'sd lo l ugp-,dnarnt ti, and soxu wthoterifa, fotrm aiid ceynt a fc w e'se ou rce 14 pra a 'The season for se' liaZ souda s ntihrt . su omdccat anas. CdSilîy(uorn. drop an orfet torafilled inl, te thli ceînpsny. W\ee au ou']et "a la carte," or tve can trusfte fiabP est,%b1iSmnt anti cail for ý'tat 'isetc," thc prico iLaf cumpriSssc cheice cf ct'er a thon- san] disbes. Iu any -case, ai.tishe time appelafeti a ceuspicueus yeilov cat wll drive up te eut deer. At tie test end efthtie v-an lus a steve, heateti hy fie fraya et chai-ceaI. Ftem, fie interiei'ofethe van tic at- tendant tv-lltiratv-forfis epotiesa uap- ery et tic meet attractive lciui,fiisses anti cutlery et elect-'o plate, au] yenr luncheen or tilnoer caretnlly repesiug lun ifs cempoent parts in disises pc- et in a blodktitn- caisuen vetoti titb green bais'e. The man wii refuru fer tise dizbea later iu the day. t POETIC COLUPRING. A piiiiter wlio a store did kep Was., such a jolly jokor, Ihat when he founid bis girl asleep Ho with a yellow ocbhre. Her chohor ,rose-"Am I1 ti brow, You caU me pretty yeller. Endigo-nant ishe left the trxen, Thus went bia Uraber Ella. lRe vowed he'd ne'er S! une, HE'd gLva bis life to toil, Hoe keeps. that vow lainviolet, fie name Ù% Lynn C. Doyie. TIIOSEHIAND Y 'I LLý. 1 hoard ycu addres3 your :nÈo1lcc4 1 u 11-1,okinig fien b, as t rît-essor. Whab chair dies ho hold? f Th:' tbid thacal ai. Iillerla barber shop. MMÉM ÀO-%.

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