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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1901, p. 4

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m Quaities Cunt . In Drugsb Andi Medicilles partictilat'ly. I believe fliaf you realize this fully, and when yVou hanti me your prescriptions that you expect f0 get fthc best, It is my one aim f0 build Up and establisli a reput ation for the quality of mny Drngs and the qualif y of my work and I, therefore, take no chances of failingoto attain f0 my object by giving yon anyfhing but the very besf, You will make no mistake in trusting me wifli your prescriptions. The- ameNe StrePhoe 9. THE DRUGGIST. The ameNew tor-Phoe 4. fouse 41. lu , ,JW M,.ibL iL i 1 M W .bb~bb ,.b0.L M 1J M..L 3 ,~ib bib The Gnadia Staesifin, tesA sugar fa=orrequires large quanti- The Candin taesan t ýOfpure oefruse lu clarifica- fion, pleuty of pure water, anti coal for - ,BOWMANVILLE. MAR. 13, 1901,f fuel' anti success of flic industry is gov- e rnedt f a considerable ext eut iy flie EDITuRIS JOTTINGS. abondance anticlieapness of these flire requirements. The liest sugar.m-aking If requires posh anti patience te induce maciinery is now mateienl the U S. but men of means te invcsf in unknown iu- flic besf secti bas se far te lbe importeti dustriés, wth equally uncertain profits, from France anti Germnny. Extensive but why shoulti farmers besitate te yen- experiments arc going on in varions fure $5o0 or $îoo, in a sure anti familiar parts of this country ,vith.flic olject of intiustry fliat tliev can untionltetily sup- raising bigli grade seeti. Hati we a sugar ply witb flic necessnry protiucfs anti factorv in Bowmanville we coulti nef know liat flic temanti for flic output is manufacture enougli sugar te supply practically unlimiteti? Profits mny flot Durham counfy alone, for ioo,ooo people always bie large but flie chances are using6o Ils. per lcati would reqoire about as certain for gain as other pro- 6,ooo,ýooo pountis Or 3,000 tons, se flic dîîcfs of flic fnrm We refer te flic pork- whole ouf-pot woulti li requireti for packing intiustry. horne consomption. Our reatiers must *** 1 net imagine for a moment fliat wc are Every person in this cont ry ents 63 going te have a beet sugar factory liere. l'os sugar.vcarly, more than double 20 We are sîmply giving these particulars ycars ago lu Englanti 86 l'os. per cap for information. ita îs useti. The more enterprising anti energestic a peoule tlic more sogar they Since wrtiing our comments ounflic beet eaf Cane.sugar anti liet sugar are ex acfly sogar ýuestîon a meeting of "men of flic samin coposition, appearance anti money' bas been lielt i if oronte te faste. Haif flic worlti's sugar is matie consitier the formation of a company te from beets Uncle Sam-pays nnnually Operate in some part of Ontarie Claims $1,oco,ooo,oco or si.35 per capîta fer from Duniville anti \allaceliurg were lie- foreigu sugar Californin lias a sugar f ore them supported bly delegations. factory that cost $2,75o, 000 anti turns They decidedt fat nothing can lie donc Out 400 tons tiaily, rîsîng 3,000 tons of this ycar as contaacts for beet growýýing- beets, anti using flic protiuct Of 30,000 cannot bie arrangeti in time. They pro- acres. pose te spenti $575,ooct for a plant, with capacity for handling fiee tons of beets a Conservative estimate places the value day or from sixty Vo eiglity thoosanti of farm landis arounti Bowmanivillc from tons w~hile flic season is on. The site 20 te 50 per cent higlier, liesities creatîng icquireti 3o acres andi 4,000 te ,000 acresr a new source of empleymenf for a large of landi in beet culture will bie necessary. l number of men anti womeu were a new An appeal will lie matie te Ottawa for a t pork-packing, factory, a new creamery,f bonus from Vthe ]ederal treasury te lielpà a"xrew evaporato r, a new pickle factory, the industîy. te are now open forh a ncw cannirîg factory, a new furniture negotiafion-w ifl toxvns effering flie rcc-0 ï-ýctory anti a new foundry estalilisheti cssary conditions anti inducements. , ý rsere. The,,se are al possibilifies, tee A f bcee sugar factory is ouf of tlic question Mr. Hendricks lu th~e Countrv Gentle- owîng Voeflic necessarily large cest of tic man saidt tbli an autliorify 'on appleE plant-$2ro,ooe, anti upwards Yef, if culture recommentis for Canada the§e manef lieb, for witinii a radius of two varieties: Summne;, Rose. Early Fl arvest. il es at Bay City, Michigan there are 'Primate, Snvect B5ugli, Williams' Favor- fi flirce factories in successful operation, lite, Gravenstein, Ricliarti's Graff, Sum- fE mer Pippin, \Vestfielti, Seek-no-furtlier,w Fameuse, Mouse, Grime's Golden, Wag- 01 Iu sfutiying flic liet-sugar question we ner, Rliode Island Grecning, Nortliern 2' findt lat when sucli industries bave b cen Spy, Esepus Spifzcnburg,.Porter. Jona- estalishedi farm wealth lias wonticrously flian Yellow Bellfilower and Newton increasei.- Small farms are liesf for Pipriin. He atits: This f regard as flic fewcr acr es are necessary witli greater liest list of twenfy serfs fliat can bie namet labor f0 flic acre. Fiffy acres tilleti from stantiarti varîcties. If I coulti have p ithlieets wiIllyielticonsîieralile revenue onîy two varieties, tliey woultibcle i Every acreý will grow 12 te 2o tons of beets Esopos Spitzeuliurg anti Newton Pippîn ai whîch seli ut $4 anti upwartis. Say 15 *' **As f0 peurs, 1 suit flic tons at $4ý woulti li $6o per acre or follewing list from which te select, viz., $3,Qooe, Allowing $i,8oo, for lalior, rent Madeline, Blootigooti, W ilder's Early, CE or interest on capital, taxes, etc, andti yson, Sommer Doyenne, Barflett, Bose, flien there iS $1,200 f0 flic gooti. or $24 Clapp's Favorite, Howell, Seckel, Anjou, al an acre profit. If is agooticrop of wbat WbN'ite Doyenne, Dana's Hovey, josepli- b that yields $8 an acre profit. Beef grow-medMaisani itrNes. f rng was saidto teei salvatien of Ain- nceitrqueiBoigt, lilnI enican agriculture." The lanti is nef 'in Tyson anti Hyson mîgit lbe left ouf. poverishid for Dr. Ketizi says sugarîis* "contieuseti sunsbine, wind anti wnfer," Jufowliifratoaotann or coposei ofcurlon, ytirgen, antfcory prices in New York sf ate will in- oxygen, while wheaf takes flic vcry lifeM fro th sol--he itrgenusanti phos- teresf many STATESMAN reatiers: A Han- fromflicsou-fli niregeeusover farmer receiveti over $16oo for bis phiatic maffer, crep of lima lieuns. Refugee sftring beansH ling $1 te $2 5o a bushel-flie smaller Farming -shoulti soon regain ifs ol-th-eli pbtis, the higlier flic pnice. Lima tt fime piestige anti resuits if beans, shelleti, 7c. a pounti; pear shelleti Pl allich enterpnises go inte eperafion go $2 per be ili. Peas arc bauleti lubuli te into operation that are being promofeti in fifntory, shelleti ly mncbinery. Te- p( this country in thie iuerests of agriculture. matocs, 4oc. per cwt,, or 24c. a bushel Now we rend lunflic Toronto Star of n Early Crosby swecf corn, $îo n ton; fi( million dollar company huving been Evergreen, $8 Only fie Detroit reti!o. formet f0 carry on flic tresseti ment beet is useti for canning ; 65c. per ewt., fratIci l Toroufo. Rccently a numlier.of orncarly 40c, Per bushel; size, i f0 2'2 o spmushave been matie te Great luches Strawlierries, Sc. a pound ; alo rianwiich have fumnet ouf well anti legal quart weighs 18 ' oz., making price et fire is quife a tiemanti for tiresseti beef about 5',/c a quart. Blncklierrices, 4c a in flic Canudian mining districts anti even1 pounti, or 6c. a standard quart of 67 in New Brunsîwick. When flic U. S. culiîc incies Redi raspbenries, 6c. antiP' does sucli an immense frutie luntresseti llackcaps Sc. a pouni. S beef wlfli British markets ficre is no RE*15 reason now tliat colt storage lins been Tbere i s greaf gooa sense in the pro _znfretiuced iit o Anglo-Canadian steamers posai to bave only eue Hymnal for flie why Canatia, shoulti nef builti up n suc- Anglican Churcli. but like nîl greaf ne- cessfni fratie tee. The men af flctent forms this one will require mucli atvo- of this ccmpnny are fhellatiing men lu cacy. A uniform hymiial cannot lie the illiam Davies Ce., thaf is tioing atioptedt te soon. A recent editorial in sucli an immense expert trade in pork Thc Cliorcli Record ounflic subject wns aind ti len meats most fair anti convinciug anti cîfing flic arguments pro, und con very nicely anti closing wîtl thîs wise declaration: We Th,94-want a book wliolly loyal te flic formi- -IE Thatlaries of flic Churcli of Englanti as thcy o Wl hoop! arc, anti we lielieve fliat flic great major- iyof hrme are ready t nt nal Have you ha t inluyour book that is atiequate from flic stantipaint wÉ bouse? It's cougb and of lîferary anti musical culture, an Ycougi andi cougli, anti then *that terrible whoop 1 Don'f Process oflsugar-making: Tioroughly tk cleansing flic beets, slîcîng loto thin CI' upsef the stomnach more by perces soaket in warm water te dissolve be giving nauýseous medicine. ouf the sugar, clanîfying tlie juiice witha Guitivato Wbenever fiers Is an ache or pain, wben tie appefite faîls, when tiers are leepleËs nigits anti momentary spelis Df weakuess, look fer fie cause, and se thnt If Is removeti at once. Cultivate gooti isalti wiile yet tiers is something te huilti on, iustead of malting untîl fie neirve force la depleteil xnd vlfallty complet ely exiausted. To pensons sîîfferng the resuîts of sI!n blooti and wasfed nerves, Dr. ihase's Nerve Foodi supplies aillfie ieds of fie sysfem and brings perfect salfi. It oceupies a fei, by itself nd ls unique Iu these respects:, tint WEST DURHAM LIBERALS. A convention will be held in the Tow Hall, Bowmanvillc, on Saturday Marc 23rd, i901, at 2 P. M. f select a candidal f0 contest this Riding in the Liberal inte est in the ensuing election for fthc Ontari Legislature. Hon. J. R. Stratton, Pr( vincial Secretary, will address the mee Liberals will' meet'next Satvrday at pam. in the Town Hall at Bowrnanvill< Orono, Ncýwcastle, Hampton anti Blacl stock f0 appoint delegates f0 attend fth ,convention, Let there bce a full atten. ance. A. E. CLEMENS, M. A. JAMES, President. Secretari THE WEST DURHAM CASE. Justice Street on Safurday mile against the "'prelîinary objections raised by Mr. C. J., Thorntou's counse f0 fthe petition of Chas. Burniam askiuj fiat flie seat be given f0 Mr. R. Beifb Mr, Thomufon bas f0 pay the costs Tbis is not fie main case-if was j hearing of these "objections" onl.ý wbich. we explaineti lasf week. Th t wo cases will now lie consideredti f get ber, EN FIELD. Visifors Miss Lily MeCulloch at Ux bridge ; Miss L. Hogarth, Soia, a Mr. R. Pascoe's ; Mr. R. Niddery at thi Assizes, CobouLrg, juryman ; Mrs. Jas Gilbert visiting Western Oufarli frienis ; Mr W. IL. Ford, Oshawa, a Mr. WJ. Ormiston's. .....Mr. A. Stace,~ got bis finger badly smasied... Mmr anti Mrs. John Ormiston, jr., enterfain eti 25 young people Wednesday even ing .....Master Leslie Hall bas pneu mionia ...... Mr, Tom. Thorn, of Hfi Majesfy's Mail Service, lost a valuabît cow recently....Mri, W. Ormiston E asf Wifby, is seriously MI. SHOULD linlu very home. Hagyard'ý Yellow Oil shoulti be in every home fhiîE time of the year, as there i8 nothing t(, equal if for chapped hantis, frost bites, anti chiblains. HAMPTON. 11ev. J.H. Oliver, Toronfo, Mr. F. G. Oliver and wife. Rossmount, recenfly visiteti their motier ...Miss Annie L. Ashton wbo bas been quife ill is con- valescîng..ý..Mr. S. Stonhouse left for bis borne at r.N eepawa, Man, Tues- day with a number of horses and other farm supplies. Mr. Murali Rolibins ac- companies him te spend fie summer on the prairie... M. J. Finie, wife anti childtren, Southampton, are visifing Miss Ada Hasfings ..... A very heavy ramn anti ice storm passeti over the vil- lage Sunday affernoon followed by a thunder sform during the nigt .. Mrs' Thos Rowe is coufinedti f the bouse witi mumps. . .. Mr. N. Rundie our new undertaker tooki possession on Mvondav. ... Miss May Moore is visiting friends in Cobourg .... Mr. John Elliott is attentiing the sessions of the supreme [Home Circle af HamiltQn. The essenti-il long-healing prînciple of thie pine tree bas fiuiallv been suecess- fully separateti and refineti info a per- fecf cougli mediciue-Dr. Wood's Nor- way Fine Syrup. Solti by all dealers on a guaranfee of satisfaction. Prîce 25 cents. ENNISKTLLEN. Mr. - R. Ashton is visitiug friendinl Port Perry. Leave your order for Downey's Breadi and Pasfry at fthe Peoffle's btore. Mr. C. J. Mountjoy hati a verv sac- eessful sale Thursday. Men's Heavy Boots af Bargain prices af the People's store, See these gootis before you buy. Mr. Herb. Alexander bas refurnedti f Kendall for the summer. New Wall Paper is going fast; lie vise andi make your selection early. Prices'are from 5c a roî1l upwards. W, M. Wottou, fie People's stor. Miss Weblier is guest of Mrs, W. Herring. Mrs& W m. Roblius andi daughter, twn, visited af ber fatier's Mr. James >ye. Mr. 0. L. Byers is visiting frientis at Port Perry. Mr, E. Bemt Stevens bas meturneti ýom visifing friends lu Western Ont ar- Dr. Frank C. Tmebilcock reati a paper n one of the manv phases of tubercu- osis at fie Posf Graduafe Medical Soci- Scribner's Magazine for March con- tains au article by Richard Harding Davis of, a journey "Along the East Coast of Africa." P11C-nD We, the undersigned. di hereby agree to reedthe money on a 10 cent bottle of Greene«s your 1. il or c-id. W also guarantee a p2u cen b t. oprv atsatory or money refunided. J. HIGGINBOTH AM &SON~, STOTT &JIJEY.' License District of West Durham, TOI TAVERN-KEEPERS. Notice is hcreby given thnt applications wîli now be received at îny office irom pensons de- sirons of obtalning Licenses for the sale ofi L!iuer in fie West Riding of Durnham for fie Lîcense year 1901-2. 4- Appliceations for License for premises net n w under License must be accompanieti by a certificats signed by a majority of electors en- tif led te vote ai elecfipns for fie Legisiative Assembly lu fhe, polling sub-division in which the premises sotîgit te be lîcenseti anes stuateti. No applications can be receiveti affen the first, day of Apnil. Fermas will bce sent on application. ROBERT KNOX, Inspecfor's Office, Orono, Ont. bnspectoî. hMare 5, 1901, 11-2w "Hwthe Beet Sugar JnduFttrv is Growi>ng" is the subject of au infoïrma. flouai article by Ray Stannard Baker ln the Mardi Review otfiteviews. Cejhildlren Cry for CASTOR lA1 Children Ory, for CASTO00RIlAt, JLady of flic house lookîng 111fo the empty flour barrel said--"O. I. CU. R. M. T." "Well, I arn glad as now I -tan get al! my Bread, Buns, Cakes andlPoý,. Luttrell's anti save- aIl the boflier of baking myseif." King Sf., Bowmanville, Telephone 97. PreêttLyl creif 0 iirsel ati heposition lie E - - W. YORK Notice to Ceiés when yen are well, te oUL I~ Mrs. Margaret Walfers is visitiug ruli anti scruli, but Are wiafyou will findiin my stock for lier daughfem Mrs. A. Wybomn, Cour- wheii fhe back aches In thelIc atter of the Est ate of fie holiday seasou,and at lowesf prices. tice ... Mms. Chas. Dawson, Peferlioro, andt fe headti tiobs, UIL4RLES HIO W.AD GILBERT is guesf of Mm. A. W. Clemens.. , .11ev. a woman's wonk 18 late of the town.shîp of Daî-linqton Christmas anti New Year Cards, J. . nt Mr. eMlle vsietifrenishounly tonnent. ~ t~Cut fD l - Booklets -anti Calendans, A special , MgMeulenviitd rind .No womnueau blite Cutyo urham5,armer's lu Oakwood, Mariposa, neceufly anti ne- sfrong anti healtby of biody wlio is the vie- son, deccascd. -Christmas Endeavour Calend:ar, 2ý5c. potsieighing exceptionally goot eut tira of those woinanly tiseases whîch are Notice is hereby given punsuant te "Thîe Also special cards antid oklfo Lr f heme ...., Our citizens extendt their sin- offen responsible'for feminlue suffenings. linviseti Statutes of Ontaro" 1897, Ohapter 129, for 195 l lsss el-besNe; cere sympathy f0 Ms.Josepi Peufounti Women who have useti Dr. Pierce's Fa- that ail erý-ditors and others having dlaims fr1. 0f ouricein er evee ilues. venîte Prescription for fhe cure of dîseases againsf the estate of fhe saiti CHARLES ff0ou ti he seve e i anti mainof the womtanly orgaus, say that work HOWARD GILBERT, who died ou or about Big range of. Books for al classes of Owing toesn'f tire win andmËanyd more.ti"eFavorathfe 21st day of January. 1901, are required on or readers. A yery special bargain in sfom o eric ws elt l fe hucl Pesripio" egylfe mfereripds, dutesbefone the FIRST DAT 0F APRIL, 10, eclot bounti, popul ar authors. at 25cf s. storm o serice ws hel in te chuch Precripton Ilregultsende bye mail prep enddb orildeeivenorteliv est. rs Sunday eveuiug -... Affer the continu- enfeeling drains, heals inflammiation andi Simpson & Blair of the t own 0f Bowmanville Moody's, at 25e. Meyer's anti Murray's etid scarcîty of wefr, Tymrone esdenfers ulcerafion, anti cures female weakness. It solicit ors for fhe Toronto Genemal, Trusts don- af 85c. a,.re congrafulafing fbemuselves on their meseak womnen sfrong anti sick women perafion, fie adminiftraters of Vie property of Po the saiti deceased their christiaun na mes Poo Albums, great value, 50 uts. --------~---- -. . - . * - ~ -. ~ssuiusn~,fssnxnr n-,r~u.r4sr~,,~i£r.vt - - -4.r~aîra~979~a __ ~ _ ~ ~eiL ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ -~s~w i ~ ~ - 2;. - ~ - ________ _ _ _ -~ ~,-~-- -* ~------~,- .-<-r,-L,-----t----~-.#.---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-~- ~ri~,i' ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ___ ~ ~ ,5flr~et5,55~je5~e~rr5 ~ ~ * £P~4~f~4 " - - s~rJ~~1aamnae-.--- ~ _______ ~------~ - ~ ~ - '-5 - _____ _________ r,.,.u. L~..,. '1,, il -' Ies TeBEnU House,«M BOWMAN VILLE. HThe West End bouse has eomp1ete1t Stoek-taking and we find that i in many depatmns our stock is too large. Therl-fore we have deeided to redluce it and to -do=i wl seli many lines' AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The following is a list of some of our Specials for this week: 96 pairs Flannelette Blanke',-s, large size, regalar $1,00 and $1.25; this week 83c 600 yards Faney Stripe Flaninelette, 36 inches wide, usually sold at 12ýe and o 14c; while it Iasts will be sold at 1O 300 yards white Canton Flannel, regular price lie; this week e5 c :1 4 dozen Ladies' Ribbed V est, regular price 60c; thts week. 43C H 5 dozen Misses Union Ribbed Vests, regular price 20e to 25c; this week15 * .. . toots and Sboes . Hhe Boot tng hStore don'tfre the Shoe Department. Many cases of 'New Boot an Shes ave rried nd hisseasn yu wll indeverything up-to-date. Ail made by best manufacturers. See our Ladies' Dongola Button and Lace Boots at $1.50. I ** Groceetles *io Snaps for the Week-,o 2 eans Peas 15e; 2 cans Corn 15c; 2 cans Tomatoes 15c; 2 cans Beets, 15c; 2 cans Squash 15c; 1 lb. pure ground Coffee 25c; 2ý lbs, Sel. Valencia Raisins 25e; Heinz t-ickles 15e per quart; 5 lbs Prunes 2.5c; 10 bars Fine Laundry Soap 25c, IZff Highest price paid for ail farm produce. MMUrtry. ààêÂààà~àlllhIllllu1llI luBllllEllllàà àààéàîàà * AUCTIO2N SALES. TuEsDA'y,Mah 19-Mr. Walter 1. Osborne , lot 31, Broken Front, Daýr- lington,'liaving sold his farm, will seil by auction ail of bis valuable farmn stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. JAEs, Bisnop, auctioneer. See bills for particulars. Catarrh, called an Americau disease, is cured by an American medicine, originated and prepared in the inost catarrhal of American countries. That medicine is ll.oocl's Sarsaparilla. If cures radically and permanently, in that if removes the cause, cleansing the blood of scrofuous and ail other im - purities. It overcomes ail the effects of catarrh, too, and builds up the whole system. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. Geo.,Power is at Cobourg attend- ing the spring assizes .... Friday even- inS- about fiftv friends of Mr. John Sevens assembled at bis residence to celebrate bis birthday and spent a verv pleasant evening . .. Mr. Chester Power recently receivei a very severe bite ou the baud by a fox while frying to dis- lodge hlm ..... Mr. Geo. Power bad a successlul wood bee,.... Wednesday evenîng March 6fh Maple Grove Divis- ion celebrated its 4th anniversarviwith an entertainmeut and luncheon. Mr, Jas. Gilfilan, 13.A., Bowmanville, very ably occupied the, chair The foilowing interesting program was given. Solos by Misses Truli, Trebilcock, Jennings and Witberidge; Recitations by Misses Eva Fole 'y, Mabel Cox, Winuie Axforb, Velma Tyler dnd Lena Mason, (town,) Mëssrs A. W. and E G. Foley ; Instru- mental solos by Misses ileal and Scott. Addresses were given by 11ev. J,. &S.I Wilsonand Mr. McCarthy, G. W-. P. of the Order in Ontario. the address wa aa ý-S New Carpets in Axminster, Brussels, Tapesfry, wool too and three ply, and union in aIl qualifies opened ont this week at Couch,J ohnston &Cryderman's. The Steamer.ý Garden City bas been sold to run between Toronto and Dal- housie and the Picton boat Argyle it is said will 'cake the Garden City',q route along north shore ports. 11ev. D. N. McCamus, Cobourg, lbas accepted an invitation f0 fthe Central Mefbodist church, Sarnia. 11ev. Jabez Sanders, M. D., D D., Duadas St., London, bas been invîfed f0 Cobourg. Ail loyers of unaccompanied singing sbould hear the beautif al serenade, "Pale. in the Amber Wet," andi the cbarmiug love ballad "Little Pee-Weet" f0 be given by the llarmouy Maie Quartette. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell, Port Hope, celebrateti the 25th anniversary of their marriage on Marcb 1sf andi were pre- senfeti with an address reati by Mavor White aud Mr. Bell with a silver beadeti can suitably inscribed andi Mrs. Bell with a pair of Jardineres. Frientis were present fromn Bowmanville

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