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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1901, p. 5

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L »One When yo ur bauds a re cbapped or your face or lips rough and sore one application of Cream o' Violets will do more good than a week's use of the ordinary articles sold for this purpose. We guarantee this statemeut to be absolutely correct and ~gi.cheerfully return your ly if are flot satisfied LAIRGE BOTTLE, 25c. STOTT & JURY., N. B-There is nlo remedy for Cougha, Colds, etc., that will equal our Coug'h Syrup. You always get your monev back if our remedies do flot satisfy you. ~SC~RELY If; is scarccly necessary for us to say anything about the purity of the goods wc seli. For over 20 years our name on a package bas been necog- nie~in the homos of the rosi- etsof West Durham and viîiyas a positive guarantee as to purity. This ils not newspapor talk but ani actual tact, and if; is an VuBder1sffood thing with our cu s- tomers that wc stand ready at ail timoes ta choertully refund the monoy if a customor is not satisfied. )We sei eue quality only and that the best. We oeil at one price only and that the lowest. If you have nover tried aur '1 goods and pricos it will puy you to do so. STOTT &v JURY, The Druggists and Opticians. iM.ïM ÎVILLE, MAR. 181, 1901. Cream Taffy 10e per Ilb. Sturduy only at Tod's. Lady reudens wiil be iuterested thîs wcek lu Floricultre-soe inside page. Prof. Baker will lecture lu High ,%ihool FrîdayMun. î5,on '"Astrology." 1WHave you soon the first spring robin yet ? Weil sec ttie tiuwarc at Nicholîs' wbile son wait. * Tait & Co. make photos for 50e, per dozen up. T[iny bave picture frames on sale. Miss May V. Clemens, Bowmanviile, Is visiting Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, Oshawa. New Reggatta Shirts, New Colars and Cufs, uew White Shirts-laundnied and uuluundrîed, just received ut The Mason Cois. Tait & Ca. have a brandi galoery at Orono. TheF- eau suit yenu t cither place in photos or crayon portrait Prices low. Gaunod's "Unfold" ta ho given by the Harmony Maie Quartette ut their concet vwill ho the graudest ovor hourd (Joucb, Johunston &,,Cryderman have just receiveti a flue stock of New Bats. Tbe lutest productions of the best Eug. lish and Amenîcan makers. We une informeti that the Harmony Maie Quartette oxpeet ta sceure the assistance ai anc of the best entertain- ers lu the Province for thein fortbeomiug event. Master W. Hardy Nicholîs celebrated W seventh aaniversuny of bis birthduy entertaining about twenty-five of his youug friends at bis home on Con- eessi,)n'St., Wedncsduy, Murch 6th. Mr, J. H., Dobson, Yiceroy Building, Liverpool, England, formons' of the Big 20, Bawmanvilie, wili ho pleused ta heur from uany persan baving any uc- count eîther lu f avon of or agaiust hlm. The Muson Ca., bas impro'7ed and enlarged their Hut Deputment sinco the airnival of ther uew London batsý V o s une extnemeIy goad this seuson adthe styles une veny tuking. Ses V4;when buying your now but ho1 annual At Home of the W. C. T. t as bieul on Tuesday Marcb th at çiW'ildenco of Mrs. S. Mason., King ,the Hononury Presideut, who ccl- abatedut the sumoturneber 79t1'birth- y. A very empting'suppor was yovd lu theo-diuigroom capvonrs-heing- Iiflfor thirIv'sliie. Rey. W.,Jalliffe, wkobas beon ussociuted with Mrs. Ma3n for aven 40 vears in temperauco Andother good causes made a bappy oeh, expressîng bis pieusuro ut gen present ta paticipate lu the hitiduy celebratian as wcll as gucst 1t this At Homo. Tbe regular program given in the drawiug room, "social îy") being the subjoot dîseusscd. ho ',president,- Mrs. T. Hoar, presidcd, anti led the discussion, the members contributiug interesting answors whicb cýimbined witb music made a plousunt andI profitable timus for ail. The gentie- mon gucsts preseut were Rev. W. J, and Boy. W.Jolliffe, Messrs. P.C.Tneb- iJockT. . Hggibatham, S. W. Mason, .C.Jwel0. Young, W. W. .Ai, Thos. Hoar, Jas.- Morris, Wý lslop. andti Ueo. R. and 'Clareoëc Makou. Mns. Mason ivas matie the- reeipient of a battlbniglm b hr con as a rmndrof ber 79 th Try Tod's Vienna Rolls-they are goûd-. Talmage's sermon this week is a good One if short. Cream Taff y, 10e per lb. Saturday m~ly at Tod's, Home Department this; week contains some good recilpes. If yeu don't deal with me we both lose-A. L. Nichiolls. Snaps aiways for wide awake, up. ta- date people at lNicholls'. The Misses Laing, Port Hope, are guests of Miss Neads . 25 boxes "Our Own" Poap, 3 lb, bars, just in at The Mason Co's. Editorial Notes and Comments are found on page two-iside. The ramn and wind stormn Saturday and Suî3day did great damage. Miss Walters, Lindsay, is guest of her sister Mrs. (Dr.) J. C.- Devitt. Mr. and Mrs, Chapma n, Kir by, have been visiting Mr. J. Rickaby, Lindsay. New Maple Syrup in gallon and> haîf gallon tins just received at The- Mason Co's. We have a large stock of Quartered Oak Furniture in Antique and Golden finisiies. L. Morris. Flannelette IJnderwear at clearing prices, also wool blankets 257. discount at The Mason Co's. One, tw o, three ! Now they are off! Not to the Pan-American but Nicholis' wonderlul varietv store. Orders taken for 3030O different news- papers and magazines at the STATES- màm office at lowest prices. Miss Mattie Parker of Albert College, Belleville, spent Sunday at the parson- age.-Colborne Enter prise. Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C. had charge of the criminal business at the spriug assizes lu Lindsay this week. Mrs. John Warren, Toronto, gave us a eall yesterday. She is visiting at Mr. H1. W. ReiŽwick's, Clarke. Farmers requiriug stock should attend Walter 1. Osborne's sale ou Tuesday next (March 19) niear Ebenezer. Miss Galbraith, music teacher, was taken snddenly Eti while lu Orono recent- ly but is now recovering nicely Mr. J. Canning, Port Hope, succeeds Mr. L. T. Courtice in the clothing de- partment of the Mason Company. Ladies are ail invited ta attend Miss, Medland's niillinery opening on Thurs- dav and Friday March 28 and 29th. Mr. Wm. Quay, Port Hope. has been visiting his sister Mrs. F. Bleakley who celebrated hier 80th birthday ou Mon day, ,Mr. E E. Sheppard, Editor Saturday Night, Toronto, has gone on an exteud- ed tour through Palestine and other eastern lands. Every farmer and dairyman should read carefully aur Farmn Department this week. The two letters to "'Factory- men" are important. 1 have for sale a few choice York- shires from 6 weeks to three months old, also Sows in farrow. Two good stock Hogs for service. T. J. COLE, Box 188, Bowmanville, Ont. The best value lu Worsted Suits we have ever had are among aur new arrivals, A good worsted clay-twill full suit, up to-date style, pauts lined, uiily 87,)0; a very superior qnality lu Grey,,,Flacýk or Bine, double breasted vest, only $10; similar hue with single breasted vest $9. For large choice and best values trv The Mason Company. The wbolesale price of Watches are up and going up ail the time-Rickard's prîces are DOWN. H1e looked ahead and purchased for your benefit, Its your own fault if you spend more than he charges for&a tlmàkeeper. And you will need to buy at the right time as well as tbe Ériht place. Rickard knows what he eau sel] for now while bis stock lasts. Look sharp now. The social given at the Church of Christ Wednesday evening was not iargely attended owing to couniter attractions The pastor, Rey, B. H. Haydon presided very acceptably. Au interesting programn was given by Miss Lillian Olcott, recitation; Miss- Ethel Foster, solo; selections by the mandolin and guitar club-Messrs. A. L. Darch, C. Tait. R, N. Jolliffe, and FE W. Treb. ilcock; Miss McXVain, reading! and Miss Nina Collacutt, solo., A very social hour was spent at the close when light refreshments were served ta al, Mr. Luther T. Courtice for many years head clerk lun The Mason Comn. pany's big departmental' store, and more recently a partver lu the firm , has gone to reside at LiVerpool, Eng. land, where be has been given a re- spoiîsible position with the Anglo- American Produce Co., 70 Victoria St. Mir. Courtice has been a most exemplary and valuaole citizen, every good work, and will be very greatly missed. In the church where lie bas been associated officially in the Epworth League, as supei'intendent of Sabbath School1 and lu social circles where bis superir talets.bass- olen otiue Tonilc-""I have takeui Hoods Sarsa.i parilla as a_ tonic and generat buile, of tMe system vwilh excettent resuits. It re- tecs -ve'it ty, drives ao.ay that tired fte!- Mrg, quilets ie neres and brlngs refreshlng step."Joh Y.Patersn, h(by, ont. Mr. Alex. Beitb,' Brantford, is homE for a fow days. Mr. Arthur Hamley, Oshawa, waE home over Sunday. Bev. J. H. Barnett spont a few dayE lu Toronto last week. Dr. G. H. Edick, Detroit, Mich, aç been visiting his family bore. Miss Medland's miilinery opening will take place an Thursday, and, Fn day March 28 and 29. Ton cows for sale at Walter Ousborne's sale next Tuesdav besides'rmuch other valuable stock; attend. For twenty-four years VapoCrefsalene has been extensively uied for ail formas of throat and bronchial troubles, ARl Druggists. Sec Cawker & Tait s adv and notice their window this week they are sound- ing tho praises of their tea. Try thein and s'on will do likewiso. We notice that Couch J ohnston& Crydarman are opcniug out immense quantities of New Spring Ooods. Direct importation from England. _tI9ýo the Ozone treatmcnt-Tolo the druggist receive .d anothor gross(12 ýdôz) of this wonderful germ killer yesterday and will give you special pricos lun doz. and dozon lots. Do nat be mislead-if any one tells you that Riekard bas flot the "New York Singer" for sale, don't you give if; credit. 11e bas the samo machine as is sold thraughout Canada, While Mr. Rober t Beith, son of Dr. A. Beithi was roturning from church Sunday evoning a dcad limb from a troc near the cornier of Chnrch and Silver streets, broken off by the high wind struck hlm. is thigh was broken and bis back severely bruised. Excuse me Bob, but you do nat necd a new cart ono haîf as bad as Jennie doos a sewinz machine, I sec Riekard, Je~weller, Rowmanville, is selling mua- chines right (and ho is ta be relied on for the quality of any article he souls.) Say we surprise Jennie with a machine, and straightway tbey left for Riekards', a spot where the wise do deal. The Examiner office, Peterboro, anc of the bost equipped pninting hanses'in Eastern Ontario, was completely gutted by tire Saturday morning. Loss $85.000- insulrance $16,000. The Hon. J. R. Strattan, Provincial Socre- tary, awued the praperty. Having bad a baptism of fire six years a go of a similar nature we eau f ully sympathize with aur brother publisher. You nover looked upon aur Honored Sovereigu, who, bas so lately passed away, and if you do not have your eyes prapcrly fitted with sp)ectacles yvou wiil not ho able ta read the papers wbich now cantain 50 many iuterestig tem about ber life and thus you will Miss pleasure worth far more than the price Rickard the aptician charges for bath testiug and fitting your eyos. Tbink of this and act. LIBERTY OATS. Farmers, do yoit know that you should sow the famous %bigc-yieldiing Liberty Oats?, I have a quantity-very choice and suitable for'seed. Cal and sec tbem and learu ýthe «f pnîce, T. Il. KNIGiiT, New Cboap, Cash, Grocery Store, Morris' Block, Bowmauviilce Phone 72. 'VICTORIA MINSTRELS. A packed bouse and very approcia- tive audience greeted the Victoria Minstrels lu the Town Hall on Friday nigbt. As the curtain lifted a raptur- ans volume ai applause greeted the gentlemen wvho were so iînmaculatcly gotten up oni the attractivel 'y arranged stag1e. The end men-Messrs. W. B. Tapn, W. J.- Furze, F. J. Mitchell, tambos, and Messrs. C. W. Keitb, C. Meath and J. McConuachie, boues, made fine "cull'd gemmen." The audience thoroughly enjoyed the humor and fuu provoked by Mr A Mitchell, iu- t.erlacutor, aud these ebony faccd end- men. The chorusos wero espeially fine aud the soloists were oucored at each appearanco. The African Statutes- Messrs Tapson and Furze were well presented. Mr. Gea. P. Freeland's monologue was well given and very funuy. Wbile al did weii, Mr. Rod Mitchel and Mr. C. Meath diserve spec- !al mention for their weil rendered solos and comie actions. They were rcpeatedly eucorod ou eacb appearanco. Morison's Orchestra contributed the music for the idugers and furuished en tertalumeut during the intermission in tbeir usual gocd style. By rcquest the eutertainmnent was repeated Monday evoning lu aid ef the Home for the Agod, but only a simall audience braved the storm. A TORO-NTO CA.SER- lav usdi i ielreboxes, and they bave cured me absolutely. My back is as strong as ever, and 1 am in perfect boalth Ishall gladly answer mil questions negarding my case. A trial will canvince. Dr. Arnold'a Toxin P )s h nly inedicine madetha cues isealsb11Vll gthe germs a caefaresodbaidrgstai7ea CIGRS. EWe have on hanci a big line of ChoiceCigars. E When you srnoke you may as well get the LBADING LINES à1150 anld tO6 GOODS. Sbest value you- can for your money. You are~ E sure of that if you corne here; also ail the lead- E ing brands 'of Cnt Tobaccos, Some extra Echoice lines in:lf and ý lb. air tiglfttins. -ào BOWMANVILLE. : NEWCASTLE- Mr. Maurice is visiting friends here. Mr. Geo. Curtis is reported very l.l Miss Vina Wilson yisited home last week. Miss Dora Dickson is visiting ia Os- hawa. Mrs. D. Arnâ~t intends residino. ln Oshawa. Some citizens ai-e at the assizes in Cobourg. Mr. John Allun went ta Toronto Saturday. Mrs. Wm, Lovekin is visiting Mrs. Frank Allun. Miss Nellie McKee is visitiug at Mr. John Singer's. Mr. ÇI J. Thornton visited town ou Thursday last. Rey. T. J, Edmison has recovered from la griupe. Miss Ethel Rickard visitcd the par- sonage recently, Miss Almeda Couch, visited friends in Clarke recently. Mr. and Mrs, Wmn. Hutchinson, sr, arc reported low, Miss Eva Couch visited at Mr. John Rinch's rccontly. Mr. Geo. Caruhan bas engaZed with Mr. W.H. Pearce. Mr. Manly Harris has about complet. bis terni at barberlng. Mrs. Rich, Warren is now confiued to the house witb la grippe, Miss Meda Brown visited her father Mr. Geo. Brown reccntly. Miss Colo, Bowmanvillc, is visiting ber cousin Miss May Rinch, Mr. Ueo. Singer met with a accid- ent ; resuit a very sore foot, Miss Osborne, Hope, guest of MrsWIV S. Moor,has returned home, Mr. Sam. Bonathan is ouf ; aan af ter bis severe attack of la grippe. Young folls onjoyed the dance at Seymour Samis' Friday nigbt. Miss Annie Allun, Bowmanville, was recent guest of Mrs. W,.B. Alin. Joe Speucer had la grippe and bis nopbew Jack Tuif drove for hlm. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barrett, Pick- ering, are visiting relatives here. Mfiss H1elen Montagne feul on the sidewalk Friday breaking an arm. Miller's Grip powdcrs Cure. Sold by W. C. Taie, druggist, Bowmanville. Miss Minnie Baskervillo will assist Miss Medland, Milliner, Bowmanville. Mr. Wilbert Barrett bas engaged with Mr. WE. Jewell for the summor. Mr. Will and Miss, Bertie Bamsay, Welcomc, visited at Mr., Jas- Riekard's. Milcr's Compound Iran Pilîs, anly 25c. for 50 doses. Sold by W. C. Tole. druggist, Bowmanyiile. Miss Eva Grieves gave-a merry party ta ber young frienda Wednesday nigbt. Miller's Worm Powders cure ail alI- ments of eilîdren lih~e magie.. Soîd by W. C. Tolo, druggist, Bowmauville, Miss Fligg of New York is borne nurs- ing bier father who is lu a criical con- dition. Humors feed on bumors-the sooner you get rid of tbem the better-Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medicine ta take. Sevoral fromn bore visitcd the open R. T. of T. Councila~t Newtonville Frîday iuight. Miler's Worm Powders arc a won- derful modicine for ailments of cblidren. Soid by W. C. Tale, druggist Bowman- ville. Newcastle and Newtonyille Presby- terians wiil weicome their now, minist- er,, Bey. W.S. Wright, B.A., ofiParis at Newtonviile Thursday evening. Young folks from here attended the party given by Miss Maggie Tait Wed- nesdfay night. Ladies! If you would be strong and healtby aud bave good complexions, take Mller's Compouud. Iron Pills. Sold by W. C. Tole, druggist, Bowrian- ville- rThe drama "Captain Race7ý,t" will ýe gîven bY the Bowmanville R. T . ofT's in the Music Hall Friday cvenaing., -Wh-y-dou't yau. try Carter's itieLive r Pis, Thev are a positive cure for sick headache and ail the is producod by disordored liver. Only- one pill a dose. Mr, Freec Brent is 'bore f rein Nova Scotia ta attend tbe funeëral E f bis moth- or whîcb is to take place ýýon Thursday. Derangements of the liver, with con- stipation in)jures the complexýion induco pim'ples, sallow complexion. Removo the cause by using Carier's Little Liver Puils. une a dose., Try them, About twonty Young People drave ont ta John Hall's, n, Tuesday uigbt and snpnt a very pic-asant tUio The action3 of Carter.'a 1Littl1e Livor Pis is pîcasant, mnild an natural. Thoy gni stimnulate the livor, and regu11ate 1-theboe, but. do not puirge. 'Tbey are sure ta please. Try thcm». The baud gave an oyster supper ta thb e Council at Mrs. Glendennings Tbursday eveuing aîîd they had a Tnerry timo. To ho strong you must bave goad appetite, good ciigestioni, and goad assimilation. Millcr's Compound Iran Pis bring ail these. Soid oy W. C. Tale, druggist, Bowmauviile. Mr. Fred Bennett went ta Toronto ta ho examined for the B-P Mounted Police, but ouly 20 werc taken from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gibson gave à cheertul party Fridav, Games and in- strumental music by Misses Annie Grose and May Allun were onjoyod by ail. They do not gnipe. For Bil iousness, Constipation, Dyspopsia, ar Sick Head- ache, tako Luxa Liver Pis, I ey dor not grîpe, woaken on sieken. The Quartette wbich sang ut the Ladies AidConcert wont ta Newtonviile and gave severul selections ut the soc jl gisven by the Methodist cburch and won golden opinions. Now I FEEL BL WELL-Mr. W. H. La Blance, Bonfield, Ont,, wrîtes:-Il was once a sufferer from caturrh, and wbile using Dr Chuse's Catarrb Cure 1 was recammendcd- ta use also Dr. Cbuse's Nerve Food ta bnild up the system. My nerves were exbausted and I was too weak ta do a day's work wbeu I bogan using it, and now 1 am strang and healtby, and feel real weli. I am, perfeetly sure thut an-voue wbo- uses Dr. Chase's Norve Food will bo- lieve as I do that it is tbe best strengtb- cuer and î-esturutlve obtaiuable, " Word was received lust week from Denver, Colorudo, of the deatb af Mrs. Brout formenly of Newcastle. Mucb sym puthy is foît for the sons and daugbters, lu the lass of their mothen. * NEW CASHý GROCERY. Now open and reudy for trade. Groceries and Provisions, the best the market uffords, will bo kept ln stock- fresh and good. 1 want your custom. Cail and sec me. Try my 25e Tea Tbey say it is a doucdus fiavor. Fine Teas wil ho a spociulty wîth me. Try a botile of English Pickles. Sugars, Spices ,Currants, Raisin s,Coffee, Canned Goods-a varied assortment. Give me a shareoaf youn custom. I will try to ploase s'on. 1I sou for cash. T. H. KNIGirT, Marris' Bloek, Bowmanville. BORN REYNOLDS-In Soli na. Marehil1, the wife of Mr John »eynolds, of a daugliter. PPr-Jo Toronto, Feb 28, to Mr and Mrs Wm Pope, a daugiter. MARRIED. PLÂmN-BROWN-Aît te residence off Robert Hooey, Orono, by 11ev T W Leggott, Feb 17, Mr Prederick Plain, Carberry, Man, aid Miss Sophia, daughti-r uf Mr Wm Brown, Newpark. BisCII -QUANTRIL-At NeWtOnVille, Feb 20, by Rev J G Lewis, B A, Miss Alva J Quatril, Kendal, and Mr Chas C Birci, Carievale, Assa Territory. Gî'LnEaS-RowE-In Tyrone, Feb 26, by 11ev J 8 MeMallen, Albert E Gibders, Jlaydon, and Georgîna Jiowe of the township of Darlington.. DIED. HÂALETr-lIn Oronio. Mar-ei ,CatherineDunes- ford, beloved wif e of MIr James liallett, aged 75 years. McFARLÂNE-At G reenwood, March 5, off heart failare, 11ev Jas McFarlane, aged 55 yrs. COURTCEI.ln Port Ferry, Marchi1, Thomas Courtiee, aged 71 years. MADDEN-In Pince Albert, Mardi 8, 11ev D n Maddeni, in lits 87th year. BRAY-At 288 Gerrard St, E, Torornto, on Marcli.12, the infant daughter of Dr and Sirs James Btray, aged 7 days. STEVENrSO-At Oshawa, March 5th, David Stevenson, aged 81 years. A NEW BOUKLET A rVea that has a flavor which is smooth and, pure 1.3 the kmnd of a Tea mostly desired. We ask your attention specially to this branch of our business. We pride oin- selves in the careful selection and blending of Teas andt after testing. the saine feel safe in recommending thernte. the most fastidious. We keep a f ulli une of the very choicest Groceries the rnarket affords and none seli cheaper. We do bush'- ness on business prînciples and the.public like ouri method. j Farmers corne and see us and' ~~l brn yor produce. We wilIl give you the ~best Prices going; BOWM~VILE.alld 1M ITE TIIE PEOPLE'S STORE. of our Men's and Boy's Ready. Made Clothing. Ire- Weare giviug up this branch of our E business and the balance must be E sold at once to make room, . ~:WE ARESHOWING , E New W.G.& R~. Shirts. and Collars; New Ties, latest de,,igns; i'MItz New Hats, latest up-to-date styles; New Caps, natty, dressy, very latest. SWe intend making this a, banner year iii our Gent's Furnishing Department SThe Best- and Nowest only ~ will be showll, WTh w1 MA SO0N à& SON, T ePeopl&s Store. Next Door to Standard Bank, ]3oWMAN VILLE. With An Immense Circulation. ERVANT WANTED -At once a ANTED-PariOs to do1 knîtiug KJ good geueral servant. Good wages; tire for us ai home. We furnisi yarn i ir(C miles fram Bowmanville. A. MANN, ioýck box machine. Good, easy -work. sn It is Free to AU W'ho 10om~viî,'-2w for articulars. sanaîoeo s G. send For it. IOUSE TO BENT-A frume boeuse, FOCK WANTED- Aur rantitr cf e 1. SrOoos and gardon on Liberty st. norti. k pigLms eitavs g i The new edition of the Diarnd Dye AApir 10H. GuîaazazS or C0M.CAwxNR, Bo'- k nda a stok aed at nee. Poatiesý Rug Book wili provk, usetul ta the ladies manvili .il-tf haàving same wi11 please rîotify y s' r.W whoareinerete inthemaingofR. CAWRER, box 155, Bowmanviuie. r hoeinteretstand lu temkigo __________in______ bomeadeMat ani Rgs.It is ilus- trated througbolit with- Dretty--desigus *SAY-Doa yau wunt Gilmour's for Door Mats and Floon Mats. It tolls Celebratet il11gb Class Delors tonr OMNVLEMRES yen bow ta secune the Hessian patterns a htnico new bouse yen are BW AVLEMRES ar.Thistaiy clet a nadyn - oo- E building? If so, telephone No, coaarotedby JJioil-iuitry eachTuesday ing.Thi bo do ba unimmense " 15. Natwitbstundiug aIl reports circulation lu Canada anti the Unitedi ta the coutrars' we are stili seil-FLU, 10b....$ 70t$25 States. .Send us your uddress, anti we igPnL gi a ouDors RîÂ, PEa0() sb....o81 0 ,o 5 will mail yau a copy frec af cost The Sashi Blinds, Mouldingas, Pickets and il Spring........û O 60f' O16 Wells & IRichardison Ca,, Limitedi, ail kintis af dressednand und'resso I iliRed File ....... 0 G ' o7 Montreal, Que. lumber and are continullyv recoriving Goose. ....62 oo fresh stock ta meet ail the demands of BARLEY, P bush, No. 1 ..o4 d? the trude. A cousigmnent af splendid " " "2_,.11 4 O4 No. or rivt rmteGilmour's " ~~ 8..O25 O0 utons' ut Treuton a few durs ugo and " Twa rowod O4 , Aswo3 une preparedti tasuppis' uns'grade of OATS, white........l5 gootis manu-factuneti by tbem ut short RIrE, If........ 7 oO5 notice anti ut reusonabie pricos. Painted BUJCKWHEAT I.........f0 O4 New Combination-Health adund tg Druinoti eeilings a speeilts', bead- PEAs, Biacke, ~bs. 9oO7 Acciýidot-is-sucti by the Dominion quajrtons uýlsa for Sigls-British 'I Cuaia eauties O ù9'iO75 of Canadla Guanuntee and Accident. Colnmiu No. 1 Redi Cedan anti all o Mme O O0 insurauco Co. Every buisiness, raesa1Fie anti nativ Cedar ; Sait_. a mi o~oe ecs, overy munn solicurry 'one of Plusýten au.PortlandiCren las o Bin 1O 0 i tbese NwCýýntu1ry Palicis. Coin lu sock C0al11ant nd etou- stock BurEr,1 b1est tablýe, ., ) iou lîttie maucy. anti pnices befon pacig Oun oLrdors EGO-s, 1 doz. .....OOn 1 HARRY OAbNN l4 the Agenteswhr orTE, ;bs....O0 ý £ lu BPowlýauvillle. LA&Coow&vleHY, tn,.,,,,,,<oo -ao

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