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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1901, p. 6

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Floriculture, AMONG TRE FLOWERIrS.% Great, giowing blo4ssn3A, holding la 1their irearir Thre gairaered aeetnag Sof!i)nnuial- bered Junere, Ille noontide'si rapture anid the etilly rnoon's Co'lftoudli ef lova1 tint vague deaire Rcof ehte fair Damaâcan -gardca.a Flowver oe-t he 0xîent'a passion- * eaxtsd clime; In coider landa, defying change and tune, hIt odoreoua magie thibniflthbeallen j air. A msagie bora wbere liagdad'« mer- blea towor, &rnd migbty liàgna5 murmura te ibis -The petala hold aad S'di's mystery, A&nd Rafiz'a song. anad veiled Kberes- Ibe, ruby eave«, wiVil aadows, velvet- <eep, -MDing toe abir otber witb a Eiofi Neow oua-veapant, anid now togetir- er prea Lire dewy lip.a liat tremble la their And whoïo benda abovie thila fra- grant bSeath, Swif t la ILs aoiudelicioua Ylsions The gleWM oh sâtar,thie light of tender 'eyea, And faith seure, and love more - stroag than ,death. -Eduab Pxootor Glare, LANDSCAPE AIRCHITECTURÉI. IU.A .LMcCrea la the landscape muxcitct for Lncoln Park la Chicago, and tabe receives a salary et '$1,200 per atonum ' This ila of more than paaslang lateresi te avomea overy- vhie r eore Ui a,,new ywage cara- ing art, ceaed for ibe nee that ie nt over crowded and nover aili be. le thre woman witb the talent it offerà bright induccarents. Every ,woman carneot gui a permanent ap- pennent like M-s.-a.MOrea, but if tirey ar:e inorava Ie possess good tagte &Üd sound 5udgment, there la money te ba mmade ia laying eut privais greundd. Sfe aas knowa, there are enly twe a.voan ia Northr America wbo arse following ithis calling, Mrs. McCrea ad Misa Beatrie Joncs et New York, but both have b2en con- spicuousgly succesgtul, und love the delightul worir. M)U«. M-cOreanLa an'cnthusiasi upon t(hss ubjeet of women's ,enteniag tbid profesasion, and Would gladly en- courage any number-provrided ibey aers properly coontituied temper-a- mnenialy-tc taire up thre work, bc- lievng they would net be long la creaiing a general demend for thiri serv ices.i It wa ibrehxugh accompanying ber huiabaisd, wbe aas a professional t-ces la usually blaned. W\hoeecar lona eofblack dixt are trcquently bre.ught in fýrom the country, in whioh t hexe 55 fot a handf ul et reai nourssh- mle.nt. Illacir W mcrely a color, and doee flot neces9satriiy irdicate ricb- nelss, although trcquently, of course, ithe danck carth la exceptionally good., Only the expert caa tell by the feel- ing and texture a4ý to thie quality. THE GREEN SWVARD. The thiermometer rnay not give any indication of the tact, but it la nev- ertheleas true, that spring is right aliead of ma. The 21st ef this month acoording to ibhe almanc e l the day _Win timae doth lay bla, mantie by, Of wind anad onow and icy~ chili, And donil a rich embroidery Of sunlight peured on hure and hli." Tinte may' be a litile recalcitrant, O4rd tliroW lu a few extra blizzardîf to maire mas long wvitb the more intense deÀsire for tbe balmy days, but gt the moat- it la-a short tima and the lover of nature who bia been busy al win- ter loking aXier thre plants, L5auax- iouk5 for thae wainim d4ys9. One of thre dutieq of rpring, if ene is thre happy poe&esser of w beautitul lawn, L% te bave it well 27olled. The ie La just ao soon a%t'ie, frost comecaeut of the ground, and the rmoisture rendes-s tbe eaxtt s oft and apongy that there is ne difficult-y ina smootbing down the lumpsÇ. A tura with thea roller in season la mUcholcasier and more effec- tive La putting yuur iawa ln'good âhape than ten trnes the werir atter thé aod luaâ become set. Roui the beauty ot a place ir e ehanced by a well kept lnwn 1-It la an 1-atiite nource of sielight La itself. In tact ne place loir quite dilapidated wbieh bae for an attraction, a srauoth green eward. Seeding ire ibhe foundatien for a per- fect lew'n, for a& perfect lawn cen- ,%Ists of ibhe growtb of a, single variety of grass, witli a smooth, even sur- face, uniferin celer and an estic turf, which hae become, through con- atant care, so fine and Ko clô-me in texture an Io excînde weeds. Tbis, bowever, requireL5 yeare te obtain, wviLe nome people expeot a perfect laavn in a wecli fron tire thme the order ia, given. Toe atisfy this de- mand the e "aoddLng" et ten coasists of grasses eatirely ensuited for lawng, grewing in bunchea or et bulb-terin- ing graeses tliai cannet stand thre winter at ail avisa cut cloge in the laie hall, or wire gras Wth ne end of weeda la î te Usual resuit. Repeated cutting and occasieonal rolling during ibhe growing seasen, provided the propos- grass bas.been aelctsd, iathie secret etfermliugtino compact turf tiret feeLs like a vl- vet carpet, tisat we read abutand e e seldomIn gardener, tirai I're. McCrea absorbed - ber irnowledge, tnlmst unconscieus- FTORIAL CLOCEKS. iy, and whe ire diet), eaving ber to figît tle worîd alono, sire iumnot irs Every viitor toe li8 ater Works talent te practicel account. Hem Pais-nl Detroît, reinembas-a île floral meiired et beginnlag aais tewa-tchr dock avîlir neyer alls ,te estract tire papera te- as5conain wvere gev- shala- admiration, end tirir es-tonish- sa-amont or fitat appropriations lad mnet il inlensified wren s-ey discos-- boisa madie for beautityilag groundge, or tirai U h bea île tmure tâneofe or even for erectîag buildiagis. Sire tire day. ,Whit wouit) be tire geet) aven-lt)thea go te t>setoava Or City oe t if ih didn't? Tbe face et tire iadicated, looir up supesintendent clock la9 madie ofeceiverae altemnan- and disete and) asirtire privilege s-era i tao- colos-s, tire Roman nuns- et eubritting planas and estinsatos. erala being Lu the dari rord wiicb Hem tiriaver maiing n lit, sIc avas contrmnteis o avellwis-h tiregreen. Ot pased adeug aiti s god word ftora ce-e any ock movemeni ea sent) tle autiroritsog, ad inover bat) te ex- île pinons ss-ruad oves- a floral dial pewience s-he droary lessons eof fian- *e- wsll as- oves- amny otuier îf suff b- ciel embamrasmot. lcirent rspace La gis-en thiro elear it. Tu vieas- ethîe limIted opportunItles; At Deilge City, Ka-agas, lu tire rail- hem prefesional ts- aiaiag, tirs noviceis red station, ibere as-s taso great las riconimendedt t-sy île bssci-yard, cloch, euoie mas-ring central 'tise used experiment. If iLW onsly a hI8 saisi, tire otir mouaiiatise, used patois oh groumI adjacent te a city wisAi oh Det)ge 'Oiiy, vhlcir are a lot, tii will de fer tire fisst offerts. pa'rt of s-be adonienit ftire ground, If tlils lots-La enclosem by a iigirThe diaLa bave a fors-r feet wide bant) beard tance begin hy painting ilat a oh blacir cides-a, on wbici tire iourz cler to harmonize aiti tire foliae. aretariret) by Roman numeraisiu 'Againzt tibis 3lould tirai appear a broken atone, paintemi white. f.jlw hýjigrowinas-e lub.s like lilees,--- opirea, etc., tIen, :perbiapa, seane- - WULIPS AND) CANDY IUFI, tii a ihL io\wea-, ad se on, avtira pleaing vaxiciy ef low growing 'A correspondent amises the Plant- rjtrbreiahdet)plantsr at ibisbase-ai- ing OetiuliP-Ï cndthtra vergroon candy- waya pressorvlng a barrnony ia colos- tufi, Ib-13is sonipervieng, tegoiles-, and foes-n, while avoiding anytiig eSlag tînt tire brilliani hiessoins et apps-oacing a eynimetrical arrange-- thre tulipa, tb tirir gorgeous blond- ment. One n)îrois-1d aise plan for an ingohylaneiatgeeriga iunhoien cotinuation Il oo10mfs-en foot or more above the greund-worir sprng to hall. A distincs- mark e ofOh îepurseaviie flows-rE of tise thsa ai-ceux la tire use et 'varleiy, enudytuft maire a beautiful r5igli. tia-_ profegîional contens-lng lion- Peraasî net manay knew et tire self tith a few siple spocies tirai meus tiisspecies et cahdytuf t, perfectly lawsmonize, eut) so arrange- whiehisla a an-st desirable plant foer est as te give îhe effeci desis-et. early sps-i-g floewoing. I habitt if Amon-g tie fia-t requisites te suc- Le alf-ss-ubby, ospreadïig, evergreen, ceas la s-iis worir tron tire practicai pesfeciiy baurdy. hitblooma eariy la slida las te addte)te iosou girundor- May, ronieiaing ia blooms seves-al sýtanuding oh île equlaerents ,eft aee 1.-5 haIn geet) surreundiaga ht plants andt ecs an expert irneaviedge grois a foot higir. Ihras île imue eti koil. Iu erder s-o grew, a plant cundytuft proes-oence for ploaty et xauet always9 ha susrounded by is ne- sunbine, Tire floavers are pus-ly tive conditions. You cannes-, for lu- as-ite ant)lest as-ci avirn eut; îhe sgtance, taire a plant îles- bas beeu plant maires a geet) edging ont) la de- gmown ina day cnt) exp3ci h te olive, irTabie for planting la Clumps en if transpiantet) teke sandy soul. TireSekriee, but ishows JO, lest emvat- man-esig up et tira sarthinl ahicIa te cge avisa puante-t in masjses. h enu recuis-e a ne-w plant or sroc asles-hee- ire inos-caieed by seed's or by cuttinga. fore a maties- et tire firit import- Do ziot tputitreet saeepingsaramunt) SMOKING TREES l.N JAPAN. Üisa reetq et youug trocs. The cmr- A smoking troc is euenet fle nelus-- ble aocid igas gneraied ha dea diy te 1aulas-ndrs et Ono, Jepan. 1Strange ils plant lite. Ilousends et trocs!- usesay, it amuiras uuiy ii s-le caon- die oves-yWear fs-oaajustius kint) b:n-g, juss- aftes-cusst, thîe gineke Oft ieimnaýnt; ane Que knoass avy, eat) isur-'s fsori il--top oet 's-letru, s-he ihoz grosses asho cac9îd s-Io sii -l e 'tî-rec la 1190 foot bigla. USS F COLDwLrER, -anm iegnniug te thiuk tirai cold wa-aes- i3an-e-e bncfl'ialt s-an druga,- a fs-ianai said te me recenluy. "Wîen I an s sleisS, as I fseqaentiy acm, 1 eset a clos-b- asitir oel a-as- n-t)oit) i ulternateiy authie bas-k et Mynecir, tl' pis- et myaie-mach, on rny avisms-, an-I cs-tiss y fs-Ss-ele. Ibis. eas-- es-s my ls'mpesatus-e ami louves me geq s-frsehd s-las- harn usuaily sus-c et falling esi ep vs-sy seesu attes thce p- puice lion. "Fer coos-aipationý, Iirneas-oet ne betLtes- semedy tirsn acocuple et gias- os of cein tsaes- takou npou selisiug mn-d)aimQ. t c first tiniu in tle mcrn- an-g. -liBhen-mrtisrn aise is' sait te fiee fs-o-m a p's-sislcnt deugiug oft'île systens asitl s-i5 simple fliit),Agal- lonro et--es-shouit).b3retaken dally, tas-e'quarts in ti'. ransning, b'fos-' breakfVast, en- h t) 'elbos-taso batas-cn mecis dnriug tise daty. 0f cous-se ilis quan-tity cannet bha taken as- tis-st, bnt musît b3 attainci. to gradu- ally. -Nsis--l's-mustit b3bohltetdeas-n- as oe- guipa a glass et ,soda, but tae n sloa-%ly, aiI i-tes-niaise etu. "A chronic casa canme terny notice, eccn-iiy. lb-- lady bat) been attiiot- es- for a n-unsb'-s-oe yens-s, irs fingor joinss as-re ocires-eut)andsasollen, and she bail b-en- n grecs- sutes-es-. Rer physicien prsccib-d n galion oetian- tes- daiiy. She explicitiy felewedth îe ,directions gis-en bes-, unnl noie sire teclls nie she -uv beau entî"rely fs-ca fions pain- fois-suss-eai yOrs, ans- ber fiLuess have attained. neas-ly ibis- ori- rgin-ai shape. !Anotther patient aias on-set) et a vos-y ses-ose ailacir et rîcu- inatshnou tnr aeeka, 'by sbmply; éLriisking colt) aatos-, ant) carcfuliy seguiutLssg les- diet, w-iis-b censistet) mostly la abstalning frs-ens gis-coandt se,-t booldt)meat, bot min-pasticuias-." Rhebunialhsm, constipatien an sl'ip lessn-ess as-te sceformidable teesIf es-tsases iseves-age eau suscesfuily -grapple witis tiron, is it net -ciel teý aa-oit)ds-ngs, an-t te cleanse tle sys-1 tensais-b pure a-aes-, fs-oc teail, en-t) sn-tiing ibu us supply t An- excellent gas-gle ters se-ehlsoct la listes-Lue acula-s-r, in île ps- pus-tien- eteue-s-irdlisterine te tas- thirds a-aes-. It is vos-y pieesnas- te tb-' tasie, purifies ihebrb-eil, an-t is: a good disinfectani, Ofts-c a trou-, besome irritation, aili astas-k île Ils-out, causet) oem-c9-, h ae e- ran-ge t alemeci, e-utlefoies-n- ues-oet-a sos-ion-s colt. Ths! listes-me gergie, if taken-in la son, asils-ps-e- von-Itishe colt) tien mates-iaiizing te any great-exteni. 1t is au ant-iseptis- ashiol. is- lus-gely nset) by the ais-dicel fsaternity. RAeM 1DELICACIt A.1- Broîlat) Rani-Prepare tle bam as for fsying, but eut île sus-ces trie- n-es- Reniese mc-st et tIc fat,. lire fis-emus- b,-oleas os- île hains aili las-s-s a sutoiy fias-es- Put on- île grills-oneund eoir nusil nioeiy bs-oasn- et). Serve aVtI goachet) eggs. Peot) R am-Taire the romains e colt) bellot) bainsen-t)mince s-ses-y fine, To ues-y 2 lis ana meat aleis- 1-2 us fa t. Peundths--ians, fat cnt) ien, in a mortes- te a fin-- paste, gs-atualiy cdding 1-2 teaspeen pounàdt)mccc, 1-2 tcssjspoo. cayenne, aud. a lis-I l l-1 r ais-e. B-'ý pasticuies- te mix tle bn-- gredienîs axcil. Prsosatisernix turce i-to liny jars, filling aithin an inch et lb', tep, an-I pour oves- rtIsa hem en-on-gb larifiaI buttes- te fi lte spisce. l. e Dal i am-Cut up f si'I 1am mn- susail pi-_ces, n-os larges- s-au peas, an-t)add, iomate catsep, 1 teaspoun Worcostes-rshis-o san-ce en-Iaa mal quantity of fleur, shan hies-at tlebheu- usug. it la an appetizing doulces-y. rHans Saut),',ices-Cnt sonse s-in s05 e f rsclbread, tren as-is-h s-e-1 Tapioca en-i Pea-bes-Ceoir 1-2-)box! granni-stet) tapioca bin 1qi, aater eut) ,tis-. It bculd hle coadstacs' of! sefi -rtstas-d. Sas cton avishiclip! ,;u gîIr1. Pic-a in a -teacp sauer i g--rs-e l p. ý-iu, pus- asoued h s-be tapi ca an'i, es-ait pe)urr s-i'h s-ram., This rnakosý- a es--y douai us 3de-sos-t. 1 anlou Peasý SL.-rýcal,-Make a short biscuit cake as tes- any straw- borry shos-focake. ,Cnt up peachos and pearsi tine and put tibm. on the ice witbý pienty et powdered -sugar. Wlien thetý,cake is cold, pour oves- the top the fruit mixture and over al pour 1 qt, cs-eam that bas been whip- ped and sweeteuied. Cottage Pudding with Straw berrY Sauce-The recipo 1 fer cottage pud- ding is the saime as fer 'an-y, erdiuas-y cup cakoi but the sauce akLes .the dessert. Cream togethor graduai-iy 1 cup jbutter ami 2 et auges-. Iut untii very! ligit, then add 2 qts, crsasbd tresh strawberrýIes. Peur oves- the; cake wanbot. Ibis sauce is alsq good poured oves- hot popovers. Apricat JeIll-Onc pDunulofethst ,diiýýdapriý-ots, stewed untîl ir uand tender, withr sugas- enougb te o caery sweet Strain eut eps-bots and chop fin?. Ihe-ni add juî-e te chepped fs-uit. 'Add 1 box gelatine that bas bcen sgaaked oves- fight and place al ini moid.( When cold, serve wîth sweetcýed whippedI cre3rn SOM E GOOD RECIPES. Asparagus-Cut the, beadg about feu,- or fivo inhes long; scrape them and tlirow, ther n jte cold wator ; tle them in Pbu ndies:; put th.m ie heuoi- ing- wtesi with. pientyofet inlait; let themn corne quickly te a houl- they willi taire fs-om a quarter otj an heur te 20 minutes. When tender take them up aith a suice; drain tbem weli ; remove the string, and lay the asparagus i0n adish, beads inward, on -Suices et toast pseviously dipped in the tiques-. Ser-ve,*xvîuumeltcc utterOs. srpn i fe -il o h ru on, spinan, te spin; niso tire root oetihet srpngnas-c -cîl o oigon. n athe rocs-end ef tire vehicle üenjeâYieg Sea iralet is ds-essed in the saine man- austere word spinisior. The Dutcir naine Ou theo thes- hand, ifthtie piece wae nly the tour. The litile siurdy pny ' icig nos-. for theo mmcci is cep or eob, a hecd; hence es-dinary, insipid, Melody invnriably gap- along through the snow, ovidon-itly asQ Poteto Biscuit-Sweet petate bis- cobweb, heed or cobwioven, is îinguaîîy cd or yawnred, tumcd bis back upon the pîecsed t e hoeut as any eft tie tamnily, cuit, thel delight et Georgi-s boys and ailicd te the se farnous Spion-Kep. But orchestra, gazed cs-onnrd the boxes and ci fer one muai ciways consider tbe plg a cobweb is by ne mens se expressive as lest sînnir avay in a decidedîy bcd bu. part et the Norwegian bouseboid. The girls, are consides-ed equalby tooth- gosmro omrebn h umrmer. This expressive pantomime avas sapid tus-ns that are mcdo en route avouid some by Nosthern lads and lassies. tene p IlJie recipc, eiven hy a Seuthera coo In l substance spider weh is nearly iden- Wbn h ws- t oregratmstr ana, yeti h la seldom that accidente -La as te1iows: Iwo cupftuls et offlour-,tical aith ssur. Buit the spinneof et ae- led, oirkoyfis new rthe s-e- occus-. on cpulo b1d ndms-îswe fer t tr ime te reel it up ie ococeons, was paeMloyawy ne h r- Those avbe de net raintain a sIeigir an(] vhicir May ho piundered by mte t ed es oetwe nats a oD oevon many wbe do bave a groat finie ski- poteto, onOq tablespoonfaul ofet gar, thse deis-eef tho eyes and the pride ot sing smre striking seng os- play orne spe- ing. Ski-ing means gtting lie a pais- ef eeteaPpOontul et Sait, one table- 'lite. Weh spinning is vos-y aonderful ce attftoaok n hnbsmv-aovbe n en hsee-yupcs speenful et buttes-, oesquartes- tea- work. The workers indoed doses-vis igir monta, bis restures. avere sucir ns te ai- te tises n on hrvryupe I aosi piea-d for silence eaoag the specta- t h limit et your eau locomotive vs- spoontul et soda and enough buttes-- janir cm civil ongineors, and tton, dcci tes-s. "I do net know,'" said Sir Arthur net pacity. Thse ground bei-e is always suow milr te maire a soft dough. Rol end aith knotty probborns in avaym hespeair- meny aveeks hofore lis deatlî, "what ho- coves-ed dus-mg theavanies-. Skî-îng is en- eut itla a iscut cuterand ake in ig airnost humanr intelligence, as, for la- came et thia deg laies- on, but lis namne 1jeyed hy the w-emen as rauch as by the stacewhe thy sin oos thead soandbisreptaton re til frsh n te!Mon- I bave scen these rernariabl o en- a quck ven detly nd ithsuc nic cacultio ofmemories of ses-es-a imusiciens whe bavel en shoot off a rnound and catch theis- bel- Peau Croquetes-Fer bean croquet- wind tes-ce that the loes eeds are ces-s-ed fsequenîiy accu bis singules-atics,"- 1anc-ehlwaihton-ygde fib tes e9oak tave cuptuls et smail white exactly te the chesen spot, etten a couplePep. danseuse, Ia pace cempetitiens tbey bave beas ves nghtintepd valr ofe yards asny, and there anches- thons- Peei, __________nt ratched the mon yei, but in jumping ben ve igh ntei atr n- selves of ibeis-- oan motion, hi is thns RELATED, VET FOES. they hold the highesi record. This 19, the morningi drain thera, put thein 1îte tairy cabies avich net trocs and det h atta nterake h bnoecold waies-, boul for ee heur heughs -nud stretch acss ail suommerl Curiaons Bit of Ilistory About Haies avwomen have tise sts-engtb et men, whle and tus-n thse aaer off. Thon coes pathsae- set lu place. They os-c invisi- aad Cainvsm. tbey are lightes- la weight. ther -vih. oilng water and coir hie suve avhere tle fu sun glinta upon Iu connrection with Mlecco there la n For competitions tihe avoren drema bohel thonsthons or ciao -ohon a nisty mos-ning curions bit ot uupublished histeîy aveu blcoiningiy and cle-ei-ly. Their sýkirs are- siowly unsil tendes-. Prsos the beangs trings thontavwitis deavdrops. Noue île avrth tise reiiing. Marshal Mas-s-lez, short, ced w-as-m harrmenizing colos are- tlirough a colander and season aitis less ihoy bold firm euad serve as aeral, Campes cnd Antonio Maceo bore the s-o- used. One et the ps-cubait coiniationýs one huit tabiespoontul et molasses,r pasaagoways aleug ahieh tise spiders s-un latiinship of censaeguiuity ot tire beod et girl and dresa s-as accu reconitly. She onee hait tabiespoontul et s-meaes, 1eue te and fs-o safely and s',aiftly, os- else lu tisé second degs-ee. Campes' faîhes-r w-as a ieadiug atislete, lu beight about 5- tablesps-eufub et buttes- and sait and s-bey serve ns guys te brace thc main avas a colonel lu the Spanrial nsmy and foot 8 inches, inu tes-m mos'syrneutsical. w-eh, ha spioning tire spider shows as-- miiitas-y. go',es-nos-ofethîe eue tîme dis. Rer costume w-as of an olive greenaas- fppsika te teste. Let thons gel ceid. chritectiarai genies te, match bier enigineos-- trict of «Moyen, Cube, avies-e Mastinez en mates-lal, daintily ensbroidesed lunmi- Thon terni jute bails, s-oll thens lu iog sisilli.a e. Rsmihsvsae u ervs-ai collas- and gis-d, Sbe wos-e a fus- cggs and crackrs crumbsaend fs-y in Fisai e surveysan site, thon atsetchesi Indian-Atricen isiood and fisst cosin te b lat osrneuted ailirn blue and silves- deep, hotlt tl. cesosa ht a sirong tbread. Sbe is net Par- ýtire* mouises-et Antonio Mace. 'Tice fa-,usrangement, a model et bappiness and hýairtd - Cusard-BDAi a plat of ticular about bnving this firsathis-ed vos-y îles- took tle infant Mai-tinez te Spain,: bealil, te my thin1cing. Dressed like taut. Ail that can ho manraged laies-, avere endos- Spanishl aw a man taitos lis thîs tire Nos-wegian gis-i is ready fer nny ' w îth mccc and cinnamon ; when1 She spias anuothes- ils-cd fs- ensîencd etf-netivity fs-ens the place et bis chus-ch con- -inud etfasholeseme sport. celd, taire four egga, leaviug eut las-e s-is diegonaiiy te anoiber point, avbcarce fis-maien os- beptisrn, and lises-etle chld Thée Mosi lersitying ouldoor amusement et the whitýes, a uitile rose and esange- aIe gees te a tird anches-ugo, a fous-il, w-as legitimetized and educated for Miil- 1 lave overs- acc is cailed k-jaelkiag. hi fboaver waars, a littie white avbne, evon a fifil. New sho las n clous- central tas-y life. Ilis-brliing te ha even a sots-tieof thîe nuîegeni 'fierte en- est; ,ixineiosed nt isregulas- angles. The Indeos- Bt apsodM-eewsecvS-oport. Tireavomaavbe indulges in- i ng Ibreeds have been spun ofpure suk. o -eieatbonmbip betweea them, and, Lieiigsso ieseg ufot thons -oeil toges-les-, and haire tberi Tise nexting isi ate go oves- thoins ailir athougli bittes- contestants on tise fleld straigît and immobile. Behind lies- is tle ini china ceps.i a viscid exudahion avla aili maire ahat- et battie, tley beld ecd other lu great man, aith bis foot- fls-my planted on the- Apricisi Pu lding-Spiit do'zs- o ves- touches thons stick. When this15pos-snal estoem, Canmpos laving thb ig rennres, but recdy te jurnp eut quickly large apricets, rensove the atones, an rdoue, sIc spins Ibheas-oh propos-, s-unnlg cmesadmirationî for îhe rniitary goulusofet e na igu et. danger. Tucired undes lis andîtrons sido te ide, aitir a ils-ed ts-iin i.cuino.ats-ts 1-at tZe-îight as-m is a long pole, peinting out bo- ss-aid titi quiteSofti. Peur a pnt tof! belîind lir, uns-il ail tise as-c spoires as-e ieu, avbco ven Gomez lied aeeplcd tise bmnd. Witir tbis fes- e suddes-liho mugIs beilibugcens upen the grated es-emba lan place. Betoe- se aeaves tise raya te-, peace tes-ma, Campes arete tote l ar citIh riairs ebead. et a penny boat ; as-hn. neariy cold, gethes- ailI crsosing threads abo muai départaient at Madrid tisai "wbiie Anie- Ee- u u l ,delapeae e add ouroun-s e sited uge-, ieiinewvtlisaibots tiseyand thc anches- nie Macco is stili in tire fleld thewar as-cn- emorgencios- Tisey're off! Burnpoty 1 îlrcadsaruse dopondoble. Se she sunis net ho cenaidcred as ended." Laies-, att- bunîp gees these aedge, tps-ning ces-vos up- yolk offou wel betenegg, an a abot, trethin, sraiiiigeve onced doava bils bat ns-e se near te ps-cidu- yini s ffuourwibtonegadaot tetcigss-ii s-sy ee espussin gMaccotes- nine days, Cans- tudecnsateseselnpiet. a',bu gsatu otavit a-b-, Pound and if thi-calsa piuninig it os-or. Where !tpuscapiured tise stîcîcher os- bammecir the fruit bu e mos-tas-, aithblitfethîes-is pronoured ailase eltises-takes l1vsci -eouinaî- cef vi h ave hecu tobogganing lu Amendca, but their iresu; mix tise'fs-uit and tli1 p by picing ai now threcd flexi îie flanc aveunda lunbis body, lad been cas-- it L cbild's sport cornpared te dais. Tt la eths- iagrei-nts togelirer. Lineo u-Icontes- and faaloaning ih eetside os- by et- sied tes- 36 heurs. But île stretceos- avs lire comparing a sali on a sapidly flewia% das laitlpese, ut laes-roud aclsiug liglisi aeigîis, pebisies, bits etfrempiy. M-coohad eluded iris pus-suera, raves- tetise diescent ct Ni*agâid-i. Sone et ds, it atpalyrrudstick, ands, so on, tote laeb's Iowes- edge. Bttie b atuiafedmrbi htie his doava avisch îe kiiaciers sweep, the edge, pour bn tise mixture, and Now hegins tiselest avosk-s-unning gan te retrace bis stops te Santiago bis are se steop tisai the moe-rent is ait haire for hait an bous-, round and round. Tic croasing ibreada troopa avore baraaed hy Maceo's mou al or a n tt an'express traiu. ~#i are spun douisle, fi-at vos-y fine, thon i along île sood, and beoese thcy gos- eut efthtI passengera muai, ho daszised t-o pieoýeç, ----w-ils a cees-ses- piy. Ai tise Middle, avies-o île mounlains M-acee lua person led nu ai-t-o a lutile tasther nothing but ai iow the roy thrcada meçi and cress, she ci- a4acir upon tlern, Yetsmrn e sa laüIes novbnir inters-cnes hetaveen île trackr BY CHEMICAL MEANS tises- luilds les-self a snug satioen os- attes- avIn, througistise Britishs consul ai Sou- and n shlees- desceni et thousanda et foot. evei-ythiiing l doue cill a aay she taugle tiago, Campes solicited an interview ailis But ais-bout sucir a risir as ibis lie -Nos-- Etren Exernteisslk,% flssblityofandd baves o sInal. cloar space. This ia M-oee, aviicira accerded lim, sncb avegiacas aouid tiirthe sport a iame lis-cent xpea-Inîcts Shw-tise parles- mb ahle tise traditdonal fly w-as bis confidence lu île lcttes-'s goed Lue. dpnauo ieqiieaac Mepoductaa c Use ausus Inpseg-w-as ms-bled, avis-h disestious resuits, but î'aiîi tisatile avent nline te mcci bis cous- M'm. Side dos nt hbitall si luin n L Saair. 1dexies-ity of tise pole aielder. Juat as Dr. Jacques Lu-b, of 'th- University is. hnsteed sbe Îrl us tofetsigît, ucm- Mace, -oecame aitislnia intuiediate aatohoem eti h oesep et Chicago, is atîracting mul et- buasced et tise foot ofta rey tisread. Whoeu pessonai staff, w-as mucus taken oacir leut, nd tise kjaeii swings aside fî-om île- virtostel ot prcy, s1e seeks tise par- flnd tise commandos- le chiot et the Sprtebyssa nd continues ilis tisrilliig caees-in! teiprinarithe s iciii-,worl blisi-et, O lodOtes the 0distuubance and sis-aight- ish tes-ces lises-o iithout a aingle attend- lU tise pdeconfs tee re tate- es- expý1i.incts n rtii-alrepr-oduction s ygoec iseabut il, As-lrong aving- atand imrnediately dismiscd lis eavn tltesedbcmstogetfre o et u nt o. efi st -eor fbis i-cd mmcdi, as n avoasp os- lurnisibe, loftimon. Tiioy taikod fer tase o ss, but M-c- île Nos-aegiana, and prudence prompts s-esubigaie-ns -h-a ch3as-eJ. tisai lsy a te hirnacIt asillseoir bhear oui t o bler -cee wouid sot ausreudeî-. Fiually, boas--île guide te slow up and gain conts-el ef ch-Àý,1 p-o-esswil 1 utfliiasy toila, tisougislho may so entaiîgle os-os, ire ngs-eed te beave tise isliud, dis- the flying siedge. Swiicled ie a basn- el-d-i ro~sas-pe~~sio aatinstbsis aitaga lu deing is tisai lise noes-flics b1di luhs mon and bhyig is arma, m et ofsnew, the ijaelir's speet) sîcciene casiprgnaioumîgs- s-rs-th il eggs aan Se sIc takes ne chances. Nirnbly psovided tle Bris-lis censunIwould couaca-re udnesiltacl l-a- u ofse-rcý11.sIc suns doav tise neai-at say tissead, eut for him and psode him ailis rans- tise eccupants. A ses-es-e sbaking up, isow- et se-rcinvstiatios îlov; t tespiuaing as aise suns. XVien sul i alit- pers-allen t oJamalia ndos- tiseBritishscves-is meroly an incident, and avthoul Lises-iru--stiotins ..tise clebeyend les-victim, sue dextcs-eusly fi, ao nse-srsedse t pi.theis ssigu f et tes-os-discomposure, po5ssibiiy et a.rsificiai sreps-oductiona loopa liser ruw celle round lim, slsaws il a-Fs-cuieoslieesuopularedon Spain. tealscpnts esu e îlegddy flit agin, is -ol coýnfinel tote esea-us-chuns. tant- and festons it. sasadrsm h id lgtaan SL'r Vlsh2s u! ona! hghýr frin of Whe ths bs ben epetedha aand avIon tise sledge ut la#i stops ons lie. Crus i b~san- sos' ighr ts-m et~Vln tsasbasbonrepalc baf a An Unaaeeted Invitation. a-g-udts id soe- n u lif4e hae ps-oset susceptîtele te extes-- dozen trnes, tise ps-eylsound -aing and 1lwgon h iei vr ns£ n-elgens-a-iv infs-oces lb-se foot, is rcady tes- iesoval, SIc faistens The Rochester- Poat-Es-preas says that ride in a day is suficiont ps-en tes-e Nos- nalgenratvainfuenes Ths x-a nea liacd et tise paroiles, ops it avhinEdaed VIT, ns Pr-ice et Wales, aegian's teste, As I watcbeed île oxtsaos-- pes-imen-is as-e exts-onscly inites-esling aroundth ie fly or avasp, casries is- iacir wos about te visit Niagara Feuis Blondin diuaî-y sigît 1 ceuld net belp cernpering an-rt sacrn te bring science to the vos-y and pulls is- as iglît as se ena. Sere- bad a rivai, one Signoer Fonini. as-le aas a thc Nos-aegian gisl'a idea ef finiihtisai poraIsof -b-s-es-e e~cxiIanc',~ times sho movssier prsya as-iole hlit isosactor.Fie issued an advostisement et sorne et eusjaoguid secioty vonen oet -rrËlso tý e'e O T>inch is a-lonee tî-ad. Tise nexitishing is us-giig usai tise prince maire bis iiiialAmeica, ht la only ecsssyteo )ila pOssbbiliLy of estfiti-li psodlution leeut aavay 9il île outes- tîreada thiai otrance toesogr-et aindiglorieus United) tisecdocks and cye fthlieijaaknsod on-t its extension epnms. sp an cnes-m- hbld hlm. Tiýesih Icdees sîsiîlîy, flou Slalom i estîikiig usener. Acces-ding- eau leomind tise appecrance etfoosr dcii- ous fiiI tes-orcOj'cLus-e and research. spins a now celle £r-om tise pas-Ion. Tisis ly.le proposedth ial lie sloasld avieel tise cete buttes-flics tif fashie--n ai ironie te de- iii îthus ceunis-y.-spinjong and] cuitiîsg. usles fisc ps-eybhoPrince in eavlseeibaî-îow oves- a tigisi cide avhir clesa etfavomea enjeys lite- dispropoî-îienately buig, sIc iaings t n ope acres athegogego thie United Most. lest te tise î 's-les-os- s-cay clos-eaboutsitilStates, ar, ontrance lises-w ouaîrbclenspas- and lises-e su. km ýsira jts-in lu îosus-eîy aileicd. 'Clora she nosice adds. "Shlsod Character In HaIr. FL cNTs-SILADE IPEEC. content, bus- if itis to igto blcleuavd any ne,1dbie ha-ppen ta' lis ligîss - Te rend ciracter- ln s-e beir, texture, aIe gnass off a h-g et e lime, sueka s-leî-ehy lie slould haeppeu te lbe predipi- as aveil as colos- muas- hcoebses-vet) Tise. Trocs ojl miaelta il' doms-os-t cnd) tleaîs nd ottes- awialitaoudslge cas-- tated le tise golf hrlow (et avisiol1i'as- fineîtise lais- lie gentles-the bis-il or tise- iseauty oethi,'ivsawlatles- it ble le-,jcasa, Sosetimes, avis fi-c aaiaging lu- sus-c youen b se lis-lie ,dangger), tise mon- bge-sl snd tfiiysok. epe- caled n t u î-is-y os-r u in te ceunis-y. soas, se bites 11cm is asrhck oethîe ey taken fs-orn s-e spectaiers shal.l lete--1 is-is er as fine as sures-eretfs-es-ys-e- Tlb 'y shouli-ib' s-'-eut inL rsgo îoîes necir meoas te paralyze tibm. funded." 1 fined s-stes, et anlisîlo s-emprament, lut tînt have been- fi1l 1, i . tehîe ps--- --------The lOb-si [ue. ri iaclined te o b aîsoody ont) changabele. pex&pt ,vth ooI rih sitElm Ne Borde-Ca 1 et y MatsonTises-ai-o apt ta bchoasppy one dayminci' Pal de- w d gel s-d suFin, lodilled Crznelty, e osds-CnIgs îa e ndcprsesaed tise next, but cloortul spirits sott mrspic - lack leý-n-si, catalpa, box Tusey nies- agnin as- on seieg paîly. urlne? * aet c upi-edomninote. Tisey as-e eosiiy influececdý eIr s,î-at- rlrnmdar(l- TIheocswaominn, lieers, strept pest y- ndlady-e-No; y"inby ihoe e ry like. They uuanly rs-cd Sis-ab-la is-aca. Es-os-y ri-ntng shoutd ins u us supers uneoursdioussof tliSsu oes n artLonfcliorteintanel-qiled n-lude sma lins ili-d--' a -i, ianga Wben a girl toits o yoiing mon al tiseai-e fisse mnsager s, hedouse tilcy gns- lOng-liv,ýd. and mes-e p-nsmanea s-lau te soc yen as-e nos- a iaisectsioriss." lhiugs se lov-shlm for. le reauizes t 'Ltpossesa ceagy ;and adaptabIilv.y -l !le otlLcss uasn-tned. Ces-tiais-mou'Q, "sii-!" lho doesn'l posesssa nsingle one00f, 11c.- lais- nîen-s that tlsheno-nnbala se salew cuitivatien- is . noessas-y for ."DLo't youen o? Fou 'ru e de-" Chicago Noews,. grace and pochie case efthîe bet)y. -1ý tbri, l lah is lcssd stifly edcci, -onng ---closes- the co e ihais- ding i0b z sucs-sad. ifti is hanegleciLed> feu- Speonamore s-mulet)In 'nos-ies-part ot RuIles-, apan glsteel ont)ivory are,' tIe moseûr ie tts-iutudosscti ure l-1 almeat certain, - --- îl,r s-nw.-Clail-agn T-rie, tise Mess-elastic subsstances, osea -SJL01" IRE SPI'"EIt'è THE WEAVING OF ITS WEB [S A VERV WONDERFUL WORK. AImost Ilrunan Intelligence Dis- lanDil by Ih In solvilig Engineer- ing Preblems In Constructilig Ifs Daintv, Lacy Domicile. The spider is the original telegràph line'- man. Indeed ho is something more After bis lines are stretched ho estab- Ilshes a "central," te which hoe ruas as smon as any sort of vibration tolls hlm that prey isentangled anywhere in bis wob. Once et central ho listons a min- ute; thon, having gathered the direction, glides away, to w ceave still turther net- ting oetaliken web about the luckiess 1 vçasp or fly that has talion into bis ci niches. "'Hé" would more properly ho written ..,be," as, lu case etf se rany insectii, tihe femWie spider is ever se much biggor, more poevrful and more resourceful thani the maIe. Spider courtship is, lu tact,a porileus proccoss for the weeer. nls lio shows himself both bravoe'.adnml ho isirt danger et being eaten betore ho gets the car of bis fair one. By way et oveaiing matters, after marriage ho shows himselt e mest heartless parent, seizing upon the clutch et eggs asý soon as laid and devouring thom bofore the eyes of their agonizod author. Thus it la that the agenized mothor spider kzeeps a death grip urion ber bag et eggs. It is the damn- tiesit firy silkea pooket, varying ln shape and, sizo according te species, but always exceed'ngly hendsome and well spun. At thie first hint et attack the mother seizes it and hurries away, often spinning a threaà as she goes in the effort te escape. She will lose a leg, tave legs even), cheer- fully in its detense. That la net, how- ever, se avenderful as the tact that the lest legs very quickly grew again. The naine spider runs back te the Sax- _____TuE Gl CIRL OF1\NOR WAY A. Canine That Tad an Editeated Triste lu Mflsie. SHE 15 THE FIN EST PHYSICAL SPECb It is nlot geineraîly known that the lat< E NTH OID Sir Arthur Sulîlivan was flot only pas E NTEWRD sionately fondd ef dogs, but baid made special study of themn in every way. Tht V res Air and Vigorons Exereige brîlliant composer, wbose loss is indeed î Make Ber S - Daring Fents lx biow te the world at large, declared fre wVhij Sue Equais and Somietimem quently to the wîiter of this article thai Excels the Men. ia the (log is eînbodied ail the necessary conditions for the appreciation of musit Writing frem Christiania, a correspond, of ail kinds and that the ergan of hear- cnt of the Indianapolis Sentinel descrîbet ing in a dog is eofniarveleus delicacy. Si what lie colis the finest' physicai. speci Arthur bore eut the truth efthiis state ment by reiating the tollowing fascinat mens of girls te ho found in ail the werhl1 ing anecdotes et incidents w-hich came di.FIIe says that the mest remarka'blo being rectiy under bis notice: in the eid world is nndeubtcdly the Nor- Some years cge, when Sir Arthur was wegian woman. Taking her ee fromi thEï accustoened te go do-on te tihe theaici pensant and middle classes, she bias, de' very reguiariy in erder te cenduct the re- velopeid ber muscular powers te the f1ý' hearsals et bis own eperas, ho wvas fol, degree possible, She is a probable dvQs lowed evory nierning by n deg, which e o1pment of the extreme dryness nnd sever' tered the theater the( same time ns ho did, ity et the climate here. In Eugiand thE placed itsolf betw cen the legs ef the mu- enervating dampness bas helped as muob sieians and listcaed delightedly, cagerly, as the extremo cold in Russia bas te mnakE te the music. This oecurred day artel oînen the slaves of the heated hos > day, until the constant appearanceofe thc habit, Hore the persistent outdeor e-xer, dog et the rehiearsals excited the curies- cisebas dive, ged e1sl-, emplexionq ity and admiration net enly et Sir Arthur and brilliant cyes in the younger genern- himself, but of ail the musicians, who, not tien ef women, who aýre little giantosseg knowïiag its name, gave him that of Mel-cmae ihtegrsoohrcun ody. Very seen ho wvas pettod by al, and triaed wit the dagrsetofthe cen- cach ene in turn invited the ýdog te dia- people in Nerway bave the waik iiad gait fier-"M\elody, avilI you dine with me te etf the Teiemarken peesant child. î day?" Theso avýords avere sufficient. The The sle-dge is a great -vehicle in Ner. dog follbed bis host, ate beartily and as way in the ainter trne. In tact, it seems, seen as dinner was over rushed off agaia rather than the train, te reach ail the te the theater, found its way te the or- -avenues et traffie. The deligbts et sleigb, chestre, placeil itself ln a corner aad nov- driving lu Nerway cxceed these et the er Iett until the evonîng pertermance was tourîng pleasures of eny ether country finished, during the cold scasen., Nothinig could bc- more amusing, more Ail the family tumbles in fer n drive, curieus, thon the attitude et Meledy dur- frem the biggest te the smaliest. The ing the performance. If a new work vehicie is calledl the spidsslaede and la was being perfernied, ho found it eut be- bult more on the style ef a beat th.nai fore the everture bail been played ma ny sleigh. seconds. If the piece ahoundcd in rich Otten a big, lîvely girl stands in front,'~ and oýI-ginal meleies, ho testifled bis witb ber tather bebind bier, holding tlie pleasure by Lis dciighted barlis and by 'reins, and the rest ot the family tacked f r r t -, - i - - i~a' -

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