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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1901, p. 7

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It is flot necessary for a man to meet wýith an accident to become lamne or otherwise physicafly im- paired.,Frîends of Mr. Samuel Postmaster at 1' Dufferin, Ont., S postôffice, have ,Owondered for somietime what Àt could be the ILS. DONALDSOM. him, and when w1ci that his crippled condition was due to rheumatism, could hardly believe it. But such was the case, however. Mr. Donald- sont was lame with rheumatism for two ye',.,rs, and during that time suffered internai pain and ex- perienced the greatest difficulty in gettýing out of a rig. Mr. Don- aldson used liniments and mix- tures of ail kinds to no purpose. At last he tried Dr. Hall's Rheu- matie Cure on the suggestion of a friend, who had been cured of a s smilar complaint, and after tak- ing one bottle of this wonderful preparation the pain disappeared> andi now he is as well as ever. D r. flaill' Rbeupatic Cuire je put up i 50 Scent botues, containing ten days treatment. For sale by ail drugeiets and dealers in medicine. The Dr. Hall Medicine Ce., King~ eton, Ont. T, uccssnli isodmothiybyover 10,000 adies. Safe, effetuai. Lade k y ur drgislfor Cook's Cotion Rosi Cern- pound. Taireno other as ail Mixtures, pis and imitations are dangorous. Price, No. 1, $1 per bX', NO. 2,10 derees streuger, 3 pot box. INo. 1 or 2, mailed 6n recipic pieand lwo -coul Ttmp he CookComapany Windsor, Ont. 1 an. sd 2 soid anc rocommended by al esosbeDrugglsis inlan1ad&, NoS. 1 and 2 sold in Bowmanville by HIIGGibi BOTItAM & SONa, S rOrr & JURY; Orono by J. Gr FInLA; Newcastle by DR. FÂRN comm. Y If the blood is pure the wýhoIe body xwiii be healthy. If the blood is impure the whole > systemn becomes corrupted with ils impurities. Buirdcck Blood Bitters trans- ~frsimpure and watery blood into rîch pure blood and builds up the health, Disease germs caîrnot Iurk in the system when B.B.B. is used. Miss Effie McDonaid, Liseomb Milîs, «Guy C., NS., writes: " I have fourrd B.B.B. un excellent remedy forpuîifying the biood and euring sick headaehe. I had ttied many. temedies, but none cf thom' did me ranch geod. B.B.B. bas made me so e v-cl bai I feol like n iexv wemau and I am eeustantly recommond- Ing it to mny friend.". CODand tns -1., oriae lic tyiiat 5c.aSiet. The e Piseare fOnished li god and enanei. pirettiIY engrovdsidne.tly carded. th eta selt heyare suchlsplndidlueOOr ddau this acivrtseinet a, r will forwarslthe Pins. Sen tis retos thnsent, eduisbost ,U SoidO Idiiwillb.5e sony,s - I H 1,C retuo.mail, abseltey tr. DOinisseon Nos eI5! oC,. Box iiToronieCan F~~LERECOVER .from Pnoumaonia, Typhoid or Scarlet Feyer, Olptberia, La Grippe or eny S@rious Sickneis Require tihe NerJté Toning, Blood En- riching, Heart Sustaining Action of Milburn's Heart ana Nerma PHIl. Tt is vreli known that after auy serions illness the beart sud cervos are extremnely weak sud the blood greatiy impoverisied. For tiese conditions tiare is ne remnedy ,equals 14ilburn's Heart sud Nerve Pilla. Il restores ail the vital forces cf the body wici d;sease ha, impaired and weakened. Mr. T. Baricott, Aylmer, Ont., say :- "About a year aeo 1 had a severe atîscli of La Grippe wbich ieft my system lu an exbausted condition. 1 couid uot regain streugth snd was very nerveus aud sîeep. lessataI ighl, sud gel up in the moruing as tircd as when I went te bed. 11I1 hd noeneergy and was lu a miser- able samie cf health. "-Miburu's Hearl and Nerve Pilla;, stic 1 got ai Richard', DrugStorebere, ciauged mse froua a condition eft misery te good Où the F a WlIY GUERN$EYS ARE NOT POPU- LAR, Iu comparisen with tbeir rivais, tue Jerseys, ti la smewliah remarkabie tint Guerascyshave net become more popular bothfer profit aud for faucy, ecýpc.Ialiy as their dlaims lun hese tfe- spects are sa well f ouaded. Being gen- oraily cf s rici orange color, wîh white markings, iaving a yellow skia and igeutie expression, their generai appearauce ia at once very shriking and attractive. As utiiity cathie liaIt claims, are undoubhed, the coxvs yield- ing a generousý ameun of very micib mLIk, frem whicb butter cfthe vemy, besl celer sud qualîty la obtained. This excellence ic muchinl their favor and Isî vemy oflen takon advantage cf by Iliese wlic keep cows cf -cher Lreeds fer the production cf miik sud butter, sud find il necessary sud beneficittl te have a eow or li-o Lu the herd Lu order te, add te tic rieliness cfthe milk, andtihe quality sud appestac.nd cf tie butter. Fut suci persanis as keep, or intend ta keep, a ccxv or two lie Guernsey la emiuelntly suitable, baing net ouly a 'good producer but a mest economical feeder, Crossed ivitii he Siorîhemu msny splendid animas have been bred,wh050 performances., anpublic mille and but- her tests have ampiy demosastrahed the wvisdem of such bmeedLug. Ta tiose aise wio desire te obtain ccws coim- bining cizo with the production cf milk cf tli1higiest quality, sud abject hol lie Jersey on tuis accunt, the Guemu- e8y slienld ho tise f irst mecemmenda- tien and cicice. But, notwitlistaiid- Log ail tiese advanhages, wiich would seem c9ufficieut te lasure a great mn- sure cf'.popuiarýity, tbe fact romains that tie broed dees not exteud ils in- f luence ho the satisfaction cf its advo- ostos sud admiters. Tic ressens fcr lis are evident and wcrtby cf consid- eratien. 1 Tiere i la ck of cempachuesesud symmetry, a lienviaesa and coateeneaas cf icue, ospecLaliy about the boulders aud witiers, badly set talansd a generai absence cf tint amootines, neatness and sxveetuess cf expression! s'a conapionous lnthe bonI type of~ Jersey., Anohier great weakness la tise imperfection oflise udder, whici la-' lu need cf considerabie improeo- mon t. A l arge, foullbag, lovel ahthe bohtom, munning weli fprxvard and cf good ieugtis sud fulînesa bebiud, set, firmily and closeiy le lie body, witis1 even tests widely sud squareiy piaced, Lî ail too rare. Tise fact tintthe lu- st-suces cf different animais. cf simi lam breeding distinguishig themselves Ln lie .sbcx-rîngs are sa f ow, imdi- cales tint sufficieul ente sud judg- meut bave net been exerclaed lu solec- tien sud hreeding. Ideas of breeders geuerally have net been sufficiently wtou dcfined. Tic concentration cf hiod cf tlie best animais, by wihi means great familles cf cattie are pro- dfuced, has net been adcpted sud fol- loxved as oxtonsively as resuits cf al sîmilar course wilh ocher breeds sp-i pear net oely te justify, but afford1 pery reason ho expeet mcsh gratify- ing recuits.1 The sizo whsich many animais at-i tain lsa trongly dwelt on by Guemnsey1 breeders as being a igreat advantagel in respect cf tise value cf tise carcass for hel'utcher, but tisere-are excel-î lent rossons fer rogardiig' thLs breed-! ing for size te h oStop inthe xvreng direction. -The Guornsey la esscnhisl-i ]a dairy breed' sud siouid ho spe .ci1a- lybred for daîrýs' purposeg, sud the production cf beef lbft hahoise hreeds; wihici f urnish meuat f at more econcm-1 icslly sud cf vastly Rupeutiot quslily.! Quality, tee, wiile net wiselly incom- patible wxv iiiaie, la genemally fouad te suffer by increasing tis ine of ani-1 maIs, sud by ahtaciing more import- ance te quality sud boss te bul 1en sey breeders .and, judgos xvould great-j ly advance tise luterests, ofthe breod.! Tisere layet se mach te ho lesa- led iu lie mauy departieuta cf agri- culture, that eveiy farmer, old or yeung. sionbd attend ai meottege cf associations that maie speciaihies cf tieseethinge lu wiei leie laintereat- nîay ho usef ul te hlm. He need accept nething because eminent autbority asserts it te bc truc but preparehim- self te investigata and experiment for himseif on bis own sou., and strive te aýdd te the knowledgc lie will obtabn ln tiiis wa.y the knowledge of aill other lnveetigatora. eCAIRCITY 0F HELP. The great drawback: te agriculture in Eugland is now said te hc the scar- city 'of laborers in farminýg districts. A recent investigation of cousus re- tumns for the paist 50) years shows that in 62 per. cent. ef the wliele coun- try resident laborLrs lias been stead- ilydecmea5ing su ad that 62 per cent. Lu those parts wbere farming la chief business. Englisb papers: arè urging the need of pnying more liberal wag-es and givlug more comfortable homes te the farm, hlp, if they would net hýave thie young people all go te the manufacturing centres or emigrate te ,the States or the colonies. Already many farýns5 caunot ho kept up te thoir former producing capacity, net belcause of the Jack of fertility in the land, but Jacet offua ielp ta work- 1t. TO FACTORYMEN. Gentlemen,-Tlie Montreal Butter and Cheese Association des ires te draw the. setious attention of Canadian Dairymen te the undesirability of marxufacturing lu Cannda any cheeso at,,ail frein fedder milk, either at the begiuning or tlie, end, of the seaonon believing this, te be ln the intereats cf nil classes, frem thei farmer te the exporter, connected with the manu- facture of-fuill grass cheese. Iu requires ne argument te prove that if eutcees:e is te, be seid at re- munerative prives uring the season of production, it is essential that there, should bo ne large qnantity cf the proviensý seascn's producetieh lclft ever at the commencement cf the1 new sea- son. IL must therefore he lu the com- mon interest cf ail cencrneýd te see that ne impedliment is placed in the way cof the froc 'sale and free con- sumptien cf existing stocks cf eheese during ail the poriGd np te, the arrivai cf non full grass g-aedsý on the mat- ket Ln Canada, even at the cost cf soe immediate baes cf money. 'New, the experience cf recent eea rs proves that the average world's production cf fuillgrass cheese,, whieh is sold on the Engliali markets, rýonsisting chief- iy of Canadian, S'ttte's and New Zea- land makeýs. besides the English home make, lis as >1arge aus s-an b-e ousumed iun one seasen at prof itable prices. Take fer instance the present seasen. The total shinents from Canada and the Sttate;s from the lst May, 1900, te, the end cf January, 1901, have amountcd te about 2,900,000 'boxes, w hile the Eugui make is ectimated te be some 15 per cent. larger than tint cf the .previens seasorn. This large produc- tien lias ieft a stck cf Canadian and Americanli cheese cn hand at this date whieh it wiil take four mentis full average censumnpýtiot te clear cff. If lu addition to this large stock a large quantity cf fodder icese sieuld Nobody knows ail about it; «and nothing, now known, will always cure it, Doctors try Scott'.s Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im- perfect digestion of food. Yo u can do the same. - It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomacli and bowels t do their work. If il is, you will cure il; if not, you wiil do uo harm. The way, to cuýre a disease is 10 stop its cause, and help the body get back 10 ils habit i of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; wheu it don't, it -don't cure. Il nover does harm. T7, 'he genuine has this pichure on il, take no other. If yen have not tried il, seud fot free sampie, ils agreeabie taste will surprise, --mi=h= CLERGYMEN- oENDORSE IT POWLEY'S LIQUIFIED OZNE Is Eulogîzed by Memibers of the Methodist Conference in Canada C) Wâhat Roy. Dr. Parker says It is flot a malter of everday occurrence that clergymen talit about or permit their names to be used in. connection with a pîepara, tion. It but gues te show Ihat they deema their obligation lndeed heavy to have their endersa. tien pubiisbed, Powley's Ilquificd Ozone is not a patent medicine aud that why so many of theCanadian pasters give it their recommenda- lions. Then it is marvellous in its power to cure disease. Rev. Dr. Parker, formerly presi- dent of the Conference cf the Methodist Chuch ini Canada says, "I have tested your Ozone and have pleasure in bearing testimony to ils excel. lent curative properties." figlied. Rev. W. R.PARKEIt, D.D, Powley's I.iquified Ozone is $i.oo a large bole, 50C. amaill suze. Ail druggists, or f rom the tab. oratorios of the Ozone Co., of Toronto, Iimited, 48 Coîborne St, Toronlo ho made from tiew milk tuis coming ap ring, il la easily sýeen tint the te- nuit Ei nevitahly ho a large surplus cf coid cheese left over ou the, Eng- liai markets in June, which wll cor- tainly bave tho effect cf retarding the sale and serîiclusly lower the price- cf -newv grass goods: Ibis ïeoming son- son. For' these reasons it seema te be only the part of wisidom fnr Cana- dieu producers. xvbe cuntrihute tic largeast quautity cf foreigu cheese tu the Engliali markets, sund wbosc pro- duce at'present stands hilgbest lu te- pýutatien.tiere, b ouhimit even te anme immediate' temporary bass on' their fodder milk rather lin make any foddct chee a.t ail, either at the bc- ginning outhti, end cf the ceasens, as tbhey vill nssuredly renp asaubstantiai gdvantagpýein theli igber prices and lu- creas ed reputation 'tbey wll after- wards citain fer tbeir full gress gooda. Lu advccatilng this policy tbis As- sociation does net fergaEt tic diffi- ýcuIty the farmer la faced witli in dispesiug cf his ý,tab-le fed miik. It wo-uld ho botter, if nocesaiary, te lbrew this css of milk awny rather than manufactuceiifto cheese ; but sncb a sacrifice la tu ecesaýary. \Vhile it sýeems i.mpýossible,,teomanufacture s up from the iucreased taxation on ai- first-,claas article cf cies'ese from ata- hile fed mîlk, itflias;b&eu pýroved tint by scrupuloua cleanliness and scien- tifie metiode a very fine article cf butter can be made frem thI.s mîlk. fer which tiore ia aiways a geod de- mand for expert, et kood prices. 'fis Asacciation, tierefore, sirongiy 'te- commýend.stic fsctorymen as fer as possible te pýrovide thomselves 'rviti alternai 'tve machiuery for making boti butter and cheese, and where il is net possible. for the fermer te wvork up hua fodder milk into butter it la s5treýngly recommeaded Ihat ho sbouid put it into stock. There la a suhatan- liai profit te the farm' lu feeding te the el-ock thie skim milk from the ,croamery, cr even the fullI nuilk where neceasary, in tic consequent enrici- ment of tic soii, besides the price'oh- tainable froor the rstcck ltself. I am, Gentlemen, Youra truly, P. W. McLagan, President. MEMORANDUM TO FACTORYMEN. Curing cf Cbeeane.-Tie Montreal Butter sud Cheese 'Asaccialion deaires te oelI the special attention cf Fac- torymen te the uucured condition of mat cf the eheese coming te Mont- rea.l it has ho-tome tic practico of Facterymn et seud their cheeso le Mcutreal before they are sufficiently cured, and ifwe, ara te hold the gýod reputeticu we have J.ained, tuis md pra-ctice must ho stopped, and cheese- muet ho belýd tn the fectories at le-sat two xveeks for fast k-urin.g cheese and longer for slowv euring cheeae, or li ail cases until lhe cheese are curod. Factories sbould be se provided tint tih- lemperetureocf lie curiug recul ceasbe mainlaiued at Cr neer I6) de- grecs Fahrenheit, otherwise cheese are enjnreJ, by heat luntoummer sud ccad lu auluman. Appeareuce cf Cieese.-A' large number cf lie oieese rrriving lu Montreal have et leaet oeerouigh '.nd, and some have two rougi ends, glv- îng tic, chocse a very bad eppearance and affectisg tisoir value. Ail cheeso m.lght ea:sily bave a gond eppearance if lie maker xvuild take is cheese oit of the hoope early lu tic moru- iug cf the day fodlowîng tic date cf manufecture, trim off auyneveunesa, put hie cheese back te preassxiti lie! onde reversed, end lbave tiem tIlhere unili the aflerneon, usiung presa ri-ngsj your a~tb siek eblld sufferiug and crying with the pain o îc uttnug teethbseud ai once sud get a bottle cf Mrs. WinAows' Soothi Bg Syrup for Cbîldreu Teething. lu wiil reileve the poor littie sufferor at once. Depend upou it,mothers, thereIs ne mistake aboutit. Itecures DiarrleoSa regulates the stomaeh aud bowels, cures Wind Colle, softeus the gams, reduces inflammation, andgis toue sud eue rgy te the whole system. Mrs. WiuIslows' Seothitig Syrup for ebjîdren teethiug is piessant to fthe taste sud 13 the p e- Ecriptien cf oeeof the oldest and best lemal physicians aud nurses in the tUited States- Price 25e a bettle. Sold by ail druggisstro l out the werid. Bc sure and ask forMr.Vli BLOWS' Sothing Syrui) IlAD, A VARIET)X. What ia your liusbaud's favorite f ic- tien ? asked tlle inquisitIve person. 1 can bhardly say at a moment's ne- tice eaid the 'patient wite, xvether ho prefers the eh-k friend stury or the detained at the'office on business narrative. Pure and Sweel are the Skia, Scalp, and Nair cfInfants, Purfld and Beautified by M ILLIONS TISE CuvioLLu fiassisted ix' CUTJtuRA O0, t1iLT for preSer1viugý, puiing, sud ieuutvi t hoe sin, for fla nio ih sap, Ve ie stoppîng cf faliugb sfo otung, xxhitenseng, and 2. thogt e sossth -,a ese aisdeosthab ralîsuci9 sa d 1 xb a s d ifor al tis putp o f tn toile, bthand carats-1. hatisa for annoy iîg i--ttOss nlnstos and excorilations, fet tee free or otiensave petspiraton, lui washes for ulcerative steak- Dessas, ansd for inany senative csîtiseptic put- po ses w ich readily sogge -t tlsaniseives te tolnenl, cspociaily motîlese. No othe med s-- caed sap is toin c nsu.ared1exith il for pro. sorvu, putfifnt, cd 1as s- th~le sain, ýcîohita"lhsda 5 cit-v~eiau or dcssse stic fest scp, hou oser expe, ivi tub e comssared xith il for ail the purposes osthetoIiet, baàth, aud nnu-sery. Tîsos il cons- bines in. Osa ESexe rau Oý-a pascsc, the cEsT shin sud ýcomýplexýýionsapadoftoie sutý bay Faoap Ilu hewid'. is 1 9 v Hamptôn General Store, We "bHld a vaster stock than -has, been," and are as- usual prepared to give bargaîns in Clothîag, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to'order $8.00. Good, Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very, large and well assorted stock to select froni, in Serges. Worsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestie manufacture, We, are bound 10 SUIT ý ou,. Groceries and Hardware. In our Grocery and Hlardware Departments you will find, our sftock ' well assort3d, bought in the best markets ai the cIose3t priCeS, and wil be sold at the riglit prîce. Some people want quantity othiers quality, we eau please boîli. uighest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a eati. HA M.PT ON. IIt'e the constant, girain I ~\ ~ ard worisy under whieh f1q,ý11iPprofessienal nLau labo-s, the irregularity of miah-es iotpcirly ues- cetil te kidney troubles, uiaydficultits, theni- u ne&a il e atteuded te- ___________Bri-ghVe Disease and - Here's people free from pain aud achie deatbh. Dyspepsias direful blis. It is because they aiways take O N TI]ese littie pis work whii o yensleep, K D E IL witbout a gripe or pain, curiug biliousuesa, Strengthlisu invigetato the kiducûys constipation, dyspepsia and sieck headac -nover fail te give qnick relief anud cure sud making yen feel better in the merning. the most obstiniýaecss - - JBEov. M. r aupelpasiom of Ec ------ --- - j __________________________ -,------------, -,---.-.-s------------'-----.-'---- ---~- es-sOd W P.OttO5. reitoreci bresir CirC'~iitt1~fii' -u-~t~- ~ ,, ,~ ~ ~ -. ~sai.:= ~ ____ SI ~~-'--'---~-------- i-., ~'so-s-xt u~ et vea~ - resets-,' nase. Do ~ i12,ltitti I5b5tt0.-~ SoVW 5aaDs-fiIn. -~--~ -~ -'-' ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ -ot' 's- -'w- s--~ ~ mn~ml~Yhu~s l~,i~i-iiiw~ ~ ~ ~ r 5 - 'wut'ni -vIns-ni-s-I ~E22t2~t~ se -~o --!tP45-un T~.' s-s-~~ ~ o~oesWtees~O ~- ~sussasau- .~ s-s-~ cest-~)- -a ...~.+i~~<lfli~ttt- .- - - -.-- - -. - -t -- n-st,,--- sttslynvù __________ ________________ - - 75,t- 1 .t... I ~' Rt~~ - -~ ,,, ~s-Jn5J~ffrflrgs- p~o ~ 1401 -~ - ~ - .s--ee -, ~¶-.- Z2iZZL~. 22E~24:z~ttet -~ -ce!" rd~TluiiY -.--.--a-5+V---.--.-.----d----~.-O~0-~O-~n-5 ~e- sa Uv- unoor es OzeîtU -~ ns-v -~--~-s -- s- ,-ren r-5-5,--vno In'ooe-,-,s-,,;h-s-----5-r-.n c -- ~ L-~-#xcs-- -- -- - - -~ - - -- '1esnr onl Ess~inrvsy,..n a)~jjJ~¶ seUiio .ss~es~snae~.iu1sj.oea3 5'Y~iU~0 svùursr ns -i ~1 - ________________________________________________________________________________ ~rers--,s-,r-,T -r-rn ________________________ - - s- cr~ircr ~'î-h eum~ia~l-ta2' _______ ______ _____________ ____________ _________ _______ ______________ - - -,~ C -os- 5~-s ".50 i~ 5~ ~' ~" - - _______ ;l r~. -N p box iu future, In the box tint is at present being supplied. the asides are tee li, whicli causes them te break and the head and bottom la. frequent- ly made cf tee many pticcea, cyhici causes them te feu eout, and insuffi- cient nailiug of thise is a commonil complaint. lWe ask the Facterymen toïist upon getting boxes iwiti Rides from oue-fifth te eune-quarter cf au lutý thickness, with net mure than twoIee-z inco tbbe top or bottem, and wiith tic top, and bottem pieces pro- perly nailed. Thes" pieces shonid isej made cf well dried material, se tiatI liey xviii not sbrink away from tbe band.s and weaken tie box. Wièy.-Another ebjectionable prac- tice seeems te o bcgrowing in mauy, dLitricts cf tic country, and that isý the practice cf carr-ving whey back frnm the fa-ttory te the, farm lu milk cans, wvich givea te tic canas a bad smeli, aud,, biýs is ton often commuai- cated te the milk, aud dees a great deai tQ cause bid flaveur iu the cheese. Where the f armer desires te makIe u,,e cf bis share cf the whiey, Lt Ls slrongy reeommended liat ho carry with iim iu bis waggou a bar- tel or ether cana than bis milk cana to convey the wiey le the farm. Under ne circumaetancet should' wliey ho con- veyed lu mite cane. Butter.-Canada muaIt go more largoiy into the-manufacture cf fsncy butter, slu-ce il is evident ýtint xve are uupv making as- mauy L-heese as can ho counsuried in une season at profitaahle plricos. There las abu-udant reomi for expansion in butter makin. provided cin-y ticý best quaily la made. Ail hope cf doing an expert trade cf any importanceo in dairy butter muat hbe abandened. lNething but the heat Creamery butter will ýseil freoiy and prof 'itahiy. There is preef eneugli tint fancy butter an be made in Can- ada, burt muci' progrelas must yet ho made etc ont average quality wil stand as higli as tint cf Dounrk or Australia. 'We are -eapeciaily bei'd theae countries lu regard te packages. Ouly the beaït obtaina hie siould ho bengit, uniformi inpjtyle sud aize, and wiere boxes are used, ne more aud ne les butter shouid 'be packed thau xviii teat 5G lis. wien deiivered iii Mont- Mrs.Win,3iow's RootbingSyriip bas been sedhby miilions of mothers for tudr children while teething. If diîtsrssle t ,igh- and] hrssls-, of APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. 714E CENTAUR CO-PANN.7 M 1 TRE.NEW 70K OTy. The Beaver -Blok al ' We have sold piles of Boots the Iast five or six weeks and h4ave lots to dispose of yet, and very eheap-first-elass goods at very small Drie9, Ou! carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.'00. Men's Calf and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, froin $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25e,- 50c, 75e, wortb 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and, Youths' to corIrespond in prices. We will tell you what the stock is la eaeh and every pair. The reason we do that is becanse we know. Latest, Spring styles now in stock in every lino. The publie, is invited to inspeet our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trnnks, i3ags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fancs and plain;- Dressîing, the very best that eau 'be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will muin the boots it is appli. ed to. Repairing donc in ahl its branches in, first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my eus tomers for pa .st favors and hoping for a continuance of the Lame. ]3eaver Block. Bowmanville. Castoria Is for Infants and Cliildren. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contilins neither Opium, Morphine uor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty Iears' use hy bMilions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regalates the Stomacli and Bowels of Infants and Chidren, giviug healthy and natural sleep. Castoria- is 'the Cildren's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. Cattoria. Ctoria. "Castorla. is an excellent merdicine for "Castorick Is se well adapted to eblidreà children. Mothers have repestediy told me thst r recomumeud ilas superior te any pro., of ils gocd effect uponl their cblidren." sçription known te me." DRn. G. C. OscooD, Lowell, Mass. H, A. ARCHER, M. D. Brook&fn, N. Y THE FAC-SIMiLE SIGNATURE 0F

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