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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1901, p. 8

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aw * LISTEN!Ils SOur Goods Speak For Themsel.ves. iWe only ask you to corne and go through , our store. We buy the nattiest Furniture on the market, made in best woods and we seil at close Sprices. If you intend fnrnishing a home, ,see Sour lines and get our prices, and compai e with the goods of any city store if you wish. If you contem plate a f ancy chair or any piece of Fur-. Sniture for the Holiday season. see our dfisplay, the largest and prettiest evershown in towvn. KEEP VOUR EYE ON OUR DISPLAY WINDOW. Le MORRIS, a 13OWANVILE.Furniture and Undertaking. Advertise stock for sale or for service in this paper. It goes to ail homes in this district. M. A. JAMEaS, steamship ticket agent, Bowmanville, represents the Allan Line, Dominion LUne, Beaver Line, E: Dempster & Co., Montreal- Liverpool service, and White Star and .Alan State Lino from New York to Liverpool and Glasgow respectively, a-, ùominion Line from Boston to 1 - ýiol. Booking' from anv poirt in Cunada. if you are looking for something g oo d i ii canned goods - Toma- toes, Corn, Peas, B.ans, etc,-give us a eaul. ù Our TEAS and COFFEL "-UMVALUE. Telephone No, 57.1 EOWMANVILIE, MAR. 13,,1901. Flarmiers,. buy your Binder Twine from, the Farmers Co-operative Go., Brantford, Best Twinc 1Oýcts per ltb PETER Wîîînx, agent for North and East Darlingtoîs, Tyrone. 6-t! SOLINA Recont visitors .-Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedrou, and chiidren at Mr. W. 'erry's; Mr. Harvey Reynolds, Little York, ati home; Mr. Fred. L. Bray, Eufield, at M?. Juo. VanNesîs' ... Several farmers will attend Walter Osborne's big stock sale nexl Tuoesday. ..Inspector Tiiley vtsited Ihe school lasI week and was well satisfied .. .. My. W.N. Pascoe had 'a very successful wood be...Miss Stella Mutton la home fromu Bowman- ville..,,,,Mr. Lewis Lander las dug a new well and secured pienly cf water.. ..Solina Division N oý 40 S of T. intend visitiug their bretîren et Eufield Tues- day next. General William W, Hellry, Witb Us in Canada. He [s AmlereianConsul lu Quebee C[ty. STRONGLY 1IDORSES PAINE'S CELER! COMPOUND THE MARVELLOUS SPRING 3MEDICINE' I p o edecisive vrqof Paine's Coiery well kuown 10 îe peop a c0 eseven provinces of our Dominion, No other medicine ever gîven to ______________suffering humanity lias met with sudh approvai from physiciens, from nurses le o! the many good poÎntS Of a caring for the sick, from men and wcmen plione is that a message cannot cfculture and influence, and froxu the to reachitis hearùr correcti>'. sensible and lhiuking people cf the toil- tber good point ta that it reacli- ing class. Ail unite in' one grand chorus i points and Iliat everybodv in of praise-"Paîne's Celer.' Comnpound -ily or country wrrtb doiîng is earlh's eai and surest hénlli-restorer ýess with las a Tetephone. and heelth-giver." -cîher- gfonîL point h~een--GeneraLWilliamW. ,Henry, Americau .! l ime and monev. Consul, lu îhe cdlv o! Quebec, wriles as -ehrpoint-can ý'ru RUferd 10 foiiows about Paine's Ceiery Compound: lttone, at hc&-îir3or olIIce. "TIt -ives mie reat pleasure to in- j 111IIOll account o! the risuita obteinedi 'rom prsoal use o! Ibe remnedy and n - Cmopany of Cýý3p h'-gocf le remark hccru îlas VUiu'4.parformed. I believe it lias no equal lu curin'-1 \o.eofhnervons seStexu îUa~U tkàiîuîng upl U,43î ai eak &Ud Out O! helîl. Il lias cured several To i'ATENT lood Ideas fîiends o! mine o! rheumatism in in 9 maybea~~~ecured by w:tfradIhv ohslnyi 5,:A N RECOR, Ddrs, recommending it 10 al aflicted with - Di PATNT RCORD tIlit disease." ji Hoakin'--- P Maliory S Taylor J Lord J Nesbit A Crago J Gand D. A E Osborne S Brooks A W Annis W Rundle j Sieman C Axford J boit J Abernetliy W Allin- Divisios No 2. R Goilacutt 'IVî,SIOs No 8, S Trevafl XvisioiK;No-4, W R Devey J Brown J Curtis NSmith J Biugliam Dlîvîsiox No 5. WV J Langmaid J Stark T Aaker J Ral G Peed Children ry for CAý'STORiI 1 I Marh Winds, Be prepared aind keep on hand a bottle of CREAM$ 0F WITOH HÂZEL, the best remedy for rougli akin, sore lips, tan and f reekies. Th otpopular remedy lu the 'market for ogs Colds, Bronchitis or La Grippe. Tr EfITE t on pth yte fte h ravage s of la grippe. All te poplar edicînes in stock at lowest pis. Qualityîsunever doubted at our store. J, l1G I rl% T Aýý & SONf Druggîsts, Bowînanvill, Reeve, A.-E. Clemens, Esq. Tyrone Couincillor, R. Poster, Esq, Bowman- ville.' Councillor, 1. L.S~rown, Esq, Hamp- ton. Councillor, R. Pascoe, Esq, Enfield. Councillor, L. Annis, Esq, Courtice. Clerk a n d Treasurer, R. Elliott, Jr., Rampton. Assessor, W. J. Roy, Tyrone. Collector, S. Pollard, Tyrone. Board of Health: A. E. Clemens, H. Elliott, Jr, T. Pascoe. J. M. Joness, J. C. Mitchell, M. D., Medical Ilealth of- ficer. W. Creeper, Sanîtarv Inspector. PATHMASTERS. DivisioN No. 1. No. No. 5 Albert Allun 61 D Montgomery 6 W Rl Wood '71 W Creeper 7 Walter R Foley 72 J Ward 9 J Roit 73 W Allun 10 A R Burgess 74 C Stonhouse 20 G Power 74ýL J G Burns 21 J Stanley 87 A L Brunt 21I T J Cole 88 J McLaughlin 22 Trumanl Power 89 J Moore 30 F Dell 98 E Stevens 38 J Snowden 99 J Pye Si W J J effery 100 J Murtin 50 JasThompsionjrliO R A Ashton' 57 J Cowling Ill J A Werry, 58 D Yellowlees 112 J P Leask 59 M Robbins 1LS A Sharp 60 A Peters 121 L Strutt 1 L Brown, Road Commissioner DIVISION No 2. No. No, 1 J D Hoar- 20 W Crago 2 JRij1ard 16 RlHSouch 3 J M oness 50 W J Clemence 4 GW Soper 46 JDarch 26 W J Bragg 21 A Samis 27 J Heard 44 A Wilkins 58 J Scott 48 W Laing 29 H Hooken 45 E Prout 49 W J Caun 47 W E Pollard 28 J Rutledge U........ .... 17 J D Roar R Foster, Road Commissioner. DivisioN No 8. No. No. Il S Everson 40 J Balson 12 E)i Osborne 52 J Flintoif 13 R E Osborne -35 J Alsworth' 14 Walter Osborne 36 S Northcott 15 J Truli 37 R 0 Short 23 G Allun 88 Jos Braund 24 A J Courtice 84 J M Squires 25 R Courtice 24 J SuIley L Annis, Road Commissioner, DivîsioN No 4. No. No. 58 E Berry 83 A W Annis 54 J R Cole 84 W McLaughlin 55 J il Werry 85 J Curtis U N Smith 86 P Curtis 106 J Brown 98 R Ashiton 95 W Farrell 121 G Avery 120 W Reynolds 1201,SM. DewelI 108 Rl T Sieman 96 R Woodley U F Rundie 56 F Hockaday 68 W Coucli 80 Jas Collacutt 79 J Channon 81 T Scott 97'S Rundie U W R Davey U J Fraser 94 A Virtue 82 A W Clemeîxs 107 W llooey 70 A H Brent 98 A Staples A E Clemens, Road Commissioner Div isioN No 5. Nûý No. 62 A Hogarthi 78 J W Brooks 64 R B Mitchell 92 S E Souch 68 T Stainton 108 A Smith 660V Leask 108 D McCullocli 116 J E Dyer 216 B Powell 101 FI Smith UJ J Scott 122 ....._........118 J Hiobbs 92 C T -Wilbur IlKeL J Hall 75-P WilliamS 128 H Ros 76 W Ashton 124 W Avery 77 T Baker 125- J Hubbard 90 J Orchard 65 J Stainton 9 J Garfat 214 A Ormiston 102 N Smitli 122 ..ý... R Pascoe, Road Commissioner, FENCE VIE WERS DIVISION No 1. J Ward S Allun M Munday W Creeper S Suowden wr W Short S Jeffery R Burns J J Virtue N Byers E Trenouth J Colwili J Hanton J Nesbîtt J Witheridge DIVISION No 2. R HlSouch J TSymons J Somers B Werry G A Stephens , E Rutledge R Collacutt R A Bragg J Wright' C Souci Divisios No 8. J M Squires C Trul W E Courtîce J Langmaid R Courtice - G Coleman L Truil J Courtice E Osborne S Trevail Dîi isiS No 4. J Rundie J R Cole T R Hoar S Hooper The price o! THE STÂTESMAN la 81.00 oui>' wlen paid in advance otlierwise >We tessubacriptiona fer ail uews- pepersaud magazines at club rates. See aur club lista. We have a new Webster's Internatio- ual Dictionar>' (Unebrldged)price$12 5C Iliat we offer aI $10 cash. THE ROWE CASE. The Mail and Empire Re-pre- sentative Investiga.tes. hilE PARTICULARS IN PULL., Consecon lias a Sensation,. the Lik( 6f Whleli It Bas Not Experienced for Years-David Bowe Gives n Writteu Statement of the Facts of the Case. Prom The mvail and Empire. Consecon, Mer. 11. For some lime Ihls village and ueigliboriood lias been ringing Witli the slory cf David Rowe Mr.fRowe la a fermer, who lias lived on a farm Iiree miles frcm here ail l i lifelime, and is known 10 every man, womau, and child for miles around. Somelime ago has friends uoliced e great change lu has physical appear. auce, and no uitIle comment was made as to thie rapidity with which lie wes feil- ing in healili, Prom a stroug, vigor- oua man lie had become a bent and crippled invalid. Recentl, however, lie lias appeared 10 ha friendaslurdy and sîreigit, Strong and well, eud willi ail lis old-lime vigour and healli Kuow- ing Iliat sude a case would le o! greal puthio inlereat. your correspondent visi'ed Mr. Rowe 10 gel the facîs. Mr, Rowe is a modeat nman of few words, frank, straightfcrwarJI, and truiliful. Afler heviug introduced mysel!, lie said : "lYou need nol apologize for visiling me, 10 enquire int this malter. I do ual consider lt an intrusion et ail. I have littie ta sa>' beyond the fact that as everybody round liere knowrs, I, was lent near>' double w ilt h- Kidney Trouble, pains in mv shouiders, spine, and amaillct my lack. Tlie suffering I eudured w as somethîng fearful. 1 couid nol stand up straight 10 seve my life. I could do no work. 1 consuited my physicien and look his prescribed medicleýs, but gel ne beller. I read lu té,, waapr how Dodd's Kidney Pilla wee crig people of Kidne>' Disees, LaJ.ine Bacli, and Rheumatism. ij-boýug à .box from Mrs. German,who ke-p 1 île groceery liere. Be! ors il wea ai usd bgan'10 recover, and a! 1er I lad ui0ed ton boxes -1 was entirel>' cured, and now, as you see, I am iu perfecl good heailli. This la mv abor-v You enu print il if yon like, as 1 have ncthing Io lide, and il me>' salis> a good man> eol li nw fm reius conditione10 knaowliow I fwas "R1-ave you eny objections be signiug a wyitten alsatement ?" enquired the reporter. "Noue, wlitever," auswered Mr. Rowe, 'just you go aliead and write down wliel I se>'." At Mr. Rowe's dictalion, Il prepared the following stelemenl, whidli lie de- erfully signed : &1 iehd ver>' severe pain iu my beck, more or l eas, for upwards cf INvo yeers. Il commenced in my shouiders, and ex- lended down mv spine,. finail>' concen- lreling ils full force in wlat is common- 1>' Calied tlie stuaillcf mv back, or ecroas my kidne ys, and Ihere the pain wes ai- moat unendureble. Il made me go beul over., I cQuid not sîreigliten Up 10 save my life. Wlien I wenlt t urinaIs it gave me greet pain, and ycu can jual imagine a muan, suffering as I did, was net elle to do much. 1 cousuited a physicien, and lie pirescibed for me, b u t 1 no benefit. I noticed lu the papers licw blet Dodd's Kidue>' Pilla were curixig mauy cases cf Ki=uey is- ease and Mleumalism, and 1 mtrrin- ed 10 give Ilium a trial, I purchased ns box of! Mra, German, who kepl grocer- les and patent medicines liere. 1 did net feel an>' benefil aI firat, but before I lad flnished the first box 1 began 10 feel e change for tle beller. 1 lok lu all ten boxes, and Ihe>' have entirel>' cjîred me. 1 have no pain lu my back or ecroas my kidueys, and 1 am e weil man 10-day ilirougli laking Dodd's Kid ney Pilla -.',-" SgeýDVDRW1 Cwte sigeyDV1 OE W. J. MAISH. Those wlio may read thia article, and do not know Mr- Roweo, cannot fuliy appreciate tie position le hiolds in this commuuity. Me is an elle fermer,weli and favourabi>' kîown, and as an evidi- ence of lis cheracter for lrutlfulness ,aud lones>' I append the stalement o! Mr. J.J.,Ward, tle local justice o!fIthe Apeae Mr. J. W. Odeli, B. A ý, was home Sunday week . ... Miss Walker, Port Hope is visiting friends liere. . ... Mr. Robert Cowan has returned home fromt Detroit, Mineh. . .. Miss Hall, Osliawa,ý visited friends liere..,.Miss Gertie, Lyvie, Bowinaiiville, has'beau guest of Mrs. J. J. Gilfilan. ... Mr. John Bran, ton, Oshawa, was guest of Miss May Vinson ..... Miss Beamisli. Port Hope, visited lier grandfather, Mr. Wm. Bal lagi._Mr. and Mrs. Seymour, Osli awa, are visiting her father -Mr. Wm iMch,-eod. . ..Mrs.' James Dickson is rapidly impro ring linliealth. ... Mr. Hughi Simpson, former Principal of our school, has removed fo the N. W. T., where lie lias secured a school in the flourishing town of Broadview, on the C.' P. R, at a good salary. .Mr Duncan McConachie, jr., fronttlie North West, was lu town Friday- et. tending tie Bachelors' Bail whicli was a grand success. Guests were present front Port Hope, Oshiawa, Bowmanville, Newcastle, and other points, Glionna's 3Orchestra, roronto, furnîshed music.. ..A.O0. U. W., No. 161, held open lodge 1Tuesday evening and the member s, witli their wives and lady friends,enjoy. 1cd an intereslting .programe. Thie 3lodge O)rchestra rendered a number of selections. Master Workmau, O. Scott, vresented l is report of Grand Lodge proceedings. RIIEUMATIO WARPED LimBs-Mr. H. Wills,' Chesleyi, Ont., says:-"My boy was ail crippled Up with rheumatism. Altiongli we doctored, lie was in this way for about one year, and the pain was terrible. Reading of manv cases where Dr. Chase's Kidney-Lîver Pis lad cured rheumatism, we got a box. Before they were hiaif gone lie began to improve, and is now quite weil. I am very. glad to recommdnd them to others One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. TOWN COUNû!L. Regular monthly meeting. Membera ail present, -Mayor MItchel presiding. Minutes of last mîeeting rend and ou motion confirmed. 1 Comumunications- wera received fromt Mrs. Brimacombe asking for nid. Re- ferrad to Poor Relief. Aiso from Mrs. Paddon, offéring to deed lier property to the town, lu return for which the Counili was to give lier $4 per montli for tliree yearsa. Moved by Mr. Worth, aecondud by Mir. Spry that It lay on the table. Cotin. Galbraith Chaîrman of the coinnittea appoînîed to report on agreemuent te Evaporating and also on Iiocal Inprovement Debei.tures5, aaked leave to report ab another meeting, as tiay werqnoct yet ready. ' Con, Worth,, Ch&irman o! ÉPoor Relief presented report recommendlng payment of!secote, mouating ta $33.18, Received aud sdopted. Couin, King, Chairmazi of Finance Coin. premented report reoommendicg payment of accounîs amoauting to 8301 24. Received and adopted. Coun Percy, Chairman of Public Property asked for extension, o! lime on their report, re Electrie Liglit on Scugog St. The commit'e wihed' to wait until tie treas leaved ont 50 that they could have a better ides as 'to whather le was rtquired or flot, Granted. (Jouna, Tait preeented report fron corumittee appointed to conter with the Agricultuural Society re purchase of new Fair Grounde aa followa: Tg his Woi.ship the M1!ayor and Municipal Couneil o the Town of Bozumanville. ~çj GENTLsmicN-We your committea &p. pointed at aur last special meeting to confer wîLh a committea appointaïd by the Agri. cultural S3ociety with a vîew te purchasing new fiir groundo, beg lea#e to report. That yonr committee met them, and after a cars. fui investigation believe that the purchase of new sud larger gro unds wouid ha in the interest cf the corporation aud the farming community generally, The estimated coat of said gronnds would amount to the sun cf thrae thonanïd two hundred and f ty dol. lars (63,260.60) made up as fallows: Purclisse of twelve acres of land east cf 111gb School knowu as Rainas Petate ............$1000o0oo 8'encing the sanes................50000O Coal of Main building........... 750 00 Coat of track and salids ..........500 00 Cost cf Grand Stand............. 500 00 Total $3.250 00 Yont cammittee would therefore recon- mend that tis Council-eranttesu c Fiva flundred.Dcilars <$500 00> on condition the pîirchase l anca nd the balance Twenty-saveu Hundred aud ]Fifty Dollars ($2,750 001- bo made up -sihere _auggested: JJarliu,-ton -Councii grant ....$250 00 Private snb. tp. cf Daringon .,.. 12)0 00 .tcwn of Bownanvilla.. 1250 00 Grant froni Bowmsuvilie Council.., 500 00 The above report was accompantied by a latter fron the Agricultural Society atatiûcg lIat it was their wish that the tiiCe lu the new groundaslihould be vesîed in tle town. Onmot Ion of Mr, Tai t, second ed by g4r, King, îthe report wassadopted with EXPENDITURE,, Poor Relief ......... ....681 Printing ................. 2138< Roads aud Streets. ........ Sundries.. ...... ...........Y s39 Police .............. ..............19 23 Public Property and Electîju Light ... 2039 39, Pire and-Water ..... ..........146 38 Salarias........... .......... ... 100O9 67 Suow Shovelling, cbarged to lands. ... Il 26 Street Wtrn.............00 00 Debentures and Coupons ........4937 09( 'Interest.............427 70 Public Sool.........4853 00 Higl' Shoo...............232900 CountyRae............ -... 97590 Notas Discoucted'paid ...... .. ....-22900 00 Balancea........................... 585 79 848275 8 We iereby certif>' liat we have examined the books of tie Trea'surer, compared tiexu with the vouchers and fouud the same corret. The balance due by the Treasurer îs ($585-79) Five Hundred and Eighty-five Dollars and Seventy-nine Cents, which agrees with the amount aI tie credit of the Cor- poralion in the Ontario Bank. Bowmanviite, Jan. 22, i901. J. S. MOORCRAFT, Auditors. S. S. EDSALL, ASSErS.LIABILITIES. Balance in jiank .... ,,.,.... ,$ 585 79 Notes Discounted........ e'4C40 00, Unpaid Taxes........ ...... 1833 99 Debentures Conmolidated. .-', . . ., 5985 21 Premium on same .................. 7000 Debenturs, Organ Fâctory......41,'9 48 Ceeey...... ...... 860 00 Debentreu, Rubber Factory....... ..53'a 03 Cemetery Arer........235 50 DebenturesgFr..,,..,..... 27V94 47 Fire and Water Departments......6525 00 Sohool Property......... ...4500')00 Publie Property...........13000 00 Publie Property, arrearsrent, 311 00 Cash in Clerk's bande-.............. 132 59 Cash in Clerk's hands, Hav Scales.. 1885 Water Rate uncollected....... ....... 500 Electric Light at Stationi... _.........18 25 Stone Crasher .............. ....... 500 0 Mortgage Hayes Property... .......136 00' Mortgage Dring Property.... .. ...... 79 00I Baac.. ....... ............ 3769 221 $76080 191 876080 14~ LOCAL IniPROVEMENT ACCOUNT. Notes )Jiscoanted.......... ............... $17000 00 Csh- in Bank-,....... .....................2-4 Balance ..........$16875 53 $1.00 The CRITERION I Oc a year. The Best Illustrated Monthly 'Magaz- a cog !ne of the Kînd Published. Its _pages are fiiled by a bilataryof ,riters -and artists. Its authoritative and independent 4esof Books, Plays, Music and Art, its, clever stori ýus, strong & w±h-fin--ilustrations, make it a necessity in every intelligent hcmrýe. The very low subscriptioîî price-1.OO a year-puts it within the reach of ail.- Reliable agents wanted in every town.qW Extraordinary inducements, Write for particulars.-. e0DýA triai subacrîption wiil prove il. Write to -day for sample topy er CRITERION PUBLICATION 00., 11-6w ~~Subseription Deparîment, 9, Ct. 11-6w ~41 East 31st St., Ne'w T iy I C%,EYLON AND INDIA TF,"A GREEN OR BLACK, IS PERFECT TEý It 18 Perfect Because It is Pure, Wholesome, Cleau, Delicious. It reaches you in its nAtural state. Prussian Blue, Soaps tone, etc., are not used, as !i oher Teas, to hide defects. It lias none. Af free sample- of delicious SALADA Tea sent- on receipt' 'of postal mentioning which yon drink-Black, Mixeci, or Green T e a. Address "SALA DA," 'Toronto o r montreal- TH E MASON 06 BQWMANVILLE OUR DIRECT IMPORTATIONS< F BRITISH GOODS ARE LIERI2.o ~#4i~ D, We are now very busy marking them off for sale. W-e have already passed îrnto stock som-. very choice li.nos of Suitings and Worsteds. See our new Scotch Twýeed. The re are some very choice Fancy, Trousering, We notice several lots of Boys' Sailor Suits, These are similar to what we sold so freely last year. Any amount of New Muslils and Embroideries. An ies variety of Laces and Lace Curtains, Fancy Cretonnes and Sateens, Oxford Shirtings and Flannelettes several ends o laa and Merveileau Silk, several bales of Floor Ou CltXmand Linoleums, G-ents' Natural Wool Cashmere ITnderwear, ail sizes; Elegant italians and Vicunas for ourTaorn- Dept. Our special imported uîne of Black Cashmere Hat ilose which sold so freely last year are here no w in stili larger quantities. Grocery Department. We are also showing direct, importations of Hats ,nd Caps and have some of the neatest styles and 1best values that we have ever yet shown. We invite an early. in- spection of our semi annual, consigument of Importeci Goods. Qur New- Hats, and Caps a're He-rie. We have reduced the price of Pratt's Astral Coal Oi said to he the best 011 refined in America,from 30c to 25c. THE MASON -,,Co ABSTRAC-"T STATEMENT.- The Troasurer ini Acoount wfth the Goirporaton .o f the Town of DownDvil1e, Yea1r.e.ding Dec., a1ot, 1900. RECEIPTS. Balance, Dec. 31, 1900 ...........$S 51,15E (Jée m et....... ry..*..,.. 549 751 Fines and Pesa........... .... ...141 751 Licanses .....................376991 School Grant. Lagislative Assambiy 35300 Public Prouerty............... .... 1020 50 1 Water Suppiy................ 204 . 1 NZotas DisCouotad .......... ..... 23800001 Arreare cf Taxes.......... -....128 97q Property Tax 182.......2029 30 Statuts Labor 1899 ý....... ....... 28 00' Dog Tax 19 ........ ........... .50001 Property Tax 190.. ....19358 781 Statuts Labor 10........56 0 Dog Tax ............. -...... ... 127 100 $48275 89ý ORONO. 7=.ý --t Li t7ý ' 1

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