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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1901, p. 2

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GROWLVNG MARKET POTATOES. .l&mocst any kind cf soil that .7,iii taise a crop of cern wil 'produce 900dl potatoes if properly prepared, writes -Mr. John Tye. It is very essentiel that the greund be loose and fine be- fore the seed potatoe are planted. If the land, bias been plewed in the f al disk or harrew, tilg it is leose and fine te, a deptb cof three inches, then plow again. This will turn the loose soil dowmn te the bottom cf the furrowv, 11larrow,% dowru fine again. This will give a good seed bed of six or seven Lnchea cf fine Jeose eartb. If yau w.ia vh te pl&ut ilu buis they ihould bPczabout 6 1-2 f', apart eacb ,way, te allow cf free cultivation. I mark wjtb, a corn, markcr eue way, aud then use a four-shovel sulky cul- tivator te open up tbe furrew the ether way, taking off tPe twe inside shovels and fastening tPe other two the deired distance apart. Tbe next tbing cf importance is te liavc goed sgeed ci. some popular sal- able) variety. Cut te eue or two eYcs a.nd plant cnly eue plece Lu a hili. ri ;c your foot on each piece se as ti "press it dowu into the loose dirt w% deep as possible. Tbis rwill meke ceverinig ea5ier and will aise preveut drying eut. Cever wvth a bec, putting eue heeful cf djrt on each piece cf potate. The marks made by tPe sul- ky cultivator w-ill remain se as te be easiiy accu across the field. Neyer Plant Rcabby potatoes, if it can lia avoided, but if lyou must plant ihem sosk ln corrosive sublimate solution, euené part cf p.ublimate te 1000 parts ,ater, fer two heurs Pefere planting. After planting it 'wiil net, be ne- ressary te de anytbiug more te ýthe petato patch for two weeks. By that time pigeon grass and other weed eeeds will have icommenced te grow by the tbousauds, but the potatoees vijl cet lie above tbe'ground. New take the sulky cultivator and turu the in- side shovels a littie, go tbat wheu you fellew the cultivator marks it will leave the ground as level as posr- isible. This wlll kili ail the weeds, and Py the time tbey start up again the petatees will lie eut ef tbe grouud. TPey can tbcu be easily cultivated. Some advise draggiug the petate f icld after planting te kill weeds. I neyer de it, for if the soi is very loose the drag la sure te break off many spreuts and somelimes entircly re- meve the seedI picce eut of its place. The cultivating fsbould be kept up as long' as the vines wili permit, and thee ali should iiever be allowed ta bake sftcýr a heavy rein, or ugly, de- fermed, liunchy petatees wiii' resuit. A( geod plan 1.9 te eultivate once a iweek whetber tbere are any weeds iu the pateh or net, for if dry wes- ther prevails the loose fali is exces- isive, the ground benunet bake if the cultivator is kcpt geing. ThehPili- er shouý(- be used tbe fast two or three ttmes. It will net disturb tPe smaîlpetatees, whicb will set before the vines arc large enaugb te stop the cultivation. If petate bu'gs 'bother tPe vines mueli, spray with paris green. A spraying p'ump fer tbat purpose eau lie bougbit for 50% at most bardware stores, but if oee zannot be obtaiucd, mix Paris green, one teaspeeonful te tbree gallons water, and for a sprink- ler use a bunch of timetby Peads, and wben you are threugli nsiug, put it inte tPe steve. It is only tbe work cf a'minute te get anether wbcn needd If tbe petatoees axe te be sbipped a$ soon as liarvcstcd, thcy sbould net lie due unti] the middle of Octeber. Thcy eau Pc iug lun tPe fereneon, left te dry for a few heurs iu the sun, then loadcd lute (wagons and hauled directly te the cars. CLOVEIR AS A FERTILIZER. TPe value of claver as a fertilizer is net generally fully appreciated. lie- 6ides !us great yalue in pracuriug nit- rogen f rom the air, it eau by meaus cf its long roots .eutrate deeply ina-j te the earth, lbrng up patash and pihosphorie acid, and other lements lYlng eut of tbe rech cf the roets cf our cereals. These elements, af- ter a time, become available by the decOMPOsition of the clover reets. It lias been cstimated tliat the wegbt Of reets Of clover excccd the weigbt of that part of the plant whiccb grows ajieve the surface. î TPeIX deccmposi[ion causequeutly JOSE ISCALE. !rrees cf al l -ids iufested with San P Case scale should be given carclul et- iL tention befere tPe leaves appear, andS the' falewiug metbods ef treatmeuth are segcrstýýd. A. Ail treeýs' incrusted witP this scale shauld be dug up and burncd. 12. Moderately iafe5ted trees 5hould 1 Sir Airchibali. HunIer, Scoîsmien are particularly proud etflm because lie. is an A'yrshire bian, sud atter the Soudian wr eoe 1897,93 tbey presented rimu wilP an 18-carat gold f4w!roDrd cf îonor, TPcy that kue'w ne erl ,l suspect rone-Bau Jauson. ii I e lie Pesded back Py cutting aut tPe tops and thoreugbiy washiug tPe trunk sud larger branches with s 2- lb solution of wbale oil seap aud wa- ter. This eau lie appiied wilP auy or- dinsry spray pump. Use s potash-lye whaie oU scap ratber tha that made witP caustie soda. TPe fermer la very mucli more effective, and more casily epp1jed, as it does uat thickeu wben cald. 8. Siîgbtly iufcstcd orchards cf peech, peIar, pluvu sud epple sPoubd lie eprayed -%ith s 25 par cent. sala- tion cf 159) dcg. tirslt-test keroscue aud water baera tPe lids open., About 25,000 peacb trees rivere sucessfully sprayed lat-spring with Ibis mater- ia-l lu the Blue Ridgo mrt peacli beit. '4. A 25 per rent, solution cf crude patroleuin sud riater ieau Pc used ln tPe same manuer. Cýommercial crude pelroleum Ls exceediu-giy variable. A grade contaiuing 11111e or ne asphal- tumn, Put a fair p2rcentage et paraf- fin, is desirabia. it should Pave a speicific gravity ef nat les- than 43 deg., Beaume seale, sud net necessar- ily over 45 deg. Crude cils et this chbaracter cost 8 te 126 par gai. by the barrel. 5. Srnali tree5 et al kinds eau Pr cheaply tumnigated witli Pydrcyaubc accid gas. TPe Emory biox fumigator sPoulO lie uscd. Uî. Ail trees! sPoulO lie pruncd as mucli as possible before epraying. Ail Pruisb sPould be piled near tPe or- chard, left until midsummer sud buru. cd. Ibis wii enahle tPe naturai par- asiles te es-cape sud cencentrate apon ellier scale-iutested trees. BEIJMEB AN ENULJIIMÂN CHARLES 0F DENMARK TO ENTER THE BRITISHI NAVY. The PrIneeiss Uaud's Lifée Was IJnhappy- Daughrer of KZng )Eiward-Slie 'V'as Net lieceived Wiîh Vordlallty et 5the Dauish Court. Royal maxrages are se rarely love affairs that it is eormewhat refresh- ing te find. a manly yonng prince ou the b1oël who is wîlling te sacrifice net merely great weall-h, but even is country. Zow -the saka o et iswif ai This is what Prince OParliolfen e- mark Îs new droing in order to pieuse Pis consort, tPe yc;uugest and favorite daughter of Ring Ed',ard. Prince Charles married Pis Eng- lisP cousin Moud againeItPe wishes et Pi§ parents, sud.luinpartîcular et Pis coloseally ricb mollier, rivbe Pad destinrd. im for the yeruug Quacu of 110oliand. TPe resuit rias that wihen Princess Mand rient te live et Cepen- liagen afteS ber ýmarriage lier lite Was made s-uchP a burden te bier Py Prr morther-in-iaw, that sPa bah sa dislike te tPe couartry, wbipb sPa did net attempt ltoi inceal, sud Pecame 50 misera-le sud Pomesick that sPa entreateldlber parents te arrange fer tPe transfer cf lber sailar Pushand tram tPe D-anisb na-vy te TE PlENGýi SE I N_ýV Y, sud foribte estabjish!iment -oftlier permanent homo lu-E-nglaud, iustead cf et Cepenhagen, lier paripnts, devrete.d "to their daughter, rivbo iu tPe Royal tauiily goes by tPe name ot "lIarry," lriid. b eomply wiiî lier request, but were met with'tPe strcngest opposition on tPe part of Prince ChParles' parents, wh'o net ouly witP.beld- their conseut te any -sueli arrangemuent, but like- riise tbreatened. te stop their son's ai- lorirance, sud te dislnherit Pim, uniese Pce remained aI Oopeubagcni, sud ahaurloned ail ideas et taking up Pis residence lu Euglaud. L&s long us Ring Ed.ward VIL. waa xnereiy Prince cf Wales, Pcirivas not snafficiently rich te ho able te' make geai the incomne riiich tbey would Pave lest by ruuuing counteX te tPe riishes cf tPe Royail.tamily of Den- mark, b-ut now that lha Pas becoe King, tPe situation bas cheuged, sud Pla irai a position te do se. TPe resuil la that Prince Cliarleg Pas severed Pie cenuectiera witP 'tPe Duicli nav'y, and is about ta lia APPOINTED'A CAPTAIN ,iu tPe Engiisb navy. lie is remov- iug al Pis heiougings from Copen- blagen te Eugland, whieie Pc aiready Pas 'a country seat at Applel-on hall, on tPe Saudaringha'm estate, wbile tPie apertme-nts hitherto e't'upied. b5y tPe Duke and TIuebess of York lu St. Jmes' palace are te ho assigned. to Pim and te tPe Princoss as, a town residence. Abill is about te Pc iutroduced lu Parliament, previding for Pis natur- alisation, as an lEngylisqhmann%aS bs 1] t' s' ~KJNG'S NEAIIEBT UARDIf THE HONOURABLE CORPS 0F GENTLE?,eN-AT-ARMS. n1ear Vrry Ofieil »rln_ Quees Vletorta's Rltega-1ti81ury cf thle c'rpï. WitP tPe accession of Kiug EdWard VII begins a new reigra cf Sýtate cere- mouleýs. It is years since Parliament was o!p"neýd by the sovereign, sud it wonld tax the memxory the oidest lu tP-e. Royal Hoirsehold to remember the exact proceduire that rias foliaw- ed et tPe funetral cf Ring William MV and tha ecoironation oethtP great and geori Quretn Victoria.1 Preceýdent is tPe tyraunt that gev- erras aIl such soli state occas-ous, sud the lest few days Pave!Sean many Pusy officiais rausac]kng th-- records of pxast, epuemonies. Ný%owvthé Boi.ygu-.rd, hetter kneowiip',,rP-tps as the Honourabie Corps of Gentlemcun-,t-Armas, or tPe Nearest Guard, play a most important part iu aIl tPe, stale frudions lu wP-ich tPe p2rson aor the- sovereign is immeiateiy concerrad. tamous lieavy cavaIry charge hef-ore' tPe charge cf tPe Liglit Brigade at Balaelava. -TWO WELL-KNOWN V.C.'S. LIÀeutenant Malcelisen, anothcr, gentleman-at-Arins, wou tPe Victoria Cross fTcg aving s brothe--r otficer's lite in lb--a Persian avar cl 1856, while Major Edwards win. tPe sains great distinction for ca-pturiug a fart sin- gle-Pandesi aI Tel-el-Kebir. Severai cîber nmembers althte corps Pave lheenweaiuded lu action- Colonel Brorivnrias triice bit during tPe sLege ci Delhi, and Majcxr Stewart klacUcurgalrivas severciy rivunrded in tPe charge cf tPe IHighlanders on tPe EgyptIan trenehesaet Tel-el-Kebir. AtIr last thIee et tPe rank sud file et tPe5 Geutllmen-at-Arins Pave beail tighting against tPe3 Bor'rs lu Soutli Africa. Colonel Milford. sud Colonel Burn, hclP recently appeIutcd, were in command. of Yc5omanry haîbsiions duclng tPe greater part et lasI year, rivile, iajOR S-pragge, D.S:*O., la aise a member cf the Baflyguard. Among tPe more important cees- siens on rivhicb lb- Neareaýt Guerd. were on duty during tPe irat reigu, ira addition to thc Coronatien sud Jub- ilce, wrie tPe m-irriaga cit Per Ms- jesty, tPe christcalug cf the Prince of Wales, the operring cf the great exhibition et 1851, bbhen-rrriage et tPec present Ring, sud. the marriage of tPe Duke sul Du.-hess ot Yack. They Eat Tbemuelves. meutousNelsou, et course, rias mauru- il Durrnig tPe pat reirgu Ibis work Froin varices causes, such as anger ed as tPe Engiioli PaO neyer Pelure was compsralively iigbt, oriing te bbe sud fear, ny alimais eut Ilicir own o seclusion lu wbicb tPe Qar'eu iived ai- flesli. Ruts, wheu cauglit ir as trap by mournad the death et a war Pare, sud te:r the deaIb cf tPe Princ-e Consort. tPe leg, will guaw off the csptured bis tunaral rias une oi tPe Most pre- i But th-'y wriea teb3 touai at tbe member, and mica la cuptivity Pure 1 tentions London ever riritncssed. At Queen's aLie ou ail tPe occasions on becu huowu 10 bite off their tala. But St- Paul's Oahhedral wbere thie wPic sP apearc. l stte bfor Iler aure saine creatures vliichgo "fIera et the Nile aud of Trafalgar" Perpeoletra be coonaror-unmach furthbr sud uetualiy est parts cf Irias Purlied, thîs tlag again dam-a iu- hex poplefrom or cronaton liaineselves if left for tee long a pariod to0 prominene, lieia'g tPe ceuse, dur- Westmainster Ab by te tPe dey cf ber Wiîliouîtfood. igteslm bauee a rude - last Jubile lu 1897, rivb'an the Geutie- A bycua Pelonging le a menagerie break that oea ivald Pcsitata te lie- s men-at-Arirms sîcod immediately lu waa hept hy the proprietor -witliout'I.eeocre eei o eodd e front et Par carrnage aI the Ihanks- food Inhave oceured rivera iOnet reeardc giving Servia-e ou the stepa oft s. Pc waa het-rified te finsi that the tare- by cycrivDtnesses sud meutioed Py Paui's. cloua creature lad sctually entera part severai reiiahle liiouraphars cf tPe cf ils owra leg. great naval coâmmander. WPeu tPe lu tPe present reigu thair rivarh wiil Au cagle in the zoo n tew yeursaugo fanerai procession reched tPe chureli 3probabiy lia leas et a sinecure, sud, was noted for tPe tact Ibat lb would tPe remains et Laord Nelsona rvere 1as Pi!s loyal people Pope te sec the now sud then pick pieces et flacli Out borne irons tPe car le tPe grave Py Ring more ofîcleunpublic, se riri iitPe cf 215 own legs and cal thein.12sararneatrmPe"iey" Unitrm oet b-lafalîtful Bedyguard be- Certain caterpîllars and tonds devour T12 saat riaset onrse cord l coe more familier. In tPe iast reign their cast cff skin. Ibis may lie dueteflg vichaasrnqdd.rg tPary riere kaown1 mai-ray lu ceunecîlon te, fear, Put itloloksa uPc ecenomy. bflgwic waxeovdurn erIvitb the drawiug reromsansutaIe There la juat a trace ci Ibis diurne- thPe final ceremnoraies. levees, rvhere tboy PýId. tPe baxrnera lu tenablie lu humran beinga, Cbldren SAILORS SEIZED IT. tPe anle-ebamber leadingt b wbena irarage sometimes bite tbeir own Pth aradsansd urina lîboag i il must be Whou Ihese wera coueludcd tPe iiag rcoyal presence. amte htte dss hni eas Pas long beau tPe customI, was TPe-lrr prescut uriiform dates tram gdinstocd Ibt te asa h ll-about te lie loriered imb bbcegrave thes lime of the Crime-an rivr, sud is _____ --_-__ansd intsrred wilhPtPe cxly inuwbo tPe heav'y scarIet cestee, wlth box One Way of (letting Eiven. liad a right le, floet il, but aI tPe epaulettes aud military sash and I"Tiare is a fellow ira cur office Who la lest momeu .t.-thegruttf sellera rivo Pao strapped-down goid-iaced overaîls a clironie berrower," ssid s youug mua i ast moment tPe grutt sailors rivo covening Wiuge ot.TebayeMployec ira a large Market Street Ca-1,lad tou,,glit undar tPe AdairelI's eye, bashlewt t.wiefeather t1ibictrcety "agl niesd who mcurnad Pis death as Sira- bras ~let wih lSwbîeneurly everybedy lu the pince liefore ý cerely as eny efthîe illustriaous par-- plume, makes a strikig laïadgear. wealcl made Up our mincis te step lend- l HLSTORY 0F THE CORPS. Ing. Hc bus cwed me $2 fer nearîy a:soueges prasc,, seigyrvt u A teriv rivords thenrabbut tl itr er u 'in uesrly square, sithaugli accord seized and tare, île fiag, eaab 'A fePc bas neyer pa!d me atpenny of it. slruggling for s fragment as 1a re- andprasonel t te crpsmayproe Tat seunidaqueer, but il la the truti. membrancaeoftheir leader. Iu tPe t nterestlug atibisa momeul, riveu tPe l'Il te1lz)-i nhew 'ra worked IL. cont usion il waa Ibhouglit te Pave beau eyes cf tPe wril.aaetnrned on the "Every once lu awbule onaet the tel- tbru fie piades, but sueb was not tPe -~~~~~ icw-Rnglow -asy, "in goiag le maka Se- c ase, for most of it is silîl intsct sud Fo Cr inerarly 400yarstPec Neure5it aud-se glive me what ha owes me next la a good strate et prasarvatioa. Il Guard Pave stood ln attendance on 1puy day or kznew the reasora why.' rias saved fromý destruction by John tP nad Queens of Eragiansi. 1 Tbst's my chance,, sud 1 -casuaîîy re- CIyneý, bbc saîliug master efthte Vie-, But i i as net unlil 1509 la tht b mark, 'l'Il Pet yen a quarter you don't tory, w-ho rvas Ilicu ira charge ufthte men. Befte the xvork et demolîtîcra Ring's Bodyguard, as at, prescut un- gel il.' Usuully tPe tellew taPes Me Lad. gonue fer ha gel Possessionrofciti dercboosi, was firut forme'l h_7Ring Up, sud wleu psy day cemes ha bassandci cnce-aled ilit urader'Pis waistat, Hienary VIII. Pis bat, for Se-and-so neyer pays. Inuriiere, rough sud ready jack tan Ibat TPe protection cif 'th-e severeigu amail bats cf quartersancOdîdmes, lh rias,bh a nvsabele te proteot it. persan Pad up te Ibhat lime beau an- l luncheous sud cigurs 1 have nearly gel! This action ai the sailars ut Nel- trustcd le a guard af archers, riho liack the amouat I eiginsliy loaaed to Isoni's toraliseins nulte P ave beau wexe bbe predecessars. oethte preseut tPe chronia îorrawer." ceusared or relu Pa ir anay riay, Put. Yeomen Ofthte Guerd, ballter kucavu rather regarded as a Peart-feit, if teel ast tPeRoal Kinetearyters._____________forci-île, expression et thair love fer Bu ryal couingofFrnycente mfet It Came la Handy. theirr falaen chief. At ail avents tPey Pis royalcdairneof tPtha Poet-I left a poeain Pre the elbar ivere allowed t e rasin Ibeir tokens, mos ie e te Ciotb of GelO lbe sud soveral frsgments ara stilliuni determined te taha riith hlm a bdy- day. Do yen think you cau use lb? existenace lu duttereut parts efthte:- guard.ef nobles equal Lu spieuder ansi Editor-1 Pave alrondy. It came In wriirld. magnifi-cence le tPe persona] guard of 50 baudy, I simply PaO te. John Clyne hept Pis part until Pis tPe French Ring. Poee (gaaping joyfully)-Ahl death, leaving ilt LoiPis riidari, Mar- Thîis 1 h' hogiouiug et the preg- EOUtor-WPile 1 waa writifig my alt garet, who- ln ubrra cherished tPe ent corp3, rv-bpasgrl Ilirougli mauy edItorial I-rau oul ef copy paper; your- mamuirial unrtb she dieO. It then le- vsieinWr thaea cftPom et taofthe pe being xwribteu cn one aide of tise dame tPe proparty oethIeir son, wbo CviislSl uth-e sn oftorm yays t tPmepei 0ersgaPomhmipaad being Pilladinl battie. paper cnly, just PelpeO me cut.- lrought lb riith hlm, ta America about In tP-a early years cf the lest cen- CathPolie Sandard and Times. t1o te osseson cf mrhi. i aviseuin tury lbe" corps had. saak ceonsidarably ribo, as etratesi above, guards it very tram ils tariner importance, for ils A Triumph of Photography, jealously, kceping il loched ir as safe commissions rivre than te ho pnrcb- 0f course It was a Missourian, eue witP Pbis riatches end jerivels. as, lfer £1, tic "you've-gct-to-sbow'-mc"l typa, ONE SOLID) PIECE. Il rias in censequeuce, mainly 'ý -whe remarked te s ceranian as tPcy Tefa s rrîhroiial s posed. of civilians. But the Prince Tefa s rrihroiial a Consrt nestored ilS militriry charse- exýaminad witli aweslruck aInerest a four feted riideansd eight tedt long 1ev te tPe Bodygu-ard, ansi recousti- piclure in whicP thare wa seau tie sud l-ona sol piace et elotb made tuted it as a corps composed exclus- faces cf cIl tPe presideais et tic Unit. ot seslaudcanton, intcrweveu witb ively of retirci aOfficers riith s dis- ed States, "'Say, Bill, 10w lu Ibunder slikP.;This is unusuai, for Mest flaga tingishvI dservice record. id tlhlecphetagraph mina ver get them are ruade et dufferenti pieces ef dl-- It rias P-la express desire Ibat ail men ail togellier at. oncet?' farent celer, it bauug casier te con- 1h' combatant branches etflier Ma- nccltPe places than bu celer different jEsl-y's service sheuli b3 raprcsenled,,___________nes. TPe main grotnnd la white and uni that ne officer sPoull qualify as A Writer', Apiratlons. 'the aoloriug stili dlean sud briglit a candidate rih 010 ni-et posseas a aI as evidauutly put lu ly a proces loaI Irivomedais. Tiey were loekîag through theIcl- han used i-n tPe manufacture otfriar GALLANI? VTERANS. lrary. "If you had tPe divine gît LettetrocigalbtIe GALLAT VETRANSý whct would yen rather write?" askedfparts, hte ofle tinc itivng wtee This order basbeeau failtuiiy ad- -iermni yugwua.paortigobcty erred teter wbe haredt tesud le-day tPe Podyguard Chrm ti on oa.lck9iglysewdoetrwhe consisîS e«f forty efficera as ra'uh and "hckPs," reoiied tPe serdid youug the flsg was imamersed in tPe Oye. file, witP s capîcîn, lieutenant, sten- Mn-,.Il la preciseiy alike sud cqusily bnigbht dard braror sud adjutaut. -----ou bath aides shoriing that it could TPe captain who comumands tlie UNCLE SAMI'S ARMY AND NAVY. haaet prnîlig.ynoodnaypo corps mappintba a paag f p reiln --A strip four iluches riide is gene sud b-a apaiîm-ulIS poitisiThe P'er g'aptia Cost 19 Fer lu Ex%'eess ef trýointhe nop eand. This wes evideut- ùO, Lord B32-par .Pas hald tPe post Ta rOhrPwre since 1895; baiüea Pm Lord Chestar- -htc 51riees ly cul by bbc sailor riho tirst seized tieldt was placas ini command by tPe Comparcd with Buropeara miîitsry tPe tlag. TPe Ilireads end aliruptly Luberai Muustry. estehlihrauts', the American Army and the mankinga, tP-oug cotalbs- Nextin oMmnd cmestheLieu-a-nsd Nsvy, coua-idering their numbers, doluae straight, are clean> as tbough eatlu omaD.tcemeps tPeu a-docwith s kuite. Sixteen luches ara, pltentiualca palth, po, Put *5ar-a the moesl ostly on esrth. TPe cf- missing frein Ihe othen endi wbieP la Colonel Sdrr Henry OIdPam, rivho Pad ficial figures- fer this year's' mainten- striugy sud eertainiy Peurs avidenca a -distLuguishý-ed record irathe China suce ehcw tPe price Uncle Samin lafut aviag beau tomn. Il rias this campaigu cf 1860, Pas beau Licuten- psyîug fer mililarisin. TPe Army la strip, 16 by 48 inches, Ibat was tern eut foie msuy years. eeistiug $175,000,00; the Nv. $79,- into fragments by tPe mena. 0f Colonel Auboue File, tPe Standard 000,000; while peacians total fý'l15 245 - these at least eue la lu tPe United Beaner, sa5w service under Lord Rob- 230, mskîng a 'Iotal tosactole Amineiea States. t is ira the possession of Mn. aErts ira the Rabra campaign, sud. was et $309245230. -Euglaud'a Amny s W. J. Carter, et FI. Worth, Teas. meutioued ira despatches on Ibis ce- caýsing lier $103,085,000, ber Nsvy $131,- This piece is ufthte came ineteria essieu, suri durlug Pis eanlîen scervice 975,000 and pensions, $1,407,830. muk- as the ea et ftPe flag, sud upan coin-- lu tPe Rer] River expedition. ing s tetal cost ot $239,467,840. Rus- pacisea it Pas beau fouud would f111 The' Adjutrant, Coicunel HI.A. FlIcP sia's Army cosats rD159,185,t00, the Navy the miasing apace in thelower rigbl- arr, rias fcr sevearal yaare sec-oui. u $41»32,000, a total ofeti200,77009. baud coru"r. Mm. Davidsora bas aise command.o et tPe lP eugal Cuvalry, Iu Unrie Sam's Army there are 100- beau tld ef two ether pieces ira the sud Pad seau active service lu Egypt 000, lu tPe Navy 20,009, mahiug a total United States Pbrt ha Pas no edainite sud. tPe NortP'-Wesl Freutiar oi of 120,000 mon. Engiand Pas an Army kno'wiadge ut thein. Indin. cf 254,000 men and a Navy et 110,640 The tlug lias beau examiccd with TPe nest oethtee ops Peld. neariy Men, Or a total cf 664,640 mon. Rasa great intcnest by several men who every medal or dacarration which empîcyca au Army et 883,15f) men;- a bave served in tPe Eragiish navy, sm-- lias Peen awsrd.edte tPe British Army Navy cf 37,1663 men, or altogether q20,- oug thein Signal Lieutenant A. J. Par-- iu tie ast ftfy years. 310 men. Il will, thus le seau that ker, ueri residing in St. Louis, wio Aluuoxig hen are such dialinguishesi tPe per capilas r't cf Army sud Navysasys Ibat itla igthe ausigu that at offlrcers as Colonel Lorivdeg, wP-o rias lu the United States is:tar lu excesIbat day wes tieated Py tPe "Admir- wcnud.ed at te sageetSebstool;e t e te llier geat pw-f s, 1I ciPe W. ie SqudronI"asd-- INol SO BÀU. Ncmrah, will yeu marry me whin 1 edme back fxcam the war? demnaiidd Mr. Jlerl-ihy oif Pis sweetheart. It's meilf that's i ot prcpared to give me answex now, said Noxali, with a coy smiie. l'Il have it ready -when you're coniing home, Jim.- Wcil, that's net so bad,, said Mr. Hcerliby, afteir a maoment's reflection ,j Jiust tell me the wan, thing- now, dar- iLut-will it be yis or noi? ACCOMMODA&TIONS. you hear about thei-r preaching sermons on Sunday trainsi Ye, but how weuld tbey go about it ?, Firsýt collect ail the paaengeyrs In the sieepers. eof courge. LORD NELMOTS DB LÂU THE ONE THAT WAVED OVER RIS SIP AT TRAFALGAR, -Alld That Lay Ppon H1,3 Leaden CoIitUlt.s tiTt Iva Lewei-ed Lèibe izib, llas Been it uClâucInnatt fer Neariy yen Yearsnauhed by salierîSt mie or the Grave. MXr. W. A. Davidscu, uf Cincinnati, lias a relie Pe treasures very jealous- iy, sud eue thrat Pe exhfibits only te thie cPeen fcw ef Pis acqueintauce. It ÎS the pers.onai fis-g of Lord Hoadie iNelson-thie tlag that designated Pis rank as a VIce Admiralinluthe En- lieP navy sud aunneecd Pia preseuce ou board tPe "Victcry," Pis flagsPip lun the memgrabie battie af Traffalgar >Octobar 21. 1805, This was, Žýelsun's lest as well as bis greatest ses figlit, for Pc nas meort-ally wounded early lu the ectin, au.d lied before tPe completion cf tPe victory which Pas made Pis name f am- Ou. HIle rmains w re taken back ta Eagland, sud lktrivs this flag tbatl c overed the Icadea casko,-t lu wbich, they reposcd. Oyiug thus in tPe me-l i beera Lun tse, lPence tPewxhite indicated tPe affîcer lu lupreme commaud. TPe rad, Pmeuvei-, rias revived ou tPe oc- casilon of tPe promotions ef officera wiho servclu ib is came Patle, Put lb wes -a caler Lard Nelson neyer fleut- cd., Lieutenant Parker aise ,says that iu maleriai sud device it accords witP tPe reýguallons of tPe lime. Mr. Day- idsou lia 's correspanded with men Pigli lu antliarity ira the British Depeet- meut of the Admirally sud tPe authen- ticity cfthis, relie Pas neyer beau ques.- tioncd. THÉE ADMIAL'S REPORT. TPe ssm e gent]leman aiso Pas a capy et tPe Londau Times et Nevember 7,i 1805, givieg Admirai Caliingwoad's of- ficîial repart cf the BaIlle of Trafal-i gar. Il i% a smaîl, four-pagme papar, yellew riilbage sud almost lu pieces trom Pendllug. lu general ' make-api' il looks very mach like the paperi eftol-day, the ftirsI page bears the1 tilla, date lie sud prica m;ark, Put the rest af 'It la filîcO rivitP compact ad- verlisemeurs, as is aise the tourtb sud ie'-l page. The secoud page is the cdi- toaic, wrivbuithe repart cavers ail of the third. Thera arc ne large bcad- lires and littia or no general uews. tbough tPe importance efthe, maiu event ofthe day doublics accouraIs for Ibiýs. Thedccuinent nseir, sigred by Ald- Nelson iu command, 'Pas Peau pubuili-' cd et leugth in eeveral biographies o f Nelson and is mucli toc long te lie 1qualed Pere. The edilerial page, Pcw- avec, as intarasliug. Il says: "The cific'ial acceunt cf the late neyai adiu, rithich lermlnalcd lu the >no-sl dadisive viclory thal Pas evér beau eicycevd by Englisb akili and gallaniry will lia feuud ira our paper efto-day. Ibal the Irjumpli, great and glorloas as il is, Pas liecu dearly bougPl, andi that isuch rias tPe gen- eral opinion, rias porierfuiiy cviueed iu the deep, and universal affiction witP rivich tPe ueris et Lord Neisou's dcath rias, racelved. TPe viclory ar- s-es noue of IPase erahhusiasîle emo- tieins Lu tPe public mind wliicP tPe eucesa et cur naval arma hava in every fermer instance produccd. here was net a inu whe did net tliink liaI tPe lite oethe Hero efthe Nile was teo great s prlce te pay for tPe csp- lare and destruction et 20 sal cf French sud Spanish men-of-iar. Ne ebulliticus t pirpalar trausport, ne demanstralies cf public jey marked tPe great sud important cvent, TPe Pouest sud manIy feeling of tPe pao- pie appaared as il shaulO Pave.... tPcy telI e moral satisfacticn ut tPe triumph oet hir favorite arma;- lPcy mioarncd riitb ail tPe siucerily and Peignaucy et domesîla grief Ibeir Pero eiain." le Certainiy Was a Ftend. TPe stage rivas railing aloug the eau- yen Irai] wben suddeuly tPe herses reared Paek on their Paunebes as a. loue highwaymau witli a Winchiester appeared ou thse scene. "Step ouI ci the Pearse, gentlemen, 1sud banda up!" lie ordercd. Oua by eue tbey climbed eut, witli eleyated bauds. TPe bigbwaymau relicved the purty sund several times rivas torced te remind eue uervous li111e man ta keep Pis baud fremInPils pocket. "1What's the nmalter witli yen?" lie flnaliy roarcd. "You make anotber move like 1ha1, sud l'Il pump the slugs lu yen!" "Pleuse let me," pieaded tPe 11111e in as bis baud aguin slid toriard Pis peeket. 1"PIeuse lct youi" roared-tPe despera- do. "Pîcase lot you perforate me? You're imposiag on my gcnerosity, son- ny. Loch cut! Look ont! Keep your mit urii-y froin Ibat poakel, or liy tPe Eternai"- "But lb wau't Part yen!"- protestcd tPe littlo in. "Il wou't linrt you st ail! Stand just as yen are now sud keep your rifle leveied. Iliera! That's And wbiie the higbriaymau wus re- coverIng fram Pis asteuisiurert the lit- tic inu lid flsbed Pis kodak aud suapped the PubIen.- Love and Thrift. TPe laIe Professer Shuttiewortli cf Loudon waa particulnrly fond cf talliug liow, when lie once acted us locuin tenens lu Devonshire, lie Psd te pro- lam tPe banns cf marriage of a young yokcl sud a village muid. A fortnigbt later tPe young swalb ealled ut tPe professer's ladgiugs. "You put up the Panna for me," Pc ~sid. "Yes, 1 reinemliar," rcplIed Mr. Sliuttlewortli. "WVeil," inquired the yohei, "Pas it gel te go cu?" Bindy Rias fleen Petrlfying Gr«adssliy fot Elgitteen IMonths%. Mca Mary Black, riife, cf a wail-, knowu insuranca otticial, ci Laporte, Imd., laS slowly but Pcurely tumning to ýAbout eightaen enuls ugo Mrs. Black, riho rias a wemsu ci uuusually geai. Pe-alth sud davelopinent sud weigha-d ueanly trio bunsircd pounds, wus taken riiblianfeeling cif languur tPat retused to give riay ta, ordinary, trealment. Ih rivas tollow-ýd by an affection cf tPe steuuiacb samdau apparent givlug -down eoft tPe vital forces. About lin same ltime oa naticeabIe icirto et tPe skia, was ma-nifeat. This un-- naturel cal-or mer asa-d. uratil ea,-ý Ihia antire bozly PaO tuhen tPie colýon' cf rambar. A s this colon r hss r f"r lcalide- ererasd and apparantly Pardnledi,n- tii il Pai. tPe appearanca 4oftlui ning labo stouac or houe. Tbis" cou itien ta 4.u3 te tPc evareand permanent ceaLrractiru cf tPe musoles, wbich are kept rat sc'- a tension ag t-o mahe, tP-m very rigid. or Perd, Pastcning tP,- peîr-ifaction oet tPe body. This action oeth- musetlcs Pas lun- creasai Paýr helplesSness, as though th-' jÂirts rivre salil. The rogreas efth cvarlous features et the ,ca pe Pas bren graduai end continu-ns up to the prasent timk, excapt tisatI P col- on bhas siigbtiy iighted. rivith7n tPe past teivrieeka. The heart action Pas ba-ccaa m pc. cd by 'rwiat medicai expeprtsliiiv la the, fo.rmation cif a crusb f one wrivPib aili se'ýctuer or later Stap itaý action. -Tiba oniy portion oetitPe Pedo.j that emils -perspiration i-3 tPe face. IMeàICal experts Say Iliat Ibis casl avili gire to rmçdiea sceu a sper tact Spatîmen eortéi stCeeod PERSONAL AND B1USINESS NOTES ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. tecus or nouient andi mî.,tk Gathceedf F-oui lits lRecords., (Abou't eue-quarter cf ail the United States p.ýnsiQnsý go te Mwide«. Aiogether about 50,000 American animalii have Peau purcheaed for the lir-"iisb army ln Africa. Thi tbathusand popeira tPe United Srtts meke their living frra tegrowvig siik 'industry. Ntew-York ifi building a State H Ios pital ini the Adirondacks, 't' Zt $1~00,000, where patients within5- cul cousumption wil Pc treated. Six Pundred theusaud persons are 1employed in the electrical industries cf the [Tntcd States, and] about $~4,000,000,000 are invcsted lu them.j Mayer Peore, cf Raverhll, Mass., is a shoccutter by trade, bas worked for years ut tPe bench,'and Pas saved a corupeteuce framn Pis eernuigs. Re was oppeseui by the Socialiste beu<as Pie belongcd to, ne union. TPe trustees of IDickiinsan Coillege, Carlisle, Ps., have keauferred the de- girec 0< Docter of PhIlosciphy on the 11ev. Frank D. Gamewell tPe mission- ary vvho plsnned the deteuces of the oity of Pekin duriug, tPe l3oxer upris- ing. Mr. Gamcewell' grad:uated tram flickinison lu 1881. Of Six IHenry Maxim the people cf Lewistou, Me., say thet lie Pad a deep. disiike -fer school. HIe vas, thecre- foe, early apprenticed te, Daniel Flynt, a pain ter, sud workcd lu the shep much of tPe tiue. Rowcver, Pce feund tirae for "tiukeriug" as the, country people eaul it. Dr. John Il. Swander, of Tiff lu,O, Pas transferred to the trastes-'cf tile Refermed Theaiegicai Seminary ln Peunsylvaula $20,000 of bisestate, to, Pe urscd for the establishment cf a lcctureship. Hec reserves tPe right te the iuterest on the f und during the lifetime cf Pimslfasd Pis wite., :; Rufuýi Henry Hollirook, of Boston, bas becu connccted witP tPe street railway service of that trity for fifty- eight consecutive years. lsa begen aiýe the ege cf 15 as a hcllboy ou the oli sitage coaches wblcP rau from Charles- tcwn te Brattle si.rcet. liIe bas beon a driver, cenducter, trausterman, siwltchman sud 'va telman. Mies Leurs D. Gll, A.fl., of North- ampton, Mass., who Pbas Peau chosen dean of Barnard Colleige, wes amcng the first te valuintier ler services ae a nurse during the war witb Spain, endO ou Juue 8), 1898, lcft, fer Tempa, Fia., in cha rge cf tPe tfirst dctacb- ment cf nurses sent Py the RIed Cross Auxiliary, urader Mrs. Wbitcla w Reid. Mr. and Mrs. JeremiaP Curtin, who rsarhcd San FErancisco, a few days ego wviil have compieted sa tour I, t globe whcu thcey reacli Washlug< Mr. Curtin is tredited witli knowîug. ina various, degrees cf iutimaey, about sixty lauguages and dialets. Hec met Cou-ut Tolstoi during Pis stay iu Rus- sie, visiting binaou, Pis estate near the town cf Tala. At WrVarsasv, tPe homne of Siienkiewicz, ie wvas tPe guest cf the famou,5 Poiish writer. -Former Jud«ge Daniel R. Magruder, eue of tPe inost promineut lawyers cf Southieru Msryland, îias been ep- poluted a constable ut bis owu ris- quelst. He Pad made a streng argu- ment bef ors the Ceuuty Commission. ers cf Anne Arundel Ceuuty fer tPe appolu!,turcut of constelles --untPe place cf depuity oheriffs on tPe score cof ceuemy and Lad Peen met by tPe statemeut tliat capable men would net lie eecured te act us constables. ibere- upon tPe judge-voluutcered te liceme a constaPle Pimscîf, sud %wasiappointl- cd fortb'wvLth. IHs eitcd tPce caple cf liora'tieSeymour, whe, sfter twiioe serviug as Governer of Newv York, and Paviug been a candidate for tPeý Presi- daucy, was appelnted road sup3erviser cf Pis Phome district, bossoue.,g tPe petty office by makiug tPe lest çof- fi-ciai tPe towu Lfad ever kuown. rl'tT-r' -nTT - nT, IIIT-TP ('-TTA-Pn 1

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