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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1901, p. 3

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DR. L. POTTER. Qff ce and resideuce,Chureh St.,oppesiteTinltY Congregatioi cbureh, iiowmanville. 25-6m* XISS ETHEL MORRIS, 4HTIS'r. Instructions gîvenin PAINTING In Oil, Water Cler snd China. Sketching sud painting from nature. KILN on premises, tir- Ifrg at unial pricea. DRi. J. 0. MITCHELL, MIEMBEROF COLTEGEF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Ceroner, eic,> Regidence. Eniulskiilen. 74 A. E IILÂUHLIN. ftý,rrister,Soieltor and Coveyancer. Office:- Brakley Biock , King etreer., lowmanville. Money te boan ai reasouabie s aice. 48 lyr, ROBERT YOUNG. V. S. O %FFlCE IN WEST DURHIAM NEMTS1 Block, wliere bimsesf or bis assistant willi ~ ~ndfcsS a ts. o 9p.m. Nght calis ai àèi3ce, direct]ly opposite Drill Sled. Calis hy ibiegrapb or telioewil receive prompt at- tontion' 171 - yr. F -TAIR W'ORK.-Ladso wishin - hair ktJ dons over, cali ai Mas. Dîcxixsoes,Kilug East and Cor of Ontario Sf Bownanivilie. 54-t! M4 ARRIACiE LICENSES,-M. A. JAmEs, Isener of Marriage Licenes. Reideetce: Cenire street. SIPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SINIPSON, Q. 0., CIIAS. P. BL AIR. Barristes s, SelIictors, Notries, etc., Moürris' ) Bloeci, up mtzirsý, KIng Street, lioivmauvile, Soliciters for the Ontario Bank. Private inoncys ioaned ai livest i ati DENT! STRY, G C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S., D. D. S.,. Hlouer GratInais in Deiiti'try et Toronto Uni- VergIts". OFici:-Over Coueh. Johnstoic andi Cry derman's sfore. Bowmanviile. 1-lyr. IL. F. 1IUXTER, fARRISTE[î,SOLICI-TOR,NOTAIIY J.>Publlic Cotîvevancer. Mouiey. Private and Company Fends f0 lend ai loavesi eurrent rates 0FFICÉS: King St., opposite Dr. f-larmderus Dental Rooms, Bownauvillie. 13 Ont0 ~~VVh00C TO LN 50.000 * ~on go ot Sge 5ecul ity ai müdeî ste rats fitcet E .McLÂuG HLNl,qeiciter,Bewntanville,OLt 16 -m D9ENTISTS. WilI be at Blackstock on the first Monday cf eacli ranth, at Orono frein 10 a. m te 2 p. mi. and at Newcastle froni 2 30 te 5.30 p. mi. on the second Monday of each rnenth. OFCs:-Temperance St., Bewman- ville,rear cf Hliggînbethama's drug store. C. HARNDEN, L.D. (ir&duate ef the Royal Coflege of Dlental Sai geons, Onfario OFFICEr.-Oppoaite Express Office. '~VITALIZEDI AIR ONTARIO' BANK voatinues te do a General Baniklng Business at Bovemauville Agsuiey. DEPOSITT seceiviad lu Savirgs Banki Dpa-tmeit sud hîterest allowed at corret r ateEý. Netice ef ,Ithdrawal nof necesssry. Ail deposits payable ra dsmand EXCHATNGE dorght sud seld arr] Drf it;si oer] tipen Euirope, Unitied States aud Canada, aise Goiri, Silvcr a"d 1ý4itcd States Gresebseka bought and àoid COLLECTIONS Fremptiy marie af tentrent rate ceeu ail parti, -f Great Iritai'c, the Uidted Stas and thtDo. tinien of Canada. Telegrapli Tranisfers Brasde for large or simali sums on ail parts oi Canada. 'iiissseeciaily advaîýtagfoto pler- scs living inlManiteba or tice Nortb Ve3t, il makes the fends available ah once af the place of pasyaient. IFer oiber Darticulars eall ai the haule. A. J. ý!ÇCLFILAN, UEO. McGILL, AceQuîutant >Mauagsr RELIABLE WANTED..'. N lu every locality througli Canada te Introduce 0cr gods, ta eliig up sh ýw cards oic trcs, fentes. sieur roadsansd ail pllico acaes. aise îistribuiig smail adysi isiîg siatter. Commission or salary ff600ai per mocth anr] expecuses net le exeeed *2r) per day. Steady emîdeyncent te goo], bons t, reliobls men. Ne experieuce neeriful. Writo for fticil îarficlars. Enire Medicine Co., Lorndon, Oit, lTe Great Esc'fish Remecfsj. IZ Soir] and reosmeuded by aM1 druggisls iu Canada. Ol teli. X, ble nsediciie etîscevered. Six " -4àÏýD epackges guererîfeds te cure al lorms of Sexcai Weak-ness, all effects cf abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Maiied on receIPi f pries, Oe package $i, six, $5. Onevsiffisies& siz tVidIfcure. Pamphlets free toa caaddress. ZTho WVood Cesany, W undser, Out. Weeds Pho4lhodime'seld inS B,wmasVlise by .Sýtett& Jury, Hîiggytuothacu& Sca; 01r0-1 by A - Uiltàlaa; Noea~stle by Dir. làsrneonui mar e: tG-en, nd tise Postoffic Le, ltae Ibres tov wateb ute maranding mol- Gove- î---t offices c----rned-in-the ha s1,ffce.cncrnr]intise seissermea anti restray lise lebsters ~ their malter, lave uiyîcm aa P a r eCIl t S agreemnet. Reavever,cocrrespondence, u]caeavscsbv1ba ai-t - - bas b-'tven Ibenj antiad nisann elimes tise seins nets are lit- had t h j haspasser] bcrauinhurdnctiavalstiseavritsing - ar e-a dacision is expacteci. One obviens anti } - udee -,lt tewitig - L - - neccsaary change, 1e, of course, that p oees IiSIS iiii' tis baticf in- Eavad II vil TE FEMALE OCTOPUS f ch'l,-ler n a e thîn i makes balir neut ila any sisetereti anti ~. Ccleesea acae -replace 15'at cf Qucen Victoria ou ail convenient holieav in thea rocks. Tisera hair. Bt',his o âs - campe. But the question tisai la mg- s-ha laya ber es-ss, aviicis in due lima. flot make it necessay tatis- tisa roints of tise officiais leba-hclyusecpd.Oscfte for hem o hve tun the position cf thu King's beai. it criens phenmea cidentai tes i-,, or tem tohavethin )a, il, a lu is-i apresent issue, h b.- - cu pla gus biu 'pb ea incen ta lindinh- eti aithin a dindie, but a suiggeatio eot lc,- ente idn ne ~bas eenmati Irni a - of immense nurohers of minuIs puips, 4 inet long hliatsaibrdly bis-set 7-M ingquanIer tisaItisaeiseatiah-isuld ha me- ta risc ia e ahi nw Ail geen a]be4v stanpa avil beieveti ofat tlycdNet raais mil tis as te tlisair rate cf lgrcwtb, but il le i i aeiist nt mcan-olrdsiz3 untii tisey ara about 8 yaars olti. sîarops substitutoti for tisen. Tise peat- TI eeceftiadiiiissl i office bheen obliger] ta mako Ibis change, onuacenut, it ila nuersteoti, of cieIbis iccvery tisatishe green ccl- F>- malkes hehrhaly orinsg malter useti in tisa printing of î , and igorus; akes tisese stampa la of a peisonous chat- andtvg r o thi k aî acter. Tise other colora are absolule- ly froc- Incasany sncb suspicion. long. it cures dan- WILL BE E2XPIÙNSiVL'. dufas.T'necs-a ftecag a b s r ht.Caes Srp fLlnset Italways restores -j timateti aven il ls stated tiat nt ad urpentine frs wnrerfullY cnly as adisgaraulfer acis- l Eaatybody bas cniec nDChase, ail he aî~rchcIor arabe slamp, but cLampa being pnint- Iu bis great recipe book and lamons ati n theetsaemos rnlvidal lamp.famtily remedies. Tbey bave laaruad by y edin illets eih inivinalstnip.expenlauce tisai l pays te insist en hav- of early ife. There iS us tiese aeet -muet bave a dia3. Bis-- la Dr. Chais's yrup 0f Liaseeti anti n o lon er eedof ee potag stmîs, augns-lu alu tTuxpentUne instesti eof acceptîns- the on o kiern od bof- Ie pseue saifpsny, le £ navluhovarions unsclenific "rox-opa' whicls orooîgodb- ifo on apetM) ill a zwncdxrugglets effer as "just asgeed." ore ur tme. ffcter]dhy lise change. Tise stamps Dr. Chases Syrnp of Linseed anti are. cf coursa, also availabe fer i-- Trpeutine contains inStîy of the mest a eti.Al rsgit au]rveu nt eegaiicpr valuable and usost effective remedial $1.60 a ote A rgito adrvna n eegasc u - ais 1er Ibroal anti long troubles "As a rsMedy fer resterins- celer i poses. There are ailave Su sries cf1 tisai science bas disCoearai. it acîs ta the hair I belie-re Ayer's liait g i se ictiy anti promptly 5as ta ha of Vigor bas noe euai.I bas alwaya i embosseti envelepes, coebemri'ag a.' Inalculable averthin luail cases of croup, givea me ,Perfect* satisfaction In lhalfpenuy anti the cîher a, penny brourisitius advihooping cens-h. fi is - -0. rs. A. M. STirtzi, .- tap. aicis requins separate dues.!S a-ecan a t fe s t 18,1815. i 'sen tisa th-test chest cous-h sud Ang Hanmodsprt,.Y. as xvll as neavapapara arappers anti c-oura tisa colti cf 7ng standing. 25c a - i c1wpesîcanis. Tise preparatien f tisese 60c afa-u l i' iarsÏ, tores an Wis E. Dctî~-dis waili occnpy aI leasî a lvle e<ea i ali" i dal R1e wIi sent yen a booke on Th. wl-sn Bates & Co. Toronto. flair and Scalp free, upea retlaest. otadwe te r ed h If yen doc t ash all i the besuette oniat vsnte r ed l eu xplle rniedfrmtIe fc to I Ithse new ttamps a-ilibl FuO a "s lo ý i set, Deeor about il. jj es.,~,~ TE bes-un at once. Gradually tise stafplo LoewMs. aitisahefanililar heati of île,,Qucen îzî ,Cî av2 Ili pase eut cf use, anti finti a 1l jf~~ T u~~i*~ ~ -ouly le tise albUm-s ef coliector.- antiucterila el is' -cilai geoii. Furtisar: every gel mauet bave not cniy its tenaplo; b-at ils atar cf9sacri- Lice, andti iis golden cli f lise text ta neO exception. Ils aitar id neot mamdceut ctf stone as cîlier sitarS, Lut crut cf -cantcg rmndee.ku, antilire-- prai ;f sales, and t i l a broati, a long, a isigi altar. Whml dc,'ls Ibis gar] cane ahi rt tlI- groins anti strngglcd cf th2 vidima he-fàre iL! With cern, rotaibc oye il on. a, yet lots Ibmr talion. Oh, ho avens anti carts, -abat au. nitar 1 Wbat a sacrifice c-f betiy, mi nd, is Oa ! lIc pby-'al isealis of s greal multitude is llung -an ta tbis sacrificial sitar, Tlhey can- ul al slp, andti tby laCe chia-rab anti mei;rpisino antiid ercns Tis- ircuablo is, woxia msenasacri- ,-!ce thaiïnsoixes: cm, ibis alta r suggest- ci. La Ibis te-ct, tisey naît c-tly sacri- fo'tbccnsclves, bat tbaey SACRIFI CE THEIR FAMILIES. If a mun by an iii cou,,rse ia3 deerm- -mer] îLogo te perdition, I suppose yen a-ili .have te blel, bicsgo; but ise putes hlmS aife anti chiltiren la an eqisipago liaat. lu thc amazemeat cif thseaenues, andtihie driver lasiset tise-hausoýs into tave avirlwivntd, anti Lis- sp ukues flash le tise sun, ad the golden h2atigearcel tise haraessa gicaros, auai-il lilacie Calamity laCes tise bits c0£taenýisod anti stepsthecs, ati abouts te tIc luxuriant occup- ants e-f tisa oquipage; "Get -ut!1" Tisey gel ouI. Tliey geltiown. The bus- bandi anti falh'_r flung hie fsmiy Se) bard they Dnover gel tp> Thera avas th-?mark c-n 1cm Sea 11e-tise mark of liseaplil isc1of-tise deatis-deaiing hael cf tise goldcn emif. ISolonon offemetdinl one sacrifice, on cins .uu-aeon, tiventy-lava thcnsaud cxocn anti ane- udrer sud taveuty theusant sisep; but tisaIt aad a lame sacrifice comparer] ailis tise mutti- Inde cf mn aoare sacriliciug 11cm- selves cc-m. Iis aitar thf ie golden- cal, sud sacrificing their familles ilis tiseni. 'lIcsoldiers it «encrai Rlave- 1-aC, in India. -ca-aketilitprally ankia deep lanlise -ciof "tiseIoniseaI massacre,-" Where tlaehundreti av-u menati ciliron bar] lecaiiaby tise&Scpý;ys, leut tise bialoti areuni mabout thLs sitar cf tise golden caif filvs uap le tisa kneea- lcavate tise girdie, f lewva 1tiste shoculder, flaavd 1 i--P. Great Gar] cf ieave'm anti cartis, have nwesuy! Tise golden caif his nons. SUR1 the degmading ership gees on Headachè, ]I'JJ1P AGuE OFD E YIaF181 Il your liver is eut of ordler, cni COUNTLESS HORDES HAVE INVADED, Biliouaness, Sick Iedcé Heart- THE EN&LISH CHANNEL. burn, or Censtipation, take a dose of - The Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses onn îtDsroete 'L oa L teer and t eG l e a f aminss eros tis loclIbtda th G ld n ai.On ratiring, sud temerrew yeur di- A Plsage a susti Ln 11118 wa __________________ - ~~~gestive ergans wili ha regulater] and agaasarI]lttavys 'A despatcb frtiîm Washingtelat Sa-s; anîi the deviote6sa kneel anti kis8 the yeu wil ha bright, active and ready any cf those froavbwicb tise ancicat -Rev. Dr. Talutage preacei fromithe 1 tiat, aidODu-nt theLr gelda3n beatis, for any kiar] of aork. This bas Egyptians suffkred bas assailer]ý the felewngtct;"Aadhotok hea; andi cross tliamselvcs -avith the blooril been the experience of othero,;.it soutb coat cf En.iglanti. Countiesa t) heron.~crfc. h iSC will he yurs. HOOD'S PILLS are hardes cf octrpuas-the devilfishas of avhicb they bad matie, antibcbu srnt t s-lla ;on untier th,_ arches; lt ig matie seld by'ail medicine deaiers. 25 cia.Vco ug-aeIvdeite g it i. the lire, and grerund it ta powdter, o f cl'nking rhilv'cr anti clinking golti, Vco ug-ae -iae hE anti streco-eti it aipon the waaer, and anti the' raCtÎLr,, et the bankýa ar]d-- lis4 Channel anti bave swarineti along maibh~citrn fisaîlrekers' sahopsî, aundthe ao'sof altesosfDvnadCrwlli mdth hlrno saldrink ef the excaages. The, soprano ai the hair shaxyl fluttering eut cf tbe back th' hrs fDvutat orvalu it."-Exccilus xxxii. 20. aaors.bip is carrier] by tho3 tirir] voicea cf t-be veiticle cverytbieg, i-s. pair] for sncb numbers as ta heggar helief. Tra- Petlple will baye a geti cf aome kinti, cf mnataho havi' ju3t begun to specu- by notes that have besu veling about in marauding arinaic they adutd 'thecy pr0fq-r ceecf£ their ojîva [ate, whil- the dc'ýp bass rails' eut THREE TIMES RE 1NEWED. have xvll-nigh destncycti the lecal making. Ilerecmon--thc Lraelito,~atItes t atefr oe3d d. f n But, my frientis, if we ihave matie lohter anti crab fisheries by deveur- :i quity Lave beec dobly damane] thls averiti eur tati, when we came tc, ing those cruistaceans avbolesala, anti cIff thcir goldon cars ings, Chorus cf Voices rejoicing ovar wbat dien the Ereuchesite cf the stralt espe thie mecc as as-il as thca uomen, fýu- -they lhave nadte. Ciccru3 cf voices de owe wilof tee cor idlatemyolisthheectid o hesrates ovHew whcl ofethisveonldtarehysnga-. in. those tintes they wcre masculine as ' ng ta take *vith yen into thse uext ? cially in the Department cf Finistere, wel a fn-tnLn dcciatins Whretemple cf -wvh'Ch I spieak stand-4,openl Will yen bave two pockets-one lu tbey are tbrewn upountise heachesby ave a~femcin deratcns Whreday antinil-,antithere is 'the glit- each sitie cf '-eur shrouti f Wrll yen the sea alter sterms lu sncb quantities dur] they gei these beatiful gold tering get ia'i th his four feet on' braie- cushion your casket îwltb bonds antid a hi otaoebde aehe earrings, comn igrap as they dur] frcs on lheurts, andi there is the sinaeking rnortgages anti certifocatsshcfeateciei thse tinset ?- Oh, they bowrprweti thenaatrcmarfce ia itmseery Ah! no. The ferrylicat that crosses gteelu nirmvt yha cf is'Egptins ho tby lItmoment on it, andti fisc are the this Jordan takes ne haggage-uotb- dretis cf cart loads, ta prevent thora ciftheEgpt. T as eyruagu ae ple Upkaiceliacg devoees, ac iand thedxelagy ing beaviesr than a spirit. Yen may, from endageriug the public lsealth iE a pyramie r] c girtre iag eauyof roeldy nt wilueieth aperbaps, take five buntireti dollars by retting. int a /yami. o gittrin baut. runs batagtî me for thed cicorus- vith yen tavo or tbree miles, in the Many of these creatures bave a "Acrýuyiy cxc earrlegs tobisg "saycýambatn i o h cou- shape cf funeral. trappinga ta Green- Aarcun. NaC'ne. Fie b kindieti; the "MRE ! MORE! MORE?'" wect, but yen will have to leave thora taprear] ef six feet et more, thse ton- etcrigs remoier ati iner]iîî~ But uny text suggeut5; that lb-La, there. it weuid not be safe for yen tacles bei-ng tbree feet in length anti ,etri7Éng aremeled ndp7ure i ao erisbip bas gel te ha broken. up, md to lie tiawn there aitb a golti aatch covered axith sucieers as big' as 50c a wnicuid, nct cf an eagle or ýa aaar- the bhavur cf Moses iantmy toxt or tilamonrt ring ; it t.veuld 'la a temp- .hv en charger, but 02f a ilily cali; tise gelt imidicatar], There arc thoseavbo say tation te the pilbagers. Ah, MY tances.- But rapecim-ens hv en ciesoff; tWh imoult isl takaia taay, that thilýï goltien caîf spoikon c f ie my friendt if we bave matie Ibis world seen very miicb greater in siza, ant i and"Leido issetupon tsýfou les;text -%vas holaow, anti m-,rly pister] cur goti, wihen avedue we aili see, eut individuais are kioatn semetimecs te ant tI iiellasetnp n td ou les;with gold; otheravise, thev say, Moues idel grouar] te pieces by ont pillew, attain a measuremert cf 16 lest froni Ain altari l buuît li frant of ih' shin- ceubsi net ia-v' carrier]ii. YI do net anti av wiil biave te drink il lu bitter a iu--. cali. Tb-n the rp'nple tbrw nv p knoav htia; but som4ehew, perlaaps hy jregrets fer tise wasted] eppevi uitil* tip te at .m tîp. That tise langer, thir armu-, anti gyrate anti shriek, the assistance cf bis frientis, ise takes c f a lifetime. Sean we will hae gene. c-nes wll s eatiuly attack hiuatan be- i ada ece mightly, anti aorsisip, up tis golden caif, avbîch l ah in l- Oh 1 this is a fleetiag lwcrld, it is a lengs le aveu knewa, the sucking dlises fernali asuit ta Gar] anti man, anti dying aenir]. A man who bar] wor- with avhic.h the arma are prevideti Masos has' heen. six aveeka -an Mount thraw.s it iuto the lire, an-r] iL l shîpe t il al bis timys; un bis dying Skai, ant ieh comers hack anti boars moilter], aLid thon il comees out ant islamoment tiescribet i bimacf, taheu ieholdbbting tise victim tvith a force eqn'l tIh tîlan ainds4 aes tise dancing1 coaloti cff, aur] ly smecheical mp-. said "Fenil Fool! Feel l' te sorte horse-power. Onice fmirly m angi-pamnc, a-r by an ald-fashioned file, LE vant yau to change temples, ant ibracer] by the animai, there la small ths-ue gi,dOtti..051 fanatica, 1anti'icei-is pleriei anti it la tlhrotan'lu- te give op tise wersbip of this uns atis- ch anc e for tiese tronge>st man, unlesa lcaes bisd patience, ant ieho akes the ta tise brook, antid as a puaculiment, f yîng anti cruel eoti for tise servicele s1licynbg tohv abg tWve plates of stone on tvia',ceis tactise people are compeller] to drink the cf tise Lord jeasaChrist. Here l is e kha loa ccy nkng t bveutb: wnittn tis lienCemmcdmoas ant rausating ut of. li, my hearerg, geldt tisiwill uevarromnbus. Rare are Clf rasur fllngsthent e byaiagans: a cckyou nay dep3nd uptsu il tisat Gar. securitie,5. that wili neyer fail, Rare Tiemusrpsngontietthj that ,sthe it al t-o i-cs. Waen c iihumn, anti ha wikllgrindti tepiecea are banCs that aili neyer break. Haro plague referredti t is tisat tise ocre- thttýysltalt ics natise golden cai f cfmodemn idolatry, las an sitar osa whicis tisre bas heen piebsrrl1aaisa stsrai man. geLs mail h-, ilavery apt te break anti h2a viii compel tise people bi one sacrifice that dos for ail. Hiere Bfthavar-earlnetitsI li tisa Ten Cmmantiments' Mose;i thtair ageny te drink: il. If not be- is a Gcti avio will i-omlont yenuavh2n1 h ~~fors, h will le ac o0 utise lest dayi 1 yen are iu troubla, andi soctise your turing miaay yaars past u pec[imeud rushes tia sld h'laCesý this CIau-gar] Tise golden caîf cf eut day, liCe tvhen yen are s1ck, and] save you caulti enly bu obtaineti fol7 aquaria la andtiostuan it into, a hit fl-te, tutti]Lte oeeof tise text, la vený,y apt te avisan you due. Whcn ycur parents Enelaur] ut long intervals, anti it la meiteti ail o ct cshape, anti thon ha matie cuIt cf orrowed Ilolti. Thesu:' bava breathedti Ieir at ,and tise citi -HA AOEE pulvrizas t-uI b tie mdem ap-Israelites cf the text borroevecar- vinkier], anti trembîing biandts eaune ALnoSVREG puleriesitnotby hemodrn p-ring-s cf the Egyptimes, anti then! more ha put upon your heur] for avas freqnontiy pair] for a stuall cne plianre of nitro ninriaticcii, but by imalter] tisemn into a gar]. Tisat etisaheblssiag. lies aili bu la you latiar anti clive. Ttit le ery numeros lutise tisa anciecnt appliance cf nitre, ýor by way tise golden ical ismatie nowatiays.! niclier hcth, ýgivingWonu tise defanse Mdtrrnaanirnesa a t-he old-fasah.lneti file. lie stirri fox A great many isuse-keepers ual psy-1 cf tise ane anti tise roemfet fsort isa iasetsadf tishegls nansatin drughtimo for the articles tisey gel horrcav otiser ; anti avien Vyor chitIdrea go thet people ast ueat ndauhcftheae trecer, agid tisa baker, anti tise aay fretu yon, tise saveet darlinga, iCanl hc siseteetri Rie LaCes tisis pulverizeti golden caîf isutcher, anti the dry ge,,oda saseler.' yeu avili neît Liss ,tis.em gaod isy for- crdinarily. Scemîngly, tise present anti throjwas it iu tisa only brook Then tise retailer borcavs cf tisaý ever. lie only wants te heldti iem- for ucourga- is due te a series cf uhaI suas- avhob la accessible, ati tise par-ipiearaeaviolessie ealesr. Thas tise wvholesalc a ElhaIlIe. Hoeaili give Ibam isack mr camoiltib txin a tiaI îrokordealer isrru rs of the' .dlutaiit, cuti te yen again, anti Haaili bave tisem mr nt i mur ainters, wisich have en- ccpeled c, win of hatbtrokora'). borrow anti borrow, until tise coim- ail tvaiting fer lwu at tisa gaLes cf ceuragadth ie propagation cf tise dia- nult durik aI ail. mnttybudiViteicimtocw claess,tio3e'eterati avelcoea1 Oh! wbmt s Godti gnsting meliusk-hp nature n warm- 1 s9hah dcscrLh3 te ycsx the goi. sIok- avi-o rroav, anti thosa visa are ber-:buole! 1 He aili alioav yen to comae seIaatar animal-antipossibly otser cou-- ent aî in tise text, tise temple, retytti cf; anti mter aviile tise Cap- close t-bis mcrning tisat iyeu can put r]iieu a aehledi omlil RiS AILiAR OF SACRIFICE, italcat taants bis meney. ant ieh rushes yonr armes arcunt ih'is nacie, aviila e mbaebletett mlii uctîýn tise aviscesale dealer, andtietisen responsu aili put bnis armes amour]inu naprecedenteti numbers. Ils mark- tise muaic tisaI is macdc in the tom- wvïslesale dealer aants bais moaey,and -yeur nocie, anti li tiseainticavaof ati incremie aas first noticeti along the pie, andt ln tise final hneakinu nicf he rushsuupen tise retailer, andth ie eavenaill ieha halter]ft) bat tise re-Frci orsl19,aniretlu tise wae o angregatuen af idoistors. retailor tanmte lis rooney ati bo deemeti look eut anti saseE5 spectacle Fvenct re5n193gn ecn n Eaery gar] musi bave its toua- rushbas upen tise senaumer, and wae ci n rejoicing Fatisor an-r a retumner]i -ain etaso ht Ie pie, andti iss gIe-in calf cf the t-ext- an dgoeav togellier. Tisera is many' prodigai oceker] la glen;ieus embrace.î having exhautatedth îe atailahie for] s et, excephin. Ils temîple id lut-a a ntiisi day aisho rides lna ' car- Quit avershipin3- tish odn'alat upyci htadcf h Iat et tisan fEL Paul of tise Eneiiî0h, ant i nigar icaves tise bsimith for;-hoav tis sday hera Hics ta aviose eepn irtr nsvramrs Eit. Peter ci£tise Italiaus, ami tise AI- thse tire, andtihie v-heeltvrigisht fer tise, peseace ave ninat al nppear a viso tisa cae i wain crs isambtra cfthlie lnariandtihie whcel andth ie trimsmer for tise cor-'îe o-r a c:tr emle ni the iannel te lEagianti. C-redis, ani th~ Tathain, anti ise trive fer 'mupar] tadagee cÉtb~ e-(the Grc, an hýT an aai he tîve fr eus ag scoc siparcisment ci tise alry eali Firgt tsars avas au abuormal mul- et aiaaodis put c-goisdr. leoL- anr] tise ha ruese-maker for tise bridie, ha relier] tegelhir ik8 an bistorie -tiplication of tise poulps in the neigi s erctcdaspLtgte. spili- andtihtsa urrier for the robe, tvhils iecroîl. borisoor]af tise Channel Islande antiC barns arc grul- ivîed anti flutcdti î-ti goîr], frocs htis p cf the carniage longuet anti ils ilier] aroisý's arc b ,iveriuig ca.n aCt ts p o iecmes aleng tise Frencis cemt; then came goiti, mur]ils chandeliers are de- Cýa akt h iio i ý NEW STAlI? ISSUE overcreavr]îng anti a cansoqueut sean- ýcendîng ga-it, anti ils flcors; arc tes- ~-'-a----,,a.,--ct fbr if1fts cilatoti gelti,anti its a-nuit3Sare Tise Brtiiîîh <overnseat l' Arranglng t <. os daucedamyarostecans o cnroadtd isamps tef goir]; andtiIts Spires Istes coptsaiact cra iecsne ani toees arc soarng golti, ant i is-' ct etisaCà E'glisb shore. Onu cf tisefnt cigasi pipes arc rescunding goîr], andi Ilta yet toarly t state the ex- e ils pýýdais ate îrmnping gir], mur] itri act nature nI tisa alteratians, tisai tg cilarviupntsssos stops pailler] out are fiashirig geiti, - Lots Ci f. avili ha matie ina tise tamp issue ef tise!olfover ant numalbavs otirse a tais *le standing at Lh-' iccad1of t3Lis'm- e Uie --m namc paac le an tiebuuleii ,g aîr uvs c car ----------he .îF n riasury, tise InîanutiRevenue Depart- visicis bar]been tniven lieotise sisal- hcýof and houldeirý,§ and yes ad clu haetrne 'Cntthis ad. eut$1 andsendte us with a; State wheer yen wish heu's orLadies' icycle., heightftrame EAGL andth iIýsnied, sud we wHI seud EoAIE rl h Grade 1901 loe B ICYC L y tE xaintin.Yoc press Office and if fuund peretl aisiactory exaetly as repreeter], A HIGH GRADE 1901 MOD)EL GENUI E EAGLE BICYCLE, pay te the Expres Agent the balance due - $29.00 - and ]Express ase, 4, 80 and 31 Charges. The express charges are enly 50 te 75 cents foe cci00 mile. No extra charge for Ladies Bicycles. EVERYCIIE KNOWS THE EAGLE BICYCLE Ti.-y are tise Iilgest Grade ee!e made; no Bicycle has a h-etter reputation; no Bicycle bas be zoore wîdely advertised by the suakers; hig favourites wiîh bect iBicycle Clubs; the leadîug wheel wih psitssieual riders. Buiît cn honer, flish joints, finest bauger, bibi lsud bearing. higiiest grade equip. m1ent. Fitted with Victor Single Tube Tiras. $2.50 extra for -Morgan & Wrighît Tirec-Sat0 extra for Dun'op Tires. H-eighîs of frame-Men's 20, 22 and] 24 in-Ladies' 20 aud 22 iu.-enauaelled Black. * %ruj3 OFFER splendid chance te a gond agent ineccli own. Seur] fgr Catalogue aud ask for Ageuts' lOlcounts. Wheels slightly used, $.00to ?2.00. T. W. BOYD & SON es LtecsreAgency atonce.---8- Na-rRr OAUeST- morsvlsrsL. ~L ~hane bing tn y2 os. nnccl coadi- --Pe Wirttyof thel. Menilcboeel rcr, a ds te Astrlian prveclone af atat usysersas, ll stogepdil rstackanshwlad th ufere wand la t atr, aucao udcintfi expvertsave hcc fondtry- havicg rath er e saorto ee n , te find Th sema mnforeby edsl oth wbilaVtoria fte allows a lirtti omr su,à y anty ber inbth e PyEutb tiitiidly.TE OD DE Channelxperimeatsihave bn md c 3i ila Ln' cerei i- tiontly inishing er e-ta teelpa y, -i ton-lat loat elllsae.1e vl the av ucli a a usdamagte tMediher- xiii ie- abpeainecf ls a weew, ern,,dvorn mnenean.of ere ndwZetlNdvseSuhnl 7e.have oyN Irsa ell ýeDIT)eRcRNEaANs la praepaein t reduestemg, o ln t eem ecteusbc reglar l ymfib utfer Ld ityya. 1ercanzstifo; îSeud feriootshatcbeisapd erh- tha pesselsino aamli Lceccm in Vet cetl n pt r fitacbedfoathfied interval toa hat egdas a d isqaltHPmtin poas a c logais ar] ered t the bodt- wfer a p ension. ofbe 0sc.eme we i rane n ny- ttectss ia tweNee w 2,0O,00 ar] d,50O,000 erly7 and t N may HE udaan MEIEvRAEry ow i s nnmunr noefre, i the b isetr the llsaeopu is rhpulnarl ishdiloisanet ef iixy tionr. Hdrecac-'emmutift cfa pitcefrfod.upite y a d evia.the - thgnifeictn prevsmaionfer is aged e pots aega etbed ied anmral is Sir Willi da s y a expeets tearecu ta aslongelite andny en emiebat-dforimensioparT he scoat of tenoin tomnthge cf uny suictalheltr.e -vuotaer puic wlcartbthcis xviii- juga, bicZb are et bathel nysata yprob?2,00pr0veand8usi00,0Wbater a- i afford ide al ai fn Ealent tew ynspiasd bivrn itbefinathe i cer- tepus ecc uying the inteior nd agfe te iatemptse bd a scbm itb fa mouth.mmn etbc ndefectione osth'nitrlef is rubt u0patepgencralfis- pthes quse rpa. cbal st-ih.Te'mandceapcfvAsralfoa, tere wi The Ch bine-sofonsirte octopu s aSiramaWiiaLn surpusta bic wi anreatsydeay fer, eandd, ishaiti in atbofteostrofmshery. oîil h crcresbc la many otîce pats A GpenioN ns yardueRtAKinG t cf ,.te of rld.liatu grae shcf unc.ietvote fo puticf tese sbmseutrnng il Peuvlans, buh ri etxvib te mummiesa, edon reekener] aveo ben outplaa forge numbers te- tatins pes ion sebemte iavnir curt ecrtoawi ch avarefor soe iteime and' eateper anuni. lr cemyise - spr] ep. ho caicatealehurm yth endicture as rýveahe New South 'lJ er L eaty, bocerteebect aeo aunnkn. broth t fertbchotiierali- tee cfe ctps.hc veergr calestallndar oessrli grethoe tha sThe evinlas chaidrahe valu thea at for Ne enti.uru.&ddoca wl- grea deic-,y fr etýng an itis <ni aeti tatt tbe e wre 2000 r- siiArlGOOlsbD iVAAn n A G NLNea dadERTAIx-five ofathecf tha enjoyheutavs cf aifentayeysara of g. iseVictria tr ara boacesldered as e rcîyegti-e su- "400ý0G-pereannurlat irage-lthe in pnoyet by contrucaýt. Nluanees eav SuLluaies. xth a bav,0Oere Prcsofesser Ilnrim.ore, creyragardnst lumit, hanumbosriot .eaimats xiihan bIs avditl asincompinc faluthetili fore, Zan . 4 ger rn ae, ntantiae cflisp~sitan avet avay theexpontu re ut ere 20,000 tbat Many of th-- encfyNeav ofealsmay .iOn toise Nter Sort f,3ron bora ora simxeaveegaation.5,0W0les sale Gretrit aget.ulIbav Dlii yient bvea orast. eNakd iew peSthingales itu a lowC0er ofesse fras, nîte bldrcturn. st iitth ubro canns-vil hlenid, rep.ier] theprofesser, ai-he; ananîn in ol dgspeutons.gerrae baek Thn Ileansa. tbct y aar-ofaNev Zealanti Govteramewtobas tinta Tarn 1theat six a y er-in j question wh4:'aer ew Zealnt shnas learnieg te play the truntlxrne jjolin the Cüt>amonwealthb of Au5trala. =Variîcoceleai-id ticture., ýVARCO0CEL.E:-If yen are tireà of being eltperlmented cipon, yôn wil ifnd Our Latestn l4ethod Treatment is a garaniteed cure for varicocele withouf use of knif e or losa of time, tf absob li ory condition, restores the parts, thereby bringing back lest pevr- c1 rs; if you take our trcatment, you pay whn Curedi. sTR icTuRE:-Tliousanris of you stricture and do flot know it; if you have been lu- discreet, or improperly treated, or notice a smartin gsensation, unnafural discharge, weakj organs, or back, nervous debility, or if yen are not the man yeu sbould be, if may be the- ' c>ause of stricture. If yen are in daubt, ceau and see us, as ire Will examine yen free'of ch1-arge; or Latest Metbod Treatment absorba the stricture, thereby making cuttlng or strctzblng unnecessary, and yeu psy wheso ured. JDS,", naglect these important ergans, as you avili regret it: Have you a dcli feeling Or -pain in fthe bacir, frequent desire te urinaf e, deposits in urine? 0ur Latest Method Treat-; ment la a guaranteca cure fer sucli condit ions. The original swern affidavits or testimonials can b sen at aur offices. $500.00 reward, fer an', we cannot show: at request of patients wa pubuish o'ily the initials. ,4 Your Latesf Mcthod Trcatmeuit acted the way vou salit weuld; my strictures are cured, and the varicocele eutirely disappeared, and I feel stronger thaul Meve; my 'bladder and kidneys do nef trouble me any, 1 can sfoop ail day, do 'a hard day's avare ithouf my kidnays troubiing me as before 1 foale yeuf 11ýLatest bMethod Trcatment; if bas eured me aifter others have failed; if 1 had censuif cd yen sooner, I wouid bave savcd a great deai of money vrhich 1 wasted on other dectors; 1 arn your grafeful patient, . L. Dr. Goidberg bas 18 îP L M A S certificates and ieosas reeiged from the va- riens coilegei hespitals and estes which testify to bis standing and abilifies. rPiay when cured. Cures guaranteed, Wc cure Blood Poison, Cbrenic, Privat e Nerveus, Impotcncy, Varicocele, Strictnre, Kild-c ney Bladder, Liver, Stomacli. Female and Rectal'Troubles, Consulfafion free. Cail or'- write for question bianle for home treatment. Book on diseases of men free. Heurs 9 a m oe8 P. M. SuIndays 10a. Mi. t 3 P. M. 29~ WODWAD AVE., Bicyle ep-air Sholp.~ I ara preparedti 10do -kinds of bicycle î'epaiî'h'sg. 0Ll wueels tloroiughly renovated anBd îîiiwly enameller]. New wiieeis rmade to order. AUIlw or k g;î,iuttnteed. Gel your wlieel in nonu hso as te avoid thc rash. Grinclinc of al kinds. W. FISHLEIGH, Market Square, Bo)wmaiiville.

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