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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1901, p. 4

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U Qal ie s Count. And Medicines particularly. 1 believe that you realize tbls fully, and when you hand me your prescriptions that you expect to get the best. It is my one aim to build up and establish a reput ation for the quality of my Drugs and the quality of my werk and 1, therefore, take no cehances of failing to attain to my objeet by giving you anything but the very best, You will make 11o mistake in trusting me with your prescriptions. The ameNewStoe-Pone THE DRUGGIST. Th ae e trePoe49. House 41. I I BOWMANVILLE. Frem Poriland. s1cilien (new) ...... .. ......... Marý 27 Noon Parisien.*.. .................April 8 Tunisien .......................... - 'Numidian.-......................20 RATES OF PASSAGE. Second Cabinu1,5,653730 anS .40, TisirdSCi se î2 and $26. For tickets and evsry Înforniation aP- Allen Lins A gent. Bewsnenvshle. Distance lias No Limit. If you have Telephone Ser-. vice, any distance up to 1500 miles may be britlged in a few seconds. Trains may be over- taken, messages aiready on1 the way anticipated, and the very Sun outstripped. The Bell Telephone 1Oompany of Canada. Ni w 'V ALLPAPER. 0Our n ew season's shipments have arrived. For high standard of design and lowness of price they have neyer before been equalled. We h av e imported 1l-rgely andl are atready sellFng largely. C all and see them before thei choice thingaý are gone or write for samples. W. Ta ALLENIO BIG 20. AIl ilners. The ýalladiall Statesifan. BOWMANVILLE. MAR. 20, 1901 WEST DURHAMV LIBERALS. A convention will be helci in the Town Hall, Bowmanville, on Saturday Mlarch 23rd, 190 1, at 2p M. to select a candidate to contest this Riding in the Liberal inter- est in the ensuing election for the Ontario Legisiature. Hon j R. Stratton,,Pro- vincial Secretary, iil address the meet- - 1ing. A. E. CLEMENS, President. M. A JAMES, Secretary. New 1H. H. Coek stand up bike a mian and tell wbo tom pIed vou. Whe want cd te give y ou a senatorship for 810,000? This secret bas been iocked up long enough lin our bossm.-Jingston Whig. The M'est Durham case bas led to oeegood. It bas suggosted the change iu the bnw wbich permits of cerîified choques in lte wav ef depesit In effecî il is an admission thal a wreng bas been donc in the West Durham case.- Kingqston IW/dhg. Mr. Wsn. Ramsey o f Ivontreal bas retired from Ithe active management of the Standard Life Assuranc C0 panv af 1er haif a centurys% _serv1ice ractically witb Ibis organizalien. The I Mtndard bad a successfub careor and 110w carnies oer ninetoon millions of insurance in Canada. The Brockville Recorder lu referring te Hon J. R. Strallton's reccul speech ln the Ontario Legisinturo, says.-1{en. J. R Strattoin le one cif)the ministors. an indcfatigable workor, a pair cf brond shoulders, botter leoking than the average uewspapor man, and cui Ibis occasion ho was a bard bitter, lu fact a regular Ibumper. It is easy seeing bow Hon. Mr. Mu- bock is getting the Post Office Depart- ment on a payiug basis. The Port Hope Guide says. Let us coutrast the gathering of the mail bore from the lter boxes under Gritle, and tbe way the Teries mnagod things. Un- der the Liborals the job wns lot by ten- der for $140.00, and the number cf bItter boxes bas heen increased Iatoby. Undor tbc good oid limes of Tory rule, tbc botter carrier -gel $800 per anuum the job given witbout benders-euly a reduction of $660., Toronto News savs :- Mr. C. 3. Thornton, the Censervative candidate iu West Durham, who secured a largo majenity of the votes cast un the cea- sîituency, bas appealed le the Supreiue Court of Canada te overrule Mr. Jus- lice Street, wbo recently struck eut the preliminary objections raised te the Gril petitien. Mn. Thornton is hopeful, bhat having bad Chief Justice Falcon- bridge lu bis faver, he wfil be able te p ersuade a majerity of bbe Supremo Court te give bim some relief as against the jtidgment of Mr. Justice Street. THE PORK FA CTORY. Present conditions point to success in the endeavor to organize a pork packîng Company here. We have written to some persons living lu towns where factories are in operation and the respeases are ail very favorable, Next week we intend accompnning Mr. W. J. Bragg or Mr. Thos. Baker to Brantford, Palmerston and ilarriston te inspect the buildings and glean what information we can 10 pras ont to >our readors Read the matter we pull lish this week on our first page. Show Ibis paper te your neighbors. Il will pay every farmer te subseribe for Tuxz STÂTESMAN. We are constantly pro- motîng thoir interests. THE PRESS. hé Criterion, New York, is a capital publication for intelligent people of literary faste. Send for a free eopy. Newcastle bas a new weekly pape r called "Tbe Bi3ncon." May ilslight shine brighter and brigliter. The pub- lishier is Mr. J. Lester Davis of Prince Edward counity. Mr. S. M. Newton,, Wbitby, is the newspaper King- of Canada, being editor and publisher of the Wbitb '% Gazette, The Chronicle, and the Port Perry Standard IIe's a husîler and we wish bim success. The articles in The Farmers' Advo cale for March 151h are really worth bo any farmer far more than a years' sub- scription, il is onlY an ordinary number cither. Il is publisbed twice a monlh Clubbed with THa STATESMAN aI $1.90. The Cobourg World bas nssumed metropolilan airs since a Liberni M. P. was elected in West Northumnerland, being now printed ail at. home. The Werld is a 'iery progressive newsy paper and that il is appreciated in ils consti tueney is shown by the largeo ir- culalion il enjoys. Oar contempornrY the " West Durham News" is no more, its publisher havinig changed ils name to "Bowmanville News." We must sny Ibat the change dort't suit us. If Mr. Gale wishes le please bis rendors ho will go back to the old heading and buy a new eone that dops net lok ný if hoe had hown it eut of a cordw'ood stick wilh a jack knife. MAJC<KET JOTTINGS, Montreal horse market is rather dul and fow sales are reported. Thoro'-bred hunIer Btallions are be- ing brouglit frein England for breed îng purposes for army remeunts. Last year Ibis lime creainery butter wvas sellinz nt 30c lu Monîroal. Now 19e te 22e is lte ruling price. A carload of Manitoba butter sold last week aI ' be total out put of beel sugar in tbe United States lasI výear was 86,(,86 Ions made from 511,dM4 tons of beots. The capital invesled was $24,758,519 in 31 faclories, SAlways nveid harsb ourgative puis. They first make you sick and then leave ,vou coustipated. Cnrter's Little Livet PuIs rogulate the bowols and mako î ou weli. Dose, one pîlb. Cheese for sente lime bas faced a de. pressed and decining market. Prices range between O9e and 91c. Wbile the past season was profitable fur farmers il tvas tho contrarv for deniers. if there ever was a specifie for any one complaint, then Cartor's Littlo Liver Puils are a specifie for sick head- ache, and every weman sbould knowf this. Onlv ene pilila dose, TrY them. The Trade Bulletin surmisos that the prospects for expert of dressed peultry are not quito as radiant as a certain cempany's prospectus sets forth, aI beast lasI year's Irade hardly guarantees 'enorinous profils." The ladies' favorite. Laxa-Liver Pilîs are the ladie'si favorite rnedicine. Thev cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Bilousuess and Dyspepsia without grîpiug, purgiug or sielzenîng. Last week's cabbegrnm te the Trade Bulletin reports a big break of 4s per cwt. in the price of Canadian bacon in London, due le hoavy receipts of Danish, No. 1. Canadian being quoted at 53s te 58s, and fat and stout aI ,-6s te 50s. Any«On troubled wilh Bouls, Pimples, Pathes, Fes£ering Sores, or any Chronic or Malignant Skmi Disonse, sbould try Burdock Blood Bitters externally and take internaliy. It wil cure wben others fail. Would farmers in Ontario have re- ceiyed $6.75 per cwt. for Ibeir hiogs last year had the smaller packing faclories net been eslabiished lu several towns ? Net very likely. Tbe menopoly is8 broken and the bie Toronto firmbha d le pay higb prices or do without the bogri.a Pricos have ruled tee high, bowever,fort packers cannot really afford to pay overT $6, lu view of ruling prices lu the British l Mrs. R. Sieddard, Delhti, Norfolks Counly Ont., writes as fele- :-'f ovas lrouisied witis E cena or Saît Rbeem fer over twelve years, and du'-ing tisaI limýe doctored witl' four diffes-ent phy-. sicians, but found tisai they ceu only give temporary relief. 1 saw Dr. Cbnee's Oints-sent advertised, diecided te try It and befere 1 bcd used heifa box feund great relief and change. AI- tegetiser I bave uscd three boxes andl arn new completely, cuied. I bave re- commended ilte my neigbbors, and can say it le tise best I ever used, anudln rny estimation worth ils wcihbt lu geld". Tise keen misory whch mnny endure fromn the tortures of eltin isease is most appallhng, and so muci tise worse hecause lu. is unnecessary. Dr. Cisase's Ointment stands nions as tise eue un- faithng remedy fer sait rbeem, euzema, scald bead and every ferm eofhtciing skin disease. 60 cents a box, at ail deal- ors', or Edmanson, Bates & Ce., Tor- ente. Dr h as9e's O-Intmont O2NELAX&-LIVEE PILL every nIgbtt for thIrty day. inakes a complote cure of bUlounns and constipation. That 1 A-J net 2 oonta lo b. curod. NEW CASH GROCERY, tad MALTON. Now oe and rendy forIao Glad to sec iu last week's Statesmani news Grcceries and Provisions, the best bbce from Tyroie. May the s;cribe's peuner market affords, wibl be kept in stock- grow weary as it l conferring au inestimable blessing on your many readers, esî)eciaiiy the fresb and g-ood. I want y our custom. absentees to read the apparently insignifleant Cali and 50e me. Try my 25e Ten but reaily important doings ai home. From Thev say il is a delicious fiavor. Fine another source ,ve learn of tio higbiy succes fnil conce-t held ns aid of achu, ch bell. Surely Tons will ho n specialty with me. Try ,tihe pester, Rev. J. S. McMnilen, is no idier tir a hottleoef English Pickles. Sugars, the vlneyard, but bas successfuliy brought to Spices,Currants, tbaisins,Coffee, Canned pa11s several improvements bihlerte deemed impossible. Our bearts are being gladdened by Geod-a varied assortment. Give Me the promisi of sprang thongli oid winter would a share of yeur custom, I will trv to fain hold ns stilli l centless grasp, SIrigbilig pbease -vou I seli fer cash. T.H stili predominates tbongli whecls have to he 'takien by those drawing ioads to tihe city. Sine KNIGIIT, Morris' Block, Bowmanville. lest writinji we have hart a drama and a grand _____________concert miner thse auspices (ut tbe Kiiiglits of tiseMaccabees. Tise famous Sherloc-kQuartette Mrs. Jue. Grigg visited, Torontle imder thse management of Prof. Sherlock, Tor- friends lasI week. onto, supplied %Il the numbers of thie conceert and the Sons of Temperance presenied the Miss Ethel Y. King is attending St, drame. Bots were exceptioneliy well ren- Margaret's Coiege lu Toronto. dered. The Division 13. of T. paid a fraternel retnrn Mrs C. E. Ewing, Cobourg, is visit- visit to Wes tee on Monday weeic. They were ing ber sisters Mrs. W. H. Williams eordially welcemed. Saturday evening lest and Mrs. I'rower. they preserited Miss M. 000ki with a perse as the sister intend i eaving ber native town toenegage Miss Ella and Mr. Alfred Ceulter, lu kespital nursing at Chicago. Miss Cook is a Ponîtypool, were guests of Miss Mabel very capable yneng lady and will bc greatiy misseS lu every geod work. The Presbyterian Grigg, Sunday. cogeain nweeSoay Scbool she is a Mr. D. C. Pinel bas been eiected faiiu ecer, also presented ber witb a ushe intheMoîhdis chrch u paceveleable Ladies' Dressig Case ou Tbersday ushe in he Mthoist hurc iiipla e vering. She ie, es fo li,er îîew caliing ou of Mr E. Morley Cawker wlio is lenv- Monday of ibis weelt attended by the best ing tewn. wishes of ail. Rov.R.D Fraereditr o IbePro-. ell, yen have won dered ne deebt once or Rev.R.D Frseredior f th -Pes-twice abat kjsîd of a place ibis "ultile end of hyterian Sunday Sehool publications, îrowbe-e"'lis. How large i s ik? Wben 1 tell Toronto, conducîed tbe ro-oponing yeu ihat il spreeds iseif ever ail of 2(o acres servcescf he ew resyte~ia chrchyen wvlii epen yonr eyes ae utile. It streggles servcesof te nw Prsbyerla chrchand spi earis itsecf in thse Most charmiugly lu- aI Bobenyg-eon Eunday. consistent manner and takes e notion and winds lead ont in thse mest perplexIng wey te tire The rantord ourîr colain an nitiieted. They tell meit was eriginally laid acceunî of n fareweland presentaîlen etfor tise contyrtown of Peel but somehow le Mr. and Mrs. Johbn Mason wbo are missed its providentiel wey flot hewever before weib known ln Bowmauville baîvinghahd cauglit end fastened and stayed itseif -9tight te the chère mention ed acres. Tise bouses lived bere for soveral yearsý On behaîf tee bave thse queeresi trick of cbanging their ef the officiai Beard of tbe Coîberno St., Position.-t goep the main street and glance at Motedil curc ofIha civ M.Maona grenp 0of residenees over the lef r, but behold Methdis chuch f tht ctv M. Msonwhen I turr tise cerner in tbdlr direction, was presentod wilh an nddress and a straigbtway tirey change their position and purseoef $10. Mrs. Masçn was preseut- face themselves on the bics. It relieves the ed wilh a purse from the Ladies' Aid, a mendnoteuy irnmeneelv te have sncb comfertabiy djustable sereeundings, Sometime I1nMay life membersbip frem tbe Missieuary tell yen of tbe business ietnres of Maieon and society and a photo of bter class 6y ber haste,, te close les3t I an taking tee ranch space. seblar. Te adresesspek l Migisi just atdd the smallpex scere is net trent,- S Sschoars.TiieaddrssesSPeaý 11l111,,ns yet se long as we enu boast of the appetl tdgbest terrns of the work of Mr. and îles we have et present. _ Mrs. feinson in Brantterd:and wish tltem God speed lu Iheir ncw homo iu Califor- nia wbere they go on accounulcf Mr. Mason's henlth. The aunual meeting of tbe Wenîan's Auxiliary and Ladies' Aid Secielios of St. John's chîîrcb, Iook place on Friday, Mnrch 15, when lite following officors were elected: Pros., Miss Rnynes: Vice Pros , Mrs. Taniblyn; Secrctary and Trensurer, Mrs. Reid; Cerresponding Secreîary. Miss M. M. Armour. The Secrotary 's repert sbewed that the secieties bad doue geed werk during the past yoar, haviug sent a bale of clothîug le a mission needing assistance -meney te the Blackfeet Hospial- Christmas gifts 10 soma poor people, be- sides raisiug and pnyiug 350 le the Churcb Repair fund. 'Tbey bepc le continue their work and increase the membership during the present year and will be ploased le sec: any ladies wbo wish te join bbem aI Iheir meetings wbich are beld everv Friday afternoon aI 2.30 p.m. in the scbool roem of the church. Children Cry for CATO)R lA4 .NELLIE IE..W ATTS. InTh4y Purse.." Noboy suffering front brain-fag, lack of energy, or "that tired feeling" ever pats money Inii is purse. Lassitude and lsitessness corne tram impure, staggish blood thai simply cozes thirouqh the 'vans. Hood's Saraparlîla maties the bloo'pure and gbaes if life, 'vigor and 'atm. Pimnples-" 8W1S face 'was covered pimples and btackhtads but after tahing Hocd"s Sarsaparitia a short limze, 1 ç>as enthrely cured, and my skin 'was smooth and clear." eMfav Ryan, North Si., Chathamt, Ontt. We have a new Webster's Internatio- nal Dictionary (Unabridged)price$12.50 that we offer at $M cash. Property to Rent, Tise two sterey brick i esideDce wiib stable anS nse quarter acure ef land on nons Se ef Oisurcis St, Bowmanville, et present occupied by Mrs. Celville, le for rent-posseseloîs on tise It May next Aise one-Llf acre of lansd witlr geed ercisard euS smell truits-situate bcck of homestead and frenting on Wellinziorr Street. For terme or furtiser particulars wvrite J01-N McGILL, 12 4w 32 St. Mary St., T'oronto. License District of West Durh'am, TO TAVERN-KEEPERS. N oticee iî ereby given ibet applications will rsew be received et sny office iroua persos Se- sîreus of otiigLcne fer tise sale of Liquor lu tish Vs iige ofDurrham for tbe License yeatr 1901-2, Applications for License for premises net new under Licensemuet lie accempanied by a certificate signeS by a inajerity ef, electors en- ttled te vote ai electione for tise Legielative Assemnbly le tise polhirs uh division in wisicis tbe premises sougis te be hiceneed are situated. No applications en be received afier the dlret rlay ef April.* Forrmewill bie seint on application. ROBERT KNOX, Irsepectores Office, Orono, Ont, Inspecter. Marcis 5, 1901. 11-2w Notice ýto Creditors, In t/he llatter of t/te Estate of CHAIRLES HO WARD GTILBERT lato of the towvnship cf Darlington in t/te County of Dur/iarnfarrner's sorn, deceas-ed. Notice is iserebjy gîven pursuent te "Tise »3evised Statuies of Oîtrio' t897, Cisapter 129, tiser ail crý-d!tors and otisers baving dlaims aaittbc estat , of tise saiS CHARLES JIOWARI)GILBERT. wiso died ors or about tise 2sit day ef January 1901, are required on or before the FIRST DAV 0F APRIL, 11,01, te eend by mail prepaid or Seliver te Messrs. si-po Blair of tise town of Bowmanvile, solicitors for tise Toronto General Truste Cor- peration,tise adminiftretors of the property of the seaS Seceesed their christien nemes en u names, eddresses anS descriptions, tise buparticulars eft tieir dlaims, tise statement et tiseir accounts anS tise nature ort tie securities (if any) iselS by i5iem. And furtiser take notice tisa fier suob lest mentioned date the said admîrsstraters will proceed te diribute tise assets of tise de- ceased among tise parties entitled tisereto, bey- iug regard ersly to tisecdaimes of wiieb tiey shail then bave notice; anS the sahd adminis- tratere will notbe fiable for saiS assets or n patt bre eany person or persons et wisose dais notice sha net have been received by tisem attise lime ef sncb di stribution, Dated tise tis day ot March, 1901. SIMPSON & BLAIR, Solicitors for tise Torento General Trusts Cerporation, aS- ministratons ef tise property of 10-4w Charles Houward Ghlbert, deeoe&Qd, Are Yoll Insùred New Combination-IIealth and Aecident-issued by the Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co. Every business, 3 es, everv rman should icarry oeeof these Newv Century Policies. Cost uittle money. HARRY CANN is the Agent in Bownmanville. Lady of the hoffl looking into th'e empty flour barrel said-"O0, I. C. U. R. M. T." 'lWell, I arn glad as 110w Lcan get ail miy Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies aI Luîtrell's and save ail the boîher of baking mysef." AIC lx.Llttreill King S3t., Bowmanvllle. Telephone 97. THE WARI Drags on but spring is nigh with spring cornes thoughts cfi Wall Paper, Window Shades, bain Polos, Pictures, Mirrors Prames. and 110W Cuar- and I have an unsurpassed stock te suit ail tastes and cîrcurnsbances. You wibl be surprised at my Wall Paper. Those who have seen the stock say "'A most spit.did as- sertment and se chertp."1 Sample books of bwo factories fer anythiug extra special. If you wish it y ou can control a pattern. My usual stock of Stationerye Books, Sehool Supplies, F a n c y Goods, etc., very complote. BO7WMÀSKVILLrÊ. Sprîng N llhînory pening Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 28th, 29th and 3th, 1901. Grand display of artistic MHillinery at the Central xllinery Parlors On the above days when ail interested in Miliiîeîy will be warmly welconeci. 'tC't\t , ,t Las wèkwa abuy ee fr s. e peedupan mrkd ffal MLsth wek Was Eua us eekfiay u. Wle fr opened upand mae of ai ourwnwMDes God swe aevr ru furn sok ui o whill fpingd ae wae oshon allthe newsastles, thin nBlck Good u American l3loCh s, that the market produces. Special values in Men's Stiff ilats at $1.25, $1.50, $2,00, $225 and $2.50 each. Ail our neW Cap s are in H stock. Pleased to show you them. One special in Clothing for twvo weeks is 30 New Suits, alsizes,inH Grey and Brown, mixtares, regular $7.00 to $8.50, for . HOl a40 pair ien' Ted Pants, ail sizes, regular -price $1,0083 for 15e per quart. Fancy Lemons, Naval Oranges, Valencia, Oranges. We ~iii are open to buy any quantity of nice green Apples, good size and free from worms and rot. - New Seed Grains for sale:-SRING RYE, GOOSE WIIEAT, BARLEY and OATS. -w

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